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Submissions Idealogy Journal UITM Press

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Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance
with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to
these guidelines.
1. All articles must bear the title, main author’s and all author’s names (identifying who the
corresponding author is), and full contact details of each author (institutional address -
[department, faculty, university, state, country], and active e-mail, and cell-phone numbers).
Please prepare the cover letter, article with full information, article with no author and affiliation,
and turnitin analysis result.
2. Every article must include a title and an abstract. Manuscripts written in Malay must always be
accompanied by a title, abstract, and keywords in English. The length of the abstract is to be no
more than 250 words including a maximum of 5 keywords.
3. The length of each article must not exceed 7000 words.
4. All article referencing (in-text and bibliographical) must follow the American Psychological
Association (APA) style of latest version. An article-format template has been prepared for you to
download and use.
5. All manuscripts must strictly follow the required Idealogy Journal formatting standard and be
thoroughly proof-read before submission. Manuscripts that do not comply with the format
requirement or meet the basic publishable language standard will be out-rightly rejected and not
subjected to any kind of review.
6. Idealogy Journal uses double-blind review, meaning that both the reviewer's and author's
identities are concealed from each other throughout the review process.
7. This journal followed to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
(www.publicationethics.org). Authors and their responsibilities are covered at journal’s website:
All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes, in case of detection.
Publishers and editors should always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions
and apologies when needed.
Author Guidelines
Manuscripts can either be written in English or Malay.
Article Reviewing Process
Double-blind review process
Idealogy Journal will notify all authors of the acceptance or rejection of their manuscripts within a
period of 4 - 12 months. A letter of acceptance/rejection for publication will be issued to relevant
authors in due course.
If you do not hear from Idealogy Journal after 12 months of submitting your article, you may
assume that your submission has been unsuccessful.
Article Processing Charge (APC)
Authors are required to pay a nominal publication fee to have their articles published with Idealogy
Charges Applied:
Local Authors: RM100 per article
International Authors: USD30 per article (extra charge of transaction is not include)
Discount 25% will be grant to the second paper with the same main author or group of institution.
Waiver policy is applicable and the decision will made by editorial managing board.
Copyright Notice
UiTM Press (the Publisher) has agreed to publish the undersigned author’s paper in Idealogy
Journal. The agreement is contingent upon the fulfilment of a number of requirements listed below.
1. The undersigned author warrants that the paper entitled below is original, that it is not in any
way libellous or unlawful in Malaysia, that it does not infringe any copyright or other proprietary
right. The undersigned hereby represents and warrants that he/she is the author of the paper,
except for material that is clearly identified as to its original source, with permission notices from
the copyright owners where required. The undersigned represents that he/she has the power and
authority to sign and execute this agreement.
2. The undersigned author warrants that the paper entitled below has not been published
elsewhere, and also it will not be submitted anywhere else for publication prior to
acceptance/rejection by this Journal.
3. By submitting the paper entitled below, the undersigned author agrees to transfer the rights to
publish and distribute the paper in an international e-journal (entitled above) to Publisher.
4. The undersigned author agrees to make a reasonable effort to conform to Publisher's
submission guidelines and to liaise with the editor to ensure that the requirements of these
guidelines are met to a reasonable degree.
5. The corresponding author signs for and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on
behalf of any and all coauthors. This agreement is to be signed by at least one of the authors who
has obtained the assent of the co-author(s) where applicable. After submission of this agreement
signed by the corresponding author, changes of authorship or in the order of the authors listed will
not be accepted.
Official Website
General Information
Publication Frequency
Twice a year (April and September)
An interdisciplinary journal on Arts and Social Science
Editorial Team
Editorial Board
Reviewer Board
Peer Review
Double-blind Review
Peer Review Process
4 to 12 Months
Bahasa Melayu