Uploaded by Heaven Lee

What The Health Project (1)

Assigned: September 27,2021
Due Date: November 3,2021
What The Health Project
What the Health is a controversial documentary that swept that nation in 2017. It zeroed in on the food
industry and made claims the food industry and made claims that contradicted what we were taught our
entire life. For example, milk doesn’t build strong bones and sugar doesn’t cause diabetes.
For your project you will zero in on one claim and fact check it. You will prove or disprove the claim. You
will work in groups of 2 or 3. (NO MORE THAN 3 NO LESS THAN 2 GROUP MEMBERS)
You will report you group members and topic to Ms. Murphy by 9/29/2021
Project Components
It is 3 parts to this project you will zero in on one claim and fact check it. You will prove or disprove the
claim. You will work in groups of 3 and 2 again, (NO MORE THAN 3 NO LESS THAN 2 GROUP MEMBERS)
1. Presentation
2. Essay
3. Action Plan
This presentation can be formatted any way you please as long as it is in a visual format. EX: Power
Point, video, poster board…etc
Every individual is required to turn in a 2 page MLA double spaced essay on the topic your group
chooses. Essay may be the same as your group member(s).
Action Plan
Outline a plan that your team can implement to disburse your findings to the public. How can you tell
the people what you learned? EX: Social Media Campaign, Pop up stands, integrate it through music,
art etc… ( You must provide an example)
Assigned: September 27,2021
Due Date: November 3,2021
Due Dates
1. Group members 2. Topic 3. Where you found the topic in the documentary (hour :minute: second)
EXAMPLE: 1. Heaven Murphy & Tirany Minor 2. Yogurt Causes Breast Cancer 3. 1:29:04
First 2 paragraphs of essay
First 4 paragraphs of essay
First 6 paragraphs of essay
Essay rough Draft Due
Entire project due
11/5/2021 Presentations Start