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World History PLAN

World History PLAN! 2,3,6 Period Classes
The binder has all the assignments and answer keys for each
All work is done out of a textbook, everything has been preplanned. Deviate from the plans will lead to grade confusion
and frustration. Specific Admin and Teachers have already
been assigned who grades and enters them into the
gradebook. Everyday there is a new assignment to be done by
the students. Some are graded some are not. Those that are
will be labeled as such. The Assignments and instructions for
the assignments are as followed:
Guided Readings: These Worksheets will be a class copy, They
Will answer the questions in their notebooks, which should’ve
been provided for them. These are essentially their notes.
These will not be for a grade.
Vocabulary: Just like Guided Readings, These are part of the
notes. Not a grade, done in their notebooks.
Essays: They will write their essays In their notebooks. Please
write the Topic on the Board so that the students can see the
Quizzes: Each student needs their own paper, these will be
written on and turned in for a formative grade. There will be a
teacher who grades these and entered in gradebook. They are
allowed to use the textbook to answer the questions.
Tests: Just like Quizzes. Same rules apply.
Leaving the classroom: Only students who are going to
restroom are allowed to leave. Nobody is to leave to go to
another class or leave early.
Cellphone Policy: This is for my classroom only. If they are
working on their work, they are allowed to listen to music
with headphones on. If they talk to much or get too loud, then
you are to redirect or take this privilege away. Don’t make this
a serious battle, but if somebody cant handle it, then take
note of the name and turn into the AP.
Sept 30: Page 102-103, Answer Questions 1-25, This is the
Review for a Test on Friday Oct 1.
Oct 1: Test Chapter 4 A Version, This is a Summative Grade
Oct 4: Page 150-171, Vocabulary, Write the Word and
Definition, Yellow Words, 10 Words
Oct 5: Chapter 7 Lesson 1 Guided Reading, Answer in
Notebook, Not for Grade
Oct 6: Chapter 7 Lesson 2 Guided Reading, Answer in
Notebook, Not for Grade
Oct 7: Chapter 7 Lesson 2 Quiz, For a Formative Grade
Oct 12: Writing Essay, In notebook, not for a grade, “How did
the Geography of Rome lead to a successful Empire?
Oct 13: Page 172-173, Answer Questions 1-21 in Notebook, This
is for Review Test Oct 14th
Oct 14: Test Chapter 7 A Version, This is a Summative Grade
END OF 9 Weeks!
Oct 18: Chapter 9, Lesson 1 Guided Reading, Answer in
Notebooks, Not Graded
Oct 19: Chapter 9, Lesson 2 Guided Reading, Answer in
Notebooks, Not Graded
Oct 20: Chapter 11, Lesson 1 Guided Reading, Answer in
Notebooks, Not Graded
Oct 21: Chapter 11, Lesson 1 Quiz, This is a Formative Grade
Oct 22: Essay Writing, In notebook, “Which Parts of Chinese
Society grew stronger during this Period? Economy, Gov,
Science, Technology?” Pages 250-254 for information
Oct 25: Chapter 11 Lesson 2, Guided Reading, Not for Grade,
Answer in Notebook
Oct 26: Chapter 11 Lesson 3, Quiz, This is a formative grade
Oct 27 Chapter 11 Review, Page 272, Questions 1-14, Answer in
Notebook, Not Graded
Oct 28 Chapter 11 Test Version A, Summative Grade
Oct 29 Make up Day, Students have opportunity to do any
assignment missed.
Nov 1 Chapter 13 Lesson 1 Guided Reading Not for Grade,
Answer in Notebook
Nov 2 Chapter 13 Lesson 2 Guided Reading Not for Grade,
Answer in Notebook
Nov 3 Writing Essay In Notebooks, “Who was Mansa Musa and
Explain his significance to not only Africa but also the World”
Nov 4 Chapter 10, Lesson 1 Guided Reading
Nov 5 Chapter 10, Lesson 1 Quiz, Formative Grade
Nov 8: Chapter 10, Lesson 3 Guided Reading
Nov 9: Chapter 10, Lesson 3 Quiz, Formative Grade
Nov 10: Chapter 8 Lesson 2 Guided Reading
Nov 11: No School
Nov 12: Chapter 8 Lesson 5 Guided Reading
Nov 15: Chapter 12 Lesson 2 Guided Reading
Nov 16: Chapter 10, Lesson 3 Quiz, Formative Grade
Nov 17: Chapter 12, Lesson 4 Guided Reading
Nov 18: Chapter 12, Lesson 1 Guided Reading
Nov 19: Chapter 12 Test Version A, Summative Grade
Nov 20: Make up Day, Students have opportunity to do any
assignment missed.
Nov 29: Chapter 15 Lesson 1 Guided Reading
Nov 30: Chapter 15 Lesson 1 Quiz, Formative
Dec 1: Chapter 15 Lesson 2 Guided Reading
Dec 2: Chapter 15 Lesson 2 Quiz, Formative
Dec 3: Writing Essay, In Notebooks “Why was Italy the Center
of the Renaissance?”
Dec 6: Chapter 16, Guided Reading Lesson 1
Dec 7: Chapter 16 Quiz Lesson 1, Formative
Dec 8: Chapter 16 Lesson 2 Guided Reading
Dec 9: Chapter 16 Lesson 2 Quiz, Formative
Dec 10: Chapter 16 Test, Summative