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Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
Unit 1 Assessment
You should use this file to complete your Assessment.
 The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a USB drive
 Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly
 When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference
 Then, go to www.vision2learn.com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study
area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment
Please note that this Assessment document has 17 pages and is made up of 5 parts.
Organisation: Which organisation(s) are you basing your answers to this assessment on? If you
are currently working, you may wish to base it on the organisation which employs you.
Can you provide a brief description of this organisation? (Please note you will not be marked on
this; it is simply to provide your tutor with a brief outline.)
Part 1 – The role of customer service in organisations
This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 1: Understand the factors that affect an
organisation and the customer service role
Learning objective
Place in Assessment
1.1 Describe the products and services of commercial, public
and third sector organisations
Question 1 Page 2
1.2 Describe the differences in customer service between
commercial, public and third sector organisations
Question 2 Page 3
1.3 Outline the role played by the customer service occupation
within the organisation and industry
Question 3 Page 3
1.4 Identify the major competitors of the organisation
Question 4 Page 4
1.5 Identify factors that can affect the reputation of the
Question 5 Page 4
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
1. Complete the table below with a description of the products and services for at least
two commercial organisations, public organisations and third sector organisations. [1.1]
Please ensure you provide a description for each organisation, rather than a list.
Organisation type
Name of organisation
Description of products and services
Third sector
Third sector
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
2. Complete the table below by describing the differences in customer service between
commercial, public and third sector organisations. You should outline customer service
roles in each organisation and highlight the differences in how customer service is carried
out across these organisations. [1.2]
Organisation type
Description of customer service and
the differences between organisations
Third sector
3. In relation to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), outline the part
the part that customer service plays:
a. Within the organisation
b. In the industry as a whole. [1.3]
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
4. Who are the major competitors to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar
with)? [1.4]
5. Identify at least two factors that could affect the reputation of your current organisation
(or one that you are familiar with). [1.5]
Now that you have completed part 1 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you
have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have
completed all 5 parts of this Assessment.
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
Part 2 – Rights responsibilities and organisation procedures
This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 2: Understand employee rights,
responsibilities and organisational procedures
Learning objective
Place in Assessment
2.1 State employer and employee rights and responsibilities
under employment law and the importance of having these
Question 1 Page 5
2.2 Detail the employer and employee rights and
responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act
Question 2 Page 6
2.3 Describe the organisation’s procedures for health and
safety and documentation used
Question 3 Page 6
2.4 Outline how the Disability Discrimination Act relates to
Question 4 Page 7
2.5 Identify other key legislation relating to industry and
2.6 Describe the organisational procedures for equality and
diversity detailing any monitoring and documentation activity
Question 5 Page 7
Question 6 Page 7
1. Use the table below to give details of employer and employee rights and responsibilities
under employment law and the importance of having these (consider the importance to
the organisation, employees and customers, where relevant). You should include at least
two employer rights / responsibilities and at least two employee rights / responsibilities in
your answer. [2.1]
Rights and responsibilities
Why are they important?
1. Employer
2. Employer
1. Employee
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
2. Employee
2. Give details of employer and employee rights and responsibilities under the Health and
Safety at Work Act. You should include at least two employer rights / responsibilities and
at least two employee rights / responsibilities in your answer. [2.2]
Rights / responsibilities under Health and Safety at Work Act
3. In relation to your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), describe the
organisation’s procedures for health and safety and any relevant documentation that is
used. [2.3]
If possible, provide relevant health and safety policies / documents from the organisation
to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
4. Outline how the Disability Discrimination Act relates to employment. [2.4]
5. In addition to the information provided in the questions above, identify the other key
legislation that specifically relates to your chosen organisation and its industry as a
whole. [2.5]
6. Complete the table below to describe the procedures followed by your chosen
organisation in relation to equality and diversity. Your answer should include details of any
monitoring that takes place and documentation used to support this monitoring. [2.6]
How is it monitored?
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
What documentation is
used to support this
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
Now that you have completed part 2 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you
have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have
completed all 5 parts of this Assessment.
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
Part 3 – Career pathways within customer service
This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 3: Understand career pathways within
customer service
Learning objective
Place in Assessment
3.1 Describe the main career pathways available within a
customer service role
Question 1 Page 9
3.2 Identify sources of information and advice available on the
customer service industry, occupations and career
3.3 Identify methods of learning available in the organisation to
assist in career progression
Question 2 Page 9
3.4 Identify the procedure for accessing formal learning
programmes and the procedure for challenging refusal if
3.5 Explain how new customer service situations can aid selfdevelopment and career progression
Question 4 Page 10
Question 3 Page 10
Question 5 Page 11
1. Describe at least two different types of career pathways that may be available within a
customer service role. In your answer you should make reference to the entry level
position of your chosen pathways and any qualifications or on-the-job learning that would
aid progression. [3.1]
2. Identify a range of sources where a person can find information and advice on the
customer service industry, occupations and career progression. [3.2]
Information relating to:
Customer service industry
Career progression
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
3. In your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), what methods of
learning are available to help with career progression? [3.3]
4. In your current organisation (or one that you are familiar with), what is the procedure for
accessing formal learning programmes? What is the procedure if an application for access
to learning is refused? [3.4]
If possible, provide relevant organisational procedures to support your answer. These
documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections.
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
5. Explain how new customer service situations can help with self-development and
career progression. [3.5]
Now that you have completed part 3 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you
have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have
completed all 5 parts of this Assessment.
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
Part 4 – Support for customer service employees
This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 4: Understand how employees are
supported within the customer service role
Learning objective
Place in Assessment
4.1 Identify sources of information and advice on
employment rights and responsibilities
Question 1 Page 12
4.2 Identify types of representative body related to the
Question 2 Page 12
4.3 Detail the main roles and responsibilities of each
representative body and their relevance to the industry
Question 2 Page 12
4.4 Outline sources of support for their role within the
organisation to include issues relating to:
Question 3 Page 13
Health and safety
Career progression
1. Identify a range of sources where a person can find information and advice on
employment rights and responsibilities. You should identify at least three sources of
information in your answer. [4.1]
2. Complete the table below, identifying the representative bodies related to your chosen
organisation / industry. You should also include details of the main roles and
responsibilities of these bodies and their relevance to the organisation / industry. [4.2] [4.3]
Representative body
Roles and responsibilities Relevance
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
3. For a customer service role in your current organisation (or one that you are familiar
with), use the table below to provide details of the support that is available in relation to the
following issues:
a) Equality
b) Health and safety
c) Career progression [4.4]
Sources of support
a) Equality
b) Health and
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
c) Career
Now that you have completed part 4 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you
have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have
completed all 5 parts of this Assessment.
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
Part 5 – Policies and procedures
This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 5: Know the organisation’s policies and
Please answer all of the questions in this part in relation to your current
organisation (or one that you are familiar with).
Learning objective
Place in Assessment
5.1 Describe the main principles, policies and procedures
of their organisation and its documentation
Question 1 Page 15
5.2 Explain how the organisation’s principles are
disseminated to employees
Question 2 Page 16
5.3 Outline relevant policies and codes of practice
adopted by the organisation and how employees are
made aware of these
5.4 Explain how employees are consulted on changes to
the principles, procedures and policies within the
5.5 Identify issues of public concern relating to their
industry and organisation and how these are dealt with
Question 3 Page 16
Question 4 Page 16
Question 5 Page 17
1. Use the table below to describe the main principles, policies and procedures of your
chosen organisation. You should also include details of documentation used to support
these principles, policies and procedures. [5.1]
Supporting documentation
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
2. How are the organisation’s principles communicated to employees? Explain this below.
3. Outline the policies and codes of practice that are adopted by the organisation. How
are employees made aware of these policies and codes of practice? [5.3]
4. Explain how employees are involved with and consulted on changes to the principles,
procedures and policies within the organisation. [5.4]
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.
Customer Service
Unit one: Understanding the organisation (H/503/0322)
5. Use the table below to identify issues of public concern relating to the industry and
organisation, and describe how these issues are addressed / dealt with. [5.5]
Issues of public concern
How they are addressed / dealt with
Once you have completed all 5 parts of this Assessment, go to www.vision2learn.com and
send your work to your tutor for marking. Log in to the platform and send your Assessment
to your tutor via your My Study page for marking. Good luck!
© Creating Careers Ltd, 2015. All rights reserved.