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Effective Communication in Construction: Report

sivagnanam thanusigan
Effective Way of Communicating
Table of Contents
List of figures ................................................................................................................................................ 2
List of tables.................................................................................................................................................. 2
acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................................... 3
introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 4
TASK A ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
(B) speech ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
(C) Covering Letter and Cv .......................................................................................................................... 8
(D) Properties Of Materials ........................................................................................................................ 13
TASK B ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
(A)Business Letter ...................................................................................................................................... 15
(B) Writing communication ........................................................................................................................ 19
(C) Article of Construction industry in Srilanka ......................................................................................... 27
TASK C ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
Presentation ................................................................................................................................................. 34
Agenda ........................................................................................................................................................ 42
RDX construction -minutes of the meeting ................................................................................................ 43
conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 44
Effective Way of Communicating
List of figures
Figure 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 4 ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 5 ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 6 ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 7 ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
List of tables
Table 1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
Table 2 ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
Effective Way of Communicating
This work would not have been possible without the help and encouragement of all those with whom I have
been related over a long period of time. In particular I would like to thank my god I would also like to
convey my honestly thankfulness to “British College of Applied Studies (BCAS)” for giving an opportunity
to become a professional in BTEC HND in Quantity Surveying & construction Economics.
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to lecturer Mr. H.H.M.Naleer who gave me the golden
opportunity to do this assignment on the title “Effective way of communicating”, which also helped me in
doing a lot of research and I came to know about so many new things, With his direction I feel I have
covered most of the features needed for this module and it has helped me to complete this assignment. I am
really thankful to him.
Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in preparing this assignment
and succeeding it.
Thanks to all
Effective Way of Communicating
Communication skill is one of the most important subjects in the Ed-excel system. To improve our skills in
many ways it is highly needed. Many practical things have been included in this task I attend the individual
presentation related to the construction site safety. After that divided in to the group and did a meeting
about the complaints made by the workers. Finally, we were interviewed individually by the lecturers it
was an amazing moment to us finally to complete this task we have written report and tasks together all the
type of foundations is included in this task.
After that I completed other tasks. But those were not that much of difficult. For resume and cover letter I
included my details as an assistant QS. Feature article I mentioned detailed about construction industry in
srilanka. And after that our group members gather and prepared agenda, minute which is important for
Finally, I explained my presentation pack and justification of my whole report writing.
Effective Way of Communicating
(B) speech
Today, Iam pleased to be here and Iam glad about the opportunity that I have got to share about steel. I
hope that my speech gives you all more knowledge and their properties and advantages and disadvantages.
What is steel
Steel is a mixer from alloy which consists a lot of iron and around 0.2 % of carbon. Grade will affect the
weight of it but normally it is 2.1% by weight. For iron, carbon is the most common alloying material, but
it also uses other elements such as manganese, chromium, vanadium, and tungsten. Carbon and other
alloying elements likes what I mentioned just now are acting as a hardening agent. From doing so, it can
prevent dislocations in the iron atom crystal lattice from sliding past one another. By control the number of
alloying elements, it can indirectly control the hardness, ductility and the tensile strength of the resulting
steel. By increasing the carbon content, it can be made harder and stronger than iron, but such steel is also
less ductile than iron. Steel also called as a versatile material because the composition and internal structure
to tailor its properties can be adjusted by us. Due to this reason, we can produce steel for paperclips, steel
bridges, thin strips of steel for razor blades and large beam for column.
Properties of steel
Steel more or less is a linear elastic material, it has a strong tensile strength which made it can be bend into
whatever shape that you like, and it also have the same compressive as the tensile strength. It different from
concrete, as we know that concrete is very low in tensile strength but it has a strong compressive strength.
However, with enough applied force, steel and other metals will cease to behave elastically and begin to
behave plastically. When a material is linearly elastic, its deformation, or strain, will be directly proportional
to the applied force and it will return to its original shape when the force is removed. A plastic material, on
the other hand, will permanently deform without breaking.
In real life, we can't found such thing as perfectly elastic or plastic material. Material likes steel, the tensile
strength and the compressive strength are concerned by structural engineers. When steel reaches its yield
strength, It started to stretch and transition from elastic to plastic behavior. When there is more force that
applied on steel, it will made it reaches its ultimate tensile strength and eventually it will break. Due to the
high tensile strength that steel has, structural engineers take this advantage in their design. In some Natural
disasters likes earthquake or major structural failure, the properties which steel has is very useful because
it allows the structure to absorb extra load. For those material that too brittle, it will shatter instead of stretch,
Effective Way of Communicating
it possibly will cause the structure to crash down, but for material likes steel, when the structure is ruined,
but its plastic behavior allows time for escape.
