8/2/2021 Preliminaries ECE221 Circuit Analysis I 1 Specific course learning objectives At the end of this course, students will be able to: • • • • • • • analyze resistive circuits using basic laws; perform nodal and mesh analysis; apply circuit theorems; analyze circuits containing ideal operational amplifiers; understand the behavior of inductors and capacitors; use the basic capabilities of MATLAB and LTspice use standard laboratory equipment such as a protoboard, multimeter, power supply, function generator, and oscilloscope • design, analyze, simulate, and build Op Amp circuits 2 1 8/2/2021 General course learning objectives At the end of this course, students will be able to: • • • • • formulate a solution strategy; apply first principles reasoning; perform symbolic (as well as numerical) manipulations; provide a physical interpretation of the mathematics; validate problem solutions. 3 Course Sequence ECE222 circuit analysis II ECE221 circuit analysis I ECE321 electronics I ECE315 Signals & Systems I ECE223 circuit analysis III ECE317 Feedback & Control ECE331 emag I 4 2 8/2/2021 Career path learn tools study problems already solved (what tool to use) solve new problems invent new systems boring? exciting Analysis Synthesis 5 Bloom’s taxonomy of the cognitive domain 6 3 8/2/2021 Solution strategies How to Solve It George Pólya Hungarian mathematician; December 13, 1887 – September 7, 1985 Professor of mathematics (1914 – 1940) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich Professor of mathematics (1940 – 1953) Stanford University Fundamental contributions to combinatorics, number theory, numerical analysis and probability theory Also noted for his work in heuristics and mathematics education. 7 How to Solve It • Understanding the problem – What are the knowns? What are the unknowns? – Draw a figure; introduce suitable notation. • Devising a plan – Have you seen this or a related problem before? – If you cannot envision a plan for this problem, can you imagine a more accessible related problem (i.e., can you simplify)? • Carrying out the plan – Check each step. • Looking back – Can you check the result? Can you derive the result differently? – Does the answer make sense (the sanity check)? 8 4 8/2/2021 How to Solve It Plus One • What did you learn from this problem? – Can you make use of this to solve other related problems? – How was your approach similar to/different from other approaches? 9 Course fundamentals Fundamental assumption for the linear circuits in this course: no net power consumption/generation. For a given circuit, the sum of all the powers (created and consumed) is zero. “Electric circuit” can mean an actual physical circuit or a mathematical model of it. In this course, we study “lumped‐ parameter systems.” 10 5 8/2/2021 Basic assumptions • Electrical effects happen instantaneously throughout the system – Electrical phenomena happen at the speed of light. Any system that is small enough that we can ignore this propagation delay is called a “lumped‐parameter system.” • No net charge exists on any component • No magnetic coupling between components (can occur within a component, however) 11 How small is “small”? • answer: less than a wavelength, f 60Hz, 5 106 m • If the system is < /10 = 500km, then we’re OK. f 109 Hz=1GHz, 30cm • If the system is < /10 = 3cm, then we’re OK. • BTW, what is 0.5Hz? 12 6 8/2/2021 Basic Concepts Overview • • • • • SI prefixes Definitions: current, voltage, power & energy Passive sign convention Circuit elements Ideal sources 13 Fundamental SI quantities quantity unit symbol length meter m mass kilogram kg time second s electric current Ampere A temperature (degree) Kelvin K amount mole mol luminous intensity candela cd 14 7 8/2/2021 Derived SI quantities T = Tesla = magnetic flux density H = Henry = inductance V = Volt = potential difference F = Farad = capacitance Ω = Ohm = resistance N = Newton = force C = Coulomb = electric charge 15 Derived SI quantities Vs N Wb kg kg = = = = m2 Am m2 Cs A s2 m 2 kg J Wb Vs JCs H = = = = = s2 A2 A2 A A Cs T = V = F = W J = A As As J = V V2 V = A kg m N = s2 C = As Ω = m 2 kg s C2 = m 2 kg C2 = Ωs Nm kg m 2 kg m 2 Nm J = = = = 3 As As C s2 C C Ws C C2 C2 s 2 C2 = = = = = V2 V J Nm m 2 kg = = = J s A2 = kg m 2 s3 A 2 = s4 A2 m 2 kg = s Ω Js C2 16 8 8/2/2021 Derived SI quantities Vs N Wb kg kg = = = = m2 Am m2 Cs A s2 J Wb Vs JCs m 2 kg H = = = = = A2 A A Cs s2 A2 T = V = F = W J = A As As J = V V2 V = A kg m N = s2 C = As Ω = m 2 kg C2 = Ωs Nm kg m 2 Nm J kg m 2 = = = = 3 As C s2 C C As Ws C C2 C2 s 2 C2 = = = = = 2 V V J Nm m 2 kg = = m 2 kg s C2 = = J s A2 = kg m 2 s3 A 2 = s4 A2 m 2 kg = s Ω Js C2 17 SI Prefixes used in Science & Engineering Multiplier Prefix Symbol Example 1012 tera T TB 109 giga G GB 106 mega M MHz 103 kilo k k 10‐3 milli m mH 10‐6 micro A 10‐9 nano n ns 10‐12 pico p pF 10‐15 femto f fW 10‐18 atto a 100 V 18 9 8/2/2021 Assessment Problem 1.2 19 Assessment Problem 1.2 What do we know from the statement of the problem? $100 billion year …but units are not what is desired. What do we know from past experience? 365 days year 24 hours day 20 10 8/2/2021 Assessment Problem 1.2 assessment problem 1.2 How many dollars per millisecond would the federal government have to collect to retire a deficit of $100 billion in one year? ans = $1011 365 days 24 hours 3600 s 103 ms 1 year year day hour s = $3.17 ms 21 Circuit Analysis: Introduction • Electric circuit: a collection of interconnected elements • Charge: an electrical property of the constituents of matter, measured in Coulombs (C) • 1C = 6.24 x 1018 electrons • Law of Conservation of Charge: charge cannot be created or destroyed, merely re‐distributed 22 11 8/2/2021 Flashlight Circuit switch batteries 1.5 V each light bulb Schematic Representation Pictorial Representation • A flashlight circuit has four circuit elements • We use symbols to represent these components • Symbolic representation facilitates analysis 23 Electric Current • Electric Current is the rate of change of charge, measured in amperes (A) • 1A = 1C/s • Two general categories – Direct Current (DC): Current is constant – Alternating Current (AC): Current varies sinusoidally with time i where dq dt i current in amperes (A) q charge in Coulombs (C) t time in seconds (s) 24 12 8/2/2021 Notes on Current • • • • • • Current in circuits physically realized by movement of electrons Direction of current must be specified by an arrow Convention: current direction defined as flow of positive charge Note positive charge not flowing physically Electrons have negative charge Electrons flow in opposite direction of current 25 Propagation Rate • Average drift velocity is very small (mm/s) • Propagation is very fast (close to speed of light) • Effects appear to be instantaneous throughout circuit 26 13 8/2/2021 Electron Drift Velocity I 1600A What is the velocity of the electrons in this bus bar? 4mm Known parameters: N 1029 16cm e m3 e 1.602 10 A= C s Dimensional considerations suggest: v 19 (free electron density) C e (charge on an electron) e m3 I m s m2 C e N v A e I 0.156mm s NA e 27 Voltage Whenever positive and negative charges are separated energy is expended. 28 14 8/2/2021 Voltage • • • • • • • Voltage is the change in energy per unit charge. Is produced by the separation of charges Sometimes called potential difference Analogous to pressure in a hydraulic system Is a measure of the potential (difference) between two points Voltage pushes charge in one direction. We use polarity (+ and – markings) to indicate which direction the charge is being pushed. v dw dq where v = voltage in volts (V) w = energy in Joules (J) q = charge in Coulombs (C) 29 Voltage Concept • The voltage sources push current through the circuit • The current is the rate of flow of charge (i.e. electrons) • The light bulb (resistor) resists the flow of current 30 15 8/2/2021 Example 1: Hydraulics analogy pressure reservoir conduit flow • Voltage ~ pressure • Current ~ water flow in conduit • Resistance ~ drag due to conduit walls, cross‐section 31 Example 2: Dynamics analogy F • Voltage ~ force due to gravity (mg) • Electric Current ~ raindrop velocity • Resistance ~ aerodynamic drag (F) mg 32 16 8/2/2021 Assessment Problems 1.3, 1.4 33 Power • Power: time rate of energy expenditure or generation • Denoted by p • By convention: – Circuit elements absorbing power have a positive value of p – Circuit elements generating power have a negative value of p p where dw dt p vi p = power in watts (W = J/s) w = energy in Joules (J) t = time in seconds (s) v = voltage in volts (V) i = current in amperes (A) 34 17 8/2/2021 Energy • Law of Conservation of Energy: net power absorbed by a circuit is 0 – The total energy produced in a circuit is equal to the total energy absorbed – Every watt absorbed by an element must be produced by some other element(s) • Energy: capacity to do work, measured in joules (J) t t t0 t0 w p d v i d • If current and voltage are constant (DC) t w pd t t0 p t0 35 Passive Sign Convention • Passive Sign Convention (PSC): Current enters the positive terminal of an element (equivalent: current leaves negative terminal) • Most two‐terminal circuit elements (e.g. batteries, light bulbs, resistors, switches) are characterized by a single equation that relates voltage to current: v = ±f(i) or i = ± g(v). • Called the defining equation • The PSC defines the sign of the relationship – If PSC is satisfied, v = + f(i) or i = g(v). – If PSC is not satisfied, v = ‐ f(i) or i = ‐ g(v). • Convention applies to power as well – If PSC is satisfied, p = +vi (element is consuming power) – If PSC is not satisfied, p = ‐vi (element is producing power) 36 18 8/2/2021 Example 3: Passive Sign Convention Suppose the circuit element shown below is characterized by v = ± f(i) and i = ±g(v). Determine whether the PSC is satisfied and write the equation for power in terms of voltage and current for each diagram i i i i v v v v p v i p v i p v i p v i 37 Example 4: Passive Sign Convention Find the power (absorbed) for each element 2A 2A 2A 2A ‐ + + ‐ 4V 4V 4V 4V + ‐ ‐ + p 8W p 8W p 8W p 8W 38 19 8/2/2021 Example 5: Passive Sign Convention Find the total power absorbed in the circuit. + vd ‐ voltage (V) current (A) a ‐18 ‐51 b ‐18 45 + vc ‐ c 2 ‐6 c d 20 ‐20 e 16 ‐14 f 36 31 total power (W) ‐ va + element a ia d id ic ‐ vb + ib b + vf ‐ f ie + ve ‐ if e 39 Example 5: Passive Sign Convention ia 51A va 18V va 18V a a ia 51A p 918W ib 45A vb 18V b ib 45A vb 18V b p 810W 40 20 8/2/2021 Example 5: Passive Sign Convention Find the total power absorbed in the circuit. ‐ va + + vd ‐ element voltage (V) current (A) power (W) a ‐18 ‐51 ‐918 b ‐18 45 ‐810 + vc ‐ c 2 ‐6 ‐12 c d 20 ‐20 +400 e 16 ‐14 +224 f 36 31 +1,116 total 0 a ia d id ic ‐ vb + ib b + vf ‐ f + ve ‐ ie if e 41 Assessment Problem 1.6 42 21 8/2/2021 Assessment Problem 1.7 43 Passive Sign Convention Remarks • Key idea is that the defining equations depend upon the voltage polarity and current direction. • Example: p = ±vi • You must examine how the polarity of v and the direction of i are labeled on the circuit diagram to determine the sign. • Failure to follow the PSC will result in a wrong equation in the early stages of circuit analysis. • All of the subsequent calculations will be incorrect. • Translation: lost points on quizzes, exams. 44 22