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U.S. Government Constitution Test - High School

U.S. Government Honor: Constitution Unit Test
1. Which amendment passed Women suffrage?
A) 13th amendment
B) 21st amendment
C) 19th amendment
D) 18th amendment
2. Which amendment abolished slavery in the United States
A) 13th amendment
B) 21st amendment
C) 19th amendment
D) 18th amendment
3. Which amendment protects individuals from unwarranted search and seizure ?
A) 3rd amendment
B) 4th amendment
C) 5th amendment
D) 6th amendment
4. Which amendment prohibited cruel and unusual punishment and excess bail?
A) 5th amendment
B) 6th amendment
C) 7th amendment
D) 8th amendment
5. Which Article in the U.S. Constitution list the reserved power to declare war?
A) Article I
B) Article II
C) Article III D) Article IV
6. Which Article in the U.S. Constitution list the reserved power to be commander and chief of
the military?
A) Article I
B) Article II
C) Article III D) Article IV
7. Which Article in the U.S. Constitution list the reserved power to tax?
A) Article I
B) Article II
C) Article III D) Article IV
8. Which Article in The U.S. Constitution list the reserved power to appoint Justice to the
Supreme Court?
A) Article I
B) Article II
C) Article III D) Article IV
9. Which Article in The U.S. Constitution list the reserved power of the listed acts and
conditions for the mark of Treason against the United States?
A) Article I
B) Article II
C) Article III D) Article IV
10. Which two Amendments are connected? (Hint Intoxicating liquors)
A)18th and 20th
B)19th and 20th
C)19th and 21st
D)18th and 21st
11. Which Amendment protects an individual from self incriminating themselves?
A) 3rd amendment
B) 4th amendment
C) 5th amendment
D) 6th amendment
12. Counting slaves in the population, as a ratio for tax and representation purpose?
A)Virginia plan
B)New Jersey plan
C)The Great Compromise
D) three-fifth compromise
13. English philosopher, who inspired the Founding Fathers with the idea of a social contract in
A)Thomas Hobbes
B) John Locke
C) Montesquieu
D) Voltaire
14. Who is known as the Father of the Constitution?
A) Alexander Hamilton
B)John Jay
C)James Madison
D) Thomas Jefferson
15. Who is known as the Father of the Declaration of Independence?
A)Alexander Hamilton
B) John Jay
C) James Madison
D) Thomas Jefferson
16. A series of essays written by John Jay and Alexander Hamilton promoting the ratification of
the United States Constitution?
A) Reynold Papers
B)The Patriot Act
C) Federalist Papers D) Order 66
17. In order for the ratification of the new United States Constitution, how many states must
ratify it to be a new government?
18. Which was the United States first framework of government?
A) The Bill of Rights
B)The Constitution
C)Articles of Confederation
D) Declaration of Independence
19. A group of people who opposed the ratification of the Constitution?
A) Federalist
C) Loyalist
20. Shay’s Rebellion proved the Articles of Confederation were weak because, they failed at….
A) Collecting taxes
B)Maintaining Army
C)None of the Above
D)All of the above
A Single House legislative plan based on equal seats of representation for each states?
A)Massachusetts plan
B)Virginia Plan
C) New Jersey Plan
D) Connecticut plan
22. A Two House Legislation based on state population for seating representation, large
population gets more seats?
A) Virginia Plan
B) New Jersey Plan
C) The Great Compromise
D)Massachusetts Plan
23. A Two House legislation body with the upper house having equal seating representation, and
the lower house having representation based on state’s population?
A)The Great Compromise
B)Virginia Plan
C) New Jersey plan
D)Massachusetts plan
24. French philosopher, who inspired the Founding Father on the principle of Limited
government and Separation of power?
25. Judicial review was established in this Court Case?
A)Marbury v Madison
B)Jefferson v Hamilton
C)Mcculloch v Maryland
D)Miranda v Arizona
26. A list of entitled rights provided to all US Citizens- in order to protect against laws that are
to powerful over individuals? (Started with 10)
A) Articles
B)Bill of Rights
C) Patriot Act
D)Supremacy clause
27. A system of government in which a written constitution divides power between a central, or
national, or national, government and several regional government.
A) popular sovereignty
B) Separations of power
C) Federalism
D) Limited Government
28. System of overlapping the powers of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches to
permit each branch to check the actions of the other.
A) Checks and Balances
B) Limited Government
C) Separation of power
29. Power separated in three branches so that not one branch control all the power.
A) Separations of Power
B)Limited Government
C)Checks and Balances
30. The people are the source of any and all governmental power, and the government can only
exist with the consent of governed.
A)Popular sovereignty
B)Checks and Balances
D)Limited Government
31. Each individual has rights, that the government is restricted and cannot take away them.
A)Limited Government
B)Popular Sovereignty
C) Checks and Balances
D) Federalism
32. The power of the court to check governmental actions as constitutional.
A) Judicial Review
C)Limited Government
D)Separation of Power
33. Is slavery mentioned in the Constitution? True/False
A) True
34. Is Judicial review listed in Article III of constitution?True/False
35. Read the follow excerpt. Determine if it is written by a Federalist or Anti Federalist?
In order to lay a due foundation for that separate and distinct exercise of the different powers of
government, which to a certain extent is admitted on all hands to be essential to the preservation
of liberty, it is evident that each department should have a will of its own; and consequently should
be so constituted that the members of each should have as little agency as possible in the
appointment of the members of the others. Were this principle rigorously adhered to, it would
require that all the appointments for the supreme executive, legislative, and judiciary magistracies
should be drawn from the same fountain of authority, the people, through channels having no
communication whatever with one another. Perhaps such a plan of constructing the several
departments would be less difficult in practice than it may in contemplation appear. Some
difficulties, however, and some additional expense would attend the execution of it.
A) Federalist
Extra Credit
Write on the side or back of bubble sheet
5pts - Name Supreme Court case- provide the name of the case, what were the constitutional
right(s) violated- what was the final verdict/ who won and reasoning.
3pts- Which president resigned from the presidency following his impeachment trial? Hint
Watergate Scandal/ “I am Not a Crook”