TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION 7/8 LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET IN HANDICRAFT Quarter 1/ Week 3-4 CREATE EMBROIDERED PRODUCT Photos taken from the k to 12 learner’s manual in handicraft Prepared GERALDINE P. LAWIN DepEd. CAR. Schools Division of Mountain Province Tadian II. Cagubatan National High School i Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Cordillera Administrative Region Schools Division of Mountain Province Bontoc, Mountain Province Published by: Learning Resource Management and Development System COPYRIGHT NOTICE 2020 Section 9 of Presidential Decree No. 49 provides: “No copyright shall subsist in any work of the government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit.” This material has been developed for the implementation of K-12 curriculum through the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)-Learning resources Management and development System (LRMDS). It can be reproduced for educational purposes and the source must be acknowledged. Derivatives of the work including creating an edited version, an enhancement or a supplementary work are permitted provided all original work is acknowledge and the copyright is attributed. No work may derived from this material for commercial purposes and profit. ii PREFACE This module is a project of the Curriculum Implementation Division particularly the Learning Resource Management and Development Unit, Department of Education, Schools Division of CAR which is in response to the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum. This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education- CID, Schools Division of Mountain Province. It aims to improve students’ performance specifically in T.L.E (Nail Care). Date of Development : 2021 Resource Location Learning Area :MPSDO, Tadian 2,Cagubatan National High School : T.L.E Grade Level : 7/8 Learning Resource Type : Learning Activity Sheet Language : English Quarters /Week : Q1/W3-4 Content Standard : The learner demonstrates understanding on the principles and concepts of embroidery Performance Standard : .The learner use basic tools in embroider and create embroidered article. Learning Competency/Code : Create embroidered TLE_HEHD7/8EA0c-d-2 iii article/ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My deepest gratitude and appreciation to all those who help me in making this module especially my family and my fellow teachers who gave their support and understanding. The fulfillment of this learning material would not be possible without them. G.P.L DIVISION LRMDS STAFF NIKKI T. MACABEO Librarian II CESARIA C. REYNA Teacher Evaluator ANDRES M. CUYASAN PDO II AGRIFINA M. LUMPISA OIC- EPS/TLE JOCELYN P. SAMIDAN EPS-LRMDS CONSULTANTS KHAD M. LAYAG, Ed.D. Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division VIRGINIA A. BATAN, CESE OIC, Assistant, Schools Division Superintendent SALLY B. ULLALIM, CESO V Schools Division Superintendent iv TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION 7/8 LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET IN HANDICRAFT Quarter 1/ Week 3-4 CREATE EMBROIDERED PRODUCT Photos taken from the k to 12 learner’s manual in handicraft Prepared GERALDINE P. LAWIN 1 LEARNING ACTIVITY SHEET IN HANDICRAFT 7/8 Name of Learner: __________________________ Section: ___________________________________ Grade level: _______ Date: ____________ I. Learning competency with code Create embroidered article/ TLE_HEHD7/8EA0c-d-2 II. Objectives After going through this Learning Activity Sheet, you are expected to: 1. create embroidered article based on the principles and elements of design, 2. applied color scheme in creating the design, 3. transferred design following the given steps, and 4. Observed good working habits III. Background Information for the Learners This lesson provides knowledge on the Principles of Design, Elements of Design and Color Harmonies that you must need to learn in order to develop your skills in Embroidery Handicraft that will help you get to its high performance level. Principles of Design You can only produce good embroidered articles if you know how to create a good design and use the right color of thread for it. Careful study of the principles of design and strictly following it will help you produce a good design. Always bear in mind that design is the arrangement of line, form, color and texture with the purpose of achieving order and beauty. DESIGN refers to the selection and organization of forms, spaces, and colors to produce beauty Word power 2 Principles of Design 5. HARMONY The law of unity with variety. This principles infers repetition of line, form shape and size 3 Good harmony lack of harmony Elements of design 4 Primary Colors: Red, yellow and blue. In traditional color theory (used in paint and pigments), primary colors are the 3 pigment colors that cannot be mixed or formed by any combination of other colors. All other colors are derived from these 3 hues. Secondary Colors: Green, orange and purple. These are the colors formed by mixing the primary colors. Tertiary Colors: Yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green & yellow-green. These are the colors formed by mixing a primary and a secondary color. That's why the hue is a two word name, such as blue-green, red-violet, and yellow-orange. Two Kinds of Color Harmonies RELATED COLORS These colors are near each other in the color wheel . Monochrome/one color One color but in different value and intensity Analogous color colors that are adjacent or near each other in the color wheel 5 CONTRASTING COLOR Composed of colors that are far from each other in the color wheel. a. Complementary colors Colors that are opposite to each other in the color wheel b. Single split complementary forms a letter “Y” that starts with a primary color then two complement colors c. Double split complementary Two pair of complementary color which forms letter “X” on the color wheel. d. Triad A triadic color scheme uses colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel. 6 TRANSFERRING DESIGNS The embroidery design you choose to reflects who you are or the purpose for which your project is being done. If this is not possible you may copy a design from commercially available books on embroidery. Whichever make sure that the design you choose will not only suit your purpose but will also enhance the beauty of your fabric. There are several ways of transferring designs onto a fabric. Among these are ironing, tracing, and stamping. A. Hot-iron Transfer - some designs sold in craft stores are printed on thin transfer sheets. These are called hot-iron transfers, the easiest among the three methods. To use a hot-iron transfer, first remove excess paper around the design, place the design on the fabric, then pin at the corners. Make sure your flatiron is at low setting before pressing it over an area of the design for a few seconds. Lift the iron then move it to another area of the design. Remember not to glide the iron over the design as this can ruin the design. B. Tracing Method - designs may also be transferred using a tracing wheel and preferably dressmaker’s carbon paper. However, when no carbon paper of this type is available, ordinary carbon paper may be used. Utmost care should be taken though in using the latter type as it can smear badly on the fabric. Remember to use light colored carbon paper if your fabric is of a light color. The steps in this method are as follows: 1. Place your design right side up on your fabric then pin at the corners. Slowly insert the carbon paper or dressmaker’s carbon, carbon side down, between the design and fabric. 2. using a tracing wheel, go over the lines of the design. 3. You may also use a pencil or any sharp or pointed instrument to trace the design. C. Stamping In transferring designs by stamping, you will need soft absorbent cloth, indigo, kerosene or petroleum, sheets of newspaper, your perforated design, and the fabric on which you want to stamp your design. A perforated pattern of your design is made by pricking holes along the lines of the design. The steps in this method are as follows: 1. Form the soft absorbent cloth into ball. 2. Mix 1-part indigo and 1 ½ parts kerosene or petroleum to make a smooth thin paste. This will be your bluing mixture. 3. Spread sheet of newspaper on a flat surface. Lay the fabric on the newspapers. Be sure the warp and woof threads of the fabric are aligned. 7 4. Lay the perforated pattern smooth side up on the part of the fabric where the design is to be placed. Pin the corners of the design. 5. Dip the ball of cloth in bluing mixture. Rub the ball of cloth over the design in one stroke or direction only. 6. To check if the design had been correctly transferred, lift one corner of the pattern carefully. 7. When the design has been fully transferred, remove the perforated pattern. Using a small amount of kerosene, clear the design of unwanted imprints. Air dry your finished work. Good Working Habits It is not enough that you are aware of the different embroidery stitches, tools and materials needed in embroidery work. How to do it correctly, neatly, and beautifully is also just important. To ensure cleanliness and maintain the good quality of your work, always bear in mind the following good working habits. 1. Have clean sewing box with complete sewing tools. 2. Wash your hand before working. 3. Assemble all needed materials. 4. Clip or tie your hair while working so you can see your work clearly. 5. Use the appropriate needle for the right kind of cloth. 6. Put your scraps of cloth and thread in a plastic bag. 7. Use embroidery scissors in cutting thread, not your teeth. 8. An elbow length of thread is appropriate to use for easier sewing. 9. Work with your hands and not with your lips. 10. Follow the step-by-step procedure. 11. Fold correctly and keep your fabric in plastic after working each day. 12. Clean your working area before living the room. 8 IV. Directions / Instructions To achieve the objectives of this LAS, here’s a simple guide for you: 1. Read and follow instructions carefully. 2. Take note and record points for clarification. 3. Do the activities and fully understand each lesson. V. Exercises/Activities Activity 1 Directions: Identify the word/s that best describe/s the following statements. Choose the correct word in the box below. Balance Color Design Emphasis Harmony Hot-Iron Transfer Line Monochromatic Proportion Texture ______________1. It is the arrangement of line, form, color, and texture with the purpose of achieving order and beauty. _____________2. Refers to the surface appearance, which is either rough or smooth, dull or glossy, thick, or thin. _____________3. It is the easiest way of transferring design onto the fabric. ______________4. Skeleton or foundation sketch to direct the eye vertically or horizontally. ______________5. This referred to as the center of interest of a design. _____________6. A principle that infers repetition of line, form, shape, and size. ______________7. Pertains to the relationship in size between a part and the whole. _____________8. May be produced in two ways, either formal or informal _____________9. It may be cool, warm, bright, or dull. _____________10. One color of different shade. 9 Activity 2 Instruction: A. Apply the different shades of color on the space provided. Ex. Light green Medium Green and Dark Green Monochromatic Color 1 _______Red 2 _______Red 3 _______Red Instruction: B. Follow the arrow and color the wheel, write the name of the color on the space provided. 4. ___________________________ 7. ________________________ 5.___________________________ 8. ________________________ 6. ___________________________ 9. _______________________ 10 Activity 3 To apply what you have learned about this lesson and the previous learning activity sheet, create embroidered article and apply the principle of design Direction: Measure a 12 inches by 12 inches clean cloth and apply the principle of design EMBROIDERED ARTICLE Materials • • • • • • • 12 inches by 12 inches clean cloth Pattern (You may create your own pattern) Embroidery hoop Stabilizer or interfacing Embroidery floss Needle Scissors Procedure: 1. Sketch design of your choice. 2. Transfer your pattern onto your clean cloth 3. Secure stabilizer to the fabric using your hoop. If you find the stabilizer too floppy, you can tack it to the shirt at its corners using a bit of thread. 4. Use small stitches when working on stretch fabric so that there is less puckering of the fabric around the stitches. 5. Split stitch to decorate the shirt. (Other stitches may use defending on your choice) 6. Once you have finished stitching, trim the excess stabilizer from around your stitching. If you are using a tear-away or cut-away interfacing, carefully remove it at this point 7. Rinse the handkerchief in cool water to dissolve the remaining interfacing. 11 Rubrics for scoring the embroidered article 10 7 5 Score Design and color Color used appropriate for the T-shirt Simple and appropriate design Properly placed design Workmanship Good working habits Used appropriate tools Different stitches are applied to design following the correct procedure Neatness No stain or dirt Starting and closing stitches not noticeable, no ravels or hanging threads General appearance Beautiful finished article Worthy of the time, effort and material used Timeliness Submit the embroidered article on time Total Score V. Closure A basic understanding of the elements and principles of design can help in the process of choosing a design that is pleasing to the eye. Elements are the implements used to create a design. Principles are strategies for deciding how these tools will be used to create the design. VII. References K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education, Learning Module, Dressmaking/ Tailoring, Exploratory Course, Grade 7 & 8. K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education, Learning Module, Dressmaking /Tailoring, Grade 9. K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education, Learning Module, Handicraft Exploratory course, Grade 7/8 12 VIII. Answer Key Activity 1 1. Design 2. Texture 3. Hot iron 4. Line 5. Emphasis 6. Harmony 7. Proportion 8. Balance 9. Color 10. Monochromatic Activity 2 1. Dark red 2. Medium red 3. Light red 4. R 5. RO 6. O 7. Y 8. YG 9. G Activity 3 Based on the given rubrics 13