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Sentence Types

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Basics about Sentence Types
There are three basic kinds of sentences in English:
A simple sentence has only one subject-verb combination and expresses one complete thought.
O Our daughter
cooked dinner tonight.
Daughter is the subject, and cooked is the verb.
A simple sentence may have more than one subject or more than one verb:
O Shorts and T:shirts sway on the clothesline.
Shorts and Tshirts are the two subjects; su)a)tis the verb.
The children splashed and squealed in the swimming pool.
Children is the subjecr; splashed and squealed are the two verbs.
A compound sentence is made up of two or more complete thoughts. Following
are two
complete thoughts, joined to form a compound sentence:
chili for dinner, but she forgot to buy beans.
By using a comma and a joining word such x but, we can combine what would otherwise be
two simple sentences (Rose wants chili for dinner and She forgot to buy beans) into one compound
sentence. In addition to but, the words and and so are the joining words most often used to
connect two complete thoughts. Here are examples of and and so as joining words:
Rose wants
O The driver failed to signal, and he went through a stop sign.
O The meal was not hot, so we sent it back to the kitchen.
A complex sentence is made up of one complete thought and a thought that begins with a
dependent word like afier ahhough, as, because, before $ since, unles, until, whm, wltere, and while.
Note A comma is placed after a dependent statement when it starts a sentence.
O Although I had a free ticket to the game, I was too tired to go.
O I set my darm for 5 a.m. because
O After
f thev
I wanted to finish a paper.
the test was over, we got something to eat.
\Xhen you write, try to make your sentences varied and interesting. Using all three kinds of
sentences will both help you express more complex thoughts and give your writing a lively sryle.
Sentence Types: PRACTICE 2
Use a comma and a logical joining word to combine the following pairs of simple sentences
compound sentences. Choose from and, but, or so. Place a comma before the joining word.
Kwan is quite attractive. She sees herself as ugly.
Jared is good at math. He writes well, too.
3. I lost my watch. I dont know what time it is.
The book is four hundred pages long. The print is very small.
5. The night air was chilly. I put on a sweater.
B, Use a suitable dependent word to combine the following pairs of simple sentences into compler
sentences. Choose from although, because, since, and when. Place a comma after a dependenr
statement when it starts a sentence.
Strawberries are expensive.
7, An elephantt
I don't often buy them.
skin is very thick. It is also very sensitive.
The city pools have been crowded. The weather turned hot.
9. I quickly called the police. I heard a scream outside.
Jessica seems unfriendly. She is really
just shy.
Score: (Number righr)
Sentence Typess TEST
Use a comma and a suitable joining word to combine the following pairs of simple sentences into
compound sentences. Choose from and (which means in addition), but (which means ltotueuer),
or so (which means as a resub).
NOTE To help you master sentence combining, hints
are given for the first two sentences.
1. The coffee is cold. It is also roo srrong.
The coffee is cold; in addition, it is also roo srrong.
2. Our car runs well.
Its body is dented and rusty.
Our car runs well; howeuer, its body is dented and rusty.
3. 'fhe book was verv expensive. I didnt
buy ir.
Gene laughed throughout the movie. His date didn't laugh once.
5. The electricity was out. We had no candles.
i.:;" Use a suitable dependent word to combine the following pairs of sirnple sentences into complt,,
sentences. Choose from although, because, since, and when. Place a comma after a depende i:.
statement w,hen it starts a sentence.
6. The ball game was postponed. It began to rain heavily.
Sam practices his sa-xophone. The dog howls.
8. 'fhe house looks
beautiful. It seems cold and unfriendl_v ro me.
She doesn't drive. N{ia musr walk or take the bus to work.
10. The beautiful
firer'vorks exploded. The audience gasped and applaudcd.
Score: (Number right)
x l0 =
Sentence Typess TEST 2
Use a comma and a suitable joining word to combine the following pairs of simple sentences into
compound sentences. Choose from and, but, or so.
Eddie was tired of his appearance. He shaved all the hair off his head.
Edc{ie bought new clothing
3. livcnq.
4. Thirtl'
in bright colors. He added an earring
students were enrolled in the class. Only eight were present rhat stormy dal,.
percent of
are brown. Twenty percent of them are red.
5. The stain clid not wash out of mywhite
I dyed the pants
.se a suitable dependent word to combine the following pairs of simple senrences into con-rplex
:intences. Choose from although, because, since, and when. Place a comma after a depender-rt
)iaternent tvhen it starts a sentence.
6. I need to improve my grades. I u,ill start taking
There used to be man,v small stores downtown. They are gone now.
8. The bus came into sight. Connie
more nores in class.
shouted "Goodbyel" and rushed out the door.
Mental illness is so little understood. It has always frightened people.
li. Iin allergic ro mosr animals.
Siamese cars don't bother me.
Score: (Number right)
Sentence Typess TEST
x l0 =
Combine each group of simple sentences into compound or complex sentences. Combine the first two
sentences into one sentence, and combine the last two sentences into another sentence. Use any of the
following joining words and dependent words.
foining words
Dependent words
COmilli hintt:r
' :, '
although because when
Use a comma L.,etween two complete thoughts joined by and, but, or so.
