Converting From ER model to Relational (Logical) model Prof. Kline Where we are in the Db development process ER or Conceptual Design Based on User Req’ts ER Model Entity Entity Instance Attribute Identifier Relationship Logical Database Design Using Relational Model Relational Model Relation Tuple Attribute Key Foreign Key / Multiplicity Normalize Relational Design Physical Database Design Normalized Relational Model Apply normalized forms up to 3NF Physical Model Table Row (or Record) Column Data values Primary Key Foreign Key Converting an ER model to Relational model In this process, business requirements are further modeled with the use of one or more advanced features. Using UML these features can be represented graphically. • Primary Key/Foreign Keys – Weak (dependent) vs strong (independent) • Cardinality (max/min) – 1:1 – 1:* – *:* • Inheritance • Composition • Aggregation 3 Converting ER model to Relational Previously, we modeled the user’s view as an E-R diagram. Entities, Relationships, Attributes and Identifiers. We now need to convert this conceptual representation to a relational model (set of relations). Relational Model includes: Relations, Tuples/Record, Attributes, keys and foreign keys. Relation: A two dimensional table make up of tuples (previously an entity). Tuple / Record: A row of data in a relation made up of one or more attributes. Attribute: A characteristic of the relation contained in a row. Key: Unique identifier (one or more attributes). Primary key. Foreign Key: Key propagated to related relations 4 Converting ER model to Relational For a majority of ER Models, entities and weak entities convert easily into Relations. General steps: Entities – In general, each Entity will be converted directly to a Relation. The attributes of the entity become the attributes of the Relation. The Identifier of the Entity becomes a Key of the Relation. Relationships between Entities will be mapped as Foreign Keys. There are a number of variations to this last step that will be described in more details below. 5 Converting ER model to Relational Is more of a mechanical set of steps but is important to get the foreign keys (FK) propagated through the model. Relational model should be the first time FKs are modeled. One to One Relationship: Copy the key from one relation to the other side (side does not matter) One to Many: Copy the key from the one side to the relation on the many side. Many to Many: Create an intersection relations with the keys from both participating relations. ID-Dependent relation: ID-Dependent relation is modeled having a composite key (see slide # in ). Its important to use the correct vocabulary for the appropriate model (ER vs Relational). Normalization. Define relations up through 3NF. 6 Shortlist of Types of Relational model Keys • Key (Primary) – An attribute, or set of attributes, that is selected to uniquely identify rows / records within the relation. • Candidate key – minimum set of attributes the uniquely identifies row / records within the relation. Relations may have more than one candidate key. • Alternate key – Candidate keys other than primary key. • Foreign Key – An attribute, or set of attributes, within one relation that matches the candidate key (usually the Primary key) of some other relation. – Used to create relationships between relations – Used to enforce certain types of integrity constraints7 ID dependent Entities / Relations (Weak) As you develop your relational model, you may discover certain entities that depend upon the value of the foreign key attribute for uniqueness. For these entities, the foreign key must be a part of the key of the child entity in order to uniquely define each entity. In relational terms, a child relation that depends on the foreign key attribute for uniqueness is called a dependent entity (relations). Relations that do not depend on any other relation in the model for identification are called independent entities (relations) If a weak relation is ID Dependent, then the parent relation’s key (Identifier) is copied into the dependent relation and made into a Composite Key. 8 Weak Entities and ID Dependent Entities Broad definition. Weak Entity: An entity that depends on another for its existence. Another definition of Weak entity: Entity types that do not have key attributes of their own. ID Dependent Entity: A weak entity that includes the identifier of the related strong entity. Examples of strong entities: People, Employees, Customers, Clients, Vendors, Students Products, Services, Parts, Resources, Materials Banks Examples of ID Dependent entities: Dependents (of employees), Bank Branches (of Banks). ID Dependent entities are sometimes shown with double-lined boxes or curved boxes as in the Visible Analyst ER example. Note that an ITEM can not exist by itself. It must be identified with a specific Order. 