Advantage of steel
As all engineers know, steel is very useful in construction. There are a lot of advantages of using steel in
construction. That is why so many constructions in the world use steel as main material.
Recycling-Use steel in construction only will generate a small amount of waste. For all those light gauges
steel construction is 100 percent recyclable. In one year, over a trillion pound of steel was recycled.
According from a trustable data, it shows steel industry annually saves energy up to 18 million households
for a year.
Strong and Durability-Compare with use wood for framing work, steel is significantly stronger than wood.
Other than carbon fiber, there is no other material can match steel's superior strength and durability. The
reason we never apply carbon fiber in our building is because carbon fiber is much more expensive compare
with steel. Building that uses steel will enable the building to resist earthquake, hurricanes and other natural
Climate and Condition-As we know, steel made from strong iron and carbon, so it will never crack, shrink,
splinter, creep, split, or swell. Individual members of a wood-framed building react differently to climate
changes. This wood movement may include expansion, contraction, warping, twisting, etc.
Weigh-Steel's weigh is 60 percent lesser than wood. 6 tons of steel can support 2000 square foot home, but
for lumber, it needs around 20 tons to support 2000 Sf home.Although steel is light but it is very strong.
Use steel for foundations can make it be lighter; transportation and site handling are easier.
Problem of steel
There is no perfect material in this world; each material has their strong point and week point. For steel, the
most serious problem is corrosion. Due to the moisture of the air, those steel that exposed to air will get
rush easily. Owner of the house have to spend a lot of money to remove those rush steel and replace it with
new steel. So rather than waste a lot of money to replace after it rush, engineer had found out some way to
prevent it before get rush.
Effective Way of Communicating
Materials resistant to Corrosion-In real life, we can't find a material that can totally immune to corrosion in
all environments. To prevent corrosion, we have to know the environment factor that causes them to rush.
Corrosion Resistance Date are used to assess the suitability of material in an environment.
Protective coating-For prevent steel from corrosion, protective coatings are the most widely used technique.
Protective coatings separate the surfaces of the matter that will corrode from the factors in the environment
which cause corrosion to occur. Even protective coating is a common way of corrosion control technique,
but it doesn't mean it can 100 percent the surface.
Catholic Protection-There is another way to prevent corrosion from using electricity. Catholic protection
interferes with the natural action of the electrochemical cells that are responsible for corrosion. For those
materials which always exposed to air or water, using Catholic protection method is a very good technique.
Other than the corrosion problem, steel can't resist heat as well. So, when in applied in column, it needs a
thick layer of cement to resist fire. From doing this, when the building is in fire, people got a lot of time to
run from the building before it collapse.
Uses of steel in construction work
The number of building keeps increasing nowadays with help of steel components all over the world. The
engineer found out that steel that is very useful in the construction work due to the ability of tensile and
compressive strength. Cost of steel also affordable by client. In a building, steel parts are the strongest, most
solid and reliable type of all building material that can stand the test of time.
Due to the reason which is steels are firm, and cheaper compare with other material, aesthetic, fire resist,
do not require further treatment and it is environmentally friendly. Advantage of steel is enough to draw
attention to metal and steel components; the only issue that needs even more elaboration is their elasticity
and reliability. Nowadays people do not want to be scared anymore because of their fireboard-house or pvc
houses will be sweep away by storm, tornados and other natural disasters. Reliable, solid and firm
components will bring trust to user.Corrosion is one of the biggest disadvantages of metal parts used for
construction though nowadays most of the manufacturers heat-treat metal parts in order they become
stainless and stone-like. Heat conductivity is another problem of metal structures that is why houses are not
equipped with them in full scale.
Effective Way of Communicating
(C) Covering Letter and Cv
No 14,lorensz road,
Bampalapitiya, Colombo 04.
October 30,2017
Mr. Naleer
Managing Director,
Sanken construction,
No. 30 Main street,
Colombo 2
Dear Mr. Naleer,
I am responding to your advertisement in Sunday observer to fill a quantity surveyor position.my enclosed
CV shows that my background, education and experience match your needs as I have more than 1 year of
experience in the construction field, a diploma in quantity surveying and a current membership in RICS.
