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Medical Terminology Root Words Reference Guide

ALG – Pain
Analgesic-remedy for relieving pain
Neuralgia- pain along the course of a nerve
Algolagnia- pain along the course of a nerve, sexual pleasure from the experiencing or
inflicting of pain
Algedonic- pertaining to the pleasantless-unpleasantless dimension in experience
Causalgia- burning pain sometimes present in injuries to the nerves.
Arthr- Joint, speech of sound, articulation
Arthritis- inflammation of a joint
Dysartria- impairment of speech articulation
Arthropod- a member of the phylum Arthropoda, including crustaceans, insects and spiders
Enarthrosis- a ball-and-socket joint, as for instance, the hip
Arthrobranchial- joint gills
Arthropterous- having jointed fin-ray, as fishes
Diarthrosis- freely movable articulation
Nearthrosis- a new and abnormally produced articulation in the sequence of a fracture,
dislocation or disease of the bone.
Stereoarthrolysis- loosening stiff joints by operation or manipulation in cases of ankylosis
Synarthrophysis- progressive ankylosis of a joint
Bi – life
Biomorphic- related to the forms of living beings; often used of primitive art
Symbiosis- a condition which two organisms live together for mutual benefit
Diplobiont- a plant flowering or bearing fruit twice in a season
Biopsy- The examination of living tissue
abiogenesis-the theory of the production of living matter from nonliving matter
biochrome-a pigment synthesized in the metabolic process of living organisms
biotherapy-the treatment of diseases by means of substances secreted by living organisms, as
dermatobiasis-infection with Dermatobia (botflies); larvae are obligatory sarcobionts
geobios-terrestrial life
metabiosis-a relationship between two organisms in which only one of the partners benefit
photobiotic-living in light exclusively
psychobiology-psychology ion relation to biology
BALL- , BOL- , - BLE- to throw, to put
Xeriobole-a plant that scatters its seeds by dehiscence thorugh dryness
Metabolism-the process by which assimilated food is buiolt up into protoplasm and by which
protoplasm in broken down into waste matter with the release of energy
Embolism-the destruction of a blood vessel by foreign matter lodged in it
Hemiballismus-a condition characterized by violent spasmodic movements of the extremities on
one side of the body
Embololalia-the insertion of meaningless words into speech in some schizophrenic states
Epiboly-a process of overgrowth in gastrulation in telolecithal eggs
Periblem-layers of ground or fundamental tissue between dermatogen and plerome of growing
Sporobolus-genus of grasses to which dropseed belongs
BRADY- slow
Bradycarpic-friuinting after the winter in the second season after flowering
Bradycardia-abnormal slowness of the heart (pulse rate less than sixty beats a minute)
Bradylexia-abnormal slowness in reading
CRYPT- “hidden”
Crypt-various recesses, glandular cavities, etc. in the body , as tonsillar crypts
Cryptogam-a plant that does not have apparent reproductive organs
Cryptorchism-a condition in which the testes fail to descend
Crytesthesisa-the power of perceiving without sensory mechanism; clairvoyance
Cryptoclastic-made up of minute fragmental particles, often used to designate a type of rock
Cryptogenic-of unknown or obscure cause
Cryptophyte-a plant that produces its buds underwater or underground
Cryptovolcanic-procduced by completely concealed volcanic action
Cryptozoic-fauna dwelling in darkness or under rocks
Syncryptic-pertaining to protective resemblance between diverse species
DROM- running, course
Acrodromous-pertaining to a leaf in which the veins converge at the point
Syndrome-a number of symptoms that occur at the same time, characterizing a particular disease
Heteroddromia-a condition in which a nerve conducts impulse better in one direction that the
Dromomania-a pathological desire to wander
Anadromous-ertaining to fishes migrating annually from salt to fresh water
Adromia-a complete failure of impulse conduction in muscles or nerves
Dromography-aproces of registering by instrument the velocity of blood current
Photodromy-the movement of particles suspended in a fluid toward light or away from it
GE- earth
Geomancy-divination by examining the figures formed on the ground when a handful of earth is
Geocarpy-the ripening of fruits underground, as with the peanut
Geophagy-the pratice of eating earth
Geophilous-living in or on the earth
Amphigean-native around the owlrd
Geophyte-a land plant; a plant with dormant parts underground
Geotaxis-locomotor response to gravity
Hypogeous-growing or maturing under the earth’s surface
HOD- , OD- - road, way
Anode-a positive electrode
Hodophobia-abnormal fear of travel
Esodic-afferent nerve conducting impulses to the central nervous system
Prosodus-a canal in sponges
Urodeum-the portion of the upper cloaca into which the urogenital ducts open
MNE- to remember
Amnesia-loss of memory
Psedomnesia-a condition in which events seem to be remembered which have not been actually
Acousmatamnesia-inability to remember sounds
Autoanamnesia-a history related by the patient
Catamnesis-the medical history of a patent following illness or behavior disorder
Ecmnesia-loss of memory of recent happenings but retention of events occurring in a remote
period, with retention of long-term memory
Mnemodermia-pruritis and discomfort of the skin hiours and days after the cause of symptoms
has been removed
MORPH- form
Theriomorphic-pertaining to a divinity representd in the form of an animal
Morphology-the study of structure and form
Polymorphonuclear-having a nucleus with several lobes
Dysmorphophobia-abnormal fear of deformity
Actinomorphous-radially symmetrical
Enantiomorph-one of a pair of isometric substances that are mirror images with asymmetric
Gyandromorphy-the degree or prominence of feminine characteristics in male physique and vice
Mesomorphic-characterized by a predominance of structures such as bone and muscle, which are
developed from the mesodermal layer of the embryo; athletic build
Morpheme-a word or part of a word that conveys meaning and can’t be broken down any further
and still convey meaning
Phyllomorphosis-variation of leaves at different seasons
ODONT- tooth
Exodontist-a dentist who specializes in the extraction of teeth
Prosthodontia-the branch of dentistry which deals with the replacement of teeth by artificial
Pleurodont-having the teeth fastened to the side of the bone, as with somem lizards
Homodont-having teeth all alike
Polyphyodont-having many successive sets of teeth
Rhizodontotrophy-pivoting an artificial crown on the root of a tooth
Tetraselenodont-having four crescentic ridges on molar teeth
Xanthodont-having yellow-colored incisors, as certain rodents
PHOR- , PHER- to bear, to go
Gynophore-a stalk that supports an ovary
Oophorectomy-the surgical removal of an ovary
Heterophoria-a tendency of the eyes to turn away form the correct position
Eu[phoria-an exaggerated feeling of well-being
Chromatophore-a pigment-bearing cell
Aerophore-a device for inflating the lungs with air in the case of a still-born child or asphyxia
Metaphery-the displacement of organs
Odontophore-the tooth-bearing organ in mollusks
Osmodysphoia-intolerance of certain odors
Photophore-luminous organs of certain crustaceans
PLEX- stroke; PLEG- paralysis
Paraplegia- paralysis of the lower half of the body
Laryngoplegia- paralysis of the larynx
Apoplexy-sudden paralysis with loss of consciousness, caused by the breaking or blocking of a
lood vessel in the brain
Diplegia-paralysis of similar parts on two sides of the body
Quadriplegia-the four extremities of the body paralyzed
POD- , - PUS- foot
Podiatrist-one who treats minor disorders of the feet
Micropus-congenital abnormal smallness of the feet
Cephalopod-molluscs with sucker-bearing arms on the region of the head, such as the octopus
Adenopodous-bearing glands on peduncles or petioles
Cynopodous-with nonretractile claws
Metapodium-posterior portion of the molluscan foot
Podotheca-a foot-covering, as of birds or reptiles
PROCT- anus, rectum
Protology-the medical specialty concerned with the anus, rectum and sigmoid colon
Cytoproct-the pint at which waste is discharged from a cell
Periproct-the surface immediately surrounding the anus of echinoids
Proctostais-constipation due to nonresponse of rectum to the defecation stimulus
STOL- , STAL- , - STLE- to send, to contract
Systole-the contraction of the heart
Peristalsis-the rhythmic contraction of the alimentary canal that moves its contents onward
Catastalsis-the downward-moving wave of contraction occurring in the stomach during
digestion, downward-moving contraction of the stomach
Hemisystole-contracting of the left ventricle after every second atrial contraction
Telediastolic-relating to the last phase of a diastole
thermosystaltic-contracting under the influence of heat; pertaining to muscular contraction due to
STOM- , STOMAT- mouth, opening
Gymnostomatous-referring to misses having a naked mouth, i.e., without a peristome
Enterostomy-an operation to form an artificial opening into the intestine
Stomatitis-inflammation of the mouth
Odontostomatous-having tooth-bearing jaws
Actinostome-five-rayed oral aperture of starfish
Microstome- a small opening or orifice
Nephrostome-the opening of a nephridial tubule into the body cavity
TROP- , TREP- to turn, response to stimulus
Apotropaic-intended to avert evil, as a ritual
Apheliotropism-the turning away from the sun
Phototropic-responding to the stimulus of light
Esotropia-a condition in which one eye deviates inward, while the other fixed upon an object;
convergent concomitant strabismus
Anisotropia-the quality of being doubly refractive or unequally refractive in different directions
Autotropism-tending to grow in a straight line, applies to plants unaffected by external stimulus
Baratropic, Barotropic-response to pressure stimulus
Orthotropism-growth in a vertical line
Stereotropism-growth or movement toward a solid body
Treponema-genus of spiral organisms; Treponema pallidum, causes syphilis
Treponemiasis-infection iwht treponema; syphilis
UR- urine, urinary system (URE- to urinate)
Ureter-a tube carrying the urine from the kidney to the bladder
Uremic-pertaining to the presence of urine in the blood
Albuminuria-the presence of albumin in the urine
Hippuric acid-an acid found in high concentration in urine of herbivorous animals
Urocyanosis-blue discoloration of the urine
Urolithiasis-the formation of urinary calculi
Anatropia-a tendency of the eyes to turn upward when at rest; anaphoria
Antibiotic-pertaining to antibiosis, an association between two or more organisms which is
harmful to one of them; tending to destroy life
Amphipodous-having feet for walking and feet for swimming
Anamorphosis-evolution from one type to another through a seies of gradual changes
Anticryptic coloration-protective coloration facilitating attack
Anabolism-synthetic or constructive metabolism, the conversion of nutritive material into more
complex living matter
Cataphoresis-the movement of suspended particles through a fluid under the action of applied
electromotive force
Arthralgia-pain in a joint
Aphodal-applied to a type of canal system in sponges
Apoplexy-the symptom complex resulting from hemorrhage into or upon the brain, or from
embolism or thrombosis of the cerebral vessels
Cataplexy-a sudden and overwhelming emotion, fright or shock causing muscular rigidity in
some animals; in man, the sudden loss of muscle tone provoked by exaggerated motion
Diaphoresis-perspiration, especially perceptible perspiration
Apogee-point of an orbit of a satellite farthest from the earth
Diageotropism-tendency of certain parts of plants to assume position at right angles to direction
of gravity
Proctodaeum-the latter part of the embryonic alimentary canal, formed by anal invagination
Antidromic-contrary to the normal direction; applied to conduction of an impulse along an axon
toward the body of nerve cell
Diuretic-an agent that increases the volume of urine
Amphistomous-having a sucker at each end of the body, as certain worms
Diastole-the rhythmic period of relaxation and dilatation of a chamber of the heart during which
it fills with blood
Bradydiastolic-pertaining to a prolongation of the diastolic interval
Anastomosis-the intercommunication of blood vessels by the natural anatomic arrangement
which provides alternate pathways for blood supply to a peripheral part
Crytanamnesia-subconscious memory; the recall to mind of a forgotten episode which seems
entirely new to the patient
Antiodontalgic or antodontalgic-relieving a toothache
Bradyarthria-slow speech due to organic disturbance of the speech apparatus
Anamnesis-faculty of memory; information gained from the patient and others regarding past
history of a case
BUL- (BOUL- )- will
Paraboulia-abnormality of volitional action
Abulia or abuoulia-loss of ability to make decisions
Hyperbulia-exaggerated willfulness
CARDI- heart
Acardiacus-omphalosite completely lacking a heart
Cardioblast-one of the embryonic cells designed to form the walls of the heart
Diplocardiac-having a double heart, or one in which the two sides are more or less separate, as in
birds and mammals
Hydropericardium-a collection of a serous effusion in the pericardial cavity
Myocardial-pertaining to the muscular tissue of the heart
Orthocardiac-dilatation of the right side of the ehart which occurs when the uptight position of
the body is assumed
CEPHAL- head (enCEPHAL- brain)
Acanthocephaliasis-infestation with parasitic worms of the phylum Acanthocephala
Acrocephaly-deformity of the head in which the top is more or less pointed
Cephalopod-marine mollusc with muscular, sucker bearing arms on head region, as the cuttlefish
and octopus
Cynocephalous-with the head shaped like a dog’s
Encephalodyspasia-maldevelopment of the tissues of the central nervous system
Prosencephalon-the forebrain or anterior brain vesicle ofhe embryo
CHONDR- , CHONDRI- cartilage, granule
Chondriosome or mitochondria-granular, rod-shaped or filamentous organelle in cytoplasm
Chondriokinesis0the diision of the chondriosome in mitosis and meiosis
Perichondrium-the fibrous connective tissue covering cartilage
Synchondrosis-a joint in which the surfaces are connected by a plate of cartilage
DEM- people, country
Apodemialgia-wanderlust, a morbid dislike of homelife with a desire to wander
Ecdemic-of foreign origin
Pandemic-occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the people
DERM- , DERMAT- skin
Dermatophyte-one of a group of fungi which invade the superficial skin
Dermographia-a condition in which the skin is particularly susceptible to irritation; characterized
by elevations or wheals caused by tracing the fingernail or blunt instrument over the
Mesoderm-the third germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and entoderm, which gives rise to
the connective tissue, muscles, urogenital system, etc.
Pododerm-dermal layer of a hoof, within the horny layer
GAM- marriage, union
Agamogenesis-asexual reproduction
Gamete-sexual cell; a minute reproductive body which is capable of uniting with another of like
origin to form a new individual, or zygote; in higher animals, sperms and eggs
Aplanogamete- a nonmotile, conjugating sperm cell
Cytogamy-cell conjugation
Gamophyllous-with united perianth leaves
Gamostele-stele formed from fusion of several steles
Oogamy-the union of a nonmotile female gamete or egg cell with a male gamete
LECITH- yolk
Centrolecithal-with yolk aggregated in the center
Lecithin-a colorless to yellow-brown, waxy solid widely distributed in the body; also found in
the yolks of eggs
Leccithocoel-segmentation cavity of holoblastic eggs
Lysolecithin-a substance having a strong hemolytic properties produced from lecithin by the
action of snake venom
Megalophthalmus or megophthalmus-excessive largeness of the eyes
Ophthalmogyric-pertaining to or causing movements of the eye; Tending to make the eye move
Photophthalmia- inflammation of the eyes due to excessively strong light, as welder’s arc light or
sunlight on snow
Podophthalmite-in crustaceans, eye-stalk segment farthest from the head
Xerophthalmia-a dry and thickened condition of the conjunctiva
OST (E)- bone
Actinost-basal bone of fin-rays in teleosts
Angiosteosis-ossification of blood vessels
Dysostosis-defective formation of bone
Heteroosteoplasty-the grafting, by operation, of bone taking from another animal
Osteanagenesis-regeneratoin of bone
Osteodermai-bony formations in the skin
Periosteophyte-a morbid, osseous formation upon or preceding from the periosteum
Synostosis- a union of originally separate bones by osseous material
Osteocarcinoma-a cancerous tumor of bone tissue
PHYLL- leaf
Adenophyllous-bearing glands or leaves
Autophyllogeny-growth of one leaf upon or out of another
Lithophyll-a fossil leaf or leaf impression
Phylloclade-any flattened stem performing the functions of leaves, as the joints of cacti
Phyllopodous-having leaflike swimming feet, as in Branchiopoda
Phyllotaxy-the arrangement of leaves on an axis or stem
PHYT- plant, growth
Autophyte-a self-nourished plant
Entophyte or endophyte-a plant growing within another, either as a parasite or otherwise
Epidermophytosis-term commonly used to indicate any fungus infection of the feet producing
scaliness and vesicles with pruritus
Gametophyte-in the alteration of generations in plants, the individual or generation which ears
sex organs
Hematophyte-a vegetable organism, sucha s a bacterium, living in the blood
Zoophyte-an animal resembling a plant in appearance and growth, as sponges
PLAS(T)- to form, to mold
Alloplasty-a plastic operation in which material from outside the human body, such as ivory or
animal bone, is utilized
Amyloplast or amyloplastid-a leucoplast or colorless, starch-forming granule in plants
Cytoplasm-substance of the cell body exclusive of the nucleus size of tissue or organ owing to an
increase in the number of cells
Metaplasia-transformation of one form of adult tissue to another
Ooplasm-the cytoplasm of the egg
Protoplasm-the viscid material constituting the essential substance of living cells, upon which all
vital functions, such as nutrition, secretion and growth, depend
Somatoplasm-the protoplasm of the body cells, as distinct from germ plasm, which composes
reproductive cells
SOM- , SOMAT- body
Acrosome-a body at apex of the spermatozoon
Dermatosome-one of the vital units forming a cell membrane
Gymnosomatous-having no shell or mantle, as certain mollusks
Karyomicrosome, a nuclear granule
Mereomicrosomia-abnormal smallness of some part of the body
Somatotopagnosia-inability to identify or orient the body or its parts, usually the result of brain
Somesthesia-sensibility to bodily sensations
Somite-a segment of the body of an embryo
THEC(A)- case, sheath
Apotheium-a cup-shaped ascocarp
Cephalotheca-head integument in insect pupa
Exotheca-the extracapsular tissue of a coral
Hydrotheca-cuplike structure into which the polyp may withdraw in many coelenterates
Podotheca-a foot-covering, as of birds or reptiles
Theca-spore or pollen case
Thecaphore-a structure on which a theca is borne
Thecium-the part of a funus or lichen containing the sporules
Thecodont-having teeth in sockets
THERM- heat
Adiathermancy-imperviousness to heat waves
Hyperthermalgesia—abnormal sensitivity to heat
Hypothermia-subnormal temperature of the body
Thermophagy-the habit of swallowing very hot food
Thermophyte-a heat tolerant plant
Thermotropism-curvature in plants in response to a temperature stimulus
TOM- to cut, section (enTOM- insect)
Diatomaceous-microscopic algae divided into halves
Dermatome-the areas of skin supplied with sensory fibers; an instrument for cutting skin
Lithotomous-stone-boring, as certain molluscs
Myotome-an instrument for performing myotomy; that part of a somite which differentiates into
skeletal muscle; a muscle group innervated by a single spinal nerve
Somatome-a transverse segment of an organized body, a somite; an embryotome
TOP- place
Atopognosia-lack of ability to locate a sensation accurately
Ostectopy-displacement of one
Topotype-a speciment from locality of original type
TROPH- nourishment, development
Autotroph-organism capable of self-nourishment, especially by using a chemical element such as
carbon or nitrogen for food; a bacterium able to grow in an inorganic environment by
using CO2 as its sole source of carbon; An organism that seems to provide its own
Hypertrophy-an increase in size of an organ independent of natural growth
Metatrophic-living on both nitrogenous and carbonaceous organic matter
Monotrophic-existing on one kind of food
Trophobiotic-pertaining to a relationship in which an organism of one kind aids and protects an
organism of another kind in return for some food products
Trophonemata-uterine villi or hairlike projections which transfer nourishment to the embryo
Trophoneurosis-a functional disease of a part due to failure of nutrition from defective nerve
action in involved parts
Trophotropism-tendency of an organism to turn towards its food supply
ZO- animal, living being
Cryptozoic-applicable to fauna dwelling in darkness, or under stones, barks, etc
Epizootic-a disease of animals which is widely prevalent in contiguous areas
Hemocytozoon-a protozoan parasite inhabiting the red blood cells
Metazoan-pertinent to a group that comprises all animals having the adult body composed of
numerous cells differentiated into tissues and organs
Phyllozooid-a shield-shaped medusoid of protective function
Protozoon-a unicellular or noncellular animal organism
Zoogamy-sexual reproduction in animals
Dystrophy-defective nutrition; defective or abnormal development or degeneration
Dysbulia-impairment of willpower
Esotropic-exhibiting a situation in which one eyes fixes upon an object and the other deviates
Exostois-the most common benign tumor of bone
Exophthalmic-pertaining to abnormal protrusion of the eye-ball from the orbit
Endogamy-the custom or requirement of marriage within the tribe, caste or social group;
Enuresis-incontinence of urine
Endoderm or entoderm-the innermost of the three primary germ layers, which forms the lining of
the guy
Enantiomorph-a form which is similar to another but not ransposable, forms related to each other
as a right handed to left handed glove; said of certain hemihedral crystals and of certain
molecules and compounds
Epithea-an external layer surrounding the theca or covering, in corals
Epicardium-the visceral layer of the pericardium
Epiphyte-plant which lives on the surface of other plants
Expcaridac-originating or situated outside the heart
Eucephalous-with a well-developed head; applicable to certain insect larvae
Endemics-peculiar to a certain region,k said of a disease which occurs more or less constantly in
any locality
Dyschondroplasia-a disease of unknown etiology attacking the bones of the hand; characterized
by cartilaginous tissue developing regularly but ossifyingn very slowly
Ectozoon-an external animal parasite; ectoparasite
Gamophylous-with united perianth leaves
Ectolecithal-having yolk surrounding formative protoplasm
Osteotome-an instrument somewhat similar to a chisel used for cutting bone
Phyllopphorous-bearing or producing leaves
Ectosome-an enveloping portion of a sponge containing no flagellated chambers
Ectotrophic-finding nourishment form outside; applicable to fungi which surround roots of host
with hyphae
Exothermic-relating to the giving out of energy, especially heat energy
Entochondrostosis-ossification from within outward
ACOU- (ACU- )- to hear
Acousmatagnosis-inability to recognize sounds or understand spoken words; mind-deafness
Anacusia-complete deafness
Iplacusis-hearing the same sound differently by the two ears
Odynacousis-pain caused by noises
AMBLY- dull
Amblycephalidae-a genus of broad-headed, nonpoisonous snakes, formerly considered the type
of a family, amblycephalidae, called blantheads
Amblychromasia-in bacteriology, a deficiency in nuclear chromatin which causes the cell to stain
ANTH- flower
Anther-the part ofhte stamen which produces pollen
Anthophilous-attracted by flowers, feeding onf lowers
Chloranthy-reversion of floral leaves back into ordinary green leaves
Cladanthous-having terminal archegonia on short, lateral branches
Exanthema-an eruption upon the skin
Gymnanthous-with no floral envelope
Haemanthus-genus of bulbous hers comprising the blood lily
Achroacytosis-an increase in the number of colorless or lymphatic cells in the blood
Achromodermia-a deficiency or lack of pigment in the skin
Chromatin-the protoplasmic substance in the nuclei of cells which is readilsy stainable
Chromophobe-a cell not stainable
Dichromatism-a condition in which an individual can perceive only two of the three basic hues
Dyschromatodermia or dyschroa-discoloration of the skin
Metachrosis-the change or play of colors seen in the squid, chameleon, etc.
Pseudochromesthesisa-a condition in which each of the vowels in a word seems to have a
distinct sound
DACTYL- finger, toe
Dactylolysis-a tropical disease, peculiar to male Negroes, in which a toes is slowly and
spontaneously amputated by a fibrous ring, Disease causing the amputation of a toe or
Dactylopodite-the distal joint in certain limbs of Crustacea; the metatarsus and tarsus of spiders
Dactylopterous-with anterior rays of pectoral fins more orless free
Orthodactylous-having straight digits
Oxydactyl-having a slender, tapering digits
DE- to bind; DESM- ligament
Adesmy-a break or a division in an organ, usually entire
allosyndesis-pairing of homologous chromosomes from opposite parents
amphidesmic-furnished with a double ligament
arthrodesis-fusion of a joint by removing the articular surfaces and securing bone union
asyndesis-incoherencey in syntax or sentence construction
desmocyte-any kind of supporting tissue cell
desmoplasia-the formation and proliferation of connective tissue; the formation of adhesions
syndesmology-the study of ligaments
syndesmosis-a form of rticulation in which the bones are connected by fibrous connective tissue
ENTER- intestine
Anenterous-having no alimentary tract
Enterolysis-removal of adhesions binding the intestine
Myenteric-relating to the muscular coat of the intestine
ERG- work
Adrenergic-liberating adrenaline; activated by adrenaline
Endoergic or endothermic-relating to the absorption of heat
Ergatoandromorph-an ant of other social insect in which the worker and male characters are
Ergology-the study of artifacts made for use rather than trade
Hyperergia or hypergia-increased functional activity
Hyperergy-hypersensitivity to an allergen
ESTHE- (AESTHE- )- to feel, to perceive
Acanthesthesia-a sensation of pricking with a needle
Aesthacyte- a sensory cell of primitive animals
Akinesthesia-loss of muscular sense of movement
Caumesthesia-the experience of a sense of heat when the temperature is not high; An abnormal
burning sensation
Synesthesia-a secondary sensation of subjective impression accompanying an actual perception,
as a sensation of color or sound aroused by a sensation of taste
GER- , GERONT- old person, old age
Acrogeria-premature aging of skin of hands and feet
Gerontophobia-morbid fear of old age
Gerodontia-dentistry for the aged
GNATH- jaw
Dysgnathic-pertaining to jaws which are improperly developed and in poor relation to one
Gnathopod-any crustacean limb in oral region modified to assist with food
Gnathotheca-the horny outer covering of a bird’s lower jaw
Hypognathous-having he lower jaw abnormally small
Opisthognathism-recession of the lower jaw
GNO- to know
Acroagnosis-loss of sense perception in a limb
Astereognosis-inability to recognize objects by sense of touch
Autotopagnosia-loss of ability to prient parts of one’s own body
Baragnosis-loss of perception of weight
Pharmacognosy-the science of crude drugs
GRAPH- to write, - GRAM- thing written
Dromograph-instrument for registering the velocity of blood current
Dysantiographia-inability to perform copywriting or to print
Engram-the hypothetical impression or trace left upon the neuron by psychic experience; a latent
memory picture
HEPAT- , HEPAR- liver
Heparin-a substance or mixture of substances occurring in the liver and other tissues having the
property of prolonging the clotting time of blood; substance occurring in the liver which
prolongs the clotting time of blood
Hepaticoenterostomy-surgical establishment of communication between the hepatic duct and the
Hepatolysin-a cytolysin acting especially on liver cells
KINE- (CINE- )- to move
Akinesthesia-loss of muscle sense or sense of movement
Eukinesia-normal power of movement
Heterokinesis-movement resulting from external stimulus
Heterokinesia-the execution of bodily movements exactly the opposite of those ordered
Hyperanakinesia-excessive activity of a part
Hyperkinemia-a condition marked by a greater cardiac output of blood than normal
Kinesiology-the science of the anatomy, physiology and mechanics of purposeful muscle
movement in man
Ookinesis-the mitotic phenomena in an egg during maturation and fertilization
Thrombokinase-a substance activating prothrombin to thrombin
Telekinesis-the power claimed by some people of causing objects to move without touching
LEX- to read
Bradylexia-abnormal slowness in reading
Alexia-visual aphasia or word blindness
Dyslexia-impairment of the ability to read
MY- , MYS- , MYOS- muscle
Accromyotonus-tonic muscular spasm of the extremities usually causes deformity to the hands
and feet
Amyostasia-a tremor of the muscles causing difficulty in standing; Inability to control muscle
Endomysium-the connective tissue between the fibers of a muscle bundle
Myochrome-any muscle pigment
Myosin-one of the principal proteins in muscle
NEPHR- kidney
Nephridium-an excretory organ, usually that of invertebrates; embryonic kidney tubule of
Nephrocystanastomosis-surgical formation of an opening between the renal pelvis and the
urinary bladder
Nephrocyte-cells in sponges and insects which secrete waste and then migrate to the surface of
the body to discharge
Nephrostome-the section of the embryo from which kidney structures develop
Perinephridium- the connective or adipose tissue surrounding a kidney
OSM- smell
Anosmia-absence of the sense of smell; Lack of the sense of smell
Macrosmatic-possessing a highly developed sense of smell
Osmeterium-protrusible organ borne on first throracic segment of larvae of some butterflies
which emits a smell
THE- to put, to place
Allenthesis-introduction of foreign substance to the body
Athetosis-nervous disorder marked by recurrent, slow, continual change of position of fingers,
toes, hands, etc.
Epithem-an excrescence on the beak of birds; a plant tissue forming a hydathode; the secretory
layers in nectarines
Metathesis-a chemical reaction in which there is an exchange of radicals
Amblyacusia-dullness of hearing
Hyperacusia-abnormal acuteness of the sense of hearing; auditory hyperesthesia
Metachromy-change in color, as of flowers
Hyperesthesia-excessive sensibility
Paragraphia-perverted writing, a form of aphasia in which letters or words are misplaced or
improperly used; a loss of ability to express ideas in writing, usually the result of a
brain lesion
Hypokinesia-abnormally decreased muscular movement
Paralexia-a condition in which the patient misreads words because of brain injury
Metenteron-the enteron modified in any manner from the primitive archenteron; one of the
radical digestive chambers of an anthozoon as distinguished from the mesenteron
Peridontium-the supporting and investing tissue surrounding a tooth; namely the periodontal
membrane, the gingival and the alveolar bone
Paracusia-any perversion of the sense of hearing
Perimysium-the connective tissue enveloping bundles of muscle fibers
Parosmia- a perversion of the sense of smell; may be present in organic brain disease, in
schizophrenia (olfactory hallucinations) or in psychoneurotic conditions
Perianth-the floral envelope; external floral whorls including calyx and corolla; the external
envelope of a flower, the floral leaves collectively
Perihepatitis-inflammation of the peritoneum surrounding the liver
Progeria-premature senility
Prognosis-a prediction of the duration, course and termination of a disease, based on all
information available in the individual case and knowledge of how the disease behaves
Prognathous-having projecting jaws
Pronephros-one of the anterior of the three pairs of embryonic renal organs of typical vertebrates
Prosodus-a delicate canalicule between chamber and incurrent canal in some sponges
Prosthetic-replacing or substitutin; pertaining to an artificial substitute for a missing part, as
denture, hand, leg, eye
Syndactylism-adhesion of fingers or toes; webbed fingers or webbed toes
Syndesis-the state of being bound together
Syndesemctopia-ligamentous displacement
Synanthy-adhesion of flowers usually separate
Synanthesis-condition in which stamens and pistils mature simultaneously
Synergistic-pertaining to cooperative action of discrete agencies such that the total effect is
greater than the sum of the two effects taken individually, as drugs; cooperating, as
AMYGDAL- almond, tonsil
Amygdalin-a glycoside occurring in bitter almonds
Amygdalolith-tonsillar calculus
Amygdalitis-inflammation of the tonsils
ANDR- man, male
Androgynary-having flowers with stamens and pistils developing into petals
Andromonoecious-having male and hermaphrodite flowers on the same plant
Andromorphous-having the form of a man
Androphore-stalk that carries male gonophores in Siphonophora; A stalk that carries male
reproductive organs
Ergatandrous-having workerlike males
Protandrism or protandry-condition in hermaphrodite plants and animals where male elements
mature and are shed before female elements mature
ANTHROP- man, human being
Anthropopathy-ascription of human feelings to God, a god or an object in nature
Anthropophilic-showing a preference for human beings over animals
Sinanthropus-a genus of fossil men that includes peking Man
CHRON- time
Chronaxie-the duration of time that a current must flow in order to excite muscle tissue
Heterochrism-departure from typical sequence in time of formation of organs
Sphygmochronography-the registration of the extent and oscillations of the pulse wave
CLAD- branch
Cladode-branch arising form axil of leaf or green, flattened stem resembling a foliage leaf
Cladodont-having teeth with prominent central and small lateral cusps
Heterocladic-describing a communication between branches of different arteries
Neurocladic-pretaining to a theoretical phenomenon in which regeneratoino f injured neuraxons
is considered to occur by production of collateral or terminal branches
Phylloclade, cladophyll or cladode-a green, flattened or round-stemmed which as a leaf as in
DYNAM- , DYN- power
Adynamia-loss of vital strength or muscular power, weakness
Dyanometer-an instrument for the measurement of muscular strength
Hemodynamics-the study of how the physical properties of the blood and its circulationf through
the vessels affect blood flow and pressure
Hyperdynamic-showing excessive strength or exaggeration of function, as of nerves or muscles;
possessing more power than normal
EME- to vomit
Autemesia-functional or idiopathic vomiting
Hyperemesis-excessive vomiting
Emetic-having the power to evoke vomiting
GYMN- naked, uncovered
Gymnocarpous-with naked fruit; applicable to lichens with uncovered apothecia
Gymnopterous-having bare wings without scales, applicable to insects
Gymnorhinal-having nostril region not coverede by feathers, as some birds
Gymnosomatous-having no shell or mantle; Having no covering on the body
Gymnospore-a naked spore or germ not enclosed in a protective envelop
GYN(E)- , GYNEC- (GYNAEC- )- female
Digynous-having two carpels
Ergatogyne-a female ant resembling a worker
Gynadrous-having stamens fused with pistils as some orchids
Gynecomastia-enlargement of the mammary gland in the male
Gynodioecious-plants producing female or hermaphrodite flowers only
HELIC- , HELIX- spiral
Helix-the rounded convex margin of the ear
Anthelix-the curved ridge of the pinna just anterior to the helix
Helincine-ascending by spiral, pertaining to the helix
Helicopepsin-a proteolytic enzyme found in snails
Helicorubin-a respiratory pigment found in the guy and liver of snails
HYDR- water, fluid
Hydrarthrosis-an accumulation of fluid in a joint
Hydrocarpic-said of aquatic plants whose flowers are pollinated above water but withdrawn
below water for development
Hydropericarditis-pericarditis accompanied by serious effusion into the pericardium
Hydrophyllium-one of leaflike bodies arising above and partly covering the sporosacs in a
Hydrostome-the mouth of a hydroid polyp
Hydrotropism-response to stimulus of water
Hydrography-the mapping of bodies of water
Prohydrotropism-positive hydrotropism
IATR- physician, medical treatment
Amblyopiatrics-treatment of amblyopia
Cyniatria-branch of medicine dealing with dogs
Iadtrogenic-induced by a physician;effect of physician’s words or actions upon a patient
MELAN- black, dark
Melanin-a drak brown or black animal or plant pigment
Melanidrosis-a form of chromhidrosis in which the sweat is dark colored or black
Melanism-abnormal deposit of dark pigment in tissue, organs and the skin
Melanoderma-black pigmentation of the skin
Melanophore-a dendritic cell containing melanin in its cytoplasm
Melanophyllous-having leaves of a dark color
Melanocyte-a skin cell which produces dark pigment
NECR- corpse, dead tissue
Necryocytotoxin-a toxin produced by he death of cells
Necromimesis-a delusional state in which the patient believes himself to be dead, simulation of
death by a deluded person
Necrophagous-eating carrion
Necrophilia-sexual perversion in which dead bodies are violated; insane sexual desire for a
Osteoradionecrosis-bone necrosis due to irradiation by roentgen or radium rays
OLIG- few, scanty
Oligandrous-having few stamens
Oligochromemia-deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood
Oligohydruria-urine with a relative diminution of water, highly concentrated urine
Ologopod-furnished with few feet or legs
Oligotrichia-scantiness or thinness of hair
Oligotrophic-providing inadequate nutrition
PED- (PAED- )child (- pedia instruction)
Orthopedic-pertaining to the branch of surgery concerned with corrective treatment of
deformities, diseases and ailments of the locomotor apparatus especially those affecting
limbs, bones, muscles and joints; formerly devoted to correction and treatment of
deformities in children
Paedogamy-type of autogamy in protozoa where gametes are formed after multiple division of
the nucleus; conjugation of two protozoa originating from division of same individual
Pedarthrocace-necrotic ulceration or caries of the joints of children
Pedomorphic-pertaining to retention in the adult of youthful and juvenile characteristics
Pteropaedes-birds able to fly when newly hatcfhed
Pedodontia-the dentistry of children’s teeth
PHAG- to eat
Autophagia-self-consumption; emaciation; biting one’s own flesh, as in dementia
Autophagus-applicable to birds capable of running about and securing food for themselves when
newly hatched
Dysphagia-difficulty in swallowing or inablility to swallow; The experience of discomfort
while eating
Glossophagine-securing food by means of the tongue
Lithophagous-stone-eating, as birds; rock burrowing, as some mollusks
Phagocyte-colorless blood corpuscle which tends to ingest foreign particles
Phyllophagous-feeding on leaves
Trichophagia-the eating of hair
PHIL- to love, have an affinity for
Cryophilic or crymophilic-thriving at low temperature
Geophilous-living in or on the earth
Lithophilous-growing on stones or rocks; saxicoline
Polychromatophilism-capacity to be stained with more than one dye
POLY- many, much
Polyantha-any of several hybrid garden roses
Polyesthesia-an abnormality of sensation in which a single touch is felt in two or more places at
the same time
Polymer-the product resulting when two or more molecules of the same substance combine
Polyphagous-eating various kinds of food
Polyphyodont-having many successive sets of teeth
Poloyp-a pedunculated mass composed of neoplastic tissue or other structure found on mucous
Polypod-furnished with many feet or legs; many feet
Polytrophia-abundant or excessive nutrition
Polyuria-the passage of an excessive amount of urine
TARS- instep, edge of the eye
Hypotarsus-the calcaneum of a bird; process on metatarsus of birds
Tarsalgia-pain, especially of neuralgic character, in the tarsus of the foot
Tarsoplasty-plastic surgery of the eyelid; Surgical restoration of the eyelid
Tarsoptosia-flat foot
Anthropoid-pertaining to or resembling the primates-man, the apes and the monkeys
Android-resembling the male
Cladanthous-having terminal archegonia on short lateral branches; opposed to acrocarpous
Amygdaloid-almond shaped’ pertaining to or of the ature of the rock amygdaloid, i.e., any
igneous rock that contains small cavities produced, before solidification, by expansion
of steam and afterward filled by deposits of different minerals; a structure in the brain
Emetomania-morbid desire to vomit
Androgynous-having the characteristics of both sexes; being in nature both male and female;
hermaphroditic; bearing both staminate and pistillate flowers in the same cluster
Parenteral-outside the intestines; not via the alimentary tract
Pediatrics-the branch of medicine dealing with children’s diseases
Helicopod-circumduction; movement of the leg in a lateral arc as it scrapes the floor; the gait
seen in spastic hemiplegia
Metatarsal-pertaining to the portion of the foot between the tarsus and the phalanges, containg
five bones of the foot
Gymnanthous-with no floral envelope; achlamydeous
Gyandromorph-an individual of a bisexual species which exhibits the character of each sex in
scertain parts of the body
Dyschronous-not agreeing as to time
Polymorphic-having or occurring in several forms, as a substance which crystallizes in several
forms; in reference to the symptomatology of a disease process, polysymptomatic, i.e.
having a manifold symptoms which may not all occur simultaneously or in the same
Thermodynamics-the science which treats of the relation of heat and other forms of energy
Hydrodynamics-that branch of the science of mechanics which relates to the laws of motion and
actions of liquids
Anhydrous-denoting the absence of water, especially the water of crystallization
Melangeophious-dwelling in loam
Oligolecithal-having little yolk
Necrophilic-subsisting on dead matter
Necrotic-pertaining to the pathological death of a cell or group of cells in contact with living
Geophagous-eating earth or clay
Phytophagous-plant-eating; vegetarian
Anthophilous-attracted by flowers; feeding on flowers
-emua (- hemia), “condition of the blood,” “congestion of blood”
-logy, “science of,” “systematic study of”
-lysis, “dissolution of or by” (“surgical division or separation”)
-mania “madness for or about”
-pathy, “disease of,” “treatment of disease of or by”
Osteopathy- A therapeutic technique that emphasizes the proper alignment of bones
-phobia, “abnormal fear of”
-therapy, “treatment of or by”
Hydrotherapy-treament of ailments by means of water
-tomy, “surgical operation on,” “surgical cutting of”
-ectomy, “surgical removal of”
-uria, “condition of the urine”
ACR- extremity, summit
Acrodontism-the condition whereby teeth are attached to the summit of a parapet of bone, as in
Acromicria-underdevelopment of the extremities and of the skull as contrasted with visceral
development; A condition in which the extremities are abnormally small
Anacromyoidian-with syringeal muscles attached at dorsal ends of bronchial semi-rings, as in
Acropodium-digits, as fingers or toes
Acroscopic-facing toward the apex
Acrospore-the spore at the end of a sporophore
AcroparesthesiaAMYL- starch
Amyloid-a starchlike chemical
Achrooamyloid-a recently deposited amyloid which does not form a blue color with iodine
Amylase-an amylolytic enzyme which hydrolyzes starch to sugary
Amylolysis-the digestion of starch or its conversion to maltose ; The breaking up of starches in
Amyloplast-a leucoplast or colorless, starch-forming granule
BAR- weight, pressure BARY- heavy
Abarognosis-loss or lack of ability to estimate weight
Baresthesia-perception of weight or pressure
Barodontaglia-dental pain occurring in individuals expected to decreased barometric pressures
such as occur in high altitude flying; also called aerodontalgia
Baryphonia-a heavy or deep quality of the voice
Dysbarism-a condition of the body resulting from the existence of a pressure differential between
the the total ambient barometric pressure and the total pressure of dissolved and free
gases within the body tissues, fluids and cavities
Eurybaric-applicable to animals adaptable to great differences in altitude
BLENN- mucus
Blennophthalmia-catarrhal conjunctivitis
Blennorhagia-excessive mucous discharge
Oligoblennia-a deficient secretion of mucus
CYT- cell
Achroacytosis-an increase in the number of colorless or lymphocytic cells in the blood;
Chromocyte-any colored cell
Cytoderm-in botany, a cell wall
Cytolysis-the disintegration or dissolution of cells
Cytoplasm-the protoplasm of a cell other than that of the nucleus
Cytosome-a cell body exclusive of the nucleus
Cytostome-the oral aperture of a unicellular organism
Cytozoon-a protozoan parasite inhabiting a cell or having the structure of a simple cell
Erythrocytemia or erythrocytous-increased erythrocyte count; An unusually large red blood cell count
Oligocythemia-a reduction in the total quantity of erythrocytes in the body
Syncytium-a mass of cytoplasm which has number nuclei but which is not divided into cells by
cell walls
DIPS- thirst
Adipsia-absence of thirst; absence of drinking
Dipsophobia-a morbid fear of drinking; Mortal fear of being thirsty
Haemadipsa-a genus of terrestrial leeches, one species of which produce external hirudiniasis
Polydipsia or anadipsia-excessive thirst
DREPAN- sickle
Drepanidae-a family of small, slender moths usually with forewings hooked; the species are
called hooktips
Drepanium-a helicoids cyme with secondary axes developed in a plane parallel to that of the
main peduncle and its first branch
Drepanocyte-a crescent shaped cell
Anerythroblepsiaor anerythropsia-impaired color perception of red; red blindness
Erythremia or erythrocytosis-primary polycythemia
Erythrochloropsia-a form of subnormal color perception in which green and red are the only
colors correctly distinguished
Erythroderma or erythrodermia-a dermatosis characterized by an abnormal redness of the skin
Erythrophilous-referring to red-staining nuclear substance of cells; having an affinity for red dye
Erythrophyll- a erd coloring matter in some leaves and red algae; A red pigment in leaves
Hemoerythrin-a red pigment found in the blood of worms and other invertebrates
Photerythrous-of heightened sensitivity to the red end of the spectrum
Zooerythrin-a red pigment foumd in plumage of various birds
GLYC- sugar, GLYCOS- sugar, glucose
Glycogen-a carbohydrate found in liver cells and many other tissues; it is formed from
carbohydrates and stored in the liver, where it is converted, as the system requires into
Glycolysis-the process of conversion of carboyhydrate in tissue into pyruvic acid or lactic acid
Glycophyte-a plant unable to thrive on substratum containing more than 0.5% sodium chloride in
solution, opposite to halophyte
Hyperglycosuria-the presence of deficient amounts of sugar in the urine
Hypoglycosuria- Abnormally low amount of sugar in the urine
HIST- , HISTI- tissue
Histiocyte or histocyte-fixed macrophagy of the loose connective tissue
Histokinesis-movement that takes place in the minute structural elements of the body
Histometaplastic-causing the transformation of one tissue into another type
Histotrophic-pertaining to or connected with tissue formation or repair; connected with
nourishment of fetus
Histozoic-living on or within the tissues, denoting certain protozoon parasites
HYSTER- uterus, hysteria
Hysterics-colloquial term for a hysterical attack
Hysteria-a psychoneurotic disorder characterized by extreme emotionalism
Hysterography-roentgenological examination of the uterus
Hysterolaparotomy-abdominal hysterectomy
Hysterotomy-incision of the uterus; a caesarian section; Surgical incision into the uterus
ICHTHY- fish
Ichthyismus-poisoning due to the absorption of mytilotoxin in muscles or from eating spoiled
Ichthyodont-a fossil fish tooth
Ichthyol-trade name for a mild antiseptic prepared from shales containing fossil fish remains
Ichthyotoxismus-food poisoning from fish
IRID- , IRIS- iris, rainbow
Iridizatoin-the appearance of an iridescent halo, seen by persons affected by glaucoma
Iridocyte-a special cell responsible for the beautiful iridescence of many fishes
Iridodialysis-the separation of the iris from its attachments
Iridokinesia-any movement of the iris
Iridoplegia-paralysis of the sphincter pupillae of the iris of the eye
ISCH- to suppress
Ischesis-retention of a discharge or secretion
Ischomenia-suppression of the menstrual flow
Ischuria-retention or suppression of the urine; Suppression of the flow of urine
LAPAR- abdomen, soft part of the body between the ribs and hip
Thoracoloaparotomy-obsolete term for an operation in which both thorax and abdomen are
Laparotrachelotomy-low caesarian section
Laparorhapy-suture of the abdominal wall
LIP- fat
Lipochrome or chromolipoid-any one of the group of fatlike substances containing a pigment or
coloring matter and occurring in natural fats such as egg yolks
Lipodystrophy-a disturbance of the fat metabolism in which the subcutaneous fat disappears over
large areas of the body but is unaffected in others
Lipase-a fat splitting enzyme
MAST- , MAZ- breast
Acromastitis-inflammation of a nipple
Hypermastia-overgrowth of the mammary gland
Amastia or amazia-congenital absence of the mammae
PHREN- mind, diaphragm
Phrenic-pertaining to the mind or the diaphragm
Gastrophrenic-pertainiing to the stomach and the diaphragm, as the gastrophrenic ligament
Hebephrenia-a type of schizophrenia marked by silliness and extreme mannerisms, often
aricaturing certain adolescent behavior
Phrenemphraxis-crushing of the phrenic nerve with a hemostat to produce temporary paralysis of
the diaphragm, a form of collapse therapy used in the treatment of pulmonary
PY- pus
Hydropyonephrosis-distention of the pelvis of the kidney with urine and pus
Pyophthalmia-purulent ophthalmia; A disorder of the eye resulting in a discharge of pus
Pyorrhea-a purulent discharge, an excessive discharge of pus
THANAT- death
Thanatoid-resembling death
Thanatology-the study of the phenomenon of organic death; The scientific study of death
Thanatophobia-a morbid fear of death
Hyperglycemia-excess of sugar in the blood
Amyluria-presence of starch in the urine
Mastectomy-excision or amputation of the breast
Ichthyology-the branch of biology dealing with the study of fish
Ecdemomania-obsolete word for a morbid desire to wander
Erythrophobia-a morbid intolerance or fear of red colors, may be associated with the fear of
blood; fear of blushing
Gymnophobia-a morbid fear of a naked person or a naked part of the body; A fear of being naked
Drepanocythemia-sickle-cell anemia characterized by sickling of erythrocytes when
deoxygenated; hereditary, familial, chronic hemolytic anemia, peculiar to Negroes and
sometimes seen in other dark-skinned people
Acrophobia-a morbid fear of being at a great height
Zoophobia-a morbid fear of animals
Hypobaropathy-chronic mountain sickness
Blennuria-the presence of mucus in the urine
Enterolysis-removal of adhesions binding the intestines
Histolysis-disintegratoin and dissolution of organic tissue
Phrenicotomy-surgical divisionof a phrenic nerve in the neck neck for the purpas of causing a
one-sided paralysis of the diaphragm,, with consequent immobilization and
compression of a diseased lung
Melanuria-the presence of black pigment in the urine
Hysterectomy-total or partial removal of the uterus
Dipsotherapy-treatment of certain diseases by reducing the amount of fluid allowed the patient
Ischemia-local diminution in the blood supply due to obstruction of inflow of arterial blood;
local anemia
Laparotomy-generally, an incision through the abdominal wall; celiotomy, i.e. the operation of
cutting into the abdominal cavity through the loin or flank; Surgical incision into the
Lipemia or lipidemia-the presence of a fine emulsion of fatty substances in the blood
Liplysis-the decomposition of fat
Thanatomania-death by autosuggestion, as in individuals believe they are under the spell of a
Pyuria-the presence of pus in the urine
Iridemia-hemorrhage of the eye
-genous, -genic, “producing” “produced”
-hedron, “solid figure having a (specified) number of faces”
Hectahedron- A solid figure having 100 faces
-iasis, “diseased condition”; often refers to an infestation by parasites
-meter, “instrument for measuring,” “measure”
-metry, “art of science of measuring”
-nomy, “science of,” “system of laws governing”
-oecious, “having a house or dwelling”
-philous, philic, “loving,” “thriving in,” “pollinated by the agency of”
-plastry, “formation,” plastic surgical operation”
-rrhea, “abnormal flow or discharge of”
-stomy, “the making of a surgical opening”
ACANTH- thorn, prickle
Acanthesthesia-a sensation as of pricking with needles
Acanthocladous-having spiny branches
Acanthocyst-a sac containing lateral or reserve stylets in Nemertea
Acantholysis-any skin disease in which there is an atrophy of the prickle-cell layer
Acanthophore-a conical mass, the basis of the median stylet in Nemertea; a tubular spine in some
Acanthosis-a benign overgrowth of the prickle cell layer of the skin
Heteracanthous-having the spines in the dorsal fin asymmetrical
Hexacanth-having six hooks; applicable to embryos of certain flat worms
Paracanthosis-a process characterizd by some anomaly in the prickle cell layer of the epidermis
AER- air, gas
Aerocele-a tumor caused by the escape of air into an adventitious pouch usually connected with
the trachea or larynx
Aerocyst-an air vesicle of algae
Aerocystoscopy-examination of the interior of the urinary bladder with a cystoscope, the bladder
being distended with air
Aerpoathy-any pathologic condition brought about by a change in atmospheric pressure, as
caisson disease or aeroembolism
Aerophyte-a plant which grows attached to an aerial portion of another plant
AUT- self
Autism-a tendency to morbid concentration on oneself
Autocytotoxin-a cell toxin produced against the cells of one’s own body
Autodont-designating or pertaining to teeth not directly attached to jaws, as in cartilaginous fish
Autophagia-self-consumption, emaciation; biting of own’s own flesh, as in dementia
Autophyllogeny-growth of one leaf upon or out of another
Autotomy-mechanism by means of which many organisms are able to cast off parts of their
bodies; self-division; a surgical operation performed on one’s own body; in psychiatry,
the act of scratching away some part of the body, as in catatonia
Autotrophy-a bacterium able to grow in an inorganic environment by using CO2 as its sole
source of carbon
Autotrope-an organism that seems to provide its own nourishment
BLEPHAR- eyelid
Ablephary-congenital absence of the eyelid
Blepharoplasty-operation for restoration of the eyelid, plastic surgery operation on eyelid
Symblepharosis-adhesion of the eyelids to the globe of the eye or to each other
CARCIN- cancer
Carcinogen-any cancer-producing substance
Carcinoid-a tumor derived from argentaffin, usually benign
Mastocarcinoma-mammary tumor which is malignant
CHEIL- (CHIL- )- lip
Acheilary-having labellum undeveloped, as some orchids
Chilidium-a shelly plate covering deltidial fissure in dorsal valve of certain Brachiopoda
Acheilia-congenital absence of the lips
COL- colon
Coloproctostomy-formation of a new passage between the colon and the rectum
Paracollitis-inflammation of the tissue adjacent to the colon, not covered by peritoneum
Phrenicocolic or phrenocolic-pertaining to the diaphragm and the colon
COPR- excrement
Coprodaeum-the division of the cloaca which receives the rectum
Coprolite-petrified feces
Coprolith-a hard mass of fecal matter in the bowels
Coprophrasia-the abnormal interjection of obscene words into speech
CRY- , CRYM- cold, ice
Acrocyst-the spherical, gelationous cyst formed by gonophores at maturation of generative cells
Cystitis-inflammation of the urinary bladder
Cytocyst-the envelope formed by remains of a host cell within which a protozoon parasite
Gametocyst-cyst surrounding two associated free forms in sexual reproduction of gregarines
Hematocyst-a cyst containing blood
Nematocyst-a stinging cell
Nephrocystanastomosis-renal pelvis and urinary bladder
Oocyst-cyst formed around two conjugating gametes in Sporozoa
Polycystic-containing many cysts
DACRY- tear
Dacrydium-a genus of shrubs, named from resinous gum exuded
Dacryocystitis-inflammation of the lacrimal sac
GASTR- (GASTER- )- stomack, belly of a muscle
Gamogastrous-a pistil formed by union of ovaries
Gastropod or gasteropod-a mollusk with ventral muscular disc adapted for creeping
Gastrozooid-in coelenterate colonies, the nutrient member with mouth and tentacles
Metagastric-pertaining to posterior gastric region
Progastrin-precursor of gastric secretion in mucus membrane of stomach
Anthelmintic-destuctive to worms
Hemlminthology-the study of parasitic worms
Helminthoma-a tumor caused by the presence of a parasitic worm
HETER- other, different
Heterochromia-a difference in coloration in two parts of structure or in two structures that are
normally alike, as the irises of the eyes
Heterodont-having teeth of more than one shape, as in man
Heterogamy-the conjugation of gametes of unlike size and structure, as in higher plants and
animals, Union of reproductive cells of differing sizes
Heterokinesis-movement resulting from external stimuli
Heterokinesia-the execution of body movements opposite those ordered
Heterophoria-any tendency of the eyes to turn away from the position correct for binocular
Heterophoralgia-pain caused by heterophoria
HYGR- moisture
Hygrokinesis-movement in response to changes in humidity
Hygroma-a cystic cavity derived from distended lymphatics and filled with lymph
Hygroplasm-the more liquid part of protoplasm; opposite of stereoplasm
Hygroscopic-readily absorbing moisture
Hygrostomia-chronic salivation
MEN- moon, menstruation
Meniscectomy-the surgical excision of a meniscus or semilunar cartilage
Meniscocyte-a sickle-shaped erythorocyte
Meniscus- a crescent or crescentic body, especially an interarticular fibrocartilage; a
concavoconvex lens or convexoconcave lens; curved surface of a column of liquid; A
small moon-shaped figure
OT- ear
Diotic-binaural; pertaining to both ears
Otocyst-in invertebrates, an auditory vesicle, otocell or otidium; in vertebrates, an embryonic
auditory vesicle; A sac that serves as a hearing apparatus in the embryo
Otolith-calcareous particles or platelike structures found in the auditory organ of many animals
PSYCH- mind, soul
Psyche-the mind as a functional entity, serving the adjust the total organism to the needs and
demands of its environment
Psychokinesis-the direct action of mind on matter, i.e., on objects discrete from the subject’s
Psychopathic-pertaining to a morally irresponsible person
Psychozoic-of or relating to the period beginning with the appearance of man on the earth
RHIN- , - RRHIN- nose
Amphirhinal-having or pertaining to two nostrils
Catarrhine-having a narrow or slender nose
Gymnorhinal-with nostril region not covered by feathers, as in some birds
Rhinencephalon-that portion of the cerebrum concerned with reception and integration of
olfactory impulses; the anterior infereior part of the forebrain that is chiefly concerned
with olfaction; the part of the brain that processes the sense of smell
Rhinophonia-a nasal tone in the speaking voice
Rhinophore-a process on the aboral side of the eye of certain mollusks, with supposed olfactory
Rhinotheca-the sheath of the upper jaw of a bird
TAC- , TAX- to arrange, to put in order
Amyotaxia-muscular ataxia or incoordination of spinal or cerebellar origin
Anthotaxis-arrangement of flowers on an axis
Asyntaxia-failure of the neural tube to close
Cytotaxis-rearrangement of the cells on stimulation
Phototaxis-response to stimulus of light
Phyllotaxy-the arrangement of leaves on an axis or stem
Taxeopodous-having a proximal and distal tarsal bones in straight lines parallel to the limb axis
Taxon-a taxonomic group or entity; the name applied to a taxonomic group in a formal system of
Iatrogenic-induced by a physician; referring to the effect of a physician’s words or actions on a
Crymophilic or pschrophilic-pertaining to cold-loving organisms; applied to microorganisms
which develop best from 15o to 20oC
Cryogenics (formerly cryogeny)-the branch of physics that relates to the production and effects
of very low temperatures
Polyhedron-a solid figure having many surfaces
Coprophilic-growing on fecal matter, said of certain bacteria; fond of pornography
Carcinogenic-pertaining to a substance or agent causing development of a carcinoma or
epithelioma; loosely pertaining to a substance or agent causing development of a
malignancy of any sort
Acanthocephaliasis-infestation by Acanthocephala (round worms with hooked proboscises)
Hygrophilic-inhabiting moist or marshy places
Heteroecious-passing different stages of life history in different hosts; metoecious; metoxenous
Hemlinthiasis-a disease condition produced by the presence of parasitic worms in the body
Rhinoplasty-a plastic operation upon the nose
Psychometry-the branch of clinical or applied psychology dealing with the use and application of
mental measurement
Dysmenorrhea-difficult or painful menstruation
Aerogenous-forming gas
Chromodacryorrhea-the flow of colored tears from the Harderian glands in rats
Taxonomy-the laws of classification as applied to natural history
Graphorrhea-uncontrollable desire to write, in which pages are covered with unconnected and
meaningless words
Heteroplasty-the operation of grafting parts taken from another species
Colocolostomy-an anastomosis between two noncontinuous segments of the colon in order to
short-circuit the lumen around inoperable obstructing tumors or to prepare for later
Cheiloplasty-a plastic operation on the kip
Gastroenterostomy-the formation of a communication between the stomach and the small
Otopyorrhea-a purulent discharge from the ear
Hygroblepharic-serving to moisten the eyelid
Dacryocystotomy-incision of the lacrimal sac
Autoplasty-repair of a defect by grafting tissue from the same species
Alloplasty-repair of a defect with non-organic substances such as gold or ivory
Emetatrophia-malnourishment due to vomiting
Polygyny-the practice of having more than one wife
Asynchronous-not coordinated in time
Dipsomania-an constant abnormal desire to drink
Hypercryalgesia-The suffering of unusually severe pain upon exposure to cold
Phrenitis-Inflammation of the diaphragm
Ophthalmology-study of the eye
Actin- ray
actinic- pertaining to, or designating, the rays of the spectrum which produce chemical change
actiniform- exhibiting radiate form or structure, such as ray fungus or structure, such as the ray
fungus or sea anemone
Actinogenic- producing radiation
Actinost- basal bone of fin-rays in teleosts
Actinostome- mouth of the sea anemone; five-rayed oral aperture of the starfish
Adiactinic- impervious to, or not penetrated by, actinic rays
Hexactinal- with six rays
Argyr- silver
Argyria- the dusty grey or bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membrane produced by the
prolonged administration or application of silver preparation.
Argyrotaenia-genus of moths
Hydrargyrophthalmia-ophthalmia due to mercurial poisoning
Ba- to step, to go, to walk
Basidium-a special cell or row of cells of certain fungi, forming spores by abstrictions
Basidiophore-a sporophore which carries basidia
Basiophthalmite-the proximal joint of the eye stalk in crustaceans
Basophobia-morbid fear of walking or standing erect
Gynobase-a gynoecium-bearing receptacle of certain plants such as the pistils and ovaries
Brom- stench, bromine
Bromoderma-skin eruption due to ingestion of bromides
Brominism-bromine poisoning; the diseased state caused by prolonged administration of
Brompopnea-fetid breath
Chole(e)- bile gall
Chologogue-agent which stimulates flow of bile from liver
Cholochrome-any bile pigment
Eucholia-normal condition of the bile
Clas- to break
Arthroclasia-breaking down of ankylosis of joint
Cardioclasis-rupture of the heart
Odontoclast-a multinucleated cell found associated with absorption of the roots of a deciduous
Crani- cranium
Apocrine-designating a type of secretion in which the secretion-filled free end of a gland is
pinched off, leaving the nucleus and most of the cytoplasm to recover and repeat the
Chromocrinia-the secretion or excretion of colored material
Cytocrinia-the transfer of pigment from melanblasts to other cells or melanin from basal to
intermediate cells of the epidermis, as in sunburn
Endocrine-secreting internally
Enterocrinin-a hormone produced by the intestinal mucous which stimulates the glands of the
small intestine
Epicritic-pertaining to sensory nerve fibers which enable one to make very fine distinctions of
temperature and touch
Exocrine-secreting o an epithelial surface, either directly or by ducts
Neurocrine-pertaining to secretory function of new cells
Eury- wide
Euryphagous-subsisting on a wide variety of foods
Eurysome-short and stout
Procteurynter-an instrument for dilating the anus or rectum
Hem- , hemat- (haem- , haemat- )- blood
Acardiohemia-lack of blood in the heart
Haematobic-living in blood
Hematophagous-pertaining to a blood-sucking insect
Haemin-a blood substance
Histohaematin-an intracellular haemin compound
Hidro(s)- sweat
Synhidrosis-concurrent sweating; the association of perspiration with some other condition
Acrohyperhidrosis-increased perspiration of the hands and feet
Chromhidrosis-a rare condition in which the sweat is colored
Lith- , - lite- stone
Cryolite-sodium-aluminim fluoride, named form its icy appearance
Dacryolith-a calcareous concretion in the lacrimal passages
Lithodialysis-the solution of calculi in the urinary bladder, the breaking of a vesicle calculus
previous to its removal
Lithophyll-a fossil leaf or leaf impression
Otolith-a calcareous particle or platelike structure found auditory organs of certain animals
Myi- fly
Anthomyia-a genus of flies laying egs in food and causing enteromyiasis
Myiasis-disease caused by the invasion of the larvae of flies
Ophthalmomyiasis-disease due to the presence of the larvae of flies in the eye
Op- , opt- eye, to see; prosop- face
Chromatopseudopsis-color blindness
Emmetropia-normal or perfect vision; the condition in which parallel rays are focused exactly on
the retina without effort of accommodation
Hemianopsia-blindness in half the visual field; may be bilateral or unilateral; lack of vision in
half the visual field
Hypermetropia-focus of light behind the retina
Myiodeopsia-condition in which muscae volitantes appear (muscae volitantes-floating specks in
the field of vision due to opacities in the media of the eye)
Orth- straigh, correct
Anorthite-feldspar not at right angles in cleavage; oblique cleavage
Orthochromatic-originating in photography, denoting correctness in rendering of colors
Orthoenteric-having alimentary canal along internal ventral body surface
Orthopsychiatry-prevention and treatment of behavioural disorders; mental hygiene and
preventive methods are the main areas of interest
Orthoptic-pertaining to normal binocular vision, having correct vision
Pha- , phan- to appear, to show
Chromophane-the pigment of the inner segments of the retinal cones of certain animals
Diaphane-transparent investing membrane of an organ or a cell
Menophania-first appearance of the menses
Metaphase-middle stage of meiosis
Myophan-muscllike; applies to striation of protozoa
Thermophase-first developmental stage in some plants which can be partially or entirely
completed during seed ripening if temperature and humidity are favourable
Rhe- , - rrh- to flow, current
Cryptorhetic-secreting internally; endocrine
Rheobase-the minimum electric potential necessary for stimulation
Rheocardiography-recording of differences of electrical conductivity of the body synchronous
with the cardiac cycle
Rheophore-an electrode
Rheotaxis or rheotropism-locomotor response to stimulus of current, usually water
Scop- to view
Cryoscope-device for determining the freezing point of any liquid
Scopophobia-morbid dread of being seen
Endoscope-instrument used to examine an internal body cavity or viscus through its natural
openings, An instrument for seeing inside of a body cavity or organ
Sta- to stand, to stop, to fix, to regulate
Acatastasia-irregularity, nonconforming to type
Amyostasia-a tremor of the muscles causing difficulty in standing, often seen in locomotor ataxia
Ananastasia-abulic inability to rise from a sitting posture, inability to stand up
Blepharodiastasis-excessive separation of the eyelids; in ability to close the eyelids completely
Craniostat-a device for holding the skull during craniometric study
Hemostasia-stagnation of the blood; arrest of the flow of blood
Orthostatic-pertaining to or caused by standing upright, as albuminuria
Styl- pillar
Cepahlostyle-the anterior end of the notochord enclosed in a sheath
Style-the slender upper part of a pistil
Systylous-in botany, with coherent styles
Styloid-processes of the temporal bone, fibula, etc.