9 UML Multiplicity (see pg 304 P & L) • At each end of each association is an expression that represents multiplicity. • Multiplicity indicates the number of objects that can be related to an individual object at the other end of the relationship. • UML multiplicity provides various alternatives for representing the number of objects in terms of minimum (i.e. participation) and maximum (i.e. cardinality). • The first symbol in UML multiplicity represents the minimum number of objects, and the second symbol separated by two periods represents the maximum number of objects. A second symbol of n indicates that there is not a maximum number of objects. • An relation in a relationship with participation of zero plays an optional role in the relationship • An relation with a participation of one plays a mandatory role in the relationship 10 Participation Participation: Determines whether all or only some entity occurrences participate in a relation - The participation constraint represents whether all entity occurrences are involved in a particular relationship (referred to as mandatory participation, 1) or only some (referred to as optional participation, 0). - Note: participation for a given entity in a relationship is represented by the minimum value on the opposite side of the relationship. Branches are managed by Staff. Staff Mandatory participation for Branch 1..1 manages Branch 0..1 S B B It is optional that Staff manages Branch. Optional participation for Staff 11 Cardinality Describes the maximum number of possible relationship occurrences for an entity participating in a given relationship type. - The cardinality of a binary relationship is referred as one to one (1:1), one to many (1:*), and many to many (*:*) - The cardinality of a relationship appears as the maximum values for the multiplicity ranges on either side of the relation. - How to represent Cardinality, for Staff managing more than one Branch? For up to 5? The manages Staff manages up to 1 Branch, and a Branch is managed by 1 Staff. Staff 1..1 manages Branch 0..1 relationship between Staff and Branch is a 1:1 relationship 12 UML Multiplicity (Min / Max) Practice interpreting the various multiplicity indicators between relations in your exercises. One-to-One Relationship Considerations • Simply include the identifier of each entity as a identifier in the other table – No guarantee that the information will match • One solution: create a single table – Workable, but not the best solution • Better solution – Create separate entities for customers and sales reps, each having the others identifier/PK • Provide an example of 1 :1 with data… ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use. 14 Entity to Relation Conversion 1:1 Relationships. The key of each relation is stored in the second relation. has 1: 1 Relationships. Represent each Entity as a relation. Copy the key of one relation into the other, and vice versa. Company (CompanyID, name, location, BoardID (fk)) BoardOfDirectors (BoardID, ChairPerson, CompanyID (fk)) 15 One-to-One Relationship Considerations • Simply include the identifier/PK of each entity as a identifier in the other table – No guarantee that the information will match • One solution: create a single table – Workable, but not the best solution • Better solution – Create separate entities for customers and sales reps, each having the others identifier • Provide an example of 1 :1 with data… ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use. 16 1:N Relationships. • Parent – Relation on the “1” side. • Child – Relation on the “Many” side. • Represent each Entity as a relation. • Copy the key of the parent into the child relation. -CustomerID 17 Many-to-Many Relationship Considerations • Complex issues arise when more than two entities are related in a many-to-many relationship • Typically represented by two 1 : * relationships with an association entity sharing the identifiers of the participating entities. • Provide an example of m : n with data ©2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use. 18 Representing Relationships – M : N SUPPLIER (SupplierID, FirmName, Address, …) PRODUCT (ProductID, Description, …) PRODUCT_SUPPLIER (SupplierID (fk), ProductID (fk)) Providing > Supplier 1..1 Product 0..