Throughout the QS career I completed minor projects around the suburbs around Colombo. I enjoy
watching and taking part in sports & have received recognition of winning a cricket campus tournament.
I would like to arrange an interview with you to discuss my qualifications and your requirements further. I
am available for an interview at your convenience.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
S. Thanusigan
Effective Way of Communicating
No: - 14, Lorenz rd, Colombo 04,
Tel: - (+94) 764090769
Email: thanusigan@outlook.com
To pursue a challenging career in the Construction Industry as a challenged innovative, committed
professional Quantity Surveyor.
Quantity Surveyor or Junior Quantity Surveying or Asst. Quantity Surveying (Pre-contract/
Post contract)
Ability to work both as a team and independently to meet given deadlines.
A quick learner of new technologies and willing to put in extra effort to use them if the project
requires it at required time.
Considerable knowledge in referring FIDIC contract document and claims management.
Excellent Fluency Communication skills in English and Tamil with good professional practice
SIERRA Construction (Pvt) Ltd.
No.112, Havelock road, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka. [01st September 2016 – 31st
December 2016]
The Project Of Construction Of Water Towers At Punguduthivu, Karainagar, Kodikamam, Kayts, Palai,
Vaddukoddai, Nallur, Oldpark,Mandaithivu, Poonery,Navatkuly,Velanai,Puttur,Meesalai & Kaddudai
Effective Way of Communicating
Preparing Interim bill certificate
Checking interim bills
Site Visits
Preparation of list of defects
Processing variation and extra works
Preliminary estimating & cost planning
Preparing bills of quantity
Concrete plant visits
Preparing sub contactor bills
Taking off Quantities
Progress Updating
Analysis of Rates
Involment in Day Works
Preparing labour attendant sheets
Preparing Interim Payment certificate
Site Visits
Material Ordering
Preparation of list of defects
Processing variation and extra works
Preliminary estimating & cost planning
Preparing bills of quantity
Concrete plant visits
Preparing sub contactor bills
Taking off Quantities
Progress Updating
Effective Way of Communicating
Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM3) 3rd Edition, London. Standard Method
of Measurement of Building works (NRM2), UK. FIDIC Conditions of Contract (1999). ICTAD Conditions
of Contract, Sri Lanka.Standard Bidding Document – Procurement of works, Sri Lanka.BSR (Building
Schedule of Rates).HSR (Highway Schedule of Rates).
Participated in Inter House Sports.
Participated in the school road races.
Member of school Leo club
Member of school library union
Member of school SCOUTS ambulance team.
Participated in the English Day competition
Fluent in MS-Office 2007,2010 & 2013 Suite (Project,
Excel, Word, Power point,)
Adobe Photoshop
Effective Way of Communicating
Name in Full: Sivagnanam Thanusigan
Date of Birth: 04, january,1998 (Age -19)
Nationality: Sri Lankan
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Hindu
Gender: Male
NIC No :980040313V
School Attended: Bampaalapity Hindu college
Languages Known
English, Sinhala and Tamil
I do herby certify that the particulars mentioned by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. If
any such information found to be fault I understood, that I would not be considered for this Job.
Effective Way of Communicating
(D) Properties Of Materials
Definition and Properties
It is a heavy malleable ductile magnetic silver-white metallic element that readily rusts in moist air, occurs
native in meteorites and combined in most igneous rocks, is the most used of metals, and is vital to
biological processes as in transport of oxygen in the body.
Physical Properties of Iron
The Physical properties of Iron are the characteristics that can be observed without changing the substance
into another substance. Physical properties are usually those that can be observed using our senses such as
color, luster, freezing point, boiling point, melting point, density, hardness and odor.
The Physical Properties of Iron are as follows:
Color-Silver-gray metal
Malleability-Capable of being shaped or bent
Ductility-Easily pulled or stretched into a thin wire
Luster-Has a shine or glow
Conductivity-Good transmission of heat or electricity
Allotropy-It occurs in two or more crystalline forms in the same physical state
Tensile-It can be stretched without breaking
Ferromagnetic-Easily magnetized
Chemical Properties of Iron
They are the characteristics that determine how it will react with other substances or change from one
substance to another. The better we know the nature of the substance the better we are able to understand
it. Chemical properties are only observable during a chemical reaction. Reactions to substances may be
brought about by changes brought about by burning, rusting, heating, exploding, tarnishing etc.
