ITB DATABASE DESIGN II ASSIGNMENT ON DATABASE NORMALIZATION (To be handed in after three days) Consider the data in the table below: CLIENT RENTAL DETAILS TABLE: clientNo clientName propertyNo CR0001 Jovan P0021 P0040 CR0002 Sarah P0011 P0012 P0015 pAddress Jinja Mbale Gulu Mbarara Kabale rentStart 01/11/21 01/12/21 25/9/22 01/8/21 20/7/21 rentFinish 30/4/22 31/5/22 25/12/21 31/1/22 19/10/21 rent 600,000/= 800,000/= 500,000/= 1,000,000/= 2,500,000/= Required: Study the above Client Rental Details table and normalize it up to 3 rd NF ownerNo K001 K001 M231 M231 M231 oName Salma Salma Dan Dan Dan