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MSW Healthcare Concentration -Student Learning Agreement
Walden University -- Barbara Solomon School of Social Work
Used with SOCW 6520 and SOCW 6530
Agency Name: Georgia Regional Hospital-Savannah
Agency Address: 1915 Eisenhower Drive, Savannah, Georgia 31406
Student Information
Name: Talibra Saures
Walden Email:
Name: Barbara Brisbon-Rivers
talibra.saures@waldenu.edu Email: Barbara.BrisbonPhone: 912-596-2710
Phone: 912-353-3216
Academic Term
Fall 2020.
Course Number
SOCW 6520-12
Faculty Liaison
Name: Angela Bullock
Phone: 240-764-6152
Agency Info
Description: Georgia
Regional Hospital at
Savannah (GRHS) is a statefunded multi-service facility
operated by the Department
of Behavioral Health and
Developmental Disabilities.
The hospital provides
quality care to mentally ill
adults and individuals living
with intellectual and
developmental disabilities
from its 34-county
catchment area in Southeast
Georgia. They offer clinical
services, support services,
adult mental health acute
care, recovery care, and
forensics services.
Population Served: Adults
Proposed Schedule: Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s 8:30 am – 2:30 pm
Describe what your regular tasks will be at the agency:
Meeting/interviewing clients.
Engaging clients to build rapport.
Completing Assessments.
Making collateral contact with family and social supports.
Completing documentation.
Completing social work notes.
Reviewing policies.
Attending treatment plan meetings.
Working with psycho educational groups.
Assist with discharge planning.
Making Referrals.
Crisis intervention.
Developing interventions.
Importance of the Learning Agreement
Purpose of the Learning Agreement: The learning agreement is designed to ensure students are mindful about the learning expectations in their field
placement. It was developed to help students and supervisors/instructors plan a well-rounded experience that will help students meet the learning
Learning Objectives: The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) requires students gain competency in nine areas of social work practice.
These areas of practice are defined as core competencies of the profession. Each core competency requires particular behaviors students should be
able to engage and gain competency in. Students should provide examples of activities in the agency they can participate in to help them meet the
learning objectives. Some examples of activities are provided. This is not an exhaustive list, so others can be added. Students must have an
opportunity to complete tasks in all nine areas of competency.
Connection to the Student Evaluation: Not only is the learning agreement a helpful tool to plan the learning goals for the term, but it connects directly
to the evaluation points in the student evaluation. Field Instructors/supervisors will be asked to complete student evaluations. Each student is
evaluated on the nine core competencies of social work. Having a solid learning agreement aligns the learning goals with the student’s evaluation, so
no areas are missed.
Negotiating the Agreement: The learning agreement should be completed by week 3 at the agency. This is a collaborative process, where the field
instructor/supervisor and student meet to establish goals for the term. The student will then submit the agreement to the faculty liaison for feedback
and comments. Once everyone is happy with the agreement, all parties sign the agreement. During the evaluation session, toward the end of the
quarter, the student and instructor/supervisor should meet to discuss progress and challenges with the plan and develop ways to adjust the learning for
the remainder of the placement and the next quarter.
Form Layout:
Each page/grid is devoted to one of the nine Social Work Core Competencies. Students must have experience in all nine competencies.
Section Descriptions:
Expected Behaviors – the expected behaviors are those that are identified for the concentration area. These behaviors should be demonstrated
by students during the term of the field placement/internship.
Agency Activities-These are examples of particular activities that students can do at the agency to demonstrate the expected behaviors. Most
of these are general to all settings. However, if they don’t quite match, feel free to add/change these to fit with the context of your agency.
Check all activities that apply.
Field Course Assignments-These are a few examples of field course assignments that help reinforce the Social Work Core Competencies.
Students will be required to complete all field course assignments.
How to Complete the Form:
a- By week 2, students should complete all student designated sections on the learning agreement and discuss it with their supervisor/instructor.
b- By week 3, students should upload the learning agreement to Blackboard for the faculty liaison to review. (Only upload agreements that have been approved
by your supervisor/instructor).
c- After the faculty liaison reviews and signs the agreement, the student and instructor should sign it.
d- After the agreement has been signed, the student will upload it to Meditrek.
Learning Agreement
Social Work Core Competency 1 – Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
Expected Behaviors – You will be
evaluated on these at the end of the
Agency Activities to help you achieve
the expected behaviors- Check ALL
that apply AND add other activities
specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete
these in the course when assigned.
Makes ethical decisions based on the NASW Code
of Ethics within healthcare contexts which follow
state and federal statutes and regulations, and
HIPPA compliance.
Adhere to ethical standards outlined by the
NASW and maintain HIPPA compliance.
SOCW 6520 (Field III) Assignments:
Identifies and manages professional values in to
address patients’ healthcare needs, rights, and
Incorporates professional behavior when engaging
with patients, families, colleagues, and other
Evaluates the ethical and appropriate use of
technology to facilitate delivery of social work
Integrates principles of supervision and
consultation to guide professional judgement and
Demonstrates professional development by
identifying the specialized skills and knowledge
need to practice social work in a healthcare setting.
Self-Assessment Assignment (Week1)
Discuss personal values in supervision when
they conflict with the values of the profession and
adjust practice as needed.
Blog post on confidentiality (Week 2)
Blog Post safety in field (Week 3)
Recognize personal triggers that could impede
effectiveness with clients. Discuss those triggers
with your supervisor.
Discuss case scenarios with my supervisor and
faculty liaison that require ethical reasoning.
Seek guidance when you experience and ethical
Blog Post on Supervision (Week 4)
Blog on Ethics (Week 5)
Use of Self Blog (Week 8)
Sexual Harassment Training
Maintain professional boundaries with clients
and others and discuss and potential boundary
challenges in supervision.
Use professional communication and
interaction with SMVF and caregivers and
Use professional behavior in the healthcare
Adhere to agency polices about technology and
record keeping. Discuss with your supervisor any
Incident Management Training
potential ethical challenges that may arise because
of the use of technology.
Add other activities here:
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these expectations and
activities will help you increase competence in ethical and professional behavior. For example, how will you use your
strengths, improve knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)?
Personal check to ensure personal bias do not interfere with serving this population.
Review NASW Code of Ethics routinely to remain current and well informed of professional expectations.
Staff potential conflicts with supervisor to ensure all clients are served with respect and receive the best service possible.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you develop as a professional social worker (these goals
should address areas of growth and professional development).
1. Show transition from student intern to professional
2. Have a sense of integration into the staff and others in the practicum agency.
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation).
Social Work Core Competency 2 – Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
Expected Behaviors – You will be
evaluated on these at the end of the
Agency Activities to help you achieve
the expected behaviors- Check ALL
that apply AND add other activities
specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete
these in the course when assigned.
Demonstrates cultural awareness by recognizing
and integrating diverse populations’ values related
to healthcare interventions and medical systems.
Engage culturally responsive practice with
SOCW 6520 (Field III) Assignments:
Demonstrates cultural humility by managing
personal biases when partnering with patients.
Discuss in supervision and in class the strengths
of engaging diversity and the challenges you have
when engaging difference.
Agency Assignment – describe the population
(Week 4)
Diversity Blog (Week 7)
Communicates in a culturally responsive way
recognizing various cultural norms and values
about healthcare.
Engage in self-refection about personal biases
related to cultural differences, discuss with
supervisor, and be able to demonstrate that you
can have a personal view and a professional view
in practice.
Engaged with hearing impaired client, client of
different race/cultural background.
Training on Trauma informed care
Develop a diversity/cultural competency plan
that allows you to learn about the various cultural
norms and values that may affect healthcare
decisions patients make and consider ways to be
culturally responsive when communicating with
Add other activities here:
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you engage
diversity and difference in practice. For example, how will you use your strengths, improve knowledge, develop skills, and
address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)?
