MPM2D Course Information: Grade 10 Mathematics

MPM2D Important Course Information
Ms. Klaibi
Google Classroom Code: rv437r
September 2019
Prerequisite: Principles of Mathematics, Grade 9, Academic
Units of Study
1. Linear Systems
2. Analytical Geometry
3. Polynomials & Algebraic Techniques
4. Quadratics I (Quadratic Relationships)
5. Quadratic II (Quadratic Equations)
6. Trigonometry
Term Work – 70% of Final Mark
Linear Systems – 10 % of term
Analytical Geometry – 10% of term
Algebra & Polynomials – 10% of term
Quadratics – 25% of term
Trigonometry - 15% of term
Summative Exam – 30% of Final Mark
All evaluations will reflect requirements for students to demonstrate competence in the four
learning categories: knowledge and understanding (35%), application (35%), thinking, inquiry
and problem solving (20%) and communication (10%).
You will be provided with at least three days notice before writing any test. If you are going to
be away for a test, please let me know in advance. If you are sick the day of a test (make sure
your parents phone the school) be prepared to write it when you return.
Course Web Site
This class will have a google classroom (Code: rv437r). This site will be updated daily with
handouts, homework and assignments. Check this website regularly and use it if you miss class.
Contact Information
If you or your parents need to contact me email is the best method:
We will use the Principles of Mathematics10 textbook. You will sign out a copy and be
responsible for returning it at the end of the semester.
Classroom Requirements
1. You are here to learn.
2. Come to class prepared with: a scientific calculator, pencil, paper and your
3. It is expected that you do your homework and make good use of time in class in order
to be successful.
Math Lab
Help is available in this room (410) every Tuesday after school when needed.