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EV Bidirectional Charger Research Paper Summaries

1. Kotla Aswini,Jillidimudi Kamala,Lanka Sriram (July-2021) 'Design and Analysis of Bidirectional
Battery Charger for Electric Vehicle', International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology, Vol. 10(Issue 07)
Key Word
Bidirectional Battery Charger; Grid-to-Vehicle (G2V); Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G); Vehicle-to-Home
This Paper presents the development of an on-board bidirectional battery charger for
Electric Vehicles (EVs) capable of work in the operating modes Grid-to-Vehicle (G2V),
Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G).
The bidirectional charger is developed which is to be used for the V2G and G2V power
This design allows the charging and discharging operation at the different power level.
2. Premananda Pany1* , R.K. Singh2 , R.K. Tripathi (2011) 'Bidirectional DC-DC converter fed drive
for electric vehicle system', International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology , Vol.
3(No. 3).
Key Word
Bi-directional dc-dc converter, separately excited dc motor, Battery.
The proposed control technique with PI controller find suitable for this electric drive.
The performance of the BFEV is verified under forward motoring mode, regenerative
mode and when there is step change is speed command.
3. Manzetti, S.; Mariasiu, F. Electric Vehicle Battery Technologies: From Present State to Future
Systems. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 2015, 51, 1004–1012.
Key Word
Life-cycle, Electric batteries, Electric vehicles, Portable energy, Green chemistry, Future systems
This study provides a cradle-to-grave analysis of the emerging technologies in the
transport sector, with an assessment of green chemistries as novel green energy sources
for the electric vehicle and microelectronics portable energy landscape.
4. Clement-Nyns, K.; Haesen, E.; Driesen, J. The Impact of Charging Plug—In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
on a Residential Distribution Grid. IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 2010, 25, 371–380
Key Word
Hybrid electric vehicles, Batteries, Power quality, Voltage
The limited EV range may be circumvented by having a DC fast charging infrastructure in
place, capable of charging vehicles with a rate similar to refueling an internal combustion
engine (ICE) vehicle.
Building such an infrastructure has yet proven to be a major challenge, mainly due to
available technology, competing industry standards and the impact on the grid.
5. Tu, H.; Feng, H.; Srdic, S.; Lukic, S. Extreme Fast Charging of Electric Vehicles: A Technology
Overview. IEEE Trans. Transp. Electrif. 2019, 5, 861–878
Key Word
Charging stations, dc fast charger, electric vehicles (EVs), extreme fast charging (XFC), solid-state
transformer (SST)
The emerging extreme fast-charging (XFC) technology has the potential to provide a
refueling experience similar to that of gasoline vehicles.
The design considerations of the XFC stations and review the typical power electronics
converter topologies suitable to deliver XFC.
6. Khaligh, A.; Dusmez, S. Comprehensive Topological Analysis of Conductive and Inductive Charging
Solutions for Plug-In Electric Vehicles. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 2012, 61, 3475–3489.
Key Word
Electric vehicles (EVs), inductive charging, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), power
electronics, wide-bandgap semiconductor devices
PEVs in general are equipped with larger on-board storage and power electronics for
charging or discharging the battery, in comparison with HEVs.
A comprehensive topological survey of the currently available PEV charging solutions is
7. Tirupati Uttamrao Solanke, Vigna K. Ramachandaramurthy, Jia Ying Yong (April 2020) 'A review of
strategic charging–discharging control of grid-connected electric vehicles', The Journal of Energy
Storage, Vol. 3(No. 3)
Key Word
Bidirectional Charger Modeling, Grid connected EV, DC charging
The control technique for Bidirectional Charger Modeling the direction of current flow
can be used to indicate the direction of power flow.
The bidirectional power flow is controlled using the direct current control methodology
for bidirectional power transfer implementation.
8. Mr. Akshay A. Khandare (August 2021) 'Performance Evaluation of Single-Phase On-Board Charger
with Advanced Controller', International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology, Volume 9(Issue VIII)
Key Word
EV charger, Single phase On board charger, Controller
EV chargers are classified into two types: off-board charger and on-board charger
The charger located inside the EV is called an on-board charger and the charger located
outside the EV is called an off-board charger.
The primary use of an on-board charger is for low power application, and an offboard
charger is used for high power DC fast charging.
9. Lea Dorn-Gomba, Alan Callegaro (March 2021) 'A Review of Bidirectional On-Board Chargers for
Electric Vehicles', the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Volume 9(Issue VIII)
Key Word
Bidirectional converter, DC charger, EV, Battery
To promote the use of V2G wireless controllers, there are still some open issues that must
be addressed. Some of them are common with on-board conductive chargers.
In order to increase the efficiency of the system, all the diodes are fast body diodes.
10. licia TriviñoJose Manuel Gonzalez-Gonzalez (August 2021) 'Review on Control Techniques for EV
Bidirectional Wireless Chargers', Electronics, Volume 5(I),
Key Word
Controlling, Wireless charger, Electroncs
The promotion of electric vehicles (EVs) is key to the realization of sustainable
Initially, the main power transfer technologies involved battery exchange and wired
11. Mr. Akshay A. Khandare (August 2021) 'Performance Evaluation of Single-Phase On-Board Charger
with Advanced Controller', International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology, Volume 10(I)
Key Word
Charger, Advance controller, EV
The operation of a standard PI controller and a FLC was compared in this study using
MATLAB and Simulink, and different time domain characteristics were compared as to
show that the FLC had a smaller overshoot and a faster response than the PI controller.
12. Teck Kai Chan, Cheng Siong Chin (May 2021) 'Review of Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles for Urban
Driving and Parking', International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology, Volume 10(I)
Key Word
Autonomous Vehicle, Battery, EV
The other impacts of electric vehicles on the distributions grids are the voltage regulation,
renewable volatility mitigation, peak load cutting , Power quality improvement, and
optimal operation of grid.
13. Jacob Buys, Wei Qian (October 2020) 'Bidirectional Universal Converter Transformer Design for
Electric Vehicle Onboard Charging', IEEE, Volume 10(I)
Key Word
Bi directional converter, Transformer, EV, Charger
Modeling can be defined as the process of identifying objectives, variables, and
constraints for a given problem.
Many articles have reported mathematical modeling equations for a grid-connected
system using V2G technology integrated with RESs.
The modeled equations of the RESs are widely used among scholars to cover all the
system components.
14. Lorenzo Bartolucci, Stefano Cordiner (June 2020) 'Grid service potential from optimal sizing and
scheduling the charging hub of a commercial Electric Vehicle fleet', International Conference on
Environment and Electrical Engineering, Volume 2(Issue 4).
Key Word
Electrical vehicle, Scheduling, charging
Once the network is sufficiently extended, one of the solutions designed to avoid network
overloads could be the vehicle-to-grid (V2G).
This system provides the possibility for the electric operator who manages the columns
to control the batteries of the cars being recharged so that they can be used both as
"temporary accumulators" to store an excess of production and as "auxiliary batteries" to
absorb energy to be fed into the grid if required.
15. Valeh Moghaddam, Daryoush Habibi, Iftekhar Ahmad (May 2021) 'Dispatch management of
portable charging stations in electric vehicle networks', nternational Conference on Environment
and Electrical Engineering, Volume 2(Issue 4)
Key Word
Dispatch management , load, charging, EV
The quest to solve global environmental issues, the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology is
one of the most recent trends, which is based on the ability of EVs to feed power into the
grid when it is needed
While using individual EVs for this purpose is not as useful as other battery-based storage
solutions, or even generators, with the advances of EV infrastructure seen today and
expected in the future, EVs may be a viable alternative to contribute to maintaining power
grid stability.
16. Hou Lei, Ma Huizhuo (August 2021) 'Research on CLLLC Resonant Bidirectional DC-DC Converter',
Journal of Physics Conference Series, Volume 2(Issue 2)
Key Word
Bidirectional DC – DC converter, EV
The extended description function method is used to establish the large-signal steadystate model of the forward operation of CLLLC, and the small-signal perturbation is added
to the steady-state solution of the large-signal model to obtain the small-signal model of
the CLLLC resonant converter.
17. Negarestani, S.; Fotuhi-Firuzabad, M.; Rastegar, M.; Rajabi-Ghahnavieh, A. Optimal Sizing of
Storage System in a Fast Charging Station for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. IEEE Trans. Transp.
Electrif. 2016, 2, 443–453.
Key Word
Battery, Charging station, EV, Converter
A correct sizing of the storage unit provides great flexibility to the charging station,
allowing to reduce its peak power demand and the size of the protection equipment, thus
leading to both lower operational costs and initial investment.
18. Dhingra, K.; Singh, M. Frequency Support in a Micro-Grid Using Virtual Synchronous Generator
Based Charging Station. IET Renew. Power Gener. 2018, 12, 1034–1044.
Key Word
Grid, Electrical machine, Charging station
Some researchers have proposed the integration of various VSMs into the control of both
small power chargers and UFCs. Some propose partial ancillary services.
While others propose full VSM technology, which is able to provide both active and
reactive support
19. Cittanti, D.; Vico, E.; Gregorio, M.; Mandrile, F.; Bojoi, R. Iterative Design of a 60 kW All-Si Modular
LLC Converter for Electric Vehicle Ultra-Fast Charging. In Proceedings of the AEIT International
Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive (AEIT AUTOMOTIVE), Torino,
Italy, 18–20 November 2020.
Key Word
EV, Ultra fast charger, Modular
The DC/DC converter stage should be kept unidirectional, limiting hardware requirements
and simplifying communication and interconnection issues with the vehicles.
20. Liserre, M.; Blaabjerg, F.; Hansen, S. Design and Control of an LCL-Filter-Based Three-Phase Active
Rectifier. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 2005, 41, 1281–1291.
Key Word
Rectifier, Controller, Three phase supply
The Proposed control strategy does not depend on the AFE converter topology.
In this paper a simple two-level inverter is considered.