Uploaded by Nguyen Phan

Justice Speech Outline: Community Relations & Law Enforcement

Justice Speech Outline
Nguyen Phan
Professor Hector
CJ G137 Community Relations & Special Issues in Criminal Justice
Justice Speech Outline
1. Introduction:
a. Attention Grabber:
Ladies and gentlemens, I want to thank you for coming here today. It’s indeed an
honor, privilege and pleasure to be with you today. With your trust, your
confidence, as the new chief of police, I assure you that I am here to make sure that
our community, our city will always stay safe, peaceful, and the community will
always be filled with justice.
b. Motivator:
As stated by William Godwin in the Enquiry Concerning Political Justice
textbook, “ Justice is the sum of all moral duty”.
c. Thesis Statement:
So our mission is to keep maintaining a higher moral standard, protecting and
serving, maintaining order and enforcing laws as the name implies as our goal is to
help the community in which we serve no matter the circumstances. And today
I’m here today to explain to you about the idea of justice as I am the new chief of
d. Preview main topics:
First, I will explain in detail the idea of justice. Additionally, I will discuss my
expectations of my employees here. And lastly, I will wrap up my speech by
stating my mission and ensuring how my employees will follow my mission.
2. Body
Main topic #1: Idea of Justice:
As different human beings, we all have a personal opinion on what is right
and what is wrong, based on specific beliefs. Even though “justice” and
“law” mean different things, justice is established by the laws of a country.
Justice is the action by treating every individual as equal without
considering their race, color, gender , nationality, religion, wealth, age,
profession, disability etc, in front of the written laws. Hence, it is the
administration of justice — impartiality to give equal ability to everyone to
exercise their rights and presuming the wrongdoer to be innocent first until
proven guilty.
As stated by Ronald Hunter, Thomas Barker and Melchor C. de Guzman
in the Police Community Relations and the Administration of
Justice textbook, justice requires these 6 components: Compliance with the
rule of law equity, fairness, accessibility, effectiveness, oversight. By doing
that, we allow a fairness justice system to build up in the system in its own
way, and that is the whole point of the exercise of administering justice.
B. Main topic #2: Expectation of Employees:
In order to define and understand what the definition of "justice" is,
everyone can easily do it, but to implement justice, that is exactly what
every agency is aiming for. Therefore, what I expect from my officers and
deputies is to always maintain integrity, responsibility and honesty while
on and off duty. In addition, professional ethics, personal ethics, respect
and fairness have always been a top priority. And lastly, I don't expect
misconduct like fraud, dishonesty and any type of harassment, and all of
that will not be tolerated if it happens
C. Main topic #3: Stating mission and how other employees will follow it :
To work well together, we need empathy, listening and sharing and as your
new chief of police I am here with you to repair, change and grow our
community together. As a chief of police, I and my officers are obligated
to take responsibility for each of our actions and actions. The wrong
behaviors and situations in any case will be investigated and scrutinized to
give the right punishment according to each level of law. If the situation is
too serious or individuals in the company continue to commit wrongdoing,
dismissal or suspension will be implemented. Because transparency in the
law enforcement always needs to be clarified in order to master the trust of
the people as well as enhance the professionalism and integrity of a
When working in a team or an organization, it is inevitable that
disagreements will arise. If you have different opinions and any concerns, I
am willing to discuss it with you. If you disagree about my ideas or my
missions, feel free to email me so we can work it out together.
3. Conclusion:
a. Restate thesis:
Today I have presented my idea of what justice means, my expectations from all of
you as well as my mission and how we work together to keep the community at
b. Closing:
In sum, I once again want to thank each of you for coming and your attention
today. I'm now ready for a new road, a new challenge with you. And I and my
department hope to always receive the trust and belief of everyone in the
community. Thank you.
Hampsher-Monk, I. (1977). An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice (Book). Political
Studies, 25(3), 454.
Hunter, R. D., Barker, T., & de Guzman, M. C. (2018). The Administration of Justice and the
Police. In Police Community Relations and the Administration of Justice (Ninth, pp. 1–
24). essay, Pearson.