Stylomastoid-pertaining to styloid and mastoid processes
Stylopodium-a conical swelling surrounding bases of divaricating styles of Umbelliferae
Hematocrit-a small centrifuge used to separate blood cells
Dioptre-unit of measurement of refractive power of an optic lens
Optician-a maker of optical instrument and lenses
Ophthalmologist-one who specializes in the anatomy, physiology and treatment of the eye
Optometrist-one who measures the degrees of visual powers, without the aid of a cycloplegic or
mydriatic; a refreactionist
Orthodontist-one who specializes in the branch of dentists concerned with the treatment of
Haemostat-an agent or instrument which arrests the flow of blood
Rheostat-an instrument introduced into an electric current and offering a known resistance, for
the purpose of altering the intensity of the current
Osteoclast-a powerful surgical apparatus or instrument for fracturing a bone; one of the large
multinuclear cells found in association with the reabsorption of bone, Used for
fracturing bone
Heterostyly-in botany, having unlike or uneven styles
Hydrargyriasis-chronic mercurial poisoning
Cranioclast-heavy forceps for crushing the fetal head
Hydrophanous-made transparent by immersion in water
Euryhygric-adaptable to a wide range of atmospheric humidity
Diaphanoscope-a device for lighting an interior body cavity so as to render it visible from the
Actinotherapy-therapeutic use of chemical rays or radiant energy, including sunlight, ultraviolet
light, x-rays and emanations of radium or other radioactive material
Eurybaric-adaptable to great differences in altitude
Cholecystenterostomy-the establishment of a communication between the gall bladder and the
small intestine
Bromhidrosiphobia-a morbid dread of offensive personal smells, with hallucinations as to the
perception of them
Lithemia-a condition in which, owing to defective metabolism of the nitrogenous elements, the
blood becomes charged with uric acid
Enteromyiasis-disease due to the presence of the larvae of flies in the intestines
Stylet-a wire inserted into a soft catheter or cannula for securing rigidity; a wire inserted into a
hypodermic or other needle to ensure potency
Nephrolithiasis-the formation of renal calculi, or the diseased state that leads to their formation
Actinolyte or actinolite-an apparatus designed for use in actinotherapy; a device which gnerates
ultraviolet rays; any substance which undergoes a rather marked change when exposed
to light
Orthoclase-common or potash feldspar, which is orthoclastic
Blep- to see
Ablepsia- loss or absence of vision
Monoblepsia- a condition in which either eye has a better visual power than both together; a
form of color blindness in which only one color can be perceived
Parablepsis- false or perverted vision
Parachromatoblepsia or parachromatism- false or incorrect perception of color, not true color
Cor(e)- pupil of the eye
Corediastasis- dilatation of the pupil
Corelysis- the detachment of iritic adhesions to the lens or cornea
Polycoria- the existence of more than one pupil in an iris
Cra- to mix
Crasis- constitution, make up
Hematodyscrasia- diseased state of the blood
Hypocrateriform- saucer- shaped
Cyan- blue
Cyanochrous- having blue skin
Cyanophyll- a bluish- green coloring matter in plants
Cyanopia or cyanopsia- a perverted sense of vision rending all objects blue
Oxyhaemocyanin- haemocyanin combined with oxygen
Cye- to be pregnant
Cyophoria- pregnancy, gestation
Metacyesis- extrauterine gestation
Paracyesis- extrauterine pregnancy
Galact- , gala- milk
Galactose-a soluble proteolytic enzyme normally present in milk
Galactin-an amorphous substance derived from milk; a potent hormone stimulating lactation
Galactophorous-lactiferous; applies to ducts of the mammary glands
Galactorrhea-excessive flow of milk, Secretion of milk not associated with childbirth
Galactose-a type of sugar
Galactotropic-stimulating milk secretion; applicable to the hormone prolactin
Galactostasis-suppression of milk secretion; an abnormal collection of milk in a breast, A
stoppage of the secretion of milk
Geu- to taste
Dysgeusia-morbidity or perversion of the sense of taste; A condition in which all food tastes bad
Psychogeusic-pertaining to perception of taste
Hypergeusia-abnormal acuteness of the sense of taste
Gloss- , glot(t)- tongue, language
Aglossostomia-with tongue lacking and mouth imperforate
Bradyclossia-slow speech due to difficulty in tongue movement
Epiglottis-an elastic cartilage covered by mucous membrane forming that superior part of the
larynx which guards the glottis during swallowing
Glossotheca-the proboscis-covering part of the pupal integument of insects
Glottochronology-the study of the time during which two or more languages have evolved
separately from a common source
Phrenoglottismus-spasm of the glottis caused by the disease of the diaphragm
Styloglossal-pertaining to a muscle arising from the styloid process of the temporal bone and
inserted into the tongue
Idi- one’s own, peculiar, distinct
Idioandrosporous-bearing androspores and oogonia on separate filaments
Idiobiology-the branch of biology concerned with the study of organisms as individuals
Idiochromatic-having a distinctive and constant coloration used especially of minerals
Idiogamist-one who is capable of coitus only with his marital partner or with a few women,
being impotent with women in general
Idiotype-individual genotype
Is- equal, same
Anisochromia-a variation in the color of erythrocytes in which only the peripheral zone of the
cell is colored; An unevenness of color
Isohemolysis-the lysis of red blood cells of one individual of a species by specific antibodies in
the serum of another
Isometric-pertaining to the equality of measure; taking place against resistance without
significant shortening of muscle fibers
Isozoic-inhabited by similar forms of animal life
Lal- to talk
Barylalia-an indistinct, thick speech; occurs in patients with organic brain disease; common in
advanced general paresis
Bradylalia-slowness of utterance
Enantiolalia-talking contrariwise; a disturbance in mental and speech function which prompts
ideas and words opposite those presented as stimuli
Heterolalia-unconscious saying of one thing while another is intended; heterophemy
Rhinolalia-a nasal tone in the voice due to undue closure or patulousness of the choanae
Mega- , megal- large, one million
Hydromegatherm-a plant which must have so much heat and moisture to develop fully
Megalaesthete-sensory organs, sometimes in the form of eyes, as in Placophora
Megalopic-belonging to the megalops stage, i.e., a larval stage of certain crustaceans,
conspicuous by large, stalked eyes
Megaphyllous-having relatively large leaves
Megarhinus-a genus of large, nonbiting American mosquitoes wihtcurved beaks
Mogi- difficult
Mogilalia- difficulty in speech, such as stuttering or stammering
Mogigraphia- writer’s cramp
Ne- new, new and different form of
Glyconeogenesis- the formation of carbohydrates form substances which are not carbohydrates
Nearthrosis- a new and abnormally produced articulation in the sequence of a fracture,
dislocation or disease of a bone
Neoanthropic- belonging to the same species as recent man
Neogamous- applicable to forms of protozoa exhibiting precocious association of gametocytes
Neolalia- speech, especially of psychotics, that includes words that are new and meaningless
Neophobia- dread of new scenes or novelties
Odyn- pain
Odynophobia- morbid dread of pain; algophobia
Glossodynia- pain in the tongue
Myodynia- muscular pain
Onych- finger or toenail, claw
Acronychous- having claws, nails and hoofs
Eponychium- a horny condition of the epidermis; the horn layer
Neonychium- a soft pad enclosing each claw of an embryo
Onychoheterotopia- an anomaly consisting of the presence of abnormally situated nails, as on the
lateral aspect of the terminal phalanges
Path- disease, suffering, feeling
Apopathetic- behavior not overtly directed towards others but clearly influenced by their
presence; showing off
Hyperpathia-a disagreeable or painful sensation in a region which is really hyperesthetic
Idiopathic-pertaining to a primary disease, i.e., one not the result of any other disease, but of
spontaneous origin; a disease of which no cause is known
Pathmimesis-imitation the symptoms and signs of disease; occurs in hysteria and in malingering
Pep(s)- , pept- to digest
Pepsin-a substance containing a proteolytic enzyme obtained from the glandular layer of a hog’s
Peptic-pertaining to pepsin; pertaining to digestion, as peptic ulcer
Peptonephridia-the anterior nephridia which function as digestive glands in some Oligochaeta
Pseud- false
Chromatopseudoposis-color blindness; chromateloposia
Pseudacusis-a disturbance of hearing in which a person’s own voice sounds strange or peculiar,
being altered in pitch and quality
Pseudoblepsia-a visual hallucination; a distorted visual image; The experiencing of visual
Pseudocyst-a saclike space containing liquid, etc., which has no definite lining membrane
Pseudoisochromatic-pertaining to the different colors which appear alike to the color-blind
Pseudonychium-a lobe or process between the claws of insects
Pseudopod-a footlike body-wall process of certain larvae
Tele- afar, operating at a distance
Teleopsia-a disorder in visual perception of space
Telegnois-knowledge of distant happenings obtained by occult or unknown means; clairvoyance
Teletherapy-treatment in absentia; suggestive therapeutics
Acyanopsia, acyanoblepsia or acyoblepsia-inability to see blue colors; Inability to perceive the color
Anerythroblepsia or anerythropsia-impaired color perception of red; red blindness
Dyscrasia-an abnormal state of the body
Glossolalia-unintelligible jabbering; talk in a strange or unkknwon tongue; jargon
Idioglossia-any form of speech or utterance invented by an individual and unique with him,
usually incomprehensible to others; in a very young child, a transitional stage toward
normal speech
Aneurysm-a dilatation of the wall of an artery forming a blood-containing tumor
Ichthyismus-poisoning due to the absorption of mytilotoxin in muscles or eating spoiled fish
Neoplasm-any new growth, usually applied to a tumor; an aberrant new growth
Megalocardia-hypertrophy of the heart
Anisocoria-inequality in the diameter of the pupils
Mogiarthria-a form of dysarthria involving defective coordination of the muscles; Difficulty in
moving one's joints
Pseudocyesis-phantom pregnancy; the belief on the part of a woman in the existence of
pregnancy when none exists
Telepathy-the direct awareness of what is taking place in another person’s mind
Embololalia-the insertion of meaningless words into speech occurring in some aphasic or
schizophrenic states
Telekinesis-the power claimed by some people of causing objects to move without touching
Mastodynia-a condition affecting females, usually of low fertility, between the ages of twentyfive and forty, clinically characterized by a pain in one or both breasts
Galactacrasia-deficiency of or abnormality in mother’s milk
Melanonychia-a condition in which the fingernails or toenails turn black
Parageusia-perversion of the sense of taste
Melanoglossia-the disease known as blacktongue or Stuttgart disease
Pathogenic-pertaining to the capacity to produce disease
Amylodyspepsia-inability to digest starchy foods
Paronychia-a suppurative inflammation about the margin of a snail
Barodontalgia or aerodontalgia-dental pain occurring in individuals exposed to decreased
barometric pressure such as occur in high-altitude flying; A pain in a tooth due to pressure
Aden- gland
Adenodactyli or adenocheiri- elaborate accessory copulatory organs which are outgrowths of the
atrial walls which are outgrowths of the atrial walls of Trubellaria
Adenophore- the stalk of a nectar gland
Adenopodous- bearing glands on peduncles or petioles
Ectadenia- ectodermal accessory genital glands in insects
Heteradenia- an abnormality in the formation or location of gland tissue
Angi- vessel
Angiodystrophia- defective nutrition of blood vessels
Angiitis- inflammation of blood or lymph vessel
Angiopneumorgraphy- radiographic visualization of the pulmonary artery by means of a nontoxic, radiopaque substance
Angiostomatous- narrow- mouthed; applicable to molluscs and snakes with nondistensible
Gametangium- a structure producing sexual cells
Arachn- spider (occasionally “arachnoid membrane”)
Arachnida- a large of Arthropoda which includes scorpians, spiders and mites
Arachnidium- apparatus by which a spider web is produced
Arachnoidureterostomy- a one-staged operation for relief of progressive hydrocephally in
infants, in which cerebrospinal fluid is shunted into the urinary tract
Astr- , aster- star
Aster-the radiating structure surrounding the centrosome of a cell, seen at the beginning of
Amphiaster-the achromatic figure in mitosis consisting of two asters connected by a spindle
Asteroid-one of the small planets between Jupiter and Mars
Asteroidea-the class of echinoderms comprising starfish
Asterophyllites-a form genus of fossil plants having a starlike arrangement of leaves
Cytaster-the starlike system of cytoplasmic radiations surrounding the central body during
Blast- bud, germ, embryonic cell
Amphiblastula-the stage in development of certain spoinges in which the posterior end of the
embryo is composed of granular archaeocytes and the anterior end is composed of
flagellate cells
Astroblast-a primitive cell which develops into an astrocyte
Blastoderm-primitive germ layer or epithelium of a blastula or blastocyst from which primary
germ layers are derived
Blastokinesis-a process of cephalo-caudal reversal in the eggs of insects and certain cephalopods
Blastostyle-in Hydrozoa, a columniform zooid with or without mouth and tentacles, bearing
Erytrhoblastosis-hemolytic anemia of the newborn, involving an increased number of nucleated
red blood cells
Lipoblast-a formative fat cell
Lipoblastosis-multiple lipomas in subcutaneous and visceral fat deposits
Megaloblast-a large erythrocyte, seen in some anemias; an immature megalocyte
Chlor- green chlorine
Chloroplast- a minute granule or plastid containing chlorophyll
Chlorosis- green sickness, a type of anemia seen most frequently in young women
Erythrochloropia- color- blind condition whereby green and red are the only colors distinguished
Hypochoruria- dimunition in the amount of chloride in the urine
Zoochlorellae- symbiotic green algae living in various animals
Cocc- berry shaped organism
Chlorococcales- an order of unicellular green algae
Coccolith- a calcareous spicule in certain Flagellata
Cryptococcus- a genus of yeastlike, budding, imperfect fungi
Cocculus- the very poisonous, bean- shaped berry of a woody vine used in the East Indies to
stupefy fishes and as an ointment to control vermin
Cytococcus- nucleus of a fertilized egg
Pyococcus- any pus- producing coccus
Streptococcus- a genus of gram- positive, chain forming bacteria
Coni- dust
Conidiophore- bearing condia, a fungal spore
Hemoconia- minute, highly refractive particles of fat found in the blood
Otoconium- one of minute crystals of calcium carbonate found in membranous labyrinth of the
inner ear; ear dust
Eo(s)- dawn or early age, rosy
Eolithic-relating to earliest period of the Stone Age
Eosin-red crystalline fluorescent dye
Eosphorite-a kind of mineral; red aluminum manganese phosphate
Ly- to loosen, to dissolve, to break up
Dermatolysis-abnormal laxation of the skin; A loosening of the skin
Dialystely-a condition in which steles in a stem remain more or less separate
Lithodialysis-solution of calculi in urinary bladder; breaking of a vesical calculus previous its
Lyophil-solutions which, after evaporation to dryness, go readily into solution again on addition
of fluid
Lysine-a cell-dissolving substance
Lysogenesis-produciton of lysins
Onycholysis-a slow process of loosening a nail from its bed, beginning at the free edge and
progressing gradually towards the roots
Mening- membrane, especially meninges, the membranes enveloping the spinal cord
Meningosis-union of bones by membranes
Meninguria-presence or passage of membranous shreds in the urnine
Meningitis-inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord
Metr- uterus (NOTE: hyster- uterus or hysteria)
Hematometra-an accumulation of blood or menstrual fluidin the uterus
Metremia-congestion of the uterus
Metrypercinesis-excessive uterine contraction
Myc- , mycet- fungus
Actinomycosis-a parasitic infectious inoculable disease affecting cattle, hogs and sometimes man
Mycoderm-a bacterial film formed during alcoholic fermentation
Neomycin-antibiotic produced by a soil actinomycete
Myel- spinal cord, marrow
Hydormyelia-a dilatation of the central canal of the spinal cord containing an increased quantity
of cerebrospinal fluid
Miningoencephalomyelitis-inflammation of the meninges, brain and spinal cord
Myelin-the white, fatty substance forming the sheath of some nerves
Myeloblastoma-a tumor composed of precursors of bone marrow cells
Myelocyte-any cell concerned with development of granular leucocytes
Neur- nerve, nervous system, tendon
Acrotrophoneurosis-a trophic disturbance of the extremities caused by a nervous lesion
Angioneurosis-a psychoneurosis which partially expresses itself by a disturbance of the
vasomotor system
Aponeurosis-an expanded tendon serving as a means of attachment for flat muscles at their
Argyroneurous-with silver-colored nerves or veins
Crytoneurous-with no definite or distinct nervous system
Dialyneury-condition of having pleural ganglia united to opposite visceral nerves in gastropods
Nuroanatomy-the nervoius system
Neurosyphilis-syphilitic infection of the nervous system
Neurotomy-the division of a nerve; Surgical cutting of a nerve
Orch(i)- , orchid- testicle
Synorchism-partial or complete fusion of the testes with the abdomen or scrotum; A condition in
which the testicles are fused together
Cryptorchism-failure of the testes to descent
Orchidectomy-surgical removal of the testes; castration
Pan- , pant- all complete
Pangamic-indiscriminate mating
Panmnesia-a potential remembrance of all impressions
Panzootic-in veterinary medicine, affecting many kinds of animals
Pneumon- , pneum- lung
Autopneumonectomy-one lung being sequestrated by a pathological process, such as
inflammation or injury, so it becomes useless
Parapneumonia-a disease presenting the symptoms of lobar pneumonia but not caused by the
Poli- gray
Polioencephalomyelitis-inflammation of the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord
Polioencephalalopathy-any disease of the gray matter of the brain
Polioplasm-granular cytoplasm
Thromb- clot
Thrombocyte-blood platelet
Thrombocytocrit-a glass tube for counting blood platelets
Thrombokinase-a complex protein substance with the capacity to activate prothrombin to
Thromboplastin-extracts which promote clotting
Cholelecystokinin-a hormone having the property of causing or promoting gall bladder
Hidradenitis-inflammation of the sweat glands
Hemangiomatosis-widesspread dissemination of a tumor made up of blood vessels
Astrocytoma-one of the commonest glial tumors of the central nervous system formed of
protoplasmic or fibrillary astrocytes (fibrillary astrocytes-the many-processes stellate
cells of the neuroglia, attached to the blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord)
Arachnolysin-a substance contained in the spider Epeira diadema which reacts strongly with the
blood of the rabbit and man but not with the blood of he horse or guinea pig
Pneumoconiosis-chronic inflammation of the lungs caused by the inhalation of dust
Eosin-a rose-colored dye
Eosinophil-having an affinity for eosin
Otomycosis-the growth of fungi in the ear or the diseased condition caused thereby
Othematoma-hematoma of the external ear
Haemolytic-pertaining to the destruction of red blood cells and the resulting escape of
Prothrombinemia-an excess of prothrombin in the blood, the protein precursor in plasma of
thrombin, which induces clotting
Orchitis-inflammation of the testes
Neuroblastoma-a tumor composed of neuroblasts, the formative cells of neurons; also called
Chloroma-multiple tumors of marrow and soft tissue near bones; grossly, the nodules are green
Endometriosis-the presence of endometrial tissue in abnormal locations
Perametritis-inflammation of the tissues about the uterus
Chondroblastoma- a rare benign tumor derived from cartilage cells or cartilage-forming
connective tissue
Panarthritis-inflammation of many joints; An inflammation of joints all over the body
Meningococcus-the bacterium that causes cerebral spinal meningitis
Meningococcemia-the presence of meningococci in the blood
Poliosis-a condition characterized by the absence of pigments in the hair
Arachnodactyly-spider fingers; a condition in which the fingers and sometimes toes are
abnormally long
Poliomyelitis-a common virus disease of man which in the acute form may involve the central
nervous system formerly, any inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord
Osteomyelitis-inflammation of the marrow of the bone
Pericardium-the closed, membranous sac enveloping the heart
Phylloerythrin-a red pigment derived from chlorophyll and occurring in bile of herbivorous
Perineurium-the connective tissue sheath investing a fascinculus or primary bundle of nerve
Agog(ue)- inducing the flow of, expelling
Cholagogue-an agent which promotes the flow of bile
Galactagogue-an agent that promotes the flow of milk
Helminthagogue-an anthelminthic; A drug that expels worms from the body
Arch(e)- ancient, beginning, primitive
Archaeostomatous-having the blastopore persistent and forming the mouth; channel leading into
the archenterons of the gastrula
Archeocyte or archaeocyte-cells arising from undifferentiated blastomeres and ultimately giving
rise to germ cells and gametes
Archiblastula-typical hollow ball of cells derived from an egg with total and equal segmentation
Adrenarche-the time in the development of the child when an increased output of adrenal cortical
hormones occurs
Aux(e)- increase
Auxesis-increase in size or bulk
Auxin-a plant hormone which governs cell extension or growth
Auxobaric-increasing pressure, denoting development of pressure in the cardiac ventricle
Auxocardia-normal increase in volume of heart during diastole
Auxochrome-that which increases color; increase in development of color
Auxocyte-a spermatocyte, oocyte or sporoyte during its early growth period
Heterauxesis-irregular or asymmetrical growth; Uneven growth of parts of the body
Onychauxesis-hypertrophy of the nail
Didym- twin, testicle
Anadidymus-inferior duplicity
Cryptodidymus-a form of duplicity in which a fetus (or fetal part) is included withink t he body
of an individual
Didymolite-a mineral occurring in dark gray, monoclinic, twinned crystals
Didymospore-a two-celled spore
Didymitis-orchitis; Inflammation of the testicles
Didymous-growing in pairs, or arranged in pairs
Perididymis-the fibrous covering of the testes
Gyr- circle, ring
Gyraulus-a genus of snails
Gyrencephalate-having the surface of brain convoluted
Gyroidal-sprial in arrangement
Gyromancy-divination in which one walking or around a circle falls from dizziness and
prognosticates from the place of the fall
Gyrose-with undulating lines, sinuous
Gyrus-a cerebral convolution
Ophthalmogyric-pertaining to or causing movement of the eye
Hipp- horse
Ephippium-the pituitary fossa; a saddle-shaped modification of cuticle in certain insects; literally,
a saddle cloth
Hippidion-genus of extinct Pleistocene horses
Hipposideros-horseshoe bats
Hippuric acid-an acid found in high concentration in the urine of herbivorous animals
Ischi- hip
Hypoischium-a small, bondy rod passing backward from the ischiadic symphysis
Ischiodidymus or ischiopagus-conjoined twins united at the sacral or ischial region; A pair of twins
joined at the hip
Ischiomelus-an individual with an accessory limb attached at the nates
Ischiopodite-proximal joint of walking legs of certain crustaceans
Saurischia-an order of class Reptilia distinguished by a pelvis
Lep- to seize
Analeptic-restoring consciousness; hastening convalescence
Narcolepsy-a condition characterized by a transient compound tendency to attacks of deep sleep;
A condition which causes the sufferer to be seized by sudden sleep
Nympholepsy-ecstacy of an erotic type
Macr- large, long
Acromacria-spider fingers
Macrandrous-having large male plants or elements
Macrocarpous-producing large fruit
Macrogamy-syngamy between full-grown individuals of a species (syngamy-sexual
Macroglossia-enlargement of the tongue
Macromania-delusion that things (such as a part of the body) are larger than what they really are
Macropodous-having a long stalk; long footed
Macropsia-distrubance of vision in which objects seem larger than they are
Mel- limb
Gastromelus-an individual with an accessory limb attached to the abdomen
Melodidymus-obsolete word for presence of an accessory limb or limbs
Symmelia or symelia-coalescence of the lower extremitites; A birth defect in which the lower limbs are
fused together
Micr- small, one millionth
Hypomicrognathus-an individual having an abnormally small lower jaw
Microaesthetes-the smaller sensory organs of Placophora
Microlithiasis-formation of very minute calculi
Micromelia-abnormal smallness of the limbs
Microsaur-one of an extinct order of amphibians resembling the salamander
Narc- stupor
Autonarcosis-state of being poisoned, rendered dormant or arrested in growth, owing to selfproduced CO2
Narcacion-genus of electric rays
Narcoanalysis or narcotherapy-use of sleep-inducing drugs in therapy
Narcohypnia-a peculiar state in which the patients feels numbness on awakening
Narcotic-drug which produces a stupor, complete insensibility or sleep
Narcous-state of profound stupor, unconsciousness or arrested activity
Omphal- naval
Acromphalus-center of the umbilicus; unusual prominence of the navel
Hepatomphalocele-liver contained in a hernia through the umbilical ring
Omphalogenesis-development of the yolk sac; development of umbilical vesicle and cord
Omphalion-center of the umbilicus
Omphaloidium-the scar at the hilum of a seed
Omphaloproptosis-abnormal protrusion of the umbilicus
Omphalopsychite-one who stares fixedly at his navel to induce a mystical trance
Pex- to faste; pag- united
Craniopagus-conjoined twins united by their heads
Hypogastropagus-conjoined twins united at the hypogastric region; pair of twins joined below the
Prosopopagus-unequal conjoined twins in which parasitic twin is attached to the face
Hysteropexy-fixation of the uterus by surgical operation
Platy (s)- broad, flat
Amphiplatyan-flat on both ends; used of vertebrae having both anterior and posterior surfaces of
the centrum flat
Platycephalic-characterizing a person with a flat skull; Having a flat head
Platydactyl-with flattened-out fingers and toes, as certain tailless amphibians
Platysma-a subcutaneous muscle in the neck
Sapr- rotten
Saprobic- lilving on decaying organic matter
Saprolite- disintegrated, somewhat ecomposed rock
Saprophytic- pertaining to a plant that lives on decaying organic matter
Saprozoic- living on decaying or dead organic matter
Sial- saliva
Aerosialogphagy- the habit of constantly swallowing
Glycosialia- presence of glucose in saliva
Sialolithiasis- presence of salivary calculi
Sthen- strength
Adenasthenia- functional deficiency of a gland
Anisosthenic- not of equal power, said of pairs of muscles
Hypersthenia- condition of exalted strength or tone of body
Metasthenic- with well- developed posterior part of body
Tach(y)- swift
Tachistoscope- instrument for providing a very brief time exposure of visual material
Tacyphagia- rapid eating
Tachinidae- a large family of rapid- flying, two- winged flies
Ur- tail
Uromelus- a monster in which there is more or less complete fusion of legs with but a single foot
Uromere- an abdominal segment in Arthropoda
Urosthenic- having a tail strongly developed for propulsion
Urostyle- posterior part of vertebral column in anurous amphibians
Eohippus- a genus of small, primitive, four toed horses from the Lower Eocene of the western
Ischiopagus- conjoined twins united by their sacral or ischial regions
Omphalopagus- a double monster united at the umbilicus
Epididymectomy- surgical removal of the epididymis, the portion of the seminal duct lying
posterior to the testes
Gastrodidymus- a monster consisting of equal conjoined twins united at the epigastric region
Amelus- person minus a limb or limbs
Parotid- situated near the ear, pertaining to the parotid gland
Tachyauxesis- heterauxesis in which the part grows more rapidly than the organ
Neurasthenia- a group of symptoms formerly ascribed to debility or exhaustion of nerve centers
Saprophage- an organism that feeds on decaying organic matter
Tachycardia- excessively rapid heart action
Platyhelminth- flat worm
Hypnolepsy- narcolepsy
Macroscopic- large enough to be seen by the naked eye
Platyrrhine- having a broad, flat nose; in taxonomy, New World monkeys
Macracusia- a cerebral disorder simulating epilepsy in which sounds are exaggerated
Microgyria- abnormal smallness of the convolutions of the brain
Catalepsy- a state of unconsciousness, usually trancelike, where there is a loss of voluntary
motion and a peculiar plastic rigidity
Enteropexy- fixation of a portion of intestines to the abdominal wall
Sialagogue- an agent that promotes the flow of saliva
Emmenagogue- an agent that stimulates the menstrual flow
Archeozoic- earliest era of geologic time
Menarche- start of the menstrual function
Erythromelalgia- disease of the extremities of the body marked by increased skin temperature,
redness and burning pain
Anurous- tailless
Chaper 11
Asc- bag
Ascus- membranous oval or tubular spore sac in fungi
Ascogenous- producing asci
Ascomeycetes- higher fungi having spores formed in asci
Ascophyllum- bladder-bearing rockweeds
Branchi– gills
Anthrobranchial- pertaining to joint gills
Branchiocardiac- pertaining to gills and heart, applies to vessels given off ventrally from the
ascidian (tunicate) heart; also vessels conveying blood from the gills to the pericardial
sinus in certain crustaceans
Metabranchial- pertaining to or in the region of the posterior gill region;
Phyllobranchia- a gill consisting of numbers of lamellae, or thin plates
Podobranchiae- foot gills, ie, gills attached to the basal segment of the thoracic limb of
Carp – fruit
Actinocarpous- plants with flowers and fruit radially arranged
Amphicarpous- producing fruit of two kinds
Angiocarpic- having or being fruit enclosed within an external covering; opposite of
Carpel- a division of a seed vessel
Carpolith- a fossil fruit
Dialycarpic- having a fruit composed of distinct carpels
Geocarpic- having fruits maturing underground, as the peanut
Hypocapogenous- having flowers and fruit placed underground
Syncarp- an aggregate fruit with united carpels
- Cele – hernia, swelling
Arthrocele- any swollen joint; hernia of the synovial membrane through a joint capsule
Dacryocystocele- protrusion of a lacrimal sac
Enterocele- hernia containing a loop of intestine
Hydrocele- an accumulation of fluid in the sac of the tunica vaginalis of the testes
Galactocele- a cystic tumor in the ducts of the breast; a hydrocele with milky contents
Hydromyelocele- excessive accumulation of a fluid in the central canal of the spinal cord
Hyelomeningocele- spina bifida with protrusion of the meningeal sac
Colp– vagina
Aerocolpos- distention of the vagina with air or gas
Pyocolpocele- a suppurating cyst of the vagina
Endocolpitis- mucous vaginitis
Gen(e) – Gon – to be produced, to produce; Gon – seed
Actinogonidal- having radially arranged genital organs
Carpogonium- the flask-shaped, egg-bearing portion of the female reproductive branch in some
Coccogone- a reproductive cell in certain algae
Gonostyle- the sexual palpon of Siphonophora; the clasper of Diptera
Gonad- sexual gland; the ovary or testes
Gynogonidia- female sexual elements in Mastigophora
Polygoneutic- raising more than one brood a season
Telegony- the erroneous belief that a male once mated with a female will affect the subsequent
progeny of the same female mated to a different sire
Heli- sun
Heliolithic- marked by sun worship and erection of megaliths
Heliopsis- a flower resembling the sunflower
Heliotaxis- locomotor or other response to stimulus of sunlight
Paraheliotropism- the tendency of plants to turn the edges of their leaves toward intense
illumination, thus protecting the surface of the leaves
Mer- part
Adenomere- that portion of a developing gland which will be responsible for its functioning
Dysmerogenesis- segmentation resulting in unlike parts
Eumerism- an aggregation of like parts
Merocrine- Applicable to glands in which secreting cells are able to function able to function
repeatedly; act of secretion leaves cell intact
Merogony- development of normal young of small size from part of an egg
Merotomy- segmentation or division into parts
Myomere- a muscle segment
Nyct – night
Nyctitropism- tendency of certain leaves to curl upward at night
Nyctophonia- hysterical loss of voice during the day in one who is capable of speaking at night
Onym – name
Metonym- synonymous name rendered invalid by existence of an earlier, valid name
Hyponym- a generic name not based on a type species
OO – egg
Ooblastoma- egg after fertilization
Oocyte – an egg before formation of the first polar body
Oogamy- union of a nonmotile female gamete or egg cell with male gamete
Oogonium- the female reproductive organ in certain thallophytes the mother egg cell
Ookinete- the motile, worm-shaped stage of the zygote in certain protozoa
Oolite- rock consisting of small grains that resemble fish roe; A rock composed of egg-like grains
Oozoid- any individual which develops from an egg
Pachy – thick
Pachyacria- condition marked by clubbing fingers and toes
Pachycladous- thick branched
Pachymeningitis- inflammation of the dura
Pen – deficiency, want
Glycopenia- tendency to hypoglycemia
Pancytopenia- reduction of all three formed elements of blood
Penalgesia- reduction in the number of pain and touch spots in trigeminal neuralgia
Phleb – vein
Phlebenterism- a condition of having branches of intestine extending into such other organs as
arms or legs
Phlebismus- undue prominence or swelling of a vein
Metrophlebitis- inflammation of the veins of the uterus
Phthi – to waste away
Phthisiogyne- pupal female ant parasitized by an Orasema larva
Phyc – seaweed, algae
Chlorophyceae- algae having clear, green color
Drepanophycus- genus of fossil plant
Phycomycetes- class of lower fungi
Pto – to fall
Proptosis- falling downward, prolapse
Ptomaine- an amino acid compound which results from decomposition of protein or dead animal
matter by microorganisms
Salping – tube, specifically Eustachian or fallopian tube
Pyosalpingitis- inflammation of uterine or auditory tubes
Salpiglossis- genus of Chilean herbs having a tubular calix
Salpingocyesis- tubal pregnancy
Saur – lizard
Branchiosaur- small prehistoric amphibian, similar to a salamander
Saurian- resembling a lizard, with the appearance of a lizard
Saurognathous- with saurian arrangement of jaw bones
Sauroxine- an alkaloid obtained from a lizard
Xanth – yellow
Xanothochroi- caucasoids having light hair and fair skin
Xanthomatous- yellow nodules on skin and black hair
Xanthomelanous- having olive or yellow skin and black hair
Xanthopsin- yellow pigment in an insect eye
Xanthorrhoea- genus including the grass tree, excluding the yellow gum
Zooxanthin- yellow pigment found in plumage of certain birds
Xanthopsia- visual disturbance in which objects look yellow
Lithopedion- a retained fetus that has been calcified
Gnathion- the most inferior point on the inferior border of the mandible, in the sagittal plane
Asterion- the meeting point of the lambdoid, parietomastoid and occipitomastoid sutures
Ascogonidium- the portion of the female sex organ in ascomy-cetous fungi, which after
fertilization, develops into asci, i.e. spore cases
Oophoridion- the megasporangium in certain plants (megasporangium-a macrospore producing
the sporangium; and ovule)
Panhysterosalpingo-oophorectomy- excision of uterus, oviducts and ovaries
Myelocele- spina bifida with protrusion of spinal cord
Colpocele- hernia or tumor of the vagina
Heliencephalitis- encephalitis caused by exposure to the sun’s rays
Ascocarp- the developing fruit of ascomycetes
Meromorphosis- regeneration of a part with the new part less than that lost
Ascidium- a pitcher- or flask-shaped organ or appendage of a plant, as a leaf of the pitcher plant;
in general usage, a wineskin
Branchiomere- a branchial segment
Meroblastic- ova which undergo only partial segmentation or cleavage in development
Phycoxanthin- buff coloring matter of brown algae
Ichthyosaur- a Mesozoic marine reptile having an ichthyoid body and limbs
Panmyelophthisis- a general wasting of the bone marrow
Hysteroptosis- falling or inversion of the uterus
Hyromboplastinopenia- deficiency in thromboplastin in blood
Endophlebitis- inflammation of the intima of a vein
Nyctanthous- flowering at night
Eponym- a named formed or derived from that of a person known or assumed to be the first of
one of the first to discover a disease, symptom or complex
Exanthematous- pertaining to an eruption on the skin
Pachydermatous- having a thick skin
Ootheca- an egg case as in insects
Xanthosis- abnormal yellow discoloration of the skin
Chapter 12
-Agra – painful seizure
ischiagra- obsolete work for gout in hip
melagra- muscular pain in extremities; Pain in the limbs
Antragra- muscular pain in the joints
Brachi – arm
Brachiopod- member of a subclass of marine mollusks having many foliaceous appendages
Brachiosaur- dinosaur with forelegs lower than hindlegs
Macrobrachia- excessive development of the arms, unusual arm length
Monobrachius- an individual condgenitally lacking one arm
Pseudobrachium- appendage for locomotion on a substratum formed from elongated ptergials of
pectoral fins of pediculates
Center- to puncture
Enterocentesis- surgical puncture of the intestine
Paracentesis- puncture, especially puncture of or tapping of the wall a cavity by means of a
hollow needle for the purpose of draining off fluid
Pneumonocentesis- surgical puncture of a lung
Chir- , Cheir- - hand
Adenochiri- elaborate accessory copulatory organs which are outgrowths of the atrial walls of
Chirography- handwriting
Dyschiria- inability to tell which side of the body has been touched
Megalochirous- large-handed
Polycheiria- state of having a supernumerary hand
Cel (I)- , Coel- , - Coel – cavity, abdominal cavity
Amphicoelous- concave on both surfaces
Celioparacentesis- tapping of the abdomen; Puncture of the abdominal wall
Celiotomy- opening of the abdominal cavity
Coelom or celom- embryonic body cavity
Celiac- belonging to the cavity of the abdomen
Coelenterata- a phylum of invertebrates lacking a true body cavity, as jellyfish
Coelhelminth- coelomate, vermiform invertebrates animals
Encephalocoel- cavity within the brain, cerebral ventricles (cf. encephalocele-hernia of the brain)
Nephrocoele- the embryonic cavity in a nephrotome (nephrotome-narrow mass of mesonderm
from which embryonic kidneys develop)
Dendr – tree
Dendron- a protoplasmic process of a nerve cell which carries impulses toward the cell body
Dendrite of neurodendron- fine branch of a dendron
Dendrobium- genus of epiphytic orchids
Dendrochirota- order of holothurians having tube feet and tentacles that branch like trees
Zoodendrium- a treelike, branched stalk of certain colonial infusorians.
Hyal – glass, vitreous body of the eye
Hyalin- a clear, structureless, homogenous, glassy material occurring normally in matrix or
cartilage and other bodily colloids and jellies; occurs pathologically in degeneration of
connective tissue and epithelial cells
Hyalinosis- hyaline degeneration
Hyalinuria- hyaline casts in the urine
Hyaloid- transparent, glasslike
Hyalomere- clear, homogeneous part of the blood
Hyaloplasm- ground substance of a cell
Laryng – larynx
Laryngopathy- any disease of the larynx
Laryngorrhea- excessive secretion of mucous from the larynx
Otolaryngology- branch of medicine dealing with the ear, nose and throat
Lei – smooth
Leiodermia- condition of abnormal smoothness and glossiness of skin
Leiodermatous- smooth-skinned
Leiotrichous- having smooth or straight hair
Malac – soft
Malacology- study of mollusks
Malacophilous- adapted to pollination by snails
Osteomalacia- failure of calcium to be deposited in a newly formed osteoid; Abnormal softness of
the bone tissue
Mastig – whip, flagellum
Chilomastix – a genus of flagellated protozoons
Heteromastigate- having two different types of flagella
Mastigium- defensive posterior lash of certain larvae
Mastigobranchia- process of thoracic limbs of crustaceans resembling a brush and used for
cleaning gills
Mastigophora- a class of flagellated protozoa
Mis – hate
Misanthropy – hatred or distrust of mankind
Misogamy – morbid aversion of marriage
Misoneism – morbid aversion to new things or experiences
Pter- , Pteryg (I) – wing, fin
Anisopterous- unequally winged, applies to seeds
Arthropterous- having jointed fin-rays, as fishes
Diptera- an order of flies and mosquitoes
Hyalopterous – having transparent wings, possessing glassy wings
Hymenoptera- an order of bees, wasps and ants
Neuropterous- havng wings with a network of nerves; lace-winged
Orthoptera- an order of cockroaches and grasshoppers
Pterion- point of junction of parietal, frontal and great wing of the sphenoid; applies to the
ossicle, a sutural bone
Pteropodium- a winged foot, as of certain bats
Schiz- , Schis(t) – to split
Anaschistic- applied to a type of tetrads which divides twice longitudinally in meiosis
Schist- division along parallel planes
Schistocyte- a fragmented part of a red blood cell containing hemoglobin
Schistoglossia- having a cleft tongue
Schizogamy- reproduction involving division of the body into a sexual and an asexual individual
Schizogenesis- reproduction by fission
Schizophyte- a plant which reproduces solely by fission
Splanchn – entrails, viscera
Macroplanchnic- large bodied and short legged
Somaticosplanchnic- relating to the body and viscera
Splanchneurysma- distention of the intestine
Splanchnodiastasis- displacement or separation of the viscera
Thi – sulfur
Thiobacteria- bacteria which grow where decaying organic matter releases hydrogen sulfide
Thiogenic- applies to sulfur-producing bacteria
Thioether- an ether containing sulfur instead of oxygen
Tox – poison
Cytotoxin – a cell-poisoning substance found in blood serum
Toxicodermatitus- skin inflammation due to poison
Toxicodendron- genus of plants including poison ivy and oak
Toxicognath – poison fangs of the centipede
Toxophore- poison quality of a toxin molecule
Trich- (Thrix- ) – hair
Amphitrichous- with flagellum at each pole
Melanotrichous- black-haired
Schizotrichia- splitting of the hair
Trichocryptosis- any disease of hair follicles
Tricholith- a calcified hair ball in the stomach or intestine
Trichomatosis- matted condition of the hair due to neglect, filth, etc.
Trichopterygidae-beetle’s wings fringed with long hairs
Xer – dry
Xeric- characterized by a scanty supply of moisture
Xerach- developing in dry places
Xerophobous- having little capacity to resist drought
Xerotherm- a plant which survives drought and heat
Exenterate- eviscerate
Polymerize or polymerization- general terms for a reaction in which a complex molecule of
relatively high molecular weight is formed by the union of a number of simpler
Hyalinization- changes characterized by replacement or infiltration of tissues by a firm hard
Hepatization – the conversion of tissue into a liverlike substance, as of lungs during pneumonia
Brachiate- to progress by swinging from one hold to another by arms, as gibbons
Myelinization- the process of supplying or accumulating myelin during the development or
repair of nerves
Autotoxemia- poisoning by absorption of poisons produced within the body
Laryngocele- a saccular dilatation of the mucosa of the larynx
Podagra- an old term for gout, especially of the great toe
Denrochronology- dating events by tree-ring analysis
Leiomyoma- a benign tumor consisting largely of smooth muscle cells
Cheiragra or chiragra – pain in the hand
Encephalomalacia- a softening of the brain caused by deficient blood supply
Pterodactyl- extinct flying reptile
Schizocarp- a dry seed vessel which splits into two or more one-seeded carpels
Cheiropterophilous - pollinated by bats
Thiophilic – thriving on sulfur; microorganisms that require sulfur for metabolism
Misopedia – morbid dislike of children
Xeromorphic – Structurally modified so as to retard transpiration, as a desert plant which exhales
vapor through pores
Thoracoceloschisis – congenital fissure of the chest and abdomen
Misogynist – women hater
Coniopterygidae – family of small, humpbacked insects with pollinose wings
Polymastigote – having flagella arranged in a tuft; having several flagella
Splanchnocoel or splanchnocoele – that portion of the embryonic body cavity, or coelom, from
which are developed the abdominal, pericardial and pleural cavities
Thoracocentesis- operation on the chest cavity for removal of fluid
Hyphidrosis: A deficient production of sweat
Chondroclast: Something which serves to break up cartilaginous tissue
Actinocardiogram: A diagram of the heart produced with a radioactive medium
Hemophilic: Thriving in blood
Anaopsia: A condition in which the eyes involuntarily turn upwards
Catarrh: An inflammation of the mucous membranes causing flow of mucous
Stylobate: A platform on which pillars stand
Bromhidrosis: Foul-smelling perspiration
Cryptogenic: Having an obscure origin, of unknown or obscure cause
Dermamyiasis: an infestation of the skin by fly larvae
Pericranium: a membrane surrounding the bones of the skull
Amblyopia: dullness of vision
Amyostasia: inability to control muscle movement
Diaphanous: transparent
Clastic: capable of being broken or separated
Lithodialysis: the disintegration of stones (kidney stones, gall stones, etc.)
Pathophobia: Abnormal fear of disease
Cholecyanin: bluish substance in bile
CHOLECYSTECTOMY-the surgical removal of the gall bladder
Stomatonecrosis-The death of tissue surrounding a mouth or opening
Chapter 13
All- other, different p.103-4
Allesthesia or allachesthesiaAllocheiriaAllochromaticAllogamyAlloplasmaticAlloplastyAnkyl-bent, stiff, adhesionof parts p.104
AnkyloblepharonAnkylocheiliaAnkyloglossiaAnkylosisCycl-circle, wheel, ciliary body of the eye p.104
CyclodialysisCyclotropiaExcyclophoriaEr-, erot- love p. 104
AutoerotismAlloerotisErotomaniaZooerastia- sexual relations between a human being and a lower animal
Geny- jaw, cheek; geni-chin p.104
GenioglossusGenyplastyHol- whole, entire p. 104-5
HolocrineHologastroschisisHolognathousHologynicHolomastigoteHolophyticHolotrichousHolozoicHom-, home- same, similar p. 105
HomacanthHomeozoic- pertaining to a region or series of regions with identical fauna; having a similar
animal population
HomopterousHypn-sleep p. 105
HypnagogicHypnolepsy or narcolepsyHypnonarcosis or narcohypnotismHypnophrenosis- a general term for all forms of deep disturbance; Psychogenic disorder
affecting sleep
HypnotherapyIde- idea, mental image p. 105-6
Ideomotor or ideomuscularIdeophobia- Unusual fear of particular ideas
IdeoplastyMonoideismLeuk-, leuc- white p. 106
Leukocyte- one of the colorless cells of the blood; white blood cell
LeukocytosisLeukocytomaLeukodermaLeukoencephalitisLeukomelanodermaLeucotomyLeukotrichiaOnt- being, individual p. 106
AmphiontHyperontomorphMerontMicrontSymbiontPhyl-race, class p. 106
HistophylyHomophylic- resembling one another owing to a common ancestor; belonging to the same class
MonophyleticPhyloneanicPhylumPolyphyleticPyel-pelvis, especially of the kidney p. 107
CystopyelitisPyeloscopyPyelostomy- incision of the renal pelvis
Pyg-buttocks p. 107
Pygidium- The small rear segment of an insect; the terminal abdominal segment of a beetle
Pygopodous-having feet set far back, as some birds
Stear-, steat- fat, tallow p. 107
AllosteatodesAsteatosisCystosteatomaSteatorrhea or seborrheaSteatites
Urostealith- a fatlike substance occurring in some urinary calculi; a stony glob of fatty substance
in the urine
Strept-, stroph- turned, twisted p.107
EpistrophePhlebostrepsisStrephosymboliaStreptoneuraStreptolysinStrophanthinThall- young shoot p. 108
HeterothallicMerithallusThallophyteThym-mind, emotions p. 108
EuthymiaHyperthymiaHypothymia- subnormal emotional response and depression; a sub-normal level of emotion
SchizothymiaTrib-, trip- to rub, to crush p. 108
OmphalotripsyOsteotribe- a bone rasp
SplanchnotribeSternotribeTriboluminescenceXerotripsis- dry friction
Zyg-yoke p. 108
Azygomelous- having unpaired appendages
HeterozygosisMonozygoticSyzygyZygobranchiateZygodontZygomaticZygoneuryZygoteCHAPTER 14
Hemi- half p.112
Hemiballismus –
HemibranchHemicephalousHeminephrectomyHemiopiaHemisomusHemialgia- a pain affecting one half of the body
Mon-single, one p. 112-113
Monocarpic or monocarpous
Prot-first, original, primitive p. 113
Di- twice, double p. 113
Diphyletic- belonging to two races
Dich- in two p.113
Deut-, deuter- second p.113-4
DeuteriumDeuterogenesisDeuterostoma- a mouth formed secondarily, as distinct from gastrula mouth; The second mouth
opening formed in fetal development
DeuterotoxinDeuterozoicDeutomeriteDeutonephrosTri- three p.114
TrichromatictricoccusTridactylTrigastricTrimorphismTrimerous- having three parts
Tetr (a) - four p. 114
TetracheirusTetracyclicTetracyteTetralogyTetrapneumonousTetrapterous- having four wings
Tetrachirous- having four hands
Pent (a)- five p. 114
PentactinicPentadactylPentastomumPentosuria or pentoseHex (a) - six p. 114
HexagynousHexahedronHexoseHexastyle- having six pillars
Hept (a) - seven p. 114
HeptagynousHeptahydrateHeptaphylliteOct (a)- eight p. 115
OctactineOctodeOctodont- having eight teeth
OctophthalmousOctoptic- having eight eyes
Enne (a)- nine p. 115
Ennead- a group of nine
EnneagonEnneandrousDec (a)- ten p. 115
DecahydrateDecahedronDecapodHect - hundred p. 115
HectogramKilo - one thousand p. 115
KilocalorieKilogramKiluraneCHAPTER 15
Brachy-short p.118
Brachyodont or BrachydontBrachypodousBrachyrhinusBrachystasisBrachysmCac- (kak)- bad p. 118
CacesthesiaCacosmiaStomatocaceCau-, caus- to burn p. 118
CaumesthesiaCryocauteryCauterizeCli, clei-to close; cleist-closed p.118
AcleistocardiaCleistogamyCleistotheciumCoreclisisIridenclaisisCly(s) - to wash p.118-9
EnteroclysisHypodermoclysisVenoclysisCrot- pulse beat p.119
AnacrotismCatacrotismTricrotismDolich-long p.119
DolichoplatycephalusDolichorrhineDolichostylousEde- to swell p. 119
EdemaArthredema- Swelling of a joint
ErythredemaTrophedemaPhleboedesisLept-thin, delicate p.119
LeptocephaloidLeptocyteLeptodermatous- thin-skinned
LeptomicrognathiaLeptoscopeLeptosomeLeptotrichiaLeptomeningesLog-word, speech, reason p.119-20
DyslogiaLogamnesia- word deafness; word blindness; Inability to recall or recognize words
LogoplegiaMes- middle p. 120
DolichoeuromesocephalusMesenteryMesocarpMesodermMesodontMesomorphicMesomyodianMesophlebitisMesophyteMyx-mucus, slime p.120
MyxastheniaMyxomaMyxopodiumOxy-, ox- sharp, acid, oxygen p.120
OxyasterOxycephalousOxyblepsiaOxydactylOxyphilousOxyurisPetr- rock p.120-21
Osteopetrosis- excess radiographic density of bone; A condition which gives rock-like density to bone
PetrophilousPetrobasilarPhon- sound, voice p. 121
BaryphoniaDysphoniaHeterophoniaHyperphoniaPhot-light p.121
PhotolyticPhotophore- luminous organ of the optic nerve or brain; luminous organs of certain crustaceans
PhotopsiaPhototrophicPoie-to make p. 121
AngiopoiesisHidropoiesisNephropoietinPresby- old p.121
PresbyatricsPresbycusis- Presbyacusis- progressive hearing lose occurring with old age
PresbyophreniaPyr-, pyret-fire, fever; pyrex-fever p.121-22
Pyretogenic- Producing fever
PyretolysisPyrotoxinRhiz-, -rrhiz- root p.122
MycorrhizaPolyrrhizalRhizanthousRhizodontropyRhizomeRhizoneureRhizopodaRhizosphereChapter 16
Glauc – silvery, gray-green (125)
AglaucopsiagloaucousGlaucophaneGlaucomaGon(y), Gonat – knee (125)
GonalgiaGonarthritisGonatocele- A swelling in the knee
(H)apt – to touch (125) (H)aph- sense of touch (125)
AphephobiaChirapsiaHaphalgesiaHapticsHaptodysphoriaParasynapsisKary-, Cary – nucleus, nut (125)
CaryoclasticCryptocaryaKaryochromeKaryogamyKaryothecaMegakaryocyteMegacaryocyte- a giant cell of bone marrow containing a large, lobulated nucleus; A cell with a
large nucleus
MegakaryophthisisSynkaryonKerat-, cerat-, ker-, cer-: horn, horny tissue (126)
AcanthokeratodermaiBrachycerousCeratotrichiaGyrocerasKeratinKeratinizationKeratomalacia- softening of the cornea of the eye
KeratomaKeraphyllousLepid: Scale (126)
Homolepidous- with one kind of scales; Having a single type of scale
LepidosauriaLepidosteoidLetpidopeteraLepidotic acidNem-, Nemat: thread (126)
ChromonemaMicronemousNemathelminth- a roundworm; A thread-like worm (roundworm)
NematodeSynnema- bundle or olumn of fused threadlike structures
Nos- disease (127)
ParanosicEpinosicNosogeographyNosologicNosophytePhotonosusOnc-, Oncus: Tumor, swelling (127)
Phra: to speak (127)
AphrasiaParaphrasia- a form of aphrasia characterized by incoherence; a mental ailment characterized by
disordered speech
EmbolophrasiaPneum, pneumat: air, gas (127)
PneumatizationPneumatocele- a gas-filled swelling
PneumatophorePneumoencephalogramPhylac(t) – to guard, to protect (128)
CataphlaxisExophylaxisPhylacobiosisPhyactocarpPorphyr – purple (128)
PorphyrinPorphyriaPrphyrinuriaHematoporphyrinSarc – flesh (128)
ChondrosarcomaEctosarcOsteosarcomaSarcobiont- living on flesh; microorganism that lives on flesh
SarcocarpSarcocystSarcomaSarcostyleScler – hard (128)
OtosclerosisRhinoscleromaScleraScleromeninx- dura mater; The hard membrane around the brain
Sep – to rot, to putrify (129)
AntisepticAsepticEnterosepticSepticSepsineSit – food (129)
SitotherapySitotropismSplen – spleen (129)
SplenizationGastroplenicSplenalgiaSten – narrow (129)
DacrystenosisStenocardiaStenocoriasisStenostomatousStere – solid, three dimensional (129)
StereoarthrolysisStereoblastulaStereoplasmStereoradiographyStereotaxyStereotropismChapter #17
Cyn – dog (133)
CynocephalousCynognathusCynopodousHapl – single (133)
HaploidHaplologyHaplontHaplopiaHaplosisKym-, cym – wave (133)
CardiokymographyCymotrichousKymograph Lemm (a) – sheath, husk (133)
LemmocyteMyolemmaNeurolemma- The sheath of a nerve fiber
OolemmaLoph – crest, ridge, tuft (133)
Lophi – small crest (133)
EctolophLophophytosisLophosteonLophiostomateLophotrichousLymph – water (134)
CytolymphEndolymphangialKaryolymphLymphadeomaLymphocyteLymphoblastLymphodermiaMit – thread (134)
CryptohaplomitosisKaryomitomeMitosisMitoclastic or mitoclasicMitogenesisMitosomeOrnis-, ornith-,: bird (134)
ArchaeornisHeliornithidaeOrnithomimusOrnithophilousPale- (palae-) : old, ancient (134)
PaleoanthropusPaleocraniumPaleencephalonPha – to speak (135)
Phem – voice (135)
AphemiaCataphasiaHeterophemiaParaphemiaSchizophasiaPhrag- to block up (135)
Plan- wandering (135)
AngioplaniaAplanogameteDiplanetismPlanolastPlanomaiaPleur – side, rib, pleura (135)
Anisopleural- bilaterally asymmetrical; having uneven sides
EudipleuralPleurodyniaPleuromelusPleurapophysisPleurosomatoschisisPleurosteon-Plo-, folded, fold (as in three fold) (136)
DiplocephalusHeteroplidPolyploidyTetraploidPne(a)-, pneust- breathing (136)
amphipneustic- Having both gills and lungs for breathing
holopneustichyperpneametapneusticRhaph-, rrhaph- to sew , to suture (136)
RapheDysrhaphismSpa – to draw, to jerk (136)
ParaspasmSpasmalginSpasmonemeSpasmophemiaSpasmophiliaStaphyl – bunch of grapes (137)
BrachystaphylineStaphylionStaphylococcusStaphylolysinSteth – crest (137)
MesostethiumMicrostethophoneXen – host, stranger, foreigner. (137)
PerixenitisXenochromaXenogamyXenogenous- originating outside the organism; being foreign in origin
XenolithCHAPTER 18
Balan-acorn p.140
BalanidaeBalanoid- Acorn-shaped
BalanitisBry- moss p.140
BryanthusBryophyteBryozoanCamp(t)-, campyl- bent p.140
AcampsiaCamptosaurCamptotrichiaCampylotropousGonycampsisCarp-wrist p.140
CarpitisCarpoceriteCarpometacarpalMetacarpalCerc-tail p.140-41
CircusCysticercusHeterocercalLeptocercalLophocercalCleid-clavicle p. 141
HypocleidiumDoch-to take or receive p.141
ElaeodochonHematodochaSialodochoplasty- plastic surgery of a salivary gland duct
Ech- echo, repetition p. 141
EchoacusiaEchopathyEcholalia- the meaningless repetition of words spoken by others
Gangli- mass of nerve tissue, small cyst or swelling p.141
GanglioblastParagangliaParaganglioneuromaGli-glue p.141
Glioma- A tumor composed of the connective cells of the nervous system
AngiogliomatosisEtogliaGliocladiumNeurogliaGliosisOligodendrogliaOogloeaIn- fiber, muscle p.142
InochondritisInocyteInogenInosemiaInotropicPerineumRhach(i)-, rach(i)-, -rrhach- the spine p. 142
HematorhachisMeningorhachidianRachiocampsis- curvature of the spine
RachiodontRachiticRachitomous-Rrhag- excessive discharge, usually of blood p. 142
AntimenorrhagicEnterorrhagiaLeukorrhagiaOtorrhagiaSphygm- pulse p. 142
SphygmographySphygmogramSphygmoidSphygmomanometerSpondyl- vertebra p. 142-43
AstereospondylousPalaeospondylusPhyllospondylousPolyspondylySpondylolysisSpondylopyosis- suppuratice inflammation of a vertebra
Stern- chest, breastbone p. 143
ChondrosternalEpisternumEusternumSternopleuriteSternotribeThel- nipple p.143
EndotheliumEpitheliumMesotheliumEndotheliolysinMyoepithelialThelionThelorrhagia: An excessive discharge from the nipple
Toc- , tok- childbirth p.143
AmphitokyDeuterotokyOligotocousOotocousTokocyteTocostomeTre (t)- to bore, to perforate p. 143
AtretostomiaDacryagogatresiaHelicotremaTremaZym- ferment, enzyme p. 144
ZymosisEnzymeErythrozymeMicrozymeZymogenicZymophoreAymoplasticBrachypodous: Short-footed
Myxorrhea: An excessive discharge of mucus
Galactopoiesis: The formation of milk
Antiphototropic: Tending to turn away from light
Dolichocephalic: Having an unusually long head
Homolepidous: Having a single type of scale
Stenography: The depiction of solid bodies on a plane surface
Synnema: A bundle of thread-like structures
Nosology: The science of classification of diseases
Paraphrasia: A mental ailment characterized by disordered speech
Septimetritis: Condition caused by the rotting of tissue in the uterus
Stenocoriasis: A narrowing of the pupil of the eye
Pneumatocele: A gas-filled swelling
Oncology: The study of cancerous tissue
Brachycerous: Having short horns
Karyomit: A chromatin thread within the nucleus of a cell
Phrenospasm: Involuntary jerking of the diaphragm
Blepharorrhaphy: The stitching together of the eyelids
Myorrhaphy: Stitching of a muscle
Staphyloplasty: Surgical repair or reformation of the uvula
Ornithopterous: Having bird-like wings
Cynanthropy: Mental disorder in which the sufferer believes himself to be a dog
Planomania: Hodomania
Mesostethium: The middle part of the breast bone
Eupneustic: Having no difficulty in breathing
Zymogenic: Causing fermentation
Otorrhagia: Discharge of blood from the ear
Sphygmograph: A device for recording the pulse
Inosemia: An excess of fibrous elements in the blood
Inotropic: Pertaining to the force of muscular movements
Thelorrhagia: Abnormal discharge from the nipple
Atretorrhinia: Lack of nostrils
Perispondylitis: Inflammation of the tissue surrounding the vertebrae
Gangliocytoma: A tumor arising in the cells of a mass of nerve tissue
Camptomelia: Abnormal curvature of the limbs
ANGIOGENIN is: a chemical which promotes the formation of vessels
An ECTOENZYME is an enzyme that works outside of the cell that secrets it.
An individual born with eyelids that have failed to open has: atroblephary
A mental condition characteristic of the elderly: presbyphrenia
Which of the following means "having a head like a dog"? cynocephalous
The suturing of the anus is: proctorrhaphy
DIPLOPIA means: double vision
The FIRST base in the word DYSDIADOCHOKINESIA means: to receive
The BASE in the word DYSCRASIA means: to mix
An element named for its role in the formation of acids is: oxygen
DYSTOCIA means: difficulty in giving birth
MYASTHENIA means: a condition characterized by muscular weakness; Lack of muscular
An individual born with eyelids that have failed to open has: atroblephary
Muscle tissue that has undergone mucous degeneration is a myxomyoma
HIDROPOIESIS the production of sweat
The suturing of the anus is: proctorrhaphy
A SARCOBIONT is a microorganism that lives on flesh
The opposite of DYSPNEA is: eupnea
Ankyloglossia: Adhesion of the tongue
Phlebostrepsia: The twisting of a vein
Ideogram: A written symbol that represents an entire idea
Genyplasty: Plastic surgery of the jaw
Hypothymia: A sub-normal level of emotion, an abnormal deficiency of emotional
Homopterous: Having wings of the same size
Leukocarpous: Bearing white fruit
Homochromous: Having uniform colour
Homeozoic: Having a similar animal population
Diathermy: The therapeutic application of heat to muscles and joints
Hemiplegia: Paralysis of one side of the body
Diphyllous: Having two leaves
Hemolysis: The destruction of red blood cells
Ennead: A group of nine
Heptahedron: A solid figure with seven sides
Decapodous: Having ten legs
Monacanthid: Having a single row of spines
Hectoliter: One hundred liters
Pentactinic: Having five rays or arms
The BASE in the word GENESIS means: to produce
HEPATOPTOSIS means: a falling or displacement of the liver; A slippage of the liver within the
abdominal cavity
Hypertrichosis- excessive growth of hair
Zootoxin- a poison derived from animals
Xerophilous- Thriving in dry conditions
Coeliotomy- Surgical opening of the abdominal cavity
Thoracomelus- An extra limb growing from the chest
Chirarthritis- Inflammation of the joints of the hands
Misandry- Hatred of men
An abnormal deficiency of emotional response: hypothymia
Which one of the following names of a family, species, or genus is derived from Greek
or Roman mythology? Palinuridae
Having two wings: dipterous
An animal which has six feet: hexapod
BRANCHIOMA is: a tumor in gill tissue
What is the Greek plural of chorion? choria
What is the singular of salpinges? salpinx
What is the Greek plural of anthrax? Anthraces
Leptocytosis: A condition characterized by blood cells that are thinner than normal
Caumesthesia: An abnormal burning sensation
Myxoid: Slimy
Cacography: Bad handwriting
Antipyretic: Tending a reduce fever
Brachypodous: Short-footed
Myxorrhea: An excessive discharge of mucus
Galactopoiesis: The formation of milk
Antiphototropic: Tending to turn away from light
The base in the word DYSTOCIA means: childbirth
The SECOND base in the word PSYCHOPATHOLOGY means: disease
A SARCOBIONT is a microorganism that lives on flesh
SITOTROPISM: tendency to turn towards food
In the word POLYMER, what does the SECOND base mean: part
The SUFFIX in the word PROSTATE means: that which
What is the Greek plural of metastasis? metastases
ENNEASTYLE can mean: having nine pillars
Which of the following words contains a Greek base meaning "chin"? genion
Having abundant sources of nutrition: polytrophic
Inflammation of the knee joint: gonarthritis
Having a well-formed head: eucephalic
PROCTORRHAGIA is: an abnormal discharge from the anus
What is the singular of criteria? criterion
Having nine parts or segments: enneamerous
The act of making or producing mucus can be called: myxopoiesis
The suffix in DREPANIDAE means: related to
DIPHYLETIC means: belonging to two races
Plants which bear fruit underground can be called: hypocarpogenous
STEATOPYGIAN means: having fat buttocks
An external skin or covering: ectoderm
The suffix in the word DIAPHRAGM means: result of the act of
A berry-shaped organism found in the intestine: enterococcus
A solid figure (polyhedron) having 100 faces: hectahedron
The BASE in the word ENDOENZYMIC is: ZYMHaving difficulty moving: dyskinetic
APO - or AP - means: from, off, away
A - or AN- means: not, without
ACRANIA is: congenital absence of a skull
Lipectomy: Surgical removal of fat
Acromegaly: A condition which results in abnormal enlargement of the extremities
IDIOPATHY is: a diseased condition peculiar to an individual or an isolated group
Ichthyophagous: Something that feeds on fishes can be called; Fish-eating
Hepatomegaly: Enlargement of the liver
The PREFIX in the word PSYCHOANALYSIS means: back
Telemetry: the technique of measuring things from a distance
Idiomorphic: Having an unusual or unique form
The BASE in the word PSYCHIC means: soul
Neanthropic: Pertaining to modern human beings
CYSTOSTOMY: the surgical formation of an opening for the urinary bladder
POLYCYTHEMIA: a condition characterized by an unusually large number of red blood
The presence of urine in the blood: uremia
Cryogenic: producing or relating to the production of very low temperatures
The first base in OLOGOPOD means: few
EN- + ANTI- : opposite
ENDO-, ENTO-, END-, ENT -: either within or inner
What organ is being removed if a person has a "hysterectomy"? uterus
DIA - or DI - means: through, across, between
EU- well, good, normal
Coprolalia- Irrepressible urge to utter filthy language, In some mental disorders,
patients exhibit Coprolalia, an uncontrollable tendency to utter filthy and
obscene language.
Critics charge therapists with inspiring false memories of abuse in their patients, a form
of iatrogenic...:
; A false or imaginary memory
Histoclastic: Tending to break up tissue; serving to break up or destroy tissue
Euryopia: Having wide eyes
Hematozoon: An organism that lives in the blood
Onychocryptosis: A condition in which the fingernails or toenails are hidden by a layer of
Mastoplasty: Plastic surgical operation on the breast
Trichocarpous: Bearing hairy fruit
Surgical removal of a tear sac: dacryocystectomy
Cyesiology: The branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy
HEMIANOPTIC means: having a loss of vision in half the visual field
pseudodynia: A false sense of pain could be called
What is the singular of colitides? colitis
The SECOND base in the word HEXACANTH means: thorn
diplococcus: A berry-shaped organism that comes in pairs
CHOLELITHOTRIPSY is: the crushing of gallstones
The first base in HOMEOZOIC means: same
The FIRST BASE in the word AMBLYOPIA means: dull
DIA - or DI - means "according to": FALSE
PLEX- and PLEG - are related BASES meaning "stroke" and "paralysis": TRUE
STOM - , STOMAT- does not mean "stomach": TRUE
A - or AN- is a BASE: FALSE
ANTI - or ANT- means: against, opposite
Dysarthria: impairment of speech articulation
CATA - or CAT - is a BASE meaning "down" or "against": FALSE
ARTHR is the base in ARTHRITIS: TRUE
ANTI - or ANT- means "away from": FALSE
ODONT- means "jaw": FALSE
The BASE in Euphoria means: to bear
UR- is the base in UROLOGIST: TRUE
BALL-, BOL-, BLE - is a base meaning "to throw":TRUE
If XANTHODONT means yellow-toothed, what does XANTH mean: yellow
CATA - or CAT - means: down, against, according to, very
PHOR-, PHER- is a type of stone: FALSE
Heterodromia: a condition in which a nerve conducts impulses better in one direction
than in the other
TROP - , TREP- means "to turn": TRUE
ES-, EIS-inward, into
PHYLLOPODOUS has two bases - they are: leaf, foot
What does the prefix in EXODONTIST mean: out, out of
DYS-:bad, disordered, difficult
What does the prefix in DYSFUNCTION mean: bad
EXO-, ECTO-outside, external
ECDEMIC (meaning "of foreign origin") is the opposite of: ENDEMIC
EN-, EM-, EL-in, into, inward
The base of the word KARYOMICROSOME meaning body is: SOM
OSTECTOPY has two bases meaning: bone, place
ENANTIOPATHIC means "causing opposite feelings"
EC-, EX-out, out of, outside
What does the prefix in ESOTERIC mean: inward
Osteoporosis is degeneration of bones
The second BASE in MYOCARDIAL means: heart
EPI-, EP-upon, on, to, in addition to
A craft with spiral wings is a: helicopter
An individual who is born completely lacking a heart can be called a(n): holoacardius
An inflammation of the tissues next to the ovary is: paroophoritis
Enterapocleisis- A shutting off of the intestinal passage
Erythropoiesis- A formation of red blood cells
Mogiphonia- Difficulty in speaking
Leptomeninx- One of the thin membranes around the brain and spinal cord
Logorrhea- A tendency to utter long streams of meaningless words
Pyosepticaemia- Condition of the blood caused by pus and rotting tissue
Paropthalmoncus- A tumor beside the eye
Monokerous- having a single horn
Hemangiosarcoma- A malignant tumor arising in a blood vessel
Cymoid- Waved-shaped
Enteremphraxis- Blockage or obstruction of the intestines
Palaeoornithology- The study of ancient birds
Palaeozoology- the study of ancient animal life
Mogitocia- Difficulty in childbirth
Rachicentesis- A puncturing of the spinal membranes
Cleidagra- A pain in the clavicle
Enterostenosis- A narrowing of the intestinal passage
Sclerophyllous- Having hard leaves
Laryngocentesis- A puncturing of the larynx
Chpater 19
Cirrhosis- a degenerative disease of an organ, especially the liver, named from the orange-yellow
appearance of a liver affected by this condition
Myxedema- a disease caused by the decrease or absence of the thyroid hormone, the name
coming from the accompanying puffy appearance of the face and hands
Hemorrhoid- a varicose condition of the veins of the anus, sometimes accompanied by bleeding
Shingles- an inflammatory disease of the skin along the course of a nerve, often partially
encircling the waist
Leprosy- an infectious disease of the skin, one of the symptoms of which is the appearance of
white, scaly scabs
ADELPH- Brother
Adelphogamy- bother and sister mating, as in certain ants
Adelphotaxis- the tendency of motile cells to arrange themselves into definite positions
Adelphous- joined together in bundles, as filaments of stamens
Endadelphus- a monster that encloses a more or less complete individual within its own body
Ilioadelphus- conjoined twins united in the iliac region; iliopagus
Isadelphia- conjoined twins united by unimportant tissues; each body is normal in the
development of all essential organs
Pentadelphous- having five clusters of more or less united filaments
ANCO- elbow
Anconoid- obsolete term for that which resembles the elbow
Anconeus- a small muscle at the back of the elbow joint
Anconitis- inflammation of the elbow joint
CALYPT- hidden
Calyptobranchiate- with gills not visible from exterior; having hidden gills
Calyptopsis- a larva with short-stalked eyes, as larvae of some arthropods
Calyptra- tissue enclosing developing sporogonium in liverworts; remains of archegonium which
surrounds apex of capsule in mosses; root cap
CHORD- cord
Notochord- the dorsal supporting axis of lowest vertebrates; Structure similar to a spinal cord in
primitive chordates
Chordaceae- a family of brown algae having slender, cordlike fronds
Chorditis- inflammation of the spermatic cord
Chordoma- a tumor derived from persistent remnants of the notochord
Parachordal- on either side of the notochord; Situated beside the notocord
Urochord- the notochord when confined to the caudal region, as in tunicates
CHOR(I)- "fetal membrane" (chorion), "tunic of the eyeball" (choroid)
Chorioblastosis- abnormal proliferation of cells of the chorion
Choriocarcinoma- a highly malignant tumor composed of cytotrophoblast and syncytial
Choriocele- hernial protrusion of choroid coat of the eye
Monochorionic- having a single chorion, applies to uniovular twins
CLON(US)- "muscle spasm"
Cataclonus- rhythmic, conculsive movement which are of functional or hysterical nature
Clonograph- apparatus for recording spasmodic movements of head, lower jaws, trunk, etc.
Clonospasm- a clonic spasm
Synclonus- tremor or clonic spasm of serveral muscles at the same time
Logoclonia- explosive or spasmodic enunciation of words; logospasm
COLL(A)- glue; protocol
Collagen- the albuminoid substance of the white fiber of connective tissue, cartilage and bone
Collencyte- a clear cell with threadlike pseudopodia, found in sponges
Colloid- a gelatinous substance which does not readily diffuse through animal or vegetable
Collodion- solution of nitrate cellulose in alcohol and eher, used as a protective coating for
Phycocolloid- a class name for polysaccharides derived from brown or red seaweeds which form
colloidal dispersions with water
EC- OEC- OEK- OIK- OIC- house
ie, economy, ecumenical, doicese
Cladautoicous- with antheridia on a special stalk, as in mosses
Ecology- that part of biology which deals with the relationship between organisms and their
Ecotopic- tending to or involving adjustment to specific local habitat conditions
Gynoecium- pistils, carpels and female organs of a flower
Metoecious- with two hosts
Oikophobia- morbid fear of home or of a house
Zooecium- a chamber or sac enclosing a polyzoan nutritive zooid
NOT- the back
Notanencephalia- congenital absence of the cerebellum
Notencephalocoel- an occipital hydroencephalocele; A swelling in the back of the brain
Stenonotal- with a very small thorax, as a worker insect
OM- shoulder
Acromion- the flat, long process formed by the lateral extension of the scapular spine situated
just above the glenoid cavity
Metacromion- posterior branch process of the acromion process
Omitis- obsolete word for the inflammation of the shoulder
OPISTH- behind
Dolichoeuro or opisthocephalus- having a long skull, very broad in the occipital region
Opisthion- median point of posterior margin of foramen magnum (foramen magnum-opening in
skull for spinal cord)
Opisthodetic- lying posterior to the beak
Opisthodont- having back teeth only
Opisthognathous- having retreating jaws
Opisthosoma- posterior body region
Opisthure- projecting tip of the vertebral column
PHY- to grow (physics, phsiology, physical, metaphysics)
Apophysis- a process, outgrowth or projection of some part or organ, as of a bone
Dactylosymphysis- syndactyly; A condition in which the fingers are fused together
Epiphysis- any part or process of bone formed from a separate center of ossification which later
fuses with bone; the pineal body; the stout bar firmly fixed to the alveolus of each jaw
of sea urchins
Hypophysin- pituitary extract
Neurapophysis- two apophysis on each vertebra which blend and form the neural arch
Symphysis- coalescence of parts
Synarthrophysis- progressive ankylosis of joints; A condition in which the bones of a joint grow together
Xenophya- foreign bodies deposited in interspaces of certain Sarcodena, or used in formation of
shells in certain protozoa
POR- passage, pore porous
Blastopore- channel leading into archenteron of gastrula
Digonoporous- with two distinct genital apertures, male and female
Opisthoporeia- involuntary walking backward in an attempt to go forward; occurs in
Polyporin- antibiotic derived from polypore fungus
Porencephalitis- encephalitis with a tendency to form cavities
Porocyte- a perforated cell of Porifera
Porogamy- entrance of a pollen tube into an ovule by micropyle to secure fertilization
PTY- to spit; PTYAL- saliva
Ptyalin- diastatic enzyme found in saliva
Ptyalocele- a cyst containing saliva; usually due to obstruction of a duct of a salivary gland
Pyoptysis- expectoration of pus
RHABD- rod
Rhadite- one of short rodlike bodies in epidermal cells in Polycladida
Rhabdomyoma- tumor of striated muscle
Rhabdonema- a genus of parasitic round worms
Rhabdophobia- morbid fear of being beaten; unreasoning fear at the sight of a stick
Rhabdopod- an element of the clasper in some make insects
Statorhabd- a short tentacular or process carrying statolith in Trachomedusae
SPOR- seed, spore
Acrospore- spore on end of sporophore
Angiosporous- having spores contained in a theca or spore capsule
Aplanospore- a nonmotile resting spore of algae
Cercopora- fungus having long, slender multiseptate spores
Hypnospore- a resting spore
Sporogony- spore formation; sporogenesis
Sporokinete- a motile spore from the oocyst of certain Haemosporidia
Sporont- gametocyte stage in the life history of Sporozoa; a cell which forms spores by
encystment and subsequent division
Stylosporous- pertaining to a stalked spore
Trichosporosis- fungous infection of a hair shaft
STIG- pricking, mark, point
Astigmatism- the faulty vision which results from irregularity in the curvature of one or more
refractive surfaces of the eye
Metastigmate- having posterior tracheal openings or stigmata, as mites
Osteostixis- surgical puncturing of a bone
Protostigma- one of two primary gill slits in an embryo
Stigmata- that portion of a pistil which receives pollen; eyespots of some protozoa; apertures
connected with the trachea of some insects
Stigmonose- a disease characterized by transparent spots in leaves and spotting, dwarfing, etc.
TEL(E)- completion, end, purpose
Atelosis- dwarfism
Atelognathia- imperfect development of a jaw
Atelomitic- nonterminal, applied to spindle fiber attachment of chromosomes
Atelopodia- defective development of the foot
Hypertely- excessive imitation in colors or patterns, being of problematical utility;
Telangioma- tumor composed of dilated capillaries
Teleodont- applied to forms of stag beetles with largest mandible development
Telekinesis- last stage of mitosis
Telomere- end of each chromosome arm distal to the centromere
Telosyndesis- end-to-end union of chromosome halves in meiosis
TROCH- wheel, disk
Cephalotrocha- a turbellarian larva with eight processes around the mouth
Mesotrochal- applies to annulate larva with circlet of cilia around middle of body
Telotroch - pre-anal tuft of cilia of trochosphere
Troche or trochiscus- lozenge
Trochocephalia- an abnormal roundness of the skull caused by premature union of frontal and
parietal bones; abnomal roundness of the head
XYL- wood
Melanoxylon- black wood
Xylem- the lignified portion of the vascular bundle; the woody tissue of plants
Metaxylem- secondary xylem with many thick-walled cells
Xylochrome- wood dye or pigment of tannin, produced before death of wood cells
Xyloma- a tree tumor
Xylophyte- a woody plant
Xylotomous- able to bore or cut wood
EXERCISE (p.152)
Diadelphous- having stamens in two bundles owing to fusion of filaments
Anconagra- gout of the elbow
IdiocalyptrosomeCalyptoblasticPolymyoclonus- cephalochord- cephalic portion of the notochord
ChordamesoblastColleterialSynoeketeSyndesmochorialNotopodiumIridochoroiditis- inflammation of both the iris and choroids of the eye
Opisthorchiasis- infestation of the liver with a fluke
EcomaniaPolyphyodont- having many successive sets of teeth
Omarthralgia- pain in the shoulder joint
HemoptysisMyelopore- an opening in the spinal Cordially
RhabdolithAndrosporangiumAnastigmatic- free from astigmatism
Atelomyelia- congenital defect of the spinal chord
Xylophagous- wood-eating
Polytrochal- having several circlets of cilia between mouth and posterior end, as in certain
Trochocardia- displacement of the heart by rotations on it long axis
Hypoptyalism- A deficient production of sugar in the saliva
Rhadocyte- A rod-shaped cell
Polyadelphous- having many brothers and sisters
Polystigmatous- having many small marks or small pores
Atelochiria- Incomplete development of the hand
Chapter 20
Date- from Greek DACTYL- “finger,”hence the term “finger dates”
Dropsy- from Greek hydrops (HYDR-), “abnormal accumulation of serous fluid (‘water’),
Sciatica- from Greek ischiadikos (ISCHI-, ‘hip’)
Elixir- apparently from Greek XER-, ‘dry,’the el coming from the Arabic definite article al,
added when the word, along with much else of Greeek science, passed to the Arabs
Frenzy- from the Greek phrenitis (PHREN-, “mind,”), “inflammation of the brain”
Almond- from Greek AMYGDAL-, “almond”
Ague- from Latin febris acuta, “violent, acute fever”
Grotto- from Greek CRYPT-, “hidden”
Gillyflower- from Geek karyophyllon, literally, “nut-leaf”
ALEX- to ward off
Alexin- a complement; a complex substance resembling a ferment formed in the blood, plasma
or serum of animals; it has the capacity, in cooperation with antibody and cellular
elements, to destroy a variety of pathogenic organisms and other foreign substances
ANTR- cavity, sinus
Antritis- maxillary sinusitis
Antrocele- an accumulation of fluid in the maxillary sinus; a fluid-filled swelling in a sinus
Antrostomy- opening of the antrium for drainage; Surgical opening formed in a sinus
BRONCH(1)- air tube
Bronchadenitis- inflammation of bronchial lymph nodes
Bronchitis- inflammation of mucous membrane of bronchial tubes
Bronchocele- a dilatation of a bronchus
Bronchophony- an abnormal increase in the intensity of voice sounds; heard by auscultation over
the chest wall when density of the lung tissue has been increased by disease
Ectobronchus- lateral branch of the main bronchus in birds
CHLAMYD- cloak, envelop
Chlamydosaurus- a genus of reptiles including frilled lizard of Australia
Haplochlamydeous- having rudimentary leaves in connection with sporophylls
Heterochlamydeous- having a calyx differing from corolla in color
CHY- to pour; CHYM-, CHYL-, juice
Chyle- a milk-white emulsion of fat globules in lymph formed in the small intestine during
Chime- the viscid fluid contents of the stomach, consisting of fod which has undergone gastric
Actinenchyma- cellular tissue having a stellate appearance
Aerenchyma- cortex of submerged roots in certain swamp plants; aerating tissue in the floating
portions of some aquatic plant
Blastochyle- the fluid in a blastocoel or segmentation cavity
Chylophyllous- with fleshy leaves; applies to certain desert plants
Cytochylema- the interreticular portion of protoplasm; cell juice
Enchylema- old term for hyaloplasm
Parenchyma- the essential or specialized part of an organ as distinguished from supporting
connective tissue
CONDYL- knob, knuckle
Condyle- any rounded eminence such as occurs in the joints of many bones
Occipital condyle- rounded eminence on joint of occipital bone
Amphicondylous- having two occipital condyles
Condyloma- a wartlike growth or tumor
Epicondyle- a medial and a lateral protuberance at distal end of humerus and femur
CORM- trunk of a tree or body
Atretocormus- a monster having one or more of the body openings imperforate
Camptocormia- a special form of hysteria seen most often in soldiers; characterized by extreme
forward flexion of the spine
Rhizocorm- an underground stem like a single-jointed rhizome; popularly, a bulb
Schistocormus- a monster having a cleft thorax
GON (I)- angle
Goniometer- an instrument for measuring angles
Microgonioscope- an apparatus for measuring extremely small angles, as in ophthalmology
Trigonid- triangle of cusps of the lower molar teeth
Trigonocephalus- an individual having a triangular or eggshaped head due to early synostosis of
the metopic suture
HAL- salt
Halite- rock salt
Halobios- sum total of organisms living in the sea
Halogen- any one of the nonmetallic elelments: iodine, chlorine, bromine, fluorine
Halophyte-a shore plant; a plant capable of living on salt; A plant that thrives in salty conditions
Halosauridae- extinct deep-sea fishes with cycloid scales
PALI(N)- again, back
Palindromia- recurrence or intensification of a disease; relapse
Palingenesis- rebirth of ancestral characters; recapitulation
Palintrope- recurved posterior section of either valve of some brachiopod shells
Paliopsia- recurrence of a visual impression after stimulus has ceased
Palirrhea- recurrence of mucus discharge; regurgitation
POIKIL- varied, irregular, mottled
Osteopoikilosis- a bone affection of unknown cause, which gives rise to no symptoms and is
discovered by chance in x-rays when ellipsoidal dense foci are seen in all bones
Poikilocyte- a large red blood cell of irregular shape
Poikilothermal- a cold-blooded animal, whose temperature varies with its surroundings; Having
variable body temperature
PYCN, PYKN- thick, frequent
Pycnometer- instrument for determining specific gravity of fluids
Pycnomorphous- applies to nerve cells in which chromophil substance of cytoplasm is compactly
Pycnopodia- a genus of starfishes including the twenty-rayed stars
Pycnosis- thickening; degenerative change in cells whereby the nuclei are condensed and shrink
to dense, structureless masses of chromatin
Pycnoxylic- having hard, dense wood because of a high proportion of secondary xylem
Pyknic- referring to constitutional body type marked by roundness of contour, amlitude of body
cavities and considerable subcutaneous fat
PYL(E)- gate, entrance
Apopyle- exhalant pore of a sponge
Micropyle- aperture for admission of pollen tube at ovule apex
Pylethrombophlebitis- inflammation and thrombosis of the portal vein
Pylome- in certain Sarcodina, an aperture for emission of pseudopodia and reception of food
SPERM(A), SPERMAT- seed, semen
Coelosperm- a carpel hollow on its inner surface
Gymonspermous- having seeds not enclosed in a true ovary, as conifers
Melanospermous- applies to seaweed with dark-colored spores
Spermatozoon- a male reproductive cell
Necrospermia- impotence due to loss of motility of spermatozoa
Spermateleosis- development of spermatozoon from spermatid in spermatogenesis
Spermatheca- a sac in femal or hermaphroditic invertebrates for storing spermatozoa
Spermatocyst- a seminal sac
SPHEN- wedge
Diplosphene- wedge-shaped process on the ventral arch of certain fossil reptiles
Sphenoid- a basal compound skull bone of some vertebrates; Wedge-shaped
Episphenoid- parasite fetus or fetal parts attached to sphenoid region
Sphenotresia- a variety of craniotomy in which the sphenoid one is perforated
Sphenotribe- instrument for crushing the basal portion of the fetal skull
SPIR- coil
Acrospire- the first shoot or sprout, being spiral, at the end of a germinating seed
Leptospira- a genus of spirochetes able to survive in water, characterized by sharply twisted
Spiraster- a spiral and ragged sponge spiracle
Spireme- threadlike appearance of nuclear chromatin during prophase of mitosis
Spirochete- a spiral macroorganism
SYRING- pipe; tube
Dacryosyrinx- a lacrimal fistula; a syringe for use in lacrimal ducts
Sialosyrinx- a salivary fistula; a syringe for use in salivary ducts
Syringadenoma- a sweat-gland tumor
Syringium- a muscular, tubular organ connected to the mouth in certain insects and used to eject
poisonous saliva
Syringograde- jet-propelled; moved by alternate suction and ejection of water through siphons
Syringomyelocele- a spinal bifida with protrusion of meningeal sac containing part of the spinal
Syringophilus- genus of parasitic mites that live in the gullets of birds
TA- to stretch
Bronchiectasis- dilatation of bronchi
Entasia- spasmodic muscular action
Iridotasis- stretching the iris, as in treatment of glaucoma
Myotasis- muscular tension or toxicity
Phlebectasia- dilatation of a vein, varicosity; the widening of a vein
Ptyalectasia- dilatation of the duct of a salivary gland
Syntasis- a stretching or tension
TON- stretching, tension
Angiohypertonia- a condition in which walls of blood vessels are constricted
Tonus- the state of partial contraction characteristic of normal muscle
Atonia- absence of tonus
Isotonic- of equal tension; of equal osmotic pressure
Metratonia- atony of the uterus; Lack of muscular tension in the uterus
Opisthotonus- the condition in which, from a tetanic spasm of the muscles of the back, the head
and lower limbs are bent backward and the trunk is arched forward; A muscular spasm
which causes the head to stretch backwards
Ophthalmotonometer- an instrument for measuring inter-ocular tension
Psychentonia- metal strain or overwork
Laparotrachelotomy- low caesarean section in which the peritoneal cavity is not opened, the
approach being through cervix of uterus
Schistotrachelus- cervical fissure
Trachelagra- rheumatic or gouty pain in the neck
Trachelopexia- surgical fixation of the neck of the uterus
Trachelosyringorrhaphy- operation for vaginal fistula with stitching of the cervix uteri
EXERCISE (p. 160)
Ecchymosis- extravasation of blood into subcutaneous tissues
Rhinantralgia- pain in or referred to, the walls of the cavities of the nose
Hydrospermatocele or spermatocele- cystic dilatation of a duct in the head of the epididymis or
in the rete testes; rupture into the tunica vaginalis which produces spermatic hydrocele
Bronchorrhaphy- the suturing of a bronchus
Condylotomy- Osteotomy; division through the condyles of a bone
Spiranthy- displacement of flower parts through twisting
Acanthosphenote- echinoid spine made of solid wedges separated by porous tissue
Syringomyelia- a chronic disease characterized pathologically by the presence of long cavities
surrounded by gliosis, which are situated in relation to the central canal of the spinal
cord and frequently extend up into the medulla
Sphenoiditis- inflammation of the sphenoid air sinus
Amyotonia- lack of muscular tone
Spironeme- coiling thread in an infusorian stalk
Hysterotrachelorrhaphy- amputation of the cervix of the uterus
Catatonic- pertaining to a phase or type of schizophrenic reaction in which the patient seems to
lack the will to talk or move and stands or sits in one position, assumes fixed postures,
Gonicheiloschisis- transverse facial cleft; intermaxillary fissure
Chlamydospore- a thick-walled resting spore of certain fungi and protozoa
Achlamydeous- having neither calyx nor corolla
Eurypylous- wide at the opening; applies to the canal system in sponges
Cormophyte- a plant which possesses stem and root; opposite of thallophyte
Ectocondyle- the outer condyle of a bone
Pycnophrasia- thickness of speech
Poikiloderma- a skin syndrome characterized by pigmentation
Poikilodermatomyositis- poikiloderma in association with muscular sclerosis
Euryhaline- applies to marine organisms adaptable to a wide range of salinity
Pyknolepsy- a very mild form of epileptic variant resembling petit mal
Palikinesia- constant and involuntary repetition of movement
Antialexin- an anticomplement agent which destroys alexin
Aerenterectasia- excessive amount of air or gas in the intestines
Angiotonia- The degree of tension in a blood vessel
Syringotomy- Surgical operation on a tube or duct
Dichlamydeous- Having a double floral envelope
Spermatolysis- The destruction of seeds or reproductive cells
Palilogia- The impulsive repetition of words or phrases
Chapter 21
Fort- strong
Verb- word
Grav- Heavy
Fin- end
Gress- to go
Tract- to drag
Lid(e)- to strike
Fer- to bear
Dis- apart
Con- together, with
Fect- to make
Ex- from
In- not
Ob- against
Sub- under
Leg- to read
Fend- to hit
Fer- to bear
Poss- to be albe
Plet(e)- to fill
Fact- to make
Sed- to sit
Spec- to look
Ab-, a-, abs- away from, from (This prefix is never assimilated)
Ad-, ac-, ag-, etc.- to, toward, near
Ambi, ambo- both, around
Ante- before; in front of
Circum- , circu- around
Con-, com-, co-, etc.- with, together, very
Contra-, contro- opposite, against
De- down, away, off, thoroughly
Dis-, di-, dif- apart, in different directions, thoroughly
CAUD- tail
Caudostyle- a terminal structure in certain parasitic amebas
Ecaudate- without a tail
Nudicaudate- having a tail not covered with hair or fur
Caudocephalad- in the direction from the tail toward the head
Sacrocaudal- pertaining to the sacrum and tail region
Caudata- an order of Class Amphibia (salamanders, newts, etc.) having long bodies, with long
tails retained through life
CEREBR- brain
Cerebellum- fourth division of the brain
Deutocerebron- that portion of the insect brain derived from fused ganglia of the antennary
segment of head
Syncerebrum- a secondary brain formed by union of one or more of ventral cord ganglia with the
rain, as in some arthropods
Cerebrotonia- a pattern of temperament typical of the ectomorphic individual marked by
predominance of intellectual over social or physical and by exhibition of sensitivity,
introversion and shyness
Cerebrin- a nitrogenous glycoside obtained from brain and similar tissue
Cerebral- pertaining to the brain
CID- , CIS- , to cut, to kill
Succise- abrupt; appearing as if a part were cut off
Incisura- a notch, depression or indentation, as in bone, stomach, liver, etc.
Schizonticide- substance destructive to schizonts (schizont – a stage in asexual life cycle of
plasmodium, covering the period from beginning of division of nuclear material until
the mature merozoites are formed
DORS- back
Antedorsal- situated in front of the dorsal fin in fish
Dorsiferous- with sori on back of a leaf; carrying young on the back
Dorsifixed- having the filament attached to the back of the anther
Dorsigrade- having back of a digit on the ground when walking
Dorsalgia- pain in the back
Dorsocephalad- toward the dorsal aspect of the head
Dorsocaudad- to or toward the dorsal surface and caudal end of the body
DUC- , DUCT- , to lead, to draw
Nephrogonoduct- combined excretory and genital duct
Spermiducal- applies to glands into or near which sperm ducts open in many vertebrates
Abduction- withdrawal of a part from the axis of the body or of an extremity
Abducent- abducting, drawing away from a median line
Levoduction- movement to the left, especially of the eye
ERR- to wander, to deviate
Errant- with a tendency toward moving; straying or deviating
Errantia- a division of class Polychaeta comprising free-swimming worms
Erratic- having no fixed course; characterized by a lack of regularity
FLEX, FLECT- to bend
Reflex- an involuntary, invariable, adaptive response to a stimulus
Biflex- twice-curved
Inflected- curved or abruptly bent inward or toward the axis
Dorsiflexion- bending the foot toward the dorsum or upper surface of the root
Retroflexion- the state of being bent backward
Circumflex- winding around; designating a number of arteries
Deflexed- bent or turned abruptly downward
Reflection- a bending or turning back
Flexor- a muscle that serves to bend a limb or finger
Circumflection- the act of bending around
FUND, FUS,- to pour, to melt
Diffuse- to spread out
Infundibular- funnel-shaped
Infusion- the process of extracting the active principles of a substance by means of water, but
without boiling; the slow injection of fluid into a vein
Perfusion- the introduction of fluids into tissues by their injection into arteries; the passage of
fluids through spaces
Suffusion- the spread or flow of any liquid of the body into surrounding tissue
Infusoria- a group of minute organisms typically found in infusions of decaying organic matter
GREG- flock (grex)
Gregaloid- pertaining to colony of protozoa of indefinite shape
Gregarious- tending to herd together; colonial; growing in clusters
Gregaria- an irregularly recurrent phase in the life cycle of migratory or plague grasshoppers
induced by crowded breeding conditions and marked by development of strongly
gregarious beharvior
Congregate- to gather or flock together
LACT- milk
Lactation- suckling; the period during which the child is nourished from the breast; the formation
or secretion of milk
Lactase- an enzyme that hydrolyzes lactose to dextrose
Lactiferous- forming or carrying milk; milk-bearing
lactochrome or lactoflavin- a nitrogenous coloring matter in milk
Lactosuria- presence of lactose (milk sugar) in urine
Lacteal- chyliferous or lymphatic vessels of the small intestine; ducts which carry lactase
Prolactin- a hormone which stimulates lactation in the mammalian breast
Lactarius- family of mushrooms that exude a white or colored milky substance when cut
LATER- side (latus)
Laterigrade- walking sideways, as a crab
Ambilateral- relating to or affecting both sides; pertaining to both sides
Dorsolateral- relating to the back and the side
Heterolateral- pertaining to or situated on the opposite side
Lateropulsion- a tendency to move to one side in forward locomotion
MEDI- middle (medius)
Mediodorsal- both median and dorsal; on the median line of the back; pertaining to the middle of
the back
Mediad- toward the median plane or line
Mediastinum- a partition separating adjacent parts; the space in the middle of he chest between
the two pleura
Hematomediastinum- an effusion of blood into the mediastinal space
Mediolateral- pertaining to the middle of the side
OV- egg (ovum)
Binovular- pertaining to two ova; dizygotic; applies to twinning
Mesovarium- the mesentery of the ovary
Synovial- pertaining to the clear fluid normally present in joint cavities
Ovicide- an insecticide effective against an egg stage; An agent that destroys eggs
PON- , POSIT, - POSE, - to place, to put (through French, POUND-)
Anteposition- the placing of one word or group of words before another, especially in cases
where usual order is the inverse; superposition of whorls in a flower typically
alternating; the act of placing something before something else
Apposition- the state of being in juxtaposition or proximity
Decompound- more than one compound
Transposition- a change of position
Suppository- a medicated solid body intended for introduction into the various orifices of the
Depose- to remove from a place of authority
RUG- wrinkle (ruga)
Ruga- a fold or wrinkle, as of the mucous membrane of certain organs
Rugosity- a condition exhibiting many folds in a tissue or integument
Erugatory- tending to remove wrinkles
SANGUI(N)- blood (sanguis)
Sanguification- conversion into blood
Sanguimotor- of or relating to the circulation of the blood
Sanguisorba- a genus of herbs of styptic quality
SICC- dry (siccus)
Exsicatta- dried specimens
Exsiccant- drying or absorbing moisture
Siccant- drying; tending to make dry
VAL- to be strong, to be well
Bivalent- applies to paired homologous chromosomes
Valence- capacity of atoms to combine with other atoms in different proportions
Pentavalent- having a valence of five
VARIC- twisted and swollen (vein) (varix)
Varicose- descriptive of blood vessels that are dilated, knotted and tortuous
Neurovaricosis- a varicosity on a nerve fiber
Varicomphalus- a varicosity at the navel
Varicellate- applies to shells with small or indistinct ridges
Varix- prominent ridges across the whorls of univalve shells
Varicosity- the state of being twisted and swollen
VERT- , VERS- to turn
Diverticulum- a pouch or sac springing from a hollow organ
Versatile- hung or attached near the middle and moving freely, as an anther
Versicolor- variously colored
Verticellate- cyclical
Dextroversion- a turning to the right side; A tendency to turn toward the right
Eversion- a turning outward, as of an eyelid
Abscise- to become separated; to fall off, as leaves, fruit, etc.; To cut away or cut out
Aberrant- deviating from the usual or normal; straying from what is normal
Caudad- toward a cauda
Dorsad- toward the back
Ablactation- the weaning of an infant; the end of mammary secretion
Affusion- the pouring of water upon a part or upon the body to reduce the temperature and calm
the nervous system, as in fever
Ambivalence- tendency to be pulled in psychologically opposite directions, as between love and
hate; coexistence within a person, to a similar degree, of opposed traits, attitudes or
Ambiversion- tendency to have a balance between introversion and extroversion
Circumcision- removal of the foreskin
Anteversion- a tipping, tilting or displacement forward of an organ or part, especially of the
Circumduction- the movement of a limb in such a manner that its distal part describes a circle,
the proximal end being fixed
Admedial- located near or approaching the median plane or central axis
Corrugated- formed into folds or furrows
Consanguineous- related by birth or blood
Ovipositor- a specialized structure in insects for placing eggs in a suitable place
Decomposition- disintegration
Collateral- accessory or secondary; not direct or immediate
Contralateral- opposite; acting in unison with a similar part on the opposite side of the body
Decerebrate- having the brain removed; lacking a brain
Desiccate- to dry up or cause to dry up
Divaricate- widely divergent
Aggregate- the whole sum
Disgregation- dispersion; separation, as of molecules or cells
Adduction- any movement whereby one part is brought toward another or toward the median line
of the body
Anteflexion- a bending forward
Apponent- serving to place something near something else
Adductor- A muscle that draws a limb toward the body
Rugulose- Full of small wrinkles
Delactant- Stopping or inhibiting the production of milk
Sanguifaction- The process of producing blood
Dorsiverted- turned toward the back
Disseminate- to spread or scatter like seeds
Conifer- Something that bears cone-like objects
Radiform- Resembling the spokes of a wheel
Intercostal- located between the ribs
Corrugated- thoroughly wrinkled in appearance
The prefix "con" when added to "rugate" produces "corrugate": True
The PREFIX in the word INSEMINATE means: into
Which word specifically means 'located within the skull': intracranial
Which word contains a Latin suffix meaning "having the character of"? reptile
The BASE in the word EFFUSION means: to pour
The prefix "ab" when added to "cise" produces "abscise": true
The base in the word ELIMINATE Means: threshold
The base in the word INCUMBENT means: to lie
What does DETRUSIVE mean? Tending to push downwards
INTERRENAL means: situated between the kidneys
INFRANGIBLE means: unbreakable
The prefix "dis" when added to "fraction" produces "difraction": False
IMMURE means: to wall up
The prefix "ad" when added to "ceptor" produces "adceptor”: false
The prefix "ob" when added to "cur" produces "ocur": false
The prefix "con" when added to "rugate" produces "corrugate": True
The prefix "ab" when added to "lactation" produces "ablactation": True
The prefix "sub" when added to "current" produces "succurrent": ture
ANTEFLEXION means: a forward bending
The BASE in the word AGGREGATE means: flock
JUXTACOSTAL means: located next to the ribs
INNOMINATE means: having no name
The base in the word ADHESION means: to stick
A Latin prefix that can mean "somewhat" is: subThe prefix "in" when added to "radiate" produces "inradiate": false
The PREFIX in the word INSEMINATE means: into
The BASE in the word SYNOVIAL means: egg
What does DETRUSIVE mean? Tending to push downwards
AMBILATERAL means: affecting both sides
The prefix "ab" when added to "cise" produces "abscise": true
Chapter 22
Ex-, e-, ef- out, from, removal, completely
Extra-, extro- outside of, beyond
In-, im- into, on (through French, en-)
Intra-, intro- within
In-, im- not
Infra- below
Inter- between, among
Juxta- by the side of, close to
Ob- against, toward, completely
Per- through, wrongly, completely
ARTICUL- joint (articulus)
Interarticular- between articulating parts of bones; applies to certain ligaments and
fibrocartilages; located between the bones of a joints
Biarticulate- two-jointed
Coarticulation- a synarthrosis
Polyarticular- affecting many joints
BUCC- cheek, mouth (bucca)
Buccal- pertaining to the cheek; toward the cheek; pertaining to the cheek
Buccolingual- pertaining to the cheeks and tongue
Buccomesial- pertaining to the buccal and mesial walls of a dental cavity
Buccoversion- condition of a tooth being out of the line of normal occlusion in the buccal
CLUD- , CLUS- CLOS- to close, to shut
Eclosion- the act of emerging from the pupal case; the act of hatching from the egg
Buccoclusal- pertaining to the buccal and occlusal walls of a dental cavity; pertaining to the
grinding or biting surface of a tooth
Disto-occlusal- relating to the distal and occlusal surfaces of premolar and molar teeth
Preclusion- the inability to execute any movement
Exclusion- the process of extruding or shutting out in a surgical operation by which part of an
organ is disconnected from the rest but not excised
CORD- heart (cor)
Cordate- heart-shaped
Subcordate- tending to be heart-shaped
Postcordial- situated behind the heart
Precordium- the area of the chest overlying the heart
COST- rib (costa)
Bicostate- having two longitudinal ridges or ribs, as a leaf
Costate- with one or more longitudinal ribs or ridges
Intercostobrachial- the lateral branch of the second intercostals nerve which supplies the upper
Costalia- the supporting plates in the theca of ladoidea
Subcostalgia- pain beneath the ribs or over a subcostal nerve
Ecostate- without ribs
Intercostal- located between the ribs
CRUR- leg (crus)
Crus- term applied to certain parts of the body from their resemblance to legs
Crura (plural of crus)- the shanks; leglike or columnar structures; lumbar parts of the diaphragm
of muscle fibers
Subcrureal- applies to subcrureus or articularis genus muscle, extending from lower femur to
Genitocrural- pertaining to genitalia and leg
CUR(R)-, CURS- to run, to go
Decurrent- having leaf base prolonged down extensions or rib
Excurrent- pertaining to ducts, channels or canals where there is an outgoing flow; with
undivided main stem; having midrib projecting beyond the apex; flowing or moving
Intercurrent- occurring or taking place between, as a disease arising or progressing during the
existence of another disease in the same person
Succursal- subsidiary
Concurrent- proceeding or happening simultaneously
DENT- tooth (dens)
Dentition- the process of teething; the arrangement of the teeth
Bidenticulate- with two small teeth or toothlike processes, as some scales
Dentin- a hard, elastic substance, chemically resembling bone, composing the greater part of
Osteodentin- a variety of dentin which closely approaches bone in structure
Denticle- a small, toothlike process
Dentary- the membrane bone of the lower jaw of many vertebrates
Dentate- having teeth or teethlike projection; having a toothy or serrated edge; having a
scalloped edge, as a dentate ligament
FEBR- fever (febris)
Febrile- pertaining to or characterized by a fever
Antifebrin- a proprietary name for acetanilide
Febricula- a slight and transient fever
FER- to bear, to carry, to produce
Afferent- bringing toward; applies to nerves carrying impulses to nervous centers; serving to
carry fluids or impulses toward the center
Dorsiferous- with sori on back of leaf; carrying the young on the back
Lactiferous- forming or carrying milk; bearing or producing milk
Oviferous- serving to carry eggs
Proliferate- to multiply
Toxiferous- producing or conveying poison
Biferous- producing two crops of fruit in a season
FOLI- leaf (folium)
Foliaceous- having the form or texture of a foliage leaf; thin and leaflike
Foliolate- like leaflets
Prefoliation- the form and arrangement of foliage leaves in a bud
Effoliation- shedding of leaves
HER- HES- to stick
Adherent- attached to a substratum; sticking to or attached to something
Cohesion- the attractive force between the same kind of molecules
Adhesiotomy- the surgical cutting or division of adhesions
Cohesive- tending to stick together
JECT- to throw; JACUL- dart (jaculum)
Projectile vomiting- a form of vomiting observed in some diseases of the brain stem; the vomitus
is suddenly projected out of the mouth to some distance, usually without nausea
Ovijector or ovejector- a highly muscular part of the oviduct in many nematode worms that
forces the eggs through the genital pre; An organ serving to expel eggs from the body
Jaculatory- darting out; capable of being emitted
Retrojection- the washing of a cavity from within outward
Jactitation- a tossing about; great restlessness
MUR- wall (murus)
Intermural- situated between the walls of an organ
Extramural- outside the wall of an organ; Located outside of the walls
Mural- pertaining to a wall, as a mural pregnancy
NOMIN- NOM- name (nomen)
Paranomia- nominal aphasia, characterized by an inability to name objects
Binomial- consisting of two names
RADI- spoke of a wheel, ray (radius)
Radioreceptor- a terminal organ for receiving light or temperature stimuli
Radiole- a spine of a sea urchin
Radiatiform- with radiating marginal florets
Equibiradiate- with two equal rays
Radiotherapy- treatment of disease by x-rays, radium and other radioactive substances
Radiate- radially symmetrical; radiating
SEMIN- seed (semen)
Semination- dispersal of seeds; discharge of spermatozoa
Seminoma- a testicular tumor of low malignancy made up of large, uniform cells with clear
cytoplasm which resembles spermatogonia; also called dysgerminoma,
Seminuria- the discharge of semen in the urine
Disseminate- to spread or scatter like seeds
TEG- TECT- to cover
Subtegminal- under the tegmen or inner coat of a seed
Tectorial- covering; applies to the membrane covering the spiral organ of the corti; pertaining to
a certain category or group
Tectospondylic- having vertebrae with several concentric rings or calcification
Tectrices- small feathers covering the base of remiges (remiges – large feathers of wings)
Tegme- the integument; the inner seed coat; the thin plate of bone over the tympanic atrium
TUSS- cough (tussis)
Tussive- pertaining to or caused by a cough
Tussilago- genus of plants used as remedy for cough
Tussol- a trademark for antipyrine mandelate, used as a remedy for whooping cough
Tussive- characterized by coughing
VEN- vein (vena)
Rectivenous- with straight veins
Venation- the system or disposition of veins or nervures; nervation
Venule- small vein of a leaf or insect wing; small vessel conducting venous blood from
capillaries to vein
Venose- with many and prominent veins
Supervenosity- condition in which blood has become venous to a high degree
Venomotor- causing veins to contract or dilate
EdentateExtrabuccal- outide the mouth; extraoral
ExfoliationIrradiationEfferentIntravenousIntegumentInfracostal- old name for the subcostal muscle
Intramural- Within the substance of the walls of an organ
Inercrural- situated between the crura
IntrojectionSeminiferousInnominateJuxta-articular- near a joint
ObcordatePertussal or pertussoid- like whooping cough
OcclusionPercurrentIntrafebrile- during the course of a fever
InseminationIncoherent- disconnected, illogical and inconsistent
ExcursionDisarticulationPerfoliateJaculiferous- bearing dartlike spines
Tegmen- covering tissue
Immuration- to act of walling in
Juxtacordal- located next to the heart
Nominal- pertaining to names, or in name only
Chapter 23
Post- behind, after
Pre- before, in front of
Pro- forward, in front of
Re-, red-, back, again, against
Retro-, backward, behind
Se- aside, away
Sub-, sus-, suc-, etc,. under, up from under, somewhat
Super-, supra- above
Trans-, tran-, tra- across, through
Ultra- beyond
ARBOR- tree (arbor)
Arboreous- treelike or pertaining to trees
Arborization- a conformation or arrangement resembling the branching of a tree
Arboretum- a place where trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants are cultivated for scientific
Arborvitae- a type of tree
Arbor vitae- arborescent appearance of the white substance in a median section of the
cerebellum; series of ridges and folds within the mucosa of the uterine cervix
CAL- to be warm
Calefacient- an externally applied medicine that causes a sensation of warmth
Calorescence- the conversion of invisible heat rays into luminous heat rays
Calorie- a heat unit; amount of heat required to raise 1 kg of H2O from 0o to 1oC
Calenture- a fever formerly thought to affect sailors in the tropics, causing them to imagine the
sea a green field and leap into it; any fever supposedly caused by heat
Calentura- term used in the Philippines for an epidemic disease of horses
Decalescence- the decrease in temperature when rate of heat absorption exceeds rate of heat
CARIN- keel (carina)
Carina- any keellike structure
Paracarinal- beside a carina, especially urethral carina
Carina nasi- a narrow, cleftlike space between the agger nasi and the inner surface of the dorsum
CERN-, CRET-, CRE- to separate, to distinguish, to secrete
Secernment- secretion, applied to the function of a gland
Ncretion- internal secretion
Secretagogue- a substance promoting or causing secretion
Secretion- the process of discharging a substance from the body
CILI-, eyelid, eyelash (cilium)
Cilia- hairlike, vibratile outgrowths of the ectoderm
Ciliospore- A ciliated protozoan swarm spore
Ciliata- a class of phylum Protozoa characterized by the presence of cilia
CORN(U)- horn (cornu)
Bicornute- with two hornlike processes
Cavicorn- hallow-horned; applies to certain ruminants
Corniculate- having small horns
Subcorneous- under a horny layer; slightly horny
Interramicorn- a piece of a bird’s bill beyond the mandibular rami forming the gonys
Cornification- degenerative process by which cells of epithelium are converted into dead, horny
tissue; the production of horn
CUB-, CUMB-, CUBIT- to lie
Decubitus- recumvent or horizontal posture; ulcer, bedsore
Succubous- with each leaf covering part of leaf beneath it
Accumbent- applies to embryo having cotyledons with edges turned toward radicle
DORM-, DORMIT- to sleep
Obdormition- numbness of a part due to interference with nervous function; sensation of a part
“being asleep”
Dormidera- California poppy, known for narcotic effect of its seeds
Dormitive- inducing sleep
FET- (FOET-) offspring, fetus (fetus)
Fetation- the formation of a fetus; pregnancy
Exfetation- extopic or extrauterine fetation; A pregnancy occurring outside of the womb
Multifetation or superfetation- the production of a second fetus after one is already present ini
the uterus
FRANG- (-FRING-), FRAG-, FRACT- to break, to bend
Refract- to cause the deviation of a ray of light from a straight line in passing obliquely from one
transparent medium to another of different density
Refractory- resisting treatment; slow to melt; resisting stimulation, as muscle or nerve
Diffraction- the separation of light into component parts by means of prisms
Fragulin- a glycoside obtained from frangula (Alder Buckthorn), so called for the frangibility of
its bark
Fracted- broken
GRAD-, GRESS-, to step, to go
Digitigrade- walking with only digits touching the ground; Walking on the tips of the toes
Dorsigrade- having back of digit on ground when walking
Orthograde- walking or standing in the upright position
Subplantigrade- incompletely plantigrade; walking with the heel slightly elevated
Anitaggressin- an antibody which neutralizes an agressin or spreading agent produced by
Egress- an exit or way out
Retrograde- moving backwards
LINGU- tongue, language (lingua)
Fissilingual- having a bifid tongue
Vermilingual- having a worm-shaped tongue
Linguatula- a genus of tongue worms
Linguoversion- displacement of a tooth on the lingual side of its proper occlusal position
MENT- chin (mentum)
Mentigerous- supporting or bearing the mentum; a projection between the head and foot of some
Mental- pertaining to the chin
Mentalis- a muscle of the lower lip
PLIC-, PLICIT-, to fold
Plica- a fold of skin or membrane
Complicate- folded; applies to leaves folded longitudinally so that right and left halves are in
contact; applies also to insect wings
Conduplicate- applies to cotyledons folded to embrace the radicle; applies to vernation when one
half of leaf is folded on the other
Induplicative- applies to vernation or estivation with induplicate foliage or floral leaves
Plication- the act or process of folding
POT- to be powerful
Totipotent or equipotent- applies to blastomeres which can develop into complete embryos when
separated from the aggregate of the blastomere
Unipotent- giving rise to only one cell or tissue type; said of an embryonic or multiplying cell
Potentiation- effect of substance, which, when added to another, makes the latter more potent as
a drug
PUR- pus (pus)
Purulent- containing, consisting of or forming pus
Purohepatitis- suppurative inflammation of the liver
Puruloid- puriform
REN- kidney (ren)
Adrenal- adjacent to the kidneys; relating to or derived from adrenal glands or their secretion
Adrenergic- liberating adrenaline
Subreniform- slightly kidney shaped
Renotrophic- pertaining to the ability of certain compounds, such as testosterone, to produce
hypertrophy of the kidney
Renotropic- specifically attracted to kidney tissue
SON- sound (sonus)
Assonance- a morbid tendency to employ alliteration
Asonia- tone deafness
Sonification- the act or process of producing sound, as stridulation of insects
SUD- to sweat
Exudation- process of oozing out slowly
Sudoriferous or sudomotor- conveying, producing or secreting sweat
Sudatorium- a hot air bath or a room for such a bath
Sudoresis- excessive sweating
Sudorific- inducing sweating
Sudamen- eruption of translucent, whitish vesicles due to noninflammatory disturbance of the
sweat glands
Sudation- the production of sweat
TRUD-, TRUS- to push, to thrust
Destrusor- an ejection or expulsion; a thrusting down or out
Contrusion- obsolete term for the act of crowding together, as teeth
Extrusion- a forcing out; in dentistry, extension of a tooth beyond the occlusal plain
Predormition- applied to the stage of unconsciousness immediately preceding actual sleep
Postcornual- applies to glands situated behind horns, as in chamois
Replicatile- applies to wings folded back on themselves when at rest
Prepotent- transmitting the majority of characteristic; applies to a flower exhibiting a preference
for crosspollination
Retrofract- bent backward at an angle
Retrolingual- behind the tongue; applies to a gland
Suppurate- to form pus
Prosecretin- the precursor of secretin, i.e., a hormone produced in the epithelial cells of the
duodenum, which excites the pancreas to activity
Subcarinate- somewhat keel shaped
Submental- beneath the chin
Feticide- the killing of the fetus in the uterus
Superciliary- pertaining to the eyebrow
Subarborescent- somewhat like a tree
Suprarenal- situated above a kidney
Laterigrade- walking like a crab
Ciliograde- progressing by movement of cilia
Transudation- the passing of fluid through a membrane, especially of blood serum through vessel
Procumbent- prone; lying face down; in dentistry, said of a tooth whose long axis approaches the
Ultrasonic- pertaining to sounds with a frequency above that of audible sound
Transcalent- permeable to radiant heat rays
Prolactin- a hormone which stimulates lactation
Transonance- transmitted resonance; the transmission of sounds through an organ, as of the
cardiac sound through the lungs and chest wall
Recrement- a substance secreted from a part of the body, as from a gladn, and again absorbed by
the body
Retrogression- in biology, the passing from a higher to a lower type of structure in the
development of an animal; in medicine, a going backward, degeneration, involution or
atrophy, as of tissue
Retrusion- in dentistry, the process of pressing teeth backward
Puriform- Resemling pus
Protrusive- Prominent or jutting forward
Latericumbent- Lying on one’s side
Multiciliate- having many small hairs
Reniform- Kidney-shaped
Linguiversion- The turning of a tooth toward the tongue
Discernment- the capability of making distinctions
Arboreal- Pertaining to or dwelling in trees
Chpater 24
-al, (-ial –eal), pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of (-alis)
ABDOMIN- abdomen
LEG- law
OR- mouth
CORPOR- body
-ile, -il, same meanings as number 1 (-ilis)
HOST- enemy
JUVEN- youth
VIR- man
CIV- citizen
-ar same meaning as number 1 (-aris)
LUN- moon
SOL- sun
POPUL- people
-ine same meaning as number 1 (-inus)
BOV- cow
MAR- sea
FEMIN- woman
Acin-, grapes in a cluster (acinus)
Acinar- pertaining to an acinus, a small seed or kernel, as of a grape, a small sac
Interacinar- among alveoli of a racemose gland
Acinform- grape- or berry-shaped; applies to a type of silk gland in a spider
Al-, wing (ala)
Ala- any winglike projection or structure
Exalate- not having winglike appendages; apterous
Alisphenoid- winglik portion of sphenoid forming part of cranium
Aliferous- having wings
Alinotum- the dorsal plate of an insect to which wings are attached
Annul-, ring (annulus)
Annulus- any ringlike structure
Exannulate- having a sporangium not furnished with an annulus; applies to certain ferns
Annelida- a phylum of segmented worms including earth-worms
Annulose- possessing rings
Apic-, tip, summit, apex
Apiculate- forming abruptly to a small tip, as a leaf
Subapical- nearly at the apex
Periapical- around an apex
Apicitis- inflammation of any apex, as a tooth root or a lung
Argent-, silver (argentums)
Argenteal- applies to layer of eye containing calcic crystals
Argenteous- like silver
Aregentaffin or argentophile – the capacity of certain tissue elements to reduce silver in staining
Argentiferous- producing or containing silver, Silver-bearing
Argentinidae- family of small, silvery marine fishes
Supramalar- Located above the cheekbone
Intralacunal- Located within a gap
Postcipital- Located behind the head
Extraparietal- Located outside of the walls of an organ
Equitation- Horse riding
Can-, dog
Canicola fever- an acute febrile disease in man and dogs caused by Leptospira canicola
Canidae- family which includes dogs, wolves and jackals
Caniniform- having the form of a typical canine tooth
Canine- Pertaining to dogs
Senescence- The process of aging
Obdurate- Stubborn or unyielding; hard-hearted
Capit-, (-cipit-), head (caput)
Bicipital- pertaining to biceps
Capitulum or capitellum- knoblike swelling on end of bone
Bicapitate- having two heads, dicephalous
Capitellidae- family of worms with small heads
Dur-, hard, dura mater
Duramen- hard, darker central region of a tree stem; heartwood
Epidural- space between the dura mater and the wall of the vertebral canal; situated upon or over
the dura
Duroarachnitis- inflammation of the dura mater and arachnoid membrane
Induration- A hardening , the hardening of a tissue or part; a hardened area of tissue
Thermoduric- able to survive high temperatures, specifically pasteurization
Aciduric- refers to bacteria which can grow in an acid medium, but which grow better in alkaline
Equ-, horse (equus)
Equitant- overlapping saddlewise, as leaves in a leaf-bud
Equiline- an estrogenic hormone occurring in urine of pregnant mare
Equidae- family of mammals having a single extant genus, Equus, which includes the horse, ass
and zebra
LACRIM- (LACHRYM-) tear (lacrima)
Lacrimal- pertaining to tears or to tear-secreting organs; the lacrimal bone
Adlacrimal- lacrimal bone of retiles
Nasolacrimal- pertaining to the nose and lacrimal apparatus
Lacun-, small pit, gap
Lacuna- a space between cells, a sinus; a cavity in bone, a leaf gap
Lacunose- Full of pits or cavities, having many cavities; pitted
Lacunome- a system of lacunar spaces sometimes demonstrated in animal cells
Lacunosorugose- having deep furrows or pits, as some seeds and fruits
Lacunidae- family of marine gastropods with slit in shell comprising the chinks, or keyhole
Oculomotive- Causing the eye to move
Alation-The growth of wings
Monticular- Pertaining to a small lump or ridge
Coroniform- Crown-shaped
Decorticate- To remove the bark
Febrifuge- An agent which gets rid of fever
Multimaternal- Pertaining to a social organization in which females share the duties of child care
Intracapillary- Occurring within a thin hairlike blood vessel
Contorted- Thoroughly twisted or tangled
Corolliferous- Bearing a structure shaped like a small crown
Canifuge- An agent that repels dogs
Aquifer- A water-bearing stratum of rock
Brevicostal- Having or pertaining to short ribs
Pellucid- Thoroughly clear or transparent
Retrotorsion- The act of twisting backwards
Limin- threshold
Limen- threshold; minimum stimulus or quantitative difference in stimulation that is perceptible,
Limen nasi- boundary between the osseous and cartilaginous portions of the nasal cavity
Liminal- pertaining to a threshold; applies to stimulus
Supraliminal- lying above a threshold
Mal-, cheek, cheekbone
Malar- pertaining to the check or to the zygoma
Deutomalae- the broad plate in Chaetognatha, formed by fusion of second pair of mouth
Ocful- eye, little eye
Ocellate- Having markings that look like small eyes ; like an eye or eyes, applies to markings in
many animals
Oculomotor- causing movements of the eyeball
Inocular- applies to antennae inserted close to eye
Monocule- a one-eyed animal, as certain insects
Oculist- ophthalmologist
Oculogyric- referring to movements of the eye
Transocular- extending across the eye
Lacrimation- The secretion of tears
Inoculate- Lacking eyes
Lachrymose- Tending to weep
Pulvilliform- Shaped like a small cushion
Pontic- Pertaining to a bridge-like organ or structure
Palat,- palate, roof of the mouth (palatum)
Palatine- pertaining to or in the region of the palate; apples to artery, bone, foramen
Salpingopalatine- pertaining to the Eustachian tubes and palate
Transpalatine- a cranial bone of crocodiles connecting pterygoid with jugal and maxilla bones
Palaitis- inflammation of the palate
Palatiform- resembling the palate
Pariet-, wall
Paries- wall of a hollow structure
Parietal- pertaining to or forming part of the wall of a structure; applies to cells, membrane,
placentation, etc; the parietal bone in the roof of the skull
Gastroparietal- pertaining to the stomach and body wall
Parietomastoid- connecting mastoid with parietal, as a suture
Uteroparietal- pertaining to the uterus and abdominal wall
Plant- sole of the foot, sprout (planta)
Planta- the sole of the foot
Autotransplantation- transplantation of a tissue or organ to another part of same organism
Explantation- tissue culture removed from the organism of its origin
Latiplanter- having the hinder tarsal surface rounded
Plantula- a pulvilluslike adhesive pad on the tarsal joints of some insects
Replantation- the replacement of teeth which have been extracted or otherwise removed from
sockets, usually after appropriate treatment, such as filling root canals and scraping the
PONT- bridge (pons)
Pons- a process or bridge of tissue connecting two parts of an organ; a convex white eminence
situated at the base of the brain
Pontic- protion of a prosthetic bridge which is between the abutments and serves as the artificial
substitute for a lost tooth
Cerebropontine- relating to cerebrum and pons
Pontobulbar- pertaining to the pons and the medulla oblongata
Uterparietal- pertaining to the uterus and abdominal wall
Latiplanter- having the hinder tarsal surface rounded
PULVIN- cushion (pulvinus), PULVILL- little cushion (pulvillus)
Pulvinus- a cellular swelling at the junction of axis and leaf stalk
Pulvillform- like a small cushion
Pulvination- a convex curve or swelling, as on a frieze
Pulvinaria- genus of scales named from the appearance of their cottony egg cases
Pulvillus or pulvinulus- pad, process or membrane on the foot or between the claws; the lobe
between each claw
Sen-, old
Presenility- premature old age
Senopia- the change of vision in the aged in which persons formerly myopic acquire what seems
to be normal vision because of preslyopia
Senium- old age
Caniform- resemblig a dog
Apicular- pertaining to the tip or summit
Chpater 25
-ic, -tic, pertaining to, like (-icus, -ticus)
Pelv- “pelvis”
CIV- citizen
LUN(A)- moon
-ary, pertaining to, connected with, havng the character of (-arius)
MILIT- soldier
LITER- literature
SANGUIN- blood
-an, -ani, pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of (-anus)
URB- city
VETER- old
AMERIC + -an American
-form, like having the shape of (-formis)
REN- kidney
MUR- wall
OV- egg
AQU(A)- water (aqua)
Aqua regia- a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids which dissolves gold
Subaqueous- occurring beneath the water
Deaquation- the act or process of removing water from a substance; dehydration
Aquifer- a water-bearing bed or stratum of permeable rock, sand or gravel
BREV- short (brevis)
Breviped- having short legs
Brevifoliate- having short leaves
Brevilingual- with a short tongue
CAPILL- hair (capillus)
Capillitium- protoplasmic threads forming a network in the spore capsule
Capillarectasia- dilatation of the capillaries
Capillovenous- pertaining to a junctional vessel between a capillary and a venule
Capillariasis- infestation with a disease caused by a nematode worm of the genus Capillaria
Capillaceous- having hairlike filaments
Capiliculture- treatment to cure or prevent baldness
COLL- neck (collum)
Decollation- decapitation
Collar bone- the clavicle
Coron-, crown; Coroll- little crown (corolla)
Corolla- the petals of a flower
Corolliferous- having a corolla
Corollaceous- pertaining to a corolla
Coronilla- genus of herbs named for crow-shaped flower clusters
Coronula- peripheral ring of spines on shell of certain echinoids
Coronula- a group of cells forming a crown on the oosphere
Cortic-, CORT- bark, outer layer (cortex)
Cortex- outer or more superficial part of an organ; the cerebral cortex
Corticiferous- forming or having a barklike cortex
Cortisone- constituent of adrenal cortical extract
Infracortical- beneath the cortex
Decorticate- to remove bark or cortex
Corticipetal- conducting toward the cortex
Isocortex- those parts of the cerebral cortex exhibiting the six characteristic layers or strata, each
layer having certain predominant cells and histologic features common to all isocortical
Neocortex- that part of the cerebral cortex which is phylogenetically the most recent in
Curc-, cross (crux)
Crucifer- a plant with four petals and tetradynamous stamens; a member of the family Cruciferae
Cruciate- cross shaped
Cune-, wedge
Cuneate- wedge-shaped
Praecuneus- the medial surface of the parietal or the quadrate lobe of the cerebrum
Entocuneiform- the most internal of distal tarsal bones
ENS- sword (ensis)
Ensiform- sword-shaped
Ensomphalus- conjoined twins united by a band in the epigastric and lower sternal regions;
FALC- sickle (falx)
Falx- sickle-shaped fold of dura mater; inguinal aponeurosis
Falcate- sickle-shaped; hooked
Falculate- curved and sharp at the point
FUG- to flee, to put to flight
Fugue- a state of anesia of considerable duration, sometimes involving a flight from familiar
Nidifugous- leaving the nest soon after hatching
Cerebrifugal- leaving the nest soon after hatching
Basifuge- a plant unable to tolerate basic soils
Fugacious- evanescent; falling off early; Tending to vanish or disappear
Lactifuge- a drug or agent that lessens secretion of milk
Nucleofugal- moving away from a nucleus
LINE- line (linea)
Linella- a system of filaments in certain Sarcodina holding together the xenophya
Lineolate- Marked with small lines
Lineation- an arrangement of lines
LUC- light, to shine (lux)
Noctilucent- phosphorescent, luminescent; Emitting light at night
Radiolucent- partly or wholly transparent to roentgen rays or other forms of radiation
Translucid- semitransparent
MATR-, MATERN- mother (mater, maternus)
Dura mater- the firous membrane forming the outermost covering of the brain and spinal
Matrilocal- located or centered around the residence of the wife’s family or people
Matripotestal- pertaining to the power exercised by a matriarch and her family
Matrix- something within which something else originates or takes form or develops
MONT- mountain (mons)
Monticolous- inhabiting mountainous regions
Monticulus- largest part of the superior vermis of the cerebellum
Verumontanum- a ridge on floor of the urethra
Monticules- small eminences or prominences
MULT- many (multus)
Multicarinate- having many carinae, or ridges
Multicostate- with many ribs or veins; with many ridges
Multiocular- many-eyed
Multiciliate- with some or many cilia; Having many small hairs
Matricide- The killing of a mother by her offspring
Corticosteroid- A hormone produced by the outer layer of the adrenal gland
Brevifoliate- Having short leaves
Translucid- semitransparent
Verumontanum- a ridge on floor of the urethra
Ret-, net
Rete- a network or net
Retial- pertaining to a rete
Reticle or reticulum- a delicate network of cell protoplasm; in veterinary medicine, the
honeycomb bag or second stomach
Reticulocyte- an immature erythrocyte, of reticular appearance when stained
Retina- the light-receptive layer and terminal expansion of the optic nerve in the eye
Retinula- group of elongated pigment cells; the innermost element of an ommatidium
Rostr-, beak (rostrum)
Rostrum- beak or beaklike process
Rostrulum- a small rostrum
Rostrulate- with or like a rostrulum
Adrostral- near to or closely connected with beak or rostrum; located near to the beak
Erostrate- having no beak, applies to antlers
Longirostral- with a long beak
Rostelliform- shaped like a small beak
TORQU-, TORT-, TORS- to twist
Torsion- the act of twisting
Contortuplicate- applies to a bud with contorted and plicate leaves
Detorsion- the correction of a torsion, as the twisting of a spermatic cord or ureter
Torticone- a turreted, spirally twisted shell
Adtorsion- a convergent squint
Extorsion- outward rotation of a part
Laterotosion- a twisting to one side
Verm-, worm (vermis)
Vermiculation- wormlike or peristaltic movement; fine, wavy markings
Vermiculose- vermiform
Vermilingual- having a worm-shaped tongue
Vermiparous- producing wormlike young, as do blowflies
Torque- a turning or twisting force
Reticulation- A grid or a net-like pattern
Longicollic- having a long neck
Chapter 26
-ate (occasionally –ite), having, having the shape of, characterized by having (-atus)
FEMIN- woman
CUR- care
DENT- tooth
FAVOR- favor
-(u)lent, -(o)lent, full of, disposed to (-lentus)
FRAUD- deceit
PUR- pus
SANGUIN- blood
VIR- poison
-ose, full of (-osus)
VERB- word
RUG- wrinkle
COMAT- lethargy
-ous (-ious, -eous), full of, having the character of (-osus, -us)
VARI-, varied
POPUL- people
NERV- nerve
-aceous, belonging to, resembling (-aceus)
HERB- plant
CRET- chalk
CHART- paper
Bull- bubble, blister (bulla); BULLI- to boil
Bulla- a large bleb or blister forming either within or beneath the epidermis and filled with
Bulliform- applied to large, thick-walled epidermal cells of most Gramineae and Cyperaceae
Versioluobullous- characterized by both vesicles and bullae at the same time
Col-, to inhabit
Fungicolous- living in or on fungi
Latebricolous- inhabiting holes
Deserticolous- desert-inhabiting
Arboricolous- inhabiting trees, as certain mollusks
Radicicolous- with the flower seated immediately upon the crown of a root; dwelling in the root,
as a parasite
CORI- skin (corium)
Corium- the deep layer of the skin
Coriaria- a genus of poisonous shrubs used in dyeing and tanning
CRIST- crest (crista)
Crista- a crest
Crista terminalis- crest on wall of right atrium
Intercristal- between the surmounting ridges of a bone, organ or process; used particularly in
intercristal diameter of pelvis, distance between two clear crests
Cristispira- genus of large, flexious, coarsely spiral bacteria
FEC- excrement, sediment (feces)
Fecalith- concretion or calcified mass of fecal material; coprolith
Fecaloid- resembling feces
Fecula- the starchy part of a seed; sediment subsiding from an infusion; the fecal pellet of an
FLA-, FLAT- to blow
Exsufflation- forced discharge of the breath
Souffle- a blowing sound; an auscultatory murmur
Fetal soufflé- inconstant murmur heard over the uterus during pregnancy
FLOR- flower (flos)
Efflorescence- spontaneous conversion of a crystalline substance into powder by loss of water of
crystallization; eruption of exanthematous disease
Extrafloral- situated outside the flower
Liguliflorous- having ligulate flowers
Prefloration- fhe form and arrangement of foliage leaves in the bud
FRONIC- arch (fornix)
Fornix- an arched body or surface
Fornical- like or pertaining to a fornix
GER-, GEST-, to carry, to bear
Digest- to convert food into assimilable form
Ingest- to take substances into the body
Oviger- egg-carrying leg of Pycnogonida
Lactigerous- lactiferous
Progetin- trademark for progesterone, a hormone connected with pregnancy
Gutt-, drop
Guttate- having droplike markings
Guttation- formation of drops of water on plants
Guttiform- drop-shaped
Guttulate- in the form of a small drop, as marings
Guttiferae- family of tropical trees with resinous sap
Nev-, birthmark
Nevus- birthmark
Nevoxanthoendothelioma- a group or groups of yellowish brown nodules sometimes found on
extremities in early childhood
Neval- of or related to a nevus
NID- nest (nidus)
Nidamental- applies to glands which secrete material for an egg-covering
Innidiation- development of cells in a new part to which they have been carried; colonization
Nidation- the renewal of uterine lining between menstrual periods
Pilonidal- pertaining to or containing an accumulation of hairs in a cyst
Denidation- disintegration and ejection of superficial part of uterine mucus
Prenidatory- before midation
PULVER-, PULV- dust (pulvus)
Pulviplum- a powder-down feather
Pulvue- trademark for a capsule containing a powdered drug
Pulveraceous- covered with a layer of powdery granules
RADIC- root (radix)
Radiculose- having many rootlets
Radicicolous- inhabiting roots
Radicle- a small root; a primary root
Monoradicular- having only one root; said of teeth
Myeloradiulitis- inflammation of spinal cord and roots of spinal nerves
Ram-, branch
Biramose- divided into two branches
Ramate- branched
Ramiflorous- having flowers on branches
Ramigerous- bearing branches
Interramicorn- a piece of a bird’s bill beyond the mandibular rame forming the gonys
Ramuliferous- with small branches
Sax-, rock
Saxicavous- applies to rock-borers, as some mollusks, lithomphagous
Saxifrage- plant of the family saxifraga, perennial bherbs frequently found growing in rock
Saxigenous or saxicolous- inhabiting or growing around rocks
Saxicolous- Dwelling around rocks
Intersulcal- Located between two grooves
Scut-, shield (scutum)
Scutum- the broad apex of a style, a bony, horny or chitinous shield
Scute- an external scale, as of reptiles, fish or scaly insects
Scutellum- a small, shield-shaped palnt structure; a hard plate or scale, as on birds and insects
Scutelliplantar- having tarsus covered with small plates, or scutella
Egestion- The act of bearing waste matter from the body
Efflation- A powerful emission of air
Scutiform- Shaped like a plate or shield
Exscutellate- having no scutellum; applies to insects
Scutate- protected by large scales or horny plates
Scutellation- arrangement of scales, as on the tarsus of a bird
Serr-, saw, saw-tooth (serra)
Biserrate- having marginal teeth that are themselves notched
Serratiform- like a saw
Serratodenticulate- with many-toothed serrations
Subserrate- somewhat notched or saw-toothed
Serricornia- a genus of beetles with saw-toothed antennae
Setercor- , sterc-, excrement (stercus)
Stercome- fecal matter of sarcodina, in masses of brown granules
Stercoral- a dorsal pocket or sac of proctodaeum in spiders
Stercobilin- the brown pigment of feces
Stercomarium- the system of stercome- containing tubes of certain sarcodina
Stercoma- A tumor-like mass of excrement, a fecalith; a hard fecal mass, usually in the rectum
Sterculia- a type of plant with a fetid odor
SULC- furrow, groove (sulcus)
Sulcate- furrowed; grooved
Bisulcate- having two grooves
Sulcomarginal- situated at the margin of the spinal cord adjacent to the ventral median fissure
Ebullient- Boiling forth
Defecate- To discharge excrement
Pulverize- To reduce to powder
Gestation- The act of bearing offspring
Coflorent- Producing joined blossoms
Feculent- abounding in sediment or noxious matter; fecal
Fugacious- Tending to vanish or disappear ; in biology, falling off, as the falling off or fading of
petals after the full bloom of a flower
Argenteoguttate- with silver spots
Nevose- spotted; having nevi
Capillaceous- having filaments; like a hair
Nidifugous- leaving the nest soon after hatching
Nidicolous- living in the nest for a time after hatching
Monticolous- inhabiting mountainous regions
Coriaceous- leathery; applies to leaves
Bullate-blistered, puckered; vesiculate
Saxicoline- living or growing on rocks; saxacolous
Cristate- crested; shaped like a crest
Flatulent- having gas in the stomach and intestinal tract
Nidulent- partially encased or lying free in a cavity; embedded in a pulp, as the seeds in a berry
Radiciflorous- with flowers arising at the extremem base of the stem; rhizanthous
Pulverulent- powdered; as if dusted over
Subramouse- slightly branching
Scutigerous-bearing a shieldlike structure
Serratirostral- with serrate bill; applies to birds
Steroricolous- living in dung
Retroserrate- toothed, with teeth directed backward
Multisulcate- much- furrowed
Stercoraceous- Resembling or full of excrement; having the nature of or containing feces, as
stercoraceous vomiting
Excoriate- To remove the skin
Bullaceaous- Resembling a blister
Ramiradicate- Possessing branching roots
Bullation- The formation of bubbles
Mentigerous- supporting or bearing the mentum
Fornicate- having an arched form
Ambiserrate- Having saw-like edges on both sides
Multinevous- Having many birthmarks
Guttation- The formation of drops
Nidifloral- Producing nest-like bunches of flowers
Caudigerous- Serving to support the tail
Ramification- The formation of branches
Arborinidal- Forming nests in trees
Depulvation- The removal of dust
Forniciform- Arch-shaped
Intercristal- Located between ridges
Radicicolous- Dwelling in roots
Fornicate- having an arched form
Potentiometer- A device for measuring electrical power
Protrusive- Prominent or jutting forward
multilingual- Pertaining to communication in many languages
multifoetal- Pertaining to a multiple pregnancy
fracted- Broken
arboreal- Pertaining to or dwelling in trees
predormition- applied to the stage of unconsciousness immediately preceding actual sleep
postcornual- applies to glands situated behind horns, as in chamois
replicatile- applies to wings folded bacck on themselves when at rest
prepotent- transmitting the majority of characteristics; applies to a flower exhibiting a preference
for crosspollination
retrofract- bent backward at an angle
retrolingual- behind the tongue; applies to a gland
suppurate- to form pus
subcarinate- somewhat keel shaped
submental- beneath the chin
feticide- the killing of the fetus in the uterus
superciliary- pertaining to the eyebrow
subarborescent- somewhat like a tree
suprarenal- situated above a kidney
abapical- away from or opposite the apex
periacinar- located about, or surrounding an acinus
subliminal- below the threshold of consciousness or of sensation
lacrimotome- a cutting instrument used in operating on the nasolacrimal duct or larcimal sac
subdural- beneath the dura mater
canine- resembling dogs
senilicide- killing of the aged
plantar- pertaining to the sole of the foot
interparietal- between walls; between parietal bones
pontine- pertaining to a process or bridge of tissue connecting two parts of an organ
protomala- a mandible of myriopods
pulvillar- pertaining to a pulvillus
glossopalatine- connecting the tongue and soft palate
argentine- silver
lacuanar- having or resembling small spaces, or lacunae
precipitin- an antibody to a soluble antigen
alar- winglike
infundibulum- A funnel-shaped cavity
subfebrile- constituting a body temperature slightly above normal but not febrile
equine- pertaining to or derived from a horse; horselike
plantigrade- walking on full sole of the foot
annular- pertaining to a ring of tissue about an opening
aliped-wing-footed, as a bat
intraocular- within the eye
ambiocular- pertaining to both eyes
palatolingual- Pertaining to the roof of the mouth and the tongue
aciniform- Grape-shaped
subalar- Located below the wings
The prefix "ab" when added to "cise" produces "abscise".- true
The prefix "ob" when added to "cur" produces "ocur".- false
The prefix "in" when added to "radiate" produces "inradiate".- false
Which word specifically means 'located within the skull'? intracranial
The prefix "sub" when added to "current" produces "succurrent". true
The prefix "ad" when added to "ceptor" produces "adceptor". false
Chapter 27
Loqu- to speak
Noc- to harm
Dorm- to sleep
Vigil- to watch
Ag- to do
Curr- to run
Habit- to live
-ile- able to be, able to, tending to (-ilis)
-ile- Pretaining to
Frag- to break
Duct- to lead, to draw
-able, -ible- able to be, able to, tending to (-abilis, -ibilis)
Dur- hard, to last
Apt- to fit
Cred- to believe
Flex- to bend
-id- tending to, inclined to (-idus)
Ferv- to boil
Frig- to be cold
Viv- to live
-uous- tending to, inclined to (-uus, -uosus)
Tin- to hold
Sid- to sit
Pet- to seek
AUD- , AUDIT- to hear
Audiometer- an instrument for measuring the acuity and range of hearing
Anaudia- loss of speech; aphonia
Autoaudible- audible to the patient; applied to heart sounds
Auditive- auditory
Psychauditory- pertaining to the conscious or intellectual interpretation of sounds
Subaudition- act of comprehending what is not expressed
CAMER- chamber (camera)
Cameration- division into a large number of separate chambers
Camerostome- hollowed-out place under the surface of the “hood” of certain Trogulidae
Unicameral- having only one cavity of chamber
Cad- (- CID- ), CAS- to fall, befall
Incidence- the act or manner of falling upon; the way in which one body strikes another, as angle
of incidence; the angle at which a ray of light strikes a reflecting or refracting surface
Adeciduate- not falling or coming away; applies to Adeciduata, a division of mammals including
those not having a deciduate placenta
Caducous- in botany, dropping off very early, as compared with other parts
Indeciduate or noncaducous- with maternal part of placenta not coming away at birth
Deciduas- the mucous membrane lining the pregnant uterus, cast of after parturition
Deciduoma- decidual tissue produced in uterus by mechanical methods in absence of embryo; an
intrauterine tumor containing decidual relics and believed to arise from some
hyperplasia of a retained protion of deciduas
CAP- (- CIP- ), CAPT- (- CEPT- )- to take, to seize
Amboceptor- a specific antibody or immune body necessary for fermentationlike action of a
complement on a toxin or a red corpuscle; contains two specialized elements
Exteroceptor- a receptor which receives stimuli from outside the body
Conception- the fecundation of the ovum by the spermatozoon
Proprioceptor- a receptor located in a muscle, tendon, joint, etc., whose reles function is
locomotor or postural
Beneceptor- a receptor for stimuli that tend to promote the well-being of the body
Intussusception- receiving of one part within another, especially invagination; slipping a passage
of one part of intestine into another
CREPIT- to creak, to crackle
Crepitation or crepitus or crepitatio- the grating of fractured bones; crackling of the joints; noise
produced upon tissues containing an abnormal amount of air or gas; in insects, the
discharge of fluid with an explosive sound
Decrepitation- the breaking up or cracking of certain crystals on heating
GRAV- heavy (gravis)
Ingravescence- increasing in weight or severity
Multigravida- a pregnant woman who has had two or more previous pregnancies
Primigravida- a woman who is pregnant for the first time
Gravimetric- measurement of weight or density
Gravigrade- any of several large, heavy-footed mammals as elephants
Gravigrada- a division of Edentata comprising ground sloths
Jac- to lie
Adjacent- lying nearby; having a common border
LAB- , LAPS - to slip, to fall, to glide
Labile- unstable; readily changing; moving from place to place; tending to fall or disintegrate;
tending to slip or decay
Laility- in psychiatry, very rapid fluctuations in intensity and modality of emotions, usually
without external cause
Tremolabile- easily inactivated or destroyed by agitation
MOLL- soft (mollis)
Mollities- softness
Mollisol- surface laer of permanently frozen ground in which ice melts during the summer
(SOL-, ground)
Molluscum- a choronic skin disease with pulpy noules
MORB- desease (morbus)
Morbific- old term for producing disease, pathogenic
Moilli- old term for measles
Morbose- diseased, morbid
Morbus anglicus- rickets
Morbus divinus or morbus caducus- epilepsy
Morus hungaricus- typhus
MOV- , MOT- to move
Oculomotor- causing movements of eyeball; applies to third craial nerve
Vasomotor- applies to nerves supplying muscles in wall of blood vessels and regulating caliber
of blood vessels
Motorium- motor area; part of the nervous system where the motoral sense is located
Venomotor- causing veins to contract or dilate
NASC- , NAT- to be born
Adnate- congenitally attached or united
Innate- inherited; basifixed; applies to anther with filament attached only at base
Antenatal- occurring or existing before birth; prenatal
Denature- to change, to render different from normal
PATI- , PASS-, to suffer, to endure
Compatibility- congruity; the power of a medicine or a substance in a medicine to mix with
another without deleterious chemical change or loss of therapeutic power; refers to
blood types
Passion- an intense emotion
Inpatient- a person in a hospital or infirmary who receives lodging and food as well as treatment
PLAN- flat (planus)
Deplanate- leveled, flattened
Planiform- with nearly flat surfaces; flat in appearance
Planation- a process of erosion that produces flat surfaces
Planarian- a turbellarian worm
Planoconcave- flat on one side and concave on the other
Planula- very young, flat-bodied larva of free-swimming coelenterates
PRUR- , PRURIT- to itch
Antipruritic- relieving or preventing itching
Prurigo- a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by itching
Pruritus- itching
REG- (-RIG-), RECT- to make straight, to rule;
RECT- straight, rectum (rectus)
Arrector- a muscle which erects
Pararectal- beside or near the rectum
Regimen- a systematic plan or course including food, sanitary arrangements and medication to
maintain or improve health
RUMP-, RUPT- to break, to burst
Abruption- a tearing away
Rupture- a forcible tearing of a part; a hernia
Ruptio- rupture of a vessel or organ
SCIND-, SCISS- to cut, to split
Scissile- separating; easily split
Abscission- the separation of parts
Discussion- state of being torn apart; in eye surgery, an operation for a soft cataract in which the
capsule is lacerated a number of times to allow the lens substance to be absorbed
Electroscission- the cutting of tissues by an electrocautery knife
Abscind- to cut off
TANG- (-TING-), TIG-, TACT-, to touch
Tactile- pertaining to the sense of touch
Atactilia- loss of the tactile sense
Myotactic- relating to the muscular sense
VESIC- bladder, blister (vesica)
Vesicle- a small ladder, especially a small sac containing fluid; a small bulla
Perivesiculitis- inflammation around a seminal vesicle
Vesiulation- the formation of vesicles
Vesication- the formation of a blister; a blister
Bronchovesicular- pertaining to an intermediate stage in the transition from normal vesicular to
completely bronchial breath sounds
Audile- applies to a person who tends to understand better by hearing than by seeing; ear-minded
Transaudient- allowing the transmission of sound
Multicamerate- with many chambers
Contiguous- in contact, or adjacent
Susceptible- state of being readily affected
Gravid- pregnant
Subcrepitant- almost crepitant; rattling, crackling, as a subcrepitant rale
Subjacent- lying beneath
Applanante- flattened
Prolapse- the falling or sinking down of a part
Neonatal- applies to the first four weeks after birth
Morbid- pertaining to disease or diseased parts
Siccolabile- altered or destroyed by drying
Mtile- able to move; capable of spontaneous motion
Emollient- a substance used externally to soften the skin
Nascent- pertaining to gaseous substances at the moment of their liberation from chemical
Incompatible- incapable of being used or put together because of resulting chemical change or
antagonistic qualitie, as two drugs or two types of blood
Vesicant- a blistering agent
Incorrigible- incapable of eing corrected
Prurient- causing an itching sensation
Erumpent- breaking through suddenly, as fungal hyphae
Connate- firmly joined together from birth
Circumscissile- splitting along a circular line; applies to dehiscence
Reptile- bursting in an irregular manner
Deciduous- falling off at the end of growth period or at maturity
Immotile- lacking movement
Renascent- Arising or coming to be again
Irruptive- tending to burst inward or intrude
Impassive- Incapable of suffering or emotion
Audiology- The scientific study of hearing
Intangible- Incapable of being touched or sensed
Oculomotive- serving to make the eye move; Causing the eye to move; Serving to make the eye move
Chapter 28
-ulous – tendint to, inclined to (-ulus)
In- CRED- “to believe” + -ulous
Trem- “to tremble + -ulous
GARR- “to chatter”
-ive, - tending to, serving for (-orious)
ACT- “to do” + -ive
Ad- + GRESS-, “to go” +ive
Ad- + HES-, “to stick” +ive
-ory- tending to, serving to (-orious)
Pre- + PAR- “to prepare” + -ate + -ory preparatory
Intro- +DUCT- “to lead” + -ory
Ex- + CRET-, “to separate” + -ory
-itious- tending to, characterized by (-icius)
FICT- to invent + -itious
Ex- + CRE- “to separate” + -ment + -itious
-acious- tending to, inclined to (-ax)
VIV- “to live” + -acious
AUD- “to dare” + -acious
LOQU- “to speak” + -acious
AMBUL- “to walk”
Ambulant or ambulatory- walking or able to walk; designating a patient not confined to bed but
requiring medical care
Ambulacrum- locomotor tube foot of echinoderms
Somnambulism- sleepwalking; bypnotic sleep in which the subject appears to be awake, but his
consciousness is under the control of the hypnotizer
CED-, CESS-, “to go”, “to yield”
Introcession- a depression, as of a surface
Process- a prominence or outgrowth
Succedaneous- relating to or acting as a substitute; pertaining to that which follows after, as a
permanent tooth that replaces a deciduous tooth
DEXTR- righthand (dexter)
Dextral- dexiotropic, turning from left to right, as whorls
Dextroduction- movement of the visual axis toward the right
Dextrogyrate or dextrorotatory- rotating the plane of polarized light to the right
FAC- (-FIC), FACT- (-FECT-) – to do, to make
Artifact- in microscopy and histology, a structure that has been produced by mechanical,
chemical or artificial means
Facultative- voluntary; optional; having the power to do or not to do a thing
FID-, FISS-, to split
Fissile- fissionable; Capable of being split
Fissirostral- with deeply cleft beak
Pentafid- divided in five divisions or lobes
Palmatifid- applies to leaves divided into loes to about the middle at acute angles to each other
GUST- to taste
Gestation- the sense of taste; the act of tasting
Degustation- the act of tasting
Gustometer- an apparatus used to determine taste thresholds
INSUL- island (insula)
Insuloma- a tumor arising from the cells of the islets of pancreas
Insula- that portion of the cortex overlying the corpus striatum
Insulin- the antidiabetic hormone arising from the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas
JUNCT- to join; JUG- yoke (jugum)
Conjugation- the temporary union or complete fusion of two gametes or unicellular organisms;
the pairing of chromosomes; the act of joining things together
Bijugate- with two pairs of leaflets
Disjunction- divergence of paired chromosomes at anaphase
Subjugal- below jugal of the cheekbone (malar bone)
Exconjugant- a protozoan immediately after the separation following conjugation
LEV- lefthand (laevus)
Levoduction- movement to left, said especially of the eye
Levogyrate or levorotatory- rotating the plane of polarized light to the left
Levophoria- a tending of the visual lines to the left
MACUL- spot (macula)
Macula- a spot or patch of color; small pit or depression
Macula lutea- the yellow spot of the retina; point of clearest vision
Maculation- the arrangement of spots on a plant or animal
Emaculation- removal of freckles or skin lesions, especially skin tumors; removal of spots or
Maculopapular- having characteristics of a macule (spot) and a papule
NOCT- night (nox)
Noctiphobia- morbid fear of night
Pernoctation- obsolete word for wakefulness, insomnia
Noctuidae- family of night-flying moths, including owlet moths
Noctivagant- going about in the night; night-wandering
PAR-, PART- to give birth to, to produce
Multiparous- bearing several or more than one offspring at a birth
Biparous- having two young at a time
Ramiparous- producing branches
Primipara- a woman bearing or giving birth to her first child
Octipara- a woma who has been in labor eight times
PEND-, PENS- to hang, to weigh, to pay
Compensation- a psychic phenomenon in which strong feelings of guilt or inferiority prompt
excessive defensive reactions
PRED- prey (praeda)
Predatism- the habit or practice of living by predation
Predacious- preying on other animals
Predacity- quality or state of being predacious
ROT- wheel (rota)
Rotate- shaped like a wheel; rotiform
Rotula- one of five radially directed bars bounding the circular aperture of the esophagous of a
sea urchin
Rotuliform- shaped like a small wheel
Mutarotation- a change in optical rotation of solutions of certain sugars
SALI- (-SILI-), SALT- (-SULT-), to leap, to jump
Insult- trauma or other stress to tissues or organs
Dissilient- springing open; applies to capsules of various plants which dehisce explosively;
Tending to spring or leap apart
Saltigrade- moving by leaps, as some insects
Saltation- the act of leaping or jumping
Resilium- the horny, flexible hinge of a bivalve
Resilifer- projection of a valve carrying the resilium
SORB-, SORPT- to suck in
Absorbtion- in physiology, the taking up of fluids or gases through osmosis and capillarity;
infiltration into the skin; incorporation into the body through blood and lymph
Adsorption- the power of taking up fluids possessed by certain substances
Absorbefacient- an agent which promotes absorption
STRING-, STRICT-, to draw tight
Strict- stiffly upright, rigid, erect
Astringent- an agent that produces contraction of organic tissues or arrests hemorrhage, diarrhea,
Abstriction- the process of detaching spores by rounding off of the tips of sporophores, as in
Electrostriction- the contraction of a solvent resulting from the development of an electrostatic
field by a dissolved electrolyte
Restringent- an astringent or styptic
Stricture- the narrowing of the lumen of a canal or hollow organ, as of the esophagus; a
tightening or narrowing
TEN- (- TIN- ), TENT- to hold
Tenaculum- a holdfast of algae; an ectodermal area modified for adhesion of sand grains in
certain sea anemones
Retinaculum- a small, glandular mass to which an orchid pollinium adheres at dehiscence
Sustentacular- supporting; applies to connective tissue acting as a supporting framework for an
VIV- living (vivus)
Vivification- the act of making alive
Vividiffusion- passage of diffusible substances from the blood of a living animal flowing through
collodion tubes into surrounding isotonic saline solution
Viviparous- bringing forth the young alive; Giving birth to live offspring
Efficacious- having the power to bring about a desired effect
Pendulous- bending downward from the point of origin; overhanging
Procursive- running forward, as procursive epilepsy, a form in which the patient runs during an
epileptic attack
Tenacious- adhesive; cohesive; persistent
Factitious- pertaining to a state or substance which is brought about or produced by means other
than natural
Capacious- able to contain a great deal; not narrow or constricted
Conjunctivitis- inflammation of the conjunctiva (conjunctiva- the mucous membrane covering
the anterior portion of the globe of the eye)
Predation pressure- effects of predation on a natural community
Ambidextrous- able to use both hands equally well
Ambulatory- walking
Resilient- rebounding; elastic
Resorptive- pertaining to the removal by absorption
Suspensory- serving for suspension or support, as a suspensory ligament or suspensory bandage
Constrictive- contracting or tightening
Incontinent- not having the ability to control the natural evacuations, as the feces or the urine;
Unable to hold things in or control them
Recessive- in biology, a characteristic of one of the parents of a hybrid which is found in the
minority of offsprings
Fissiparous- propagating by fission
Accessory- aauxiliary, assisting
Ovoviviparous- reproducing by means of eggs hatched within the body
Salutatory- dancing or leaping
Ambilevous- clumsy in the use of both hands; ambisinister
Circuminsular- surrounding the insula of the cerebral cortex
Immaculate- without spots or marks
Gustatory- pertaining to the sense of taste
Noctambulation- sleepwalking
Facile- Simple or easily done
Sanguifactory- aiding in the production of blood
Gustation- the act of process of tasting
Retentive- tending to retain things or hold things back
Insular- pertaining to or inhabiting an island
The BASE in the word ACCEDE means: to yield
Which of the following words means "lying hidden"? latent
To AGGRAVATE originally meant: to make heavier
The base in INFECTION can mean: to make or do
NEVOID means: like a mole
STERCORICOLOUS means: dwelling in excrement
A woman who has given birth many times can be called: Multipara
RETROSILIENT means: tending to jump backwards
Tending to move the eye: oculomotive
Chapter 29
Caster- “camp” + -le
Cerebr- “brain” + -ellum
Ocul- “eye” + -ellus
Lamin- “thin plate” + -ella
-ule, -ole, -le, “little”
GLOB-, “ball” + -ule
GRAN-, “grain” + -ule +-ar
ARTERI- “artery” +-olearteriole
CIRC- “ring” + -le
SCRUP- “small stone” +-le
-ulus, -ula, -ulum, etc., “little”
Gladi- “sword” + -olus gladiolus
Form- “form” + -ula
Cup-, “tub” + -ola
Capit- “head” + -ulum
-el ‘little”
TUN(N)-, “tub” + -el
SCALPR- “knife” + -el scalpel
MORS- “bite” + -el
-ellus, -ella, -ellum, “little”
LAMIN- “thin plate” + -ella
FLAGR- “whip” + -ellum
CAPIT- “head” + -ellum
CEREBR- “brain” + -ellum
-cule, -cle, “little” (-culum, etc.)
MOLE- “mass” + -cule molecule
MUS- “mouse” + -cle
PART- “part” + -(i)cle particle
-il “little”
COCIC- “book,” “document” + -il
PUP- “boy,” “girl” + -il
FIBR- “fiber” + -il
-illus, -illa, -illum, “little”
FIBR- “fiber” + -illa
PRISC-, “Priscus” (Roman name) + -illa
ARMAD- “armored” + -illo
-uncle “little”
CARB- “live coal” + -uncle
AV- “grandfather” + -uncle + -ar
FUR- “thief” + -uncle +
-unculus, “little”
PED- “foot” + -unculus
RAN- “frog” + -unculus
-ette, -et, “little” (of French origin)
STATUE + -ette
SYRING- + -ette
CORN- “horn” + -et
LANCE- “lance” + -et
AC(U)- sharp, sour, needle (acus)
Acupuncture- puncture of the tissues with long, fine needles; used for centuries for relief of
neuralgic pain or release of fluid
Acusector- an electric needle, operating on a high-frequency current, which cuts tissues like a
Acuticostal- having projecting ribs
Aculeolate- beset with small prickles
ARE- “space” (area)
Areola- any minute interstice or space in a tissue; a colored or pigmented ring surrounding some
central point or space, as a nipple or a pustule; the part of the iris enclosing the pupil
Areolet- a small areola
Areolate- marked with areoles; divided into distinct spaces; reticulate
AUR- “ear” (auris)
Aurist- a specialist in diseases of the ear
Aurophore- an organ projecting from the base of the pneumatophore of certain Siphonophora
Auricle- any earlike, lobed appendage; the external ear; the atrium, or anterior chamber, of the
Endaural- pertaining to the inner surface or part of the external auditory canal
CALC- limestone, pebble, calcium (calx)
Calcicole- a plant which thrives in soils rich in calcium salts
Calcification- the deposition of lime salts in tissue
Calcareous or calcarious- pertaining to or having the nature of limestone; having a chalky
appearance or consistency
Calcipenia- calcium deficiency
Nephrocalcinosis- renal calcinosis, marked by the precipitation of deposits of calcium phosphate
in kidney tubules
CAPS- box (capsa)
Encapsulaton- the process of surrounding a part with a capsule
Decapsulation – removal of a capsule or enveloping membrane; Removal of a covering or enveloping
Capsulitis- inflammation of a capsule, as that of the lens, liver (perihepatitis) or the labyrinth
Capsella- a genus of weeds with notched, markedly flattened pods, such as shepherd’s purse
CAR(N)- flesh (caro)
Carnification- alternation of tissue so that it resembles skeletal muscle in color and consistency;
this sometimes affects the lungs
Incarnative- an agent which produces flesh or promotes granulation
Carnassial- pertaining to cutting teeth of animals of the order Carnivora; the fourth premolar
above and first molar below
Carneous- flesh-colored
Caruncle- a small, fleshy, red mass or nodule
Carunculate- having a caruncle
Carnose- like or relating to flesh; of fleshy consistency, like the succulent parts of plants
CUT- skin (cutis)
Intracutaneous- within the skin substance; applied to injection of substances into the skin
Cutireaction- a local skin reaction following the inoculation with or the application of extracts of
pathogenic organisms
Cutin- a substance allied to cellulose found in external layers of thickened epidermal cells
Cutinization- the deposition of cutin in the cell wall, thereby forming a cuticle
Cutisector- an instrument for taking small sections of skin from the living subject
FIBR- “fiber” (fibra)
Fibril- a component filament of a fiber, as of a muscle or a nerve
Fibrillose- furnished with fibrils; applies to the mycelia of certain fungi
Fibrin- the fibrous, insoluble protein in the network involved in blood clotting
Fibrinogen- a soluble protein of blood which by activity of thrombin yields fibrin and produces
Neurofibril- exceedingly fine fiber composing a mdullated nerve fiber
Leiomyofibroma- a leiomyofibroma containing glandular tissue
FOLL- bag (follies)
Follicle- a capsular fruit which opens on one side only; a cavity or sheath; an ovarian follicle; a
hair follicle; a mall secretory cavity or sac as an acinus or alveolus; A small sac-like
depression or object
Perifollicular- surrounding a follicle
Follicles- a tuberculid involving the extremities and sometimes the face
FUN- rope, cord (funis)
Fuiculus- a bodily structure suggesting a cord; one of the three main divisions of white matter in
the brain; old term for fasciculus; old term for umbilical or spermatic cord; a bundle of
nerve fibers; the stalk of a plant ovule
Funicular- having the form of or associated with a cord; a funiculus
Funiculitis- inflammation of a funiculus, specifically, of the spermatic Cordially
Funic- relating to or originating in the umbilical Cordially
Funipendulous- suspended by a rope or Cordially; Hanging by a thread or cord
LOC- place (locus)
Bilocular- containing two cavities or chambers
Locellus- a small compartment of an ovary
Loculicidal- dehiscent dorsally down the middle of carpels
Translocation- removal to a different place or habitat; diffusion, as of food material; change ini
position of a chromosome segment to another part of the same chromosome or to a
different chromosome
Apicolocator- an instrument for locating the apex of a tooth
LUN(A)- moon (luna)
Lunate- somewhat crescent shaped; semilunar
Lunette- the transparent lower eyelid of snakes; an opening in a vault, especially for a window
Semilunar- half-moon-shaped
OSTI- door, opening (ostium)
Ostium- any mouthlike opening; the openings of the fallopian tubes
Ostiate- furnished with ostia
Ostiole- the opening of a conceptacle, perithecium, stoma or another sac; the inhalant aperture of
a sponge
PART- part, to divide (pars)
Digitipartite- having leaves divided in a handlike pattern
Pedatipartite- a palmate leaf with cymose branching of the third order
Bipartite- having two parts
PED- foot (pes)
Pedicel- any slender stalk; especially one that supports a fruiting or spore-bearing organ
Pedicellate- supported by a pedicel or petiole
Scutiped- having the foot or part of the foot covered by scutella
Pediculation- the process of developing a pedicel
Pedicure- the care of the feet
Suppedaneous- pertaining to the soles of the feet
Pedatifid- divided in a pedate manner nearly to the base; palmately divided with lateral division
PELL- skin (pellis)
Pellicle- a thin skin or film; a film on the surface of a liquid
Pelliculate- having a pellicle on an external surface; Covered with a thin skin
Pellagra- a syndrome resulting from nicotinic acid deficiency, characterized by dermatitis in sunexposed areas
PLUM- feather (pluma)
Filoplume- a delicate, hairlike feather with a long axis and a few free barbs at the apex
Plumate- plumelike
Plumgerous- feathered
Pulviplume- a powder-down feather
RACEM- cluster of grapes or berries (racemus)
Racemation- a cluster, as of grapes
Racemiferous- bearing racemes; Bearing fruit in clusters like grapes
Racemose- bearing flowers in clusters
Racemic acid- an optically inactive mixture of dextrorotatory and levorotatory forms of optical
isomers, etc., named from its being found in th juice of grapes
Racemization- conversion of the optically active form of a compound to its racemic form,
commonly by heating
RIM- crack, chink (rima)
Rimate- having fissures
Rimiform- in the shape of a narrow fissure
Birimose- having two clefts or slits
VOR- to eat
Herbivorous- living on vegetable food
Fungivorous- fungus-eating animals and plants
Insectivorous- living on insects
Racemulose- in small clusters
Subareolar- situated or occurring beneath the mammary areola
Ostiolar- pertaining to an ostiole
Locelli- small compartments of an ovary
Interauricular- located between the auricles of the heart
Lunula- theh white, semilunar area of the nail near the root; the thin, crescentic area of a
semilunar valve of the heart
Calculus- a solid concretion composed chiefly of mineral substances and salts found principally
in ducts, passages, etc.
Capsuliferous- with, or forming, a capsule
Fibrillate- to form fibers; in the case of muscular fibers, to quiver
Cuticle- a horny or chitinous, sometimes calcified, layer formed by and covering an epithelium; a
popular term for epidermis
Peduncle- a narrow part acting as a support
Particulate- composed of particles
Acidulous- slightly sour
Plumule- a primary bud on epicotyl; a plumula, or adult down feather
Multilocular- having many cells or chambers
Rimulose- having many small clefts
Calcivorous- applies to plants which live on limestone
Funicle- a slender Cord
Acicular- needlelike; shaped like a needle
Dextraural- right-eared; pertaining to the right ear
Carnivorous- meat-eating
Folliculose-having follicles, or small sacs
Aculeate- in botany, armed with prickles, as the rose or other brier; in zoology, having a sting
Chapter 30
-ory place for, apparatus
Dormit- to sleep
Lavat-, to wash
-orium, place for, apparatus
Audit-, to hear
Santa-, to heal
-ary place for, apparatus
Mortu-, dead person
Libr-, book
Firm- strong
-arium, place for, apparatus
Aqu-, water
San-, healthy
Herb-, plant
-y, quality of, state of, act of
Miser-, wretched
Modest-, modest
JUR- to swear
-ia, quality of, state of, act of
Neur-, nerve
SOMN- sleep
SON- sound
Ans-, jug handle, loop
Ansa- loop, as of certain nerves
Ansa cervicalis- a nerve loop in the neck
Digit-, finger, toe
Digital- pertaining to a finger or toe
Digitate- having parts arranged like the fingers in a hand; with fingers
Dogotipartite- having leaves divided in a handlike pattern
Digitule- any small, fingerlike process
Sexdigitate- with six fingers or toes
Impardigitate- having an uneven number of finger or toes
Formic-, ant
Formic acid- a colorless acid which occurs in ants and some plants
Formicide- a substance used for destroying ants; an agent which kills ants
Formication- an abnormal sensation of insects crawling in the skin; paresthesia
Haust-, to draw out, to drink
Haustellum- a proboscis adapted for sucking
Haustrum- one of the pouches or sacculations in the intenstines
Haustorium- an organ certain parasitic protozoa by which they attach themselves to the host; An
organ that serves for drawing in liquids
Ment-, mind
Mentation- the mechanism of thought; mental activity
Menticide- the murder of the mind; a metaphorical term for the systematic attempt to break down
a person’s mental orgranization, to destroy his standards of values and ideals and induce
radically different behavior patterns; brainwashing
Mentalism- the doctrine that there is a distinct group of conscious or mental phenomena not
reducible to physical phenomena
Nerv- nerve, vein of insect wing or leaf
Innvervation- nerve distribution; vital nerve force
Laterinerved- with lateral veins
Rectinerved- with veins or nerves straight
Trinervate- having three veins or ribs running form the bast to the margin of a leaf
Nervure- one of the riblike structures which support6 membranous wings of insects; the branches
of the tracheal system; a leaf vein
Abnerval- away from a nerve; denoting the direction of an electric current passing through
muscle fibers away from point of entrance of the nerve
Pector-, breast
Perctoral- pertaining to the chest; in the chest region
Mediopectoral- applies to the middle part of the sternum
Pectoriloquy- exaggerated bronchophony, in which there is distinct transmission of articulate
speech in addition to increased intensity of the voice sounds
Pil-, hair
Neuropile- in ganglia, as of the earthworm, a network of processes, as of ociation, motor and
sensory neurons
Piliferous- bearing or producing hair
Pilose- hairy, downy
Pilomotor- nonmyelinated muscle fibers which cause movement of hair follicles
Pilimiction- the passing of urine containg hairlike filaments
Pilocystic- pertaining to encysted tumors containing hair and fat
Pisc-, fish
Piscine- of, relating to, having the characteristics of fish
Piscidia- a genus of shrubs named for the fact that the leaves and bark poison fish when thrown
into the water
Piscivorous- fish-eating; Feeding on fish
Press-, to press
Adpressed- closely applied to the surface
Depressomotor- any nerve which lowers muscular activity
Obcompressed- flattened in a vertical direction
Pressoreceptor- a nerve ending located in the wall of the carotid sinus and aortic arh which is
sensitive to stretching induced by changes of blood pressure within the vessels or direct
pressure from without
Rod, ros-, to gnaw
Corrosive- a substance which destroys organic tissue by chemical means or by inflammation
Erosion- an eating, gnawing or wearing away
Seb-, grease, tallow (sebum)
Sebum- the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin
Sebaceous- pertaining to sebum; secreting sebum
Sebiparous- secreting fatty matter
Dyssebacia- the plugging of the sebaceous glands, especially around the nose, with a dry,
yellowish material
Seborrhea- a functional disease of the sebaceous glands, characterized by an excessive secretion
or disturbed quality of sebum; A disease characterized by an excessive discharge of grease
Sens- sent-, to feel, to perceive
Sensile- capable of affecting a sense
Sentient- cells that are sensitive and perceptive
Sensiferous- receiving or conveying sense impressions
Consensual- applies to involuntary action correlated with voluntary action
Sensilla- a small sense organ
Pressonsensitive- stimulated by change in blood pressure, as nerve endings in the carotid sinus
Sol-, sun
Insolation- expousure to the sun’s rays
Solarization- the application of solar or electric light for therapeutic purposes
Solasteridae- a family of starfishes, typically brightly colored and having numerous arms
Somn-, sleep
Hypersomnia- excessive sleepiness
Somnifacient- a medicine producing sleep; a hypnotic
Somnifugous- driving away sleep
Squam-, scale
Sqyamous- applies to simple epithelium of flat, nucleated cells; scaly or pavement epithelium
Esquamate- having no scales
Squamiferous- bearing scales
Squamulate- having minute scales
Parietosquamosal- pertaining to the parietal bone and the squamous portion o the temporal bone
Ter (R)-, earth
Terraneous- applies to land vegetation
Terricolous- living in the earth; Dwelling in the earth
Terramycin- trademark for exytetracycline
Uter-, womb
Utricle or utriculus- an air bladder of quatic plants; the membranous sac of the ear labyrinth
Utricularia- a genus of quatic plants having saclike ascidia that serve as animal traps
Uterogestation- the part of the gestation period passed in the uterus
Uterismus- uterine contraction of a spasmodic and painful character
Vacu-, empty
Vacuole- one of the spaces in cell protoplasm containing air, sap or partially disgested food; A
small empty space or sac
Vacuome- the vacuolar system of a single cell
Vacuolization- the formation of vacuoles
Vas-, vessel
Vascular- consisting of or containing vessels adapted for transmission or circulation of fluid
Ideovascular- pertaining to circulatory changes induced by a mental image
Vasodilation- relaxing or enlarging the vessels
Vasifactive- producing new blood vessels; Aiding in the formation of blood vessels
Cardiovascular- pertaining to the heart and blood vessels
Vasoneurosis- a psychoneurosis which partially expresses itself by disturbance of the vasomotor
Amentia- subnormal mental development; especially congenital intellectual incapacity
Dementia- deterioration or loss of the intellectual faculties; the reasoning power
Haustellate- having a proboscis adapted for sucking
Insomnia- the inability to sleep
Formicarium- an ants’ nest, particularly an artificial arrangement for purposes of study
Haustorium- an outgrowth of the stem, root or hyphae of certain parasitic plants which serves to
draw food from the host plant, such as a sucker
Sensorium- the seat of sensation or consciousness; the entire nervous system with sense organs
Terrarium- a vivarium for terrestrial animals, a fully enclosed, predominantlooy glass container
for indoor cultivation of moisture-loving plants
Solarium- a room for exposure of the body to sunlight
Piscicolous- living within fishes, as certain parasites
Tentorium- a chitinous framework supporting the brain of insects
Squamella- small scale or bract
Squanelliform- resembling a squamella
Pilosebaceous- relating to the hair and the sebaceous glands
Pilondial- pertaining to or containing an accumulation of haris in a cyst
Intrauterine- within the uterus; Located within the womb
Epilate- to remove hair by the roots by the use of forceps, chemical means or roentgen therapy
Evacuate- to empty, especially the bowels
Erose- having an irregularly notched margin; applies to a leaf or a bacterial colony
Expectoration- ejection of material from the mouth
Expectorant- a remedy that promotes or modifies expectoration
Vasopressin- a hormone of the posterior loe of the pituitary gland which stimulates plain muscle
by constricting arteries and raising blood pressure
Enervose- having no veins; applies to certain leaves
Extravasation- the passing of a body fluid from its proper place, as blood into surrouding tissues
after rupture of a vessel
Digitinervate- having veins radiating from the base, like fingers of a hand, with usually five or
seven veins; applies to leaves
Appressorium- an adhesive disk, as of a haustorium or sucker
Ansate- having a handle, handle-shaped; loop-shaped; ansiform
Pressosensitive- Relating to the perception of pressure
Paramental- Pertaining to a disordered psychological condition
Insensate- Unconscious or lacking perception
Somnifactory- Relating to the processes that bring on sleep
Solifugous- Tending to avoid sunlight
Rodent- An animal with well-developed teeth for gnawing
Desquamation- The removal of scaly tissue
Incarnation- The formation of fleshy matter
Ambiostiolate- Having small openings on both sides
Binaural- Affecting or pertaining to both ears
Follicle- A small sac-like depression or object
Plumiped: Having feet covered with feathers
Fibroma: A tumor occurring in or composed of fibrous tis
Dirimification: The act of splitting apart
Sanguivorous: Feeding on blood
Decapsulation: Removal of a covering or enveloping membrane
Aculeoliferous: Bearing small needles or thorns
Uninervate: Having a single vein
Sebiferous: Producing waxy or greasy matter
Squamuliferous: Bearing small scales
Ansoid: Loop-shaped
Pectoralgia- A pain in the chest
Linguidepresson-Downward pressure on the tongue
Formicide: an agent which kills ants
The BASE in the word DISCERN means: to separate
Formed of small droplets: guttulate
OBDURATE means: hard-hearted
EQUINE means: pertaining to horses
Located below the rib: infracostal
The BASE in the word DYSADRENIA means: kidney
Pertaining to the middle of the chest: mediopectoral
MENTATION means: the act of using one’s mind
Having wedge-shaped leaves: cuneifoliate
Which word contains a Latin base meaning "to bear" or "to carry"? Congestion
A small shield-like plate: scutella
Which word contains the Latin base meaning "kidney"? renin
Which word contains a Latin prefix meaning "behind"? retrosinus
Located within a vein/ into the veins: intravenous
The 2nd base in Neuralgia means: pain
The prefix of DIASTALSIS means: Through, across, between
What body part is separated from its attachment in IRIDODIALYSIS: iris
Exposure to any _______ substances can produce actinic dermatitis: radioactive
Chromesthesia: the ability to sense color
The FIRST suffix in the word ENCAPSULATE means: little
Etymologically speaking, a PATIENT is someone who: suffers
Chapter 31
-itude, quality of, state of (-itudo)
Long- long
Mult- many
Grat- grateful
-ity, quality of, state of (-itas)
Grav- heavy
Dexter- right
Brev- short
-ance, -ancy; -ence, -ency, quality of being, state of being (-antia, -entia)
This suffix is actually a comination of –ant, -ent, indicating the present participle (lesson 27) and –y, “quality of
“ (lesson 30). Similaryly –(u)lence, “state or quality of being full of,” as in virulence, is a combination of
–(u)lent, “full of” (lesson 26) and –y “quality of”
Vigil- to watch + -ance
Hesit- to stick + -ancy
e- + Loqu- “to speak” + -ence
in- + NOC- “to harm” + -ence
FLU- to flow + -ency
-or, he who, that which (-or)
MOT- to move
VICT- to conquer
In- + CIS-, “to cut”
ADIP- fat (adeps)
Adipocellulose- cellulose with a large amount of suberin, as cork tissue (suberin- a waxy substance developed
in a thickened cell wall)
Adipoleucocyte- a leukocyte containing fat droplets or wax, as in insects
Adipocele- a true hernia with hernial sac, containing only fatty tissue, also called lipocele
Adipopexis- fixation of fats; storage of fats
Adiposis- corpulence, obesity; excessive accumulation of fat in the body, local or general
Adiposogenital dystrophy- a combination of obesity and retarded development of sex glands resulting from
impaired function of pituitary and hypothalamus
CALL- hard skin (callus)
Callous- pertaining to an area of hardened and thickeded skin, a callus
Corpus callosum- a structure of white matter in the brain
Procallus- the organized blood clot which forms n an early stage of repair of a fractured bone
CRE- CREST- CRET- to grow
Concrecence- a growing together of the roots of two teeth; a process by which the formative embryonic cells of
the germ ring converge and fuse at the blastopore
Accretion- growth by external addition of new matter
Intercrescence- a growing into each other, as of tissue
Concrement- concretion; a calculus; a union of parts normally separate, as fingers
FA- FAT- to speak
Cinfabulation- the fabrication of ready answers and fluent recitals of fictitious occurrences;
generally, a component of the amnestic sydrome
Infant- a child, usually up to two years; in latin, literally “without speech”
Flu-, flux,- to flow; fluvi-, river (fluvius)
Confluent- running together; the opposite of discrete; in anatomy, coalesced or blended; applied
to two or more bones originally separate
Fluviatile- growing in or near streams; inhabiting and development in streams (applies to certain
insect larvae); caused by rivers (applies to deposits)
Fluvioterrestrial- found in treams and in the land beside them
Effluvium- body odor; that which emanates from an animal body, especially an ill-smelling
Ossiflluence- osteolysis; resorption of bone; degeneration of bone
Reflux- a return flow; as in a reflux condenser, which returns the condensate to the original fluid
Afflux- flow of blood or other fluid to a part
Foss-, ditch, trench, to dig (fossa)
Fossa- a pit or trenchlike depression
Fossette- a small pit; a socket containing the base of the antennule in arthropods
Fossula- a small fossa; small pit
Fossorial- adapted for digging; applies to the claws and feet of animals
Fossiform- having the form of a fossa
Magn-, large, great (magnus)
Magnify- To make larger
Magniscope- a variety of chromophotograph
Mamm-, breast (mamma)
Mammillary- nippled-shaped; pertaining to the nipple; shaped like a breast
Mammiferous- developing mammae; milk-secreting; mammalian
Mammillitis- inflammation of the mamilla; or nipple
Mamelon- one of three elevations on the incisal edge of a recently erupted or little-worn incisor
Mammose-with teat-shaped processes
Mammootropin- prolactin
Mort-, death (mors
Abmortal- flowing away from the dead or dying toward the living tissue; applied to electric
currents generated in an injured organ, as a muscle
Mortal- liable to death; causing death
Mortality- the quality of being mortal; the death rate
Noc-, nox-, harm (noxa)
Anociassociation- an anesthetizing procedure whereby surgical shock , fear and postoperative
neuroses are minimized greatly by excluding most of the painful and harmful stimuli
Nocifensor- efferent fibers which release chemical substances at their animals, thus stimulating
pain endings
Nociperception- perception of pain by the central nervous system
Pat-, to spread or lie open
Patent- open, exposed
Patulent- spread open; expanding
Patella- the kneecap or elbow cap
Prepatent period- the period in parasitic disease between the introduction of the organism and its
demonstration in the body
Pet-, petit-, to seek
Impetigo- an acute inflammatory disease of the skin
Rectipetality- the tendency to rectilinear growth; autotropism
Acropetal- ascending; applies to leaves, flowers or roots developing successively fro, an axis so
that the youngest arise at the apex
Calcipete- a calcicole; a calciphil plant
Propro- one’s own
Propriogenic- applies to effectors other than muscles, or organs which are both receptors and
Propriospinal- pertaining whlly to the spinal cord; applies to fibers
Proprietary- any chemical, drug or similar preparation used in the treatment of disease, if such an
article is protected against free competition, or process of manufacture, by secrecy, patent,
copyright or other means
Proprium- those aspects of personality, collectively, that seem peculiarly one’s own, which make
for individuality and inward unity
Sec-, seg-, sect-, to cut
Resection- the operation of cutting out, as the removal of a segment or section of an organ
Palmatisect- palmate, with divisions nearly to the base
Exsection- excison
Transection- a section made across the long axis of a part, as transection of the spinal cord
Sectorial- formed or adapted for cutting, as certain teeth
Secondont- furnished with teeth adapted for cutting
Sed-, sess-, to sit, to settle
Insessorial- Tending to sit upon something ; adapted for perching
Mortification- The death and decay of tissue
Obsession- an idea or emotion that persists in an individual’s mind in spite of any conscious
attempt to remove it
Residual- pertaining to that which cannot be evacuated or discharged, as residual air in the lungs,
residual urine in the bladder
Set-, bristle
Seat- any bristlelike structure, as the sporophore of liverworts and mosses
Setiger- a segment or process bearing bristles
Setula- a fine bristle
Setobranchia-a tuft of setae attached to gills of certain decapods
Unisetose- bearing one bristle
Setation- a covering or growth of setae
Tract-, to draw, to drag
Traction- the action of drawing or pulling
Distractile- widely separate; usually applies to long-stalked anthers
Tractellum- a flagellum of forward end of mastigophora, or of zoospores, with circumductory
Protract- to extend in timel in anatomy, to extend or protrude a part of the body, as the tongue or
mandible; to draw toward
Cephalotractor- obstetric forceps
Tuber-, swelling
Tuber- a thickened, fleshy, underground stem with surface buds; a rounded protuberance
Tubercle- a small nodule; a rounded prominence on the bone; a lesion produced by the tubercle
Tubercular- characterized by the presence of small nodules or tubercles; often used erroneously
to denote state of having tuberculosis
Tuberiform- resembling or shaped like a tuber
Tuberculoma- a conglomerate, caseous tubercole, usually solidtary, which ahs attined such a size
as to suggest the appearance of a tumor
Tuberin- a simple protein of the globular type which occurs in potatoes
Veh-, vect-, to carry
Advehent- afferent; carrying to an organ
Revehent- applies to vessels carrying blodd back from excretory organs
Convection- a transmission or carrying, as of heat
Vection- the conveyance of disease germs from the sick to the well
Vit-, life
Vitalism- the theory that the activities of a living organism are under the guidancec of an agency
which has none of the attributes of matter or energy
Intravital- occurring during life, as intravital staining of cells
Supravital staining- a method whereby cells may be stained and studied in the living state
Adiposity or adiposis- corpulence, obesity
Callosity- A hardening and thickening of the skin
Secancy- A cutting or a division
Incretion- An inward or internal growth
concrescence: The act of growing together
petitory: Pertaining to a request
Inappetence- loss of appetite or desire
Potency- having power; effectiveness
Excrescence- an abnormal outgrowth upon the body
Retractor- a surgical instrument for holding back the edges or a wound to give access to deeper
parts or regions
Circumflunce- in protozoa, ingestion by protoplasm flowing toward food and surrounding it after
Vector- a carrier, as many unvertebrate hosts, of pathogenic organisms
Cutisector- an instrument for removing bits of the skin
Natimortality- proportion of stillbirths to the general birth rate
Protubearance- a knoblike, projecting part
Tuberosity- a protuberance on a bone
Sedentary- not free-living; applies to animals attached by a base to some substratum; not
Magnitude- spacial quality or size; number representing the brightness of a celestial body
Sessile- sitting directly on a base without support; stalk, pedicel or peduncle; attached, stationary
Setaceous- bristlelike; set with bristles
Infacticide- the murder of an infant
Proprioceptor- a receptor located in a muscle tendon, joint or vestibular apparatus whose reflex
function in locamotor or postural
Mammillated- covered with nipplelike protuberances
Sectile- capable of being cut
Nociceptor- a receptor for painful stimuli
Patulous- expanded; open
Fossulet- a long, narrow depression
Vitality- the condition of being alive
Cerebripetal- afferent; transmitting or transmitted from the periphery to the brain
Lucipetal- Tending to move toward the light
Vectitation- the act of carrying or transporting
Innocuous- harmless
Expropriate- To usurp or deprive of property
Intermammary- located between the breasts
Abvehent- Serving to carry things away
Retroflux- A backward flow
Ossisector- An instrument designed to cut bone
Effluviable- Capable of being emitted in a stream
Tubercule- A small swelling
Lesson 32: Latin Suffixes IX
-ion “act of” “state of” “result of the act of” (-io)
ACT-, “to do”
Com- + MOT – “to move”
In- + CIS “to cut”
-ure “act of” “result of the act of” (-ura)
RUPT- “to break”
CAPT- “to seize”
FRACT- “to break”
-us “act of” “result of the act of”
pro- + SPECT- “to look”
con- + SENS “ to feel”
im- + PET “ to seek”
-or “state of” “result of the act of”
TUM- “to swell”
PALL “to be pale”
ERR “to wander”
CAV- “hollow” (cavus)
Cavicorn – hollow-horned; applies to certain ruminants
Sxicavous- applies to rock-borers as some mollusks; lithophagous
Intercavitary- within a cavity
Cavitoma- a series of changes in cotton fiber involving loss of strength and resulting from the
activities of micro-organisms
Portocaval or portacacal – pertaining to the portal vein and the inferior vena caca
Cavernous – having hollow spaces
COCT- “to cook” “to boil”
Concoction- preparation made by combining different crude ingredients
Coctostable or coctostabile- able to withstand the temperature of boiling water without change
Coctoprecipitin- a precipitin produced in an animal by immunization with a boiled antigen, such
as serum protein
CUT- CUSS- “to shake” “to strike”
Concussion- shock; the state of being shaken; a severe shaking or jarring of a part
Percussion- the act of firmly tapping the surface of the body with a finger or a small hammer to
elicit sounds or vibratory sensations of diagnostic value
Repercussion- a driving in, or dispersion of, a tumor or eruption
DOL- “to fell pain” “to cause pain”
Dolorogenic- possessing the quality of pain; causing or arousing pain
Indolent- sluggish; usually applied to slowness in healing or growing, as an indolent ulcer; in
medicine, causing little or no pain, as an indolent tumor
Doloriferous- obsolete term for that which produces pain
EBURN- “ivory”
Eburneous- ivory white, white more or less tinged with yellow
Eburnitis- increased hardness and density of the tooth enamel
Eburnean- resembling ivory in color
FENESTR- “window” “opening”
Fenestrate- having small perforations or transparent spots (applies to insect wings); having
numerous perforations (applies to leaves and dissepiments)
Fenestrule- small opening between the branches of a polyzoan colony
Craniofenestria- congenital bony defect involving the total thickness of the skull; lacuna skull
Fenestella- a genus of bryozoans whose colonies form lacelike patterns
GLUTIN- “glue”
Glutinous- viscid, gluelike
Agglutinin- an antibody occurring in a normal or immune serum which, when added to a
suspension of its homologous, particulate antigen, causes the antigen elements to adhere to one
another, resulting in clumps
Agglutinogen- an antigen which, when injected into the animal body, stimulates the formation of
a specific agglutinin
Heteroagglutinin- an agglutinin of normal blood having the property of agglutinating foreign
cells, including the blood corpuscles of other species of animals
Gluten- a mixture of proteisn found in the seeds of cereals, which confers the property of
toughness to dough
HI- HIAT- “to stand open”
Dehiscence- the spontaneous opening of an organ or structure along certain lines in a definite
Indehiscent- not splitting at maturity; applies to certain fruits
Hiatus- a space or opening
I- IT- “to go”
Concomitant- accompanying
Ambitus- the outer edge or margin; outline of an echinoid shell viewed from the apical pole
Abient- tending away from the source of stimulus
adient- tending towards the source of stimulus
LAMIN- “thin plate”
LAMELL- “thin plate”
Lamella- a plate or layer
Lamination- arrangement in plates or layers; an operation in embryostomy consisting in cutting
the skull in slices
Lamellicorn- having antenna joints expanded into flattened plates
Lamellirostral- having the inner edge of the bill bearing lamellalike ridges
Laminiplantar- having scales of metatarsus meeting behind in a smooth ridge
Laminectomy- surgical removal of one or more neural laminas of the vertebrae
Lamellule- a small lamella; A small plate
Laminaria- genus of kelp with smooth stipe and flat blade
LAT- “board” “wide”
Vasodilan- tradename for a vasodilator for symptomatic relief in peripheral vascular diseases
and cerebrovascular insufficiency
Latiplantar- having the hind tarsal surface rounded
Latisquamate- broad-scaled
LIG- “to bind”
Ligament- a band of tough, flexible connective tissue
Bicolligate- with two stretches of webbing on the foot
Ligature- a cord or thread for tying vessels; the act of tying or binding
Ligation- the operation of tying vessels with a ligature
Allegation- the act of attaching or the state of being attached
MEAT- “to go” “to pass”
Meatus- an opening or passage
Suprameatal- applies to triangle and spine over external acoustic meatus
Meatitis- inflammation of the wall of a meatus
MIT(T)- MIS(S)- “to send” “to let go”
Emissary- any venous channel through the skull connecting the venous sinuses with the diploic
veins and veins of the scalp
Intromission- insertion, the act of putting in, the introduction of one body into another
PLEX- “to interweave” “to braid”
Plexus- a network of interlacing nerves or anastomosing blood vessels or lymphatics
Complex- in psychiatry, a group of ideas with strong emotional tone which have been
transferred to the unconscious; a combination of symptoms or related factors
Implex- endoplica or infolding of integument for muscle attachment in insects
Plexiform- resembling a plexus or network
Plexodont- having molar teeth with complicated crown patterns and multiple roots
PUNG- PUNCT- “to prick” “point”
Punctual- relating to a point
Punctuate- dotted; full of minute points
Punctulate- covered with very small dots or holes
Punctiform- having the nature or qualities of a point; seeming to be located at a point, as a
punctiform sensation; in bacteriology, very minute colonies
Pungent- ending in a rigid and sharp point
Puncturation- the act or process of puncturing; the form or arrangement of punctures
RIG- “to be stiff”
Rigid- stiff or hard
Rigescent- becoming rigid
Rigiditas- stiffness, rigidity
RUB(R)- “red” (ruber)
Bilirubin- a reddish- yellow pigment of bile and blood
Helicorubin- a red pigment of the gut of pulmonate gastropods
Rubiginose- of a brownish-red tint; rust-colored
Rubrospinal- applies to the descending tract or fasciculus of axons of the red nucleus in the
ventrolateral column of the spinal cord
Rubefacient- causing redness of the skin
Rubella- german measles
Rubescence- the state or quality of redness; a flushed or blushing countenance
Erubescent- blushing red
SCRIB- SCRIPT- “to write”
Circumscript- a marginal sphincter when sharply defined, as in sea anemones
Superscription- the Rx at the beginning of a prescription
Inscription- the body or main part of a prescription; contains the ingredients and amounts to be
Subscription- the part of prescription containing directions to the pharmacist, indicating how the
ingredients are to be mixed and prepared
VOLV- VOLUT- “to roll” “to turn”
Revolute- rolled backward, with the margin rolled toward lower side
Involute- applies to leaves having the edges rolled inward at each side and to shells which are
closely coiled
Involucrum- in Hydromedusae, a protective cup into which nematocysts can be spirally
Obvolute- overlapping; vernation when half of one leaf is wrapped round half of a similar leaf;
Obvolvent- bend downward and inward; applies to wings, elytra of insect
Volvulus- a twisting of the bowel upon itself so as to occlude the lumen
Decoction- in pharmacology, a liquid preparation obtained by boiling medicinal vegetable
substances in water
Dolor- pain
Coitus- sexual union between persons of opposite sexes
Eburnation- an increase in the density of tooth or bone following some pathologic change
Succession- a shaking, especially of the individual, from side to side for the purpose of
determining the presence of fluid in a cavity or hollow organ of the body
Delamination- separation or splitting into layers, as in the dividing of cells to form new layers
Fenestration- the presence of fenestrae or openings in a structure; an operation to create a
permanently mobile window in the lateral semicircular canal, performed in cases of deafness
caused by stapedial impediment of sound waves
Convolution- a fold, twist or coil of any organ, especially any one of the prominent convex parts
of the brain
Dilatation- the state of being stretched; enlargement, as of a hollow part or organ
Pexure- the act or process of weaving together
Obligate- constrained, bound; no facultative, as an obligate anaerobe, which can live only as an
Acupuncture- puncture of the tissues with long, fine needles; used for centuries for relief of
neuralgic pain or the release of fluids
Introitus- an opening or orifice
Agglutination- a joining together; an aggregation of suspended particles
Puncturation- the act or process of puncturing or state of being punctured; form or arrangement
of punctures
Hiatal- pertaining to a hiatus
Circumscription- the state of being circumscribed; enclosed within narrow limits by an
encircling boundary
Permeable- affording passage; pervious
Sudoresis- excessive sweating
Commissure- strands of nerve fibers uniting, as structures in the two sides of the brain or spinal
cords; the point of union of structures such as the lips and eyelids
Pruritus- itching, an uncomfortable sensation due to irritation of a peripheral sensory nerve
Rubor- redness due to inflammation
Rigor- chill
Calorifacient- heat-producing, usually applied to foods
Cavitation- the formation of a cavity or cavities, as in tuberculosis of the lungs
Decubitus- the recumbent or horizontal posture; An ulcer resulting from prolonged lying in one position
Decubitus ulcer- a bedsore
Involution- An inward curl or turn
Alligative- Tending to tie or attach something to something else
Infralaminal- Located beneath a thin plate or covering
Discussive- Having the ability to dissolve or drive apart
Derigescent- Relaxing or becoming less stiff
Remission- The act of sending back or lessening
Ambient- surrounding to encircling
lesson 33: Latin Suffixes X
Men- min- “result of” “means of” “act of”
SPEC- “to look at”
REG- “to rule”
ACU- “to sharpen”
Ment- “result of” “means of” “act of”
LIG- “to bind”
FER “to boil”
Ex- + CRET “to separate”
MO(V)- “to move”
-ble –bul “result of the act of “ “means of” “place for”
FA- “to speak”
STA “to stand”
MAND “to chew”
-bula –bulum same meaning as ble bul
FA(SC) “to feed”
In + FUND “to pour”
-cle –cul “result of the act of” “means of”
SPECT “to look”
Re + CEPT “to take”
Ob + STA “to stand”
TENT “to hold”
-culum same meaning as cle cul
CURR “to run”
VIN(C) “to bind” TENT “to hold”
-crum –cr “result of the act of” “means of”
FUL(C) “to prop up”
SIMUL “like”
In + VOLV “to roll”
-trum –tr “result of the act of” “means of”
SPEC “to look”
ROS “to gnaw”
CLAUS “to close”
AG- ACT- “to do” to drive” “to act”
Reagent- any substance involved in a chemical reaction
Abreaction – in psychoanalysis, the mental process by which repressed, emotionally charged
material is freed and forgotten memories are brought to consciousness and relived with
appropriate emotional release; catharsis
Cutireaction- a local skin reaction following the inoculation with or the application of extracts
of pathogenic organisms
ALB- “white”
Albicant- tending to become white
Laburnum- sapwood or splint wood, ie, the soft white substance between the inner bark and
true wood
Albiduria- passage of very pale, almost colorless urine
Albifaction- the act or process of blanching or rendering white
Albumin- a protein substance found in nearly every animal and some vegetable tissue
Noctalbuminuria- albumin in the night urine only
Albugo- a genus of fungi causing the white rusts
CER- “wax”
Adipocere- a waxlike substance which results from the decomposition of dead animal tissues at
suitable temperatures in the presence of moisture and in the absence of air, as under earth or
Cereous- made of wax
Cerosis- morbid condition of a membrane in which it seems to consist of waxlike scales
Ceraceous- waxy
Ceriferous- waxbearing; waxy
Ceroid- a yellow-to-brown pigment found especially in the liver in cirrhosis
FIL- “thread”
Filigerous- with threadlike outgrowths or flagella
Filoplume- a delicate, hairlike feather with a long axis and a few free barbs at the apex
Filopodia- a threadlike pseudopodia found on some protozoa
Filariasis- a diseased state due to the presence of nematode worms of the super family
Filipuncture- a method of treating aneurism by inserting wire threads, hair or the like to
promote coagulation
Filaceous- rare word for that which consists of threads or threadlike fibers or parts
FOR- “to bore” “to pierce”
Foraminifera- an order of protozoans with calcarious shells with minute openings for
Foraminule- a minute foramen
Transformation- the act of perforating the fetal skull
FOVE- “pit”
Fovea- a small pit, fossa or depression; a small hollow at a leaf base
Foveate- pitted;
Foveiform- like a fovea
FUNG- “mushroom” “fungus”
Fungistatic- inhibiting or preventing the growth of fungus
Fungosity- fungous excrescence; fungous quality
Fungivorous- fungus-eating animals and plants; feeding on fungus
GLMOER “ball of yarn”
Conglomeration- that which is made up of parts from various sources
Glomerular- network of capillary blood vessels
Glomus- a fold of the mesothelium containing a ball of blood vessels
Glomerulus- the tuft of capillary loops projecting into the lumen of a renal corpuscle
Glome or glomerulus- one of the two rounded prominences which form the backward
prolongations of the frog of a horse’s hoof
HAL- HALIT- “the breathe”
Rehalation- the inhalation of air which has been inspired previously; sometimes used in
Inhalant- one who inhales; that which is inhaled
Halitosis- the state of having offensive breath
MUC- “mucus”
Mucific- mucus-secreting
Mucigen or mucinogen- the substance of granules in cells of mucous membranes
Mucocutaneous- pertaining to skin and mucous membrane
Ovomucin- a glycoprotein from egg white
NUTRI- NUTRIT- “to nourish”
Nutricism- a relationship of two animals with all the benefit to one partner
Nutrient- that which affords nutrition
Nutrilite- a substance which, in small amounts, functions in the nutrition of microorganisms
PALP- “to touch” “to stroke”
Palpation- the laying of the hand on a part of the body or the manipulation of a part for the
purpose of ascertaining its conditions or the condition of underlying organs
Palpocil- a stiff, sensory filament attached to sense cells of Hydromedusae
Palpus- feelers of insecta
Palpimacula- the sensory area on the labial palps of certain insects
Impalpable- not capable of being felt; imperceptible to touch
Palpitation- any heart action of which the patient is conscious
SEP- SEPT- “to separate” “wall”
Septum- a partition; a dividing wall between two spaces or cavities
Latiseptate- having a broad septum in the silicula
Eseptate- not supplied with septa
Septicidal- dividing through the middle of the ovary septa; dehiscing at the septum
Septectomy- excision of part of the nasal septum
SPIR- “to breathe”
Aspirator- a negative pressure apparatus for withdrawing liquids from cavities
Transpiration- exhalation of vapor through pores or stomata
Suspiration- a sigh; the act of sighing
Spirometer- an instrument for measuring the vital capacity or volumes of inhaled and exhaled
air; A device for measuring breathing
STRU- STRUCT- “to construct” “to build”
Obstruent- obstructing; tending to obstruct
Ultrastructure- arrangement of ultramicroscopic particles
Metastructure- ultramicroscopic organization
Destrudo- the expression of the hypothesized death instinct
TERMIN- “end” “boundary”
Abterminal- going from the end inward
Atterminal- toward the terminal
Indeterminate growth- growth of stem, branch or shoot not limited or stopped by growth of a
terminal bud
Paraterminal- near a terminal
UMBR- “shade” “shadow”
Exumbral- pertaining to the rounded upper surface of a jelly fish
Obumbrate- with some structure overhanging the parts so as partially to conceal them
Subumbrella- the concave inner surface of the medusoid bell
Umbel- an arrangement of flowers or of polyps springing from a common center and forming a
flat or rounded cluster
Umbellule- a small or secondary umbel
Umbelluate- arranged in umbels
Umbraculum- any umbrellalike structure
Umbridae- a family of small, bottom-dwelling fresh-water fishes
UNGU- “nail” (of finger or toe)
Unguiferate- having nails, claws or hooklike processes
Unguitractor- a sclerite of an insect pretarsus that is partially invaginated in the tarsus
Unguiculata- mammalian with nails or claws as distinguished from hoofed mammals and
Polyungia- the occurrence of supernumerary nails on fingers or toes; polyonychia
Ungulua- diminutive of unguis hoof in ungulate
VEL- “veil” “covering”
Velum- a membrane or structure similar to a veil
Velar- situated near a velum
Veliger- second stage in larval life of certain mollusks when the head bears a velum
Velarium- the velum of certain cubomedusae
Velamen- a veil or membrane; a specialized, corky epidermis on aerial roots
VISCER- “entrails”
Viscerosensory- relating to sensation in the viscera
Viscerotrophic- pertaining to trophic changes induced by visceral conditions
Viscerotonia- behavior counterpart of endomorphy of the somatotype characterized by
sociability, relaxation and love of food
Palpacle- the tentacle of a dactylozooid or the palpon of siphonophora
Exalbuminous- without albumen; applies to seeds without endosperm or perisperm;
Dissepiment- the partition found in some compound ovaries, as in corals
Ceruminous- pertaining to the cerumen, the wax of ear
Spiracle- the branchial passage between the mandibular and hyoid arches in fishes; the lateral
branchial opening in tadpoles; the respiratory aperture behind the eye of skates, rays, etc
Foramen- the opening through coats of ovule; any small perforation
Umbraculiferous- bearing an umbrella
Instumentation- the use of instruments in treating a patient
Perforatorium- the acrosome; the body at the apex of the spermatozoon
Velaminous- having a valamen; applies to roots
Agminate- gathered into clumps or clusters
Nutriment- nutritious material
Fungation- the act of growing up radiply, like a fungus, as certain pathologic growths
Filamentous- composed of long, threadlike structures
Agglomerate- grouped or clustered
Halitus- a vapor, as that expired by the lungs
Coterminous- having the same or coincident boundaries
Muculent- rare term for that which is rich in mucus
Ambulacrum- the locomotor tube foot of echinoderms
Foveolate- having regular small depressions
Excrementitious- pertaining to excrements; fecal
Evisceration- remval of internal organs
Subacuminate- somewhat tapering
Subungual- under a nail, claw or hoof; hyponychial
Duramen- the hard, darker central region of a tree stem; the heartwood
Retinaculum- a small, glandular mass to which an orchid pollinium adheres at dehiscence; a
fibrous band which holds parts closely together; a minute, hooked prominence holding the egg
sac in position in cirripedes, etc
Obumbration- The act of shading or covering
Coaction- The act of driving or forcing things together
Biforous- having two opening
Filiform- Thread-like
Visceromotive- Serving to make the intestines move
Septifragal- Breaking or opening along a dividing line
lesson 34: Latin Verb Suffixes
-fy “to make” “to cause”
TERR “frightened”
LIQU “liquid”
PAC “peace”
-igate –egate “to make” “to drive”
MIT “soft”
FUM “smoke”
NAV “ship”
VARI “varied”
Ex- + FERV “to bubble”
Con- + VAL “to be strong”
CAUL- “stem” “stalk”
Caulicolous- applies to fungi growing on plant stems
Cauliflory- condition of having flowers arising from axillary buds on the main stem or older
Cauline- pertaining to a stem; applies to leaves growing on the upper portion of stem
Caulocarpous- with a fruit-bearing stem
Caulome- the stem structure of a plant as a whole
Chylocaulous- with fleshy stems
Diplocaulescent- with secondary stems
Filicauline- with a threadlike stem
FLAV- “yellow” (flavus)
Flavin- one of a group of yellow pigments isolated from various plant and animal sources
Riboflavin- a constituent of the vitamin B complex
Flavokinase- an enzyme that catalyzes the phosphorlation of riboflavin
Flavedo- yellowness of the skin
Biliflavin- a yellow coloring matter derivable from biliverdin
FLOCC- “tuft as of wood” (floccus)
Floccus- a tuft of wooly hairs on a plant
Flocculence- adhesion in small flakes, as of a precipitate
Floccose- covered with woollike tufts; applies to bacterial growths
Flocculation- coagulation or coalescence of finely divided or colloidal particles into larger
particles, which precipitate
LABI- LABR- “lip” (labium; labrum)
Labium- lip; liplike structure
Labellum- the lower petal of an orchid; the small lobe beneath the labium in insects
Bilabe- surgical instrument for removing foreign bodies from the urinary bladder through the
Labiogression- location of the anterior teeth in front of their normal position
Labialism- the tendency to pronounce articulate sounds as if they were labial consonants, as
Labret- an ornament worn by some primitive people in a perforation of the lip
Labrum- the upper or anterior lip of insects
LAT- “to bear” “to carry”
Ablation- removal of a part by amputation excision etc
Sublation- removal; ablation
LEV- “light”
Levator- that which elevates or raises
Levitation- illusion of suspension of a body in the air performed by magicians; the subjective
sense of floating or rising into the air without support, as in dreams or certain mental disorders
Elevator- an instrument for lifting a part or for extracting the roots of the teeth
LIGN- “wood” (lignum)
Ligneous- woody, of the nature of wood
Lignivorous- wood-eating; applies to various insects
Lignin- a complex substance which, associated with cellulose, causes the thickening of plant cell
walls and so forms wood
Pyroligneous- pertaining to the destructive distillation of wood
Lignite- a variety of coal intermediate between peat and bituminous coal; applies especially
when the texture of original wood is visible
LIQU- “to be liquid”
Colliquation- the breakdown of tissue, usually necrotic, so that it becomes liquefied
Liquefaction- the change to a fluid form, usually of a solid tissue to a fluid or semifluid state
Liquor- any of certain medicinal solutions, usually including aqueous solutions of nonvolatile
substance; a british designation for any liquid
LUMIN “light” (lumen)
Lumen- the cavitiy of a tubular part of an organ; the central cavity of a plant cell
Luminosity- the conveying or bearing light
Sonoluminescence- the emission of light by various liquids when traversed by high-frequency
sound or ultrasonic waves
Triboluminescence- luminescence produced by friction
Transillumination- illumination of an object by transmitted light; illumination of the paranasal
sinuses by means of a light placed in the patient’s mouth
MAN(U) “hand” (manus)
Bimanous- having two hands; applies to certain primates
Manubrium- a handlelike part, like the handle part of the malleus of the ear
Manuduction- operation performed by the hands in surgical and obstetric practice
NIGR “black”
Denigration- the act or process of rendering black
Nigrometer- an instrument for measuring the intensity of black in pigments
Nigrosine- any one of several dark blue or black aniline dyes
Nigricant- blackish
OSS “bone”
Dermo-ossification- a bone formed in the skin
Ossicle- any small bone
Ossicular- pertaining to ossicles
Ossifluence or osteolysis- resorption of bone; degeneration of bone; the decay or liquefaction of
one tissue
Osselet- a hard nodule on the inner aspect of the horse’s knee
Perosseous- through bone
Deossification- the absorption of bony material; the deprivation of the bony character of any part
PROXIM- “near” “nearest” (proximus “nearest to body”)
Proximal- in dentistry, surface of a tooth next to the adjacent tooth
Cytoproximal- in dentistry, between two adjacent teeth, as the interproximal space
Proximolabial- pertaining to proximal and labial surfaces of the tooth
SINISTR “left” (sinister)
Sinistrorse- applies to a spiral twining toward the left
Sinistrogyration- turning or twisting to the left, as plane of polarization or a movement of the eye
Sinistrotorsion- a twisting or turning toward the left
Sinistrin- a leveorotatory polysaccharide
SPIN “thorn” “spine”
Infraspinous- beneath the spine of the scapula
Spinulate- covered with spines; having small spines
Spinulation- a defensive spiny covering; the state of being spinulate
Spinose- bearing many spines
Spinolcellular- pertaining to, or like, prickle cells
Spination- distribution and arrangement of spines, as on an insect
STIP- STIPIT- “stalk”
Stipule- one of two membranes or foliaceous processes developed at the base of a leaf petiole
Bistipulate- provided with two stipules
Stipel- an outgrowth of leaflets resembling the stipule of a leafbase
Stipitate- stalked
Labiostipes- a portion of the basal part of insect labium
STRAT- “layer”
Bistratose- with cells arranged in two layers
Stratiform- applies to fibrocartilage coating osseous grooves
Substratose- slightly or indistinctly stratified
Stratosphere- the atmosphere above the trapopause, where temperature changes are small, and
winds are essentially horizontal
Stratigraphy- sectional radiography
TUM- “to swell”
Tumescent- swollen, enlarged
Detumescence- subsidence of a swelling; subsidence of erectosexual organs following orgasm
Tumefaction- a swelling, the act of swelling
Tumentia- vasomotor disturbance characterized by irregular swellings, as in the legs and arms
VARI “varied” “changing” “spotted”
Variole- a small pitlike marking found on various parts in insects; a foveola
Variate- the variable quantity in variation; a character variable in quality or magnitude
Varicella- chickenpox
Varicelliform- characterized by vesicles resembling those of chickenpox
VENTR- “belly” (venter)
Biventer- having two bellies, as a muscle
Biventral- applies to muscles of the biventer type; digastric
Ventricle- a cavity or chamber, as of the heart or brain
Ventral- pertaining to the belly; referring to the anterior aspect of the body
Dorsiventral- pertaining to structures which stretch from dorsal to ventral surface
Ventrad- toward the lower, or abdominal, surface
Venter- abdomen; lower abdominal surface; protuberance, as of muscle; a smooth concave
Eventration- protrusion of abdominal viscera through the abdominal wall, as in ventral hernia
Ventriculitis- inflammation of ependymal lining of the ventricles of the brain; ependymitis
Ventrose- having a belly or swelling like a belly; potbellied
Acaulescent- having a shortened stem
Spinulescent- tending to be spiny
Efflorescence- blossoming, time of flowering; bloom; spontaneous conversion of a crystalline
substance into powder by loss of its water of crystallization; the eruption of an exanthematous
Nigrescent- nearly black; blackish
Bioluminescence- light production, as in many groups of animals, bacteria and fungi
Flavescent- becoming yellow
Carnification- alternation of tissue so that it resembles skeletal muscle in color and consistency;
sometimes this affects the lungs
Variegated- marked with different colors
Liquefaction- conversion of material into liquid form
Ossify- to turn into bone
Alleviation- the modification of symptoms; lessening of pain
Lignescent- developing the characteristic of woody tissue
Intumescence- a swelling of any character whatever, as an increase of the volume of any organ or
part of the body
Deliquescence- the process of liquefaction by absorption of water from the atmosphere
Ramification- the act or state of branching; a branch
Stratify- to arrange in layers
Ingravescence- an increase in weight or severity
Mortification- old term for gangrene
Oblate- flattened or depressed at poles
Extipulate- without stipules
Floccillation- aimless picking and plucking at the bedclothes seen in delirious states, fevers and
exhaustion; carphology
Dextromanual- right-handed
Labiatiflorous- having the corolla divided into two liplike portions
Sinistration- a turning to the left; development of the dominance of the right side of the cerebral
hemisphere in lefthanded persons; opposite of dextralization
Ventricumbent- prone
Approximation- the act or process of bringing together
Variegate- To change in appearance
Collative- tending to bring together
Rubresce- To turn red
Squamify- To form scales
Deossify- To cause bone to disintegrate
Subflavous- Slightly yellow
Lignicolous- Dwelling in wood
Osseous- bony
The BASE in the word SUBSIDIARY means: to sit
lesson 35: Latin Nouns
Page 266
Latin endings: number, case, gender, declension
Number: grammatical term referring simply to whether a word is singular or plural
Case: grammatical term which refers to the way in which a noun is used in a sentence- whether it
is the subject, direct object or the possessor of something
Gender: grammatical term for sex. Male persons and animals are masculine, female persons and
animals are feminine, and inanimate objects are neuter.
Declensions: denotes class. 2 declensions or classes with different sets of ending.
Example: lingua linguae
Example: nervus nervi
Nervi nervorum
Example: labium labia
Labii laborium
SEMI “half” “partly”
Semiplume- a feather with ordinary shaft but downy web
Semilunar- half-moon-shaped
Semicaudate- with a rudimentary tial
UN “one” (unus)
Unifoliate- with one leaf
Unilocular- one-celled; with one compartment
Uniparous-producing one offspring at a birth
Unipotent- cells which can develop into cells of one kind only
Unistrate- having only one layer
PRIM “first” (primus)
Primate- the first of any pair of individuals of a catenoid colony in pseudoconjugation of
Primibrach- in crinoids, all brachials up to and including the first axillary
Primates- the highest order of the vertebrate class Mammalia; includes man, apes, monkeys and
Primigravida- a woman who is pregnant for the first time
SESQUI “one and one-half times”
Sesquichloride- a compound of chlorine and another element containing three parts of chlorine
and two of the other elements
Sesquioxide- a compound of three parts of oxygen and two of another element
Sesquidipiod- a triploid produced by a cross between tetraploid and diploid parents
DU “two” (duo)
Duplicident- with two pairs of incisors in upper jaw, one behind the other
Duodenal- pertaining to the duodenum (duodenum- that portion of the small intestine next to the
pyloric end of the stomac)
Duplicature- a circular fold near the base of protrustible portion of polyzoan polypide
Conduplicate- applies to cotyledons folded to embrace the radicle; applies to vernation when
one half of leaf is folded upon the other
BI- BIN- “two” “twice”
Binate- growing in pairs
Binary fission- reproduction by division of a cell in two approximately equal parts
Bifid- forked, opening with a median cleft; divided nearly to the middle line
Bicipital- applies to biceps and to a rib with dorsal tuberculum and ventral capitulum
Bidenticulate- with two small teeth or toothlike processes
Bistratose- with cells arranged in two layers
Biventral muscle- muscle with two bellies separated by a median tendon; diastric muscle
SECOND- SECUND- “second” “following” (secundus)
Second- arranged on one side; applies to flowers or leaves on a stem
Secundiflorous- having flowers on one side of stem only
Secundines- fetal membranes collectively; afterbirth
Secundigravida- a woman pregnant the second time
TRI- “three”
Tricostate- with three ribs
Tridentate- having three toothlike divisions
Trifid- cleft to form three lobes
TERTI- “third” TERN- “three each” TER- “three times”
Tertial or teriary- applies to roots produced by secondary roots; applies to wing feather of
Tertiary- third; pertaining to third stage of a disease
Ternate or ternary- arranged in threes; having three leaflets to a leaf; trifoliolate
Ternatopinnate- having three pinnate leaves to each compound leaf
Tertian- recurring every other day, as a tertian fever
Tervalent or trivalent- having a valence of three; triple; used of chromosomes when three are
present and associated in synapsis
Ternary- consisting or based on three; pertaining to a crystal system in which three-sided forms
occur; an alloy with three elements
QUADR(U)- “four”
Quadrivalent- pertaining to association of four chromosomes
Quadrijuage- applies to pinnate leaf having four pairs of leaflets
Quadruped- a four-footed animal
QUART- “fourth” QUATERN “four each”
Quaternary- applies to flower symmetry when there are four parts in a whorl
Quaternate- in sets of four; applies to leaves growing in fours from one point
Quartan- recurring every three days, as on first, fourth and seventh day
QUINQUE- “five”
Quinquetubercular- applies to molar teeth with five tubercles
Quinquecostate- having five ribs on the leaf
Quinqupartite- divided into five parts
QUINT- “fifth” QUIN- “five each”
Quinate- applies to five leaflets growing from one point
Quinary- applies to flower symmetry in which there are five parts to a whorl
Quintuplet- one of five children born at one birth
SEX- “six” SEXT “sixth”
Sexfid- cleft into six, as a calyx
Sextant- a maximum angle of sixty degrees
Sexostiatae- group of spiders marked by six cardiac ostia
SEPT- SEPTEM- “seven” SEPTIM- “seventh”
Septimal- based on the number seven
Septemparlite- divided into seven parts
Septuplet- one of seven children born at one birth
OCT- “eight” OCTAV- “eighth”
Octant- one of eight cells formed by division of fertilized ovule in plants
Octane- the eighth member of the paraffin or march gas series
Octavalent- having a valence of eight
NOVEM- “nine” NON- “ninth”
Nonipara- woman who has had nine live births
Nonillion- ten to the thirtieth power
Nonan- having an exacerbation every ninth day
DECEM- “ten” DEC- DECIM- “tenth”
Deciliter- one-tenth of a liter
Decipara- a woman who has borne ten children
Decemfid- cleft into ten parts
CENT- “hundred” “hundredth”
Centipede- elongated, segmented arthropods with many legs
Centinormal- having one-hundredth of normal strength
Centimeter- one-hundredth of a meter
MIL(L)- “thousand” “thousandth”
Millimicron- one thousandth of a micron
Millipede- myriopods constituting the class Diplopoda having numerous segments and legs
Millimeter- one-thousandth of a meter
Uniforate- having only one opening
Semiligneous- partially lignified; with stem woody only near the base
Primiparous- pertaining to a woman bearing or giving birth to her first child
Bilocellate- divided into two compartments
Duplicity- the condition of being double
Quinquefid- cleft into five parts
Bicolligate- with two stretches of webbing on the foot
Octoradiate- having eight rays or arms
Tricipital- having three heads or insertions, as triceps
Decemjugate- with ten pairs of leaflets
Quadrimaculate- having four spots
Duodecimal- of or relating to twelve or twelfths
Sexdigitate- with six fingers or toes
Milliliter- one-thousandth of a liter
Septifolious- with seven leaves or leaflets
Binovular- pertaining to two ova; dizygotic
Decempartite- ten-lobed; divided into ten lobes
Unisetose- bearing one bristle
Unicameral- having only one cavity or chamber
Tricrural- with three branches
Quaddrumanous- having hind feet, as well as front feet, constructed like hands, as most
primates except man
Bilateral- having or relating to two sides
Sesquihora- an hour and one-half
Chpater 36
Masc. and Fem.
-um (-ium)
-a (-ia)
-um (-ium)
A. Masculine Nouns
-or, -oris: tumor , tumoris; flexor, flexoris
B. Feminine Nouns
-io, -ionis: articulation, articulationis; impression, impressionis
-itas, -itatis: extremitas, extremitatis; fragilitas, fragilitatis
C. Masculine and Feminine Nouns
-ix or –ex, -icis: radix, radicis; fornix, fornicis; index, indicis
-x, -cis: nus, nucis; calx, calcis
-o, -inis: margo, marginis; longitude, longitudinis
-is, -is: pelvis, pelvis; cutis, cutis
-ns, -ntis: dens, dentis; pons, pontis; mons, montis
D. Neuter Nouns
-men, -minis: foramen, foraminis; lumen, luminis
-us, -eris or –oris: corpus, corporis; genus, generic; viscus, visceris
ARC(u)-, bow, arch
Arciferous- applies to the pectoral arch of toads
Arciform- shaped like an arch or a bow
Arcualia- small, cartilaginous pieces, dorsal and ventral, fused or free, on the vertebral column of
Arcatura- a condition of horses marked by the under outward curvature of the forelegs
CALCAR-, spur
Calcarine- a fissure extending to the hypocampal gyrus on the medial surface of the cerebral
Calcarate- having a spur or spurlike point
Calcarium or calcar- a spurlike prominence, as a clawlike process on the leg or wing of a bird
that is not the termination of a digit
CING- , CINCT-, to blind, to gird
Cingulum- a girdle; the wasit
Subcingulum- the lower lip part of the cingulum of rotifers
Cingulectomy- the surgical removal of the cingulated gyrus (in the brain)
CLIV-, slope
Declive- a lower or descending part
Clivus- a slope
Postclival- the fissure behind the clivus of the cerebellum
CUSPID-, point
Cusp- a pointed or rounded eminence on or near the masticating surface of a tooth; that which is
designed to occlude in the sulcus of a tooth; one of the pointed flaps or leaflets making up a heart
Bicuspid- having two cups, as bicuspid teeth, or as the mitral valve of the heart
Multicuspid- with several cusps or tubercles; applies to the molar teeth
Quadricuspid- having four cusps
FASCI-, band
Fascia- an ensheathing band of connective tissue
Fasciola- a narrow color band
Fasciole- a ciliated band on certain echinoids used for sweeping water over surrounding parts; a
small band-shaped body part
Fascitis- inflammation of a fascia
Fasciodesis- the suturing of a tendon to a fascia
FERR-, iron
Ferrihemoglobin- hemoglobin in which the iron is normally in a ferrous state
Ferrotherapy- treatment of disease by use of chalybeates
Ferruginous- having the color of iron rust
FLAGELL-, whip, whiplike appendage
Paraflagellum- a subsidiary flagellum
Hemoflagellate- any protozoan flagellate living in the blood of its host
Flagellaria- a genus of herbs with leaves terminating in a tendril
GLABR-, smooth (glaber)
Glabrous or glabrate- with a smooth, even surface; devoid of hairs; Bald
Glabella- the space on forehead between the supercilliary ridges
Glabificin- an antibody which renders bacteria smooth
LIEN-, spleen
Lineal- pertaining to the spleen; applies to an artery, vein or nerve plexus
Gastrolienal- pertaining to the stomach and spleen
Lienotoxin- a cytotoxin with specific effect on spleen cells
LONG-, long
Longicorn- having long antenna, as some beetles
Longirostrine- having a long jaw
Longimanous- long handed
NAS-, nose
Nasion- the middle point of the nasofrontal suture
Nasute- having a well developed proboscis; member of a caste of soldier termites with snoutlike
Nasicorn- bearing a horn or horns on the nose
NUC-, nut
Nucellus- parenchymatous tissue between the ovule and its inner integument
Nuculanium- a fleshy fruit, as a grape
Mononucleosis- a condition of the blood or tissues in which there is an above normal increase in
the number of large, mononuclear leukocytes or monocytes
Nucleolin- the substance of which the nucleus is formed
Nucleic acids- one of a group of compounds found in nuclei and cytoplasm
Nuclease- an enzyme capable of splitting nucleic acids
OS- , OR-, mouth
Aborad- tending aborall; situated or directed away from the mouth
Osculum- an excurrent opening in a sponge
Deorality- the shifting of instinctual activity away from gratification through oral expression
Osculant- closely adherent; intermediate in character between two groups
Osculation- anastomosis of vessels; kissing
Osculometer- a gradual series of circular arcs for determining by superposition the curvature at
any point on a curve
PALLI- mantle, covering
Pallial- pertaining to mantle of a mollusk; pertaining to the cerebral cortex
Branchiopallial- pertaining to the gill and mantle of mollusks
Neopallium- the cerebral cortex
PRON- inclined, face down
Prone- lying with the face downward
Pronator- a muscle that produces pronation
SAC- bag, sac
Saccate- pouched
Sacellus- a one-seeded, indehiscent pericap enclosed within a hardened calyx
Ovisac- old term for an ovarian follicle
SIN- curve, hollow, cavity
Sinuate- winding; tortuous; having a wavy margin
Sinusoid- a minute blood space in organ tissue
Perisinuous- surrounding a sinus
STA- , STAT- to stand
Distoversion- the tilting of a tooth so that the crown moves distally
Instance- in psychoanalysis, the dominance or perseverance of one kind of mental function in
comparison to others
Stabile- stationary; immobile, maintaining a fixed position
Stable- compound which is unlikely to break down or dissolve
VITR- glass
Vitrella- a crystalline cone cell of an invertebrate eye
Vitreodentine- a very hard variety of dentine
Vitrescence- a condition of becoming hard and transparent like glass
Vitrina or vitreous- the transparent, gelatinlike substance filling the globe of the eye
Vitrification- the act or process of making glass; the glassy condition of cells or organisms which
have been instantly frozen
Sacculation- the state or process of being sacculated; divided into small sacs; the formation of
small sacs
Palliopedal- pertaining to the molluscan mantle and foot
Distad- toward or at a position away from the center or from the point of attachment
Declivous- sloping downward
Sinupalliate- in mollusks, having a well-developed siphon, and so an indented pallial line
Exflagellation- the formation of actively motile flagella in the microgametocyte
Palliative- that which affords relief but not cure
Lienculus or lienunculus- a detached part of the spleen; accessory spleen; A small mass of spleenlike tissue
Pronation- the condition of being prone; the act of placing in a prone position; the turning of the
palm of the hand downward
Glabrescent- glabrous or becoming glabrous
Enucleate- to remove an organ or a tumor in its entirety, as an eye from the socket; literally
translates as “to take out the kernels”
Fasciola- a genus of trematode flukes
Fascioliasis- infestation with the Fasciola hepatica; normally occurs in sheep and other
herbivorous animals
Longipedate- long-footed
Arcuate- arched, curved, bow-shaped
Hypoferremia- a diminished or abnormally low iron level in the blood
Nucivorous- nut eating
Cincture- a girdle or belt; a binding or ligament
Tricuspidate- having three points; applies to leaves
Postnasal- situated behind the nose
Inosculation- the joining of blood vessels by direct communication; the uniting by small
Circumoral- around or near the mouth
Subcalcarine- under the calcarine fissure in the brain
Flagellomania- sexual excitement from whipping or being whipped
Longicaudal- having a long tail
Infranasal- Located below the nose
Biflagellate- Having two whiplike appendages
Static- Tending to stay in one condition
Pronigrade- Walking with the face downwards
Lesson 37
Masc. and Fem.
AUDIT- “to hear + -us
Pro- + CESS- “to go” + -us
CREPIT-, “to crackle” + -us
-us or -u
auditus, “sense of hearing”
processus, “process”
crepitus, “crackling”
Calcaneal- pertaining to the heel bone
Calcaneocavus- a type of talipes (talipes- a deformity of the foot)
Calcaneus- the heel bone
CERVIC- neck
Buccocervical- pertaining to the cheek and the neck; also pertaining to the buccial surface and
neck of a tooth
Cervicobrachialgia- inflammation of the lining membrane of the cervix uteri
Cervicum- the flexible intersegmental region joining the insect head and thorax
Incorporation- the process of intimately mixing the particles of different bodies into a practically
homogenous mass
Corpuscle- a small, rounded body; an encapsulated sensory nerve end organ; an old term for
blood cell
COX- hip, hip joint
Coxa- the proximal joint of the leg of an insect
Intercoxal- between coxae
Epicoxite- a small process at the end of the toothed part of the coxa in insects
Coxopodite- the proximal part of the protopodite of the crustacean limb
Coxosternum- plates formed by fusion of the coxites and sternum
FIBUL- clasp, outer bone of the leg
Fibula- the slender bone at the outer part of the leg
Infibulation- the act of clasping or fastening a ring or frame to the genital organs to prevent
copulation; The insertion of a clasp into part of the body
Parafibular- pertaining to an accessory element outside the fibula
FREN- rein, bridle
Frenum- a fold of integument at the junction of the mantle and body of Cirripedia
Frenate- having a frenum
Frenulum- a fold of membrane, as a process on hindwing of Lepidoptera for attachment to
FURC- fork
Trifurcate- with three forks or branches
Furciferous- bearing a forked appendage, as some insects
Furcula- a forked process or structure
Furculum- any furcula, but especially the wishbone
Furcasternum- the forked poststernite or sternellum in many insects
FUS- spindle
Fuseau- a spindle shaped structure
Fusula- the minute tubes of a spinneret
Fusobacterium- a genus of spindle shaped bacteria
FUSC- dark, brown, tawny
Fuscous- grayish- brown
Subfuscous- somewhat fuscous; dusky; somewhat dark
Fuscin- a brown pigment in the rental epithelium
Obfuscation- mental confusion
GEMM- bud
Gemmation- budding
Gemmule- a small bud
Gemmulation- the formation of gemmules
Gemmiparous- reproducing by bud formation
GEN- knee
Genu- a kneelike bend in an organ or part; the anterior end of the corpus collosum
Geniculum- a sharp bend in a nerve
Genupectoral- pertaining to the knee-chest posture
GERM- GERMIN-, sprout, bud, germ
Germiduct- the oviduct of a trematode
Germigen- the ovary of a trematode
Germigen- the ovary of a trematode
Dysgerminoma- a tumor of an ovary
Germicide- an agent that kills germs
Ovigerm- a cell which produces or develops into an ovum
MAL(E)- bad
Malinger- to pretend to be ill
Malocclusion- any deviation from normal occlusion of the teeth; incorrect closure of the teeth
Malpractice- improper medical treatment through carelessness, ignorance or intent
NAR- nostril
Naricorn- the horny part of the nostrils in Turbinares
Nariform- shaped like nostrils
Internarial- situated between the nostrils
Narica- the brown coati
PAPILL- nipple
Epapillate- not having papillae
Papilliform- like a papilla in shape; Nipple-shaped
Papillose- bearing papillae
PECTIN- comb
Pectinella- a comblike membranella of some infusoria
Pectineal- applies to the process of the pubis of birds
Pinnatopectinate- pinnate with pectinate lobes
PINN, PENN-, feather, wing, fin
Bipenniform- feather shaped, with sides of vein of equal size
Brevipennate- with short wings
Pennaceoous- penniform; like a plume or feather
Bipinnate- having leaflets growing in pairs or paired stems
Pinnule- a secondary leaflet of a bipinnate or pinnately compound leaf
Bipinnatific- with leaves segmented, and then segments again divided
Pinnatisect- with leaves lobed almost to base or midrib
Pinnatodentate- pinnate with toothed lobes
Pinnipedia- a suborder including seals and walruses
PULMO(N)- lung
Gastropulmonary- pertaining to the stomach and lungs
Pulmogastric- pertaining to the lungs and stomach
Pulmobranchia- a gill-like organ adapted to air breathing conditions; a lung book, as of spiders
RAD, RAS-, to scrape
Radula- a short and broad strip of membrane with longitudinal rows of chitinous teeth found in
the mouth of most gastropods
Raduliform- like a radula, or flexible file
Rasorial- adapted for scratching or scraping, as fowls
Rastellus- a group of teeth in arachnid chelicera
Erasion- the surgical removal of tissue by scraping; the act of scraping away
VAGIN- sheath
Vagina- a sheath; the canal from the vulvar opening to the cervix uteri
Vaginicoline- living in the vagina, as an amimalcule
Evagination- outpouching of a layer or part
Invagination- the act of ensheathing or becoming ensheathed
Pinninervate- with veins disposed like parts of a feather
Bifurcate- to divide into two branches
Pinnatifid- applies to leaves lobed halfway to the midrib
Subgeniculate- somewhat bent
Fibulocalcaneal- pertaining to the fibula and calcaneus
Gemmiparity- the state of reproducing by bud formation
Calcaneodynia- pain in the heel
Infuscate- tinged to appear dark, as insect wings
Hysterofrenic- capable of checking an attack of hysteria
Gemmaceous- pertaining to buds
Intragemmal- within a taste bud
Corpulence- obesity
Cervicodynia- cramp or neuralgia of the neck
Cellipetal- moving toward a cell
Cervicovaginitis- an inflammation involving the cervix uteri and vagina
Subpectinate- tending to be comblike in structure
Fusocellular- consisting of spindle shaped cells
Abradant- an agent which scrapes or rubs off the external layers of a part; an abrasive
Coxalgia- disease of the hip
Papilloma- a neoplastic growth of epithelium
Cardiopulmonary- pertaining to the heart and lungs
Malinterdigitation- abnormal occlusion of the teeth
Antenarial- situated in front of the nostrils
Corrasible- erasable
Corassin- the wearing away of rocks in stream
Gemmulate- having small buds
Cervicalgia- A pain in the neck
Extracorporeal- Originating outside of the body
Papillitis- Inflammation of the nipple
Lesson 38
FACI- (-FICI-) face, surface
Bifacial- applies to leaves with distinct upper and lower surfaces
Dentofacial- pertaining to both the teeth and the face
Coronofacial- relating to the crown of the head and the face
Interface- a surface which forms the boundary between two faces or systems
Demifacet- part of a parapophysis facet when divided between centra of two adjacent vertebrae
Superficies- the outer surface
FRUG, FRUCT-, fruit
Fructification- fruit formation
Fructose- fruit sugar
Fructescence- the period of maturing of fruit
GEMIN- twin, paired (geminus) ; GEMELL- diminutive form of twin (gemellus)
Geminate- growing pairs, paired
Bigeminate- growing in pairs; paired
Bigeminate- double paired; twin forked
Bigeminy- the condition of occurring in pairs; in cardiology, a premature beat coupled with each
normal beat
GEN, GENIT – to produce, to beget; GENDER- race, kind
Congener- a person, animal, plant or thing allied by origin, nature or function to another
Genital- pertaining to the reproductive organs
Generic- pertaining to a genus; general
GINGIV- the gums
Gingival- the gums
Gingivosis- a disease of the gums of poorly nourished children
Labiogingival- pertaining to the lips and gums
INCUD- anvil
Incus- the middle arc of the chain of ossicles in the ear, so named from its resemblance to anvil
Incudate- relating to the incus; also applies to a type of rotifer mastax with large and hooked rami
and reduced mallei
Incudectomy- surgical removal of the incus
LUTE- yellow, corpus luteum
Corpus luteum- the yellow endocrine body formed in the ovary at the site of ruptured Graafian
Luteal- pertaining to the corpus luteum
Lutein- a yellow chemical isolated from egg yolk; a yellow chemical substance
Luteoma- an ovarian tumor made up of cells resembling those seen in the corpus luteum
Urolutein- a yellow pigment sometimes found in urine
Lutescent- becoming yellow
Luteofuscous- any of several dark, grayish colors averaging orange-yellow in hue
MALLE- hammer
Malleate- hammer-shaped
Submalleate- somewhat hammer shaped
Malleolar- the vestigal fibula in ruminants
Malleoramate- appliest to a type of trophy with looped manubrium and toothed incus in the
rotifer gizzard
Malleation- a spasmodic action of the hands, consisting of continuously striking any nearby
Malleus- one of the ossicles of the internal ear having the shape of a hammer
Malleotomy- incision of or division of the malleus
NOD- knot
Node- the knob or joint of a stem at which the leaves arise; an aggregation of specialized cardiac
cells; any small rounded organ, knob or protuberance
Bimodal- having two nodes, as the stem of a plant
Noduliferous- bearing nodules; applies to roots of leguminous plants
Trichonodosis- a pseudoknotting and fraying of the hair associated with thinning and breaking of
the hair shaft
OLE- oil
oleiferous- producing oil; oil-bearing
oleosome- a plastid in a plant cell which forms or helps to form oil globules; elaioplast
olein- a fat which is liquid at ordinary temperatures, found in animal and vegetable tissues
oleophobic- lack of strong affinity for oils
oleocellosis- a spotting of citrus fruits by oil liberated from the oil glands of the rind
oleocyst- a diverticulum of the nectocalyx in various Calycophora that contain oil
ORB- ORBIT-, circle, cavity of the eye
Orbitomalar- pertaining to orbit and malar bone; Pertaining to the cheekbone and the cavity of
the eye
Orbiculate- nearly circular in outline; applies to leaves
Orbitale- the lowest point on the inferior margin of the orbit
Orbicella- genus of star corals
PALPEBR- eyelid
Palpebra- either of the two movable folds that protect the eyeball
Palpebrate- furnished with eyelids; to wink; having eyelids
Palpebral- pertaining to the eyelid
PEL(L)-, PULS-, to push, to drive, to beat
Pulsellum- a flagellum situated at the posterior end of the protozoan body
Impulsion- the act of driving or urging onward, either mentally or physically
Pulsatile- pulsating, throbbing
Pulsion- the act of pushing forward
Retropulsion- a driving or turning back, as of the fetal head; a running backward; a form of
walking sometimes seen in Parkinsonism
PLUR- more, many
Pluriparity- the condition of having born several children
Plurivorous- living upon several hosts, as fungus
Plurilocular- having more than one compartment or loculus
SCAND- (SCEND), SCANS- to climb
Scansorius- the small, anterior gluteal muscle
Scandent- climbing in any manner; climbing
Scansores- an order of birds having two toes before and two behind, such as parrots
SCOP- broom, brush
Scopate- having a tuft of hair like a brush
Scopulate- like a brush
Scoparius- a species of shrub commonly called broom-tops
SOLY- SOLUT- to loosen, to dissolve
Absolute- free from admixture
Solute- the dissolved substances in a solution
Solvent- that component of a homogeneous mixture which is in excess; a liquid which dissolves
another substance with no change in chemical composition; a liquid which reacts chemically to
bring a solid into solution
STRI- furrow, groove
Stria- a streak or a line; a narrow, bandlike structure
Striature- striation, state of being striated; arrangement of striae; a pattern of grooves
Striatum- striped or grooved
TEND, TENS, TENT- , to stretch; TENDIN-, tendon
Tension- the act of stretching; the state of bring stretched or strained
Distension- a state of dilatation; A state of being stretched out due to internal pressure
Tensor- a muscle that serves to make a part tense
VELL- , VULS- , to tear
Avulsion- the forcible tearing or wrenching away of a part, as a polyp or a limb
Divulsor- an instrument for forcible dilatation of a part or of stricture in any organ
Revulsion or revellent- the drawing, by irritation, of blood from a distant part of the body
Lateropulsion- a tendency to move to one side in forward locomotion
Palpebration- the act of winking; nictitation
Pluriseptate- with multiple septa
Exorbitism- abnormal protrusion of the eyeball from the orbit
Malleable- capable of being beaten or rolled into thin sheets
Liposoluble- soluble in fats
Lubteinization- the formation of corpus luteum
Corticostriate- pertaining to nerve fibers arising in the cerebral cortex and terminating in the
corpus striatum
Nodose- characterized by nodes; jointed or swollen at intervals
Nodosity- the state of being nodose
Facet- a small plane surface, especially on a bone or a hard body
Dissolution- separation of a compound into its elements
Tendon- a band of dense, fibrous tissue forming the termination of a muscle
Tergeminate- thrice-forked with thin leaflets
Compulsive- pertaining to an act performed on irresistible impulse
Congenital- present from birth
Gingivostomatitis- inflammation of both gingivae and oral mucosa
Iridoavulsion- avulsion of the iris
Incudomalleal- relationg to the incus and the malleus
Scansorial- formed or adapted for climbing; habitually climbing
Avulsion- the forcing, tearing or plucking away of a part
Infructescence- an inflorescence matured into a fruit
Scopuliform- resembling a small brush
Frugivorous- fruit eating
Extensor- a muscle that extends or stretches a limb or part
Oleiferous- producing oil
Pluripartite- consisting of many parts
Multigeminate- producing multiple pairs of offspring
TENSILE means: capable of being stretched
Lesson 39
Masc. and Fem.
