2019 25th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) QoS-aware Traffic Engineering in Software Defined Networks May Thu Zar Win Yutaka Ishibashi Khin Than Mya University of Computer Studies, Yangon Yangon, Myanmar maythuzarwin@ucsy.edu.mm Nagoya Institute of Technology Nagoya, Japan ishibasi@nitech.ac.jp University of Computer Studies, Yangon Yangon, Myanmar khinthanmya@ucsy.edu.mm Abstract—In this paper, we propose a QoS-aware traffic engineering method in software-defined networks. Traditional shortest path based routing cannot guarantee future traffic demands because the routing only uses the minimum hop counts. The QoS-aware routing is more efficient than the traditional shortest path based routing; however, QoS parameters like link utilization and link delay are needed to perform such kinds of routing. The estimation of the link utilization and link delay may increase the controller computational time and load. To reduce the controller’s computational time and improve the network resource utilization, the proposed QoS-aware routing method combines mainly two parts: the initial path calculation phase and link utilization aware path calculation phase. When the network is initialized, the first phase collects all possible paths for each pair of source and destination together with the link capacities and link delays. When the network topology changes occur or the collected paths do not satisfy traffic demands, the second phase re-calculates paths based on the link utilization and reroutes the traffic through the optimal path. Experimental results of throughput and packet loss rate show that our proposed method outperforms the other two methods. Index Terms—QoS, traffic engineering, SDN I. I NTRODUCTION Traditional networks integrate control and data planes into the same devices and lack the global centralization control. Therefore, it is not able to satisfy requirements of the emerging cloud computing, the tactile Internet, and the Internet of Things (IoT) technology [1]. Moreover, the traditional networks cannot provide the complexity of control protocols, complex traffic engineering (TE) tasks, and interconnecting of a huge number of smart devices [2]. Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an architecture that overcomes the above issues of the traditional networks by taking advantage of global centralization control, decouples of the control and data planes, and enabling innovation through the network programmability [3]. By taking the advantages, QoSaware TE can perform more effectively in SDN environments. In an SDN network, the complex route calculation, TE, and security are performed by the controller. When the first packet of a flow enters an OpenFlow-enabled switch, the switch encapsulates and forwards the packet to the SDN controller to decide whether the flow should be added to the switch flow table or not. Then, based on the decision the switch forwards incoming packets to an appropriate port [4]. Therefore, it is 978-1-7281-3679-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE quite important to reduce the communication latency between the controller and the OpenFlow-enabled devices. The traditional SPF (Shortest Path First) algorithm routes the traffic efficiently, but the congestion may occur. SPF also produces bottlenecks for future traffic demands [5]. SPF only takes account of the minimum hop-count and does not achieve QoS-aware TE and load balancing. Therefore, QoS-aware TE algorithms are still important for the future Internet. There are many TE algorithms which tried to solve the problem of setting up the bandwidth guarantee tunnels in networks [6-8]. For a wider range of Internet applications, routing algorithms based on the delay and link utilization have become more important to fulfill the user requirements. A simple solution is proposed in [9], where firstly they prune all the links with insufficient bandwidth, and then the solution chooses a path with the smallest delay path. Among the bandwidth-delay constrained routing, the Maximum Delay Weighted Capacity Routing algorithm (MDWCRA) tries to minimize the interference between each pair of ingress and egress [8]. The algorithm also calculates the shortest disjoint paths, defines critical links for bottleneck traffics, and avoids the links for future demands. Most of the bandwidth and delay constrained routing algorithms consist of the following three main modules: calculating bandwidth and delay, finding the path based on bandwidth and delay, and re-routing or installing flow rules to forward the flow. The constrained-based routing algorithms alleviate congestion and improve the resource utilization. However, the calculation time and the flow rule installation time become non-negligible factors. This motivates us to divide our TE algorithm into the following two phases: the initial path calculation phase and link utilization aware path calculation phase. For fast packet rerouting, we initially calculate link delay and link capacity and then we compute all the paths for each pair of source and destination at the initial phase. When the network topology changes occur or the incoming flow demand is not satisfied with the pre-calculated paths, we re-calculate link utilization aware paths and re-route the traffic at the second phase. The reminder of this paper is organized as follows. Section II outlines a background theory of SDN. In Section III, we propose the QoS-aware TE method and explain our system 171 2019 25th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) design. We present the experimental setup and results in Section IV. Finally, Section V summarizes the paper. II. S OFTWARE D EFINED N ETWORKING The SDN architecture mainly consists of the following three layers: the application layer, control layer, and data plane layer as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2: Proposed system design. B. Paths Store Fig. 1: Software-defined networks architecture. The SDN applications are programmed to support all kinds of network services such as traffic engineering, load balancing, routing, and monitoring. The control layer is a core layer of the SDN architecture that extracts the data plane layer information and communicates to the application layer with an abstract view of the network topology, including statistics and events. The application and control layers communicate by using northbound APIs. The data plane layer consists of network nodes which are capable of forwarding and processing of the data path. Communications between the data plane and control layers use a standardized protocol called OpenFlow. In our proposed method, we implement a new database called Paths Store, which stores path information for each pair of source and destination. The path information includes the DeviceIDs of source and destination, each link along the path, link capacity, link delay, and path_count. In this paper, we define the link capacity as the initially assigned bandwidth, and the link capacity of a path is the minimum link capacity value along the path. We also define the link delay as the total end-to-end delay, and the link delay of a path is the total link delay along the path. To obtain the values of link capacity and delay for each pair of source and destination, we construct a hash table data structure that stores pairs of source and destination as the keys and the link capacity and delay as the values. III. Q O S- AWARE T RAFFIC E NGINEERING In this section, we propose the link utilization and the link delay based QoS aware TE method. We have implemented the proposed method on the SDN application layer. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the proposed method mainly involves the following four modules: topology discovery, Paths Store, utilization monitor, and flow management modules. A. Topology Discovery Fig. 3: Test topology. The topology discovery module discovers network nodes and constructs a network topology graph by using Depth First Search. Whenever the new network nodes added or removed, and the link states are up or down, topology discovery will get notifications from listeners events of the controller. Figure 3 illustrates the test topology which includes 6 switches and 6 hosts, and the number (1 2, 3, and 4) written at each switch denotes the port numbers for the switch. The two numbers (e.g. (14, 10)) on each link represent the link 172 2019 25th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) capacity (Mbps) and the link delay (ms), respectively. We will carry out experiments by using this test topology in section IV. When the network is initialized, we save path information for each pair of source and destination into Paths Store by taking advantage of the global view of SDN. Figure 4 represents sample path information in Paths Store. The sample path information is one of the paths between source switch S3 (DeviceID = of 0000000000000003) and destination switch S1 (DeviceID = of 0000000000000001) of test topology in Fig. 3. In Fig. 4, the first tuple of cost value (20.0) represents the minimum link capacity along the path S3–S6–S5–S4–S1 and the second tuple of cost value (25.0) represents the total link delay along the path. The initial path_count value is zero. Fig. 4: Sample path information in Paths Store. C. Utilization Monitor The utilization monitor collects the statistical information such as port statistics of the underlying network. It also computes the link utilization based on the collected byte count and link capacity. 1) Calculating Link Utilization: By taking advantage of SDN’s global centralized control, we use OpenFlow messages to calculate the link utilization (available bandwidth). OpenFlow has many statistics messages such as flow stats, meter stats, aggregate stats, queue stats, port stats, and table stats. OpenFlow permits the controller to query the statistics information of the switches. However, OpenFlow does not implement a way to gather the link utilization (available bandwidth) and delay values from the switch directly. Therefore, the controller uses the raw statistics values to determine the link utilization of the switches. We can obtain the link utilization as follows: Lui (t) = C i (t) − Li (t) (1) where Lui (t) is the link utilization of the ith link at time t, Ci (t) and Li (t) is the capacity and link load of the ith link at time t respectively. The link load of the ith link at time t is obtained by Eq. (2): Li (t) = src_portbyteSent(t)+dst_portbyteReceive(t) (2) where Li (t) is the link load of the ith link at time t. Also, src_portbyteSent(t) and dst_portbyteReceive(t) are the source port statistics of transmitted bytes count and destination port statistics of received bytes count at time t, respectively. The link utilization of the path is the minimum link utilization along a given path as shown in Eq. (3). Lupath (t) = min Lui ∈P ath Lui (t) (3) Querying port statistics from all the switches in the network may increase the controller’s load and computation time. Therefore, the proposed method only queries statistics from the source and destination switches of incoming traffic and then calculates the link utilization. 2) Estimating Link Delay: There are numerous researches handling estimation of link delay. One of the solutions [10] to estimate the end-to-end link delay is as follows: Tend−to−end−delay = Ttotal − (Tcontrollertosourceswitch + Tcontrollertodestinationswitch ) (4) where Ttotal is the time duration to send a probe packet from the controller to source switch, source switch to destination switch, and destination switch to the controller. Tend−to−end−delay is the delay time form source switch to destination switch. The solution got one-way delay by subtracting the delay time of the controller to source switch, and controller to destination switch from the total time, Ttotal . In this paper, we assume that the link delays are already known according to the global view of SDN. D. Flow Management The Flow management module performs the following three main tasks: selecting a path from Paths Store based on the traffic demand, calculating paths based on the computed link utilization, and installing flow rules for calculated paths into the intermediate switches along the path. As illustrated in Fig. 5, when the traffic demand or QoS request is entered into the network, we first check whether the topology changes occur or not. If the topology does not change, we check again if there is a path with sufficient demand in Paths Store. If the paths exist, we select one of the maximum link utilization paths and increase path_count of the selected path, and then update Paths Store database. When the next flow demand is entered into the network, we select a path from Paths Store based on two criteria: the maximum link utilization and minimum path_count. We select a path with minimum path_count among the paths with sufficient demands. Then we install flow rules and forward QoS request of packets through the path. This idea is used in the initial path calculation process and it can improve the network resource utilization and alleviate the bottleneck of future traffic demands. If there is no sufficient path in Paths Store, the link utilization aware path computation phase calculates the link utilization for the paths between source and destination switches by using collected port statistic and selects a path with the maximum link utilization. Then, we install flow rules into the intermediate devices along the path and forwards the flow to the destination. 173 2019 25th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) Fig. 5: Overall process. IV. E XPERIMENTS AND R ESULTS • This section describes the experimental testbed of the proposed QoS-aware TE method, experiment scenarios, and experimental results. • A. Experimental Testbed Experimental tests were conducted on laptop PC (Core i54210U CPU @ 2.20GHZ with RAM 8GB, Ubuntu 16.04 OS) with Mininet network emulator [11], and ONOS [12] SDN controller. We used Mininet network emulator for creating our network topology, and we also use ONOS controller as the SDN controller. The proposed QoS-aware TE method was running as an ONOS controller application in the application layer. Software specifications of our testbed are presented in Table I. • TABLE I: Software Specifications of Experimental Testbed No. 1 2 3 4 Name Operating System Mininet Emulator ONOS Controller OpenFlow Protocol Specification Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (64 bit) Version 2.3.0 Version 1.10.0 Version 1.3 B. Experiment Scenarios To highlight the outcome of our proposed QoS-aware TE method, we compare the following three methods in two different scenarios. Method 1: Default reactive forwarding in ONOS. Method 1 does not have QoS-aware or load balancing. Method 1 always finds the minimum hop count path. Method 2: Link utilization-aware routing. This routing is similar to our link utilization aware path calculation phase. To route the QoS request, method 2 needs to compute the link utilization of paths from source and destination switches and forwards QoS request through the path with maximum link utilization. Method 3: The proposed QoS-aware TE method. To get fast and efficient TE, we divide our QoS-aware TE method into two phases. If there a path with sufficient demands in Paths Store, the proposed method simply selects the path with maximum link utilization and forwards the flow through the path. Therefore, we can reduce the time of collecting traffic statistics, calculating the link utilization, and computing paths. When the network topology changes or when the QoS requests cannot be guaranteed with the pre-calculated paths in Paths Store, we use the link utilization aware path calculation phase to forward packets of a QoS request flow. This can reduce the packet loss rate and improve resource utilization. In this test, we employed the above three methods with two scenarios called scenarios I and II. The tests generated different bit rates of Iperf [13] UDP traffics between hosts h1 and h3 in Fig. 3 by using methods 1, 2, and 3. 174 • Scenario I: Host h1 sends UDP traffic of 10 Mbps to host h3 for 10 seconds. Then, h1 sends again UDP traffic of 2019 25th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) • 15 Mbps to h3. Scenario II: Host h1 parallel sends UDP traffic of 10 Mbps and 15 Mbps to h3 for 10 seconds. C. Experimental Results When we conducted a scenario I by using method 1, h1 forwards the UDP traffics to h3 through the path p1 = S1– S2–S3. Fig. 8: Packet loss rate for methods 2 and 3. Fig. 6: Flow tables of switches S1, S2 and S3. We can see the forwarded path according to the flow tables information in Fig. 6, where only shows the flow table information of switches S1, S2, and S3 because there is no flow table information in switches S4, S5 and S6. Fig. 9: Throughput versus elapsed time for 10 Mbps UDP traffic in scenario I. Fig. 7: Packet loss rate for method 1 in scenarios I and II. Method 1 uses the path p1 even p1 does not satisfy the flow demands because it only takes account the path with minimum hop counts. Therefore, method 1 gets packet loss rate of 50.3% for 15 Mbps traffic and 7.37×10−2 % for 10 Mbps traffic and, the overall packet loss rate is 25.2%. In scenario II, method 1 chooses path p1 again; therefore, the overall packet loss rate has been increased to 51.7%, and we can see the results in Fig. 7. Method 2 always finds the path with maximum link utilization. When we dealt with the scenario I by using method 2, host h1 sends both UDP traffics to h3 via the maximum Fig. 10: Throughput versus elapsed time for 15 Mbps UDP traffic in scenario I. 175 2019 25th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) we propose the QoS-aware TE method (method 3) which gets the lowest packet loss rate and highest throughput than the other two methods. V. C ONCLUSION Fig. 11: Throughput versus elapsed time for 10 Mbps UDP traffic in scenario II. In this paper, we proposed a QoS-aware TE method in SDN. The proposed method combines the following two phases: the initial path calculation phase and link utilization aware path calculation phase. To compute QoS parameters like the link utilization and the link delay, the controller always monitors the switches and queries statistics values. The tasks may increase the controller work load. To reduce the load, the proposed method checks whether the incoming traffic demand satisfy the paths in Paths Store, and if there is a path with sufficient demands, then the proposed method forwards the traffic through the path. Moreover, we found that the proposed method can reduce packet loss rate and increase the throughput by using link utilization aware path calculation phase when the traffic demand does not satisfy the path information in Paths Store. The experimental results demonstrated that the total throughput of the proposed QoSaware TE method outperforms the other two methods. For our future work, we will combine our proposed method with application-aware features and find the paths based on each application requirements. We will not only compare our proposed method with other QoS-aware traffic engineering methods but also study with complex network typologies and other NOS. R EFERENCES Fig. 12: Throughput versus elapsed time for 15 Mbps UDP traffic in scenario II. link utilization path p2 = S1–S4–S6–S3. For the scenario II, method 2 forwards the traffic of 15 Mbps through the path p2 = S1–S4–S6–S3, and the traffic of 10 Mbps through p1 = S1–S2–S3, respectively. When we handled with scenarios I and II by using our proposed method (method 3), the proposed method checks if there is a path with sufficient demands from Paths Store. If the path exists, the method forwards the traffic through the path. If the path does not exist, the method finds a path based on the link utilization. According to Figs. 7 and 8, we can see that method 2 and proposed method (method 3) have smaller packet loss rate than method 1. The throughput results for UDP traffic of 10 Mbps and 15 Mbps in scenario I are shown in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. Figures 11 and 12 show the throughput results for scenario II. The figures reveal that method 2 and the proposed method (method 3) get almost the same throughput results. However, method 2 always needs to query statistics from switches, calculate the link utilization, and find the path with maximum link utilization. These may increase the controller load. To get a fast and efficient route, [1] L. C. Cheng, K. Wang, and Y. H. Hsu, "Application-aware routing scheme for SDN-based cloud datacenters," Proc. IEEE Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), pp. 820-825, July 2015. [2] D. Sinh, L. V. Le, B. S. P. Lin, and L. P. Tung, "SDN/NFV-A new approach of deploying network infrastructure for IoT," Proc. IEEE Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC), pp. 1-5, June 2018. [3] Open Networking Foundation, "Software Defined Networking: the new norm for networks," Web. White Paper, Retrieved Apr. 2014. [4] W. Stalling, "Software-Defined Networks and OpenFlow," The Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 16, No. 1, Mar. 2013. [5] R. Jmal and L.C. 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