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Copy of 2. Canvas Entire Writing Process Review

Writing Process
How to write an essay
After this lesson you should be able to:
★ Define the word “recursive”
★ Identify and define the steps
of the writing process
★ Label the Writing Funnel
What is the
Writing Process?
The Writing Process
The writing process is a term used to describe the steps and
processes you use when writing.
There are five standard steps in the writing process:
While the writing process is shown in steps, it is known as a
recursive process. This means “circling back”. While you go
through each step in writing, you will often find yourself
returning to previous steps while you write.
Pre is a prefix that means before. The first step in the writing
process comes before you begin writing.
The first step in prewriting is deciding your topic. Sometimes
you will have your topic decided for you.
Next step is brainstorming. Brainstorming is all about
gathering your ideas. When you are brainstorming there is no
bad idea.
After your brainstorm, you need to select your strongest
ideas and turn them into your thesis statement. A thesis
statement is a single sentence that tells your reader what
your paper is about.
Once you know your thesis statement, you can now begin
outlining your paper. The more detailed your outline is, the
easier your first draft will be to write.
Brainstorm Examples
Outline Examples
A draft is an initial piece of writing, meaning it is not final yet.
Your next step in the writing process is writing your rough
Your goals for your rough draft are:
★Writing your essay in order
★Supporting your topic with examples
★Following the order of your outline
You can handwrite your rough draft, but many people find it
easier to type your rough draft into Google Docs or another
word processing software.
We call it a rough draft for a reason. It is supposed to be
messy. We are not as concerned with spelling and grammar;
strong verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; and perfection. All of
these will come during the revision process.
The purpose of revising is
to make your writing
The purpose of editing is
to make your writing
You want to remove
unnecessary details, use
a thesaurus to make your
words vivid and impactful,
and add any information
that may be missing.
You want to check your
spelling and grammar.
Revising is debatably the
most important step in
the writing process. It
should never be skipped.
This is when you want to
have someone else look at
your writing. It is better to
have another person help
you find mistakes you may
Publishing is the final step in the writing process.
This means you are prepared to share your work with
Your writing is complete, meaning it is:
★Correctly formatted
★Spelling and grammar are correct
★Your ideas are well supported
★You have used proper transitions
★You have a clear introduction and conclusion
★Your body paragraphs are on topic
Sometimes publishing means turning in your writing. It
can also be presenting your writing to your audience,
or submitting to a blog, website, or other publishing
The Essay
The Essay
Essays are short pieces of writing on a topic. For our
purposes, essays will consist of 5 paragraphs;
however many essays have more, while some have
less. Each paragraph is about 5-7 sentences long
In our essays, it is very important to stay on topic and
support our opinions with relevant and meaningful
examples. This is why following the writing process is
so important.
Our essays have 5 distinct paragraphs:
Body Paragraph 1
Body Paragraph 2
Body Paragraph 3
Introductions are what your audience reads first in
your essay. They introduce your reader to your topic,
opinion, and you big ideas.
Introductions consist of 3 parts:
➔ Hook-The attention getter, a broad introduction to
your topic.
➔ Bridge- Connects your hook to your thesis,
provides background information for your topic.
➔ Thesis- Tells your reader what your essay is all
about. It contains your topic, claim (opinion), and
your three big reasons why you believe what you
do. Your three reasons will become the
introductory sentences for your body paragraphs.
Thesis statement
The entire essay in a
Prompt: Some schools require students to wear uniforms. Do you
agree or disagree with with this? Use specific examples to
convince others to support your position.
School uniforms should be required for students because it
is easier to get ready in the morning, not everyone can
afford popular clothes, and dress codes wouldn’t be so strict.
Three Reasons
Body Paragraphs
Body paragraphs are the meat of your essay. They are
where you craft your argument, supporting it with a
series of examples.
Each body paragraph is like a mini essay within an
essay because it follows a similar formula:
Topic Sentence: Introduces the idea of that paragraph.
(Baby Thesis & comes directly from the thesis)
Supporting Details: Examples, reasons, and
explanations of the paragraph’s idea.
Closing Sentence: Wrap up your idea and get ready to
move on.
Conclusions are where you wrap up your essay.
In your conclusion, you:
1. Restate your thesis (not copy/paste) in a different
order from your introduction
2. Summarize your argument. You can also use this
space to talk about a counterargument and
disprove it
3. Close with a strong final thought. You want your
reader to remember you.This is your mic drop!
The Essay