Masc. and Fem.
-us or -u
Adductor brevis- short, small, brief
ALVEOL- cavity, hollow
Alveolus- the bony socket of a tooth; the air cell of a lung; a cavity, depression or pit cell
Alveolation- the formation of alveoli; the formation of small cavities
Alveolingual- pertaining to the lingual aspects of the alveolar process
Labialveolar- pertaining to the lip and alveolar process of the maxilla and/or mandible
ATRI- entrance hall, room
Atrium- the first chamber of the heart; the tympanic cavity of the ear below the malleus
Atriocoelomic- connecting atrium and coelom
Interatrial- the groove separating the two atria of the heart; Situated between the two upper chambers
of the heart
Sinoatrial- pertaining to a region between the atrium and sinus
AX- axis
Abaxile- not situated in the line of the axis
Axiate- in reference to a definite axis
Adaxial- turned toward the axis
Axilemma- the sheath surrounding axial cylinders in medullated nerve fibers
Axopodium- a pseudopodium with axial filament
BARB- beard
Barbate- bearded; having hair tufts
Barbicel- a small process on a feather barbule
Barbula- the row of teeth in the peristome of certain mosses
BIL- bile
Bilicyanin- a blue pigament resulting from oxidation of biliverdin
Urobilin- a brown pigament of urine
Bilirubinemia- the presence in the blood of bilirubin, the principle pigment of bile
BRACTE- thin plate
Tribracteate- with three bracts; applies to a floral leaf
Bracteole- a secondary bract at the base of a flower
Bracteolate- having a bracteole
Bracteose- with many bracts
BURS- bag, pouch
Bursicle- a pouchlike receptacle
Bursiculate- shaped like a small pouch or purse
Bursa- a small sac filled with liquid interposed between parts that move upon one another
CLAV- club
Clavate- club shaped; thickened at one end
Clavellate- diminutive of clavate
Obclavate- club shaped and attached at the thicker end
Alteregoism- an altruistic feeling for only those who are in the same situation as oneself
Egomania- abnormal self esteem
Superego- the subdivision of the psyche which acts as the conscience of unconscious
Egoism- the view that self interest is basis of motivation and morality
Egopathy- hostility deriving from the effect to exalt one’s own ego by pushing others down
ILE- ileum
Ileum- the last division of the small intestine
Ileac- pertaining to the ileum
Ileocolic- pertaining to the ileum and the colon
ILI- flank, hip
Iliocaudal- connecting the ilium and tail; applies to muscle
Sacroiliac- pertaining to the ilium and sacrum
Iliopsoas- pertaining to the ilium and the loin
LENT- lentil, lens
Caudatolenticular- applies to the caudate and lenticular nuclei of the corpus striatum
Lenticil- a ventilating pore in angiosperm stem or roots
Lenticulate- lens-shaped
Lentigerous- furnished with a lens
Lentiginose- freckled; speckled; bearing many small dots
PILE- cap
Pileus- one of the cerebellar hemispheres; the membrane which sometimes covers a child’s head
at birth
Pileated- crested; applies to birds
Pileolated- furnished with a small cap or caps
SPIC- point, spike
Interspicular- occurring between spicules
Spicule or specula- a small, spike-shaped bone; a needlelike body
Spicate- spiked
Speculum- the dart of a snail
UNC-, UNCIN- hook
Aduncate- crooked; bent in the form of hook
Unciform- shaped like a hook or barb
Unciferous- bearing hooks or hooklike processes; bearing hook-like projections
Uncinula- a genus of mildew with hooked appendages
Bursolith- a calculus formed within a bursa
Subclavate- somewhat club-shaped
Axon- the efferent process of a nerve cell
Axopetal or axipetal- pertaining to nerve impulses transmitted along an axon toward the cell
Egotic- pertaining to the ego; pertaining to enjoyment of personal pleasures, such as those of
body or status; less derogatory in its implication than egotistic or egoistic
Barbellate- with stiff, hooked, hairlike bristles
Ileitis- inflammation of the ileum; Inflammation of the distal portion of the small intestine
Pileorrhiza- a root covering
Iliopagus- conjoined twins united in the iliac region
Subaduncate- somewhat crooked
Circumlental- surrounding a lens
Atriopore- the opening of the atrial cavity in Cephalochorda
Spiculiferous- furnished with or protected by spicules; Bearing small pointed projections
Axoneme- a thread of the stand forming an infusorian stalk; an axial filament of flagellum
Atrioventricular- pertaining to an atrium and a ventricle of the heart
Clavicorn- having club shaped antennae
Ebracteate- without bracts
Spicosity- the condition of having spikes
Interalveolar- among alveoli, applies to cell islets
Myobilin- a brown pigment excreted in feces in conditions associated with rapid atrophy or
destruction of muscle tissue
Egomorphous- tending to read into the action of others what one wants to find there
Iliolumbar- Pertaining to the hip and the loins
Bilifuscin- A dark pigment in bile
Barbel- A thin whisker-like organ in some fishes
Ileostomy- Formation of a surgical opening between the intestine and the abdominal wall
Dentoalveolar- Pertaining to the hollow of the jaw in which a tooth rests
Multilenticular- Having numerous lenses
Chpater 40
Latin phrases
Corrugator superciliiColumna fornicisGenu internum radicis nervi facialisRadix arcus vertebraeMusculus obliquus capitis inferior
Rigiditas cadavericaCamera anterior oculiCartilage alaris majorMorbus coxae senilisCervix columnae psterioris (griseae)Depressor alae nasiBrusae subcutaneae digitorum dorsalesCorrugator cutis aniMusculus depressor radialis nasiBursae subcutaneae digitorum dorsales
Corrugator cutis aniMusculus depressor radialis nasiExtensor carpi radialis accessoriusLabia orisDigitus minimusLinea albaForamen ovaleSulcus frontalis inferiorFacies articulares superiorsCrista colli costaeOs uteri internumLevator labii superiorisFrenulum valvulae coliCAN- white, gray (canus); CAND- to be glowing white
Incandescent- glowing with heat and light
Canities- grayness or whiteness of the hair
Canescent- grayish; becoming gray
Canifacient- tending to make things white
CLAV- key, collarbone (clavis)
Clavicle- collarbone
Subclavian- under the clavicle
Clavicular- pertaining to the clavicle; pertaining to the collarbone
CLIN- to slope, to lean (This base is KLIN- in Greek)
Clinocephaly- congenital flatness or concavity of the vertex of the head
Syncline- a trough of stratified rock in which the beds dip toward each other
Partroclinus- inherited from the father
Declination- a downward sloping
Monoclinic- sloping in a single direction
CREN- notch (crena)
Crenate- scalloped or notched
Crenation- the creation of abnormal notching in the edge of an erythrocyte
Subcrenate- tending to have rounded scallops
Tricenate- having three notches
FAV- honeycomb (favus)
Favella- a conceptacle of certain red algae
Faveolate- honeycombed or alveolate; Pitted with cavities or holes
Favus- a distinctive type of tinea capitis characterized by the formation of honeycomblike mats
Favid- like a honeycomb
FRONT- forehead, front (frons)
Frontad- toward the frontal aspect
Frontonasal- pertaining to the frontal sinus and the nose
Frutic- shrub (frutex)
Frutex- a shrub
Frutescent- shrublike
Fruticulose- like a small shrub
Subfrontal- located beneath the bones of the forehead
INGUIN- groin (inguen)
Inguinal- in the region of the groin
Exinguinal- occurring outside the groin
Inguinodynia- pain in the groin
Subinguinal- located under the groin
Inguinalgia- A pain in the groin
LAN- wool (lana)
Lanolin- hydrous wool fat; A substance derived from wool
Lanuginous- covered with down
Lanopalmic acid- a fatty acid present in wool fat
Lanose- wolly
LOB- lobe (lobus)
Lobotomy- incision into a lobe
Lobule- a small lobe or subdivision of a lobe
Lobular- pertaining to a lobule
LUMB- loin (lumbus)
Lumbar- pertaining to the loins
Lumbago- pain in the lumbar region
Lumbocostal- pertaining to the loins and rib
NUD- naked (nudus)
Nudism- in psychiatry, a morbid tendency to remove clothing; the practice of the nudist cult
Nudibranchiate- having gills not covered by a protective shell or membrane
Nudicaudate- having a tail not covered by hair or fur; the act of stripping or removing cover
Denudation- having no clothes or covering; The act of stripping or removing cover
PAR- equal (par)
Parivincular- applies to the bivalve hinge ligament attached to nymphae
Paripinnate- pinnate without a terminal leaflet
Disparate- not situated alike; uneven or unequal
Parifoliate- having leaves of equal size
Imparity- the quality of being uneven
TEMPOR- the temples (tempora, pl.)
Temporal- pertaininig to the temple
Infratemporal- below the temporal fossa
Parietotemporal- pertaining to the parietal and temporal bones or lobes; Pertaining to the bones
of the side of the head and the temple
Temporofacial- pertaining to the temples and the face
VITELL- yolk of an egg (vitellus)
Vitellus- a yolk; the yolk of the eff of the common fowl
Vitellarium- an accessory genital gland found in tapeworms which secretes the yolk or albumin
for the fertilized egg
Vitelloduct- the duct which conveys vitellus from the yolk gland into the oviduct
Intravitelline- located within the yolk
Vitelline- resembling the yoke of an egg
Suffruticose- somewhat shrubby; somewhat shrub-like
Prefrontal- in the anterior part of the frontal lobe
Infraclavicular- beneath a clavicle
Ilioinguinal- pertaining to the iliac and inguinal regions; Pertaining to the hip and the groin
Reclinate- curved downward from the apex to the base
Dorsolumbar- pertaining to the back and the loins
Lanoceric acid- an acid in wool fat
Lanulous- covered wth short, fine hair
Canescent- grayish
Disparity- difference, inequality
Bicrenate- doubly crenate
Bilobate- having two loes
Imparidigitate- having an odd number of digits
Favose- honeycombed; alveolate
Incanous- hoary, white
Nudiflorous- having flowers without glands or hairs
Lipovitellin- a lipoprotein in egg yolk
Vitellolutein- the yellow pigment from lutein
Frontotemporal- pertaining to the frontal and temporal bones
Fruticocolous- Dwelling in shrubs
Crenulate- Having small notched projections
Lobulous- Full of small, rounded projections
Lumbodorsal- Pertaining to the loins and the back
ES-, EIS- inward, into
Gyn-, gynec-, gynaec- female
PHOR-, PHER-to bear, to go
Odontophorethe tooth-bearing organ in mollusks
Anode a positive electrode
EU- well, good, normal
APO - or AP – means from, off, away
Exodontist a dentist who specializes in the extraction of teeth
Ophthalmology is the study of: the eye
"hydroarthrosis" has two stems joint, fluid
Paraplegia paralysis of the lower half of the body
Ecmnesia loss of memory of recent events with retention of long-term memory
Lip- means fat
Hygrostomia means: chronic salivation
Anenterous having no alimentary tract
Allenthesis introduction of foreign substance into the body
The prefix of DIASTALSIS means ... Through, across, between
STOM - , STOMAT-mouth, opening
What organ is being removed if a person has a "hysterectomy"?uterus
chrom-, chromat-, chro-colour
Dysphagia means "difficulty in _________________________"swallowing
necr- dead tissue, corpse
Bradylexia abnormal slowness in reading
Amnesia loss of memory
Something that feeds on fishes can be called: ichthyophagous
Glottoplegia Paralysis of the tongue
Pseudoblepsia The experiencing of visual hallucinations
Endoscope An instrument for seeing inside of a body cavity or organ
BRADYKINESIS means slow movement
Trichocarpous Bearing hairy fruit
Telemetry The technique of measuring things from a distance
Plastic surgical operation on the breast: mastoplasty
Anisochromia An unevenness of color
Acyanoblepsia Inability to perceive the color blue
The presence of excess sugar in the blood hyperglycemia
Mastigophora A microscopic creature which bears a whip-like strand for locomotion
Hyalopterous Possessing glassy wings
The scientific study of cells cytology
The first base of MYCOSIS is MYCHepatomegaly Enlargement of the liver
Pathophobia Abnormal fear of disease
A CYSTOSTOMY is the surgical formation of an opening for the urinary bladder
Hydrargyrum Liquid silver (mercury)
Onychocryptosis condition in which the fingernails or toenails are hidden by a layer of skin
Idiomorphic Having an unusual or unique form
The first BASE of ORTHOGNATHIC is ORTHCryptogenic Having an obscure origin
Bromhidrosis Foul-smelling perspiration
Basophobia Fear of walking
Having nine parts or segments enneamerous
Choose the correct break up of the word "PSEUDODYNIA." PSEUD + ODYN + IA
The BASE in the word GENESIS means to produce
PSEUDOCYESIS means a false pregnancy
An element named for its role in the formation of acids is oxygen
Is it possible to tell the difference between two identical bases with different meanings such as UR- meaning
TAIL and UR- meaning URINARY TRACT or URINE? You can tell them apart based on the meaning of the
word they are used to create and its context.
Plants which bear fruit underground can be called hypocarpogenous
A tendency to turn toward a source of food sitotropism
Which one of the following names of a family, species, or genus is derived from Greek or Roman mythology?
The component parts of ODONTODYNIA meaning "toothache" are ODONT + ODYN + IA
Buff coloring matter of brown algae phycoxanthin
The suffix in DREPANIDAE means related to
The BASE in the word ANESTHESIA is: ESTHEExtracts which promote the formation of clots: thromboplastin
Which of the following means "with the head shaped like a dog's"? cynocephalous
Inability to stand up short-horned
The BASE in the word DYSCRASIA means: to mix
SITOTROPISM tendency to turn towards food
The BASE in the word ENDOENZYMIC is ZYMPROCTORRHAGIA is an abnormal discharge from the anus
ANGIOGENIN is a chemical which promotes the formation of vessels
A berry-shaped organism that comes in pairs diplococcus
The FIRST BASE in the word AMBLYOPIA means dull
A SARCOBIONT is a microorganism that lives on flesh
BRANCHIOMA is: a tumor in gill tissue
ARTERIOSCLEROSIS is _________________________. Thickening of the walls of the arteries.
With the appearance of a lizard saurian
A berry-shaped organism found in the intestine enterococcus
HIDROPOIESIS the production of sweat
MYASTHENIA means a condition characterized by muscular weakness
DIPLOPIA means double vision
Presence of mucus in the urine blennuria
AMPHIPROSTYLIC means having pillars on the front of both sides
In the word POLYMER, what does the SECOND base mean part
ACROMACRIA is listed in Ayers as meaning _________. This is an example of one of the words which has
taken on a colloquial meaning Spidery Fingers
Please choose the correct break-up of the word PHOTODROMY PHOT + O + DROM + Y
What is the Greek plural of chorion choria
What is the singular of criteria criterion
The base in the word DYSTOCIA means childbirth
The death of tissue surrounding a mouth or opening stomatonecrosis
The SUFFIX in the word PROSTATE means that which
Inflammation of the knee joint gonarthritis
HEMIANOPTIC means having a loss of vision in half the visual field
DIPHYLETIC means belonging to two races
What is the singular of salpinges salpinx
Repair of a cleft palate by plastic operation and suture staphylorrhaphy
An external skin or covering: ectoderm
A condition in which the blood becomes charged with uric acid lithemia
A false sense of pain could be called pseudodynia
ASC- "bag"
ascus- 89
ascogenous- 89
Ascomycetes- 89
Ascophyllum- 89
BRANCHI- "gills"
arthrobranchial- 89
branchiocardiac- 90
metabranchial- 90
phyllobranchia- 90
podobranchiae -90
CARP- "fruit"
actinocarpous- 90
amphicarpous- 90
angiocarpic- 90
carpel- 90
carpolith- 90
dialycarpic- 90
geocarpic- 90
hypocarpogenous- 90
syncarp- 90
CELE- "hernia", "swelling"
arthrocele- 90
dacryocystocele- 90
entercele- 90
hydrocele- 90
galactocele- 90
hydromyelocele- 90
myelomeningocele- 90
COLP- "vagina"
aerocolpos- 90
pyocolpocele- 90
endocolpitis- 91
GEN(E), GON- "to be produced" "to produce"
actinogonadial- 91
carpogonium- 91
coccogone- 91
gonostyle- 91
gonad- 91
gynogonidia- 91
polygoneutic- 91
telegony- 91
HELI- "sun"
heliolithic- 91
heliopsis- 91
heliotaxis- 91
paraheliotropism- 91
MER- "part"
adenomere- 91
dysmerogenesis- 91
eumerism- 91
merocrine- 91
merogony- 91
merotomy- 91
myomere- 91
NYCT- "night"
nyctitropism- 92
nyctophonia- 92
ONYM- "name"
metonym- 92
hyponym- 92
OO- "egg"
ooblastoma- 92
oocyte- 92
oogamy- 92
oogonium- 92
ookinete- 92
oolite- 92
oozoid- 92
PACHY- "thick"
pachyacria- 92
pachycladous- 92
pachymeningitis- 92
PEN- "defiency", "want"
glycopenia- 92
pancytopenia- 92
penalgesia- 92
PHLEB- "vein"
phlebenterism- 92
phlebismus- 92
metrophlebitis- 92
PHTHI- "to waste away"
phthisiogyne- 93
PHYC- "seaweed", "algae"
chlorophyceae- 93
drepanophycus- 93
phycomycetes- 93
PTO- "to fall"
proptosis- 93
ptomaine- 93
SALPING- "tube" "eustachian or fallopian tube"
pyosalpingitis- 93
Salpiglossis- 93
salpingocyesis- 93
SAUR- "lizard"
branchiosaur- 93
saurian- 93
saurognathous- 93
sauroxine- 93
XANTH- "yellow"
xanthochroi- 93
xanthomatous- 93
xanthomelanous- 93
xanthopsin- 93
Xanthorrhoea- 93
zooxanthin- 93
xanthopsia- 93
lithopedion- 93
gnathion- 94
asterion- 94
ascogonidium- 94
oophoridion- 94
panhysterosalpingo-oophorectomy- 94
myelocele- 94
colpocele- 94
heliencephalitis- 94
ascocarp- 94
meromorphosis- 94
ascidium- 94
branchiomere- 94
meroblastic- 94
phycoxanthin- 94
ichthyosaur- 94
panmyelophthisis- 94
hysteroptosis- 94
thromboplastinopenia- 94
endophlebitis- 94
nyctanthous- 94
eponym- 94
exanthematous- 95
pachydermatous- 95
ootheca- 95
xanthosis- 95
CH 12
AGRA- “painful seizure”
Ischiagra- 96
melagra- 96
arthragra- 96
BRACHI- “arm”
Brachiopod- 96
Brachiosaur- 96
macrobrachia- 96
monobrachius- 96
pseudobrachium- 96
CENTE- “to puncture”
enterocentesis- 96
paracentesis- 96
pneumonocentesis- 96
CHIR, CHEIR- “hand”
adenochiri- 96
Chirography- 96
dyschiria- 96
megalochirous- 96
polycheiria- 96
CEL, COEL- “cavity” “abdominal cavity”
amphicoelous- 96
celioparacentesis- 96
celiotomy- 96
coelom or celom- 97
coeliac- 97
coelenterata- 97
coelhelminth- 97
encephalocoel- 97
nephrocoele- 97
DENDR- “tree”
dendron- 97
dendrite or neurodendron- 97
dendrobium- 97
zoodendrium- 97
HYAL- “glass” “vitreous body of the eye”
Hyaline- 97
hyalinosis- 97
hyalinuria- 97
hyaloid- 97
hyalomere- 97
hyaloplasm- 97
LARYNG- “larynx”
laryngopathy- 97
laryngorrhea- 97
Otolaryngology- 97
LEI- “smooth”
leiodermia- 97
leiodermatous- 97
leiotrichous- 98
MALAC- “soft”
Malacology- 98
malacophilous- 98
osteomalacia- 98
MASTIG- “whip”, “flagellum”
Chilomastix- 98
heteromastigate- 98
mastigium- 98
mastigobranchia- 98
Mastigophora- 98
MIS- “hate”
Misanthropy- 98
Misogamy- 98
misoneism- 98
PTER, PTERYG- “wing” “fin”
anisopterous- 98
arthropterous- 98
Diptera- 98
hyalopterous- 98
hymenoptera- 98
neuropterous- 98
Orthoptera- 98
pterion- 98
pteropodium- 98
SCHIZ, SCHIS- “to split”
Anaschistic- 98
schist- 98
schisoglossia- 99
schizogamy- 99
schizogenesis- 99
schizophyte- 99
SPLANCHN- “entrails” “viscera”
macrosplanchnic- 99
somaticosplanchnic- 99
splanchneurysma- 99
splanchnodiastasis- 99
THI- “sulfur”
thiobacteria- 99
thiogenic- 99
thioether- 99
THORAC- “chest” “thorax”
hemothorax- 99
thoracomelus- 99
thoracocrytosis- 99
TOX- “poison”
cytotoxin- 99
toxicodermatitis- 99
Toxicodendron- 99
toxicognath- 99
toxophore- 99
TRICH, THRIX- “hair”
amphitrichous- 99
melanotrichous- 99
schizotrichia- 99
trichocryptosis- 99
tricholith- 99
trichomatosis- 99
XER- “dry”
Xeric- 99
Xerarch- 100
xerophobous- 100
xerotherm- 100
exenterate- 100
polymerize, polymerization- 100
hyalinization- 100
hepatization- 100
brachiate- 100
myelinization- 100
autotoxemia- 100
laryngocele- 100
podagra- 100
dendrochronology- 100
leiomyoma- 100
cheiragra, chiragra- 100
encephalomalacia- 100
pterodactyl- 100
schizocarp- 100
cheiropterophilous- 100
thiophilic- 100
misopedia- 100
xeromorphic- 100
thoracoceloschisis- 100
misogynist- 100
Coniopterygidae- 100
polymastigote- 100
splanchnocoel or splanchnocoele- 100
thoracocentesis- 100
-ize “to make” “to treat” “to do something with”
CARBON- “coal” “charcoal”
CHRON- “time”
AGON- “struggle”
-ate “to make” “to treat” “to do something with”
GYR- “circle”
AER- “air”
HYDR “water”
-ium, -ion- “little”
BACTER “rod”
POD “foot”
THEC “case”
STOM “mouth”
CONI “dust”
BAS “base”
PLAST “to mold”
CON “cone”
HIPP “horse”
ASTER “star”
LEMN “ribbon”
MEN “moon”
Alg – Pain
Analgesic-remedy for relieving pain
Neuralgia- pain along the course of a nerve
Algolagnia- pain along the course of a nerve, sexual pleasure from the experiencing or
inflicting of pain
Algedonic- pertaining to the pleasantless-unpleasantless dimension in experience
Causalgia- burning pain sometimes present in injuries to the nerves.
Arthr- Joint, speech of sound, articulation
Arthritis- inflammation of a joint
Dysartria- impairment of speech articulation
Arthropod- a member of the phylum Arthropoda, including crustaceans, insects and spiders
Enarthrosis- a ball-and-socket joint, as for instance, the hip
Arthrobranchial- joint gills
Arthropterous- having jointed fin-ray, as fishes
Diarthrosis- freely movable articulation
Nearthrosis- a new and abnormally produced articulation in the sequence of a fracture,
dislocation or disease of the bone.
Stereoarthrolysis- loosening stiff joints by operation or manipulation in cases of ankylosis
Synarthrophysis- progressive ankylosis of a joint
Bi – life
Biomorphic- related to the forms of living beings; often used of primitive art
Symbiosis- a condition which two organisms live together for mutual benefit
Diplobiont- a plant flowering or bearing fruit twice in a season
Biopsy- The examination of living tissue
abiogenesis-the theory of the production of living matter from nonliving matter
biochrome-a pigment synthesized in the metabolic process of living organisms
biotherapy-the treatment of diseases by means of substances secreted by living organisms, as
dermatobiasis-infection with Dermatobia (botflies); larvae are obligatory sarcobionts
geobios-terrestrial life
metabiosis-a relationship between two organisms in which only one of the partners benefit
photobiotic-living in light exclusively
psychobiology-psychology ion relation to biology
BALL- , BOL- , - BLE- to throw, to put
Xeriobole-a plant that scatters its seeds by dehiscence thorugh dryness
Metabolism-the process by which assimilated food is buiolt up into protoplasm and by which
protoplasm in broken down into waste matter with the release of energy
Embolism-the destruction of a blood vessel by foreign matter lodged in it
Hemiballismus-a condition characterized by violent spasmodic movements of the extremities on
one side of the body
Embololalia-the insertion of meaningless words into speech in some schizophrenic states
Epiboly-a process of overgrowth in gastrulation in telolecithal eggs
Periblem-layers of ground or fundamental tissue between dermatogen and plerome of growing
Sporobolus-genus of grasses to which dropseed belongs
BRADY- slow
Bradycarpic-friuinting after the winter in the second season after flowering
Bradycardia-abnormal slowness of the heart (pulse rate less than sixty beats a minute)
Bradylexia-abnormal slowness in reading
CRYPT- “hidden”
Crypt-various recesses, glandular cavities, etc. in the body , as tonsillar crypts
Cryptogam-a plant that does not have apparent reproductive organs
Cryptorchism-a condition in which the testes fail to descend
Crytesthesisa-the power of perceiving without sensory mechanism; clairvoyance
Cryptoclastic-made up of minute fragmental particles, often used to designate a type of rock
Cryptogenic-of unknown or obscure cause
Cryptophyte-a plant that produces its buds underwater or underground
Cryptovolcanic-procduced by completely concealed volcanic action
Cryptozoic-fauna dwelling in darkness or under rocks
Syncryptic-pertaining to protective resemblance between diverse species
DROM- running, course
Acrodromous-pertaining to a leaf in which the veins converge at the point
Syndrome-a number of symptoms that occur at the same time, characterizing a particular disease
Heteroddromia-a condition in which a nerve conducts impulse better in one direction that the
Dromomania-a pathological desire to wander
Anadromous-ertaining to fishes migrating annually from salt to fresh water
Adromia-a complete failure of impulse conduction in muscles or nerves
Dromography-aproces of registering by instrument the velocity of blood current
Photodromy-the movement of particles suspended in a fluid toward light or away from it
GE- earth
Geomancy-divination by examining the figures formed on the ground when a handful of earth is
Geocarpy-the ripening of fruits underground, as with the peanut
Geophagy-the pratice of eating earth
Geophilous-living in or on the earth
Amphigean-native around the owlrd
Geophyte-a land plant; a plant with dormant parts underground
Geotaxis-locomotor response to gravity
Hypogeous-growing or maturing under the earth’s surface
HOD- , OD- - road, way
Anode-a positive electrode
Hodophobia-abnormal fear of travel
Esodic-afferent nerve conducting impulses to the central nervous system
Prosodus-a canal in sponges
Urodeum-the portion of the upper cloaca into which the urogenital ducts open
MNE- to remember
Amnesia-loss of memory
Psedomnesia-a condition in which events seem to be remembered which have not been actually
Acousmatamnesia-inability to remember sounds
Autoanamnesia-a history related by the patient
Catamnesis-the medical history of a patent following illness or behavior disorder
Ecmnesia-loss of memory of recent happenings but retention of events occurring in a remote
period, with retention of long-term memory
Mnemodermia-pruritis and discomfort of the skin hiours and days after the cause of symptoms
has been removed
MORPH- form
Theriomorphic-pertaining to a divinity representd in the form of an animal
Morphology-the study of structure and form
Polymorphonuclear-having a nucleus with several lobes
Dysmorphophobia-abnormal fear of deformity
Actinomorphous-radially symmetrical
Enantiomorph-one of a pair of isometric substances that are mirror images with asymmetric
Gyandromorphy-the degree or prominence of feminine characteristics in male physique and vice
Mesomorphic-characterized by a predominance of structures such as bone and muscle, which are
developed from the mesodermal layer of the embryo; athletic build
Morpheme-a word or part of a word that conveys meaning and can’t be broken down any further
and still convey meaning
Phyllomorphosis-variation of leaves at different seasons
ODONT- tooth
Exodontist-a dentist who specializes in the extraction of teeth
Prosthodontia-the branch of dentistry which deals with the replacement of teeth by artificial
Pleurodont-having the teeth fastened to the side of the bone, as with somem lizards
Homodont-having teeth all alike
Polyphyodont-having many successive sets of teeth
Rhizodontotrophy-pivoting an artificial crown on the root of a tooth
Tetraselenodont-having four crescentic ridges on molar teeth
Xanthodont-having yellow-colored incisors, as certain rodents
PHOR- , PHER- to bear, to go
Gynophore-a stalk that supports an ovary
Oophorectomy-the surgical removal of an ovary
Heterophoria-a tendency of the eyes to turn away form the correct position
Eu[phoria-an exaggerated feeling of well-being
Chromatophore-a pigment-bearing cell
Aerophore-a device for inflating the lungs with air in the case of a still-born child or asphyxia
Metaphery-the displacement of organs
Odontophore-the tooth-bearing organ in mollusks
Osmodysphoia-intolerance of certain odors
Photophore-luminous organs of certain crustaceans
PLEX- stroke; PLEG- paralysis
Paraplegia- paralysis of the lower half of the body
Laryngoplegia- paralysis of the larynx
Apoplexy-sudden paralysis with loss of consciousness, caused by the breaking or blocking of a
lood vessel in the brain
Diplegia-paralysis of similar parts on two sides of the body
Quadriplegia-the four extremities of the body paralyzed
POD- , - PUS- foot
Podiatrist-one who treats minor disorders of the feet
Micropus-congenital abnormal smallness of the feet
Cephalopod-molluscs with sucker-bearing arms on the region of the head, such as the octopus
Adenopodous-bearing glands on peduncles or petioles
Cynopodous-with nonretractile claws
Metapodium-posterior portion of the molluscan foot
Podotheca-a foot-covering, as of birds or reptiles
PROCT- anus, rectum
Protology-the medical specialty concerned with the anus, rectum and sigmoid colon
Cytoproct-the pint at which waste is discharged from a cell
Periproct-the surface immediately surrounding the anus of echinoids
Proctostais-constipation due to nonresponse of rectum to the defecation stimulus
STOL- , STAL- , - STLE- to send, to contract
Systole-the contraction of the heart
Peristalsis-the rhythmic contraction of the alimentary canal that moves its contents onward
Catastalsis-the downward-moving wave of contraction occurring in the stomach during
digestion, downward-moving contraction of the stomach
Hemisystole-contracting of the left ventricle after every second atrial contraction
Telediastolic-relating to the last phase of a diastole
thermosystaltic-contracting under the influence of heat; pertaining to muscular contraction due to
STOM- , STOMAT- mouth, opening
Gymnostomatous-referring to misses having a naked mouth, i.e., without a peristome
Enterostomy-an operation to form an artificial opening into the intestine
Stomatitis-inflammation of the mouth
Odontostomatous-having tooth-bearing jaws
Actinostome-five-rayed oral aperture of starfish
Microstome- a small opening or orifice
Nephrostome-the opening of a nephridial tubule into the body cavity
TROP- , TREP- to turn, response to stimulus
Apotropaic-intended to avert evil, as a ritual
Apheliotropism-the turning away from the sun
Phototropic-responding to the stimulus of light
Esotropia-a condition in which one eye deviates inward, while the other fixed upon an object;
convergent concomitant strabismus
Anisotropia-the quality of being doubly refractive or unequally refractive in different directions
Autotropism-tending to grow in a straight line, applies to plants unaffected by external stimulus
Baratropic, Barotropic-response to pressure stimulus
Orthotropism-growth in a vertical line
Stereotropism-growth or movement toward a solid body
Treponema-genus of spiral organisms; Treponema pallidum, causes syphilis
Treponemiasis-infection iwht treponema; syphilis
UR- urine, urinary system (URE- to urinate)
Ureter-a tube carrying the urine from the kidney to the bladder
Uremic-pertaining to the presence of urine in the blood
Albuminuria-the presence of albumin in the urine
Hippuric acid-an acid found in high concentration in urine of herbivorous animals
Urocyanosis-blue discoloration of the urine
Urolithiasis-the formation of urinary calculi
Anatropia-a tendency of the eyes to turn upward when at rest; anaphoria
Antibiotic-pertaining to antibiosis, an association between two or more organisms which is
harmful to one of them; tending to destroy life
Amphipodous-having feet for walking and feet for swimming
Anamorphosis-evolution from one type to another through a seies of gradual changes
Anticryptic coloration-protective coloration facilitating attack
Anabolism-synthetic or constructive metabolism, the conversion of nutritive material into more
complex living matter
Cataphoresis-the movement of suspended particles through a fluid under the action of applied
electromotive force
Arthralgia-pain in a joint
Aphodal-applied to a type of canal system in sponges
Apoplexy-the symptom complex resulting from hemorrhage into or upon the brain, or from
embolism or thrombosis of the cerebral vessels
Cataplexy-a sudden and overwhelming emotion, fright or shock causing muscular rigidity in
some animals; in man, the sudden loss of muscle tone provoked by exaggerated motion
Diaphoresis-perspiration, especially perceptible perspiration
Apogee-point of an orbit of a satellite farthest from the earth
Diageotropism-tendency of certain parts of plants to assume position at right angles to direction
of gravity
Proctodaeum-the latter part of the embryonic alimentary canal, formed by anal invagination
Antidromic-contrary to the normal direction; applied to conduction of an impulse along an axon
toward the body of nerve cell
Diuretic-an agent that increases the volume of urine
Amphistomous-having a sucker at each end of the body, as certain worms
Diastole-the rhythmic period of relaxation and dilatation of a chamber of the heart during which
it fills with blood
Bradydiastolic-pertaining to a prolongation of the diastolic interval
Anastomosis-the intercommunication of blood vessels by the natural anatomic arrangement
which provides alternate pathways for blood supply to a peripheral part
Crytanamnesia-subconscious memory; the recall to mind of a forgotten episode which seems
entirely new to the patient
Antiodontalgic or antodontalgic-relieving a toothache
Bradyarthria-slow speech due to organic disturbance of the speech apparatus
Anamnesis-faculty of memory; information gained from the patient and others regarding past
history of a case
BUL- (BOUL- )- will
Paraboulia-abnormality of volitional action
Abulia or abuoulia-loss of ability to make decisions
Hyperbulia-exaggerated willfulness
CARDI- heart
Acardiacus-omphalosite completely lacking a heart
Cardioblast-one of the embryonic cells designed to form the walls of the heart
Diplocardiac-having a double heart, or one in which the two sides are more or less separate, as in
birds and mammals
Hydropericardium-a collection of a serous effusion in the pericardial cavity
Myocardial-pertaining to the muscular tissue of the heart
Orthocardiac-dilatation of the right side of the ehart which occurs when the uptight position of
the body is assumed
CEPHAL- head (enCEPHAL- brain)
Acanthocephaliasis-infestation with parasitic worms of the phylum Acanthocephala
Acrocephaly-deformity of the head in which the top is more or less pointed
Cephalopod-marine mollusc with muscular, sucker bearing arms on head region, as the cuttlefish
and octopus
Cynocephalous-with the head shaped like a dog’s
Encephalodyspasia-maldevelopment of the tissues of the central nervous system
Prosencephalon-the forebrain or anterior brain vesicle ofhe embryo
CHONDR- , CHONDRI- cartilage, granule
Chondriosome or mitochondria-granular, rod-shaped or filamentous organelle in cytoplasm
Chondriokinesis0the diision of the chondriosome in mitosis and meiosis
Perichondrium-the fibrous connective tissue covering cartilage
Synchondrosis-a joint in which the surfaces are connected by a plate of cartilage
DEM- people, country
Apodemialgia-wanderlust, a morbid dislike of homelife with a desire to wander
Ecdemic-of foreign origin
Pandemic-occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the people
DERM- , DERMAT- skin
Dermatophyte-one of a group of fungi which invade the superficial skin
Dermographia-a condition in which the skin is particularly susceptible to irritation; characterized
by elevations or wheals caused by tracing the fingernail or blunt instrument over the skin
Mesoderm-the third germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and entoderm, which gives rise to
the connective tissue, muscles, urogenital system, etc. The layer of skin between the ectoderm and the
Pododerm-dermal layer of a hoof, within the horny layer
GAM- marriage, union
Agamogenesis-asexual reproduction
Gamete-sexual cell; a minute reproductive body which is capable of uniting with another of like
origin to form a new individual, or zygote; in higher animals, sperms and eggs
Aplanogamete- a nonmotile, conjugating sperm cell
Cytogamy-cell conjugation
Gamophyllous-with united perianth leaves
Gamostele-stele formed from fusion of several steles
Oogamy-the union of a nonmotile female gamete or egg cell with a male gamete
LECITH- yolk
Centrolecithal-with yolk aggregated in the center
Lecithin-a colorless to yellow-brown, waxy solid widely distributed in the body; also found in
the yolks of eggs
Leccithocoel-segmentation cavity of holoblastic eggs
Lysolecithin-a substance having a strong hemolytic properties produced from lecithin by the
action of snake venom
Megalophthalmus or megophthalmus-excessive largeness of the eyes
Ophthalmogyric-pertaining to or causing movements of the eye
Photophthalmia- inflammation of the eyes due to excessively strong light, as welder’s arc light or
sunlight on snow
Podophthalmite-in crustaceans, eye-stalk segment farthest from the head
Xerophthalmia-a dry and thickened condition of the conjunctiva
OST (E)- bone
Actinost-basal bone of fin-rays in teleosts
Angiosteosis-ossification of blood vessels
Dysostosis-defective formation of bone
Heteroosteoplasty-the grafting, by operation, of bone taking from another animal
Osteanagenesis-regeneratoin of bone
Osteodermai-bony formations in the skin
Periosteophyte-a morbid, osseous formation upon or preceding from the periosteum
Synostosis- a union of originally separate bones by osseous material
PHYLL- leaf
Adenophyllous-bearing glands or leaves
Autophyllogeny-growth of one leaf upon or out of another
Lithophyll-a fossil leaf or leaf impression
Phylloclade-any flattened stem performing the functions of leaves, as the joints of cacti
Phyllopodous-having leaflike swimming feet, as in Branchiopoda
Phyllotaxy-the arrangement of leaves on an axis or stem
PHYT- plant, growth
Autophyte-a self-nourished plant
Entophyte or endophyte-a plant growing within another, either as a parasite or otherwise
Epidermophytosis-term commonly used to indicate any fungus infection of the feet producing
scaliness and vesicles with pruritus
Gametophyte-in the alteration of generations in plants, the individual or generation which ears
sex organs
Hematophyte-a vegetable organism, sucha s a bacterium, living in the blood
Zoophyte-an animal resembling a plant in appearance and growth, as sponges
PLAS(T)- to form, to mold
Alloplasty-a plastic operation in which material from outside the human body, such as ivory or
animal bone, is utilized
Amyloplast or amyloplastid-a leucoplast or colorless, starch-forming granule in plants
Cytoplasm-substance of the cell body exclusive of the nucleus size of tissue or organ owing to an
increase in the number of cells
Metaplasia-transformation of one form of adult tissue to another
Ooplasm-the cytoplasm of the egg
Protoplasm-the viscid material constituting the essential substance of living cells, upon which all
vital functions, such as nutrition, secretion and growth, depend
Somatoplasm-the protoplasm of the body cells, as distinct from germ plasm, which composes
reproductive cells
SOM- , SOMAT- body
Acrosome-a body at apex of the spermatozoon
Dermatosome-one of the vital units forming a cell membrane
Gymnosomatous-having no shell or mantle, as certain mollusks
Karyomicrosome, a nuclear granule
Mereomicrosomia-abnormal smallness of some part of the body
Somatotopagnosia-inability to identify or orient the body or its parts, usually the result of brain
Somesthesia-sensibility to bodily sensations
Somite-a segment of the body of an embryo
THEC(A)- case, sheath
Apotheium-a cup-shaped ascocarp
Cephalotheca-head integument in insect pupa
Exotheca-the extracapsular tissue of a coral
Hydrotheca-cuplike structure into which the polyp may withdraw in many coelenterates
Podotheca-a foot-covering, as of birds or reptiles
Theca-spore or pollen case
Thecaphore-a structure on which a theca is borne
Thecium-the part of a funus or lichen containing the sporules
Thecodont-having teeth in sockets
THERM- heat
Adiathermancy-imperviousness to heat waves
Hyperthermalgesia—abnormal sensitivity to heat
Hypothermia-subnormal temperature of the body
Thermophagy-the habit of swallowing very hot food
Thermophyte-a heat tolerant plant
Thermotropism-curvature in plants in response to a temperature stimulus
TOM- to cut, section (enTOM- insect)
Diatomaceous-microscopic algae divided into halves
Dermatome-the areas of skin supplied with sensory fibers; an instrument for cutting skin
Lithotomous-stone-boring, as certain molluscs
Myotome-an instrument for performing myotomy; that part of a somite which differentiates into
skeletal muscle; a muscle group innervated by a single spinal nerve
Somatome-a transverse segment of an organized body, a somite; an embryotome
TOP- place
Atopognosia-lack of ability to locate a sensation accurately
Ostectopy-displacement of one
Topotype-a speciment from locality of original type
TROPH- nourishment, development
Autotroph-organism capable of self-nourishment, especially by using a chemical element such as
carbon or nitrogen for food; a bacterium able to grow in an inorganic environment by using CO2
as its sole source of carbon
Hypertrophy-an increase in size of an organ independent of natural growth
Metatrophic-living on both nitrogenous and carbonaceous organic matter
Monotrophic-existing on one kind of food
Trophobiotic-pertaining to a relationship in which an organism of one kind aids and protects an
organism of another kind in return for some food products
Trophonemata-uterine villi or hairlike projections which transfer nourishment to the embryo
Trophoneurosis-a functional disease of a part due to failure of nutrition from defective nerve
action in involved parts
Trophotropism-tendency of an organism to turn towards its food supply
ZO- animal, living being
Cryptozoic-applicable to fauna dwelling in darkness, or under stones, barks, etc
Epizootic-a disease of animals which is widely prevalent in contiguous areas
Hemocytozoon-a protozoan parasite inhabiting the red blood cells
Metazoan-pertinent to a group that comprises all animals having the adult body composed of
numerous cells differentiated into tissues and organs
Phyllozooid-a shield-shaped medusoid of protective function
Protozoon-a unicellular or noncellular animal organism
Zoogamy-sexual reproduction in animals
Dystrophy-defective nutrition; defective or abnormal development or degeneration
Dysbulia-impairment of willpower
Esotropic-exhibiting a situation in which one eyes fixes upon an object and the other deviates
Exostois-the most common benign tumor of bone
Exophthalmic-pertaining to abnormal protrusion of the eye-ball from the orbit
Endogamy-the custom or requirement of marriage within the tribe, caste or social group;
Enuresis-incontinence of urine
Endoderm or entoderm-the innermost of the three primary germ layers, which forms the lining of
the guy
Enantiomorph-a form which is similar to another but not ransposable, forms related to each other
as a right handed to left handed glove; said of certain hemihedral crystals and of certain
molecules and compounds
Epithea-an external layer surrounding the theca or covering, in corals
Epicardium-the visceral layer of the pericardium
Epiphyte-plant which lives on the surface of other plants
Expcaridac-originating or situated outside the heart
Eucephalous-with a well-developed head; applicable to certain insect larvae
Endemics-peculiar to a certain region,k said of a disease which occurs more or less constantly in
any locality
Dyschondroplasia-a disease of unknown etiology attacking the bones of the hand; characterized
by cartilaginous tissue developing regularly but ossifyingn very slowly
Ectozoon-an external animal parasite; ectoparasite
Gamophylous-with united perianth leaves
Ectolecithal-having yolk surrounding formative protoplasm
Osteotome-an instrument somewhat similar to a chisel used for cutting bone
Phyllopphorous-bearing or producing leaves
Ectosome-an enveloping portion of a sponge containing no flagellated chambers
Ectotrophic-finding nourishment form outside; applicable to fungi which surround roots of host
with hyphae
Exothermic-relating to the giving out of energy, especially heat energy
Entochondrostosis-ossification from within outward
ACOU- (ACU- )- to hear
Acousmatagnosis-inability to recognize sounds or understand spoken words; mind-deafness
Anacusia-complete deafness
Iplacusis-hearing the same sound differently by the two ears
Odynacousis-pain caused by noises
AMBLY- dull
Amblycephalidae-a genus of broad-headed, nonpoisonous snakes, formerly considered the type
of a family, amblycephalidae, called blantheads
Amblychromasia-in bacteriology, a deficiency in nuclear chromatin which causes the cell to stain
ANTH- flower
Anther-the part ofhte stamen which produces pollen
Anthophilous-attracted by flowers, feeding onf lowers
Chloranthy-reversion of floral leaves back into ordinary green leaves
Cladanthous-having terminal archegonia on short, lateral branches
Exanthema-an eruption upon the skin
Gymnanthous-with no floral envelope
Haemanthus-genus of bulbous hers comprising the blood lily
Achroacytosis-an increase in the number of colorless or lymphatic cells in the blood
Achromodermia-a deficiency or lack of pigment in the skin
Chromatin-the protoplasmic substance in the nuclei of cells which is readilsy stainable
Chromophobe-a cell not stainable
Dichromatism-a condition in which an individual can perceive only two of the three basic hues
Dyschromatodermia or dyschroa-discoloration of the skin
Metachrosis-the change or play of colors seen in the squid, chameleon, etc.
Pseudochromesthesisa-a condition in which each of the vowels in a word seems to have a
distinct sound
DACTYL- finger, toe
Dactylolysis-a tropical disease, peculiar to male Negroes, in which a toes is slowly and
spontaneously amputated by a fibrous ring, Disease causing the amputation of a toe or finger
Dactylopodite-the distal joint in certain limbs of Crustacea; the metatarsus and tarsus of spiders
Dactylopterous-with anterior rays of pectoral fins more orless free
Orthodactylous-having straight digits
Oxydactyl-having a slender, tapering digits
DE- to bind; DESM- ligament
Adesmy-a break or a division in an organ, usually entire
allosyndesis-pairing of homologous chromosomes from opposite parents
amphidesmic-furnished with a double ligament
arthrodesis-fusion of a joint by removing the articular surfaces and securing bone union
asyndesis-incoherencey in syntax or sentence construction
desmocyte-any kind of supporting tissue cell
desmoplasia-the formation and proliferation of connective tissue; the formation of adhesions
syndesmology-the study of ligaments
syndesmosis-a form of rticulation in which the bones are connected by fibrous connective tissue
ENTER- intestine
Anenterous-having no alimentary tract
Enterolysis-removal of adhesions binding the intestine
Myenteric-relating to the muscular coat of the intestine
ERG- work
Adrenergic-liberating adrenaline; activated by adrenaline
Endoergic or endothermic-relating to the absorption of heat
Ergatoandromorph-an ant of other social insect in which the worker and male characters are
Ergology-the study of artifacts made for use rather than trade
Hyperergia or hypergia-increased functional activity
Hyperergy-hypersensitivity to an allergen
ESTHE- (AESTHE- )- to feel, to perceive
Acanthesthesia-a sensation of pricking with a needle
Aesthacyte- a sensory cell of primitive animals
Akinesthesia-loss of muscular sense of movement
Caumesthesia-the experience of a sense of heat when the temperature is not high
Synesthesia-a secondary sensation of subjective impression accompanying an actual perception,
as a sensation of color or sound aroused by a sensation of taste
GER- , GERONT- old person, old age
Acrogeria-premature aging of skin of hands and feet
Gerontophobia-morbid fear of old age
Gerodontia-dentistry for the aged
GNATH- jaw
Dysgnathic-pertaining to jaws which are improperly developed and in poor relation to one
Gnathopod-any crustacean limb in oral region modified to assist with food
Gnathotheca-the horny outer covering of a bird’s lower jaw
Hypognathous-having he lower jaw abnormally small
Opisthognathism-recession of the lower jaw
GNO- to know
Acroagnosis-loss of sense perception in a limb
Astereognosis-inability to recognize objects by sense of touch
Autotopagnosia-loss of ability to prient parts of one’s own body
Baragnosis-loss of perception of weight
Pharmacognosy-the science of crude drugs
GRAPH- to write, - GRAM- thing written
Dromograph-instrument for registering the velocity of blood current
Dysantiographia-inability to perform copywriting or to print
Engram-the hypothetical impression or trace left upon the neuron by psychic experience; a latent
memory picture
HEPAT- , HEPAR- liver
Heparin-a substance or mixture of substances occurring in the liver and other tissues having the
property of prolonging the clotting time of blood
Hepaticoenterostomy-surgical establishment of communication between the hepatic duct and the
Hepatolysin-a cytolysin acting especially on liver cells
KINE- (CINE- )- to move
Akinesthesia-loss of muscle sense or sense of movement
Eukinesia-normal power of movement
Heterokinesis-movement resulting from external stimulus
Heterokinesia-the execution of bodily movements exactly the opposite of those ordered
Hyperanakinesia-excessive activity of a part
Hyperkinemia-a condition marked by a greater cardiac output of blood than normal
Kinesiology-the science of the anatomy, physiology and mechanics of purposeful muscle
movement in man
Ookinesis-the mitotic phenomena in an egg during maturation and fertilization
Thrombokinase-a substance activating prothrombin to thrombin
Telekinesis-the power claimed by some people of causing objects to move without touching
LEX- to read
Bradylexia-abnormal slowness in reading
Alexia-visual aphasia or word blindness
Dyslexia-impairment of the ability to read
MY- , MYS- , MYOS- muscle
Accromyotonus-tonic muscular spasm of the extremities usually causes deformity to the hands
and feet
Amyostasia-a tremor of the muscles causing difficulty in standing
Endomysium-the connective tissue between the fibers of a muscle bundle
Myochrome-any muscle pigment
Myosin-one of the principal proteins in muscle
NEPHR- kidney
Nephridium-an excretory organ, usually that of invertebrates; embryonic kidney tubule of
Nephrocystanastomosis-surgical formation of an opening between the renal pelvis and the
urinary bladder
Nephrocyte-cells in sponges and insects which secrete waste and then migrate to the surface of
the body to discharge
Nephrostome-the section of the embryo from which kidney structures develop
Perinephridium- the connective or adipose tissue surrounding a kidney
OSM- smell
Anosmia-absence of the sense of smell
Macrosmatic-possessing a highly developed sense of smell
Osmeterium-protrusible organ borne on first throracic segment of larvae of some butterflies
which emits a smell
THE- to put, to place
Allenthesis-introduction of foreign substance to the body
Athetosis-nervous disorder marked by recurrent, slow, continual change of position of fingers,
toes, hands, etc.
Epithem-an excrescence on the beak of birds; a plant tissue forming a hydathode; the secretory
layers in nectarines
Metathesis-a chemical reaction in which there is an exchange of radicals
Amblyacusia-dullness of hearing
Hyperacusia-abnormal acuteness of the sense of hearing; auditory hyperesthesia
Metachromy-change in color, as of flowers
Hyperesthesia-excessive sensibility
Paragraphia-perverted writing, a form of aphasia in which letters or words are misplaced or
improperly used; a loss of ability to express ideas in writing, usually the result of a brain lesion
Hypokinesia-abnormally decreased muscular movement
Paralexia-a condition in which the patient misreads words because of brain injury
Metenteron-the enteron modified in any manner from the primitive archenteron; one of the
radical digestive chambers of an anthozoon as distinguished from the mesenteron
Peridontium-the supporting and investing tissue surrounding a tooth; namely the periodontal
membrane, the gingival and the alveolar bone
Paracusia-any perversion of the sense of hearing
Perimysium-the connective tissue enveloping bundles of muscle fibers
Parosmia- a perversion of the sense of smell; may be present in organic brain disease, in
schizophrenia (olfactory hallucinations) or in psychoneurotic conditions
Perianth-the floral envelope; external floral whorls including calyx and corolla; the external
envelope of a flower, the floral leaves collectively
Perihepatitis-inflammation of the peritoneum surrounding the liver
Progeria-premature senility
Prognosis-a prediction of the duration, course and termination of a disease, based on all
information available in the individual case and knowledge of how the disease behaves generally
Prognathous-having projecting jaws
Pronephros-one of the anterior of the three pairs of embryonic renal organs of typical vertebrates
Prosodus-a delicate canalicule between chamber and incurrent canal in some sponges
Prosthetic-replacing or substitutin; pertaining to an artificial substitute for a missing part, as
denture, hand, leg, eye
Syndactylism-adhesion of fingers or toes; webbed fingers or webbed toes
Syndesis-the state of being bound together
Syndesemctopia-ligamentous displacement
Synanthy-adhesion of flowers usually separate
Synanthesis-condition in which stamens and pistils mature simultaneously
Synergistic-pertaining to cooperative action of discrete agencies such that the total effect is
greater than the sum of the two effects taken individually, as drugs; cooperating, as muscles
AMYGDAL- almond, tonsil
Amygdalin-a glycoside occurring in bitter almonds
Amygdalolith-tonsillar calculus
Amygdalitis-inflammation of the tonsils
ANDR- man, male
Androgynary-having flowers with stamens and pistils developing into petals
Andromonoecious-having male and hermaphrodite flowers on the same plant
Andromorphous-having the form of a man
Androphore-stalk that carries male gonophores in Siphonophora
Ergatandrous-having workerlike males
Protandrism or protandry-condition in hermaphrodite plants and animals where male elements
mature and are shed before female elements mature
ANTHROP- man, human being
Anthropopathy-ascription of human feelings to God, a god or an object in nature
Anthropophilic-showing a preference for human beings over animals
Sinanthropus-a genus of fossil men that includes peking Man
CHRON- time
Chronaxie-the duration of time that a current must flow in order to excite muscle tissue
Heterochrism-departure from typical sequence in time of formation of organs
Sphygmochronography-the registration of the extent and oscillations of the pulse wave
CLAD- branch
Cladode-branch arising form axil of leaf or green, flattened stem resembling a foliage leaf
Cladodont-having teeth with prominent central and small lateral cusps
Heterocladic-describing a communication between branches of different arteries
Neurocladic-pretaining to a theoretical phenomenon in which regeneratoino f injured neuraxons
is considered to occur by production of collateral or terminal branches
Phylloclade, cladophyll or cladode-a green, flattened or round-stemmed which as a leaf as in
DYNAM- , DYN- power
Adynamia-loss of vital strength or muscular power, weakness
Dyanometer-an instrument for the measurement of muscular strength
Hemodynamics-the study of how the physical properties of the blood and its circulationf through
the vessels affect blood flow and pressure
Hyperdynamic-showing excessive strength or exaggeration of function, as of nerves or muscles
EME- to vomit
Autemesia-functional or idiopathic vomiting
Hyperemesis-excessive vomiting
Emetic-having the power to evoke vomiting
GYMN- naked, uncovered
Gymnocarpous-with naked fruit; applicable to lichens with uncovered apothecia
Gymnopterous-having bare wings without scales, applicable to insects
Gymnorhinal-having nostril region not coverede by feathers, as some birds
Gymnosomatous-having no shell or mantle
Gymnospore-a naked spore or germ not enclosed in a protective envelop
GYN(E)- , GYNEC- (GYNAEC- )- female
Digynous-having two carpels
Ergatogyne-a female ant resembling a worker
Gynadrous-having stamens fused with pistils as some orchids
Gynecomastia-enlargement of the mammary gland in the male
Gynodioecious-plants producing female or hermaphrodite flowers only
HELIC- , HELIX- spiral
Helix-the rounded convex margin of the ear
Anthelix-the curved ridge of the pinna just anterior to the helix
Helincine-ascending by spiral, pertaining to the helix
Helicopepsin-a proteolytic enzyme found in snails
Helicorubin-a respiratory pigment found in the guy and liver of snails
HYDR- water, fluid
Hydrarthrosis-an accumulation of fluid in a joint
Hydrocarpic-said of aquatic plants whose flowers are pollinated above water but withdrawn
below water for development
Hydropericarditis-pericarditis accompanied by serious effusion into the pericardium
Hydrophyllium-one of leaflike bodies arising above and partly covering the sporosacs in a
Hydrostome-the mouth of a hydroid polyp
Hydrotropism-response to stimulus of water
Prohydrotropism-positive hydrotropism
IATR- physician, medical treatment
Amblyopiatrics-treatment of amblyopia
Cyniatria-branch of medicine dealing with dogs
Iadtrogenic-induced by a physician;effect of physician’s words or actions upon a patient
MELAN- black, dark
Melanin-a drak brown or black animal or plant pigment
Melanidrosis-a form of chromhidrosis in which the sweat is dark colored or black
Melanism-abnormal deposit of dark pigment in tissue, organs and the skin
Melanoderma-black pigmentation of the skin
Melanophore-a dendritic cell containing melanin in its cytoplasm
Melanophyllous-having leaves of a dark color
NECR- corpse, dead tissue
Necryocytotoxin-a toxin produced by he death of cells
Necromimesis-a delusional state in which the patient believes himself to be dead, simulation of
death by a deluded person
Necrophagous-eating carrion
Necrophilia-sexual perversion in which dead bodies are violated; insane sexual desire for a
Osteoradionecrosis-bone necrosis due to irradiation by roentgen or radium rays
OLIG- few, scanty
Oligandrous-having few stamens
Oligochromemia-deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood
Oligohydruria-urine with a relative diminution of water, highly concentrated urine
Ologopod-furnished with few feet or legs
Oligotrichia-scantiness or thinness of hair
Oligotrophic-providing inadequate nutrition
PED- (PAED- )child (- pedia instruction)
Orthopedic-pertaining to the branch of surgery concerned with corrective treatment of
deformities, diseases and ailments of the locomotor apparatus especially those affecting limbs,
bones, muscles and joints; formerly devoted to correction and treatment of deformities in
Paedogamy-type of autogamy in protozoa where gametes are formed after multiple division of
the nucleus; conjugation of two protozoa originating from division of same individual
Pedarthrocace-necrotic ulceration or caries of the joints of children
Pedomorphic-pertaining to retention in the adult of youthful and juvenile characteristics
Pteropaedes-birds able to fly when newly hatcfhed
PHAG- to eat
Autophagia-self-consumption; emaciation; biting one’s own flesh, as in dementia
Autophagus-applicable to birds capable of running about and securing food for themselves when
newly hatched
Dysphagia-difficulty in swallowing or inablility to swallow
Glossophagine-securing food by means of the tongue
Lithophagous-stone-eating, as birds; rock burrowing, as some mollusks
Phagocyte-colorless blood corpuscle which tends to ingest foreign particles
Phyllophagous-feeding on leaves
Trichophagia-the eating of hair
PHIL- to love, have an affinity for
Cryophilic or crymophilic-thriving at low temperature
Geophilous-living in or on the earth
Lithophilous-growing on stones or rocks; saxicoline
Polychromatophilism-capacity to be stained with more than one dye
POLY- many, much
Polyantha-any of several hybrid garden roses
Polyesthesia-an abnormality of sensation in which a single touch is felt in two or more places at
the same time
Polymer-the product resulting when two or more molecules of the same substance combine
Polyphagous-eating various kinds of food
Polyphyodont-having many successive sets of teeth
Poloyp-a pedunculated mass composed of neoplastic tissue or other structure found on mucous
Polypod-furnished with many feet or legs
Polytrophia-abundant or excessive nutrition
Polyuria-the passage of an excessive amount of urine
TARS- instep, edge of the eye
Hypotarsus-the calcaneum of a bird; process on metatarsus of birds
Tarsalgia-pain, especially of neuralgic character, in the tarsus of the foot
Tarsoplasty-plastic surgery of the eyelid
Tarsoptosia-flat foot
Anthropoid-pertaining to or resembling the primates-man, the apes and the monkeys
Android-resembling the male
Cladanthous-having terminal archegonia on short lateral branches; opposed to acrocarpous
Amygdaloid-almond shaped’ pertaining to or of the ature of the rock amygdaloid, i.e., any
igneous rock that contains small cavities produced, before solidification, by expansion of steam
and afterward filled by deposits of different minerals; a structure in the brain
Emetomania-morbid desire to vomit
Androgynous-having the characteristics of both sexes; being in nature both male and female;
hermaphroditic; bearing both staminate and pistillate flowers in the same cluster
Parenteral-outside the intestines; not via the alimentary tract
Pediatrics-the branch of medicine dealing with children’s diseases
Helicopod-circumduction; movement of the leg in a lateral arc as it scrapes the floor; the gait
seen in spastic hemiplegia
Metatarsal-pertaining to the portion of the foot between the tarsus and the phalanges, containg
five bones of the foot
Gymnanthous-with no floral envelope; achlamydeous
Gyandromorph-an individual of a bisexual species which exhibits the character of each sex in
scertain parts of the body
Dyschronous-not agreeing as to time
Polymorphic-having or occurring in several forms, as a substance which crystallizes in several
forms; in reference to the symptomatology of a disease process, polysymptomatic, i.e. having a
manifold symptoms which may not all occur simultaneously or in the same patient
Thermodynamics-the science which treats of the relation of heat and other forms of energy
Hydrodynamics-that branch of the science of mechanics which relates to the laws of motion and
actions of liquids
Anhydrous-denoting the absence of water, especially the water of crystallization
Melangeophious-dwelling in loam
Oligolecithal-having little yolk
Necrophilic-subsisting on dead matter
Necrotic-pertaining to the pathological death of a cell or group of cells in contact with living
Geophagous-eating earth or clay
Phytophagous-plant-eating; vegetarian
Anthophilous-attracted by flowers; feeding on flowers
ACR- extremity, summit
Acrodontism-the condition whereby teeth are attached to the summit of a parapet of bone, as in
Acromicria-underdevelopment of the extremities and of the skull as contrasted with visceral
Anacromyoidian-with syringeal muscles attached at dorsal ends of bronchial semi-rings, as in
Acropodium-digits, as fingers or toes
Acroscopic-facing toward the apex
Acrospore-the spore at the end of a sporophore
AMYL- starch
Amyloid-a starchlike chemical
Achrooamyloid-a recently deposited amyloid which does not form a blue color with iodine
Amylase-an amylolytic enzyme which hydrolyzes starch to sugary
Amylolysis-the digestion of starch or its conversion to maltose
Amyloplast-a leucoplast or colorless, starch-forming granule
BAR- weight, pressure BARY- heavy
Abarognosis-loss or lack of ability to estimate weight
Baresthesia-perception of weight or pressure
Barodontaglia-dental pain occurring in individuals expected to decreased barometric pressures
such as occur in high altitude flying; also called aerodontalgia
Baryphonia-a heavy or deep quality of the voice
Dysbarism-a condition of the body resulting from the existence of a pressure differential between
the the total ambient barometric pressure and the total pressure of dissolved and free gases within
the body tissues, fluids and cavities
Eurybaric-applicable to animals adaptable to great differences in altitude
BLENN- mucus
Blennophthalmia-catarrhal conjunctivitis
Blennorhagia-excessive mucous discharge
Oligoblennia-a deficient secretion of mucus
CYT- cell
Achroacytosis-an increase in the number of colorless or lymphocytic cells in the blood;
Chromocyte-any colored cell
Cytoderm-in botany, a cell wall
Cytolysis-the disintegration or dissolution of cells
Cytoplasm-the protoplasm of a cell other than that of the nucleus
Cytosome-a cell body exclusive of the nucleus
Cytostome-the oral aperture of a unicellular organism
Cytozoon-a protozoan parasite inhabiting a cell or having the structure of a simple cell
Erythrocytemia or erythrocytous-increased erythrocyte count
Oligocythemia-a reduction in the total quantity of erythrocytes in the body
Syncytium-a mass of cytoplasm which has number nuclei but which is not divided into cells by
cell walls
DIPS- thirst
Adipsia-absence of thirst; absence of drinking
Dipsophobia-a morbid fear of drinking
Haemadipsa-a genus of terrestrial leeches, one species of which produce external hirudiniasis
Polydipsia or anadipsia-excessive thirst
DREPAN- sickle
Drepanidae-a family of small, slender moths usually with forewings hooked; the species are
called hooktips
Drepanium-a helicoids cyme with secondary axes developed in a plane parallel to that of the
main peduncle and its first branch
Drepanocyte-a crescent shaped cell
Anerythroblepsiaor anerthropsia-impaired color perception of red; red blindness
Erythremia or erythrocytosis-primary polycythemia
Erythrochloropsia-a form of subnormal color perception in which green and red are the only
colors correctly distinguished
Erythroderma or erythrodermia-a dermatosis characterized by an abnormal redness of the skin
Erythrophilous-referring to red-staining nuclear substance of cells; having an affinity for red dye
Erythrophyll- a erd coloring matter in some leaves and red algae
Hemoerythrin-a red pigment found in the blood of worms and other invertebrates
Photerythrous-of heightened sensitivity to the red end of the spectrum
Zooerythrin-a red pigment foumd in plumage of various birds
GLYC- sugar, GLYCOS- sugar, glucose
Glycogen-a carbohydrate found in liver cells and many other tissues; it is formed from
carbohydrates and stored in the liver, where it is converted, as the system requires into glucose
Glycolysis-the process of conversion of carboyhydrate in tissue into pyruvic acid or lactic acid
Glycophyte-a plant unable to thrive on substratum containing more than 0.5% sodium chloride in
solution, opposite to halophyte
Hyperglycosuria-the presence of defiient amounts of sugar in the urine
HIST- , HISTI- tissue
Histiocyte or histocyte-fixed macrophagy of the loose connective tissue
Histokinesis-movement that takes place in the minute structural elements of the body
Histometaplastic-causing the transformation of one tissue into another type
Histotrophic-pertaining to or connected with tissue formation or repair; connected with
nourishment of fetus
Histozoic-living on or within the tissues, denoting certain protozoon parasites
HYSTER- uterus, hysteria
Hysterics-colloquial term for a hysterical attack
Hysteria-a psychoneurotic disorder characterized by extreme emotionalism
Hysterography-roentgenological examination of the uterus
Hysterolaparotomy-abdominal hysterectomy
Hysterotomy-incision of the uterus; a caesarian section
ICHTHY- fish
Ichthyismus-poisoning due to the absorption of mytilotoxin in muscles or from eating spoiled
Ichthyodont-a fossil fish tooth
Ichthyol-trade name for a mild antiseptic prepared from shales containing fossil fish remains
Ichthyotoxismus-food poisoning from fish
IRID- , IRIS- iris, rainbow
Iridizatoin-the appearance of an iridescent halo, seen by persons affected by glaucoma
Iridocyte-a special cell responsible for the beautiful iridescence of many fishes
Iridodialysis-the separation of the iris from its attachments
Iridokinesia-any movement of the iris
Iridoplegia-paralysis of the sphincter pupillae of the iris
ISCH- to suppress
Ischesis-retention of a discharge or secretion
Ischomenia-suppression of the menstrual flow
Ischuria-retention or suppression of the urine
LAPAR- abdomen, soft part of the body between the ribs and hip
Thoracoloaparotomy-obsolete term for an operation in which both thorax and abdomen are
Laparotrachelotomy-low caesarian section
Laparorhapy-suture of the abdominal wall
LIP- fat
Lipochrome or chromolipoid-any one of the group of fatlike substances containing a pigment or
coloring matter and occurring in natural fats such as egg yolks
Lipodystrophy-a disturbance of the fat metabolism in which the subcutaneous fat disappears over
large areas of the body but is unaffected in others
Lipase-a fat splitting enzyme
MAST- , MAZ- breast
Acromastitis-inflammation of a nipple
Hypermastia-overgrowth of the mammary gland
Amastia or amazia-congenital absence of the mammae
PHREN- mind, diaphragm
Phrenic-pertaining to the mind or the diaphragm
Gastrophrenic-pertainiing to the stomach and the diaphragm, as the gastrophrenic ligament
Hebephrenia-a type of schizophrenia marked by silliness and extreme mannerisms, often
caricaturing certain adolescent behavior
Phrenemphraxis-crushing of the phrenic nerve with a hemostat to produce temporary paralysis of
the diaphragm, a form of collapse therapy used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis
PY- pus
Hydropyonephrosis-distention of the pelvis of the kidney with urine and pus
Pyophthalmia-purulent ophthalmia
Pyorrhea-a purulent discharge, an excessive discharge of pus
THANAT- death
Thanatoid-resembling death
Thanatology-the study of the phenomenon of organic death
Thanatophobia-a morbid fear of death
Hyperglycemia-excess of sugar in the blood
Amyluria-presence of starch in the urine
Mastectomy-excision or amputation of the breast
Ichthyology-the branch of biology dealing with the study of fish
Ecdemomania-obsolete word for a morbid desire to wander
Erythrophobia-a morbid intolerance or fear of red colors, may be associated with the fear of
blood; fear of blushing
Gymnophobia-a morbid fear of a naked person or a naked part of the body
Drepanocythemia-sickle-cell anemia characterized by sickling of erythrocytes when
deoxygenated; hereditary, familial, chronic hemolytic anemia, peculiar to Negroes and
sometimes seen in other dark-skinned people
Acrophobia-a morbid fear of being at a great height
Zoophobia-a morbid fear of animals
Hypobaropathy-chronic mountain sickness
Blennuria-the presence of mucus in the urine
Enterolysis-removal of adhesions binding the intestines
Histolysis-disintegratoin and dissolution of organic tissue
Phrenicotomy-surgical divisionof a phrenic nerve in the neck neck for the purpas of causing a
one-sided paralysis of the diaphragm, with consequent immobilization and compression of a
diseased lung
Melanuria-the presence of black pigment in the urine
Hysterectomy-total or partial removal of the uterus
Dipsotherapy-treatment of certain diseases by reducing the amount of fluid allowed the patient
Ischemia-local diminution in the blood supply due to obstruction of inflow of arterial blood;
local anemia
Laparotomy-generally, an incision through the abdominal wall; celiotomy, i.e. the operation of
cutting into the abdominal cavity through the loin or flank
Lipemia or lipidemia-the presence of a fine emulsion of fatty substances in the blood
Liplysis-the decomposition of fat
Thanatomania-death by autosuggestion, as in individuals believe they are under the spell of a
Pyuria-the presence of pus in the urine
Iridemia-hemorrhage of the eye
ACANTH- thorn, prickle
Acanthesthesia-a sensation as of pricking with needles
Acanthocladous-having spiny branches
Acanthocyst-a sac containing lateral or reserve stylets in Nemertea
Acantholysis-any skin disease in which there is an atrophy of the prickle-cell layer
Acanthophore-a conical mass, the basis of the median stylet in Nemertea; a tubular spine in some
Acanthosis-a benign overgrowth of the prickle cell layer of the skin
Heteracanthous-having the spines in the dorsal fin asymmetrical
Hexacanth-having six hooks; applicable to embryos of certain flat worms
Paracanthosis-a process characterizd by some anomaly in the prickle cell layer of the epidermis
AER- air, gas
Aerocele-a tumor caused by the escape of air into an adventitious pouch usually connected with
the trachea or larynx
Aerocyst-an air vesicle of algae
Aerocystoscopy-examination of the interior of the urinary bladder with a cystoscope, the bladder
being distended with air
Aerpoathy-any pathologic condition brought about by a change in atmospheric pressure, as
caisson disease or aeroembolism
Aerophyte-a plant which grows attached to an aerial portion of another plant
AUT- self
Autism-a tendency to morbid concentration on oneself
Autocytotoxin-a cell toxin produced against the cells of one’s own body
Autodont-designating or pertaining to teeth not directly attached to jaws, as in cartilaginous fish
Autophagia-self-consumption, emaciation; biting of own’s own flesh, as in dementia
Autophyllogeny-growth of one leaf upon or out of another
Autotomy-mechanism by means of which many organisms are able to cast off parts of their
bodies; self-division; a surgical operation performed on one’s own body; in psychiatry, the act of
scratching away some part of the body, as in catatonia
Autotrophy-a bacterium able to grow in an inorganic environment by using CO2 as its sole
source of carbon
BLEPHAR- eyelid
Ablephary-congenital absence of the eyelid
Blepharoplasty-operation for restoration of the eyelid, plastic surgery operation on eyelid
Symblepharosis-adhesion of the eyelids to the globe of the eye or to each other
CARCIN- cancer
Carcinogen-any cancer-producing substance
Carcinoid-a tumor derived from argentaffin, usually benign
Mastocarcinoma-mammary tumor which is malignant
CHEIL- (CHIL- )- lip
Acheilary-having labellum undeveloped, as some orchids
Chilidium-a shelly plate covering deltidial fissure in dorsal valve of certain Brachiopoda
Acheilia-congenital absence of the lips
COL- colon
Coloproctostomy-formation of a new passage between the colon and the rectum
Paracollitis-inflammation of the tissue adjacent to the colon, not covered by peritoneum
Phrenicocolic or phrenocolic-pertaining to the diaphragm and the colon
COPR- excrement
Coprodaeum-the division of the cloaca which receives the rectum
Coprolite-petrified feces
Coprolith-a hard mass of fecal matter in the bowels
Coprophrasia-the abnormal interjection of obscene words into speech
CRY- , CRYM- cold, ice
Acrocyst-the spherical, gelationous cyst formed by gonophores at maturation of generative cells
Cystitis-inflammation of the urinary bladder
Cytocyst-the envelope formed by remains of a host cell within which a protozoon parasite
Gametocyst-cyst surrounding two associated free forms in sexual reproduction of gregarines
Hematocyst-a cyst containing blood
Nematocyst-a stinging cell
Nephrocystanastomosis-renal pelvis and urinary bladder
Oocyst-cyst formed around two conjugating gametes in Sporozoa
Polycystic-containing many cysts
DACRY- tear
Dacrydium-a genus of shrubs, named from resinous gum exuded
Dacryocystitis-inflammation of the lacrimal sac
GASTR- (GASTER- )- stomack, belly of a muscle
Gamogastrous-a pistil formed by union of ovaries
Gastropod or gasteropod-a mollusk with ventral muscular disc adapted for creeping
Gastrozooid-in coelenterate colonies, the nutrient member with mouth and tentacles
Metagastric-pertaining to posterior gastric region
Progastrin-precursor of gastric secretion in mucus membrane of stomach
Anthelmintic-destuctive to worms
Hemlminthology-the study of parasitic worms
Helminthoma-a tumor caused by the presence of a parasitic worm
HETER- other, different
Heterochromia-a difference in coloration in two parts of structure or in two structures that are
normally alike, as the irises of the eyes
Heterodont-having teeth of more than one shape, as in man
Heterogamy-the conjugation of gametes of unlike size and structure, as in higher plants and
Heterokinesis-movement resulting from external stimuli
Heterokinesia-the execution of body movements opposite those ordered
Heterophoria-any tendency of the eyes to turn away from the position correct for binocular
Heterophoralgia-pain caused by heterophoria
HYGR- moisture
Hygrokinesis-movement in response to changes in humidity
Hygroma-a cystic cavity derived from distended lymphatics and filled with lymph
Hygroplasm-the more liquid part of protoplasm; opposite of stereoplasm
Hygroscopic-readily absorbing moisture
Hygrostomia-chronic salivation
MEN- moon, menstruation
Meniscectomy-the surgical excision of a meniscus or semilunar cartilage
Meniscocyte-a sickle-shaped erythorocyte
Meniscus- a crescent or crescentic body, especially an interarticular fibrocartilage; a
concavoconvex lens or convexoconcave lens; curved surface of a column of liquid
OT- ear
Diotic-binaural; pertaining to both ears
Otocyst-in invertebrates, an auditory vesicle, otocell or otidium; in vertebrates, an embryonic
auditory vesicle
Otolith-calcareous particles or platelike structures found in the auditory organ of many animals
PSYCH- mind, soul
Psyche-the mind as a functional entity, serving the adjust the total organism to the needs and
demands of its environment
Psychokinesis-the direct action of mind on matter, i.e., on objects discrete from the subject’s
Psychopathic-pertaining to a morally irresponsible person
Psychozoic-of or relating to the period beginning with the appearance of man on the earth
RHIN- , - RRHIN- nose
Amphirhinal-having or pertaining to two nostrils
Catarrhine-having a narrow or slender nose
Gymnorhinal-with nostril region not covered by feathers, as in some birds
Rhinencephalon-that portion of the cerebrum concerned with reception and integration of
olfactory impulses; the anterior infereior part of the forebrain that is chiefly concerned with
Rhinophonia-a nasal tone in the speaking voice
Rhinophore-a process on the aboral side of the eye of certain mollusks, with supposed olfactory
Rhinotheca-the sheath of the upper jaw of a bird
TAC- , TAX- to arrange, to put in order
Amyotaxia-muscular ataxia or incoordination of spinal or cerebellar origin
Anthotaxis-arrangement of flowers on an axis
Asyntaxia-failure of the neural tube to close
Cytotaxis-rearrangement of the cells on stimulation
Phototaxis-response to stimulus of light
Phyllotaxy-the arrangement of leaves on an axis or stem
Taxeopodous-having a proximal and distal tarsal bones in straight lines parallel to the limb axis
Taxon-a taxonomic group or entity; the name applied to a taxonomic group in a formal system of
Iatrogenic-induced by a physician; referring to the effect of a physician’s words or actions on a
Crymophilic or pschrophilic-pertaining to cold-loving organisms; applied to microorganisms
which develop best from 15o to 20oC
Cryogenics (formerly cryogeny)-the branch of physics that relates to the production and effects
of very low temperatures
Polyhedron-a solid figure having many surfaces
Coprophilic-growing on fecal matter, said of certain bacteria; fond of pornography
Carcinogenic-pertaining to a substance or agent causing development of a carcinoma or
epithelioma; loosely pertaining to a substance or agent causing development of a malignancy of
any sort
Acanthocephaliasis-infestation by Acanthocephala (round worms with hooked proboscises)
Hygrophilic-inhabiting moist or marshy places
Heteroecious-passing different stages of life history in different hosts; metoecious; metoxenous
Hemlinthiasis-a disease condition produced by the presence of parasitic worms in the body
Rhinoplasty-a plastic operation upon the nose
Psychometry-the branch of clinical or applied psychology dealing with the use and application of
mental measurement
Dysmenorrhea-difficult or painful menstruation
Aerogenous-forming gas
Chromodacryorrhea-the flow of colored tears from the Harderian glands in rats
Taxonomy-the laws of classification as applied to natural history
Graphorrhea-uncontrollable desire to write, in which pages are covered with unconnected and
meaningless words
Heteroplasty-the operation of grafting parts taken from another species
Colocolostomy-an anastomosis between two noncontinuous segments of the colon in order to
short-circuit the lumen around inoperable obstructing tumors or to prepare for later resection
Cheiloplasty-a plastic operation on the kip
Gastroenterostomy-the formation of a communication between the stomach and the small
Otopyorrhea-a purulent discharge from the ear
Hygroblepharic-serving to moisten the eyelid
Dacryocystotomy-incision of the lacrimal sac
Autoplasty-repair of a defect by grafting tissue from the same species
Alloplasty-repair of a defect with non-organic substances such as gold or ivory
Emetatrophia-malnourishment due to vomiting
Polygyny-the practice of having more than one wife
Asynchronous-not coordinated in time
Dipsomania-an constant abnormal desire to drink
Hypercryalgesia-The suffering of unusually severe pain upon exposure to cold
Phrenitis-Inflammation of the diaphragm
Ophthalmology-study of the eye
Actin- ray
actinic- pertaining to, or designating, the rays of the spectrum which produce chemical change
actiniform- exhibiting radiate form or structure, such as ray fungus or structure, such as the ray
fungus or sea anemone
Actinogenic- producing radiation
Actinost- basal bone of fin-rays in teleosts
Actinostome- mouth of the sea anemone; five-rayed oral aperture of the starfish
Adiactinic- impervious to, or not penetrated by, actinic rays
Hexactinal- with six rays
Argyr- silver
Argyria- the dusty grey or bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membrane produced by the
prolonged administration or application of silver preparation.
