Uploaded by Joana Nicole Ventura

Cookery 9 Learning Monitoring Plan Annotations

I gave additional instructional references (Video clips in Youtube channel) that provide
several related topics in the content of the lessons I Cookery 9 to simplify the topics and for
the learner to understand very well the lessons since they are not well explain in their
The WHLP aids teachers to keep track about the learning process suitable for the students.
It is more concise based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies or MELCs.
Moreover, the Learning Competencies, Objectives, and Performance Tasks are still evident
in the learning process.
I provided links in the YouTube Channels that can supplement the modules that the
students are using. I encouraged them to watch the video lessons on that channel so that
they can defects related techniques in developing their skills and knowledge.
Above pictures are some of thew activities that my students answered from the given
several activities in the Self Learning Module provided to them. This implies the
comprehension of the students is good and they follow the given instructions, and the
expected output of the learners were aligned with the learning competencies.
The Above picture are some of the screenshots of my COOKERY CLASS Group Chat in
Messenger. This is my way of disseminating information and giving as to how is the
process of assessment based on the given rubrics in the module provided to them.
The above pictures are some of the screenshots of the learning resources in the YouTube
Channels that enrich and supplement the lessons presented in the modules.
I participated in several In-Service Trainings in the school to cultivate and nurture my
knowledge and skills in the approach of the current methodologies and strategies to adopt
the present situation of the educational system.
A teaching portfolio is an organized collection of documents that will develop over time as
you expand your practice, assess your teaching, reflect, and act on the results of
evaluation, and it will be extremely useful in developing new and more effective teaching
I am confident that the assortment of works in my portfolio reflects my abilities and
accomplishments during the LDM Course.
With the correct amount of empathy, I was able to identify my learners' needs, strengths,
interests, and experiences, which gave me the guts to step up and be the best educator I
could be.
I was able to properly prepare and control my teaching style and method in order to help
my students better understand the topics in accordance with the competencies outlined in
the MELCs.
I have methodically used a range of assessment methodologies to identify those who
manifested promise for follow-ups and tight supervision, thanks to the availability of learning
resources and designs.
This also helped me understand my goals because I was able to improve myself through
professional connections with my colleagues for professional development and, of course,
through the Department of Education's assistance in providing free seminars that allowed
me to grapple with the issues that my students faced.
I check and recorded learners’ scores in assessment and performance Task as a basis for
their grades.
I always update my learners regarding with the activities that need to be accomplished. I
also created a group chat to monitor their outputs and give feedbacks. They always show
great interest in accomplishing all the outputs.
We created a LAC Group and TLE Chat Group for information about important matters and
for sharing of thoughts and learnings to help one another in doing all the things related to
our tasks to be accomplished. Working collaboratively is one of the secrets in any success
of the group in working with the LDM2.Soliciting ideas, suggestions and recommendations
from the colleagues can be of great helped in working this module, since we have
motivated to perform our tasks that stress free.
I communicated and follow up with my students who cannot pass the answers and activities
output thru messenger or calling their parents attention by the use of cellphone.
Taken during the distribution and retrieval of modules by the parents in every barangay
there will be an assigned Teachers to assist and facilitate.