Uploaded by Tina Campbell

Practicum Journal: Nursing Simulation & Sepsis Research

Week 3 Journal:
For this week’s journal, you will reflect on your progress in the practicum setting and discuss
your work related to the literature review for your scholarly project. Respond to all prompts
below in no more than three pages:
Practicum Related Prompts
1. Identify 2 objectives from your Week 1 list of objectives that you accomplished this
week. The objectives you select should differ from week to week. The goal is to
achieve all stated objectives by the end of the practicum experience.
1. Recognize the changing needs of a new nurse graduate in the workplace.
2. Describe strategies to integrate simulation into the learning environment.
2. Describe how you worked with your preceptor to accomplish these objectives.
This week Linda and I talked about being in the simulation learning environment (the
simulation lab) for the hospital. We considered how it could be beneficial to all nurses for their
ongoing learning and not just used for new graduate nurses. Ongoing use of the simulation lab
could impact a nurses' development and education. We went on to discuss how in today’s
society, it supports and values learning, continuing, education and that there should be a
priority for all nurses. There is never enough time for in house nurse education while nurses are
working on the units. Linda thought it should be imperative for having an in-hospital
simulation lab because the hospital can utilize the nurse educators they already have in house.
Without this supportive learning environment, it can be challenging for the new graduate
nurses to grow and develop professionally. We also talked about factors such as one’s
autonomous ability, the sense of one’s accountability, their motivation to learn, and how to
give nurses new opportunities for education influenced simulation learning for all nurses. Linda
was instrumental in talking about educational planning and instructional design of my subject
(Sepsis Simulation) for this class.
3. Did this experience go the way you planned?
1. We worked well together this week.
4. What worked well and what did not?
1. I think everything went well
5. Would you change your approach to meeting these objectives?
1. No
Scholarly Project Related Prompts
1. How many research articles/sources have you identified/reviewed related to chosen
teaching topic for scholarly teaching/learning project?
1. I have found many current peer reviewed articles (3-5) for my project the
method of teaching (simulation).
2. How many research articles/sources have you identified/reviewed related to
evidence-based teaching practices applicable for chosen scholarly
teaching/learning project?
1. I have reviewed about 3-5 articles for the simulation lab subject for my Sepsis lab
3. Are all articles identified current and/or seminal (classic) literature – yes or no? I only
select peer reviewed articles that are current, many times I search from the years
2016- 2017 and newer.
Submit your work as a Word document.
*Note: You may contact your instructor for approval if you choose to revise or add to the
objectives from your Week 1 list.