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Teamwork Assessment: Effectiveness, Participation, Learning

1. Overall, how effectively did your team work together on this project?
Extremely Well
2. How many of the team members participated actively most of the time?
All of the team members worked diligently to finish the projects.
3. How many of you were fully prepared for the teamwork most of the time?
All of our team. We have prepared beforehand and worked on it together.
4. Give one specific example of something you learned from the team that you probably would not
have learned working alone.
Communication between people and how to manage time properly.
5. Give one specific example of something the other team members learned from you that they
probably would not have learned otherwise.
Turning stuff in at the due date. Taking charge.
6. Suggest one specific, practical change the team could make that would help improve everyone’s
Paying attention to what professor have said prior to projects, such as directions on where to turn it
in and where to look for the information for the project.