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Plant Life Worksheet: Growing & Adaptations

The Private Life of Plants: Growing
1. What happens to fruit that lands on the ground in the rainforest?
2. Why do seeds sprout upwards?
3. What plant organ is primarily responsible for photosynthesis?
4. Explain the process of photosynthesis.
5. Why does so little sunlight reach the forest floor?
6. How can plants survive on the forest floor even though there is very little sunlight available?
7. What plant organs are specialized for gathering water?
8. What determines the size that plants can reach?
9. How does water travel up to the top of tall trees?
10. What are some ways that plants have adapted to drain water away from their leaves?
11. What types of animals pose the greatest threat to leaves?
12. What are some methods that plants use to defend themselves from herbivorous animals?
13. What is mimicry and how is it a useful defense mechanism?
14. What is Venus’ Fly Trap and how does it work?
15. How are Trumpet Pitchers similar to Venus’ Fly Trap? How are they different?
16. Where can the biggest pitcher plants be found?
17. What methods do plants use to survive during cold winters?
18. What happens to the leaves lost by the trees?
19. What is the oldest living thing on earth?
20. How are pine leaves different from maple leaves?
21. What is the most massive living thing on earth?
22. Think then write: Make a list of all the ways plants use energy!