By engaging the client to learn more about their background as well as doing research on diverse populations served will
help me develop more knowledge and skills to better serve the clients.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to engage diversity and difference in practice (these goals should
address areas of growth and professional development).
1. Gain a broad sense of diversity as it applies to client populations
2. Engage clients from the needs presented by the client based on their diverse needs.
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during the evaluation).
Social Work Core Competency 3- Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
Expected Behaviors – You will be
evaluated on these at the end of the
Examines and take steps toward eliminating
barriers to healthcare access caused by the effects
of oppression, discrimination, structural social
Chooses social work practices that promote
human rights and social, economic, and
environmental justice within a complex healthcare
system that presents competing demands.
Agency Activities to help you achieve
the expected behaviors- Check ALL
that apply AND add other activities
specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete
these in the course when assigned.
Identify barriers patients face when accessing
Completing Advanced Directive with clients.
Develop a plan to learn about the effects of
oppression, discrimination, inequality, and trauma
on patients’ health and recovery.
Use evidence-based practices that consider the
unique challenges patients have when faced with
oppression, discrimination, social inequality, and
historical trauma.
Completing and informing informed consent with
Informing clients on their rights to self
Discuss with supervisor about how social,
economic, and environmental factors affect patient
outcomes and overall well-being.
Work with instructor/supervisor to engage
advocacy for needs and needs of patients.
Collaborate with a local or national
organization that advocate for the needs of
Add other activities here:
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you advance
human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice. For example how will you use your strengths, improve
knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)?
This will help me improve my knowledge on patients rights.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you advance human rights and justice (these goals should
address areas of growth and professional development).
1. My goal is to advocate for the patient needs on the treatment team.
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during the evaluation)
Social Work Core Competency 4 – Engage in Practice-Informed Research and Research-Informed Practice
Expected Behaviors – You will be
evaluated on these at the end of the
Agency Activities to help you achieve
the expected behaviors- Check ALL
that apply AND add other activities
specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete
these in the course when assigned.
Critically evaluates research related to social work
practice in healthcare settings.
Research the evidence-based treatment
interventions to meet the needs of patients.
SOCW 6520 (Field III) Assignment:
Develops care plans and interventions based on
the best available research and “best practices”.
Use critical thinking to evaluate the benefits and
challenges of the evidence-based interventions.
Discuss your ideas with your supervisor.
Intervention Treatment Plan Assignment
Develop treatment plans to address the needs of
patients, families, and caregivers.
SOCW6530 (Field IV) Assignment:
Intervention Treatment Plan Assignment part II
Add other activities here:
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you engage
in practice-informed research and research-informed practice. For example, how will you use your strengths, improve
knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas you need to improve as a professional (be specific)?
The agency I am working with uses an Assertive Community Treatment approach (ACT) bringing resources together to
ensure the client needs are met for various needs. Improving my skills on using the right approach when working with
different clients.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you improve use research in your practice justice (these goals
should address areas of growth and professional development).
1. To advance my skills, additional models and approaches used to serve clients struggling with addiction and mental
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation).
Social Work Core Competency- 5- Engage in Policy Practice
Expected Behaviors – You will be
evaluated on these at the end of the
Agency Activities to help you achieve
the expected behaviors- Check ALL
that apply AND add other activities
specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete
these in the course when assigned.
Critically evaluates and creates awareness about
policies and regulations in medical systems and/or
government institutions that impact the well-being
of patients.
Consider policies that affect patients and
caregivers then discuss those challenges with your
SOCW 6520 (Field III) Assignment:
Applies critical thinking to analyze, formulate, and
advocate for policies that support access to
healthcare and culturally responsive care.
Use critical thinking to examine the negative
impact of policies on health and well-being.
Consider ways to engage in advocacy to improve
healthcare access and other policies related to
Explore how social problems are connected to
policies that impact patients, families, and
caregivers and advocate where needed.
Week 10 focuses on Organizational Policy
Social Problem/Policy Assignment
SOCW6530 (Field IV) Assignment:
Agency Funding and Policy Implication
Utilizing policies at the agency that govern the
population. For example American Disability Act
Explore how agency funding is connected to
Add other activities here:
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help you engage
in policy practice. For example, how will you use your strengths, improve knowledge, develop skills, and address any areas
you need to improve as a professional (be specific)?
Ensuring that I obtain and learn information from the agency policies to better serve the client.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to engage in policy practice (these goals should address areas of
growth and professional development).
1. The ability to analyze and stay up to date with policy changes that affect the clients.
2. The ability to review client grievances with the patient advocate.
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation)
Social Work Core Competency 6- Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Expected Behaviors – You will
beevaluated on these at the end of the
Uses empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills
to engage patients, recognizing the unique
protocols and regulations in medical setting.
Uses empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills
to engage with families, recognizing the various
roles families play in supportive care, and their
needs during emergency, loss, and grief situations.
Agency Activities to help you achieve
the expected behaviors – Check ALL
that apply AND add other activities
specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete
these in the course when assigned.
SOCW 6520 (Field III) –First 11 weeks
Show care, empathy, and genuineness with
patients, families, and caregivers to initiate
professional relationships.
Use a strengths-based approach when engaging
patients, families, and caregivers.
Use active listening, reflection, and other
engagement skills.
Process Recording (Week 5)
Process Recording (Week 7)
Week 9 focuses on Individual, Family, and Group
SOCW6530 (Field IV)- Second 11 weeks
Uses empathy, reflection, and interpersonal skills
to facilitate conversations in patient and/or family
Uses interpersonal skills to engage with interprofessional teams in hospital/medical settings.
Engages with medical providers and other
stakeholders who provide advocacy, resources,
and services to ensure the continuity of care.
Identifies and actively participates in opportunities
to communicate with community leaders and
Consult with organizations to assist with the
needs and support of patients, families, and
Connect with community organizations to
advocate for or participate in initiatives for health
and well-being.
Add other engagement activities:
Week 1 & Week 2 Focus on Engagement
Blog on Engagement (Week 2)
Process Recording (Week 3)
members to support healthy communities and
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how you will engage with the
following target systems in the context of your agency:
Individuals: I will prepare to take action by reviewing the client’s prior records, staffing the case with supervisor to build rapport
with client.
Families: I will assist with communication with client representatives (on phone or in person) with family and patient prior to
Groups: Engaging clients in group by facilitating the group to reflect on their needs and address their situation by helping them
build skills to help them cope.
Communities: I will demonstrate at least three ways that they are aware of the client’s culture and have attempted to be competent
in engaging the client.
Organizations: Networking with organizations that address the needs of the clients.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you develop your engagement skills (these goals should
address areas of growth and professional development).
Gain an expansive sense of diversity as it applies to patient populaces
Engage patients from the necessities introduced by the patient dependent on diverse needs.
I will learn in any event 2 new techniques for client engagement to improve proficient engagement aptitudes.
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during the evaluation)
Social Work Core Competency 7-Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Expected Behaviors – You will be
evaluated on these at the end of the
Agency Activities to help you achieve
the expected behaviors- Check ALL
that apply AND add other activities
specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete
these in the course when assigned.
Conducts assessments that provide information
about the biopsychosocial-spiritual needs of
Utilize agency appropriate forms, tools, and
processes to complete safety, risk, and
biopsychosocial assessments for patients.
SOCW6520 (Field III) – First 11 weeks
Utilize developmentally, and strengths-based
approaches to assessment.
Week 9 Focus on Individuals, Families, and
SOCW 6510 (Field II)- Second 11 weeks
Uses critical thinking to apply the strengths
perspective, theories of human behavior and the
social environment, and theories human
development when analyzing and interpreting
assessment information within a healthcare
Develops mutually agreed-on goals and
interventions that consider the patients’ rights and
Conducts family assessments to understand family
roles/structure (legal appointees and next of kin),
family cohesion, resources, and support needs.