The Chemical Properties of Iron are as follows:
Chemical Formula-Fe
Reactivity with water-Reacts with very hot water and steam to produce hydrogen gas
Oxidation-Readily-combines with oxygen in moist air which produces iron oxide also known as rust
Solubility-Dissolves in acids
Effective Way of Communicating
Properties of steel
Steel more or less is a linear elastic material, it has a strong tensile strength which made it can be bend into
whatever shape that you like, and it also have the same compressive as the tensile strength. It different from
concrete, as we know that concrete is very low in tensile strength but it has a strong compressive strength.
However, with enough applied force, steel and other metals will cease to behave elastically and begin to
behave plastically. When a material is linearly elastic, its deformation, or strain, will be directly proportional
to the applied force and it will return to its original shape when the force is removed. A plastic material, on
the other hand, will permanently deform without breaking.
In real life, we can't found such thing as perfectly elastic or plastic material. Material likes steel, the tensile
strength and the compressive strength are concerned by structural engineers. When steel reaches its yield
strength, It started to stretch and transition from elastic to plastic behavior. When there is more force that
applied on steel, it will made it reaches its ultimate tensile strength and eventually it will break. Due to the
high tensile strength that steel has, structural engineers take this advantage in their design. In some Natural
disasters likes earthquake or major structural failure, the properties which steel has is very useful because
it allows the structure to absorb extra load. For those material that too brittle, it will shatter instead of stretch,
it possibly will cause the structure to crash down, but for material likes steel, when the structure is ruined,
but its plastic behavior allows time for escape.
Effective Way of Communicating
(A)Business Letter
Mr. S. Thanusigan
Manager – Construction Site
Isuru Construction (Pvt) Ltd.
Allwis Lane, Dehiwala.
Blue Ocean Group of Companies
32, 2nd Floor Galle Rd,
Dehiwala- Mount Lavinia
Dear Sir/Madam,
Receiving of Poor Materials which is Below the Standard
I am writing in connection with your materials which we received to our site. I am sorry to say that I was
very disappointed with your materials which we received to the site are poor in quality and standard.
Those are,
Sheets -The finishing not properly done and sizes are little vary.
Bricks- Excessive broken bricks were unloaded and they not well shaped.
Steel rods-Most of the rods are corroded.
(Not good as specified in the agreement). So, I am not satisfied with your materials.
Firstly, I would like to hear your explanation for the above problem. I hope we can sort this matter out
amicably. However, I would be grateful if you could replace the three items with good standard or quality
as specified in our agreement. I hope you will replace the materials. I look forward to receiving a prompt
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Effective Way of Communicating
Table of contents
Type of foundation suitable for a particular site………………………………………....19-24
Effective Way of Communicating
This report presents about foundation in construction. There many types of foundation. Foundation is the
main structural part of the building or elements. Foundation engineering is the application of soil
mechanics and rock mechanics in the design of foundation elements of structures.
Every structure has two components parts. One is called foundation and other one is called as superstructure. It is the structural portion of the building that supports the building above ground. Foundation
handles loads from the superstructure.
Effective Way of Communicating
To researching about types of foundation and which is suitable for the particular site. What are the facts
have to consider while selecting types of foundation. This report presents above things which I have said
below about foundation.
Effective Way of Communicating
(B) Writing communication
Type of foundation suitable for a particular site
There are a very wide range of foundation types suitable for different applications, depending on
considerations such as:
The nature of the load requiring support.
Ground conditions.
The presence of water.
Sensitivity to noise and vibration.
Proximity to other structures.
Project timeframes.
Flat Slap
Wide toe
Figure 1
Effective Way of Communicating
Shallow foundation
The foundation provided immediately beneath the lowest part of the structure and which is close to the
ground level are known as shallow foundation. Such foundations are placed on first hard and firm strata
available below the ground level. The object of this kind of foundations is to distribute the structural load
to over considerable area of foundation bed.
Shallow foundations are those founded near to the finished ground surface; generally, where the founding
depth is less than the width of the footing and less than 3m. These are not strict rules, but merely guidelines:
basically, if surface loading or other surface conditions will affect the bearing capacity of a foundation it is
'shallow'. Shallow foundations (sometimes called 'spread footings') include pads, strip footings and rafts.
