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Demonstration Speech Self-Evaluation filled

Benjamin Stenner
Video assignment 1, Demonstration speech
I wanted the specific purpose of my speech to be to inform how to take a good photo. I believe
that I could have done this better if I made my speech more detailed. I explained the three steps, but I did
it very fast.
I believe my introduction was weak it was short. I didn’t use a hook I went straight into the
purpose. I did have a statement of credibility though, I said that I won a photo contest. I also had a bad
transition into the first step.
My process was somewhat clear. I explained that you need to choose a subject and that could be
done by picking what you want to capture with your camera. I also explained that focusing attention
could be done by framing or scaling. I also explained that simplifying the photo could be done by
clearing the photo of distractions.
I did not incorporate a visual aid very well, all I had was a picture under every process. The first
picture was of a landscape photo of a mountain. The second picture was of a photographer. The third
was a picture of a camera lens.
The delivery did not go very well, I was very rushed. I did not spend more than 20 seconds on
each slide, I also talked very fast and rushed through my topics, I also used um and so too much.
For my next speech I will improve it in 3 ways. The first way I will improve it is by reciting the
speech more before I present. The second way I will improve it is by not looking at my notecards as
often, I believe that made me talk faster. Finally, the third way I would improve is by not using as many
filler words in my speech.
In conclusion, I would give myself a grade of a C- on this speech because I talked very fast, but I
did get all 3 of my points across and I had a clear but short conclusion. I believe I had good points on my
outline but in my speech I was very rushed because I was nervous.