Uses critical thinking to apply theories of family
systems when analyzing and interpreting family
functioning, support, and dynamics.
Identifies the professional role of the social
worker in an inter-professional group context and
assesses how that role contributes to the group’s
Assesses the functioning and needs of professional
and/or patient focused groups, and considers the
best intervention strategies, based on professional
knowledge and ethics.
Assesses how the agency’s mission, structure,
vision, connect to client outcomes.
Assist patients and families in developing
mutually agreed upon goals and interventions to
ensure minimize risk, promote independence, and
Assess family functioning, relationships and
support utilizing family systems theory.
Contribute to interprofessional team meetings
providing the social work perspective to ensure the
patients’ rights, preferences, receipt of resources,
and support services.
Discuss with the supervisor interprofessional
team dynamics, strengths, challenges to develop
ways to engage effectively.
Assess how other organizations assist with
patient needs and where there may be gaps in
Assess the role the community plays in
providing services patients, their families, and
caregivers. (financial, legislative, representative,
etc.) Discuss your findings with your supervisor
and plan advocacy where needed.
Add other assessment activities:
Process Recording (Week 5)
SOCW 6530 (Field IV)- Second 11 weeks
Week 3 and 4 devoted to the assessment process,
with assignments of blogs and process recordings.
Completing BioPsychoSocial Assessments
Participating in treatment team meetings
30. Uses critical thinking to consider the strengths
and limitations of health providers’ services,
considering their ability to provide healthcare
access to diverse groups, including underserved
Develops knowledge about community resources,
governance, political climate, and overall support
for healthcare access.
Uses critical thinking to consider the strengths and
limitations of the community resources and how
those impact healthcare services for those in the
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how you will assess the
following target systems in the context of your agency:
Individuals: By completing BioPsychoSocial assessment. I will l conduct initial assessments on at least five clients and staff
the case with supervisor to show the decisions planned for the client’s case plan .
Families: By taking part in family treatment meetings preceding the patients release.
Groups: Evaluate individuals needs and figure out what interventions to implement .
Organizations: By working with outside associations within the community to help with meeting the patients needs post
Communities: By utilizing community personal and resources and engaging with these constituents to guarantee that the
patient can effectively progress once more into the community with the proper administrations post release.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you develop your assessment skills (these goals should address
areas of growth and professional development).
1. Distinguish and give proper resources and referrals to patients to enable them to progress after release.
2. Take an interest in networking in the community
3. Being more confident, skilled, and thorough in my assessment skills.
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during supervision)
Social Work Core Competency 8-Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Communities, and Organizations
Expected Behaviors – You will be
evaluated on these at the end of the
Agency Activities to help you achieve
the expected behaviors- Check ALL
that apply AND add other activities
specific to your agency.
Implements interventions consistent with a
strengths perspective and with the biopsychosocial
needs of patients in in-patient and out-patient
Utilizes appropriate resources and services for
Collaborates with inter-professional teams to
ensure coordination and continuity of care.
Implements interventions that support family
functioning, considering the medical context
where families often face loss, role changes, and
life disruptions.
Utilizes appropriate resources and benefits for
family interventions.
Provides social work perspective that assists with
the purpose and function of inter-professional
healthcare teams.
Field Course Assignments – Complete
these in the course when assigned.
SOCW 6520 (Field III) First 11 weeks
Use agency-appropriate and developmentallyappropriate intervention strategies for patients.
Use relevant prevention strategies to minimize
risk and support patients’ choices and rights.
Week 9 focuses on Individuals, Families, and
Utilize various evidence-based interventions
appropriate for the patients’ situation.
Discuss with supervisor evidence-based practices
used in agency setting
Intervene with families by providing support,
resources, and education.
SOCW 6530 (Field IV) Second 11 weeks
Explore and utilizes resources to provide
holistic care and support the need of patients,
families, and caregivers.
Talk with supervisor about planning for
termination or transitions with patients.
Consult with supervisor about ways to be
involved in service delivery improvement.
