Islamic Law of Contract { Muhammad Aamir Shariah Consultant Al Mostaqeem Business Consultant Types of commitment وعدہ (unilateral promise) عقد مواعدہ (contract) (bilateral promise) Unilateral )(وعدہ It means promise. It basically refers to a unilateral Undertaking or promise extended by one person to another in which he offers to do something in future. Example: A promises to sell his car to B within the next 3 months for Rs.2.5 lakh, it is a unilateral undertaking or wa’adah. Unilateral )(وعدہ Enforceability: The consensus of present shariah scholar is that wa’da is enforceable by law until and unless the promisor is not in a position to fulfill it. In this case, if it is not due to any of his negligence then he has to make good the loss to the promisee. For example in case where A promises to sell a horse to B and the horse dies. But if it is due to his negligence then he has to make good the loss to the promisee. For example: A promises to sell a horse to B for Rs. 10,000 within the next month and subsequently sells it to c before the month elapses. Bilateral promise )(مواعدہ It means bilateral undertaking (promise) or agreement. According to majority of the sharia scholars, muwa’ada is not allowed in situations where aqd is not allowed (e.g. forward contracts) and thus is not enforceable by law. According to the some scholars of the sub-continent, Muwa’ada is enforceable by law they argue that some times Mua’adah is genuinely required, for example, importer/exporter hedge foreign exchange. Bilateral promise )(مواعدہ Since future contract is not allowed in Islam they can hedge through bilateral promise to sell or purchase on a future date for genuine purposes. However, this procedure should not be adopted for speculative transaction and or short selling. The difference between future contract and bilateral promise is as follows: Unlike future contract, the contract in Muwa.ada is not executed at the time of signing the agreement. There fore a separate offer & Acceptance would be required. Contract ()عقد Tying Tightly Contract ()عقد It means that an agreement between the parties where the offer is made and acceptance is conveyed. Types of Contract معاوضہ (with consideration) تبرع/ غبر معاوضہ (without consideration) E.g. contract of sale & purchase, ijara, Musharakah, Mudarabah etc. E.g. contract of loan , ariyah, wadiah ضمنیہ ( supplementary/ supporting contracts) E.g. Mortgage, grantee. Pillars of Contract Wording Subject Matter Parties Wording Verbal Written Action Session Unconditional Seegha Clear Subject Matter Lawful Existent Deliverable Specified Quantified Compensation Parties Eligible Sane Mature Legally Allowed Conditions in Contract Against the basic objective Not Against the basic objective Free Delivery Market Practice One year free service Not Market Practice Not Favors Favors Charity on Transaction Get benefits of subject matter With Consideration Partnership ۔ مشارکہ1 ۔ مضاربہ2 Exchange ۔ بیع1 ۔ اجارہ2 Summary A contract, whether it is a sale contract or Ijarah contract or partnership contract, should conform to these basic rules; Violation of these rules make the contract unacceptable to Shari'ah; As a matter of principle a contract in one sector may differ in application of these rules from other contract in other sector; Oil sector has different meaning for specification and quantification from what sugar industry has; Market norms of every sector are the decisive factors in this regard; ISLAMIC { SALES CONTRACT ISLAMIC SALES CONTRACT Definition of Sale Exchange of Mal with the Mal. Exchange of thing of value with another thing of value with mutual consent. Maal means valuable thing which can be taken into possession and can be hold on for a little time Comprehensive Meaning of Sale Every thing which has a value and of which there is a sale and purchase norm available Types of Sale بیع باطل بیعصحیح بیع مکروہ بیع فاسد Nature Of Contract Types of Sale نافذ الزم • Transaction Done نافذ غبر الزم • Any Condition بیع صحیح موقوف • Be related to someone else Types of Sale بیع مساومہ بیع مرابحہ بیع تولیہ بیع وضیعہ ثمن P r i c e / Types of Sale بیع مقایضہ بیع صرف بیع سلم بیع مطلق Subject