* Product_ Supplier < Supplied by 19 Representing many : many associations • Many:many relationship between two relations is mapped to an intersect relation • This relation comprises keys of the two relations. • Resolved the many:many by converting it into two 1:many relationshipsii Another example Representing Relationships – Recursive one to many We can implement 1 : * for Part directly by including another copy of the key in the relation. PART (Part_ID, Parent_Part_ID (fk), partDescription) A part can be made up of one or more other parts. (One or more parts can make up another part) 21 Representing Relationships – Recursive Many to many Other kinds of recursive relationships N : M STUDENT tutors one or more other STUDENTS – Also, that STUDENT can be tutored by one more other STUDENTS. STUDENT (Student_ID, Name, Address, …) TUTOR_INTERSECTION ( Student_ID (fk), Tutored_by_ID (fk)) 22 Representing Ternary and IS-A Relationships Ternary Relationships For most situations, we can treat a ternary relationship as several binary relationships between the entities. If we can re-write the ternary relationship as several binary relationships, then the above steps can be used to convert the entities into relations. Example: ORDER, CUSTOMER, SALESPERSON becomes: ORDER (Order_Number, Order_Date, Customer_ID(fk) Salesperson_Id(fk)) CUSTOMER (Customer_ID, Contact, Address…Salesperson_id (fk)) SALESPERSON (Salesperson_Id, Name, Department, Phone) SALESPERSON Salesperson_ID 1 1..* ORDER Order_Number Customer_ID fk Salesperson_ID fk CUSTOMER Customer_ID Salesperson_ID fk 23 Subtype Entities • Attributes of two or more Entities may overlap significantly but not completely. • Consider: FullTimeEmployee (EmployeeID,Name,Address,Phone,AnnualSalary,BenefitsCategory) PartTimeEmployee (EmployeeID,Name,Address,Phone,HourlyRate,MaxHoursPerWeek) • One approach would be to put all of the attributes into a single entity. Second approach, put common attributes into a parent or supertype entity and then have two subtype entities. Relationship is called an IS-A relationship, or an Inheritance relationship. UML symbols are used…. 24 Inheritance IS-A Relationships Recall that some entities may have subtypes associated with them. Often referred to inheritance structures. 25 Representing IS-A Relationships Strategy is: Convert the supertype entity directly into a relation using only those attributes in the supertype – note the key. • Convert each of the subtype entities into relations – also only with the attributes they contain. Copy the primary key for the supertype entity into each of the subtypes. So our example becomes: CALL (Call_Identifier, Customer_Id, Source_Number, Destination_Number, TimeOfDay) REGULAR_CALL (Call_Identifier, Duration) LONG_DISTANCE CALL (Call_Identifier, Duration, LongDistanceCarrier) CELL_CALL (Call_Identifier, Air_Time, Land_Time) 26 Inheritance modeling can be mapped further Additional Relationships • Aggregation and Composition – Collecting together related entities that represent ‘parts’ of a ‘whole’ – Aggregation (non-exclusive subpart): parts can change parents – Composition (exclusive subpart): single parent, very strong association - parts make no sense without parent – Examples: • Branch (whole) has Staff (part) • Newspaper (whole) contains Story (part) Aggregation Composition • EER representation is diamond with arrow from “part” – Open for aggregation, closed for composition Composition What is Composition • A form of association in which the whole is completely responsible for its parts and each part object is only associated with one whole object. • In composition there is a strong life cycle dependency between the two classes, meaning that when Class A is deleted then Class B is also deleted as a result Composition Examples Aggregation Represents a “has a” or “is part of” relationship between entity types, where one represents the whole and the other the part. It is a non exclusive sub part. If the whole ceases to exist, the subpart can still exist as a part of another whole. Ex. Branch (whole), Staff (part) Summary • Converting from E-R to Relational model is a process made up of multiple steps. • It is important to get the FKs propagated through the model for relations that are associated. • One to One relationship: copy the key from one relation to the other (does not matter which side is first) • One to Many: Copy the key from the one side to the relation on the many side • Many to Many: Create an intersection relation with keys from both participating relations • Id-dependent entity: Key of dependent relation and FK of independent relation = composite key of dependent relation Exercise 1 – Advanced features Exercise 2 – advanced features