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Economic Development: Critical Analysis of Social Systems

Chapter 10 Critical Analysis Report
Name: Julie Ann B. Hubilla
A. General Information
a. Title of Article
The Nation, the Economy, and the Civil Society: What is Next?
b. Author’s Name
Stanislav Konečný and Wojciech Gizicki
c. Name of Publisher
d. Date of Issue
December 20, 2020
B. Summary:
About 300 years ago, three new systems for regulating society emerged. These are the
modern state, the market state, and the civil society. Currently, these three systems are in a
state of crisis. The modern state or the so-called democratic is the first and most significant
social regulation system. In here, a number of mechanisms were established to promote not
just the interests of the majority of the society but also the interests of the minority that would
be acknowledged as public interests. The second modern system of social regulation is the
market. It covers not just the commodity market but also those concerning production factors.
It is a sphere of private interests. The third system for regulating society is the civil society. It
covers the significance of civil rights.
There has been a transformation or significant changes in the social systems in the
second half of the 20th century. The troubling part in this is first, political systems are not always
capable of ensuring a nation’s prosperity and therefore, cease to be their founding structure.
Second, federal territory continues to expand. Third, parliamentarism has changed. These
changes include the increasing of right to vote, the fusing of the concepts of political rights and
human rights, the changes in the way minority interests have been perceived as public
interests, changes in the structure and nature of political parties, as well as the high level of
corruption and public disapproval of the political state. In addition to that is the problem as
regards the poor information and media coverage on politics, social life, and economic life.
Further, the market state also experienced changes. It appeared that the first motivation for
social progress is the production of material goods. Its purpose as a system of social regulation
has shifted in the opposite direction. In the context of civil society, there has been mentioned
about its dilemmas. For a long time, civil society has been searching for an opportunity to use
traditional forms of the political society. However, it used the methods of partnership. It was a
policy that used instruments that were frequently utilized by traditional politics and this
includes the partnership.
C. General Theme:
The authors focused on showing the importance of having an effective regulations or
systems for regulating society.
D. Point of View:
Upon reading the article, I observed that the authors made use of pronouns “we” which
denotes sharing of their opinions relating to the topic. However, they also provided background
evidences as they discuss about the transformation and dilemmas on the three social regulation
systems. The authors cited sources which served as backup to their main ideas. Therefore, the
article is a mix of being subjective and objective.
E. Issues Analysis:
The issues presented in the article are as follows:
- New systems for regulating society
- Development and crisis of making the social, political and post-industrial system modern
- Development of electoral systems and bicameral mechanisms
- Expansion of electoral rights
- Elimination of election censuses gradually
- Liberalization of political systems
- Creation and development of public economy
- Guaranteeing the stability of nations
- Continuous expansion of federal territory
- The increasing of right to vote
- Utilizing manipulative marketing techniques in order to win election
- High level of corruption and public disapproval of political state
- Poor information and media coverage on politics, social life, and economic life
F. Conclusions and/or Recommendations
The authors pointed out that effective regulations in a multidimensional social system
are needed. They also concluded that some people turn to religion to regain the individual and
social impact on the social reality that politicians have lost. However, it shows the serious
problem between Christianity and Islam. According to the authors, many problems are seen by
completely separating religion from the state and social life. The authors recommended paying
attention to assumptions about the relationship between the state and the market as they are
rapidly failing. They also suggest uniting the state and civil society, as well as replacing the
political system, which has failed, with civil society.
G. Agreement or Disagreement:
Personally, I agree with the authors’ conclusions since establishing systems for
regulation will further lead to development. In addition, it is actually observed that there are
times when problems arise between religion and politics. I also agree with their
recommendation. If people are able to pay attention to the problems and take it seriously, then
actions to prevent those systems to fail, and problems to arise have already been established.
Replacing failed political system will lead to a change. We cannot see results and outcomes if it
was not studied and tried.
H. Professional Projections:
From the article, I learned that there is a need for transformation of political systems
and specific behaviors such as corruption among others. If ever I pursued government
accounting this will allow me to help by budgeting government funds and by making sure that
the budget for public projects are well-spent. As an aspiring accountant, I will practice faithful
representation as one of the characteristics of useful financial information to help the public
see where the budget is allocated.