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Sodium Chloride Solutions & TPN Medical Notes

250 CC Bolus IV ➔ 1L
1L/1h x 250/x
Crystalloids: Sodium
 Concentrations
➢ 0.9%: physiologically normal concentration of sodium chloride (isotonic), and it
is referred to as NS.
➢ 0.45% (“half-normal”)
➢ 0.25% (“quarter-normal”)
➢ 3% (hypertonic saline)
➢ 5% (hypertonic saline)
0.45% (“half-normal”)
0.25% (“quarter-normal”)
0.9%: physiologically
normal concentration of
sodium chloride (isotonic),
and it is referred to as NS.
3% (hypertonic saline)
5% (hypertonic saline)
osmotic himalation syndrome
Monitor: Osmo, Sodium Q4
Run 3% Sailine => 500CC/24hr ➔ repeat next day, to avoid too fast
Hypotonic -TPN
50% dextrose sugar- thus needs central line??
Amino acid, multiple viamin,
Depends on b/s –might need to add regular insuline into that
- So.. TPN has to be order every day. Usaully by Phmasist – they will look into electrolytes, pt
status, decide what kind of solution they will order
- TPN – BS Q6 ➔