Shallows foundations are used when surface soils are sufficiently strong and stiff to support the imposed
loads; they are generally unsuitable in weak or highly compressible soils, such as poorly-compacted fill,
peat, recent lacustrine and alluvial deposits, etc.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Strip foundation
The loads of the heavy walls are transmitted and supported through reinforced concrete strip foundation.
Tensile reinforcement is required in the lower force of the strip with distribution bars. The reinforcement
will also assist the strip in spanning any weakness of soil in the excavations. Consist of a continuous,
longitudinal strip of concrete designed to spread the load uniformly. The spread of the strip depends on
foundation loads and the bearing capacity and shear strength of the subsoil. The thickness of the strip
foundation depends on the strength of the foundation material. The depth of the strip can be increased if the
ground is weak up to where the strata are stronger. Strip foundations are used to support a line of loads,
either due to a load-bearing wall, or if a line of columns need supporting where column positions are so
close that individual pad foundations would be inappropriate.
Effective Way of Communicating
Figure 4
Pad foundation
Pad foundation is used to transmit and support the loads from piers and columns. The economic shape of
the pad foundation is square. In pad foundation main bars are required in both directions. The foundations
to piers of bricks, reinforced concrete and steel column is often in the form of square or rectangles to spread
the load evenly. The pad area increases as the load of the building increases due to safety reasons. Pad
foundation is also known as footing. The simplest form pad foundation consists of a pad of mass concrete.
Pad foundations are used to support an individual point load such as that due to a structural column. They
may be circular, square or rectangular. They usually consist of a block or slab of uniform thickness, but
they may be stepped or haunches if they are required to spread the load from a heavy column. Pad
foundations are usually shallow, but deep pad foundations can also be used.
Figure 5
Effective Way of Communicating
Raft foundation
The raft foundation spreads the load to the entire area of the site. A raft foundation is a continuous slab of
concrete usually covering an area equal to or greater than the base of a building or greater than the base of
a building or structure.
Pile foundation
Deep foundations are those founding too deeply below the finished ground surface for their base bearing
capacity to be affected by surface conditions, this is usually at depths >3 m below finished ground level.
They include piles, piers and caissons or compensated foundations using deep basements and also deep pad
or strip foundations. Deep foundations can be used to transfer the loading to some deeper, more competent
strata at depth if unsuitable soils are present near the surface. Piles are relatively long, slender members that
transmit foundation loads through soil strata of low bearing capacity to deeper soil or rock strata having a
high bearing capacity. They are used when for economic, constructional or soil condition considerations it
is desirable to transmit loads to strata beyond the practical reach of shallow foundations. In addition to
supporting structures, piles are also used to anchor structures against uplift forces and to assist structures in
resisting lateral and overturning forces.
Pile foundations are the part of a structure used to carry and transfer the load of the structure to the bearing
ground located at some depth below ground surface.
Figure 6
Effective Way of Communicating
There are two basic types of piles,
End bearing piles
Friction piles
Pile foundation can be used when:
The subsoil has low bearing capacity.
High water table level which give rise to permanent dewatering cost.
Subsoil layers which are highly compressible.
Subsoil due to moisture movement or plastic failure
Foundation, Part of a structural system that supports and anchors the superstructure of a building and
transmits its loads directly to the earth. To prevent damage from repeated freeze-thaw cycles, the bottom
of the foundation must be below the frost line. The foundations of low-rise residential buildings are nearly
all supported on spread footings, wide bases (usually of concrete) that support walls or pier sand distribute
the load over a greater area. A concrete grade beam supported by isolated footings, piers, or piles may be
placed at ground level, especially in a building without a basement, to support the exterior wall. Spread
footings are also used in greatly enlarged form for high-rise buildings. Other systems for supporting heavy
loads include piles, concrete caisson columns, and building directly on exposed rock. In yielding soil, a
floating foundation consisting of rigid, boxlike structures set at such a depth that the weight of the soil
removed to place it equals the weight of the construction supported may be used.
Soil type affects selection of types of foundations, foundation depth and foundation sizes.
Following are the considerations for foundation based on soil types:
Trouble areas
Retaining Structures
Reason for use
and Bearing capacity may be a problem
but in most cases it is sufficient
Must be used since sand cannot Excessive settlement in wet and
support themselves
loose deposits.
Effective Way of Communicating
Deep foundations (Piles)
Uses friction resistance but low
in bearing capacity
Confining pressure is usually low.
problem with bearing capacity Low bearing capacity.
in saturated clays
Generally low shear strength when
Clays are self-supportive up to a wet.
Retaining Structures
certain height (critical). Must be High consolidation in soft clays
used if height increases beyond Swelling is possible.
the critical.
Deep foundations (Piles)
If bearing capacity is low, piles contain cracks and fissures.
may be driven to rock.
Table 1
Following table shows solutions to some problems in foundations based on soil types
Nature of problem
Possible solution
Loose sands must be compacted
Lowering water table may result in sand densification
Compaction increases cohesion and friction thus bearing capacity
Bearing Capacity
Use of deep foundation
Lowering water table
Drive pile to rock
Bearing capacity
Use of deep foundations
Treat or stabilize soil
Maintain constant water table
Expansion or swelling
Alter soil nature (similar to stabilization)
Include swell pressure in design
Table 2
Effective Way of Communicating
As a conclusion the foundation plays the major role in the construction and all the necessary details and
importance of foundation. Researching about types of foundation and which is suitable for the particular
site. What are the facts have to consider while selecting types of foundation. This report presents above
things which I have said below about foundation.
Effective Way of Communicating
Designingbuildings. (2017). designingbuildings. Available:
https://www.designingbuildings.co.uk/wiki/Pad_foundation . Last accessed 25.11.2017.
Fountype. (nd). types of foundation. Available:
http://environment.uwe.ac.uk/geocal/foundations/Fountype.htm . Last accessed 25.11.2017.
Theconstructor. (nd). types of foundations. Available: https://theconstructor.org/geotechnical/foundationconsiderations-based-on-soil-types/8414/. Last accessed 25.11.17.
Andrew Morrison. (2011). Construction Details. Available: https://www.strawbale.com/why-yourfoundation-is-the-most-important-part-of-your-house/. Last accessed 25.11.17.
Effective Way of Communicating
(C) Article of Construction industry in Srilanka
Construction Industry
Sector of national economy engaged in preparation of land and construction, alteration, and repair of
buildings, structures, and other real property.
The construction industry has been a major beneficiary of Sri Lanka’s rapid economic development over
the past six years. Since the end of the country’s civil war in May 2009, the country has rushed to make up
for more than two and a half decades of intermittent building activity across most segments, from high-end
residential housing to commercial and office space to a variety of key infrastructure segments. According
to NDB Securities (NDBS), a brokerage based in Colombo, in 2014 Sri Lanka’s construction sector
expanded by more than 20%. Indeed, since 2009 the industry has grown twice as fast as the nation’s GDP,
which has increased by just over 7% on an average annual basis over the same period. According to NDBS
data, in 2014 the construction industry accounted for 9.6% of Sri Lanka’s GDP, which represented a
significantly greater proportion of the economy than most other countries in Asia.
As observers and local players have pointed out, these figures suggest that despite the flurry of recent
building activity, there remains considerable demand for new buildings of all kinds, not to mention roads,
highways and various other kinds of infrastructure.
The government will likely continue to generate the bulk of construction activity in the country in the short
and medium term. According to a Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) report on the industry issued
in mid-2015, as of 2012 – the most recent year for which official government statistics are available – public
sector contracts accounted for more than 94% of the total value of contracts issued. While private sector
involvement in the country has clearly increased since then, the state has likely remained the key player in
construction. Given the considerable amount of work that has yet to be done, this situation bodes well for
local players.
Oversight & Legislation
A variety of entities are involved in regulating Sri Lanka’s construction industry. At the federal level, the
MHC has a mandate to ensure that the construction sector operates according to international standards in
terms of planning, environmental impact and human resource management and hiring practices.
Additionally, it has a mission to ensure that low-income Sri Lankans are able to afford housing. The MHC
was reorganized under the new government in an effort to streamline its regulatory capacities. The
Effective Way of Communicating
ministry’s responsibilities include the “regulation of [the] construction sector, conducting research and
development activities, training and developing those involved in the construction sector and providing
engineering services to public sector institutions”.
On the housing side, meanwhile, the ministry was responsible for “housing development, development of
underserved settlements, community empowerment and regulatory activities pertaining to the
condominium sector”. The ministry also oversees or is affiliated with a variety of other federal-level
authorities, including the Construction Industry Development Authority (CIDA), which maintains the
official role of registered contractors in Sri Lanka; the State Engineering Corporation; the State
Development and Construction Corporation; and the Building Materials Corporation, among others.
