Student Self-Assessment Personal: Please list three qualities or characteristics….. 1. That others see in you or that you are known for a. b. c. 2. That you see in yourself a. b. c. What are your greatest strengths (don’t be afraid to toot your own horn! You’re awesome!) This is where you get to think about what you want college admissions people to know about you --- What are your talents, passions, personality traits, etc What are some of your most rewarding experiences since high school began and why are they important? (You are not limited to these categories or to 3 things…..feel free to expand) 1. Academic a. b. c. 2. Extracurricular a. b. c. 3. Volunteer or Work a. b. c. What are some of your challenges and how have you dealt with them? Have you ever “failed” at something and if so, what did you learn and how did it effect you? What is important to you and why? (This can be a personal issue or a communal issue. Think big….think about your community, the world, personal relationships, social thinking, etc) What would you change if you could? If you were struck by a natural disaster and you could only take 5 things, what would you take and why? Describe an incident that reveals something cool about you. If money were no object and you had a year to do whatever you want, what would you do and why? Education: Describe the personal environment in which you best learn: small discussion groups? Lecture format? One-on-one tutorial? Independent research? Fieldwork? Group projects? Please explain What are your favorite subjects in high school? Why? Discuss one high school class that changed your way of thinking or that excited you for some reason. Have there been outside distractions that have had an impact on your way of thinking or your academic performance? A bad semester? A challenging time? Please explain. What do you hope to gain from your college experience? Thoughts About College: At this point, are there any colleges you feel passionate about? Please list them…. What factors led you to the above choices? Where did you get your information from about these colleges? (friends, counselor, visit, on line, family, etc) Do you have a college major in mind at this time? (it is okay to say no) If you do have a prospective major, what have you done to prepare yourself for study in this field? Do you have a career or profession that you are interested in or curious about? If you are interested I art, music, performing arts, or architecture, do you want to attend a conservatory or an arts school or do you want to attend a liberal arts college or university where you can major in the arts? Explain… If you are an athlete, are you considering playing a sport in college? Which sport and what division? Many colleges and universities require one or two academic recommendations, and they prefer teachers who taught you in academic classes during your junior year. Which teachers do you think you will ask to write your recommendations? You may also have the opportunity to ask someone else who has played an important role in your life. Who else might you ask. Teacher: Subject: Teacher: Subject: Other: Why: Brag Sheets: Use the following grids to begin collecting a basic listing of all the stuff you’ve done to make your life more interesting. (Please focus solely on high school). In School Activities: (sports, community service/volunteer, clubs, organizations, leadership positions, support positions, arts opportunities, etc) Activity Description Leadership/Role Years Involved Time Spent per year/week Out of School Activities: (include club sports, community service/volunteer, activism, religious activity, outside work/lessons, internships, etc) Activity Description Leadership/Role Years Involved Time Spent per year/week Creative Work, Interests, Hobbies: Discuss anything not listed above which you have devoted substantial time to. (reading, creative writing, playing in a band, bike or auto repair, building a computer, hiking, cooking, art…….) Activity Description Hours per year/week Travel: (include both domestic and international): Location Description Purpose of Trip/time spent Summer Activities: (include any activities you did beginning the summer after 9th grade…courses, volunteer work, internships, camps, travel….) Activity Description Hours per year/week Employment History: (include any work or internship experience in which you participated during high school: be sure to include summers and school year) Job/Company/ Organization Position Responsibilities How long? Hours per week Honors and Awards: (include formal recognition or citation that you have received for excellence in academics, service, a special talent, etc) Award/Honor Description Year Received Family & School: Is there anything special or unique or unusual about your family that has had a major impact on your life? If so, please describe…. Is there anything in particular that you have liked or disliked about your experience in high school? Which aspects of high school do you hope will be different in college and which do you hope will be similar?