Argyrotaenia-genus of moths
Hydrargyrophthalmia-ophthalmia due to mercurial poisoning
Ba- to step, to go, to walk
Basidium-a special cell or row of cells of certain fungi, forming spores by abstrictions
Basidiophore-a sporophore which carries basidia
Basiophthalmite-the proximal joint of the eye stalk in crustaceans
Basophobia-morbid fear of walking or standing erect
Gynobase-a gynoecium-bearing receptacle of certain plants such as the pistils and ovaries
Brom- stench, bromine
Bromoderma-skin eruption due to ingestion of bromides
Brominism-bromine poisoning; the diseased state caused by prolonged administration of
Brompopnea-fetid breath
Chole(e)- bile gall
Chologogue-agent which stimulates flow of bile from liver
Cholochrome-any bile pigment
Eucholia-normal condition of the bile
Clas- to break
Arthroclasia-breaking down of ankylosis of joint
Cardioclasis-rupture of the heart
Odontoclast-a multinucleated cell found associated with absorption of the roots of a deciduous
Crani- cranium
Apocrine-designating a type of secretion in which the secretion-filled free end of a gland is
pinched off, leaving the nucleus and most of the cytoplasm to recover and repeat the process
Chromocrinia-the secretion or excretion of colored material
Cytocrinia-the transfer of pigment from melanblasts to other cells or melanin from basal to
intermediate cells of the epidermis, as in sunburn
Endocrine-secreting internally
Enterocrinin-a hormone produced by the intestinal mucous which stimulates the glands of the
small intestine
Epicritic-pertaining to sensory nerve fibers which enable one to make very fine distinctions of
temperature and touch
Exocrine-secreting o an epithelial surface, either directly or by ducts
Neurocrine-pertaining to secretory function of new cells
Eury- wide
Euryphagous-subsisting on a wide variety of foods
Eurysome-short and stout
Procteurynter-an instrument for dilating the anus or rectum
Hem- , hemat- (haem- , haemat- )- blood
Acardiohemia-lack of blood in the heart
Haematobic-living in blood
Hematophagous-pertaining to a blood-sucking insect
Haemin-a blood substance
Histohaematin-an intracellular haemin compound
Hidro(s)- sweat
Synhidrosis-concurrent sweating; the association of perspiration with some other condition
Acrohyperhidrosis-increased perspiration of the hands and feet
Chromhidrosis-a rare condition in which the sweat is colored
Lith- , - lite- stone
Cryolite-sodium-aluminim fluoride, named form its icy appearance
Dacryolith-a calcareous concretion in the lacrimal passages
Lithodialysis-the solution of calculi in the urinary bladder, the breaking of a vesicle calculus
previous to its removal
Lithophyll-a fossil leaf or leaf impression
Otolith-a calcareous particle or platelike structure found auditory organs of certain animals
Myi- fly
Anthomyia-a genus of flies laying egs in food and causing enteromyiasis
Myiasis-disease caused by the invasion of the larvae of flies
Ophthalmomyiasis-disease due to the presence of the larvae of flies in the eye
Op- , opt- eye, to see; prosop- face
Chromatopseudopsis-color blindness
Emmetropia-normal or perfect vision; the condition in which parallel rays are focused exactly on
the retina without effort of accommodation
Hemianopsia-blindness in half the visual field; may be bilateral or unilateral
Hypermetropia-focus of light behind the retina
Myiodeopsia-condition in which muscae volitantes appear (muscae volitantes-floating specks in
the field of vision due to opacities in the media of the eye)
Orth- straigh, correct
Anorthite-feldspar not at right angles in cleavage; oblique cleavage
Orthochromatic-originating in photography, denoting correctness in rendering of colors
Orthoenteric-having alimentary canal along internal ventral body surface
Orthopsychiatry-prevention and treatment of behavioural disorders; mental hygiene and
preventive methods are the main areas of interest
Orthoptic-pertaining to normal binocular vision, having correct vision
Pha- , phan- to appear, to show
Chromophane-the pigment of the inner segments of the retinal cones of certain animals
Diaphane-transparent investing membrane of an organ or a cell
Menophania-first appearance of the menses
Metaphase-middle stage of meiosis
Myophan-muscllike; applies to striation of protozoa
Thermophase-first developmental stage in some plants which can be partially or entirely
completed during seed ripening if temperature and humidity are favourable
Rhe- , - rrh- to flow, current
Cryptorhetic-secreting internally; endocrine
Rheobase-the minimum electric potential necessary for stimulation
Rheocardiography-recording of differences of electrical conductivity of the body synchronous
with the cardiac cycle
Rheophore-an electrode
Rheotaxis or rheotropism-locomotor response to stimulus of current, usually water
Scop- to view
Cryoscope-device for determining the freezing point of any liquid
Scopophobia-morbid dread of being seen
Endoscope-instrument used to examine an internal body cavity or viscus through its natural
openings, An instrument for seeing inside of a body cavity or organ
Sta- to stand, to stop, to fix, to regulate
Acatastasia-irregularity, nonconforming to type
Amyostasia-a tremor of the muscles causing difficulty in standing, often seen in locomotor ataxia
Ananastasia-abulic inability to rise from a sitting posture, inability to stand up
Blepharodiastasis-excessive separation of the eyelids; in ability to close the eyelids completely
Craniostat-a device for holding the skull during craniometric study
Hemostasia-stagnation of the blood; arrest of the flow of blood
Orthostatic-pertaining to or caused by standing upright, as albuminuria
Styl- pillar
Cepahlostyle-the anterior end of the notochord enclosed in a sheath
Style-the slender upper part of a pistil
Systylous-in botany, with coherent styles
Styloid-processes of the temporal bone, fibula, etc.
Stylomastoid-pertaining to styloid and mastoid processes
Stylopodium-a conical swelling surrounding bases of divaricating styles of Umbelliferae
Hematocrit-a small centrifuge used to separate blood cells
Dioptre-unit of measurement of refractive power of an optic lens
Optician-a maker of optical instrument and lenses
Ophthalmologist-one who specializes in the anatomy, physiology and treatment of the eye
Optometrist-one who measures the degrees of visual powers, without the aid of a cycloplegic or
mydriatic; a refreactionist
Orthodontist-one who specializes in the branch of dentists concerned with the treatment of
Haemostat-an agent or instrument which arrests the flow of blood
Rheostat-an instrument introduced into an electric current and offering a known resistance, for
the purpose of altering the intensity of the current
Osteoclast-a powerful surgical apparatus or instrument for fracturing a bone; one of the large
multinuclear cells found in association with the reabsorption of bone, Used for fracturing bone
Heterostyly-in botany, having unlike or uneven styles
Hydrargyriasis-chronic mercurial poisoning
Cranioclast-heavy forceps for crushing the fetal head
Hydrophanous-made transparent by immersion in water
Euryhygric-adaptable to a wide range of atmospheric humidity
Diaphanoscope-a device for lighting an interior body cavity so as to render it visible from the
Actinotherapy-therapeutic use of chemical rays or radiant energy, including sunlight, ultraviolet
light, x-rays and emanations of radium or other radioactive material
Eurybaric-adaptable to great differences in altitude
Cholecystenterostomy-the establishment of a communication between the gall bladder and the
small intestine
Bromhidrosiphobia-a morbid dread of offensive personal smells, with hallucinations as to the
perception of them
Lithemia-a condition in which, owing to defective metabolism of the nitrogenous elements, the
blood becomes charged with uric acid
Enteromyiasis-disease due to the presence of the larvae of flies in the intestines
Stylet-a wire inserted into a soft catheter or cannula for securing rigidity; a wire inserted into a
hypodermic or other needle to ensure potency
Nephrolithiasis-the formation of renal calculi, or the diseased state that leads to their formation
Actinolyte or actinolite-an apparatus designed for use in actinotherapy; a device which gnerates
ultraviolet rays; any substance which undergoes a rather marked change when exposed to light
Orthoclase-common or potash feldspar, which is orthoclastic
Belp- to see
Ablepsia-loss or absence of vision
Monoblepsia-a condition in which either eye has a better visual power than both together; a form
of color blindness in which only one color can be perceived
Parablepsis-false or perverted vision
Parachromatoblepsia or parachromatism-false or incorrect perception of color, not true color
Cor(e)- pupil of the eye
Corediastasis-dilatation of the pupil
Corelysis-the detachment of iritic adhesions to the lens or cornea
Polycoria-the existence of more than one pupil in an iris
Cra- to mis
Craiss-constitution, make up
Hematodyscrasia-diseased state of the blood
Cyan- blue
Cyanochrous-having blue skin
Cyanophyll-a bluish-green coloring matter in plants
Cyanopia or cyanopsia-a perverted sense of vision rending all objects blue
Oxyhaemocyanin-haemocyanin combined with oxygen
Cye- to be pregnant
Cyophoria-pregnancy, gestation
Metacyesis-extrauterine gestation
Paracyesis-extrauterine pregnancy
Galact- , gala- milk
Galactose-a soluble proteolytic enzyme normally present in milk
Galactin-an amorphous substance derived from milk; a potent hormone stimulating lactation
Galactophorous-lactiferous; applies to ducts of the mammary glands
Galactorrhea-excessive flow of milk, Secretion of milk not associated with childbirth
Galactose-a type of sugar
Galactotropic-stimulating milk secretion; applicable to the hormone prolactin
Galactostasis-suppression of milk secretion; an abnormal collection of milk in a breast, A
stoppage of the secretion of milk
Geu- to taste
Dysgeusia-morbidity or perversion of the sense of taste
Psychogeusic-pertaining to perception of taste
Hypergeusia-abnormal acuteness of the sense of taste
Gloss- , glot(t)- tongue, language
Aglossostomia-with tongue lacking and mouth imperforate
Bradyclossia-slow speech due to difficulty in tongue movement
Epiglottis-an elastic cartilage covered by mucous membrane forming that superior part of the
larynx which guards the glottis during swallowing
Glossotheca-the proboscis-covering part of the pupal integument of insects
Glottochronology-the study of the time during which two or more languages have evolved
separately from a common source
Phrenoglottismus-spasm of the glottis caused by the disease of the diaphragm
Styloglossal-pertaining to a muscle arising from the styloid process of the temporal bone and
inserted into the tongue
Idi- one’s own, peculiar, distinct
Idioandrosporous-bearing androspores and oogonia on separate filaments
Idiobiology-the branch of biology concerned with the study of organisms as individuals
Idiochromatic-having a distinctive and constant coloration used especially of minerals
Idiogamist-one who is capable of coitus only with his marital partner or with a few women,
being impotent with women in general
Idiotype-individual genotype
Is- equal, same
Anisochromia-a variation in the color of erythrocytes in which only the peripheral zone of the
cell is colored
Isohemolysis-the lysis of red blood cells of one individual of a species by specific antibodies in
the serum of another
Isometric-pertaining to the equality of measure; taking place against resistance without
significant shortening of muscle fibers
Isozoic-inhabited by similar forms of animal life
Lal- to talk
Barylalia-an indistinct, thick speech; occurs in patients with organic brain disease; common in
advanced general paresis
Bradylalia-slowness of utterance
Enantiolalia-talking contrariwise; a disturbance in mental and speech function which prompts
ideas and words opposite those presented as stimuli
Heterolalia-unconscious saying of one thing while another is intended; heterophemy
Rhinolalia-a nasal tone in the voice due to undue closure or patulousness of the choanae
Mega- , megal- large, one million
Hydromegatherm-a plant which must have so much heat and moisture to develop fully
Megalaesthete-sensory organs, sometimes in the form of eyes, as in Placophora
Megalopic-belonging to the megalops stage, i.e., a larval stage of certain crustaceans,
conspicuous by large, stalked eyes
Megaphyllous-having relatively large leaves
Megarhinus-a genus of large, nonbiting American mosquitoes wihtcurved beaks
Mogi- difficult
Mogilalia-difficulty in speech, such as stuttering or stammering
Mogigraphia-writer’s cramp
Ne- new, new and different form of
Glyconeogenesis-the formation of carbohydrates form substances which are not carbohydrates
Nearthrosis-a new and abnormally produced articulation in the sequence of a fracture,
dislocation or disease of a bone
Neoanthropic-belonging to the same species as recent man
Neogamous-applicable to forms of protozoa exhibiting precocious association of gametocytes
Neolalia-speech, especially of psychotics, that includes words that are new and meaningless
Neophobia-dread of new scenes or novelties
Odyn- pain
Odynophobia-morbid dread of pain; algophobia
Glossodynia-pain in the tongue
Myodynia-muscular pain
Onych- finger or toenail, claw
Acronychous-having claws, nails and hoofs
Eponychium-a horny condition of the epidermis; the horn layer
Neonychium-a soft pad enclosing each claw of an embryo
Onychoheterotopia-an anomaly consisting of the presence of abnormally situated nails, as on the
lateral aspect of the terminal phalanges
Path- disease, suffering, feeling
Apopathetic-behavior not overtly directed towards others but clearly influenced by their
presence; showing off
Hyperpathia-a disagreeable or painful sensation in a region which is really hyperesthetic
Idiopathic-pertaining to a primary disease, i.e., one not the result of any other disease, but of
spontaneous origin; a disease of which no cause is known
Pathmimesis-imitation the symptoms and signs of disease; occurs in hysteria and in malingering
Pep(s)- , pept- to digest
Pepsin-a substance containing a proteolytic enzyme obtained from the glandular layer of a hog’s
Peptic-pertaining to pepsin; pertaining to digestion, as peptic ulcer
Peptonephridia-the anterior nephridia which function as digestive glands in some Oligochaeta
Pseud- false
Chromatopseudoposis-color blindness; chromateloposia
Pseudacusis-a disturbance of hearing in which a person’s own voice sounds strange or peculiar,
being altered in pitch and quality
Pseudoblepsia-a visual hallucination; a distorted visual image
Pseudocyst-a saclike space containing liquid, etc., which has no definite lining membrane
Pseudoisochromatic-pertaining to the different colors which appear alike to the color-blind
Pseudonychium-a lobe or process between the claws of insects
Pseudopod-a footlike body-wall process of certain larvae
Tele- afar, operating at a distance
Teleopsia-a disorder in visual perception of space
Telegnois-knowledge of distant happenings obtained by occult or unknown means; clairvoyance
Teletherapy-treatment in absentia; suggestive therapeutics
Acyanopsia, acyanoblepsia or acyoblepsia-inability to see blue colors
Anerythroblepsia or anerythropsia-impaired color perception of red; red blindness
Dyscrasia-an abnormal state of the body
Glossolalia-unintelligible jabbering; talk in a strange or unkknwon tongue; jargon
Idioglossia-any form of speech or utterance invented by an individual and unique with him,
usually incomprehensible to others; in a very young child, a transitional stage toward normal
Aneurysm-a dilatation of the wall of an artery forming a blood-containing tumor
Ichthyismus-poisoning due to the absorption of mytilotoxin in muscles or eating spoiled fish
Neoplasm-any new growth, usually applied to a tumor; an aberrant new growth
Megalocardia-hypertrophy of the heart
Anisocoria-inequality in the diameter of the pupils
Mogiarthria-a form of dysarthria involving defective coordination of the muscles
Pseudocyesis-phantom pregnancy; the belief on the part of a woman in the existence of
pregnancy when none exists
Telepathy-the direct awareness of what is taking place in another person’s mind
Embololalia-the insertion of meaningless words into speech occurring in some aphasic or
schizophrenic states
Telekinesis-the power claimed by some people of causing objects to move without touching
Mastodynia-a condition affecting females, usually of low fertility, between the ages of twentyfive and forty, clinically characterized by a pain in one or both breasts
Galactacrasia-deficiency of or abnormality in mother’s milk
Melanonychia-a condition in which the fingernails or toenails turn black
Parageusia-perversion of the sense of taste
Melanoglossia-the disease known as blacktongue or Stuttgart disease
Pathogenic-pertaining to the capacity to produce disease
Amylodyspepsia-inability to digest starchy foods
Paronychia-a suppurative inflammation about the margin of a snail
Barodontalgia or aerodontalgia-dental pain occurring in individuals exposed to decreased
barometric pressure such as occur in high-altitude flying
Aden- gland
Adenodactyli or adenocheiri-elaborate accessory copulatory organs which are outgrowths of the
atrial walls which are outgrowths of the atrial walls of Trubellaria
Adenophore-the stalk of a nectar gland
Adenopodous-baering glands on peduncles or petioles
Ectadenia-ectodermal accessory genital glands in insects
Heteradenia-an abnormality in the formation or location of gland tissue
Angi- vessel
Angiodysrophia-defective nutrition of blood vessels
Aniitis-inflammation of blood or lymph vessel
Angiopneumorgraphy-radiographic visualization of the pulmonary artery by means of a nontoxic, radiopaque substance
Angiostomatous-narrow-mouthed; applicable to molluscs and snakes with nondistensible mouths
Gametangium-a structure producing sexual cells
Arachn- spider (occasionally “arachnoid membrane”)
Arachnida-a large of Arthropoda which includes scorpians, spiders and mites
Arachnidium- apparatus by which a spider web is produced
Arachnoidureterostomy- a one-staged operation for relief of progressive hydrocephally in
infants, in which cerebrospinal fluid is shunted into the urinary tract
Astr- , aster- star
Aster-the radiating structure surrounding the centrosome of a cell, seen at the beginning of
Amphiaster-the achromatic figure in mitosis consisting of two asters connected by a spindle
Asteroid-one of the small planets between Jupiter and Mars
Asteroidea-the class of echinoderms comprising starfish
Asterophyllites-a form genus of fossil plants having a starlike arrangement of leaves
Cytaster-the starlike system of cytoplasmic radiations surrounding the central body during
Blast- bud, germ, embryonic cell
Amphiblastula-the stage in development of certain spoinges in which the posterior end of the
embryo is composed of granular archaeocytes and the anterior end is composed of flagellate cells
Astroblast-a primitive cell which develops into an astrocyte
Blastoderm-primitive germ layer or epithelium of a blastula or blastocyst from which primary
germ layers are derived
Blastokinesis-a process of cephalo-caudal reversal in the eggs of insects and certain cephalopods
Blastostyle-in Hydrozoa, a columniform zooid with or without mouth and tentacles, bearing
Erytrhoblastosis-hemolytic anemia of the newborn, involving an increased number of nucleated
red blood cells
Lipoblast-a formative fat cell
Lipoblastosis-multiple lipomas in subcutaneous and visceral fat deposits
Megaloblast-a large erythrocyte, seen in some anemias; an immature megalocyte
Chlor- green chlorine
Chloroplast-a minute granule or plastid containing chlorophyll
Chlorosis-green sickness, a type of anemia seen most frequently in young women
Erythrochloropia-color-blind condition whereby green and red are the only colors distinguished
Hypochoruria-dimunition in the amount of chloride in the urine
Zoochlorellae-symbiotic green algae living in various animals
Cocc- berry shaped organism
Chlorococcales-an order of unicellular green algae
Coccolith-a calcareous spicule in certain Flagellata
Cryptococcus-a genus of yeastlike, budding, imperfect fungi
Cocculus-the very poisonous, bean-shaped berry of a woody vine used in the East Indies to
stupefy fishes and as an ointment to control vermin
Cytococcus-nucleus of a fertilized egg
Pyococcus-any pus-producing coccus
Streptococcus-a genus of gram-positive, chain forming bacteria
Coni- dust
Conidiophore-bearing condia, a fungal spore
Hemoconia-minute, highly refractive particles of fat found in the blood
Otoconium-one of minute crystals of calcium carbonate found in membranous labyrinth of the
inner ear; ear dust
Eo (s)- dawn or early age, rosy
Eolithic-relating to earliest period of the Stone Age
Eosin-red crystalline fluorescent dye
Eosphorite-a kind of mineral; red aluminum manganese phosphate
Ly- to loosen, to dissolve, to break up
Dermatolysis-abnormal laxation of the skin
Dialystely-a condition in which steles in a stem remain more or less separate
Lithodialysis-solution of calculi in urinary bladder; breaking of a vesical calculus previous its
Lyophil-solutions which, after evaporation to dryness, go readily into solution again on addition
of fluid
Lysine-a cell-dissolving substance
Lysogenesis-produciton of lysins
Onycholysis-a slow process of loosening a nail from its bed, beginning at the free edge and
progressing gradually towards the roots
Mening- membrane, especially meninges, the membranes enveloping the spinal cord
Meningosis-union of bones by membranes
Meninguria-presence or passage of membranous shreds in the urnine
Meningitis-inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord
Metr- uterus (NOTE: hyster- uterus or hysteria)
Hematometra-an accumulation of blood or menstrual fluidin the uterus
Metremia-congestion of the uterus
Metrypercinesis-excessive uterine contraction
Myc- , mycet- fungus
Actinomycosis-a parasitic infectious inoculable disease affecting cattle, nogs and sometimes man
Mycoderm-a bacterial film formed during alcoholic fermentation
Neomycin-antibiotic produced by a soil actinomycete
Myel- spinal cord, marrow
Hydormyelia-a dilatation of the central canal of the spinal cord containing an increased quantity
of cerebrospinal fluid
Miningoencephalomyelitis-inflammation of the meninges, brain and spinal cord
Myelin-the white, fatty substance forming the sheath of some nerves
Myeloblastoma-a tumor composed of precursors of bone marrow cells
Myelocyte-any cell concerned with development of granular leucocytes
Neur- nerve, nervous system, tendon
Acrotrophoneurosis-a trophic disturbance of the extremities caused by a nervous lesion
Angioneurosis-a psychoneurosis which partially expresses itself by a disturbance of the
vasomotor system
Aponeurosis-an expanded tendon serving as a means of attachment for flat muscles at their
Argyroneurous-with silver-colored nerves or veins
Crytoneurous-with no definite or distinct nervous system
Dialyneury-condition of having pleural ganglia united to opposite visceral nerves in gastropods
Nuroanatomy-the nervoius system
Neurosyphilis-syphilitic infection of the nervous system
Neurotomy-the division of a nerve, Surgical cutting of a nerve
Orch(i)- , orchid- testicle
Synorchism-partial or complete fusion of the testes with the abdomen or scrotum
Cryptorchism-failure of the testes to descent
Orchidectomy-surgical removal of the testes; castration
Pan- , pant- all complete
Pangamic-indiscriminate mating
Panmnesia-a potential remembrance of all impressions
Panzootic-in veterinary medicine, affecting many kinds of animals
Pneumon- , pneum- lung
Autopneumonectomy-one lung being sequestrated by a pathological process, such as
inflammation or injury, so it becomes useless
Parapneumonia-a disease presenting the symptoms of lobar pneumonia but not caused by the
Poli- gray
Polioencephalomyelitis-inflammation of the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord
Polioencephalalopathy-any disease of the gray matter of the brain
Polioplasm-granular cytoplasm
Thromb- clot
Thrombocyte-blood platelet
Thrombocytocrit-a glass tube for counting blood platelets
Thrombokinase-a complex protein substance with the capacity to activate prothrombin to
Thromboplastin-extracts which promote clotting
Cholelecystokinin-a hormone having the property of causing or promoting gall bladder
Hidradenitis-inflammation of the sweat glands
Hemangiomatosis-widesspread dissemination of a tumor made up of blood vessels
Astrocytoma-one of the commonest glial tumors of the central nervous system formed of
protoplasmic or fibrillary astrocytes (fibrillary astrocytes-the many-processes stellate cells of the
neuroglia, attached to the blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord)
Arachnolysin-a substance contained in the spider Epeira diadema which reacts strongly with the
blood of the rabbit and man but not with the blood of he horse or guinea pig
Pneumoconiosis-chronic inflammation of the lungs caused by the inhalation of dust
Eosin-a rose-colored dye
Eosinophil-having an affinity for eosin
Otomycosis-the growth of fungi in the ear or the diseased condition caused thereby
Othematoma-hematoma of the external ear
Haemolytic-pertaining to the destruction of red blood cells and the resulting escape of
Prothrombinemia-an excess of prothrombin in the blood, the protein precursor in plasma of
thrombin, which induces clotting
Orchitis-inflammation of the testes
Neuroblastoma-a tumor composed of neuroblasts, the formative cells of neurons; also called
Chloroma-multiple tumors of marrow and soft tissue near bones; grossly, the nodules are green
Endometriosis-the presence of endometrial tissue in abnormal locations
Perametritis-inflammation of the tissues about the uterus
Chondroblastoma- a rare benign tumor derived from cartilage cells or cartilage-forming
connective tissue
Panarthritis-inflammation of many joints
Meningococcus-the bacterium that causes cerebral spinal meningitis
Meningococcemia-the presence of meningococci in the blood
Poliosis-a condition characterized by the absence of pigments in the hair
Arachnodactyly-spider fingers; a condition in which the fingers and sometimes toes are
abnormally long
Poliomyelitis-a common virus disease of man which in the acute form may involve the central
nervous system formerly, any inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord
Osteomyelitis-inflammation of the marrow of the bone
Pericardium-the closed, membranous sac enveloping the heart
Phylloerythrin-a red pigment derived from chlorophyll and occurring in bile of herbivorous
Perineurium-the connective tissue sheath investing a fascinculus or primary bundle of nerve
Agog(ue)- inducing the flow of, expelling
Cholagogue-an agent which promotes the flow of bile
Galactaogue-an agent that promotes the flow of milk
Helminthagogue-an anthelminthic
Arch(e)- ancient, beginning, primitive
Archaeostomatous-having the blastopore persistent and forming the mouth; channel leading into
the archenterons of the gastrula
Archeocyte or archaeocyte-cells arising from undifferentiated blastomeres and ultimately giving
rise to germ cells and gametes
Archiblastula-typical hollow ball of cells derived from an egg with total and equal segmentation
Adrenarche-the time in the development of the child when an increased output of adrenal cortical
hormones occurs
Aux(e)- increase
Auxesis-increase in size or bulk
Auxin-a plant hormone which governs cell extension or growth
Auxobaric-increasing pressure, denoting development of pressure in the cardiac ventricle
Auxocardia-normal increase in volume of heart during diastole
Auxochrome-that which increases color; increase in development of color
Auxocyte-a spermatocyte, oocyte or sporoyte during its early growth period
Heterauxesis-irregular or asymmetrical growth
Onychauxesis-hypertrophy of the nail
Didym- twin, testicle
Anadidymus-inferior duplicity
Cryptodidymus-a form of duplicity in which a fetus (or fetal part) is included withink t he body
of an individual
Didymolite-a mineral occurring in dark gray, monoclinic, twinned crystals
Didymospore-a two-celled spore
Didymous-growing in pairs, or arranged in pairs
Perididymis-the fibrous covering of the testes
Gyr- circle, ring
Gyraulus-a genus of snails
Gyrencephalate-having the surface of brain convoluted
Gyroidal-sprial in arrangement
Gyromancy-divination in which one walking or around a circle falls from dizziness and
prognosticates from the place of the fall
Gyrose-with undulating lines, sinuous
Gyrus-a cerebral convolution
Ophthalmogyric-pertaining to or causing movement sof the eye
Hipp- horse
Ephippium-the pituitary fossa; a saddle-shaped modification of cuticle in certain insects; literally,
a saddle cloth
Hippidion-genus of extinct Pleistocene horses
Hipposideros-horseshoe bats
Hippuric acid-an acid found in high concentration in the urine of herbivorous animals
Ischi- hip
Hypoischium-a small, bondy rod passing backward from the ischiadic symphysis
Ischiodidymus or ischiopagus-conjoined twins united at the sacral or ischial region
Ischiomelus-an individual with an accessory limb attached at the nates
Ischiopodite-proximal joint of walking legs of certain crustaceans
Saurischia-an order of class Reptilia distinguished by a pelvis
Lep- to seize
Analeptic-restoring consciousness; hastening convalescence
Narcolepsy-a condition characterized by a transient compound tendency to attacks of deep sleep
Nympholepsy-ecstacy of an erotic type
Macr- large, long
Acromacria-spider fingers
Macrandrous-having large male plants or elements
Macrocarpous-producing large fruit
Macrogamy-syngamy between full-grown individuals of a species (syngamy-sexual
Macroglossia-enlargement of the tongue
Macromania-delusion that things (such as a part of the body) are larger than what they really are
Macropodous-having a long stalk; long footed
Macropsia-distrubance of vision in which objects seem larger than they are
Mel- limb
Gastromelus-an individual with an accessory limb attached to the abdomen
Melodidymus-obsolete word for presence of an accessory limb or limbs
Symmelia or symelia-coalescence of the lower extremitites
Micr- small, one millionth
Hypomicrognathus-an individual having an abnormally small lower jaw
Microaesthetes-the smaller sensory organs of Placophora
Microlithiasis-formation of very minute calculi
Micormelia-abnormal smallness of the limbs
Microsaur-one of an extinct order of amphibians resembling the salamander
Narc- stupor
Autonarcosis-state of being poisoned, rendered dormant or arrested in growth, owing to selfproduced CO2
Narcacion-genus of electric rays
Narcoanalysis or narcotherapy-use of sleep-inducing drugs in therapy
Narcohypnia-a peculiar state in which the patients feels numbness on awakening
Narcotic-drug which produces a stupor, complete insensibility or sleep
Narcous-state of profound stupor, unconsciousness or arrested activity
Omphal- naval
Acromphalus-center of the umbilicus; unusual prominence of the navel
Hepatomphalocele-liver contained in a hernia through the umbilical ring
Omphalogenesis-development of the yolk sac; development of umbilical vesicle and cord
Omphalion-center of the umbilicus
Omphaloidium-the scar at the hilum of a seed
Omphaloproptosis-abnormal protrusion of the umbilicus
Omphalopsychite-one who stares fixedly at his navel to induce a mystical trance
Pex- to faste; pag- united
Craniopagus-conjoined twins united by their heads
Hypogastropagus-conjoined twins united at the hypogastric region
Prospopagus-unequal conjoined twins in which parasitic twin is attached to the face
Hysteropexy-fixation of the uterus by surgical operation
Platy (s)- broad, flat
Amphiplatyan-flat on both ends; used of vertebrae having both anterior and posterior surfaces of
the centrum flat
Platycephalic-characterizing a person with a flat skull
Platydactyl-with flattened-out fingers and toes, as certain tailless amphibians
Platysma-a subcutaneous muscle in the neck
Sapr- rotten
Saprobic-lilving on decaying organic matter
Saprolite-disintegrated, somewhat ecomposed rock
Saprophytic-pertaining to a plant that lives on decaying organic matter
Saprozoic-living on decaying or dead organic matter
Sial- saliva
Aerosialogphagy-the habit of constantly swallowing
Glycosialia-presence of glucose in saliva
Sialolithiasis-presence of salivary calculi
Sthen- strength
Adenasthenia-functional deficiency of a gland
Anisosthenic-not of equal power, said of pairs of muscles
Hypersthenia-condition of exalted strength or tone of body
Metasthenic-with well-developed posterior part of body
Tach(y)- swift
Tachistoscope-instrument for providing a very brief time exposure of visual material
Tacyphagia-rapid eating
Tachinidae-a large family of rapid-flying, two-winged flies
Ur- tail
Uromelus-a monster in which there is more or less complete fusion of legs with but a single foot
Uromere-an abdominal segment in Arthropoda
Urosthenic-having a tail strongly developed for propulsion
Urostyle-posterior part of vertebral column in anurous amphibians
Eohippus-a genus of small, primitive, four toed horses from the Lower Eocene of the western
Ischiopagus-conjoined twins united by their sacral or ischial regions
Omphalopagus-a double monster united at the umbilicus
Epididymectomy-surgical removal of the epididymis, the portion of the seminal duct lying
posterior to the testes
Gastrodidymus-a monster consisting of equal conjoined twins united at the epigastric region
Amelus-person minus a limb or limbs
Parotid-situated near the ear, pertaining to the parotid gland
Tachyauxesis-heterauxesis in which the part grows more rapidly than the organ
Neurasthenia-a group of symptoms formerly ascribed to debility or exhaustion of nerve centers
Saprophage-an organism that feeds on decaying organic matter
Tachycardia-excessively rapid heart action
Platyhelminth-flat worm
Macroscopic-large enough to be seen by the naked eye
Platyrrhine-having a broad, flat nose; in taxonomy, New World monkeys
Macracusia-a cerebral disorder simulating epilepsy in which sounds are exaggerated
Microgyria-abnormal smallness of the convolutions of the brain
Catalepsy-a state of unconsciousness, usually trancelike, where there is a loss of voluntary
motion and a peculiar plastic rigidity
Enteropexy-fixation of a portion of intestines to the abdominal wall
Sialagogue-an agent that promotes the flow of saliva
Emmenagogue-an agent that stimulates the menstrual flow
Archeozoic-earliest era of geologic time
Menarche-start of the menstrual function
Erythromelalgia-disease of the extremities of the body marked by increased skin temperature,
redness and burning pain
Chaper 11
Asc- bag
Ascus- membranous oval or tubular spore sac in fungi
Ascogenous- producing asci
Ascomeycetes- higher fungi having spores formed in asci
Ascophyllum- bladder-bearing rockweeds
Branchi – gills
anthrobranchial- pertaining to joint gills
Branchiocardiac- pertaining to gills and heart, applies to vessels given off ventrally from the
ascidian (tunicate) heart; also vessels conveying blood from the gills to the pericardial
sinus in certain crustaceans
Metabranchial- pertaining to or in the region of the posterior gill region
Phyllobranchial- a gill consisting of numbers of lamellae, or thin plates
Podobranchiae- foot gills, ie, gills attached to the basal segment of the thoracic limb of
Carp – fruit
Actinocarpous- plants with flowers and fruit radially arranged
Amphicarpous- producing fruit of two kinds
Angiocarpic- having or being fruit enclosed within an external covering; opposite of
Carpel- a division of a seed vessel
Carpolith- a fossil fruit
Dialycarpic- having a fruit composed of distinct carpels
Geocarpic- having fruits maturing underground, as the peanut
Hypocapogenous- having flowers and fruit placed underground
Syncarp- an aggregate fruit with united carpels
-Cele – hernia, swelling
Arthrocele- any swollen joint; hernia of the synovial membrane through a joint capsule
Dacryocystocele- protrusion of a lacrimal sac
Enterocele- hernia containing a loop of intestine
Hydrocele- an accumulation of fluid in the sac of the tunica vaginalis of the testes
Galactocele- a cystic tumor in the ducts of the breast; a hydrocele with milky contents
Hydromyelocele- excessive accumulation of a fluid in the central canal of the spinal cord
Hyelomeningocele- spina bifida with protrusion of the meningeal sac
Colp – vagina
Aerocolpos- distention of the vagina with air or gas
Pyocolpocele- a suppurating cyst of the vagina
Endocolpitis- mucous vaginitis
Gen(e) – Gon – to be produced, to produce; Gon – seed
Actinogonidal- having radially arranged genital organs
Carpogonium- the flask-shaped, egg-bearing portion of the female reproductive branch in some
Coccogone- a reproductive cell in certain algae
Gonostyle- the sexual palpon of Siphonophora; the clasper of Diptera
Gonad- sexual gland; the ovary or testes
Gynogonidia- female sexual elements in Mastigophora
Polygoneutic- rasing more than one brood a season
Telegony- the erroneous belief that a male once mated with a female will affect the subsequent
progeny of the same female mated to a different sire
Heli- sun
Heliolithic- marked by sun worship and erection of megaliths
Heliopsis- a flower resembling the sunflower
Heliotaxis- locomotor or other response to stimulus of sunlight
Paraheliotropism- the tendency of plants to turn the edges of their leaves toward intense
illumination, thus protecting the surface of the leaves
Mer- part
Adenomere- that portion of a developing gland which will be responsible for its functioning
Dysmerogenesis- segmentation resulting in unlike parts
Eumerism- an aggregation of like parts
Merocrine- Applicable to glands in which secreting cells are able to function able to function
repeatedly; act of secretion leaves cell intact
Merogony- development of normal young of small size from part of an egg
Merotomy- segmentation or division into parts
Myomere- a muscle segment
Nyct – night
Nyctitropism- tendency of certain leaves to curl upward at night
Nyctophonia- hysterical loss of voice during the day in one who is capable of speaking at night
Onym – name
Metonym- synonymous name rendered invalid by existence of an earlier, valid name
Hyponym- a generic name not based on a type species
OO – egg
Ooblastoma- egg after fertilization
Oocyte – an egg before formation of the first polar body
Oogamy- union of a nonmotile female gamete or egg cell with male gamete
Oogonium- the female reproductive organ in certain thallophytes the mother egg cell
Ookinete- the motile, worm-shaped stage of the zygote in certain protozoa
Oolite- rock consisting of small grains that resemble fish roe
Oozoid- any individual which develops from an egg
Pachy – thick
Pachyacria- condition marked by clubbing fingers and toes
Pachycladous- thick branched
Pachymeningitis- inflammation of the dura
Pen – deficiency, want
Glycopenia- tendency to hypoglycemia
Pancytopenia- reduction of all three formed elements of blood
Penalgesia- reduction in the number of pain and touch spots in trigeminal neuralgia
Phleb – vein
Phlebenterism- a condition of having branches of intestine extending into such other organs as
arms or legs
Phlebismus- undue prominence or swelling of a vein
Metrophlebitis- inflammation of the veins of the uterus
Phthi – to waste away
Phthisiogyne- pupal female ant parasitized by an Orasema larva
Phyc – seaweed, algae
Chlorophyceae- algae having clear, green color
Drepanophycus- genus of fossil plant
Phycomycetes- class of lower fungi
Pto – to fall
Proptosis- falling downward, prolapse
Ptomaine- an amino acid compound which results from decomposition of protein or dead animal
matter by microorganisms
Salping – tube, specifically Eustachian or fallopian tube
Pyosalpingitis- inflammation of uterine or auditory tubes
Salpiglossis- genus of Chilean herbs having a tubular calix
Salpingocyesis- tubal pregnancy
Saur – lizard
Branchiosaur- small prehistoric amphibian, similar to a salamander
Saurian- resembling a lizard, with the appearance of a lizard
Saurognathous- with saurian arrangement of jaw bones
Sauroxine- an alkaloid obtained from a lizard
Xanth – yellow
Xanothochroi- caucasoids having light hair and fair skin
Xanthomatous- yellow nodules on skin and black hair
Xanthomelanous- having olive or yellow skin and black hair
Xanthopsin- yellow pigment in an insect eye
Xanthorrhoea- genus including the grass tree, excluding the yellow gum
Zooxanthin- yellow pigment found in plumage of certain birds
Xanthopsia- visual disturbance in which objects look yellow
Lithopedion- a retained fetus that has been calcified
Gnathion- the most inferior point on the inferior border of the mandible, in the sagittal plane
Asterion- the meeting point of the lambdoid, parietomastoid and occipitomastoid sutures
Ascogonidium- the portion of the female sex organ in ascomy-cetous fungi, which after
fertilization, develops into asci, i.e. spore cases
Oophoridion- the megasporangium in certain plants (megasporangium-a macrospore producing
the sporangium; and ovule)
Panhysterosalpingo-oophorectomy- excision of uterus, oviducts and ovaries
Myelocele- spina bifida with protrusion of spinal cord
Colpocele- hernia or tumor of the vagina
Heliencephalitis- encephalitis caused by exposure to the sun’s rays
Ascocarp- the developing fruit of ascomycetes
Meromorphosis- regeneration of a part with the new part less than that lost
Ascidium- a pitcher- or flask-shaped organ or appendage of a plant, as a leaf of the pitcher plant;
in general usage, a wineskin
Branchiomere- a branchial segment
Meroblastic- ova which undergo only partial segmentation or cleavage in development
Phycoxanthin- buff coloring matter of brown algae
Ichthyosaur- a Mesozoic marine reptile having an ichthyoid body and limbs
Panmyelophthisis- a general wasting of the bone marrow
Hysteroptosis- falling or inversion of the uterus
Hyromboplastinopenia- deficiency in thromboplastin in blood
Endophlebitis- inflammation of the intima of a vein
Nyctanthous- flowering at night
Eponym- a named formed or derived from that of a person known or assumed to be the first of
one of the first to discover a disease, symptom or complex
Exanthematous- pertaining to an eruption on the skin
Pachydermatous- having a thick skin
Ootheca- an egg case as in insects
Xanthosis- abnormal yellow discoloration of the skin
Chapter 12
-Agra – painful seizure
ischiagra- obsolete work for gout in hip
melagra- muscular pain in extremities
Antragra- muscular pain in the joints
Brachi – arm
Brachiopod- member of a subclass of marine mollusks having many foliaceous appendages
Brachiosaur- dinosaur with forelegs lower than hindlegs
Macrobrachia- excessive development of the arms, unusual arm length
Monobrachius- an individual condgenitally lacking one arm
Pseudobrachium- appendage for locomotion on a substratum formed from elongated ptergials of
pectoral fins of pediculates
Center- to puncture
Enterocentesis- surgical puncture of the intestine
Paracentesis- puncture, especially puncture of or tapping of the wall a cavity by means of a
hollow needle for the purpose of draining off fluid
Pneumonocentesis- surgical puncture of a lung
Chir- , Cheir- - hand
Adenochiri- elaborate accessory copulatory organs which are outgrowths of the atrial walls of
Chirography- handwriting
Dyschiria- inability to tell which side of the body has been touched
Megalochirous- large-handed
Polycheiria- state of having a supernumerary hand
Cel (I)- , Coel- , - Coel – cavity, abdominal cavity
Amphicoelous- concave on both surfaces
Celioparacentesis- tapping of the abdomen
Celiotomy- opening of the abdominal cavity
Coelom or celom- embryonic body cavity
Celiac- belonging to the cavity of the abdomen
Coelenterata- a phylum of invertebrates lacking a true body cavity, as jellyfish
Coelhelminth- coelomate, vermiform invertebrates animals
Encephalocoel- cavity within the brain, cerebral ventricles (cf. encephalocele-hernia of the brain)
Nephrocoele- the embryonic cavity in a nephrotome (nephrotome-narrow mass of mesonderm
from which embryonic kidneys develop)
Dendr – tree
Dendron- a protoplasmic process of a nerve cell which carries impulses toward the cell body
Dendrite of neurodendron- fine branch of a dendron
Dendrobium- genus of epiphytic orchids
Dendrochirota- order of holothurians having tube feet and tentacles that branch like trees
Zoodendrium- a treelike, branched stalk of certain colonial infusorians.
Hyal – glass, vitreous body of the eye
Hyalin- a clear, structureless, homogenous, glassy material occurring normally in matrix or
cartilage and other bodily colloids and jellies; occurs pathologically in degeneration of
connective tissue and epithelial cells
Hyalinosis- hyaline degeneration
Hyalinuria- hyaline casts in the urine
Hyaloid- transparent, glasslike
Hyalomere- clear, homogeneous part of the blood
Hyaloplasm- ground substance of a cell
Laryng – larynx
Laryngopathy- any disease of the larynx
Laryngorrhea- excessive secretion of mucous from the larynx
Otolaryngology- branch of medicine dealing with the ear, nose and throat
Lei – smooth
Leiodermia- condition of abnormal smoothness and glossiness of skin
Leiodermatous- smooth-skinned
Leiotrichous- having smooth or straight hair
Malac – soft
Malacology- study of mollusks
Malacophilous- adapted to pollination by snails
Osteomalacia- failure of calcium to be deposited in a newly formed osteoid
Mastig – whip, flagellum
Chilomastix – a genus of flagellated protozoons
Heteromastigate- having two different types of flagella
Mastigium- defensive posterior lash of certain larvae
Mastigobranchia- process of thoracic limbs of crustaceans resembling a brush and used for
cleaning gills
Mastigophora- a class of flagellated protozoa
Mis – hate
Misanthropy – hatred or distrust of mankind
Misogamy – morbid aversion of marriage
Misoneism – morbid aversion to new things or experiences
Pter- , Pteryg (I) – wing, fin
Anisopterous- unequally winged, applies to seeds
Arthropterous- having jointed fin-rays, as fishes
Diptera- an order of flies and mosquitoes
Hyalopterous – having transparent wings, possessing glassy wings
Hymenoptera- an order of bees, wasps and ants
Neuropterous- havng wings with a network of nerves; lace-winged
Orthoptera- an order of cockroaches and grasshoppers
Pterion- point of junction of parietal, frontal and great wing of the sphenoid; applies to the
ossicle, a sutural bone
Pteropodium- a winged foot, as of certain bats
Schiz- , Schis(t) – to split
Anaschistic- applied to a type of tetrads which divides twice longitudinally in meiosis
Schist- division along parallel planes
Schistocyte- a fragmented part of a red blood cell containing hemoglobin
Schistoglossia- having a cleft tongue
Schizogamy- reproduction involving division of the body into a sexual and an asexual individual
Schizogenesis- reproduction by fission
Schizophyte- a plant which reproduces solely by fission
Splanchn – entrails, viscera
Macroplanchnic- large bodied and short legged
Somaticosplanchnic- relating to the body and viscera
Splanchneurysma- distention of the intestine
Splanchnodiastasis- displacement or separation of the viscera
Thi – sulfur
Thiobacteria- bacteria which grow where decaying organic matter releases hydrogen sulfide
Thiogenic- applies to sulfur-producing bacteria
Thioether- an ether containing sulfur instead of oxygen
Tox – poison
Cytotoxin – a cell-poisoning substance found in blood serum
Toxicodermatitus- skin inflammation due to poison
Toxicodendron- genus of plants including poison ivy and oak
Toxicognath – poison fangs of the centipede
Toxophore- poison quality of a toxin molecule
Trich- (Thrix- ) – hair
Amphitrichous- with flagellum at each pole
Melanotrichous- black-haired
Schizotrichia- splitting of the hair
Trichocryptosis- any disease of hair follicles
Tricholith- a calcified hair ball in the stomach or intestine
Trichomatosis- matted condition of the hair due to neglect, filth, etc.
Trichopterygidae-beetle’s wings fringed with long hairs
Xer – dry
Xeric- characterized by a scanty supply of moisture
Xerach- developing in dry places
Xerophobous- having little capacity to resist drought
Xerotherm- a plant which survives drought and heat
Exenterate- eviscerate
Polymerize or polymerization- general terms for a reaction in which a complex molecule of
relatively high molecular weight is formed by the union of a number of simpler molecules
Hyalinization- changes characterized by replacement or infiltration of tissues by a firm hard
Hepatization – the conversion of tissue into a liverlike substance, as of lungs during pneumonia
Brachiate- to progress by swinging from one hold to another by arms, as gibbons
Myelinization- the process of supplying or accumulating myelin during the development or
repair of nerves
Autotoxemia- poisoning by absorption of poisons produced within the body
Laryngocele- a saccular dilatation of the mucosa of the larynx
Podagra- an old term for gout, especially of the great toe
Denrochronology- dating events by tree-ring analysis
Leiomyoma- a benign tumor consisting largely of smooth muscle cells
Cheiragra or chiragra – pain in the hand
Encephalomalacia- a softening of the brain caused by deficient blood supply
Pterodactyl- extinct flying reptile
Schizocarp- a dry seed vessel which splits into two or more one-seeded carpels
Cheiropterophilous - pollinated by bats
Thiophilic – thriving on sulfur; microorganisms that require sulfur for metabolism
Misopedia – morbid dislike of children
Xeromorphic – Structurally modified so as to retard transpiration, as a desert plant which exhales
vapor through pores
Thoracoceloschisis – congenital fissure of the chest and abdomen
Misogynist – women hater
Coniopterygidae – family of small, humpbacked insects with pollinose wings
Polymastigote – having flagella arranged in a tuft; having several flagella
Splanchnocoel or splanchnocoele – that portion of the embryonic body cavity, or coelom, from
which are developed the abdominal, pericardial and pleural cavities
Thoracocentesis- operation on the chest cavity for removal of fluid
Hyphidrosis: A deficient production of sweat
Chondroclast: Something which serves to break up cartilaginous tissue
Actinocardiogram: A diagram of the heart produced with a radioactive medium
Hemophilic: Thriving in blood
Anaopsia: A condition in which the eyes involuntarily turn upwards
Catarrh: An inflammation of the mucous membranes causing flow of mucous
Stylobate: A platform on which pillars stand
Bromhidrosis: Foul-smelling perspiration
Cryptogenic: Having an obscure origin, of unknown or obscure cause
Dermamyiasis: an infestation of the skin by fly larvae
Pericranium: a membrane surrounding the bones of the skull
Amblyopia: dullness of vision
Amyostasia: inability to control muscle movement
Diaphanous: transparent
Clastic: capable of being broken or separated
Lithodialysis:the disintegration of stones (kidney stones, gall stones, etc.)
Pathophobia: Abnormal fear of disease
Cholecyanin: bluish substance in bile
CHOLECYSTECTOMY-the surgical removal of the gall bladder
Stomatonecrosis-The death of tissue surrounding a mouth or opening
Chapter 13
All- other, different p.103-4
Ankyl-bent, stiff, adhesionof parts p.104
Cycl-circle, wheel, ciliary body of the eye p.104
Er-, erot- love p. 104
Geny- jaw, cheek; geni-chin p.104
Hol- whole, entire p. 104-5
Hom-, home- same, similar p. 105
Hypn-sleep p. 105
Ide- idea, mental image p. 105-6
Leuk-, leuc- white p. 106
Ont- being, individual p. 106
Phyl-race, class p. 106
Pyel-pelvis, especially of the kidney p. 107
Pyg-buttocks p. 107
Stear-, steat- fat, tallow p. 107
Strept-, stroph- turned, twisted p.107
Thall- young shoot p. 108
Thym-mind, emotions p. 108
Trib-, trip- to rub, to crush p. 108
Zyg-yoke p. 108
Hemi- half p.112
Mon-single, one p. 112-113
Prot-first, original, primitive p. 113
di-twice, double p. 113
dich-in two p.113
deut-, deuter- second p.113-4
tri-three p. 114
tetr(a)- four p. 114
pent (a)- five p. 114
hex(a)- six p. 114
hept(a)- seven p. 114
oct(a)- eight p. 115
enne(a)- nine p. 115
dec(a)- ten p. 115
hect- hundred p. 115
kilo- one thousand p. 115
Brachy-short p.118
Cac- (kak)- bad p. 118
Cau-, caus- to burn p. 118
Cli, clei-to close; cleist-closed p.118
Cly(s)- to wash p.118-9
Crot- pulse beat p.119
Dolich-long p.119
Ede- to swell p. 119
Lept-thin, delicate p.119
Log-word, speech, reason p.119-20
Mes- middle p. 120
Myx-mucus, slime p.120
Oxy-, ox- sharp, acid, oxygen p.120
Petr- rock p.120-21
Phon- sound, voice p. 121
Phot-light p.121
Poie-to make p. 121
Presby- old p.121
Pyr-, pyret-fire, fever; pyrex-fever p.121-22
Rhiz-, -rrhiz- root p.122
Chapter 16
Glauc – silvery, gray-green (125)
Gon(y), Gonat – knee (125)
(H) Apt – to touch (125)
(H) aph- sense of touch (125)
Kary-, Cary – nucleus, nut (125)
Kerat-, cerat-, ker-, cer-: horn, horny tissue (126)
Lepid: Scale (126)
Nem-, Nemat: thread (126)
Nos- disease (127)
Onc-, Oncus: Tumor, swelling (127)
Phra: to speak (127)
Pneum, pneumat: air, gas (127)
Phylac(t) – to guard, to protect (128)
Porphyr – purple (128)
Sarc – flesh (128)
Scler – hard (128)
Sep – to rot, to putrify (129)
Sit – food (129)
Splen – spleen (129)
Sten – narrow (129)
Stere – solid, three dimensional (129)
Chapter #17
Cyn – dog (133)
Hapl – single (133)
Kym-, cym – wave (133)
Lemm(a) – sheath, husk (133)
Loph – crest, ridge, tuft (133)
Lophi – small crest (133)
Lymph – water (134)
Mit – thread (134)
Ornis-, ornith-,: bird (134)
Pale- (palae-) : old, ancient (134)
Pha – to speak (135)
Phem – voice (135)
Phrag- to block up (135)
Plan- wandering (135)
Pleur – side, rib, pleura (135)
-Plo-, folded, fold (as in three fold) (136)
Pne(a)-, pneust- breathing (136)
Rhaph-, rrhaph- to sew , to suture (136)
Spa – to draw, to jerk (136)
Staphyl – bunch of grapes (137)
Steth – crest (137)
Xen – host, stranger, foreigner. (137)
Balan-acorn p.140
Bry- moss p.140
Camp(t)-, campyl- bent p.140
Carp-wrist p.140
Cerc-tail p.140-41
Cleid-clavicle p. 141
Doch-to take or receive p.141
Ech- echo, repetition p. 141
Gangli- mass of nerve tissue, small cyst or swelling p.141
Gli-glue p.141
In- fiber, muscle p.142
Rhach(i)-, rach(i)-, -rrhach- the spine p. 142
-rrhag- excessive discharge, usually of blood p. 142
sphygm-pulse p. 142
spondyl-vertebra p. 142-43
stern-chest, breastbone p. 143
thel-nipple p.143
toc-, tok- childbirth p.143
tre(t)- to bore, to perforate p. 143
zym-ferment, enzyme p. 144
Brachypodous: Short-footed
Myxorrhea: An excessive discharge of mucus
Galactopoiesis: The formation of milk
Antiphototropic: Tending to turn away from light
Dolichocephalic: Having an unusually long head
Homolepidous: Having a single type of scale
Stenography: The depiction of solid bodies on a plane surface
Synnema: A bundle of thread-like structures
Nosology: The science of classification of diseases
Paraphrasia: A mental ailment characterized by disordered speech
Septimetritis: Condition caused by the rotting of tissue in the uterus
Stenocoriasis: A narrowing of the pupil of the eye
Pneumatocele: A gas-filled swelling
Oncology: The study of cancerous tissue
Brachycerous: Having short horns
Karyomit: A chromatin thread within the nucleus of a cell
Phrenospasm: Involuntary jerking of the diaphragm
Blepharorrhaphy: The stitching together of the eyelids
Myorrhaphy: Stitching of a muscle
Staphyloplasty: Surgical repair or reformation of the uvula
Ornithopterous: Having bird-like wings
Cynanthropy: Mental disorder in which the sufferer believes himself to be a dog
Planomania: Hodomania
Mesostethium: The middle part of the breast bone
Eupneustic: Having no difficulty in breathing
Zymogenic: Causing fermentation
Otorrhagia: Discharge of blood from the ear
Sphygmograph: A device for recording the pulse
Inosemia: An excess of fibrous elements in the blood
Inotropic: Pertaining to the force of muscular movements
Thelorrhagia: Abnormal discharge from the nipple
Atretorrhinia: Lack of nostrils
Perispondylitis: Inflammation of the tissue surrounding the vertebrae
Gangliocytoma: A tumor arising in the cells of a mass of nerve tissue
Camptomelia: Abnormal curvature of the limbs
ANGIOGENIN is: a chemical which promotes the formation of vessels
An ECTOENZYME is an enzyme that works outside of the cell that secrets it.
