Basic Information Total points78/100 General 0 of 0 points Name * Abdul Qadeer Hamza Mobile No. * 3014306609 Professional Test 78 of 100 points Income Tax 4. Total income of a person is defined in section----- of the income tax ordinance 2001 2/2 9 10 11 12 Other: 26. Fair market value of any benefit or perquisite, whether convertible into money or not, derived by a person by virtue of, a past, present, or prospective business relationship shall be chargeable to tax under the head income from 2/2 Salary Property Business None Other: Submission Tracking ID - DO NOT CHANGE * This is important for tracking purposes. Do not change. Any change in this will make your submission void yes 20. While calculating income from property an allowance equal to ------ of the rent chargeable to tax in respect of the building for the year, computed before any deduction allowed shall be allowed 2/2 One fifth One fourth 10% 15% Other: 18. Where any amount is included in rent received or receivable by any person for the provision of amenities, utilities or any other service connected with the renting of the building, such amount shall be chargeable to tax under the head 2/2 Salary Business Other Sources Property Other: 5. Pension paid by federal government to his employees is calculated under the dead "Salary" however, is not exempt from from tax. 0/2 True False Other: Correct answer False 6. The income of a resident person under a head of income shall be computed by taking into account amounts that are 2/2 Pakistan source income Foreign source income Pakistan source + Foreign source income Pakistan source - Foreign source income Other: 42. The amortization deduction of a person for a tax year shall be computed according to the following formula, namely 2/2 A-B A+B A/B A*B Other: 25. Any income derived by any trade, professional or similar association from the sale of goods or provision of services to its members shall be chargeable to tax under the head income from business. 2/2 True False Other: 3. Section 9 of the income tax ordinance 2001 deals with 2/2 Heads of income Total income Taxable income Exempt income Other: 13. Where, in a tax year, utilities are provided by an employer to an employee, the amount chargeable to tax to the employee under the head “Salary” for that year shall include 0/2 Fair market value of the utilities reduced by any payment made None Fair market value only Consideration paid by the employee Other: Correct answer Fair market value of the utilities reduced by any payment made 16. The value of a right or option to acquire shares under an employee share scheme granted to an employee shall 2/2 Be chargeable to tax Shall not be chargeable to tax Shall b exempt from tax None Other: 17. "Employee share scheme” means any agreement or arrangement under which a company may issue shares in the company to 2/2 Employees of the company Employees of the associate company Both are correct None Other: 2. Heads of income are defined in which section of the income tax ordinance 2001? 2/2 9 10 11 12 Other: 44. If the consideration received on disposal of intangible is less than the written down value of the intangible at the time of disposal, the difference shall be --------- in computing the person’s income chargeable to tax under the head “Income from Business” in that year. 2/2 allowed as a deduction Disallowed as a dedution Shall be income of person None Other: 45. “intangible” means any patent, invention, design or model but does not include 2/2 Secret formula Trademark Self generated goodwill Copyright Other: 33. No deduction shall be allowed in computing the income of a person under the head “Income from Business” for any salary paid or payable exceeding ------ thousand rupees per month other than by a crossed cheque or direct transfer of funds to the employee’s bank account 2/2 Fifteen Twenty Twenty five Thirty five Other: 24. Any income from the hire or lease of tangible movable property is chargeable to tax under the head income from 2/2 Property Business Other source None Other: 39. Which of the following is the not a depreciable asset 0/2 Tangible moveable property Immoveable property Building Un improved land Other: 11. An amount or perquisite shall be treated as received by an employee from any employment regardless of whether the amount or perquisite is paid or provided 2/2 By the employee’s employer By an associate of the employer Both are correct None Other: 37. Where any building, furniture, plant or machinery is used for the purposes of business during any tax year for which the income from such business is exempt, depreciation admissible shall be treated to have been ----- in respect of the said tax year 2/2 Disallowed Allowed Partially allowed Not allowed Other: 47. pre-commencement expenditure” means any expenditure incurred before the commencement of a business wholly and exclusively to derive income chargeable to tax but does not include 0/2 cost of feasibility studies expenditure incurred in acquiring land Prototype cost Trial production activities Other: Correct answer expenditure incurred in acquiring land 43. Where, in any tax year, a person disposes of an intangible, no depreciation deduction shall be allowed under this section for that year. 0/2 True False Correct answer False 12. Where any amount chargeable under the head “Salary” is paid to an employee in arrears; and as a result the employee is chargeable at higher rates of tax employee may, by notice in writing to the ------ elect for the amount to be taxed at the rates of tax that would have been applicable if the salary had been paid to the employee in the tax year in which the services were rendered. 2/2 Assistant commissioner Commissioner Additional commissioner Cheif commissioner Other: 41. A person shall be allowed an amortisation deduction in accordance with this section in a tax year for the cost of the person’s 2/2 Tangible assets Intangibles asset Moveable assets Tangible moveable assets Other: 31. Disallowance in respect of purchases of raw materials and finished goods under clause c of section 21 shall not exceed -----per cent of purchases of raw materials and finished goods. 2/2 10 15 20 25 Other: 23. Where the owner of a building receives from a tenant an amount which is not adjustable against the rent, the amount shall be treated as rent chargeable to tax in the tax year in which it was received and the following ------tax years in equal proportion. 2/2 Nine Ten Eleven None Other: 49. “scientific research institution” means any institution certified by the ------- as conducting scientific research in Pakistan. 2/2 Government SECP Board SBP Other: 8. The income of a resident person under a head of income shall be computed by taking into account only amounts that are Pakistan-source income. 0/2 True False Correct answer False 7. Where the total deductions allowed to a person for a tax year under a head of income exceed the total of the amounts derived by the person in that year that are chargeable to tax under that head, the person shall be treated as sustaining a ----- for that head for that year. 2/2 Income Loss Profit Excess Other: 27. Any profit on debt derived by a person where the person’s business is to derive such income shall be chargeable to tax under the head “Income from Other Sources ” and not under the head “Income from Business”. 0/2 True False Other: Correct answer False 36. The written down value of a depreciable asset of a person at the beginning of the tax year, where the asset was acquired in the tax year, shall be 0/2 the cost of the asset to the person Cost of the asset reduced by initial allowance Both are correct None Other: Correct answer Cost of the asset reduced by initial allowance 22. Where the owner of a building receives from a tenant an amount which is not adjustable against the rent, the amount shall be treated as rent chargeable to tax under the head Income from 2/2 Business Property Other source None Other: 46. A person bought a machine in 2010 for Rs. 100,000/- and allowed an initial allowance of Rs.20,000/- in 2010. What will be the written down value of machine on 1st day of tax year 2011 2/2 100,000 90,000 80,000 120,000 Other: 35. A pharmaceutical menufacturer shall not be allowed a deduction for any expenditure in respect of sales , advertisement and publicity in excess of ----- per cent of turnover. 2/2 15 10 20 25 Other: 32. Any expenditure for a transaction, paid or payable under a single account head which, in aggregate, exceeds two hundred and fifty thousand rupees, made other than by a crossed cheque drawn on a bank or by crossed bank draft or crossed pay order or any other crossed banking instrument showing transfer of amount from the business bank account of the taxpayer shall be disallowed under 0/2 21(c) 21(l) 21(m) None Other: Correct answer 21(l) 48. Pre-commencement expenditure shall be amortized on a straight-line basis 2/2 True False Other: 40. A person who places an eligible depreciable asset into service in Pakistan for the first time in a tax year shall be allowed a deduction hereinafter referred to as 2/2 Initial allowance Depreciation allowance 1st year allowance None Other: 38. Where, in any tax year, a person disposes of a depreciable asset, no depreciation deduction shall be allowed under this section for that year. 2/2 True False 14. Where, in a tax year, a loan is made by an employer to an employee, and no profit on loan is payable by the employee, the amount chargeable to tax to the employee under the head “Salary” for that year shall include 0/2 Not computed The profit on loan computed at the benchmark rate The difference between the amount of profit on loan paid by the employee and benchmark rate None Other: Correct answer The profit on loan computed at the benchmark rate 28. Any business in which a contract for the purchase and sale of any commodity is periodically or ultimately settled otherwise than by the actual delivery or transfer of the commodity is called 2/2 Cash basis Accrual basis Speculation None Other: 34. A deduction shall be allowed in computing the income of a person under the head “Income from Business” for any fine or penalty paid or payable by the person for the violation of any law, rule or regulation. 2/2 Equal to the amount of fine or penalty Lesser of the both No deduction shall be allowed None Other: 9. No deduction shall be allowed for any expenditure incurred by an employee in deriving amounts chargeable to tax under the head ---2/2 Business Property Other source Salary Other: 1. How many heads of income are defined in income tax ordinance 2001? 2/2 3 1 4 5 Other: 15. For the purpose of taxation“utilities” includes electricity, gas, water and 2/2 Telephone Car House All Other: 50. A company shall account for income chargeable to tax under the head “Income from Business” on 2/2 Cash basis Accrual basis Cash or accrual as prescribed by the board None Other: 10. Salary includes values of perquisites which are 2/2 Convertible to money Not Convertible to money Convertible to money or not None Other: 30. No deduction shall be allowed in computing the income of a person under the head “Income from Business” for ------ on the basis of such profits or gains from business. 0/2 Only for Tax or rate levied Only for Any cess levied Any cess, rate or tax levied All are correct Other: Correct answer Any cess, rate or tax levied 19. Any rent received or receivable by any person in respect of the lease of a building together with plant and machinery shall not be chargeable to tax under the head “Income from Other Sources”. 2/2 True False Other: 29. Speculation business does not include a contract in respect of stocks and shares entered into by a person to guard against loss in the person’s holding of stocks and shares through price fluctuations. 2/2 True False Other: 21. Where any unpaid rent allowed as a deduction, is wholly or partly recovered, the amount recovered shall be chargeable to tax in the tax year 2/2 In which deduction was allowed in which it is recovered Any of 3 preceding years None Other: Do not edit this field, click on SUBMIT 0 of 0 points The field below is needed by Form Timer and most NOT be modified. If you modify this key your answer will not be recorded. Fingerprint - DO NOT EDIT * bPD6GJfV This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy Forms