Assessment Criteria A variety of line and texture has been used to create a visually interesting composition. Visual rhythm has been included. Poor: 0 - 2 Fair: 3 Good: 4 Excellent: 5 The learner has not made an effort to include textures and lines. An attempt has been made to use different textures and lines. Effort has been put into including a wide variety of lines and textures. The learner did not achieve visual rhythm. There is a definite focal point. The learner has not included a focal point. The learner has achieved the visual rhythm in the artwork. The focal point is evident. Contrast creates an eye catching artwork. Very little contrast has been included. The learner made an attempt, yet it was not successful. The learner attempted to create a focal point, yet it is not successful as many parts are competing with each other. Contrast has been included, yet it is not well balanced. Expectations have been exceeded. A great effort to include a variety is shown. The visual rhythm within the artwork is highly successful. The focal point reinforces the theme. The theme has been communicated. The learner did not include the theme. An attempt has been made to express the theme, yet it is not clear. A great deal of time and effort has been put in to communicate the theme. Details have been included. No detail has been included. Very little detail has been included. The composition is balanced. Balance has not been considered. Time management. The artwork is incomplete. Balance does not work successfully. The artwork shows very little time and effort. An adequate amount of detail has been included. Balance has been used appropriately. Sufficient time and effort has been applied. Creativity. The learner was not creative. The ideas are predictable. Good craftsmanship. Craftsmanship is very low. Total mark achieved: The learner attempted to be creative in their approach, yet their ideas were not successful. Craftsmanship is below expectation. The use of contrast is eye catching. The learner included interesting ideas in the artwork. Craftsmanship is adequate. The contrast is dramatic and eye catching. A good balance has been achieved. Expectations have been exceeded. The theme is expressed in an innovative way. Expectations have been exceeded. Balance has been used innovatively and successfully. The learner has shown excellent time management skills. The artwork is highly creative. Craftsmanship exceeds expectations. /50 marks Name of learner: _____________________________________________ Grade: _________________________