An individual born with eyelids that have failed to open has: atroblephary
A mental condition characteristic of the elderly: presbyphrenia
Which of the following means "having a head like a dog"? cynocephalous
The suturing of the anus is: proctorrhaphy
DIPLOPIA means: double vision
The FIRST base in the word DYSDIADOCHOKINESIA means: to receive
The BASE in the word DYSCRASIA means: to mix
An element named for its role in the formation of acids is: oxygen
DYSTOCIA means: difficulty in giving birth
MYASTHENIA means: a condition characterized by muscular weakness
An individual born with eyelids that have failed to open has: atroblephary
Muscle tissue that has undergone mucous degeneration is a myxomyoma
HIDROPOIESIS the production of sweat
The suturing of the anus is: proctorrhaphy
A SARCOBIONT is a microorganism that lives on flesh
The opposite of DYSPNEA is: eupnea
Ankyloglossia: Adhesion of the tongue
Phlebostrepsia: The twisting of a vein
Ideogram: A written symbol that represents an entire idea
Genyplasty: Plastic surgery of the jaw
Hypothymia: A sub-normal level of emotion, an abnormal deficiency of emotional
Homopterous: Having wings of the same size
Leukocarpous: Bearing white fruit
Homochromous: Having uniform colour
Homeozoic: Having a similar animal population
Diathermy: The therapeutic application of heat to muscles and joints
Hemiplegia: Paralysis of one side of the body
Diphyllous: Having two leaves
Hemolysis: The destruction of red blood cells
Ennead: A group of nine
Heptahedron: A solid figure with seven sides
Decapodous: Having ten legs
Monacanthid: Having a single row of spines
Hectoliter: One hundred liters
Pentactinic: Having five rays or arms
The BASE in the word GENESIS means: to produce
HEPATOPTOSIS means: a falling or displacement of the liver
An abnormal deficiency of emotional response: hypothymia
Which one of the following names of a family, species, or genus is derived from Greek
or Roman mythology? Palinuridae
Having two wings: dipterous
An animal which has six feet: hexapod
BRANCHIOMA is: a tumor in gill tissue
What is the Greek plural of chorion? choria
What is the singular of salpinges? salpinx
What is the Greek plural of anthrax? Anthraces
Leptocytosis: A condition characterized by blood cells that are thinner than normal
Caumesthesia: An abnormal burning sensation
Myxoid: Slimy
Cacography: Bad handwriting
Antipyretic: Tending a reduce fever
Brachypodous: Short-footed
Myxorrhea: An excessive discharge of mucus
Galactopoiesis: The formation of milk
Antiphototropic: Tending to turn away from light
The base in the word DYSTOCIA means: childbirth
The SECOND base in the word PSYCHOPATHOLOGY means: disease
A SARCOBIONT is a microorganism that lives on flesh
SITOTROPISM: tendency to turn towards food
In the word POLYMER, what does the SECOND base mean: part
The SUFFIX in the word PROSTATE means: that which
What is the Greek plural of metastasis? metastases
ENNEASTYLE can mean: having nine pillars
Which of the following words contains a Greek base meaning "chin"? genion
Having abundant sources of nutrition: polytrophic
Inflammation of the knee joint: gonarthritis
Having a well-formed head: eucephalic
PROCTORRHAGIA is: an abnormal discharge from the anus
What is the singular of criteria? criterion
Having nine parts or segments: enneamerous
The act of making or producing mucus can be called: myxopoiesis
The suffix in DREPANIDAE means: related to
DIPHYLETIC means: belonging to two races
Plants which bear fruit underground can be called: hypocarpogenous
STEATOPYGIAN means: having fat buttocks
An external skin or covering: ectoderm
The suffix in the word DIAPHRAGM means: result of the act of
A berry-shaped organism found in the intestine: enterococcus
A solid figure (polyhedron) having 100 faces: hectahedron
The BASE in the word ENDOENZYMIC is: ZYMHaving difficulty moving: dyskinetic
APO - or AP - means: from, off, away
A - or AN- means: not, without
ACRANIA is: congenital absence of a skull
Lipectomy: Surgical removal of fat
Acromegaly: A condition which results in abnormal enlargement of the extremities
IDIOPATHY is: a diseased condition peculiar to an individual or an isolated group
Ichthyophagous: Something that feeds on fishes can be called
Hepatomegaly: Enlargement of the liver
The PREFIX in the word PSYCHOANALYSIS means: back
Telemetry: the technique of measuring things from a distance
Idiomorphic: Having an unusual or unique form
The BASE in the word PSYCHIC means: soul
Neanthropic: Pertaining to modern human beings
CYSTOSTOMY: the surgical formation of an opening for the urinary bladder
POLYCYTHEMIA: a condition characterized by an unusually large number of red blood
The presence of urine in the blood: uremia
Cryogenic: producing or relating to the production of very low temperatures
The first base in OLOGOPOD means: few
EN- + ANTI- : opposite
ENDO-, ENTO-, END-, ENT -: either within or inner
What organ is being removed if a person has a "hysterectomy"? uterus
DIA - or DI - means: through, across, between
EU- well, good, normal
Coprolalia- Irrepressible urge to utter filthy language, In some mental disorders,
patients exhibit Coprolalia, an uncontrollable tendency to utter filthy and obscene
Critics charge therapists with inspiring false memories of abuse in their patients, a form
of iatrogenic...:
Histoclastic: Tending to break up tissue
Euryopia: Having wide eyes
Hematozoon: An organism that lives in the blood
Onychocryptosis: A condition in which the fingernails or toenails are hidden by a layer of
Mastoplasty: Plastic surgical operation on the breast
Trichocarpous: Bearing hairy fruit
Surgical removal of a tear sac: dacryocystectomy
Cyesiology: The branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy
HEMIANOPTIC means: having a loss of vision in half the visual field
pseudodynia: A false sense of pain could be called
What is the singular of colitides? colitis
The SECOND base in the word HEXACANTH means: thorn
diplococcus: A berry-shaped organism that comes in pairs
CHOLELITHOTRIPSY is: the crushing of gallstones
The first base in HOMEOZOIC means: same
The FIRST BASE in the word AMBLYOPIA means: dull
DIA - or DI - means "according to": FALSE
PLEX- and PLEG - are related BASES meaning "stroke" and "paralysis": TRUE
STOM - , STOMAT- does not mean "stomach": TRUE
A - or AN- is a BASE: FALSE
ANTI - or ANT- means: against, opposite
Dysarthria: impairment of speech articulation
CATA - or CAT - is a BASE meaning "down" or "against": FALSE
ARTHR is the base in ARTHRITIS: TRUE
ANTI - or ANT- means "away from": FALSE
ODONT- means "jaw": FALSE
The BASE in Euphoria means: to bear
UR- is the base in UROLOGIST: TRUE
BALL-, BOL-, BLE - is a base meaning "to throw":TRUE
If XANTHODONT means yellow-toothed, what does XANTH mean: yellow
CATA - or CAT - means: down, against, according to, very
PHOR-, PHER- is a type of stone: FALSE
Heterodromia: a condition in which a nerve conducts impulses better in one direction
than in the other
TROP - , TREP- means "to turn": TRUE
ES-, EIS-inward, into
PHYLLOPODOUS has two bases - they are: leaf, foot
What does the prefix in EXODONTIST mean: out, out of
DYS-:bad, disordered, difficult
What does the prefix in DYSFUNCTION mean: bad
EXO-, ECTO-outside, external
ECDEMIC (meaning "of foreign origin") is the opposite of: ENDEMIC
EN-, EM-, EL-in, into, inward
The base of the word KARYOMICROSOME meaning body is: SOM
OSTECTOPY has two bases meaning: bone, place
ENANTIOPATHIC means "causing opposite feelings"
EC-, EX-out, out of, outside
What does the prefix in ESOTERIC mean: inward
Osteoporosis is degeneration of bones
The second BASE in MYOCARDIAL means: heart
EPI-, EP-upon, on, to, in addition to
Synarthrophysis: A condition in which the bones of a joint grow together
Notalgia: Pain in the back
Adelphogamy: The practice of brother and sister mating
Calyptrogynous: Having hidden female reproductive organs
Polyadelphous: Having many brothers and sisters
Trochocephalia: Abnormal roundness of the head
1) Atelochiria: Incomplete development of the hand
2) Hemichordate: A worm-like animal with a primitive spinal cord
Stigmonose: A plant disease characterized by the appearance of small spots
1) Pyoptysis: The spitting of pus
2) Anconitis: Inflammation of the elbow
3) Clonograph: Instrument for recording spastic movements
4) Polystigmatous: Having many small marks or small pores
5) Atelochiria: Incomplete development of the hand
6) Omodynia: Pain in the shoulder
7) Anconal: Pertaining to the elbow
8) Opisthobranch: A type of mollusc with gills on the rear part of the body
9) Xylophyte: A woody plant
10) Angiosporous: Having seeds encased in a sheath or vessel
11) Parachordal: Situated beside the spinal cord
12) Ptyalagogue: Something that increases the flow of saliva
13) Notencephalocoel: A swelling in the back of the brain
14) Calyptobranchiate: Having hidden gills
15) Dactylosymphysis: A condition in which the fingers are fused together
16) Anconitis: Inflammation of the elbow
17) Opisthoporeia: Backward movement
18) Hypoptyalism: A deficient production of sugar in the saliva
19) Notochord: Structure similar to a spinal cord in primitive chordates
20) Rhabdocyte: A rod-shaped cell
21) Monochorionic: Having a single fetal membrane
22) Nototribe: A plant appendage designed to rub against the back of insects for pollination
1) Sphenoid: Wedge-shaped
2) Poikilocytosis: A condition characterized by an unusual variation in the shape of blood cells
3) Palilogia: The impulsive repetition of words or phrases
4) Dichlamydeous: Having a double floral envelope
5) Pylemphraxis: Blockage of the portal vein
6) Opisthotonus: muscular spasm which causes the head to stretch backwards
7) Halophyte: A plant that thrives in salty conditions
8) Gymnospermous: Having uncovered seeds
9) Poikilothermal: Having variable body temperature
10) Trachelodynia: Pain in the neck
11) Achymia: Lack of digestive juice in the stomach
12) Tetragonal: Having four angles
13) Chylophyllous: Having leaves filled with fluid
14) Syringotomy: Surgical operation on a tube or duct
15) Angiotonia: The degree of tension in a blood vessel
16) Sphenotripsy: The crushing of a wedge-shaped bone at the base of the skull
17) Phlebectasia: The widening of a vein
18) Antrocele: A fluid-filled swelling in a sinus
19) Spermatolysis: The destruction of seeds or reproductive cells
20) Trachelodynia: Pain in the neck
21) Condyloma: hard, knob-like tumor
22) Melanospermous: Having dark-colored spores
Stenohaline: Having a narrow range of tolerance for salt
1) Camptocormia: A condition in which the trunk of the body is abnormally bent or twisted
2) Palilogia: The impulsive repetition of words or phrases
3) Antrostomy: Surgical opening formed in a sinus
4) Hyperalexinosis: Condition caused by the excessive production of antibiotic chemicals
5) Metratonia: Lack of muscular tension in the uterus
Chylopoiesis: The production of digestive juices in the intestine
1) Bronchomycosis: A disease of the breathing tubes due to fungus
1) circumcaudal: Located around the tail
2) delactant: Stopping or inhibiting the production of milk
apponent: Serving to place something near something else
1) mediodorsal: Pertaining to the middle of the back
2) rugulose: Full of small wrinkles
3) adductor: A muscle that draws a limb toward the body
4) versatile: Capable of turning or moving freely
5) ambilateral: Pertaining to both sides
6) cerebral: Pertaining to the brain
7) flexor: A muscle that serves to bend a limb or finger
8) decerebrate: Lacking a brain
9) diffusion: The act of pouring or spreading apart
10) varicosity: The state of being twisted and swollen
11) abscise: To cut away or cut out
12) dorsiverted: Turned toward the back
13) sanguifaction: The process of producing blood
14) aberrant: Straying from what is normal
15) corrugated: Thoroughly wrinkled in appearance
16) mediolateral: Pertaining to the middle of the side
17) fungicide: An agent that kills fungus
18) ovicide: An agent that destroys eggs
19) infundibulum: A funnel-shaped cavity
20) congregate: To gather or flock together
21) circumflection: The act of bending around
22) depose: To remove from a place of authority
23) abducent: Serving to draw a limb away from the body
24) convalesce: To become well
25) anteposition: The act of placing something before something else
siccant: Tending to make dry
1) ejaculate: To cause to dart out or burst forth
2) defoliant: Serving to remove leaves
3) tectorial: Serving to cover
4) radiform: Resembling the spokes of a wheel
5) intercrural: Located or occurring between the legs
6) adherent: Sticking to or attached to something
7) buccal: Pertaining to the cheek
8) ovijector: An organ serving to expel eggs from the body
9) immuration: The act of walling in
10) tussive: Characterized by coughing
11) ambiradiate: Possessing ray-like projections on both sides
12) extramural: Located outside of the walls
13) disseminate: To spread or scatter like seeds
14) febrile: Feverish
15) afferent: Serving to carry fluids or impulses toward the center
16) juxtacordal: Located next to the heart
17) concurrent: Proceeding or happening simultaneously
18) lactiferous: Bearing or producing milk
19) nominal: Pertaining to names, or in name only
20) interarticular: Located between the bones of a joints
21) tegmen: Covering tissue
22) intercostal: Located between the ribs
23) intravenous: Located or occurring within a vein
24) perclude: To shut completely
25) dedentition: The loss of teeth
infracordal: Located below the heart
1) conifer: Something that bears cone-like objects
2) occlusal: Pertaining to closure of the teeth
3) intravenous: Located or occurring within a vein
1) corniculate: Having small horns
2) egress: An exit or way out
3) recumbent: Being in a reclining position
4) multiciliate: Having many small hairs
5) protrusive: Prominent or jutting forward
6) adrenal: Located next to the kidney
7) latericumbent: Lying on one's side
8) retrograde: Moving backwards
9) decalescence: A decrease in temperature
10) puriform: Resembling pus
11) potentiometer: A device for measuring electrical power
12) exfetation: A pregnancy occurring outside of the womb
13) discernment: The capability of making distinctions
14) assonant: Similar in sound
15) plication: The act of folding
frangible: Capable of being broken
1) arboreal: Pertaining to or dwelling in trees
2) multilingual: Pertaining to communication in many languages
retrograde: Moving backwards
secretion: The process of discharging a substance from the body
reniform: Kidney-shaped
cubatorium: A place for lying down
linguiversion: The turning of a tooth toward the tongue
submental: Located below the chin
fracted: Broken
dormant: inactive
multifoetal: Pertaining to a multiple pregnancy
carinulate: Possessing small keel-like structures
sudation: The production of sweat
1) postcipital: Located behind the head
2) liminal: Pertaining to a boundary or transitional state
3) pontic: Pertaining to a bridge-like organ or structure
4) oculomotive: Causing the eye to move
5) precipitate: To cause to fall headfirst
6) extraparietal: Located outside of the walls of an organ
7) bicapitate: Having two heads
8) induration: A hardening
9) equitation: Horse riding
10) canine: dogs
11) obdurate: Stubborn or unyielding
12) apicular: Pertaining to the tip or summit
13) senescence: The process of aging
14) pulvilliform: Shaped like a small cushion
15) inoculate: Lacking eyes
16) interocular: Pertaining to the area between the eyes
17) argentiferous: Silver-bearing
18) palatolingual: Pertaining to the roof of the mouth and the tongue
19) lacunose: Full of pits or cavities
intralacunal: Located within a gap
1) aciniform: Grape-shaped
2) subalar: Located below the wings
3) ocellate: Having markings that look like small eyes
4) supramalar: Located above the cheekbone
5) extraparietal: Located outside of the walls of an organ
plantigrade: Walking on the soles of the feet
annulose: Possessing rings
1) alation: The growth of wings
2) lachrymose: Tending to weep
1) erostrate: Lacking a beak
2) lineolate: Marked with small lines
3) cruciate: Cross-shaped
4) decorticate: To remove the bark
5) intracapillary: Occurring within a thin hairlike blood vessel
6) febrifuge: An agent which gets rid of fever
7) aquifer: A water-bearing stratum of rock
8) brevifoliate: Having short leaves
9) multimaternal: Pertaining to a social organization in which females share the duties of child care
10) monticular: Pertaining to a small lump or ridge
vermilingual: Having a worm-like tongue
brevicostal: Having or pertaining to short ribs
multiocular: Having many eyes
matricide: The killing of a mother by her offspring
pellucid: Thoroughly clear or transparent
reticulation: A grid or a net-like pattern
fugacious: Tending to vanish or disappear
adrostral: Located near to the beak
longicollic: Having a long neck
torque: A turning or twisting force
falcial: Pertaining to a sickle-shaped structure
ensiform: Sword-shaped
retrotorsion: The act of twisting backwards
corolliferous: Bearing a structure shaped like a small crown
subaqueous: Occurring beneath the water
coroniform: Crown-shaped
corticosteroid: A hormone produced by the outer layer of the adrenal gland
canifuge: An agent that repels dogs
contorted: Thoroughly twisted or tangled
multimaternal: Pertaining to a social organization in which females share the duties of child care
Quiz 5
1) The prefix "ab" when added to "lactation" produces "ablactation". True
2) Which word contains a Latin suffix meaning "having the character of"? reptile
3) The prefix "dis" when added to "fraction" produces "difraction". False
4) The BASE in the word EFFUSION means: to pour
5) The base in the word ADHESION means: to stick
6) What does the base in ADHESION mean? Infracostal
7) The base in the word ELIMINATE Means: threshold
8) The prefix "in" when added to "radiate" produces "inradiate". False
9) The prefix "ob" when added to "cur" produces "ocur". False
10) The PREFIX in the word INSEMINATE means: into
A Latin prefix that can mean "somewhat" is sub1) INNOMINATE means: having no name
2) The base in the word INCUMBENT means: to lie
3) JUXTACOSTAL means: located next to the ribs
4) AMBILATERAL means: affecting both sides
5) INFRANGIBLE means: unbreakable
6) IMMURE means: to wall up
7) The prefix "sub" when added to "current" produces "succurrent". True
8) The prefix "con" when added to "rugate" produces "corrugate". True
Quiz 4
1) A blockage in the intestine could be called: enteremphraxis
2) DYSTONIC means: characterized be an abnormality in muscular tension
3) DYSCHYLIA means: an abnormality of intestinal fluids
4) A word not containing the Greek base for "to bear" or "to go" is: phirasia
5) ANISOMELOUS means: having unequal limbs
6) A sac containing seeds or reproductive cells: sporocyst
7) Something pertaining to both body and mind is both c and d
Something that is man-like is anthropoid
1) Something that has many mouth-like openings can be called: polystomatous
2) The name for the tissue lining the uterus is: endometrium
A diseased condition characterized by the formation of holes or gaps in bone tissue: osteoporosis
1) A word not containing the Greek base for "to bear" or "to go" is: phirasia
2) A condition of the eye caused by fungus: mycophthalmia
The PERITONEUM, a membrane that covers the entire abdominal wall, is so called because: it seems
to be stretched all around the abdominal cavity
A blockage in the intestine could be called: enteremphraxis
A red pigment in leaves: erythrophyll
The FIRST prefix in the word ADENOHYPOPHYSIS means: under
A MYOMA is: a tumor in muscle tissue
the theory of the production of living matter from nonliving matter
aBARoGNOsis loss or lack of ability to estimate weight
congenital absence of the eyelids
loss or absence of vision
aBULia or
loss of ability to make decisions
acanthESTHEsia a sensation as of pricking with a needle
ACANTH-ESTHEsiaa sensation as of pricking with needles
infestation with parasitic worms of the phylum Acanthocephala
having spiny branches
a sac containing lateral or reserve stylets in Nemertea
ACANTHolysis any skin disease in which there is an atrophy of the prickle-cell layer.
ACANTHoPHO a conical mass, the basis of the median stylet in Nemertea; a tubular spine in some
a benign overgrowth of the prickle cell layer of the skin
omphalosite completely lacking a heart
acardioHEMia lack of blood in the heart
irregularity, noconforming to type
having labellum undeveloped, as some orchids
congenital absence of the lips
aCHROacytosis an increase in the number of colourless or lymphatic cells in the blood
aCHROaCYTosis an increase in the number of colourless or lymphatic cells in the blood
a deficiency or lack of pigment in the skin
achrooAMYLoid a recently deposited amyloid which does not form a blue colour with iodine
inability to recongnize sounds or understand spoken words; mind-deafness
inability to remember sounds
loss of sense perception in a limb
acroCEPHALy deformity of the head in which the top is more or less pointed
the spherical, gelatinous cyst formed by gonophoresat maturation of generative cells
ACRthe condition whereby teeth are attached to the summit of a parapet of bone, as in
acroDROMous pertaining to a leaf in which the veins converge at the point
premature aging of the skin of hands and feet
increased perspiration of the hands and feet
ACRoMASTitis inflammation of a nipple
underdevelopment of the extremities and of the skull as contrasted with visceral
tonic muscular spasm of the extremities usually causing deformity to the hands and feet
having claws, nails and hoofs
digits, as fingers or toes
facing toward the apex
a body at apex of the spermatozoon
the spore at the end of a sporophore
pertaining to, or designating, the rays of the spectrum which produce chemical change
exhibiting radiate form or structure, such as the ray fungus or sea anemone
producing radiation
radially symmetrical
basal bone of fin-rays in teleosts
basal bone of fin-rays in teleosts
five-rayed oral apperture of starfish
mouth of the sea anemone; five-rayed oral aperture of the starfish
bearing glands or leaves
bearing glands on peduncles or petioles
a break or a division in an organ, usually entire
impervious to, or not penetrated by, actinic rays
imperviousness to heat waves
absence of thirst; avoidance of drinking
liberating adrenaline; activated by adrenaline
a complete failure of impulse conduction in muscles or nerves
loss of vital strength of muscular power, weakness
a tumor caused by the escape of air into an adventitious pouch usually connected with
the trachea or larynx
an air vesicle of algae
AERoCYSTosco examination of the interior of the urinary bladder with a cystoscope, the bladder being
distended with air
any pathologic condition brought about by a change in atmospheric pressure, as caisson
disease or aeroemolism
a device for inflating the lungs with air in the case of a still-born child or asphyxia
a plant which grows attached to an aerial portion of another plant
a sensory cell of primitive animals
aGAMogenesis asexual reproduction
aGLOSSostomia with tongue lacking and mouth imperforate
akinESTHEsia loss of muscular sense or sense of movement
loss of muscular sense or sense of movement
the presence of albumin in the urine
visual aphasia or word blindness
pertaining to the pleasantness-unpleasantness dimension in experience
sexual pleasure derived from the experiencing or inflicting pain
introduction of foreign substance into the body
a plastic operation in which material from outside the human body, such as ivory or
animal bone, is utilized
pairing of homologous chromosomes from opposite parents
aMASTia or
congenital absence of the mammae
AMBLYa genus of broad-headed, nonpoisonous snakes, formerly considered the type of a
family, Amblycephalidae, called bluntheads
in bacteriology, a deficiency in nuclear chromatin which causes the cell to stain faintly
amblyopIATRics treatment of amblyopia
loss of memory
amphiCRANIa headache affecting both sides of the head, as opposed to hemicrania
amphiDESMic furnished with a double ligament
native around the world
having or pertaining to two nostrils
a glycoside occurring in bitter almonds
AMYGDALitis inflammation of the tonsils
AMYGDALolith tonsillar calculus
an amylolytic enzyme which hydrolyzes starch to sugar
a starchlike chemical
the digestion of starch or its conversion to maltose
a leucoplast or colorless, starch forming granule in plants
amyloPLAST or
amyloPLASTid a leucoplast or colorless, starch forming granule in plants
a tremor of the muscles causing difficulty in standing
a tremor of the muscles causing difficulty in standing
muscular ataxia or incoordination of spinal or cerebellar origin
with syringeal muscles attached at dorsal ends of bronchial semi-rings, as in birds
complete deafness
anaDROMous pertaining to fishes migrating annually from salt to fresh water
remedy for relieving pain
abulic inability to rise from a sitting posture
ANDRoGYNary having flowers with stamens and pistils developing into petals
ANDRoGYNy hermaphroditism
having the form of a man
ANDRoPHORe stalk that carries male gonophores in Siphonophora
having no alimentary tract
sia or
anERYTHRopsia impaired color perception of red; red blindness
ossification of blood vessels
a variation in the colour of erythrocytes in which only the peripheral zone of the cell is
the quality of being doubly refractive or unequally refractive in different directions
a positive electrode
feldspar not at right angles in cleavage; oblique cleavage
absence of the sense of smell
the curved ridge of the pinna just anterior to the helix
antHELMINTic destructive to worms
the part of the stamen which produces pollen
a genus of flies laying eggs in food and causing enteroMYIasis
ANTHophilous attracted by flowers; feeding on flowers
arrangement of flowers on an axis
ascription of human feelings to God, a god or an object in nature
showing a preference for human beings over animals
aphelioTROPism the turning away from the sun
aplanoGAMete a nonmotile, conjugating germ cell
designating a type of secretion in which the secretion-filled free end of a gland is
pinched off, leaving the nucleus and most of the cytoplasm to recover and repeat the
wanderlust, a morbid dislike of homelife with desire to wander
behaviour not overtly directed toward others but clearly influenced by their presence;
showing off
sudden paralysis with loss of consciousness, caused by the breaking or blocking of a
blood vessel in the brain
a cup-shaped ascocarp
intended to avert evil, as a ritual
the dusty gray or bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membrane produced by the
prolonged administration or application of silver preparations
ARGYrotaenia genus of moths
inflammation of a joint
joint gills
breaking down of ankylosis of joint
ARTHRoDEsis fusion of a joint by removing the articular surfaces and securing bone union
a member of the phylum Arthropoda, including crustaceans, insects and spiders
ARTHRopterous having jointed fin-rays, as fishes
astereoGNOsis inability ot recognise objects by sense of touch
incoherency in syntax or sentence construction
failure of the neural tube to close
to have no god
nervous disorder marked by recurrent, slow, continual change of position of fingers,
toes, hands, etc.
lack of ability to locate a sensation accurately
functional or idiopathic vomiting
a tendency to morbid concentration on oneself
autoanaMNEsia a history related to the patient
AUToCYTotoxin a cell toxin produced against the cells of one's own body
designating or pertaining to teeth not directly attached to jaws, as in cartilaginous fish
self-consumption; emaciation/ biting ones own flesh, as in dementia
AUToPHAGia self-consumption; emaciation/ biting ones own flesh, as in dementia
applicable to birds capable of running about and securing food for themselves when
newly hatched
growth of one leaf upon or out of another
growth of one leaf upon or out of another
a self-nourished plant
mechanism by means of which many organisms are able to cast off parts of their bodies;
self-division; a surgical operation performed on one's own body; in psychiatry, the act of
scratching away some part of the body, as in catatonia
autotopaGNOsia loss of ability to orient parts of one's own body
organism capable of self nourishment, especially using a chemical element, such as
carbon or nitrogen, for food; a bacterium able to grow in an inorganic evironment by
using CO2 as its sole source of carbon
a bacterium able to grow in an inorganic environment by using CO2 as its sole source of
tending to grow in a straight line, applies to plants unaffected by external stimulus
loss of perception of weight
perception of weight or pressure
BARdental pain occurring in individuals exposed to decreased barometric pressures such as
occur in high altitude flying; also called aerodontalgia
response to pressure stimulus
an indistinct, thick speech; occurs in patients with organic brain disease; common in
advanced general paresis
a heavy or deep quality of the voice
a sporophore which carries basidia
a special cell or row of cells of certain fungi; forming spores by abstriction
Basiophthalmite the proximal joint of the eye stalk in crustaceans
morbid fear of walking or standing erect.
a pigment synthesized in the metabolic process of living organisms
related to the forms of living beings; often used of primitive art
the examination of living tissue
the treatment of diseases by means of substances secreted by living organisms, as
catarrhal conjunctivitis
BLENNorrhagia excessive mucous discharge
excessive separation of the eyelids; inability to close the eyelids completely
operation for restoration of the eyelid
abnormal slowness of the heart (pulse rate less than sixty beats a minute)
fruiting after the winter in the second season after flowering
bradyGLOSSia slow speech due to difficulty in tongue movement
slowness of utterance
abnormal slownesss in reading
abnormal slowness in reading
bromine poisoning; the diseased state caused by prolonged administration of bromides
BROModermia skin eruption due to ingestion of bromides
fetid breath
any cancer-producing substance
a tumor derived from argentaffin, usually benign
one of the embryonic cells designed to form the walls of the heart
rupture of the heart
the medical history of a patient following illness or behaviour disorder
having a narrow or slender nose
the downward-moving wave of contraction occuring in the stomach during digestion
the experience of a sense of heat when the temperature is not high
burning pain sometimes present in injuries to the nerves
with yolk aggregated in the center
molluscs with sucker-bearing arms on the region of the head, such as the octopus
marine mollusc with muscular, sucker-bearing arms on head region, as the cuttlefish
CEPHALoPOD and octopus
cephaloSTYLe the anterior end of the notochord enclosed in a sheath
head integument in insect pupa
a shelly plate covering deltidial fissure in dorsal valve of certain Brachiopoda
reversion of floral leaves back into ordinary green leaves
agent which stimulates flow of bile from liver
CHOLochrome any bile pigment
the division of the chondriosome in mitosis and meiosis
e or
mitoCHONDRia granular, rod-shaped or filamentous organelle in cytoplasm
the embryonic cartilaginous cranium
the protoplasmic substance in the nuclei of cells which is readily stainable
a pigment-bearing cell
colour blindness
colour blindness
chromHIDROSis a rare condition in which the sweat is colored
chromoCRINia the secretion or excretion of colored material
CHROMoCYTe any colored cell
chromoPHANe the pigment of the inner segments of the retinal cones of certain animals
CHROMophobe a cell not stainable
the duration of time that a current must flow in order to excite muscle tissue
cladANTHous having terminal archegonia on short, lateral branches
branch arising from axil of leaf or green, flattened stem resembling a foliage leaf
CLAD-ODONT having teeth with prominent central and small lateral cusps
formation of a new passage between the colon and the rectum
COPRodaeum the division of the cloaca which receives the rectum
petrified feces
a hard mass of fecal matter in the bowels
COPRophrasia the abnormal interjection of obscene words into speech
COREdiastasis dilatation of the pupil
cryoPHILic or
CYANopia or
the detachment of iritic adhesions to the lens or cornea
a divice for holding the skull duing craniometric study
premature closing of the cranial sutures, resulting in a small skull
constitution, make up
abnormal sensitiveness to cold
sodium-aluminum fluoride, named from its icy appearance
thriving at a low temperature
device for determining the freezing point of any liquid
various recesses, glandular cavities, etc. in the body, as tonsillar crypts
the power of perceiving without sensory mechanism; clairvoyance
made up of minute fragmental particles, often used to designate a type of rock
a plant that does not have apparent reproductive organs
of unknown or obscure cause
a plant that produces its buds underwater or underground
a condition in which the testes fail to descend
produced by completely concealed volcanic activity
fauna dwelling in darkness or under rocks
applicable to fauna dwelling in darkness, or under stones, bark, etc.
having blue skin
a bluish-green colouring matter in plants
a perverted sense of vision rending all objects blue
branch of medicine dealing with dogs
with the head shaped like a dog's
with nonretractile claws
pregnancy, gestation
secreting internally; endocrine
inflammation of the urinary bladder
the transfer of pigment from melanoblasts to other cells or melanin from basal to
intermediate cells of the epidermis, as in sunburn
the envelope formed by remains of a host cell within which a protozoon parasite
in botany, a cell wall
cell conjugation
the disintegration or dissolution of cells
substance of the cell body exclusive of the nucleus
a cell body exclusive of the nucleus
the point at which waste is discharged from a cell
the oral aperture of a unicellular organism
rearrangement of cells on stimulation
a protozoan parasite inhabiting a cell or having the structure of a simple cell
a genus of shrubs, named from resinous gum exuded
inflammation of the lacrimal sac
a calcareous concretion in the lacrimal passages
a tropical disease, peculiar to male Negroes, in which a toe is slowly and spontaneously
DACTYLolysis amputated by a fibrous ring
the distal joint in certain limbs of Crustacea; the metatarsus and tarsus of spiders
with anterior rays of pectoral fins more or less free
dermatoBIasis infection with Dermatobia (botflies); larvae are obligatory sarcobionts
DERMaTOMe the areas of skin supplied with sensory fibers; an instrument for cutting skin
one of a group of fungi which invade the superficial skin
DERMatoSOMe one of the vital units forming a cell membrane
a condition in which the skin is particularly susceptible to irritation; characterized by
DERMographia elevations or wheals caused by tracing the fingernail or a blunt instrument over the skin
any kind of supporting tissue cell
the formation and proliferation of connective tissue; the formation of adhesions
transparent investing membrane of an organ or a cell
a freely movable articulation
diaTOMaceous microscopic algae divided into halves
a condition in which an individual can perceive only two of the three basic hues
capacity for double-staining
having two carpels
binaural; pertaining to both ears
hearing the same sound differently by the two ears
paralysis of similar parts on two sides of the body
a plant flowering or bearing fruit twice in a season
having a double heart, or one in which the two sides are more or less separate, as in
diploCARDIac birds and mammals
a morbid fear of drinking
a family of small, slender moths usually with forewings hooked; the species are called
a helicoid cyme with secondary axes developed in a plane parallel to that of the main
peduncle and its first branch
DREPANoCYTe a crecent-shaped cell
DROMography process of registering by instrument the velocity of blood current
DROMography instrument fo registering the velocity of blood current
DROMomania a pathalogical desire to wander
DYNAMometer an instrument for the measurement of muscular strength
inability to perform copywriting or to print
impairment of speech articulation
a condition of the body resulting from the existence of a pressure differential between
the total ambient barometric pressure and the total pressure of dissolved and free gases
within the body tissues, fluids and cavities
DERMia or
discoloration of the skin
morbidity or perversion of the sense of taste
pertaining to jaws which are improperly developed and are in poor relation to one
impairment of the ability to read
abnormal fear of deformity
defective formation of bone
difficulty in swallowing or inability to swallow
not endemic; of foreign origin
loss of memory of recent happenings but retention of events occuring in a remote period
the destruction of a blood vessel by foreign matter lodged in it
the insertion of meaningless words into speech in some schizophrenic states
having the power to evoke vomiting
normal or perfect vision; the condition in which parallel rays are focused exactly on the
retina without effort of accommodation
talking contrariwise; a disturbance in mental and speech function which prompts ideas
and words opposite those presented as stimuli
enantioMORPH one pair of isometric substances that are mirror images with asymmetrical structure
a ball-and-socket joint, as, for instance, the hip
maldevelopment of the tissues of the central nervous system
secreting internally
endoERGic or
endoTHERMic relating to the absorption of heat
the connective tissue between the fibers of a muscle bundle
insturment used to examin an internal body cavity or viscus through its natural opening
the hypothetical impression or trace left upon the neuron by psychic experience; a latent
memory picture
a hormone produced by the intestinal mucosa which stimulates the glands of the small
removal of adhesions binding the intestine
ENTERoSTOMy an operation to form an artificial opening into the intestine
entoPHYTe or
a plant growing within another, either as a parasite or otherwise
a process of overgrowth in gastrulation in telolecithal eggs
pertaining to sensory nerve fibers which enable one to make very fine distinctions of
temperature and touch
epiDERMoPHYT term commonly used to indicate any fungus infection of the feed producing scaliness
and vessicles with pruritus
an elastic cartilage covered by mucous membrane forming that superior part of the
larynx which guards the glottis during swallowing
an excrescence on the beak of birds; a plant tissue forming a hydathode; the secretory
layer in nectaries
a disease of animals which is widely prevalent in contiguous areas
epONYCHium a horny condition of the epidermis; the horny layer
an ant or other social insect in which the worker and male characteristics are blended
ERGatANDRous having workerlike males
a female ant resembling a worker
the study of artifacts made for use rather than trade
ERYTHRemia or
primary polycythemia
ERYTHRochloro a form of subnormal colour perception in which green and red are the only colours
correctly distinguished
a or
erythroCYTous increased erythrocyte count
referring to red-staining nuclear substance of cells; having an affinity for red dye
a red colouring matter in some leaves and red algae
Ma or
a dermatosis characterized by an abnormal redness of the skin
afferent nerve conducting impuslses to the central nervous system
a condition in which one eye deviates inward while the other fixes upon an object;
convergent concomitant strabismus
normal condition of the bile
normal power of movement
an exaggerated feeling of well-being
applicable to animals adaptable to great differences in altitude
EURYphagous subsisting on a wide variety of foods
short and stout
an eruption upon the skin
secreting to an epithelial surface, either directly or by ducts
a dentist who specializes in the extraction of teeth
the extracapsular tissue of a coral
divination by examining the figures formed on the ground when a handful of earth is
a soluble proteolytic enzyme normally present in milk
an amorphous substance derived from milk; a potent hormone stimulating lactation
lactiferous; applies to ducts of the mammary glands
GALACTorrhea excessive flow of milk
a type of sugar
GALACTostasis suppression of milk secretion; an abnormal collection of milk in a breast.
GALACTotropic stimulating milk secretion; applicable to the hormone prolactin
sexual cell; a minute reproductive body which is capable of uniting with another of like
origin to form a new individual, or zygote/ in higher animals, sperms and eggs.
GAMetoCYST cyst surrounding two associated free forms in sexual reproduction of gregarines
in the alternation of generations in plants, the individual or generation which bears sex
GAMetoPHYTe organs
a pistil formed by union of ovaries
with united perianth leaves
stele formed from fusion of several steles
pertaining to the stomach and the diaphragm, as the gastrophrenic ligament
a mollusc with ventral muscular disc adapted for creeping
in coelenterate colonies, the nutrient member with mouth and tentacles
terrestrial life
the ripening of fruits underground, as with the peanut
the practice of eating earth
living on or in the earth
living in or on the earth
a land plant; a plant with dormant parts underground
locomotor response to gravity
dentistry for the aged
morbid fear of old age
pain in the tongue
securing food by means of the tongue
the proboscis-covering part of the pupal integument of insects
the study of the time during which two or more languages have evolved separately
from a common source
a carbohydrate found in liver cells and many other tissues; it is formed from
carbohydrates and stored in the liver, where it is converted, as the system requires into
the process of conversion of carbohydrates in tissue into pyruvic acid or lactic acid
the formation of carbohydrates from substances which are not carbohydrates
a plant unable to thrive on substratum containing more than 0.5% sodium chloride in
GLYCoPHYTe solution, opposite to halophyte
GNATHoPOD any crustacean limb in oral region modified to assist with food
GNATHotheca the horny outer covering of a bird's lower jaw
GYMnANTHous with no floral envelope
GYMNocarpous with naked fruit; applicable to lichens with uncovered apothecia
GYMNopterous having bare wings without scales, applicable to insects
GYMNorhinal having nostril region not covered by feathers, as some birds
GYMNoRHINal with nostril region not covered by feathers, as in some birds
having no shell or mantle, as certain molluscs
having no shell or mantle, as certain molluscs
GYMNoSPORe a naked spore or germ not enclosed in a protective envelope
referring to mosses having a naked mouth, i.e., without peristome
the degree of prominence of feminine characteristics in male physique and vice versa
GYN-ANDRous having stamens fused with pistils, as some orchids
GYNecomastia enlargement of the mammary gland in the male
a gynoecium-bearing receptacle of certain plants, such as the pistils and ovaries
GYNodioecious plants producing female or hermaphrodite flowers only
a stalk that supports an ovary
a genus of terrestial leeches, one species of which produces external hirudiniasis
HaemANTHus genus of bulbous herbs comprising the blood lily
living in blood
a blood substance
a type of schizophrenia marked by silliness and extreme mannerisms, often caricaturing
certain adolescent behaviour
ascending by spiral; pertaining to the helix
a proteolytic enzyme found in snails
a respiratory pigment found in the gut and liver of snails
the rounded, convex margin of the ear
the study of parasitic worms
HELMINTHoma a tumor caused by the presence of a parasitic worm
a cyst containing blood
diseased state of the blood
pertaining to a blood-sucking insect
hematoPHYTe a vegetable organism, such as the bacterium, living in the blood
blindness in half the visual field; may be bilateral or unilateral
a condition characterized by violent spasmodic movements of the extremeties on one
hemiBALLismus side of the body
contracting of the left ventricle after every second atrial contraction
hemocytoZOon a protozoan parasite inhabiting the red blood cells
hemoDYNAMic the study of how the physical properties of the blood and its circulation through the
vessels affect blood flow and pressure
hemoERYTHRin a red pigment found in the blood of worms and other invertebrates
stagnation of the blood; arrest of flow of blood
a substance or mixture of substances occurring in liver and other tissues having the
property of prolonging the clotting time of blood
surgical establishment of communication between the hepatic duct and the intestine
a cytolysin acting especially on liver cells
having the spines in the dorsal fin asymmetrical
HETERoCHRO a difference in coloration in two parts of a structure, or in two structures that are
normally alike, as the irises of the eyes
departure from typical sequence in time of formation of organs
heteroCLADic describing a communication between branches of different arteries
HETER-ODONT having teeth of more than one shape, as in man
heteroDROMia a condition in which a nerve conducts impulses better in one direction than in the other
HETERoGAMy the conjugation of gametes of unlike size and structure, as in higher plants and animals
heteroKINEsia the execution of bodily movements exactly the opposite of those ordered
the execution of bodily movements exactly the opposite of those ordered
HETERoKINEsis movement resulting from external stimuli
unconcious saying of one think while another is intended; heterophemy
pain caused by heterophoria
heteroPHORia a tendency of the eyes to turn away from the correct position
HETERoPHORia any tendency of the eyes to turn away from the position correct for binocular vision
having six hooks; applicable to embryos of certain flat worms
with six rays
hippURic acid an acid found in high concentration in urine of herbivorous animals
fixed macrophagy of the loose connective tissue
histoHAEMatin an intracellular haemin compound
HISToKINEsis movement that takes place in the minute structural elements of the body
causing the transformation of one tissue into another type
pertaining to or connected with tissue formation or repair; connected with nourishment
HISToTROPHic of fetus
living on or within the tissues, denoting certain protozoon parasites
abnormal fear of travel
having teeth all alike
roentgenological examination of the uterus
ophthalmia due to mercurial poisoning
an accumulation of fluid in a joint
said of aquatic plants whose flowers are pollenated above water but withdrawn below
water for development
a plant which must have much heat and moisture to develop fully
pericarditis accompanied by serious effusion into the pericardium
a collection of a serous effusion in the pericardial cavity
one of leaflike bodies arising above and partly covering the sporosacs in a siphonophore
distention of the pelvis of the kidney with urine and pus
HYDRoSTOMe the mouth of a hydroid polyp
cuplike structure into which the polyp may withdraw in many coelenterates
HYDRoTHECA cuplike structure into which the polyp may withdraw in many coelenterates
response to stimulus of water
HYGRoKINEsis movement in response to changes in humidity
a cystic cavity derived from distended lymphatics and filled with lymph
HYGRoPLASM the more liquid part of protoplasm; opposite of stereoplasm
readily absorbing moisture
HYGRoSTOMia chronic salivation
hyperanaKINEsia excessive activity of a part
exaggerated willfulness
hyperDYNAMic showing excessive strength or exaggeration of function, as of nerves or muscle
excessive vomiting
hyperERGia or
increased functional activity
hypersensitivity to an allergen
abnormal acuteness of the sense of taste
the presence of deficient amounts of sugar in the urine
hyperKINEmia a condition marked by a greater cardiac output of blood than normal
hypermaetrOPia focus of light behind the retina
overgrowth of the mammory gland
a disagreeable or painful sensation in a region which is really hyperesthetic
excessive formation of tissue; an increase in the size of a tissue or organ owing to an
increase in the number of cells
abnormal sesitivity to heat
hyperTROPHy an increase in size of an organ independent of natural growth
growing or maturing under the earth's surface
hypoGNATHous having the lower jaw abnormally small
hypoPHRENia feeblemindedness
the calcaneum of a bird; process on metatarsus of birds
hypoTHERMia subnormal temperature of the body
a psychoneurotic disorder characterized by extreme emotionalism
colloquial term for a hysterical attack
abdominal hysterectomy
HYSTERoTOMy incision of the uterus; a caesarian section
induced by a physician; effect of physician's words or actions upon a patient
ICHTHYismus poisoning due to the absorption of mytilotoxin in muscles or from eating spoiled fish
a fossil fish tooth
trade name for a mild antiseptic prepared from shales containing fossil remains
food poisoning from fish
bearing androspores and oogonia on separate filaments
the branch of biology concerned with the study of organisms as individuals
IDIochromatic having distinctive and constant coloration, used especially of minerals
one who is capable of coitus only with his marital partner or with a few women, being
impotent with women in general
pertaining to a primary disease, i.e. one not the result of any other disease, but of
spontaneous origin, a disease for which no cause is known
individual genotype
the appearance of an iridescent halo, seen by persons affected by glaucoma
a special cell responsible for the beautiful iridescence of many fishes
the seperation of the iris from its attachments
IRIDoKINEsia any movement of the iris
paralyis of the sphincter pupillae of the iris
retention of a discharge or secretion
suppresion of the menstrual flow
retention or suppression of the urine
the lysis of red blood cells of one individual of a species by specific antibodies in the
serum of another
pertaining to equality of measure; taking place against resistance without significant
shortening of muscle fibers
inhabited by similar forms of animal life
a nuclear granule
the science of the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of purposeful muscle movement
in man
LAPARorrhapy suture of the abdominal wall
low caesarian section
laryngoPLEGia paralysis of the lower half of the body
laryngoPLEGia paralysis of the larynx
a colorless to yellow-brown, waxy solid widely distributed in the body; also found in
the yolk of eggs
segmentation cavity of holoblastic eggs
a fat-splitting enzyme
any one of the group of fatlike substances containing a pigment or colouring matter and
CHROMoLIPoid occurring in natural fats such as egg yolks
LIPodysTROPH a disturbance of the fat metabolism in which the subcutaneous fat disappears over large
areas of the body but is unaffected in others
the solution of calculi in the urinary bladder; the breaking of a vesicle calculus previous
LITHodialysis to its removal
lithoPHAGous stone-eating, as birds; rock-burrowing, as some molluscs
growing on stones or rocks; saxicoline
a fossil leaf or leaf impression
a fossil leaf or leaf impression
stone-boring, as certain molluscs
a substance having strong hemolytic properties produced from lecithin by the action of
lysoLECITHin snake venom
possessing a highly developed sense of smell
mammory tumor which is malignant
MEGAlaesthete sensory organs, sometimes in the form of eyes, as in Placophora
Lmus or
excessive largeness of the eyes
belonging to the megalops stage, i.e., a larval stage of certain crustaceans, conspicuous
by large, stalked eyes
MEGAphyllous having relatively large leaves
a genus of large, nonbiting American mosquitoes with curved beaks
MELANidrosis a form of chromhidrosis in which the sweat is dark coloured or blakc
a dark brown or black animal or plant pigment
abnormal deposit of dark pigment in tissue, organs and the skin
black pigmentation of the skin
a dendritic cell containing melanin in its cytoplasm
having leaves of a dark colour
MENiscectomy the surgical excision of a meniscus or semilunar cartilage
a sickle-shaped erythrocyte
a crescent or crecentic body, especially an interarticular fibrocartilage; a concavoconvex
or convexoconvace lens; curved surface of a column of water
menoPHANia first appearance of the menses
abnormal smallness of some part of the body
the third germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and entoderm, which gives rise to the
connective tissue, muscles, urogenital system, etc.
characterized by a predominance of structures such as bone and muscle, which are
mesoMORPHic developed from the mesodermal layer of the embryo; athletic build
a relationship between two organisms in which only one of the partners benefits
the process by which assimilated food is built up into protoplasm and by which
protoplasm is broken down into waste matter with the release of energy
the change or play of colours seen in the squid, chameleon, etc.
extrauterine gestation
pertaining to posterior gastric region
middle stage of meiosis
the displacement of organs
transformation of one form of adult tissue to another
posterior portion of the molluscan foot
a chemical reaction in which there is an exchange of radicals
metaTROPHic living on both nitrogenous and carbonaceous organic matter
pertinent to a group that comprises all animals having the adult body composed of
numerous cells differen
congenital abnormal smallness of the feet
a small opening or orifice
pruritis and discomfort of the skin hours and days after the cause of symptoms has been
MNEmodermia removed
writer's cramp
difficulty in speech, such as stuttering or stammering
a condition in which either eye has a better visual power than both together; a form of
color blindness in which only one color can be perceived
monoTROPHic existing on one kind of food
a word or a part of a word that conveys meaning and can't be broken down any further
and still convey meaning
MORPHology the study of structure and form
relating to the muscular coat of the intestine
disease caused by the invasion of the larvae of flies
condition in which muscae volitantes appear
pertaining to the muscular tissue of the heart
MYoCHROMe any muscle pigment
muscular pain
musclelike; applies to striation of protozoa
one of the principle proteins in muscle
an instrument for performing myotomy; that part of a somite which differentiates into
skeletal muscle; a muscle group innervated by a single spinal nerve
a new and abnormally produced articulation in the sequence of a fracture, dislocation or
disease of the bone
a new and abnormally produced articulation in the sequence of a fracture, dislocation or
disease of the bone
NECRcytotoxin a toxin produced by the death of cells
a delusional state in which the patient believes himself to be dead; simulation of death
NECRomimesis by a deluded person
eating carrion
sexual perversion in which dead bodies are violated; insane sexual desire for a corpse
a stinging cell
applicable to forms of protozoa exhibiting precocious association of gametocytes
speech, especially of psychotics, that includes words that are new and meaningless
neONYCHium a soft pad enclosing each claw of an embryo
dread of new scenes or novelties
an excretory organ, usually that of invertebrates; embryonic kidney tubule of
surgical formation of an opening between the renal pelvis and the urinary bladder
renal pelvis and urinary bladder
cells in sponges and insects which secrete waste and then migrate to the surface of the
body to discharge
NEPHRoSTOMe the opening of a nephridial tubule into the body cavity
NEPHRoTOMe the section of the embryo from which kidney structures develop
pain along the course of a nerve
pertaining to a theoretical phenomenon in which regeneration of injured neuraxons is
considered to occur by production of collateral or terminal branches
pertaining to secretory function of new cells
a multinucleated cell found associated with absorption of the roots of a deciduous tooth
the tooth-bearing organ in molluscs
having tooth bearing jaws
odynACOUsis pain caused by noises
ODYNophobia morbid dread of pain; algophobia
OLIG-ANDRous having few stamens
oligoBLENNia a deficient secretion of mucus
deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood
oligoCYThemia a reduction in the total quantity of erythroCYTes in the body
OLIgoHYDRuria urine with a relative dimiution of water; highly concentrated urine
scantiness or thinness of hair
OLIGoTROPhic providing inadequate nutrition
furnished with few feet or legs
ONYCHoheterot an anomaly consisting of the presence of abnormally situated nails, as on the lateral
aspect of the terminal phalanges
cyst formed around two conjugating gametes in sporozoa
the union of a nonmotile female gamete or egg cell with a male gamete
the mitotic phenomena in an egg during maturation and fertilization
the surgical removal of an ovary
the cytoplasm of the egg
pertaining to or causing movements of the ey
disease due to the presence of the larvae flies in the eye
recession of the lower jaw
dilatation of the right side of the heart which occurs when the upright position of the
orthoCARDIac body is assumed
originating in photography, denoting correctness in rendering of colors
having straight digits
ORTHoenteric having alimentary canal along internal ventral body surface
pertaining to the branch of surgery concerned with corrective treatment of deformities,
diseases and ailments of the locomotor apparatus, especially those affecting limbs,
bones, muscles, and joints; formerly devoted to correction and treatment of deformities
in children
ORTHopsychiatr prevention and treatment of behavioral disorders; mental hygiene and preventive
methods are the main areas of interest
pertaining to normal binocular vision
pertaining to or caused by standing upright, as albuminuria
orthoTROPism growth in a vertical line
protrusible organ borne on first thoracic segment of larvae of some butterflies which
emits a smell
intolerance of certain odors
displacement of bone
bony formations in the skin
bone necrosis due to irradiation by roentgen or radium rays
in invertebrates, an auditory vesicl, otocell or otidium; in vert
calcareous particles particles or platelike structures found in auditory organ of many
a calcareous particle or platelike structure found in auditory organs of certain animals
having slender, tapering digits
haemocyanin combined with oxygen
type of autogamy in protozoa where gametes are formed after multiple division of the
nucleus; conjugation of two protozoa originating from the division of the same
EPsia or
occuring over a wide geographic area and affecting a large proportion of the people
false or perverted vision
abnormality of volitional action
a process characterized by some anomaly in the prickle cell layer of the epidermis
false, or incorrect perception of color,k not true color blindness
inflammation of the tissue adjacent to the colon, not covered by peritoneum
extrauterine pregnancy
imitation of the symptoms and signs of a disease, occurs in hysteria and in malingering
necrotic ulceration or caries of the joints of children
pertaining to retention in the adult of youthful and juvenile characteristics
a substance containing a proteolytic enzyme obtained from the glandular layer of a
hog's stomach
pertaining to pepsin; pertaining to digestion, as peptic ulcer
PEPTonephridia the anteriour nephridia which function as digestive glands in some Oligochaeta
layers of ground or fundamental tissue between dermatogen and plerome of growing
the fibrous connective tissue covering cartilage
periCRANIum the periosteum on the outer surface of the cranial bones
periNEPHRium the connective or adipose tissue surrounding a kidney
a morbid, osseous formation upon or proceeding from the periosteum
the surface immediately surrounding the anus of echinoids
the rhythmic contraction of the alimentary canal that moves its contents onward
PEUDOnychium a lobe or process between the claws of insects
colourless blood corpuscle which tends to ingest foreign particles
the science of crude drugs
of heightened sensitivity to the red end of the spectrum
living in light exclusively
photoDROMy the movement of particals suspended in fluid toward light or away from it
luminous organs of certain crustaceans
photOPHTHAL inflammation of the eyes due to excessively strong light, as welder's arc light or sunlight
on snow
response to stimulus of light
responding to the stimulus of light
PHRENemphrax crushing of the phrenic nerve with a hemostat to produce temporary paralysis of the
diaphragm, a form of collapse therapy used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis
pertaining to the mind or the diaphragm
or phrenoCOLic pertaining to the diaphragm and the colon
spasm of the glottis caused by disease of the diaphragm
any flattened stem performing the functions of leaves, as the joints of cacti
or CLADode
polyDIPSia or
a green, flattened or rounded stem which functions as a leaf, as in cactus
variation of leaves at different seasons
feeding on leaves
having leaflike swimming feet, as in Branchiopoda
the arrangement of leaves on an axis or stem
the arrangement of leaves on an axis or stem
a shield-shaped medusoid of protective function
having the teeth fastened to the side of the bone, as with some lizards
one who treats minor disorders of the feet
dermal layer of a hoof, within the horny layer
in crustaceans, eye stalk segment farthest from head
a foot-covering, as of birds or reptiles
a foot-covering, as of birds or reptiles
any of several hybrid garden roses
capacity to be stained with more that one dye
the existence of more than one pupil in an iris
containing many cysts
excessive thirst
an abnormality of sensation in which a single touch is felt in two or more places at the
same time
the product resulting when two or more molecules of the same substance combine
having a nucleus with several lobes
a pedunculated mass composed of neoplastic tissue or other structure found on mucous
POLY-PHAGous eating various kinds of food
polyphyODONT having many successive sets of teeth
having many successive sets of teeth
furnished with many feet or legs
POLY-TROPHia abundant or excessive nutrition
the passage of an excessive amount of urine
proctEURYnter an instrument for dilating the anus or rectum
the medical speciality concerned with the anus, rectum and sigmoid colon
constipation due to nonresponse of rectum to the defecation stimulus
percursor of gastric secretion in mucus membrane of stomach
positive hydrotropism
the forebrain or anterior brain vesicle of the embryo
a canal in sponges
prosthODONTia the branch of dentistry which deals with the replacement of teeth by artificial means
protANDRism consdition in hermaphrodite plants and animals where male elements mature and are
or protANDRy shed before female elements marture
the viscid material constituting the essential substance of living cells, upon which all
vital functions, such as nutrition, secretion and growth depend
a unicellular or noncellular animal organism
a disturbance of hearing in which a person's own voice sounds strange or peculiar,
being altered in pitch and quality
PSEUDOblepsia a visual hallucination; distorted visual image
a condition in which each of the vowels of a word seems to have a distinct sound
a saclike space containing liquid, etc., which has no definite lining membrane
pertaining to the different colours which appear alike to the colour-blind
a condition in which events seem to be remembered which have not been actually
pseudoMNEsia experienced
a footlike body-wall process of certain larvae
the mind as a functional entity, serving to adjust the total organism to the needs and
demands of its environment
psychoBIology psychology in relation to biology
psychoGEUsic pertaining to perception of taste
PSYCHoKINEsis the direct action of mind on matter, i.e., on objects discrete from the subject's body
PSYCHopathic pertaining to a morally irresponsible person
of or relating to the period beginning with the appearance of man on earth
birds able to fly when newly hatched
PYOPHTHALmia purulent ophthalmia
a purulent discharge
quadriPLEGia the four extremities of the body paralyzed
the minium electric potential necessary for stimulation
RHEocardiograp recording of differences of electrical conductivity of the body synchronous with the
cardiac cycle
an electrode
RHEotaxis or
locomotor response to simulus of current, usually water
that portion of the cerebrum concerned with reception and integration of olfactory
RHINencephalo impulses; the anterior inferior part of the forebrain that is chiefly concerned with
a nasal tone in the voice due to undue closure or patulousness of the choanae
RHINophonia a nasal tone in the speaking voice
a process on the aboral side of the eye of certain molluscs, with supposed olfactory
RHINoPHORe function
RHINoTHECa the sheath of the upper jaw of a bird
pivoting an artificial crown on the root of a tooth
morbid fear of being seen
SinANTHROPus a genus of fossil men that includes Peking Man
a transverse segment of an organized body, a somite; an embryotome
the protoplasm of the body cells, as distinct from germ plasm, which composes
SOMAToPLASm reproductive cells
inability to identify or orient the body or its parts, usually the result of a brain lesion
sensibility to bodily sensations
a segment of the body of an embryo
the registration of the extent and oscillations of the pulse wave
genus of grasses to which dropseed belongs
loosening stiff joints by operation or manipulation in cases of ankylosis
stereoTROPism growth or movement toward a solid body
inflammation of the mouth
the slender upper part of a pistil
pertaining to a muscle arising from the styloid process of the temporal bone and
inserted into the tongue
processes of the temporal bone, fibula, etc.
STYLomastoid pertaining to styloid and mastoid processes
STYLopodium a conical swelling surrounding bases of divaricating styles of umbelliferae
a condition in which two organisms live together for mutual benefit
adhesion of the eyelids to the globe of the eye or to each other
progressive ankylosis of a joint
a joint in which the surfaces are connected by a plate of cartilage
pertaining to protective resemblence between diverse species
a mass of cytoplasm which has numerous nuclei but which is not divided into cells by
cell walls
synDESMology the study of ligaments
a form of articulation in which the bones are connected by fibrous connective tissue
a number of symptoms that occur at the same time, characterizing a particular disease
a secondary sensation or subjective impression accompanying an actual perception, as a
sensation of colour or sound aroused by a sensation of taste
concurrent sweating; the association of perspiration with some other condition
a union of originally separate bones by osseous material
the contraction of the heart
in botany, with coherent styles
pain, especially of neuralgic character, in the tarsus of the foot
plastic surgery of the eyelid
flat foot
TAXeoPODous having proximal and distal tarsal bones in straight lines parallel to the limb axis
a taxonomic group or entity; the name applied to a taxonomic group in a formal system
of nomenclature
relating to the last phase of a diaSTOLe
knowledge of distant happenings obtained by occult or unknown means; clairvoyance
the power claimed by some people of causing objects to move without touching them
a disorder in visual perception of space
treatment in absentia; suggestive terapeutics
having four crescentic ridges on molar teeth
resembling death
the study of the phenomenon of organic death
a morbid fear of death
spore or pollen case
a structure on which a theca is borne
the part of a fungus or lichen containing the sporules
having teeth in sockets
pertaining to a divinity represented in the form of an animal.
the habit of swallowing very hot food
first developmental stage in some plants which can be partially or entirely completed
thermoPHAse during seed ripening if temperature and humidity ar favourable
THERMoPHYTe a heat-tolerant plant
thermosysSTALt contracting under the influence of heat; pertaining to the muscular contraction due to
curvature in plants in response to a temperature stimulus
obsolete term for an operation in which both the thorax and abdomen are opened
thromboKINase a substance activating prothrombin to thrombin
a specimen from the locality of original type
genus of spiral organisms
TREPonemiasis infection with treponema; syphilis
trichoPHAGia the eating of hair
pertaining to a relationship in which an organism of one kind aids and protects an
TROPHoBIotic organism of another kind in return for some food products
TROPHonemata uterine villi or hairlike projections which transfer nourishment to the embryo
TROPHoneurosi a functional disease of a part due to failure of nutrition form defective nerve action in
involved parts
tendency of an organism to turn toward its food supply
pertaining to the presence of urine in the blood
a tube carrying the urine from the kidney to the bladder
blue discoloration of the urine
the portion of the cloaca into which the urogenital ducts open
the formation of urinary calculi
xanthODONT having yellow-colored incisors, as certain rodents
a plant that scatters its seeds by dehiscence through dryness
a dry and thickened condition of the conjunctiva
ZOoERYTHRin a red pigment found in plumage of various birds
sexual reproduction in animals
an animal resembling a plant in appearance and growth, as sponges
ADENodactyli elaborate accessory copulatory organs which are outgrowths of the atrial walls in
or ADENocheiri Turbellaria
the stalk of a nectar gland
ADENopodous bearing glands on peduncles or petioles
ectodermal accessory genital glands in insects
an abnormality in the formation or location of gland tissue
AGIOdystrophia defective nutrition of blood vessels
inflammation of blood or lymph vessel
ANGIopneumog radiographic visualization of the pulmonary artery by means of a nontoxic, radiopaque
narrow-mouthed; applicable to molluscs and snakes with nondistensible mouths
gametANGIum a structure producing sexual cells
a large class of Arthropoda which includes scorpions, spiders and mites
ARACHNidium apparatus by which a spider web is produced
ARACHNoidure a one-stage operation for relief of progressive hydrocephaly in infants, in which
cerebrospinal fluid is shunted into the urinary tract
the radiating structure surrounding the centrosome of a cell, seen at the beginning of
the achromatic figure in mitosis consisting of two asters connected by a spindle
one of the small planets between Jupiter and Mars
the class of echinoderms comprising starfish
ASTERophyllites a form genus of fossil plants having a starlike arrangement of leaves
the starlike system of cytoplasmic radiations surrounding the central body during
the stage of development of certain sponges in which the posterior end of the embryo is
aphiBLASTula composed of granular archaeocytes and the anterior end is composed of flagellate cells
a primitive cell which develops into an astrocyte
primitive germ layer or epithelium of a blastula or blastocyst from which primary germ
layers are derived
BLASTokinesis a process of cephalo-caudal reversal in the eggs of insects and certain cephalopods
in Hydrozoa, a columniform zooid with or without mouth and tentacles, bearing
erythroBLASTosi hemolytic anemia of the newborn, involving an increased number of nucleated red
blood cells
a formative fat cell
lipoBLASTosis multiple lipomas in subcutaneous and visceral fat deposits
megaloBLAST a large erythrocyte, seen in some anemias; an immature megalocyte
CHLOROplast a minute granule or plastid containing chlorophyll
green sickness, a type of anemia seen most frequently in young women
colour-blind condition whereby green and red are the only colors distinguished
diminution in the amount of chloride in the urine
zooCHLORellae symbiotic green algae living in various animals
chloroCOCCales an order of unicellular green algae
a calcareous spicule in certain flagellata
CryptoCOCCus a genus of yeastlike, budding, imperfect fungi
the very poisonous, bean-shaped berry of a woody vine used in the East Indies to
stupify fishes and as an ointment to control vermin
nucleus of a fertilized egg
StreptoCOCCus a genus of gram-positive, chain-forming bacteria
bearing condia, a fungal spore
minute, highly refractive particles of fat found in the blood
one of minute crystals of calcium carbonated found in membranous labyrinth of the
inner ear, ear dust
relating to the earliest period of the stone age
red crystalline fluorescent dye
a kind of mineral; red aluminum manganes phosphate
abnormal laxation of the skin
a condition in which steles in a stem remain more or less separate
solution of calculi in urinary bladder; breaking of a vesical calculus previous to its
solutions which, after evaporation to dryness, go readily into solution again on addition
of fluid
a cell-dissolving substance
production of lysins
union of bones by membranes
presence or passage of membranous shreds in the urine
inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord
an accumulation of blood or menstrual fluid in the uterus
congestion of the uterus
excessive uterine contraction
a parasitic, infectios, inoculable disease affecting cattle, hogs and sometimes man
a bacterial film formed during alcoholic fermentation
antibiotic produced by a soil actinomycete
a dilatation of the central canal of the spinal cord containing an increased quantity of
cerebro-spinal fluid
inflammation of the meninges, brain and spinal cord
the white, fatty substance forming the sheath of some nerves
a tumor composed of precursors of bone marrow cells
any cell concerned with development of granular leucocytes
a trophic distrubance of the extremities caused by a nervous lesion
a psychoneurosis which partially expresses itself by a distrubance of the vasomotor
angioNEURosis system
an expanded tendon serving as a means of attachement for flat muscles at their insertion
argyroNEURosis with silver-coloured nerves or veins
cryptoNEURosis with no definite or distinct nervous system
condition of having pleural ganglia united to opposite visceral nerves in gastropods
NEURoanatomy the nervous system
NERUosyphilis syphilitic infection of the nervous system
the division of a nerve
partial or complete fusion of the testes within the abdomen or scrotum
cryptORCHism failure of the testes to descend
ORCHIdectomy surgical removal of the testes; castration
indiscriminate mating
a potential remembrance of all impressions
in veterinary medicine, affecting many kinds of animals
one lung being sequestrated by a pathological process, such as inflammation or injury,
so it becomes useless
a disease presenting the symptoms of lobar pneumonia but not caused by the
a calculus or concretion occuring in a lung
inflammation of the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord
any disease of the gray matter of the brain
granular cytoplasm
blood platelet
a glass tube for counting blood platelets
a complex protein substance with the capacity to activate prothrombin to thrombin
extracts which promote clotting
L1- 1
ALG- Pain
The BASE in Euphoria means- to bear
BALL-, BOL-, BLE - is a base meaning "to throw"
Heterodromia- a condition in which a nerve conducts impulses better in one direction
than in the other
Pleurodont-having the teeth fastened to the side of the bone as with some lizards
Paraplegia-paralysis of the lower half of the body
Exodontist- a dentist who specializes in the extraction of teeth
Autoanamnesia- a history related by the patient
Crypt in medical terminology means- various recesses, glandular cavities, etc. in the
L1- 2
Arthrobranchia- joint gills
Heterodromia- a condition in which a nerve conducts impulses better in one direction
than in the other
PHOR-, PHER- is a type of stone- false
Abiogenesis- the theory of the production of living matter from nonliving matter
Xeriobole- a plant that scatters its seeds by dehiscence through dryness
Causalgia- burning pain sometimes present in injuries to the nerves
GE- is a BASE meaning "earth" in words such as "geomancy- true
Cephalopod- molluscs with sucker-bearing arms on the region of the head - such as
ALG- is a BASE meaning "pain"-True
L1- 3
Bradylexia- abnormal slowness in reading
UR- urine, urinary system
PHOR-, PHER- to bear, to carry
Dermatobiasis- infection with Dermatobia (botflies)
DROM- running, course
Ureter- a tube carrying urine from the kidney to the bladder
Prosodus- a canal in sponges
Uremic- pertaining to the presence of urine in the blood
Geophagy- the practice of eating earth
Stomatitis- inflammation of the mouth
L1- 4
Dysmorphophobia- abnormal fear of deformity
Acrodromous- pertaining to a leaf in which the veins converge at the point
DROM- means "running"- true
Catastalsis- the downward moving wave of contraction occurring in the stomach during
Epiboly- a process of overgrowth in gastrulation in telolecithal eggs
Stereoarthrolysis- loosening of stiff joints by operation or manipulation
Phototrophic- responding to the stimulus of light
Embolism- the destruction of a blood vessel by foreign matter lodged in it
L1- 5
APO - or AP - means "from, off, away":- true
Bradylexia- abnormal slowness in reading
Cephalopod- molluscs with sucker-bearing arms on the region of the head - such as
Biochrome- a pigment synthesized in the metabolic process of living organisms
Apoplexy- sudden paralysis with loss of consciousness, caused by the breaking or
blocking of a blood vessel in the brain
Autoanamnesia- a history related by the patient
The BASE in Euphoria means- to bear
AMPHI - , AMPHO - is a PREFIX- true
GE- is a BASE meaning "earth" in words such as "geomancy"- true
APO - or AP – means- from, off, away
L2- 1
PLAS-, PLAST- to form, to mould
GAMETE means- sexual cell
ECDEMIC (meaning "of foreign origin") is the opposite of:- ENDEMIC
CYTOPLASM is- substance of the cell body exclusive of the nucleus
PHYT-- plant, growth
BUL-, BOUL—will
ABULIA is- loss of ability to make decisions
What does the prefix in EXODONTIST mean- out, out of
ZOOGAMY is- sexual reproduction in animals
OST-, OSTE—bone
L2- 2
EC-, EX-- out, out of, outside
CHONDR-, CHONDRI-- cartilage, granule
DEM-- people, country
ENANTIOPATHIC means "causing ____________________ feelings"- opposite
TROPH -- nourishment, development
EU- well, good, normal
EXO-, ECTO-- outside, external
EN- + ANTI--- opposite
L2- 3
OSTECTOPY has two bases meaning- bone, place
EC-, EX-- out, out of, outside
TOP- place
THERM- heat
ENDO-, ENTO-, END-, ENT -- either within or inner
TROPH -- nourishment, development
CARDI- heart
L3- 4
SOM-, SOMAT—body
CEPHAL- head
EXO-, ECTO- outside, external
Ophthalmology is the study of:- the eye
What does the prefix in EXODONTIST mean:- out, out of
EU-- well, good, normal
An AUTOPHYTE is- a self-nourished plant
L2- 5
THECODONT means:- having teeth in sockets
DYS- bad, disordered, difficult
THERM- heat
ZO- animal, living being
Osteoporosis is degeneration of _______________- bones
An AUTOPHYTE is- a self-nourished plant
BUL-, BOUL- will
OSTECTOPY has two bases meaning- bone, place
L3- 1
chrom-, chromat-, chro- colour
opisthognathism- recession of the lower jaw
erg- work
anth- flower
the- to put, to place
my-, myos-, mys- muscle
acrogeria- premature aging of skin on the hands and feet
acou-, acu- to hear
heparin- substance occurring in the liver which prolongs the clotting time of blood
meta- after, change, transfer
L3- 2
Dyslexia- impairment of the ability to read
pro- before, in front of, forward
hypo- below, deficient, less than normal
ambly- dull
myosin- one of the principle proteins of muscles
chromophobe- a cell not stainable
opisthognathism- recession of the lower jaw
osm- smell
gno- to know
peri- around, near
gno- to know
adesmy- a break or division in an organ, usually entire
opisthognathism- recession of the lower jaw
hyperergy- hypersensitivity to an allergen
eukinesia- normal power of movement
dyslexia- impairment of the ability to read
nephr- kidney
ambly- dull
gnath- jaw
heparin- substance occurring in the liver which prolongs the clotting time of blood
Which of the following suffixes CANNOT mean "pertaining to"? -oid, -ode
Diachronic- Occurring across a span of time
Which of the following suffixes CANNOT mean "like"?- -ics, -tics
Tarsalgia- A pain in the instep of the foot
Anthropophagy- The act of eating a human being
Gymnanthous- Having flowers without sheaths
Stomatonecrosis- The death of tissue around the mouth or other orifice
Podiatry- The treatment of foot ailments
Pedodontia- The dentistry of children's teeth
Which base means "to have an affinity for"- philAsynchronous Not coordinated in time
necr-dead tissue, corpse
Melanoderma Abnormally dark pigmentation of the skin
Gymnosomatous Having no covering on the body
Gyn-, gynec-, gynaec- female
Tarsoplasty Surgical restoration of the eyelid
Phylloclade A branch that functions as a leaf
Gymnanthous Having flowers without sheaths
Hydrarthrosis An accumulation of fluid in a joint
Hydrarthrosis An accumulation of fluid in a joint
Which of the following suffixes CANNOT mean "like"? -ics, -tics
Oligotrophic Providing inadequate nutrition
Stomatonecrosis The death of tissue around the mouth or other orifice
clad- branch
Dysphagia The experience of discomfort while eating
chron- time
Hydrography The mapping of bodies of water
Lesson 6
hist-, histi-tissue
Iridoplegia Paralysis of the iris of the eye
Which of the following is NOT a compound suffix –tics
An "ichthyodont" is a tooth from a fossilized fish
Ichthyophobia Fear of fish
Lip- means fat
The first base in BLENNOPTHALMIA means mucous
Barodontalgia A pain in a tooth due to pressure
Acroparesthesia Distorted or imaginary sensation in the extremities
Which of the following is a compound suffix meaning "condition of the blood"? –emia
Heterogamy Union of reproductive cells of differing sizes
Having an abnormal fear of dung
Gastrostomy Surgical creation of an opening into the stomach
Acanthocladous Having throny branches
Melanocyte A skin cell which produces dark pigment
A CARCINOGEN causes cancer
Hypercryalgesia The suffering of unusually severe pain upon exposure to cold
Anaerobic Living without air
Phyllotaxy The arrangement of leaves on a stem
Autotopagnosia Inability to recognize parts of one's own body
A "coprolite" is petrified feces
Hypercryalgesia The suffering of unusually severe pain upon exposure to cold
Hygrostomia means chronic salivation
Helminthemesis The presence of worms in vomit
Diotic means pertaining to both ears
The Base in "acanthesthesia" meaning "needle, thorn, or prickle" is acanthDacryocyst A tear sac
Which of the following means "stomach"? gastrGastrostomy Surgical creation of an opening into the stomach
Rhinopyorrhea flow of pus from the nose
Blepharodiastasis Inability to close the eyelids
Hemarthrosis Presence of excess blood in a joint
Hematology The study of blood
Dermamyiasis An infestation of the skin by fly larvae
Endoscope An instrument for seeing inside of a body cavity or organ
Hyphidrosis A deficient production of sweat
Pericranium membrane surrounding the bones of the skull
Actinocardiogram diagram of the heart produced with a radioactive medium
Cholecystectomy Removal of the gall bladder
Bromhidrosis Foul-smelling perspiration
Lithodialysis The disintegration of stones (kidney stones, gall stones, etc.)
Pericranium A membrane surrounding the bones of the skull
Euryopia Having wide eyes
Chondroclast Something which serves to break up cartilaginous tissue
Catarrh An inflammation of the mucous membranes causing flow of mucous
Amblyopia Dullness of vision
Anaopsia A condition in which the eyes involuntarily turn upwards
Histoclastic Tending to break up tissue
Hyphidrosis A deficient production of sweat
Chromesthesia The ability to sense color
Blepharodiastasis Inability to close the eyelids
Catarrh An inflammation of the mucous membranes causing flow of mucous
Basophobia Fear of walking
Cryptogenic Having an obscure origin
Histoclastic Tending to break up tissue
Chromesthesia The ability to sense color
Orthoptic Having correct vision
Hematozoon An organism that lives in the blood
Anaopsia A condition in which the eyes involuntarily turn upwards
Clastic Capable of being broken or separated
NeanthropicPertaining to modern human beings
Dysgeusia A condition in which all food tastes bad
Pseudoblepsia The experiencing of visual hallucinations
Coprolalia Irrepressible urge to utter filthy language
Odontodynia Pain in a tooth
Pseudomnesia A false or imaginary memory
Parachromatoblepsia Distorted perception of color
Onychocryptosis A condition in which the fingernails or toenails are hidden by a layer of skin
Acromegaly A condition which results in abnormal enlargement of the extremities
Mogiarthria Difficulty in moving one's joints
Cholecyanin A bluish substance in bile
Cardiomyopathy Disease of the muscle of the heart
Isochronal Lasting the same amount of time
Onychocryptosis A condition in which the fingernails or toenails are hidden by a layer of skin
Coprolalia Irrepressible urge to utter filthy language
Galactostasis A stoppage of the secretion of milk
Polycoria The presence of more than one pupil in an eye
Eupeptic Having good digestion
Telemetry The technique of measuring things from a distance
Idiomorphic Having an unusual or unique form
Acyanoblepsia Inability to perceive the color blue
Anisochromia An unevenness of color
Dysgeusia A condition in which all food tastes bad
Galactostasis A stoppage of the secretion of milk
Acromegaly A condition which results in abnormal enlargement of the extremities
Isochronal Lasting the same amount of time
Hepatomegaly Enlargement of the liver
Eoanthropus Name given to an early hominid
Mycetophagous Feeding on fungus
Hematomyelia The presence of blood in the spinal cord
Enterococcus A berry-shaped bacterium that lives in the intestine
Meningioma A tumor of the membranes surrounding the brain
Mycology The study of fungus
Adenochondroma A tumor composed of glandular and cartilaginous tissue
Dermatolysis A loosening of the skin
Polioencephalitis An infection of the gray matter of the brain
Astrocyte A star-shaped cell
Enterococcus A berry-shaped bacterium that lives in the intestine
Endometrial Pertaining to the lining of the uterus
Pneumonectomy Surgical removal of a lung
Mycetophagous Feeding on fungus
Panchromatic Pertaining to all colors
Orchidoplasty Surgical reconstruction of a testicle
Astrocyte A star-shaped cell
Panarthritis An inflammation of joints all over the body
Thrombolytic Capable of dissolving clots
Cholangiogram Radiographic picture of the bile ducts
Adenochondroma A tumor composed of glandular and cartilaginous tissue
Panarthritis An inflammation of joints all over the body
Achloruria The lack of green pigment in the urine
Antithrombin A substance which prevents clotting
MycetophagousFeeding on fungus
Meningioma A tumor of the membranes surrounding the brain
Arachnology The study of spiders
Neurogenic Originating in the nervous system
Pneumonectomy Surgical removal of a lung
Epididymis A tightly coiled duct attached to the testicle
Lesson 10
Didymitis Inflammation of the testicles
Heterauxesis Uneven growth of parts of the body
Platyhelminth A flatworm
Myasthenia Lack of muscular strength
Helminthagogue drug that expels worms from the body
Tachylalia Tendency to speak quickly
Macropodous Having long feet
Amphiplatyan Flat on both sides
Hippophagous Feeding on horses
Acromicria A condition in which the extremities are abnormally small
Hepatopexy Fixation of the liver to the abdominal wall
Platycephalic Having a flat head
Cholecystopexy Surgical fixation of the gall bladder
Hypogastropagus A pair of twins joined below the stomach
Saprogenous Producing rot
Helminthagogue A drug that expels worms from the body
Heterauxesis Uneven growth of parts of the body
Acromphalus Most prominent part of the navel
Symmelia birth defect in which the lower limbs are fused together
Saprophilic Thriving in rotting tissue
Ophthalmogyric Tending to make the eye move around
Polymelia The possession of multiple limbs
Heterauxesis Uneven growth of parts of the body
Cholecystopexy Surgical fixation of the gall bladder
Ischiodidymus pair of twins joined at the hip
Acromphalus Most prominent part of the navel
Hippophagous Feeding on horses
A false sense of pain could be called pseudodynia
Attracted by flowers: anthophilous
Inability to stand up: ananastasia
Discoloration of the skin dyschromatodermia
Posterior portion of a mollusc's foot metapodium
An external skin or covering ectoderm
The SECOND base in the word OLIGACANTHOUS means thorn
A condition characterized by discoloration of the eyelid blepharodyschroia
AMPHIPROSTYLIC having pillars on the front of both sides
A berry-shaped organism found in the intestine enterococcus
A fear of being naked gymnophobia
HISTOCLASTIC serving to break up or destroy tissue
AMPHIPROSTYLIC having pillars on the front of both sides
The BASE in the word ANESTHESIA is ESTHEThe FIRST BASE in the word AMBLYOPIA means dull
DYSHIDROSIS condition involving a disorder in the production of sweat
The SECOND base in the word PSYCHOPATHOLOGY means disease
PSEUDOCYESIS a false pregnancy
An external skin or covering ectoderm
A large tumor in bone tissue that can cause the bone to break is a(n): osteoclastoma
The SECOND base in the word PSYCHOPATHOLOGY means disease
Disease causing the destruction of a toe or finger dactylolysis
The death of tissue surrounding a mouth or opening stomatonecrosis
A discharge of mucus blennorrhea
Having abundant sources of nutrition polytrophic
A berry-shaped organism found in the intestine enterococcus
AMPHIPROSTYLIC having pillars on the front of both sides
Producing or relating to the production of very low temperatures cryogenic
The FIRST BASE in the word AMBLYOPIA means dull
PSEUDOCYESIS a false pregnancy
A substance which promotes the formation of clots thromboplastin
Disease causing the destruction of a toe or finger dactylolysis
Inability to see the colour blue acyanopsia
Having unusually dark skin pigmentation melanodermatous
The SECOND base in the word PSYCHOPATHOLOGY means disease
An inflammation of the eye due to fungus mycophthalmia
PyocolpoceleA swelling in the vagina filled with pus
Salpingitis Inflammation of the eustachian tube
Hypomerous Having less than the normal number of segments
Metabranchial Located behind the gills
Saururine Having a lizard-like tail
Hematocele swelling filled with blood
Zooxanthia yellow pigment found in animals
Encephalophlebitis Inflammation of the veins of the brain
Hepatoptosis A slippage of the liver within the abdominal cavity
Uroxanthin Yellow pigment in urine
Heliotherapy Treatment of ailments by exposure to the sun
Hypocarpogenous Producing fruit underground
Acrophthisis Decay or atrophy of the extremities
Salpingitis Inflammation of the eustachian tube
Apheliotropism A tendency to turn away from the sun
Hypomerous Having less than the normal number of segments
Saururine Having a lizard-like tail
Meniscus A small moon-shaped figure
Antonym A word having an opposite meaning to another word
Zooxanthia A yellow pigment found in animals
Hepatoptosis A slippage of the liver within the abdominal cavity
Pyocolpocele A swelling in the vagina filled with pus
Xanthophyll A yellowish pigment in leaves
Polymerous Having many parts
Erythrocytopenia A deficiency of red blood cells
Pachyonychia A condition characterized by unusually thick fingernails
Nyctophobia Unusual fear of the night
Encephalophlebitis Inflammation of the veins of the brain
Antonym A word having an opposite meaning to another word
Apheliotropism A tendency to turn away from the sun
Hyaloid Glass-like
Trichocarpous Bearing hairy fruit
Coeliotomy Surgical opening of the abdominal cavity
Laryngocentesis A puncturing of the larynx
Hypertrichosis Excessive growth of hair
Chirarthritis Inflammation of the joints of the hands
Celioparacentesis Puncture of the abdominal wall
Xerophilous Thriving in dry conditions
Achromotrichia Lack of hair colour
Trichoma A tumor composed of hair
Xerodermia Excessive dryness of the skin
Celioparacentesis Puncture of the abdominal wall
Trichocarpous Bearing hairy fruit
Thoracomelus An extra limb growing from the chest
Leiodermatous Having smooth skin
Dendrogram A tree-shaped diagram, such as a family tree
Thiogenic Sulfur-producing
Schizophyte A plant that reproduces by splitting
Laryngocentesis A puncturing of the larynx
Xerophilous Thriving in dry conditions
Onychomalacia Softness of the fingernails
Schizophyte A plant that reproduces by splitting
Coeliotomy Surgical opening of the abdominal cavity
Macrobrachia Extraordinary length of the arms
Splanchnoptosis Slippage of the intestines
Hypertrichosis Excessive growth of hair
Thoracodynia A pain in the chest
Xerophilous Thriving in dry conditions
Lesson 13
Homophylic Belonging to the same class
Leukocyte White blood cell
Symbiont An organism that lives interdependently with another
Leukomelanodermatous Having both dark and light spots on the skin
Ideogram A written symbol that represents an entire idea
Homopterous Having wings of the same size
Hypnagogic Inducing sleep
Steatoma A tumor composed of fat cells
Genyplasty Plastic surgery of the jaw
Hypothymia sub-normal level of emotion
Zooerastia Sexual relations between humans and animals
Ageniocephalia A birth defect in which the chin is missing from the head
Leukocyte White blood cell
Hypnophrenosis Psychogenic disorder affecting sleep
Pygidium The small rear segment of an insect
Cycloid Circular
Genyplasty Plastic surgery of the jaw
Leukocarpous Bearing white fruit
Ideophobia Unusual fear of particular ideas
Ideophobia Unusual fear of particular ideas
Zooerastia Sexual relations between humans and animals
Hypothymia A sub-normal level of emotion
Leukomelanodermatous Having both dark and light spots on the skin
GenyplastyPlastic surgery of the jaw
Homeozoic Having a similar animal population
Steatoma A tumor composed of fat cells
Alloerotism A feeling of sexual desire for another
Homochromous Having uniform colour
Ideogram A written symbol that represents an entire idea
Ageniocephalia A birth defect in which the chin is missing from the head
Pygidium The small rear segment of an insect
Zooerastia Sexual relations between humans and animals
Hypnophrenosis Psychogenic disorder affecting sleep
Leukomelanodermatous Having both dark and light spots on the skin
Homochromous Having uniform colour
Urostealith stony glob of fatty substance in the urine
Hypnagogic Inducing sleep
Homophylic Belonging to the same class
Lesson 14
Hectoliter One hundred liters
Tetrapterous Having four wings
Hemiplegia Paralysis of one side of the body
Decapodous Having ten legs
Hexastyle Having six pillars
Deuterostoma The second mouth opening formed in fetal development
Hemianopsia Lack of vision in half the visual field
Pentactinic Having five rays or arms
Dichroic Having two colours
Ennead A group of nine
Deuterostoma The second mouth opening formed in fetal development
Hemianopsia Lack of vision in half the visual field
Dicephalic Having two heads
Tetrapterous Having four wings
Tetrapodous Four-footed
HemochromatiosisA disease characterized by blood-red pigmentation of the skin
Hemialgia A pain affecting one half of the body
Dichotomy A separation into two equal parts
Diphyllous Having two leaves
Dichroic Having two colours
Monolithic Composed of a single stone
Decapodous Having ten legs
Ennead A group of nine
Deuterostoma The second mouth opening formed in fetal development
Plants which bear fruit underground can be called hypocarpogenous
HEPATOPTOSIS a falling or displacement of the liver
An inflammation of the tissues next to the ovary is paroophoritis
What is the Greek plural of anthrax anthraces
An animal which has six feet hexapod
STEATOPYGIAN having fat buttocks
An individual who is born completely lacking a heart can be called a(n holoacardius
The BASE in the word GENESIS means to produce
BRANCHIOMA a tumor in gill tissue
bluish pigment in seaweed is phycocyanin
Which of the following words contains a Greek base meaning "chin"? genion
What is the singular of criteria criterion
A solid figure having 100 faces hectahedron
ENNEASTYLE can mean having nine pillars
DIPHYLETIC belonging to two races
A bluish pigment in seaweed is phycocyanin
BRANCHIOMA tumor in gill tissue
Which one of the following names of a family, species, or genus is derived from Greek or Roman mythology
An individual who is born completely lacking a heart can be called a(n holoacardius
Plants which bear fruit underground can be called hypocarpogenous
MACROBRACHIA unusual arm length
Having nine parts or segments enneamerous
Antipyretic Tending a reduce fever
Leptomeninx One of the thin membranes around the brain and spinal cord
Acleistocardia Lack of closure in the wall between the atria of the heart
Presbydermatous Having skin that appears aged
Galactopoiesis The formation of milk
Myxoid Slimy
Dolichocephalic Having an unusually long head
Mogiphonia Difficulty in speaking
Dicrotic Having two pulse beats
Osteopetrosis A condition which gives rock-like density to bone
Mogiphonia Difficulty in speaking
Antipyretic Tending a reduce fever
Logamnesia Inability to recall or recognize words
Baryphonic Having a deep or heavy voice
Tachylogia A tendency to speak rapidly
Dicrotic Having two pulse beats
Leptomeninx One of the thin membranes around the brain and spinal cord
Leptocytosis A condition characterized by blood cells that are thinner than normal
Caumesthesia An abnormal burning sensation
Cacesthesia A bad sensation
Microrrhizal Having smooth roots
Leptomeninx One of the thin membranes around the brain and spinal cord
Tachylogia A tendency to speak rapidly
Enteroclysis A washing of the intestines
Logorrhea A tendency to utter long streams of meaningless words
Dolichocephalic Having an unusually long head
Esson 16
HaphophobiaMorbid fear of being touched
Homolepidous Having a single type of scale
Nemathelminth A thread-like worm (roundworm
Scleromeninx The hard membrane around the brain
Sitotropism tendency to turn toward a source of food
Paropthalmoncus A tumor beside the eye
Paraphrasia A mental ailment characterized by disordered speech
Brachycerous Having short horns
Sclerophyllous Having hard leaves
Monokerous Having a single horn
Gonatocele swelling in the knee
Keratomalacia Softening of the cornea of the eye
Oncology The study of cancerous tissue
Sitotropism tendency to turn toward a source of food
Monokerous Having a single horn
Paropthalmoncus tumor beside the eye
Enterostenosis narrowing of the intestinal passage
Karyolysis The destruction of a cell nucleus
Stenography The depiction of solid bodies on a plane surface
Scleromeninx The hard membrane around the brain
Keratin substance which forms the outer layer of horns and claws
Pneumatocele gas-filled swelling
Homolepidous Having a single type of scale
Splenize To turn into tissue that resembles the tissue of the spleen
Keratomalacia Softening of the cornea of the eye
Gonatocele A swelling in the knee
Nemathelminth thread-like worm (roundworm)
Megacaryocyte cell with a large nucleus
Synnema A bundle of thread-like structures
Essone 17
Bradyphemia tendency to speak slowly
Cytolymph The fluid within a cell
Pleurodynia pain in the side
Mesostethium The middle part of the breast bone
Myorrhaphy Stitching of a muscle
EupneusticHaving no difficulty in breathing
Blepharorrhaphy The stitching together of the eyelids
Proctorraphy A suturing of the anus
Palaeoornithology The study of ancient birds
Anisopleural Having uneven sides
Karyomit A chromatin thread within the nucleus of a cell
Proctorraphy A suturing of the anus
Anisopleural Having uneven sides
Xenophobic Tending to fear or avoid foreigners
Dyspnea Difficulty in breathing
Staphylitis Inflammation of the uvula
Palaeozoology The study of ancient animal life
Perixenitis Inflammation of tissue surrounding a foreign object or substance
Blepharorrhaphy The stitching together of the eyelids
Planomania Hodomania
Heterophemia The act of saying something other than what was intended
Cynanthropy Mental disorder in which the sufferer believes himself to be a dog
Palaeozoology The study of ancient animal life
Monodiplopia Double vision in one eye
Phrenospasm Involuntary jerking of the diaphragm
Xenophobic Tending to fear or avoid foreigners
Staphyloplasty Surgical repair or reformation of the uvula
Aplanogamete A stationary reproductive cell
Blepharorrhaphy The stitching together of the eyelids
Palaeoornithology The study of ancient birds
The suffix in the word DIAPHRAGM means result of the act of
DYSTOCIA difficulty in giving birth
A tendency to turn toward a source of food sitotropism
An excessive discharge from the nipple thelorrhagia
The BASE in the word ENDOENZYMIC isZYM
Which of the following means "having a head like a dog"? cynocephalous
HIDROPOIESIS the production of sweat
Muscle tissue that has undergone mucous degeneration is a myxomyoma
A mental condition characteristic of the elderly presbyphrenia
MYASTHENIA means: a condition characterized by muscular weakness
Notochord Structure similar to a spinal cord in primitive chordates
Trochocephalia: Abnormal roundness of the head
Parachordal Situated beside the spinal cord
Adelphogamy The practice of brother and sister mating
Osteoporosis Degeneration of bone tissue causing the formation of holes or pores
Notencephalocoel: A swelling in the back of the brain
Opisthoporeia Backward movement
Atelochiria Incomplete development of the hand
Dactylosymphysis A condition in which the fingers are fused together
Monochorionic Having a single fetal membrane
Notencephalocoel A swelling in the back of the brain
Opisthobranch A type of mollusc with gills on the rear part of the body
Anconal Pertaining to the elbow
Calyptrogynous Having hidden female reproductive organs
Omodynia pain in the shoulder
Dactylosymphysis: A condition in which the fingers are fused together
Nototribe A plant appendage designed to rub against the back of insects for pollination
Polyadelphous: Having many brothers and sisters
Calyptobranchiate Having hidden gills
Xylophyte A woody plant
Notalgia Pain in the back
Anconal Pertaining to the elbow
Monochorionic: Having a single fetal membrane
Stigmonose A plant disease characterized by the appearance of small spots
Opisthobranch: A type of mollusc with gills on the rear part of the body
Calyptrogynous Having hidden female reproductive organs
Ptyalagogue Something that increases the flow of saliva
Sialodochoplasty Plastic surgery of a salivary gland duct
Inotropic Pertaining to the force of muscular movements
CamptomeliaAbnormal curvature of the limbs
Carpotomy Surgical operation on the wrist joint
ChondrosternalPertaining to the cartilage of the breast bone
Otorrhagia Discharge of blood from the ear
Balanoid Acorn-shaped
Leptocercal Having a slender tail
Atretorrhinia Lack of nostrils
Bryologist One who studies moss
Pycnoxylic Composed of dense wood
Spermatolysis The destruction of seeds or reproductive cells
Melanospermous Having dark-colored spores
Metratonia Lack of muscular tension in the uterus
Antrocele A fluid-filled swelling in a sinus
Condyloma A hard, knob-like tumor
Antrostomy Surgical opening formed in a sinus
Camptocormia A condition in which the trunk of the body is abnormally bent or twisted
Syringotomy Surgical operation on a tube or duct
Gymnospermous Having uncovered seeds
Pycnoxylic Composed of dense wood
Antrocele A fluid-filled swelling in a sinus
Sphenotripsy The crushing of a wedge-shaped bone at the base of the skull
Achymia Lack of digestive juice in the stomach
Stenohaline Having a narrow range of tolerance for salt
Bronchomycosis A disease of the breathing tubes due to fungus
Trachelodynia Pain in the neck
Sphenoid Wedge-shaped
Pylemphraxis Blockage of the portal vein
Bronchomycosis A disease of the breathing tubes due to fungus
Poikilocytosis A condition characterized by an unusual variation in the shape of blood cells
Chylophyllous Having leaves filled with fluid
Angiotonia The degree of tension in a blood vessel
Rugulose Full of small wrinkles
Anteposition The act of placing something before something else
Mediolateral Pertaining to the middle of the side
Diffusion The act of pouring or spreading apart
Dorsiverted Turned toward the back
Abducent Serving to draw a limb away from the body
Aberrant Straying from what is normal
Fungicide An agent that kills fungus
Convalesce To become well
Abscise To cut away or cut out
Versatile Capable of turning or moving freely
Mediodorsal Pertaining to the middle of the back
Varicosity The state of being twisted and swollen
Decerebrate Lacking a brain
Adductor A muscle that draws a limb toward the body
Apponent Serving to place something near something else
Infundibulum A funnel-shaped cavity
Circumflection The act of bending around
Flexor A muscle that serves to bend a limb or finger
Siccant Tending to make dry
Sanguifaction The process of producing blood
Ovicide An agent that destroys eggs
Mediolateral Pertaining to the middle of the side
Ambilateral Pertaining to both sides
Dorsiverted Turned toward the back
Varicosity The state of being twisted and swollen
Aberrant Straying from what is normal
Corrugated Thoroughly wrinkled in appearance
Ambilateral Pertaining to both sides
Congregate To gather or flock together
Antedorsal Situated in front of the back fin of a fish
Buccal Pertaining to the cheek
Concurrent Proceeding or happening simultaneously
Intercrural Located or occurring between the legs
Excurrent Flowing or moving outward
Ovijector An organ serving to expel eggs from the body
Lactiferous Bearing or producing milk
Nominal Pertaining to names, or in name only
Adherent Sticking to or attached to something
Occlusal Pertaining to closure of the teeth
Ejaculate To cause to dart out or burst forth
Disseminate To spread or scatter like seeds
Tectorial Serving to cover
Immuration The act of walling in
Juxtacordal Located next to the heart
Preclude To shut completely
Intercrural Located or occurring between the legs
Febrile Feverish
Interarticular Located between the bones of a joints
Concurrent Proceeding or happening simultaneously
Dedentition The loss of teeth
Excurrent Flowing or moving outward
Interarticular Located between the bones of a joints
Occlusal Pertaining to closure of the teeth
Intercostal Located between the ribs
Ambiradiate Possessing ray-like projections on both sides
Lactiferous Bearing or producing milk
Concurrent Proceeding or happening simultaneously
Defoliant Serving to remove leaves
Adherent Sticking to or attached to something
Intravenous Located or occurring within a vein
Infracordal Located below the heart
Radiform Resembling the spokes of a wheel
Arboreal Pertaining to or dwelling in trees
Sudation The production of sweat
Frangible Capable of being broken
Assonant Similar in sound
Egress An exit or way out
Cubatorium A place for lying down
Multifoetal Pertaining to a multiple pregnancy
Reniform Kidney-shaped
Corniculate Having small horns
Dormant Inactive
Submental Located below the chin
Protrusive Prominent or jutting forward
Carinulate Possessing small keel-like structures
Decubitus An ulcer resulting from prolonged lying in one position
Assonant Similar in sound
Potentiometer A device for measuring electrical power
Exfetation A pregnancy occurring outside of the womb
Arboreal Pertaining to or dwelling in trees
Decalescence A decrease in temperature
Multifoetal Pertaining to a multiple pregnancy
Multilingual Pertaining to communication in many languages
Protrusive Prominent or jutting forward
Carinulate Possessing small keel-like structures
Multiciliate Having many small hairs
Frangible Capable of being broken
Discernment The capability of making distinctions
Puriform Resembling pus
Retrograde Moving backwards
Dormitive Inducing sleep
Latericumbent Lying on one's side
Decubitus An ulcer resulting from prolonged lying in one position
Sudation The production of sweat
Carinulate Possessing small keel-like structures
Cubatorium A place for lying down
Secretion The process of discharging a substance from the body
Potentiometer A device for measuring electrical power
Protrusive Prominent or jutting forward
Ocellate Having markings that look like small eyes
Postcipital Located behind the head
Obdurate Stubborn or unyielding
Palatolingual Pertaining to the roof of the mouth and the tongue
Subalar Located below the wings
Supramalar Located above the cheekbone
Extraparietal Located outside of the walls of an organ
Equitation Horse riding
Canine Pertaining to dogs
Plantigrade Walking on the soles of the feet
Senescence The process of aging
Induration A hardening
Inoculate Lacking eyes
Postcipital Located behind the head
Precipitate To cause to fall headfirst
Oculomotive Causing the eye to move
Argentiferous Silver-bearing
Alation The growth of wings
Annulose Possessing rings
Bicapitate Having two heads
Argentiferous Silver-bearing
Ocellate Having markings that look like small eyes
Lacunose Full of pits or cavities
Pulvilliform Shaped like a small cushion
Lachrymose Tending to weep
Senescence The process of aging
Interocular Pertaining to the area between the eyes
Aciniform Grape-shaped
Cruciate Cross-shaped
Canifuge An agent that repels dogs
Multimaternal Pertaining to a social organization in which females share the duties of child care
Brevicostal Having or pertaining to short ribs
Longicollic Having a long neck
Cuneifoliate Having wedge-shaped leaves
Aquifer A water-bearing stratum of rock
Matricide The killing of a mother by her offspring
Erostrate Lacking a beak
Monticular Pertaining to a small lump or ridge
Subaqueous Occurring beneath the water
Longicollic Having a long neck
Decorticate To remove the bark
Vermilingual Having a worm-like tongue
Ensiform Sword-shaped
Torque A turning or twisting force
Intracapillary Occurring within a thin hairlike blood vessel
Brevifoliate Having short leaves
Retrotorsion The act of twisting backwards
Reticulation A grid or a net-like pattern
Contorted Thoroughly twisted or tangled
Matricide The killing of a mother by her offspring
Vermilingual Having a worm-like tongue
Falcial Pertaining to a sickle-shaped structure
Corolliferous Bearing a structure shaped like a small crown
Multiocular Having many eyes
Brevifoliate Having short leaves
Monticular Pertaining to a small lump or ridge
Intracapillary Occurring within a thin hairlike blood vessel
Decorticate To remove the bark
Subaqueous Occurring beneath the water
Brevicostal Having or pertaining to short ribs
Fugacious Tending to vanish or disappear
Multiocular Having many eyes
Canifuge An agent that repels dogs
Pellucid Thoroughly clear or transparent
Bullation The formation of bubbles
Caudigerous Serving to support the tail
Saxicolous Dwelling around rocks
Pulverize To reduce to powder
Efflation A powerful emission of air
Ebullient Boiling forth
Ramification The formation of branches
Egestion The act of bearing waste matter from the body
Defecate To discharge excrement
Bullaceaous Resembling a blister
Excoriate To remove the skin
Pulverize To reduce to powder
Forniciform Arch-shaped
Bullation The formation of bubbles
Arborinidal Forming nests in trees
Egestion The act of bearing waste matter from the body
Ingerent Bearing substances into the body
Bullaceaous Resembling a blister
Scutiform Shaped like a plate or shield
Depulvation The removal of dust
Saxicolous Dwelling around rocks
Efflation A powerful emission of air
Intersulcal Located between two grooves
Multinevous Having many birthmarks
Forniciform Arch-shaped
Stercoraceous Resembling or full of excrement
Guttation The formation of drops
Intercristal Located between ridges
Radicicolous Dwelling in roots
Egestion The act of bearing waste matter from the body
Coflorent Producing joined blossoms
Defecate To discharge excrement
Ambiserrate Having saw-like edges on both sides
Nidifloral Producing nest-like bunches of flowers
Depulvation The removal of dust
Bullation The formation of bubbles
Caudigerous Serving to support the tail
Mollify To soften or placate
Regicide The murder of a king or ruler
Rectilinear Having or pertaining to straight lines
Crepitation A grating or crackling noise
Antipruritic Serving to prevent itching
Renascent Arising or coming to be again
Tactile Pertaining to the sense of touch
Auditory Pertaining to the sense of hearing
Extrajacent Lying outside
Contiguous Touching or bordering
Delapsion The act of slipping downward
Immotile Lacking movement
Rectilinear Having or pertaining to straight lines
Renascent Arising or coming to be again
Oculomotive Serving to make the eye move
Cadent Tending to fall
Erectile Serving to straighten out or raise
Audiology The scientific study of hearing
Planiform Flat in appearance
Antipruritic Serving to prevent itching
Multicameral Possessing many chambers
Postnatal Occurring after birth
Vesication The formation of a blister
Oculomotive Serving to make the eye move
Morbility The rate of incidence of a disease
Dirigible Capable of being steered or guided in different directions
Abscond To cut off
Abducent Serving to draw a limb away from the body
Convalesce To become well
Decerebrate Lacking a brain
Abscise To cut away or cut out
Versatile Capable of turning or moving freely
Ovicide An agent that destroys eggs
Mediodorsal Pertaining to the middle of the back
Cerebral Pertaining to the brain
Anteposition: The act of placing something before something else
Flexor: A muscle that serves to bend a limb or finger
intermammary: Located between the breasts
vectitation The act of carrying or transporting
petitory: Pertaining to a request
intravital: Occurring during life
setuliform Resembling a small bristle
mortification The death and decay of tissue
subsidence: The process of sinking or settling
concrescence The act of growing together
noxious: harmful
retractile Capable of being drawn back
rubescent Becoming red
infralaminal: Located beneath a thin plate or covering
inframeatal Located below an opening
dolorous: Causing pain or sadness
alligative: Tending to tie or attach something to something else
involution: An inward curl or turn
fenestrule A small opening
lamellule: A small plate
latirostral Having a broad beak
pungency The state of being sharp or acrid
immit To send in or inject
hiatal: Pertaining to a gap or open space
plexure Something that is woven together
remission: The act of sending back or lessening
deglutinate To separate objects that are glued together
derigescent: Relaxing or becoming less stiff
inframeatal: Located below an opening
latirostral: Having a broad beak
latisquamate: Having broad scales
foveate: Full of small pits
glomerule: A small bundle of thread-like structures
filaceous: Composed of threads or fibers
eseptate: Lacking a dividing wall
nutriceptor: An organ which takes in nourishment
ungulus: A small fingernail or hoof-like part
septifragal: Breaking or opening along a dividing line
mucopurulent: Full of pus and mucus
velamen A covering membrane
spirometer: A device for measuring breathing
glomerule A small bundle of thread-like structures
coaction: The act of driving or forcing things together
abterminal Leading away from the end
eseptate Lacking a dividing wall
pedipalpous: Having leg-like feelers
obumbration: The act of shading or covering
sinistrotorsion A twisting to the left
filicauline Having a threadlike stalk
cornification: The production of horn
osseous: Bony
tumesce To begin to swell
ventrilateral Pertaining to the belly and the sides
ossicular Pertaining to a small bone
rubresce: To turn red
stratification: The formation of layers
manuposition: The act of situating something by hand
collative: Tending to bring together
sinistrotorsion A twisting to the left
indurescence: The act of becoming hard
rectify To straighten or correct
rubresce: To turn red
stipitate: Supported by stalks
colliquation The act of becoming liquid
variegate To change in appearance
deossify To cause bone to disintegrate
filicauline Having a threadlike stalk
Decemjugate with ten pairs of leaflets
Unisetose Bearing one bristle
Semicaudate With a rudimentary tail
Bifid forked
Bistratose with cells arranged in two layers
Uniforate Having only one opening
Uniparous producing one offspring at each birth
Unicameral Having only one cavity or chamber
Octoradiate Having eight rays or arms
Quinquefid cleft into five parts
Binovular Pertaining to two ova
Tricrural three branches
Septimal based on the number 7
Unisetose Bearing one bristle
Semicaudate With a rudimentary tail
Quinquefid cleft into five parts
Millimicron one thousandth of a micron
Septempartite Divided into seven parts
Octoradiate Having eight rays or arms
Declivity A downward slope
fasciole: A small band-shaped body part
ambioral Having mouths on both sides of the body
arciform Having the shape of a bow
palliate To provide comfort
cuspule: A small point
distal Located at a distance from the center of the body
sexicuspid Having six points
sinuate Wavy or curvy
pronator A muscle which turns the palm of the hand downward
calcarate Bearing spurs
vitreous Glassy
lienunculus: A small mass of spleen-like tissue
fasciculus A small band of muscle fiber
longicaudal Having a long tail
palliate To provide comfort
sacculiferous Having many small depressions or cavities
pronigrade: Walking with the face downwards
nuciferous nut-bearing
lienitis: Inflammaion of the spleen
papillitis Inflammation of the nipple
corpuscular Pertaining to small bodies
genuflection The bending of the knee
frenotomy Surgical incision of a rein-like membrane
furculum: A small, fork-shaped bone
papilliform: Nipple-shaped
quadripennate Having four wings
germiferous: Producing sprouts
cervicalgia A pain in the neck
brevipennate Having short wings
infibulation The insertion of a clasp into part of the body
pectinella A small comblike organ
cervicalgia A pain in the neck
calcaneal Pertaining to the heel
frenotomy: Surgical incision of a rein-like membrane
multivaginate Having many sheath-like coverings
papillitis Inflammation of the nipple
malocclusion Incorrect closure of the teeth
germicide An agent which kills germs
corpuscular Pertaining to small bodies
disparate Uneven or unequal
lumbocostal Pertaining to the loins and the ribs
imparipedate Having feet of different sizes
lanose Woolly
temporofacial Pertaining to the temples and the face
imparity The quality of being uneven
intravitelline Located within the yolk
denudation The act of stripping or removing cover
tricrenate Having three notches
lumbodorsal: Pertaining to the loins and the back
fruticocolous Dwelling in shrubs
lanolin A substance derived from wool
nudicaudate: Having a bare tail
vitelline Resembling the yoke of an egg
lumbodorsal Pertaining to the loins and the back
crenulate: Having small notched projections
suffruticose: Somewhat shrub-like
denudation: The act of stripping or removing cover
disparate: Uneven or unequal
canifacient: Tending to make things white
lutein A yellow chemical substance
noduliferous: Bearing small knots or bumps
orbitomalar Pertaining to the cheekbone and the cavity of the eye
malleable: Capable of being shaped by hammering
subtend: To stretch under or lie under
liposoluble Able to be dissolved in fats
fructification The process of forming fruit
scandent Climbing
dentofacial: Pertaining to the teeth and the face
lutein A yellow chemical substance
pulsatile Tending to beat or throb
liposoluble Able to be dissolved in fats
retropulsion The act of driving backwards
labiogingival Pertaining to the lips and the gums
striature: A pattern of grooves
divulsor An instrument which tears things apart
multigeminate Producing multiple pairs of offspring
orbitomalar Pertaining to the cheekbone and the cavity of the eye
fructification The process of forming fruit
Bursiculate Shaped like a small pouch
Iliocostal Running from the hip to the ribs
Interatrial Situated between the two upper chambers of the heart
Barbel A thin whisker-like organ in some fishes
Alveolation: The formation of small cavities
Interspicular Located between pointed bone projections
Bilingulate Having two tongue-like appendages
Bilirubinuria: The presence of reddish bile pigment in the urine
Ileostomy Formation of a surgical opening between the intestine and the abdominal wall
Interspicular Located between pointed bone projections
Bilifuscin A dark pigment in bile
Hyperclavous Having an exaggerated club shape
Multilenticular Having numerous lenses
Lentigerous Bearing a lens
Bilirubinuria: The presence of reddish bile pigment in the urine
Ileostomy: Formation of a surgical opening between the intestine and the abdominal wall
Abaxile Located away from the central line of the body
Egomotive Inspired by self-interest
Bracteolate Having small plate-shaped leaves
Which of the following words consists of an impossible combination of base and suffix? Rubiant
Which of the following words contains an improperly assimilated Latin prefix? Ippetigo
What does the base in DISTAD mean? To stand
The BASE in the word SEDATIVE means: to settle
Having small horns: corniculate
A chemical used to kill ants is a(n): formicide
Which of the following words contains a diminutive suffix? bacterium
The BASE in the word RELAPSE means: to slip
A word that means "pregnant" or "heavy with child" is: gravid
The forward slippage of an organ from its normal position: prolapse
A muscle which draws a limb away from the body can be called: abducent
Which of the following words consists of an impossible combination of base and suffix?
The suffix in the word TENTACLE means: result of the act of
Pertaining to the opposite side: contralateral
Pertaining to the small vessels of the kidney: renovascular
The forward slippage of an organ from its normal position: prolapse
Located behind the womb: postuterine
Which of the following words contains an improperly assimilated Latin prefix? Ippetigo
Which of the following words contains a base meaning "to produce"? indigenous
The BASE in the word RELAPSE means: to slip
The PREFIX in the word OCCLUSIVITY means: completely
A chemical used to kill ants is a(n): formicide
The FIRST suffix in the word INTRAVASCULAR means: little
The BASE in the word RECEPTOR means: to take
Located below the collar bone: infraclavicular
ABLATION is: the act of taking something away
Pertaining to the chin: mental
Something that is suited for cutting is sectorial
A sauna (a place for sweating): sudatorium
Why is a FRENULUM called that? Because it bears some resemblance to a rein.
Which of the following numerical bases is not a cardinal number? SEXTWhich word contains the Latin base meaning "bad"? malocclusion
SUPPURATIVE means: tending to produce pus
A muscle which draws a limb away from the body can be called: abducent
The BASE in the word SEDATIVE means: to settle
A chemical used to kill ants is a(n): formicide
Which of the following words contains a base meaning "to produce"? indigenous
Pertaining to the opposite side: contralateral
Having small horns: corniculate
The SUFFIX in the word EFFICACIOUS means: tending to
The BASE in the word SEDATIVE means: to settle
The suffix in the word TENTACLE means: result of the act of
Pertaining to the small vessels of the kidney: renovascular
CARINULATE means: having a small keel-like structure
Something that is suited for cutting is sectorial
Which of the following words can mean "somewhat crooked"? subaduncate
The BASE in the word ACCIDENT means: to fall
Which word contains the Latin base meaning "bad"? malocclusion
SUPPURATIVE means: tending to produce pus
Rigor: state of/result of the act of
Tractor: one who/that which
Conductor: one who/that which
Projector: one who/that which
Scissor: one who/that which
Valor: state of/result of the act of
Tumor: state of/result of the act of
Error: state of/result of the act of
Liquor: state of/result of the act of
Vector: one who/that which
Factor: one who/that which
Cursor: one who/that which
Incisor: one who/that which
Candor: state of/result of the act of
Valor: state of/result of the act of
Reflector: one who/that which
A FASCICULUS is a: little band or ribbon
LUTEOFUSCOUS: dark yellow in colour
Having a long nose: longinasal
TERTIARY means: Pertaining to the third in series
A woman who has given birth many times could be called: pluripara
Having a shape of a small brush: scopuliform
Located between hip joints: intercoxal
Tending to climb: scandent
BISTRATOSE means: exhibiting two layers
The process or quality of becoming glass-like: vitrescence
TRISTIPULATE means: having three small stalks
To turn into glass or into a glassy substance: vitrify
The SUFFIX in the word CINCTURE means: result of the act of
The original meaning of the word MALLEABLE is: capable of being hammered into shape
To DISTEND means: to stretch apart
LUTEOFUSCOUS means: dark yellow in colour
Located between hip joints: intercoxal
A PECTINELLA is: a small comb-like structure
Having a shape of a small brush: scopuliform
A FASCICULUS is a: little band or ribbon
A PECTINELLA is: a small comb-like structure
A CINGULUM is: something resembling a small girdle or binding
TENSILE means: capable of being stretched
To branch off in two directions: bifurcate
BISTRATOSE means: exhibiting two layers
TRISTIPULATE means: having three small stalks
Having a shape of a small brush: scopuliform
A wound in which part of the flesh has been torn away: avulsion
FRUCTESCENCE is: the process of maturation of fruit
ACUITY means: sharpness
A FLOCCULUS is a: small, wooly mass
What does SEPTATE mean? having a dividing wall
The BASE in the word INCOMPATIBILITY means: to endure
The BASE in the word CONCUSSION means: to shake
IMPALPABLE means: incapable of being touched
DEFENESTRATION is: the act of throwing someone down from a window
A knife specially designed for enlarging an opening: meatotome
The next-to-last suffix in the word HYPERSENSITIVITY means: tending to
Having a thin, threadlike stem or stalk: filicauline
DEFENESTRATION: the act of throwing someone down from a window
The base in the word INHERENT means: to stick
The PREFIX in the word ACCRESCENCE means: to
Stretching or extending from the back to the front (in humans): dorsoventral
What does SEPTATE mean? having a dividing wall
The growing-together of body parts, such as fingers or toes: concrescence
The next-to-last suffix in the word HYPERSENSITIVITY means: tending to
Which word means "pertaining to the lower lip and the chin"? labiomental
The SUFFIX in the word LIGAMENT means: means of or act of
The SUFFIX in the word CINCTURE means: result of the act of
Which word means "pertaining to the lower lip and the chin"? labiomental
An ALLIGATION is: the act of tying or binding one thing to another
A knife specially designed for enlarging an opening: meatotome
A FLOCCULUS is a small, wooly mass
The BASE in the word CONCUSSION means: to shake
The BASE in the word INCOMPATIBILITY means: to endure
A handle-like part of something is a(n): manubrium
RETRACTILE means: capable of being drawn back
When a wound or a surgical suture splits open, it is called: dehiscence
Stretching or extending from the back to the front (in humans): dorsoventral
The SUFFIX in the word LIGAMENT means: means of or act of
The growing-together of body parts, such as fingers or toes: concrescence
The PREFIX in the word INHALATION means: into
LACTIFEROUS means: milk-bearing
A word containing the Latin base meaning "joint" is: abarticular
FUNICULITIS is: inflammation of a small cord-like structure
PILIFEROUS means: bearing hair
A small shield-like plate: scutella
Located below the rib: infracostal
The SUFFIX in the word DIVERTICULUM means: little
OBDURATE means: hard-hearted
In the following phrase, what is the meaning of the SUFFIX of the capitalized word: "Not too
many people have EXTRASENSORY perception"? tending to
SUBAPICAL means: located slightly beneath the tip
OBDURATE means: hard-hearted
What is the SUFFIX in the word CAPACIOUS: - acious
The SUFFIX in the word DIVERTICULUM means: little
LACTIFEROUS means: milk-bearing
A small shield-like plate: scutella
Formed of small droplets: guttulate
FUNICULITIS is: inflammation of a small cord-like structure
EQUINE means: pertaining to horses
Pertaining to the middle of the chest: mediopectoral
MENTATION means: the act of using one's mind
The BASE in the word DISCERN means: to separate
Which word contains the Latin base meaning "kidney"? renin
Something that is EXTRABUCCAL is outside the mouth
FUNICULITIS is: inflammation of a small cord-like structure
Which word contains a Latin prefix meaning "behind"? retrosinus
SUBAPICAL means: located slightly beneath the tip
Which word contains a Latin base meaning "to bear" or "to carry"? congestion
Shaped like a sickle: falciform
RETROSILIENT means: tending to jump backwards
Which of the following suffixes would you expect to find attached to a verb base? – ible
Which of the following words contains a base meaning "to take" or "to seize"? anticipate
Something that is used to remove wrinkles could be called: erugatory
Located next to the beak: adrostral
ACINIFORM means: roundish
Something that crackles can be subcrepitant
Which of the following words means "lying hidden"? latent
LABILE means: tending to slip or decay
Something that is used to remove wrinkles could be called: erugatory
RETROSILIENT means: tending to jump backwards
Etymologically speaking, a PATIENT is someone who: suffers
The BASE in the word ACCEDE means: to yield
Which of the following words contains a base meaning "to take" or "to seize"? anticipate
Full of pus: purulent
The BASE in the word ABSCESS means: to yield
STERCORICOLOUS means: dwelling in excrement
Located next to the beak: adrostral
INTEGUMENTARY means: serving as a covering
Which of the following suffixes would you expect to find attached to a verb base? –ible
Starting to burst out: erumpent
NEVOID means: like a mole
INFRANGIBLE means: unbreakable
AMBILATERAL means: affecting both sides
The prefix "in" when added to "radiate" produces "inradiate". False
INNOMINATE means: having no name
The base in the word ADHESION means: to stick
JUXTACOSTAL means: located next to the ribs
A Latin prefix that can mean "somewhat" is: subThe BASE in the word AGGREGATE means: flock
The prefix "ab" when added to "cise" produces "abscise". True
The base in the word INCUMBENT means: to lie
IMMURE means: to wall up
The prefix "sub" when added to "current" produces "succurrent". True
JUXTACOSTAL means located next to the ribs
The prefix "ab" when added to "lactation" produces "ablactation". True
INNOMINATE means: having no name
The prefix "ob" when added to "cur" produces "ocur". False
ANTEFLEXION means: a forward bending
The base in the word ELIMINATE Means: threshold
The prefix "dis" when added to "fraction" produces "difraction". False
Which word specifically means 'located within the skull'? Intracranial
The prefix "in" when added to "radiate" produces "inradiate". False
The BASE in the word SYNOVIAL means: egg
INTERRENAL means: situated between the kidneys
The BASE in the word AGGREGATE means: flock
The base in the word ADHESION means: to stick
The prefix "con" when added to "rugate" produces "corrugate". True
What does DETRUSIVE mean? tending to push downwards
Which word contains a Latin suffix meaning "having the character of"? reptile
The prefix "ob" when added to "cur" produces "ocur". False
The BASE in the word DIAPHYSIS is: PHYThe presence of worms in vomit: helminthemesis
The SECOND base in the word GYNECOMASTIA means: breast
The FIRST prefix in the word ADENOHYPOPHYSIS means: under
AMYGDALOID means: almond-shaped
DYSCHYLIA means: an abnormality of intestinal fluids
The name for the tissue lining the uterus is: endometrium
A word not containing the Greek base for "to bear" or "to go" is: phirasia
ANISOMELOUS means: having unequal limbs
A blockage in the intestine could be called: enteremphraxis
PROCTORRHAGIA is: an abnormal discharge from the anus
The opposite of DYSPNEA is: eupnea
An ECTOENZYME is an enzyme that works _______ the cell that secrets it. outside of
Fear of dogs is: cynophobia
ANGIOGENIN is: a chemical which promotes the formation of vessels
HIDROPOIESIS is the production of sweat
MYASTHENIA a condition characterized by muscular weakness
A tendency to turn toward a source of food: sitotropism
An element named for its role in the formation of acids is: oxygen
The FIRST base in the word DYSDIADOCHOKINESIA means: to receive
What is the singular of salpinges? Salpinx
Having two wings: dipterous
BRANCHIOMA is a tumor in gill tissue
Having nine parts or segments: enneamerous
CHOLELITHOTRIPSY is: the crushing of gallstones
An abnormal deficiency of emotional response: hypothymia
What is the Greek plural of anthrax? Anthraces
What is the Greek plural of metastasis? Metastases
An animal which has six feet: hexapod
HEMIANOPTIC means: having a loss of vision in half the visual field
An inflammation of the eye due to fungus: mycophthalmia
AMPHIPROSTYLIC having pillars on the front of both sides A condition characterized by
discoloration of the eyelid: blepharodyschroia
A false sense of pain could be called: pseudodynia
Inability to stand up: ananastasia
Pertaining to an agent that induces the passage of kidney stones: lithagogic
The FIRST BASE in the word AMBLYOPIA means: dull
The death of tissue surrounding a mouth or opening: stomatonecrosis
To DISTEND means: to stretch apart
Your opthamologist diagnoses you with "iridoavulsion." Which part of your body has been torn away? Your iris
A large tumor in bone tissue that can cause the bone to break is a(n): osteoclastoma
ACROCYANOSIS a condition in which the extremities turn blue
The Latin BASE in the word DYSADRENIA means kidney
The Latin base in the word "ELIMINATE" means: threshold
A woman who has given birth many times is called multipara
INFRANGIBLE means: unbreakable
Something that is EXTRABUCCAL is outside of mouth
The suffix in DREPANIDAE means: related to
Ossification from within out: entochondrostosis
The first base in PYCNOPHRASIA means: thick
An opening in the spinal cord: MYELOPORE
NEVOSE means spotted
Causing an itching sensation: prurient
Which of the following words contains a Greek base meaning "chin"? genion
The base in RETROSILIENT means to jump
Arciform means: Shaped like an arch or bow
DIPLOPIA means: double vision
ANTEFLEXION means: a forward bending
The SUFFIX in the word DIVERTICULUM means: little
Having a shape of a small brush: scopuliform
Anconagra: Gout causing painful seizures of the elbow
What is the Greek plural of chorion? Choria
An abnormal deficiency of emotional response hypothymia
The base in the word DYSTOCIA means: childbirth
A wound in which part of the flesh has been torn away avulsion
The BASE in the word ANESTHESIA is ESTHEClonograph: Instrument for recording spastic movements
A deep layer of the skin is the: CORIUM
Pertaining to the middle of the chest mediopectoral
You have been diagnosed with plaque in your "atrium cordis dextrum." Where is the plaque? In the right
chamber of heart
INCUDAL means: pertaining to an anvil-shaped object
Opisthoporeia: Involuntary backward movement
Some species of bats are "frugivorous." This means that they eat fruit
SUBAPICAL means: located slightly beneath the tip
If you are "dextromanual" then you are right handed
LUTEOFUSCOUS means: dark yellow in colour
Which word contains a Latin base meaning 'slope': DECLIVOUS
Buff coloring matter of brown algae: phycoxanthin
The Latin BASE in the word DISCERN means: to separate
In medical terminology, the word "TEMPORAL" means: Pertaining to the temple
Something that is used to remove wrinkles is called: erugatory
Tending to move the eye: oculomotive
A berry-shaped organism found in the intestine enterococcus
PSEUDOCYESIS means: a false pregnancy
Diadelphous: Having stamens in two bundles
Repair of a cleft palate by plastic operation and suture staphylorrhaphy
The division of a nerve: NEUROTOMY
What happens when you add the Latin Prefix EX- to a base starting with the letter "F"? The word would begin
with the letters Ef
If you have a problem with your "flexor digitorum" then you would have trouble bending your fingers
In the form of a small drop guttulate
The Latin base "to tear" can have 2 spellings. What are they? VELL- and VULS
As a gynaecologist, you may diagnose patients with "cervicovaginitis." This is inflammation of the cervix and
You are told that you have problems with your "venae oculi." Where is this? The veins of the eye.
The Latin Base for Eyelid is: PALPEBRPILIFEROUS means: bearing hair
The base in AGGRAVATE means: heavy
A mental condition characteristic of the elderly: presbyophrenia
Two objects that are adjacent to each other are: CONTIGUOUS
Pyoptysis: The spitting of pus
The Latin Prefix in IMBALANCE is: inThe BASE in the word ABSCESS means: to yield
Inability to see the colour blue: acyanopsia
In Greek terminology, which of the following means "with the head shaped like a dog's"? cynocephalous
Another term for "gymnanthous" is: achlamydeous
Having difficulty moving: dyskinetic
Inability to stand up: ananastasia
HEMIANOPTIC means: having a loss of vision in half the visual field
MACROBRACHIA is: unusual arm length
Which word contains the Greek base meaning "to stretch" IRIDOTASIS
In the word POLYMER, what does the SECOND base mean: part
A condition in which the blood becomes charged with uric acid: lithemia
Choose the meaning of the Latin PREFIX in the capitalised word: The cow was INSEMINATED. Into
Downward-moving contraction of the stomach catastalsis
Which word contains the Latin base meaning "to crackle"? subcrepitant
Bearing a shieldlike structure: scutigerous
In the following sentence, what does the Latin PREFIX of the word in capital letters mean: "A blow to the head
rendered John INSENSATE": not
The SECOND base in the word PSYCHOPATHOLOGY means: disease
The first base in HOMEOZOIC means: same
Please choose the correct break-up of the word PHOTODROMY PHOT + O + DROM + Y
Producing or relating to the production of very low temperatures cryogenic
The component parts of ODONTODYNIA meaning "toothache" are: ODONT + ODYN + IA
Having a well-formed head: eucephalic
DIPHYLETIC means: belonging to two races
A tendency to turn toward a source of food: sitotropism
The second base in MACROSMATIC means: smell
HIDROPOIESIS the production of sweat
Is it possible to tell the difference between two identical bases with different meanings such as UR- meaning
TAIL and UR- meaning URINARY TRACT or URINE? You can tell them apart based on the meaning of the
word they are used to create and its context.
Disease causing the amputation of a toe or finger: dactylolysis
A solid figure (polyhedron) having 100 faces: hectahedron
Attracted by flowers: anthophilous
Having unusually dark skin pigmentation: melanodermatous
What is the Greek plural of chorion? Choria
The FIRST base in the word DYSDIADOCHOKINESIA means to receive
What is the Greek plural of metastasis? Metastases
Many terms in medicine have ancient origins which have now been discarded. One of these ancient theories is
that of the 4 Humours of the Body. These 4 Humours were often used to indicate emotional states. A person
might have a disposition that was melancholic, choleric, sanguine, or phlegmatic. From this description, what
do you think were the 4 Humours of the body? Black Bile, Yellow Bile, Blood, and Phlegm.
Inflammation of the knee joint: gonarthritis
An external skin or covering ectoderm
The SUFFIX in the word PROSTATE means: that which
Extracts which promote the formation of clots thromboplastin
The formation (putting together) of starch amylosynthesis
STEATOPYGIAN means: having fat buttocks
The FIRST BASE in the word AMBLYOPIA means dull
An ECTOENZYME is an enzyme that works _______ the cell that secrets it outside of
ANGIOGENIN is: a chemical which promotes the formation of vessels
Having little yolk: oligolecithal
SITOTROPISM: tendency to turn towards food
The BASE in the word GENESIS means to produce
ARTERIOSCLEROSIS is Thickening of the walls of the arteries.
The BASE in the word DYSCRASIA means to mix
Discoloration of the skin dyschromatodermia
An excessive discharge from the nipple: thelorrhagia
What is the singular of salpinges? Salpinx
enter- intestine
necr- dead tissue, corpse
person with "ablephary" was born without eyelids
Geobios terrestrial life
Anode a positive electrode
DIA - or DI – means through, across, between
ES-, EIS- inward, into
The base of the word KARYOMICROSOME meaning body is: SOM
Proctology the medical specialty concerned with the anus, rectum, and sigmoid colon
Py- means pus
Gymnanthous with no floral envelope
You might not expect this from the bases, but "Odontostomatous" actually means having tooth-bearing jaws
Hodophobia abnormal fear of travel
Hygrostomia means: chronic salivation
RHIN-, -RRHIN- nose
PLEX- and PLEG - stroke and paralysis
The base of XANTHODONT meaning "TOOTH-" is ODONT
hyperergy hypersensitivity to an allergen
The prefix of DIASTALSIS means ... Through, across, between
BUL-, BOUL- will
Thanat- means death
Digynous having two carpels
CATA - or CAT - means: down, against, according to, very
A word meaning "inflammation of the lacrimal sac" is DACRYOCYSTITIS
ARTHR- joint, speech sound, articulation
SUBAPICAL means located slightly beneath the tip
The correct division of the word PSEUDODYNIA is: PSEUD + ODYN + IA
The second base in GLYCOPENIA means deficiency
A small space or cavity in a tissue is a(n): areola
Which word contains a Latin base meaning "to bear" or "to carry"? congestion
Parachordal: Situated beside the spinal cord
The BASE in the word SYNOVIAL means egg
The prefix in the word CONTRAFISSURA means: against
Breaking through suddenly erumpent
Omodynia: Pain in the shoulder
Spermatolysis: The destruction of seeds or reproductive cells
The first base in PYCNOPHRASIA means: thick
The BASE in the word INSULIN means: island
What does DETRUSIVE mean? tending to push downwards
An adjective meaning "toward the back of the head": DORSOCEPHALAD
BI -: life
Ataxia: Lack of coordination
Heteromorphous: Having a different shape
Onychophagia: Fingernail biting
Cyanosis: A bluish discoloration of the skin
Mycotic: Caused by fungus
Myometritis: Inflammation of the muscles of the uterus
Cursor: one who/that which
Vector: one who/that which
Valor- state of/result of the act of
Tumor- state of/result of the act of
Projector- one who/that which
Candor- state of/result of the act of
Liquor- state of/result of the act of
Tractor- one who/that which
Rigor- state of/result of the act of
Conductor- one who/that which
Error- state of/result of the act of
Incisor- one who/that which
Reflector- one who/that which
Scissor- one who/that which
Factor- one who/that which
NUDICAUDATE means: having a tail not covered with hair
Spermatolysis: The destruction of seeds or reproductive cells
The Latin term "Vermifuge" refers to an agent that expels ____________. : worms
The BASE in the word EFFUSION means: to pour
Ossification from within out: entochondrostosis
In medical terminology, the word "TEMPORAL" means: Pertaining to ___. : the temple
Which word contains the Greek base meaning "juice" : ENCHYLEMA
A condition in which the blood becomes charged with uric acid: lithemia
Having five leaves: quinquefoliate
The base in AGGRAVATE means: heavy
A solid figure (polyhedron) having 100 faces: hectahedron
Extracts which promote the formation of clots: thromboplastin
Impairment of will power: DYSBULIA
Shaped like a sickle: falciform
The first base in HOMEOZOIC means: same
Which one of the following names of a family, species, or genus is derived from Greek or
Roman mythology?: Palinuridae
Inability to stand up: ananastasia
Two objects that are adjacent to each other are: CONTIGUOUS
The CORPUS LUTEUM refers to: a yellow body formed in the ovary
The base in the word INCUMBENT means: to lie
LACTIFEROUS means: milk-bearing
Which of the following words is made from the Latin Prefix CON- (meaning together or with)
when added to the Latin base PON- (to place)? Component
FRUCTESCENCE is: the process of maturation of fruit
A FASCICULUS is a: little band or ribbon; A small band of muscle fiberf
PROCTORRHAGIA is: an abnormal discharge from the anus
In the following sentence, what does the Latin PREFIX of the word in capital letters mean: "A
blow to the head rendered John INSENSATE": not
Choose the word which contains the Greek BASES meaning "excessive discharge" and "nipple":
Which word contains a Latin base meaning "to stand": DISTAD
Repair of a cleft palate by plastic operation and suture: staphylorrhaphy
STEATOPYGIAN means: having fat buttocks
The Latin base in the word SUPPOSITORY: to place
Choose the 4 (four) bases that all indicate colour.: CAN-; ALB-; ERYTHR-; CYANTending to climb: scandent
Having two wings: dipterous
Which word contains a Latin base meaning "to bear" or "to carry"? : congestion
The prefix in AUTOANAMNESIA means: again
Arciform means: Shaped like an arch or bow
Located near to the beak: adrostral
ANTEFLEXION means: a forward bending
Which of the following Latin suffixes would you expect to find attached to a verb base?: -ible
Synarthrophysis: A condition in which the bones of a joint grow together
You are told that you have problems with your "venae oculi." Where is this? : The veins of the
Having little yolk: oligolecithal
The Latin base "to tear" can have 2 spellings. What are they?: VELL- and VULSWhat is the Latin SUFFIX in the word CAPACIOUS: - acious
What is the singular (Greek) of salpinges? salpinx
To turn into glass or into a glassy substance: vitrify
Which word contains a Latin suffix meaning "having the character of"?: reptile
The original meaning of the word MALLEABLE is: capable of being hammered into shape
NEVOSE means: spotted
The Latin suffix -ID means: tending to
Which word contains the Latin base meaning "kidney"? renin
A wound in which part of the flesh has been torn away: avulsion
MACROBRACHIA is: unusual arm length
What is the Greek plural of anthrax?: anthraces
EQUINE means: pertaining to horses
INNOMINATE means: having no name
JUXTACOSTAL means: located next to the ribs
You have been diagnosed with plaque in your "atrium cordis dextrum." Where is the plaque? : In
the right chamber of the heart
TERTIARY means: Pertaining to the third in series
SITOTROPISM: tendency to turn towards food
An ECTOENZYME is an enzyme that works _______ the cell that secrets it: outside of
What happens when you add the Latin Prefix EX- to a base starting with the letter "F"? The word
would begin with the letters _____________.: Eff
Bearing a shieldlike structure: scutigerous
The opposite of DYSPNEA is: eupnea
The SECOND base in the word PSYCHOPATHOLOGY means: disease
The first base (Greek) in HEMIBALLISMUS means: Half
AMBILATERAL means: affecting both sides
A deep layer of the skin is the: CORIUM
You tell a patient that she is IMPARDIGITATE. This means that she
________________________.: has an unequal number of toes or fingers
An adjective meaning "toward the back of the head": DORSOCEPHALAD
The Greek BASE in the word GENESIS means: to produce
BRANCHIOMA is: a tumor in gill tissue
The base in INFECTION means: to make or do
MYASTHENIA means: a condition characterized by muscular weakness
The Latin BASE of INFRACLAVICULAR is: clav
The death of tissue surrounding a mouth or opening: stomatonecrosis
Disease causing the amputation of a toe or finger: dactylolysis
Inflammation of the knee joint: gonarthritis
BRACHYCEROUS: short-horned
What can PERFUSION mean? the passage of fluids through the vessels of an organ
Used for fracturing bone: osteoclast
Clonograph: Instrument for recording spastic movements
SUCCISE means: appearing as if part were cut off
In Greek terminology, which of the following means "with the head shaped like a dog's"?:
A small, fleshy, red mass or nodule: CARUNCLE
The word meaning "a false sense of pain" is: pseudodynia
Pertaining to the heel: calcaneal
The Latin Base for Eyelid is: PALPEBRWith the appearance of a lizard: saurian
FUNICULITIS is: inflammation of the spermatic cord; inflammation of a small cord-like structure
The base in RETROSILIENT means: to jump
Pyoptysis: The spitting of pus
As a gynaecologist, you may diagnose patients with "cervicovaginitis." This is
_________________. inflammation of the cervix and vagina
The Latin base in SESSILE means: to sit
Posterior portion of a mollusc's foot: metapodium
Which word contains a Latin prefix meaning "behind"? : retrosinus
Anconal: Pertaining to the elbow
Having unusually dark skin pigmentation: melanodermatous
The Latin Prefix "AB-" when added to the Latin base that means "to cut" makes which word:
Quiz 2:
Hyalopterous: Possessing glassy wings
Eupeptic: Having good digestion
The BASE in the word PSYCHIC means: soul
Procteurynter: An instrument for widening the anus
Acromegaly: A condition which results in abnormal enlargement of the extremities
Bradylalia: Slowness of speech
DYSPEPSIA means: Bad digestion
The first base of MYCOSIS is: MYC"Exposure to any _______ substances can produce actinic dermatitis.” : radioactive
Surgical removal of a lip: cheilectomy
In some mental disorders, patients exhibit ________, an uncontrollable tendency to utter filthy and obscene
language.: coprolalia
Surgical removal of fat: lipectomy
Parachromatoblepsia: Distorted perception of color
Anonychia: The lack of fingernails or toenails
Actinocardiogram: A diagram of the heart produced with a radioactive medium
BRADYKINESIS means: slow movement
Mastigophora: A microscopic creature which bears a whip-like strand for locomotion
The formation (putting together) of starch: amylosynthesis
The BASE in the word PERISTALSIS means: to contract
Is it possible to tell the difference between two identical bases with different meanings such as UR- meaning
TAIL and UR- meaning URINARY TRACT or URINE? : You can tell them apart based on the meaning
of the word they are used to create and its context
Please choose the correct break-up of the word PHOTODROMY.: PHOT + O + DROM + Y
If you suffer from MONOPHOBIA, you have _____________.: A morbid dread of being alone.
The word APRHRODISIAC comes from which of the following characters from Greek mythology? Aphrodite
The BASE in the word ANESTHESIA is: ESTHEAMPHIPROSTYLIC means: having pillars on the front of both sides
Producing or relating to the production of very low temperatures: cryogenic
An excessive discharge from the nipple: thelorrhagia
Inability to see the colour blue: acyanopsia
Choose the correct break up of the word "PSEUDODYNIA." : PSEUD + ODYN + IA
The second base in MACROSMATIC means: smell
Many terms in medicine have ancient origins which have now been discarded. One of these ancient theories is
that of the 4 Humours of the Body. These 4 Humours were often used to indicate emotional states. A
person might have a disposition that was melancholic, choleric, sanguine, or phlegmatic. From this
description, what do you think were the 4 Humours of the body?: Black Bile, Yellow Bile, Blood, and
Discoloration of the skin: dyschromatodermia
The BASE in the word PROCESS means: to yield
Causing an itching sensation: prurient
The base in DISCISSION means: to split
The BASE in the word ABSCESS means: to yield
Feeding on roots: RADICIVOROUS
BISTRATOSE means: exhibiting two layers
INCUDAL means: pertaining to an anvil-shaped object
To branch off in two directions: bifurcate
Pertaining to the heel: calcaneal
TRISTIPULATE means: having three small stalks
A wound in which part of the flesh has been torn away: avulsion
FRUCTESCENCE is: the process of maturation of fruit
Located between hip joints: intercoxal
Having five leaves: quinquefoliate
LUTEOFUSCOUS means: dark yellow in colour
TERTIARY means: Pertaining to the third in series
Having a shape of a small brush: scopuliform
A PECTINELLA is: a small comb-like structure
To DISTEND means: to stretch apart
The SUFFIX in the word CINCTURE means: result of the act of
The process or quality of becoming glass-like: vitrescence
The original meaning of the word MALLEABLE is: capable of being hammered into shape
Located beside the small bone in the leg: parafibular
Having a long nose: longinasal
A FASCICULUS is a: little band or ribbon
To turn into glass or into a glassy substance: vitrify
The next-to-last suffix in the word HYPERSENSITIVITY means: tending to
The BASE in the word INCOMPATIBILITY means: to endure
The base in the word INHERENT means: to stick
ACUITY means: sharpness
A handle-like part of something is a(n): manubrium
The BASE in the word CONCUSSION means: to shake
The growing-together of body parts, such as fingers or toes: concrescence
An ALLIGATION is: the act of tying or binding one thing to another
When a wound or a surgical suture splits open, it is called: dehiscence
Stretching or extending from the back to the front (in humans): dorsoventral
What does SEPTATE mean?: having a dividing wall
RETRACTILE means: capable of being drawn back
IMPALPABLE means: incapable of being touched
The BASE in the word ABSTRACTION is: TRACTThe PREFIX in the word ACCRESCENCE means: to
Which word means "pertaining to the lower lip and the chin"? labiomental
Having a thin, threadlike stem or stalk: filicauline
A knife specially designed for enlarging an opening: meatotome
The PREFIX in the word INHALATION means: into
The SUFFIX in the word LIGAMENT means: means of or act of
IMPALPABLE means: incapable of being touched
A skin disorder in which the skin peels off in scale-like plates
could be called: lamellar desquamation
Pertaining to the opposite side: contralateral
Which of the following words is a hybrid?: craniofenestria
The FIRST suffix in the word INTRAVASCULAR means: little
COLLINEAR means: arrayed along the same line
ABLATION is: the act of taking something away
The PREFIX in the word OCCLUSIVITY means: completely
CARINULATE means: having a small keel-like structure
A sauna (a place for sweating): sudatorium
A muscle which draws a limb away from the body can be called: abducent
Which of the following words can you be almost totally sure is not a genitive simply from its ending?: dies
A chemical used to kill ants is a(n): formicide
Pertaining to the small vessels of the kidney: renovascular
A small cap-like crest: pileolus
The BASE in the word ACCIDENT means: to fall
To EXCRUCIATE originally meant: to crucify
Located below the collar bone: infraclavicular
Which word contains the Latin base meaning “bad”?: Malocclusion
Something that is suited for cutting is: sectorial
The BASE in the word RECEPTOR means: to take
Which of the following words contains a diminutive suffix?: capsella
Which of the following words consists of an impossible combination of base and suffix?: rubiant
SUPPURATIVE means: tending to produce pus
The SUFFIX in the word EFFICACIOUS means: tending to
The forward slippage of an organ from its normal position: prolapse
The suffix in the word TENTACLE means: result of the act of
Which of the following numerical bases is not a cardinal number? SEXT-
Located behind the womb: postuterine
Ambient- ambi- I – ent
EC-, EX- out, out of, outside
OST-, OSTE- bone
Nephrology - the study of the kidneys
Peri- around, near
Hyper- over, excessive, more than normal
Para- beside, resembling, disordered, associated
Asynchronous: Which base means "time?" CHRONA person who is "adipsic" has: an absence of thirst
Abarognosia: Inability to sense pressure
A person with "drepanocytes" has: ___________ shaped ___________: crescent- or sickle-shaped cells
Aerendocardia: AER- + endo + CARDI- + a
Psychogenic: Produced by the mind; imaginary
Copremia: The presence of fecal matter in the blood
What does the suffix in "polyhedron" mean: solid figure having a specified number of sides
Crymotherapy: Treatment of ailments by the application of extreme cold
Histology: The study of the microscopic structure of living tissue
Histometaplasia: The Transformation of one type of tissue into another
A person who is glucose intolerant should not eat foods containing _________________: sugar
-emia: compound suffix meaning "condition of the blood”
Gynephobia: Fear of women
Chromatophilic: Easily stained or died
Nephrectomy: Surgical removal of a kidney
Which of the following is a compound suffix meaning "condition of the blood"? : -emia
Hydrocephaly: Enlargement of the skull due to fluid in the brain
Diachronic: Occurring across a span of time
The base of MELANIN is: MELAN - meaning black or dark
syn-: with, together
gram-: a thing written
Aerendocardia: which is the correct break up of the word?: AER- + endo + CARDI- + a
Barotalgia: Pain in the ear due to changes in pressure
Hypermenorrhea: An unusually heavy menstrual flow
Helminthemesis: The presence of worms in vomit
The first Base in PSYCHOPATHIC means: mind or soul
Coprophobic: Having an abnormal fear of dung
Gastrostomy: Surgical creation of an opening into the stomach
Bradyphrenia: Slow-wittedness
The first base in BLENNOPTHALMIA means: mucous
The first base in ACROSCOPIC means: apex, summit
Which of the following suffixes CANNOT mean "pertaining to"?: -oid
Which of the following suffixes CANNOT mean "like"?: -ics
Anthropomorphic: Having the form of a human being
Hyperlipuria: Excess of fat in the urine
Hydrargyrum: Liquid silver (mercury)
Glottoplegia: Paralysis of the tongue
Corectopia: A condition in which the pupil of the eye is out of its ordinary position
Cardiomyopathy: Disease of the muscle of the heart
Odontodynia: Pain in a tooth
Hematomyelia: The presence of blood in the spinal cord
Angiomyoneuroma: A tumor containing a blood vessel, muscle and nerve tissue
Neurogenic: Originating in the nervous system
Pneumonectomy: Surgical removal of a lung
Antithrombin: A substance which prevents clotting
Achloruria: The lack of green pigment in the urine
Orchidoplasty: Surgical reconstruction of a testicle
Mycetophagous: Feeding on fungus
Thrombolytic: Capable of dissolving clots
Pantanencephalia: The complete lack of a brain
Meningioma: A tumor of the membranes surrounding the brain
Cholangiogram: Radiographic picture of the bile ducts
Polioencephalitis: An infection of the gray matter of the brain
Myometritis: Inflammation of the muscles of the uterus
Mycology: The study of fungus
Eoanthropus: Name given to an early hominid
Opthalmoconiosis: A condition caused by dust in the eye
Adenochondroma: A tumor composed of glandular and cartilaginous tissue
Hypersialosis: Excessive production of saliva
Hepatopexy: Fixation of the liver to the abdominal wall
Polymelia: The possession of multiple limbs
Macrocytosis: A disorder characterized by abnormally large blood cells
Hippophagous: Feeding on horses
Arachnology: The study of spiders
Neuroblast: An embryonic cell that develops into a neuron
Panchromatic: Pertaining to all colors
Endometrial: Pertaining to the lining of the uterus
Mycotic: Caused by fungus
Epididymis: A tightly coiled duct attached to the testicle
Sialadenitis: Inflammation of a salivary gland
Saprophilic: Thriving in rotting tissue
Omphalitis: Inflammation of the navel
Saprogenous: Producing rot
Cholecystopexy: Surgical fixation of the gall bladder
Ascomycetes: A fungus that forms spore sacs
Phycocyanin: A blue pigment in algae; A bluish pigment in seaweed is:
Polymerous: Having many parts
Acrophthisis: Decay or atrophy of the extremities
Zooxanthia: A yellow pigment found in animals
Hypomerous: Having less than the normal number of segments
Salpingitis: Inflammation of the eustachian tube
Antonym: A word having an opposite meaning to another word
Pyogen: A pus-producing agent
Encephalophlebitis: Inflammation of the veins of the brain
Cladoptosis: A condition causing a plant's branches to droop
Nyctophobia: Unusual fear of the night
Erythrocytopenia: A deficiency of red blood cells
Pachyonychia: A condition characterized by unusually thick fingernails
Androgonidium: A male reproductive organ in some animals
Uroxanthin: Yellow pigment in urine
Phycophagous: Feeding on algae
Xanthophyll: A yellowish pigment in leaves
Saururine: Having a lizard-like tail
Splanchnoptosis: Slippage of the intestines
Leiophyllous: Having smooth leaves
Antixerophthalmic: Tending to prevent dryness of the eyes
Achromotrichia: Lack of hair colour
Endolaryngeal: Pertaining to the interior of the larynx
Onychomalacia: Softness of the fingernails
Megalocheirous: Having large hands
Xerodermia: Excessive dryness of the skin
ACROCYANOSIS means: a condition in which the extremities turn blue
An inflammation of the eye due to fungus: mycophthalmia
The SECOND base in the word OLIGACANTHOUS means: thorn
A discharge of mucus: blennorrhea
Hemarthrosis: Presence of excess blood in a joint
Euryprosopic: Having a wide face
Isochronal: Lasting the same amount of time
Microdactylic: Having small fingers
Tachylalia: Tendency to speak quickly
Ischioalgia: Pain in the hip
DYSHIDROSIS: condition involving a disorder in the production of sweat
Hematocele: A swelling filled with blood
Dendrogram: A tree-shaped diagram, such as a family tree
In the word SYNTHESIS, what does the SUFFIX mean?: act of
The scientific study of cells: cytology
An inability to perceive the colour red: anerythropsia
Diprosopia: The presence of an extra set of facial features
Trimorphic: Occurring in three forms
Protolithic: Pertaining to the earliest part of the Stone Age
Trianthous: Having three blossoms
Uroneme: A thread-like tail
Aglaucopsia: Inability to perceive the color green
Dysphasia: Difficulty in speaking
Thelorrhagia: Abnormal discharge from the nipple
Sternocleidal: Pertaining to the breast bone and the collar bone
Balanoplasty: Plastic surgical operation on the glans penis
Metacarpal: Pertaining to the part of the hand between the wrist and the fingers
A swelling in the brain due to an accumulation of fluid: hydroencephaloma
PERIURAL: located near or around the tail
The BASE in the word METABOLISM means: to put
PROSOPAGNOSIA: an inability to recognize faces
The dilation, or stretching-out, of a blood vessel, is called: angiectasis
CRANIODIDYMUS: a deformed fetus with two heads
Cycloid: Circular
Steatoma: A tumor composed of fat cells
Leukotrichia: Whiteness of the hair
Pygopagus: A pair of twins united at the buttocks
Pyeloscopy: Examination of the pelvis of the kidney
Nephrolithotripsy: The crushing of kidney stones
Trimorphic: Occurring in three forms
Tetrapodous: Four-footed
Deuterogamy: A second marriage
Hemochromatiosis: A disease characterized by blood-red pigmentation of the skin
Trianthous: Having three blossoms
Monolithic: Composed of a single stone
Aclistocardia: Lack of closure in the wall between the atria of the heart
Tachylogia: A tendency to speak rapidly
Leptosomatous: Having a slender body
Sarcolyte: An agent that destroys fleshy tissue
Aglaucopsia: Inability to perceive the color green
Keratin: A substance which forms the outer layer of horns and claws
Haphophobia: Morbid fear of being touched
Dyspnea: Difficulty in breathing
Proctorraphy: A suturing of the anus
Cytolymph: The fluid within a cell
Dysphasia: Difficulty in speaking
Bradyphemia: A tendency to speak slowly
Heterophemia: The act of saying something other than what was intended
Fear of dogs is: cynophobia
Nototribe: A plant appendage designed to rub against the back of insects for pollination
Calyptrogynous: Having hidden female reproductive organs
Rhabdocyte: A rod-shaped cell
Poikilocytosis: A condition characterized by an unusual variation in the shape of blood cells
Sphenotripsy: The crushing of a wedge-shaped bone at the base of the skull
Hyperalexinosis: Condition caused by the excessive production of antibiotic chemicals
CRANIODIDYMUS means: a deformed fetus with two heads
Something that has many mouth-like openings can be called: polystomatous
PROSOPAGNOSIA means: an inability to recognize faces
A blockage in the intestine could be called: enteremphraxis
The SECOND base in the word NARCOLEPSY means: to seize
DYSTONIC means: characterized be an abnormality in muscular tension
The dilation, or stretching-out, of a blood vessel, is called: angiectasis
The name for the tissue lining the uterus is: endometrium
A diseased condition characterized by the formation of holes or gaps in bone tissue: osteoporosis
The SECOND base in the word GYNECOMASTIA means: breast
The FIRST prefix in the word ADENOHYPOPHYSIS means: under
Something that is man-like is: anthropoid
A condition of the eye caused by fungus: mycophthalmia
A MYOMA is: a tumor in muscle tissue
DYSCHYLIA means: an abnormality of intestinal fluids
A sac containing seeds or reproductive cells: sporocyst
Something pertaining to both body and mind: somatopsychic and psychosomatic (both c and d)
A word not containing the Greek base for "to bear" or "to go" is: phirasia
A swelling in the brain due to an accumulation of fluid: hydroencephaloma
The BASE in the word METABOLISM means: to put
PERIURAL means: located near or around the tail
A red pigment in leaves: erythrophyll
The BASE in the word DIAPHYSIS is: PHYThe PERITONEUM, a membrane that covers the entire abdominal wall, is so called because: it seems to be
stretched all around the abdominal cavity
Alloerotism: A feeling of sexual desire for another
Asteatosis: Absence of fatty secretions
Leukomelanodermatous: Having both dark and light spots on the skin
Ageniocephalia: A birth defect in which the chin is missing from the head
Cephalotribe: An instrument used to crush the skull
Homozygosis: The union of a pair of genetically identical reproductive cells
Rachischisis: A splitting of the spinal column
Monotocous: Producing a single offspring
Odontorrhagia: Discharge of blood from a tooth
Athelia: The absence of a nipple
LECITHIN is found in many parts of the body, but its name comes from the fact that it is found in: egg yolk
MOGIPHAGOUS means: having difficulty eating
What are the first 3 Bases in: CRYPTOHAPLOMITOSIS? CRYPT- + HAPL- + MITWhich 4 Bases can all be connected to the Cardio-Vascular System of the Human Body? HEM-,
THROMB-, CARDI-, LEUKRecidivism: A tendency to fall back into habitual behaviour
Confection: A product made of different ingredients mixed together
Propensity: A natural leaning or inclination
Precede: To come before something
Levotorsion: The act of twisting to the left
Rotifer: An organism bearing a wheel-like ring of cilia
Calcify: To form calcium deposits
Plumigerous: Covered with a thin skin; Bearing feathers
intra-aural: Located within the ear
nervule: A minute nerve or vein
corrosible: Capable of being worn or eaten away
The BASE in the word DYSADRENIA means: kidney
Interdigital: Located between the fingers or toes
Quinquepartite: Having five parts
Collocation: The act of placing things together
Tririmose: Having three cracks or clefts
Carnicolous: Dwelling in the flesh
Fissiped: Having a split foot
Piscicaudal: Having a fish-like tail
Haustation: The act of drawing in liquids
Septidigitate: Having seven fingers
Depilatory: Serving to remove hair
A word containing the Latin base meaning "joint" is: abarticular
In the following sentence, what does the PREFIX of the word in capital letters mean: "A blow to the head
rendered John INSENSATE": not
Subcutaneous: Located or occurring beneath the skin
Saxivorous: Consuming or destroying rocks and minerals
Cutisection: A cutting of the skin
Circumcaudal: located around the tail
Sanguinicolous: dwelling in the blood
Oviparous: Reproduction by mean of eggs
Postpartal: Occurring after childbirth
Pendant: Hanging or swinging freely
Noctivorous: Tending to eat only at night
Segmentate: To split into multiple
Sedentary: Tending to sit or to be immobile
Coctolabile: Tending to disintegrate at high temperatures
Supercription: Something written above or on top of something else
Dehiscence: The act of splitting open
Punctuate: Covered with small spots or points
Alligative: Tending to tie or attach something to something else
Coition: The act of coming together
Discutient: Serving to drive things apart
Inframeatal: Located below an opening
Pungency: The state of being sharp or acrid
Dolorous: Causing pain or sadness
Palpable: Capable of being easily felt or perceived
Umbraticolous: Tending to dwell in shady areas
Bilabial: Pertaining to both of the lips
Levity: lightness
Tumid: Swollen
Decalcaration: The loss of tooth enamel
Geniculate: having a bent shape
Pinnigrade: Using fins for locomotion
Cervicovaginal: Pertaining to the vagina and the neck of the uterus
Geminiflorous: Producing flowers in pairs
Abuncate: Having a shape that is curved away from the body
Superclavial: Located over the collarbone
The grating of drugs by means of a file can be called: rasion
Inhalator: A device that administers medication during respiration
transforation: The act of boring through something
Imperforate: Lacking a normal opening or aperture
Vitrescent: Becoming glass-like
Ferrule: A small iron cap
Striola: A small furrow
Claviform: Club-shaped
Atrioseptoplasty: Surgical reconstruction of the wall between the upper chambers of the heart
Hygrophyte: A plant that thrives in moist conditions
POLYCYSTIC means "containing many ______________________": cysts
If you want to create a word with a meaning of "arrange" or "put in order", you will need which base?: TAC-,
TAXThe Base AER- means: air or gas
If you were told that you had "Ankylosing Spondylitis", which part of the body would be affected?: Your back
The opposite of HYPOKINESIA would be ___________.: Hyperkinesia
Choose the word from Ayers which means "A false sense of pain": pseudodynia
The word "dropsy" comes from which Greek Base?: HYDRThe word containing the Latin prefix meaning "apart":: diffusate
What is the SUFFIX in the word VIVACIOUS: -acious
Which word contains the base meaning "juice": ENCHYLEMA
Which word means 'located below a rib'?: infracostal
Pertaining to the back and the side: dorsolateral
A part of the insect brain: DEUTOCEREBRON
The word containing the Latin prefix meaning "before": antedorsal
The Latin BASE in the word SYNOVIAL means: joint
You are told that you have "congenital exorbitism." This means that you were born with eyes that protrude from
your head.
A word containing the Latin base meaning 'life': INTRAVITAL
If you have a problem with the nervi linguae, your problem is with: more than one nerve of the tongue
What is the Latin SUFFIX in the word VIVACIOUS: -acious
The second base (Latin) in the word ILIOINGUINAL means: groin