☐Consults with supervisor about opportunities to
be involved in advocacy at the organizational and
community level.
Add other activities here:
Weeks 5 and 6 focus on intervention with
assignments of blogs and process recordings.
Week 9 focuses on Termination with clients
Completing Discharge Planning.
Participating in treatment team meetings
Uses professional ethics and knowledge to
evaluate intervention strategies in professional
and/or patient group settings.
Participates in opportunities to assist with
improving agency systems, collaborating with
advocacy groups, and/or any other organizational
activities that may improve healthcare services.
Explores and actively participates in opportunities
to advocate for community services that support
health and well-being.
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how you will intervene with all
of the following target systems in the context of your agency:
Individuals: Practice engagement skills with patients
Families: Observing Patient and their family behavior to distinguish the degree of help needed to accommodate the patient.
Groups: recognize and discuss group process during supervision meetings.
Organizations: conduct an assessment of services and treatment strategies.
Communities: Participate in community organizing strategies.
For Student: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you apply appropriate intervention strategies (these goals
should address areas of growth and professional development).
1. Create more grounded group facilitation abilities.
2. Create certainty around being an expert social worker.
3. See how state and government approaches influence administrations to clients.
For Student: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation)
Social Work Core Competency 9- Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Expected Behaviors – You will be
evaluated on these at the end of the
Agency Activities to help you achieve
the expected behaviors- Check ALL
that apply AND add other activities
specific to your agency.
Field Course Assignments – Complete
these in the course when assigned.
Evaluates the effectiveness of intervention
strategies and medical social services provided.
Considers the effectiveness of therapeutic
interventions and makes changes to treatment
plans as needed.
SOCW 6520 (Field III) First 11 weeks
Utilizes evaluation data to inform individual
treatment strategies.
Consults with supervisor treatment plan
outcomes to consider potential alternatives.
Evaluates the effectiveness of intervention
strategies used to improve family functioning and
Evaluate the effectiveness of social services
provided organizations and communities.
Utilizes evaluation data to inform family treatment
strategies and resources.
Evaluates the effectiveness of group related
processes such as communication, brieftherapeutic interventions, task accomplishment,
support goals, etc.
Meet with patients to assess the progress of
their goals and make changes in treatment plans as
Participate in data collection, needs
assessments, and other research efforts to plan
advocacy activities.
Add other activities here:
Utilizes evaluation data to inform future group
Evaluates the effectiveness of social services and
intervention strategies provided by agencies and
healthcare providers.
Utilizes evaluation data to inform advocacy
initiatives to improve healthcare delivery.
Evaluates the effectiveness of community services
and healthcare access.
Week 9 focuses on Individuals, Families, and
SOCW 6530 (Field IV) Second 11 weeks
Weeks 7 and 8 focuses on evaluation of client
success with assignments of blog posts and
process recordings.
Utilizes evaluation data to inform advocacy
For Student: After reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how you will evaluate the
following target systems in the context of your agency:
Individuals: Clearly communicating agency and role requirements and processes to individuals.
Families: Engaging with patient families as a help to the patients treatment plan and discharge planning.
Groups: Viably facilitate groups.
Organizations: Discuss with the supervisor, organizational change and the processes influencing organizational change in
the agency and community. Evaluate with the supervisor, authoritative change and the cycles impacting hierarchical change
in the agency and community
Communities: Take an interest in agency endeavors to connect with the community.
For Students: Write two goals that you want to achieve to help you understand how to evaluate clients and other systems
1. Effectively acting in the role of an advocate.
2. Applying social work theories in my practice.
For Students: Write down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:
Instructor/Supervisor’s Feedback for Evaluation: (To be completed during evaluation)
Signature Page
Student's Signature
Printed Name
Faculty Liaison's Signature
Printed Name
Barbara Brisbon-Rivers, MSW
Barbara Brisbon-Rivers, MSW
September 16, 2020
The Field Office accepts e-signatures, so feel free to type in your full name and email as your official signature.