Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Order No. 011, s. 2020 OFFICE/SCHOOL/CLC WORKWEEK PLAN To the Personnel Division/Section/Unit: In compliance with the DepEd Order No. 011, s. 2020, the (DIVISION/OFFICE) is hereby submitting the workweek plan for the period: SEPTEMBER 13-17,2021. Name of Personnel/ Position JERICO G. DE.VILLA Pre-existing Health Condition and/or disease No sign of illness Mon Alternative Work Arrangement*, Time and Period Tue Wed Thu Target Deliverables for the Week Fri 7:00am-5:00pm WFH 7:00am5:00pmWFH 7:00am5:00pmWFH 7:00am5:00pmWFH 7:00am5:00pmWFH 1. Report to school for distribution of unclaimed modules in grade 11 and 12 senior high school parents/students Follow up students who did not claim their modules, through messenger and text/call Virtually present sending of instructions and follow students through queries about their modules in different subjects. Create group chats in grade 11 smaw students this will serve as a monitoring tool for the students achievements. Guide students in answering smaw module in grade 11 and 12. 2. 3. 4. 5. Virtually present due to pandemic. Preparing and writing of modules and worksheets for senior high school and junior high school Distributing of unclaimed modules and worksheets to the students. Follow up students through messenger.and text. Create parent and teacher group chats, that will serve as monitoring tool for their kids Signature In consideration of the situation of the following personnel who will not be able to perform and submit their Individual Workweek Accomplishment Report for reasons as stated, the undersigned request the payment of their salaries and benefits for the period of (Month-Date, 2020). MoName of Personnel Position Pre-existing Health Condition and/or disease (if applicable) Authorized Official or Personnel to serve as Skeleton Workforce Justifiable Reason/s Not to be Able to Perform Tasks at Home Submitted by: Approved by: (Name & Signature of Head of Functional Office) Date: (Name & Signature of Head of Office) Date: Signature Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Order No. 011, s. 2020 INDIVIDUAL DAILY LOG AND ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT Name of Personnel: JERICO G. DE VILLA Division: QUEZON Bureau/Service: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Date/s Covered: SEPTEMBER 13-17,2021 Alternative Work Arrangement (*Indicate if 2-week shift) Date and Actual Time logs Actual Accomplishments Skeleton Workforce Time-in: 7:00 AM Time out: 5:00 PM Report to school for distribution of unclaimed modules in grade 11 and 12 senior high school parents/students Work-from-Home Time-in: 7:00AM Time out: 5:00PM Follow up students who did not claim their modules, contacting them through messenger and text/call Skeleton Workforce Time-in: 7:00AM Time out: 5:00 PM Virtually present sending of instructions and follow students through queries about their modules in different subjects. Work-from-Home Time-in: 7:00AM Time out: 5:00PM Create group chats in grade 11 smaw students this will serve as monitoring tool for the students achievements Skeleton Workforce Time-in: 7:00AM Time out: 5:00 PM Guide students in answering smaw moduules in grade 11 and 12. Submitted by: Approved by: JERICO G. DE VILLA (Name & Signature of Personnel) Date: SEPTEMBER 13-17,2021 REYNILDA O. BEBON (Name & Signature of Head of Office) Date: