Lifting Generator from the vessel onto a trailer Task Title Lifting Plan No RIG NAME: Location (area): Max Weight of Load: Weight of lifting accessories : FHN XDG Yard XDG Yard Approx. MG 1.9te Approx. 60kg BCC-LP03 Date 7/22/2021 JRA – No: 2 Category of Lift: Utilisation of Lifting System % Max 30% Brief description of the lifting operation: Lifting Generator ( Aggreco 60 kva NEF45 DG) from the vessel onto a trailer Certified Lifting Appliances and Accessories to be listed including details of operating capacity (Specify type, WLL, capacity charts or rigging mode): Suitable and certified for the task mobile crane: CRANE MAKE & MODEL: XCMG QY25K-2 LIFT RADIUS: Max. 9m HEIGHT OF LIFT: 10m above ground (max.) CRANE CAPACITY: 8.2 te @ 9m COUNTERWIEGHT: N/A BOOM LENGTH: 24.68m HOOK BLOCK: Min. 7.5te (0.297te weight) OUTRIGGER SPREAD: 6m MAT SIZE: Min. 1.2m x 1.2m SLEWING ANGLE: 360 degrees FLY JIB: N/A NOTE: The crane configuration is based on XCMG QY25K-2 Load Chart. Other suitable crane with equivalent configuration can also be used. Certified and dedicated sling set - 2x 5te 4leg sling SN G-W000001-000500 - 2x 6te 4leg sling SN EB-75-3TJB-150-6T - 2x 3te 4leg sling SN JB-150-6T - 4x 3.25te Safety pin bow shackles SN EZ 21121, EZ 21269, 01907/1, 884/4 Cross Reference Relevant Procedures and Documents: Risk assessment Permit to work LOLER 98 All Lifting Operations Require The Following To Be Considered But This List Is Not Exhaustive Pre-use person. Every Lift Every Time equipment checks by All lifting identified. equipment should Specify Yes/No competent have SWL Load center of gravity Lifting over live plant criteria, if applicable Yes No Simultaneous, conflicting or nearby operations Crane capacity at selected ( worse case) radius Access & egress for slinging & un-slinging of load Engineering calculation (contingencies, uncertified Steel work criteria, etc.) Amendments Pre-lift readiness check sheet Load Integrity checks including DROPS PTW required? Contingency plan Tool Box Talk – on site Rescue plan Check Certification – especially for nonstandard lifts / loads from supply vessel Permit to work Weight, size, shape, certification and centre of gravity of load known. Proximity hazards, obstructions, path of load, lay down area load bearing capacity Consideration of the placement of lifting equipment, plus potential consequences of catastrophic failure. Environmental conditions including weather / sea state. Experience, personnel. competence and training All loads must be checked for loose objects. of JRA Number of personnel required / roles and level of supervision (PIC) required: 1. Banksman x1 BP BASIC MODULE or equivalent Performing the role of PIC 2. Slingers x2 slinger qualification 3. Crane operator x1 certificate of competency to operate the type of crane Method statement step by step procedure Pre-lift steps 1. A minimum of 3 competent and certified rigging crew to attend throughout lifting operation. 2. Banksman to be clearly identifiable by wearing high visibility jacket. 3. Yard lifting supervisor’s and vessel master’s approval to be obtained to start the lift. Yard lifting Supervisor to check crane parameters for lifting and lowering Main Compressor. 4. All personnel involved in the lifting operation review the Risk Assessment, Lift Plan, complete Toolbox Talk and define roles and responsibilities prior to commencing the operation. 5. Define access / egress / escape routes and exclusion zone, barricade the working area and keep unauthorised persons away. 6. Ensure certificates for all lifting equipment available and valid. 7. Slingers to do pre-use visual inspection of all involved accessories. 8. Crane Operator to carry out pre-start checks of the crane. 9. Ensure Ground Bearing Pressure is confirmed suitable by a competent person for the lifting operation. 10. Ensure weather/sea conditions are within crane limits and monitor during operation. 11. Ensure no conflicting activities/proximity hazards exist (overhead obstructions, live plants, SIMOPS etc.) 12. Ensure the load is visually inspected by competent person, ready for being lifted and no loose/drop potential objects on the load. 13. Clear communication to be established between all involved parties. Perform radio checks where applicable Lift steps 1. Under banksman’s instructions trailer to be parked in the suitable area considering the radius for picking up the load and driver to leave the operations area; Ensure a suitable laydown is prepared for the Main Compressor on the trailer and free of hazards to personnel. 2. Under banksman’s instructions the crane to be set up in suitable location considering the radii for picking up and laying down the load. 3. Under Banksman’s signals the Crane Operator to position the crane hook next to the sling set on the load; Slingers to attach the sling set to crane hook (use step ladder if necessary); Slingers to attach two tag lines to suitable points on the Main Compressor for maximum control during the operation. 4. Under Banksman’s signals the Crane Operator to lift and position the crane hook over the estimated centre of gravity of the container. 5. Start trial lifting of the Main Compressor up to approximately 10cm off the deck; Slingers to guide the sling set if necessary and safe to do so to prevent snagging or twisting; Slingers to move to a safe distance from the load and help control the load with tag lines as necessary; Ensure the load is being lifted stable; Ensure the actual load weight and lifting radius are as specified and within crane capabilities; Lay down the load and do adjustments if necessary. 6. If everything is satisfactory, Crane operator to lift the Main Compressor to necessary height clear of any obstructions on the path, bring the load over the designated lay down area; Slingers to help control and orientate the load using tag lines as necessary from a safe distance; Crane operator to land the load onto designated laydown area on the trailer. 7. Crane operator to lower the hook block next to the load; Slingers to detach the sling set; Crane operator to lift the hook block to safe position. 8. Under banksman’s instructions the trailer to be moved to safe position. 9. Under banksman’s instructions the crane to be moved to safe position (if no more lifts). 10. Slingers to do post-use inspection of all lifting accessories. 11. Remove barricades, do housekeeping and reinstate the operation area. Diagrams, Drawings or Sketches (include key dimensions): N/A Methods of communication: Radio Verbal Hand Signals Assessment to whether to use tag lines, including their hazards and limitations. Two suitable length and diameter taglines to be used. List steps to be taken to eliminate danger to personnel including definition of exclusion zone: Correct PPE to be worn. Correct Manual Handling techniques to be implemented. Area around the operations area to be barricated Prepared by: Cavid YUSUFLI Authorized by: Murat TOPBASTEKIN Endorsed by: Job Title: Deputy Technical Manager Job Title: Technical Manager Signature: Job Title: Signature: Signature: Date: 22.07.21 Date: 22.07.21 Date: (if req’d) De-brief and Lessons Learning: