MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Presentation on VEHICLE CLASSIFICATION Vehicle ? Vehicles operated in the army are primarily used as carriers of weapons, necessary combat and logistics equipment and as means of transportation and protection of sub-units of infantry. Conformity to all requirements placed on military vehicles in a single vehicle is impossible and results mainly from mutually exclusive requirements, e.g. high resistance of a vehicle to enemy fire (high weight) and its dynamic characteristics. Thus, depending on the predicted use of military vehicles, they have been given specific performance characteristics. The diversity of vehicle characteristics caused the creation of a multitude of such vehicles differing in, e.g. use, maximum acceptable total weight (combat), ability to overcome obstacles, level of resistance to fire and others. Military vehicles’ diversity caused the need to classify them for various reasons. The effects of assumed different classifications of military vehicles are described in appropriate normative documents. It is often difficult to find a common part in the accepted classifications, which causes misunderstandings between interlocutors using different classifications. This results mainly from the possibility to classify a given military vehicle to different groups, types of adopted classification. Attempts to merge several classifications into one are also not uncommon, the fact of which speaks of the incomprehension of the problem, which often leads to unexpected effects. The difficulty of establishing an unequivocal terminology and classification of military vehicles had formed the base for this work. ON ROAD VEHICLES: CLASSIFICATION OF ROADS: FHWA* Road Type AREA TYPE ROAD TYPE 1 Rural Rural Principal Arterial - Interstate 11 2 Rural Rural Principal Arterial - Other 13 6 Rural Rural Minor Arterial 15 7 Rural Rural Major Collector 17 8 Rural Rural Minor Collector 19 9 Rural Rural Local 21 11 Urban Urban Principal Arterial - Interstate 23 12 Urban 25 14 Urban Urban Principal Arterial - Other Freeways Urban Principal Arterial - Other 16 Urban Urban Minor Arterial 29 17 Urban Urban Collector 31 19 Urban Urban Local 33 *HPMS: Highway Performance Monitoring System **FHWA: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) HPMS* 27 SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 FHWA CLASS Passenger Cars Other 2-axle/ 4- tire Vehicles Single-unit Trucks Buses Combination Trucks FHWA CLASS NO. MOVES ROAD TYPE 2 All 3 All 3 All 6 1, 3, 5 5–7 1, 3, 5 5–7 2, 4 2, 4 5 2, 4 4 2, 4 4 1, 3, 5 4 1, 3, 5 8–12 1, 3, 5 2, 4 6 Motorcycles 8–12 2, 4 1 All OFF ROAD VEHICALS: 1.WHEELED OFF ROAD VEHICLES OFF ROAD VEHICALS: 2. TRACKED VEHICAL: ARJUN MK-2 RIPSAW CLASSIFICATION OF MILITARY VEHICLES: ARJUN VS T-90: SR. NO. ARJUN T-90 Type Main battle tank Main battle tank Origin India Russia Produced 2004 1992 Cost 8.3 million $ 4.5 million $ Main armament 120 mm rifled gun 2A46M 125 mm smoothbore gun with 43 rounds Engine 1400 HP 950 HP Speed 72 km/h (45 mph) 60 km/h (37 mph) Weight 58.5 tonnes 46 tonnes Crew 4 3 Length 10.64 m 9.63 m Width 3.86 m 3.78 m Height 2.32 m 2.22 m AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLES: HOVERCRAFT: 1. The “hovercraft” was invented by Sir Christopher Cockerell. 2. The SRN1 made its first hover on 11 June 1959. 3. The highest recorded speed by a hovercraft is 137.4 km/h (85.38 mph), by Bob Windt (USA) at the 1995 World Hovercraft Championships on the Rio Douro River, Peso de Regua, Portugal. 4. Hovercraft are used as ice breakers using resonance. 5. it is also used by military for rescue purpose. SR.N1 Thank You