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Fundamentals of Social Science Research

Fundamentals of Social Science Research
Characteristics of Science
1. Empirical and objective
a. Not just based on authority, common sense, logic
b. Verifiable by direct observation/experience
c. Can be objective report of a subjective experience
2. Self-correcting, progressive and tentative
a. New evidence can correct previous beliefs
b. Increasingly closer to truth
3. Parsimonious: simplest possible explanation
4. Concerned with theory: the Why?
Goal of science
Development of a theory
o Description of phenomena
o Search for cause
Must be falsifiable
o Hypothesis: statement assumed to be true for purpose of testing its validity
 Having Gene X is associated with increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease
o Operational definition: statement of the precise meaning of a procedure/concept
within an experiment (i.e. what are we measuring)
 Copies of genetic variant? Age of onset? Brain size? Memory?
American Psychological Association (APA): Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of
o Competence (Little Albert Experiment – Fear Conditioning)
o Participants informed of research procedures (e.g. potential risks, incentives, right to
o Willing participation
o Experiments may require participants be naïve to research hypothesis
o Inform participants ASAP about nature of study, answer questions and remove
o Ascertain whether the deception (i.e. the experimental manipulation was successful)
o Sometimes delay until the end of the entire study
o Plagiarism
o If significant errors are discovered, take reasonable steps to correct them
o Do not fabricate data
o Min discomfort, infection, illness and pain of animals
o Treated with humane consideration of well-being in conjunction with research goals
Institutional Review Board (IRB): Ensures that studies present as little risk as possible and
have scientific merit
Singapore: Human Biomedical Research Act (HBRA)