Uploaded by Ola Ghandour

The Minister's Black Veil: Symbolism & Puritan Context

The Minister’s Black Veil
Introducing the Story
Would people be comfortable . . .
. . . if we knew the contents of each other’s souls?
The Minister’s Black Veil
Introducing the Story
Mr. Hooper, a young Puritan clergyman, shocks his
congregation by appearing at the church one
Sunday in a black veil.
• Why, the people wonder
fearfully, is their minister
hiding his face?
• Is the veil related to the
topic of Mr. Hooper’s
sermon—secret sin?
[End of Section]
The Minister’s Black Veil
Literary Skills Focus: Symbolism
A symbol is something that
• has meaning in itself
• also stands for something beyond itself
passage of time
The Minister’s Black Veil
Literary Skills Focus: Symbolism
Hawthorne, like other Dark Romantics, used
symbolism in his writing. The central symbol in
this story is a black veil.
Descriptions of
the veil suggest
its symbolic
The veil “darkly
separates the
wearer from the
“dismal shade”
“mysterious emblem”
The Minister’s Black Veil
Literary Skills Focus: Analyzing Historical Context
Thinking about historical context helps you
understand the culture of the time.
In Puritan New
England, sin was a
frequent sermon topic.
How might the Puritans’
focus on sin and guilt
have affected their
emotions and actions?
The Sermon by Julius Gari Melchers
[End of Section]