Place a comn:1a aiter a dependent statement r,vhen it starts a sentence.
It had rained for three
The sun finally came out.
wanted to have a picnic. The ground was too wet.
Roy saw a bright rainbow. He ran to get his camera.
He rushed back to take a picture. The rainbow had gone.
3. A long-winded neighbor was at my door. i
pretended not to be home.
She rang the bell several times. She knocked on the door repeatedly.
4. Nadine hates her job. She wont leave it.
She likes the pension plan. She
until retirement.
5. I had to meet my girlfriend's mother. I was very nervous.
was afraid of her opinion of me. She was very warm and friendly.
Score: (Number right)
Sentence Typess TEST 4
In the space provided, write the letter of the combined senrence that reads most smoothly, clearly, and
my parents are both quite short, we kids are all on the rall side.
b. Mv parents are both quite short, so we kids are all on the tall side.
C. Although my parents are both quite short, we kids are all on the tall side.
in algebra class, but he decided ro work with a tutor.
in algebra class because he decided to work with a turor.
my cousin was falling behind in algebra class, he decided to work with a tutor.
N4v cousin r,vas falling behind
b. Mv cousin rvas falling behind
a, The thunderstorm rarrled the windows, but the dog hid in the closet.
b. Although the thunderstorm rattled the windou.s, the dog hid in the closet.
the thundersrorm rattled the windows, the dog hid in the closet.
a.. The movie turned our ro be too scary-, so I took the children home.
b. The movie turned our ro be roo scary, but I took the children home.
c. Aithough the movie turned our ro be too scary, I took the children home.
5, a. Although
the baby goar was cute and fl"&, it had a vicious temper.
The bab1. goat was cllre and fluffv, and it had a vicious remper.
Because the babv goar was cute and fl"f8l it had a vicious remper.
6. a. Nobodv was very hungry Thanksgiving
night, but we ate cereal for dinner.
b. Nobodv was very hungry Thanksgiving night, so we ate cereal for dinner.
c. Nobodv was very hungry Thanksgiving night because we are cereal for dinner.
7. a. The mechanic called about our car, so he didn't have good news.
b. v/hen the mechanic
called about our car, he didn't have good news.
Before the mechanic called about our car, he didn't have good news.
8. a. Alan is limping
badlv because he twisted his ankle playing basketball.
b. Because AIan is limping badly, he twisted his ankle playing basketball.
c. Alan is limping badlv, and he twisted his ankle playing basketball.
9. a. Before I met my new neighbor, I had never been friends with a blind person.
b" I met my new neighbor, but i had never been friends with a blind person.
c. I mer ml' new neighbor, so I had never been friends with a blind person.
10. a.
You put masking tape around the windows and doors, but I'll get the paint and brushes.
tape around the windows and doors, I'll get the paint and
b. Although vo.t put masking
\Mhile \rou put masking tape around the windows and doors,
get the paint and brushes.
x l0 =
Score: (Number right)
Sentence TYPess TEST
In the space provided, write the lerer of the combined
sentence that reads most smoothly, clearly, and
1. a. After I have an exam in the morning, I'd better get to bed early.
b. Although I have an exam in the morning, I',d better get to bed early.
c. I have an exam in the morning, so I'd better get to bed early.
these shoes are comfortable, their price is reasonable.
These shoes are comfortable, but their price is reasonable.
These shoes are comfortable, and their price is reasonable'
2. a. Because
we sat in the laundromat reading magazines.
b. \7hi1e ihe clothes were being washed, we sat in the laundromat reading magazines.
c. The clothes were being washed, but we sat in the laundromat reading magazines.
3. a. Although the clothes were being washed,
and flying in an airplane doesn't bother me.
b. Although I am afraid of heights, flying in an airplane doesn't bother me'
c. Because I am afraid of heights, flying in an airplane doesn't bother me'
4. a. I am afraid of heights,
5. a. After rain began falling heavily, the umpires
cancelled the game.
Although rain began falling heavil,v, the umpires cancelled the game.
Rain b.gr" falling heavily while the umpires cancelled the game.
always hang up on telemarketers' they keep calling'
Because I always hang up on telemarketers, they keep calling.
Although I always hang up on telemarketers, they keep calling.
6. a. tW4ren I
my mother was a young girl, she quit school to help support her famil,v'
b. Because my mother was a young girl, she quit school to help supPort her- family.
c. My -oth", was a young girl, so she quit school to help supPort her family.
7. a. When
8. a. The towels look soft and fluffr, so they feel scratch,v'
b. 'Vhen the towels look soft and fluffi', they feel scratchy'
c. Although the towels look soft and fl"f&, they feel scratchy'
9. a. \We went to a movie last night until we stopped for ice cream'
b. After we went to a movie last night, we stopped for ice cream'
c. We went to a movie last night, but we stopped for ice cream'
10. a. The newlpveds are trying to save money, so thev clip coupons and buy items on
b. Although the newlyw"d, ,r. trying to save money,
c. The newl),weds are trying to save money, but they clip coupons and buy items on