CONTRACT AGREEMENT ENSEMBLE ACTOR - This Ensemble__________________ Contract Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into on the date: ________________. ENSEMBLE MOTTO ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ RESPONSIBLITIES TO COMMIT TO The Ensemble Actor agrees to perform the roles below: 1. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________ - In addition to the aforementioned, the Actor agrees to abide by and perform all of the proposed rules. 1. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________________ 7. _______________________________________________________________________ 8. _______________________________________________________________________ 9. _______________________________________________________________________ 10. _______________________________________________________________________ 11. _______________________________________________________________________ 12. _______________________________________________________________________ 13. _______________________________________________________________________ 14. _______________________________________________________________________ TERM Options: Quarter ___ or Full Academic Year __________ UNCOMFORTABLE ZONE - One personal challenge that you agree to meet when we start performing ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. - On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you enjoy working/performing by yourself ___________________________________________________________________________ - On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you enjoy working/performing with others. BOOKS TO READ - Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters - Pipeline PROJECTS AND PERFORMANCES The Actor agrees to Perform the following: 1. Improvisation: Props (WEEK 5) 2. Reenactment of “Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters” (WEEK 5) 3. Monologue: “My Biggest Fear/Obstacle” (WEEK 6) 4. Reading and Watching “Pipeline” (WEEK 7-8) 4. One Act Play (WEEK 9-10) REFLECTIONZ and CRITIQUEZ - The Ensemble Actors agree that it is their responsibility to reflect on their OWN performances through journaling - The Ensemble Actors further agree that it is their responsibility to maintain a healthy environment and SAFE SPACE to give their colleagues proper feedback ARE YOU COACHABLE? - Do you agree to let Ms. Z coach you outside of your comfort zone? ___________ MID-CHECK IN - How do you feel about the class from 1 to 5 so far? - What do you look forward to performing/doing in this class? ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. - Please indicate anything else that you would like me to know about you! ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________. - Do you understand what’s going on in the class so far? - ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. - What have you learned so far? - ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. ACTOR AGREES TO PARTICIPATE IN THE GOVERNING SCHEDULE - “Feel Out” Journals - P.T.O.D. - GENESIS CIRCLE o Breathing Exercise o Ensemble Affirmation o Movement Warm Up and Connection Activity - LESSON OF THE DAY - OMEGA CIRCLE o Ensemble Affirmation o Warm and Fuzzies - Grateful Exit FAILURE TO COMPLY - The Parties agrees that any behavioral refusal made to this Agreement will result in an inadequate grade. SIGNATURE AND DATE - The Parties hereby agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and such is demonstrated throughout by their signatures below: DIRECTOR ENSEMBLE ACTOR Name:____________________________ Name:____________________________ Signature:_________________________ Signature:_________________________ Date:_____________________________ Date:_____________________________