Matter Elements of Valid Sale Wording Contractors Subject Matter Price Delivery Void Sale بیع باطل A sale that does not meets some or all basic requirements laid down by Shari'ah for its contractual nature; A sale that executed: • By ineligible parties; or • For exchange of a impermissible thing; or • For a thing which is not owned by seller; or • For a thing which is not deliverable; Hung Sale بیع فاسد – A sale that meets basic requirements of its contractual nature – but contains an impermissible element; A sale that executed: •With element of Gharar; •For an unspecified thing; or •With unknown price; •Conditionally or contingently; •Sale of one Toyota corolla from a lot of cars with explaining the specifications; Disliked Sale بیع مکروہ Sale is valid but not liked due to certain conditions like: Sale after juma azan Sale after hoarding Interruption in an ongoing deal between two Agency ()وکالۃContract التفویض و االعتماد علی الغبر (ف قہ المعامالت) رپسدرکان،اامتعدرکان،اےنپاکمےکےئلیسکوکانبئرقمررکان تعاونوا علی البر والتقوی وال تعاونوا علی االثم والعدوان (المائدۃ) وہللا فی عون العید ماکان العید فی عون اخیہ (صحیح الیخاری و مسلم) فال ت کلنی ا لی نفسی (صحیح ابن حیان )970 رسول ہللا صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم نے .1 میکحنبزحامریضاہللہنعوکرقابیناکاجونررخدیےنےکےئلاانپولیکانبای .2 رضحتاوبرکبدصقیریضاہللہنعوکجحےکزامےنںیماانپولیکانبای .3 زوکۃیکووصیلےکےئلاحصہبرکامریضاہللمہنعوکاانپولیکانبای Elements of Agency Principal )(مؤکل Agent)(وکیل Types of Agency Restricted Un restricted Compensatory Non Compensatory Agency Contract A person cannot become agent of both parties in a contract All rights and obligations will be on the principal ( )مؤکلfrom the contractor/agent. 1. 2. 1. all rights and responsibilities will remain with the agent. 3. 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. nikkah(contract of marriage) Agent buy a car and doesn't disclose his agency If principal/agent dies then the contract will end If principal suspend the agent and inform him If agent denies from the cause If the purpose of agency has been fulfilled Agency in Murabaha Agency Agreement is not the condition the bank can make direct purchases from the supplier and through third party, agency agreement is required. Goods must be specified in the agency agreement. Specific agency When the purchase of commodity is not of consistent nature. Master /global agency When the purchases are on continuous basis Wakalatul Istismar )(وکالۃ االستثمار Portfolio management or investment agency contract. In this contract the investor gives his capital to investment manager to invest into the various specified investments, such as Equity, trade, Murabahah, Ijarah, commodity trade etc. The investment agent is not profit & loss sharing, rather it is fee based contract. The compensation of the agent may be a fixed amount lump sum or based on percentage of investment. Wakalatul Istismar )(وکالۃ االستثمار The investment agent may be given a performance bonus for good performance or to achieve a target return. The investment agent is given the specified fee. Whether the business is on profit or loss. The investment agent is considered as Ameen(trustee) of the assets of investment. The investment agency contract is used these days in the fund management, such as Murabaha fund mutual fund, equity fund, property fund etc. Guarantee ) ضمان/(گارنٹی Letter of guarantee (L/C Letter of credit (L/C Securities Promissory note Bonds Securities Mortgage Collateral Hypothecation All the above mentioned forms of guarante and/ or securities are allowed against a debt. All permissible liquid/illiquid asset can be mortgaged. These securities are not allowed in case of Amanat such as musharakah, Mudarabah or equity etc. However, if Ameen’s misconduct or misusage is proved, he is liable for the loss of asset, therefore, to save from such a case a security may be demanded. Securities Any income of secured/collateralized asset should be given to the mortgagor. Interest based securities cannot be used as collateral. Security cannot be charged more than the due amount. Floating charge is also allowed in shariah. حزاکم ہللا خبرا HAVE A FABULOUS DAY End