Established in 1978 as part of the launch of an integrated master plan for Colombo, Sri Lanka’s capital, and
the surrounding region, the UDA has grown to take on a central role across the country. With a remit to
“prepare development plans and to promote, implement and regulate development activities with a view to
achieving the position of a financially independent and globally admired creator of fully-fledged,
sustainable urban centers”, the authority is empowered to undertake capital investment plans in urban areas,
develop and implement land use policy, formulate and enforce environmental standards and improvement
policies, carry out work related to the development of urban infrastructure, and undertake housing schemes
of any size. The UDA works alongside the MHC, the newly incorporated Ministry of Megapolis and
Western Region Development, and other entities in many of these areas.
In Figures
Comprehensive, up-to-date construction data is not available in Sri Lanka. As of early 2016 the most recent
official statistics available were from 2012, as reported in a DCS publication issued in mid-2015. A handful
of local private sector entities regularly release more recent market data on the sector, though much of this
is based on estimated results or surveys. The lack of a full set of recent statistics is widely regarded as a key
challenge for the industry. “The business environment is challenging for many companies, particularly
smaller contractors,” Sidath Kalyanaratne, the assistant vice-president and head of research at NDBS, told
OBG in October 2015.
According to DCS data, as of 2012, the total estimated value of all types of construction activity in Sri
Lanka was LKR113.43bn ($816.7m), some LKR102.8bn ($740.2m) – or around 90.6% – of which was
chalked up to public sector activity. Buildings, or structures, made up LKR58bn ($417.6m) of work done
in 2012, which was equal to 51.1% of total work.
Effective Way of Communicating
In second place was highways, on which LKR30.4bn ($218.9m) was spent over the course of the year, or
26.8% of the total. This was followed by bridges, with 9.2% of the total value of work done in 2012,
irrigation and land drainage, with 5.9%, and water supply and drainage, with 0.9%, according to DCS data.
In terms of the value of all contracted work – which includes the cost of completed work plus the value of
existing construction contracts – market complexes accounted for 45.4% of the total value of contracted
construction work on buildings. The DCS’s designation “market complex” includes commercial buildings
of various kinds, plus mixed-use projects with considerable commercial components. Office buildings
accounted for 18.5% of contracted building construction, followed by hospitals (10.8%), repair and
maintenance work across all kinds of buildings (4.2%) and schools (3.8%), according to DCS numbers.
More recently, according to data from NDBS, in 2014 the construction sector accounted for 9.6% of Sri
Lanka’s GDP, up from 8.7% in 2013, 8.1% in 2012, 7.1% in 2011 and 6.7% in 2010. This figure has grown
even as the country’s GDP rose at an annual average rate of 7.4% from 2010 through 2014. Furthermore,
over the past five years the sector’s contribution has exceeded by a considerable degree other markets in
South Asia. In the Philippines, for example, the construction sector contributed around 5.8% of GDP in
2014, while in Singapore the figure was closer to 4.8%, and in Malaysia it was around 3.9%. Similarly,
since 2011 Sri Lanka’s construction sector has outperformed other South Asian markets in terms of growth.
In 2014 the industry expanded by 20.2%, as compared to 11.6% in Indonesia and 8.5% in the Philippines,
for example, according to NDBS data. This most recent growth spurt follows on from Sri Lankan
construction sector expansion of 14.4% in 2013, 21.6% in 2012, 14.22% in 2011 and 9.3% in 2010.
Sri Lanka came 107th in the world in the World Bank’s 2016 “Doing Business” list, which ranks countries
on various metrics related to the ease of setting up and running a small or medium-sized business. The
country’s 2016 rank represents an improvement of six spots on the previous year, when it was rated 113th
in the world. This rise can be attributed in no small part to streamlined regulations in regard to processes
measured by the World Bank’s “dealing with construction permits” metric. Indeed, Sri Lanka’s place on
this index jumped from 106th to 77th from 2015 to 2016, which was the single largest improvement in any
metric for the country in the most recent “Doing Business” report. According to the World Bank, to build
a warehouse in Colombo in 2016, a business must carry out 12 procedures, which would take a total of 116
days. These figures compare favorably to the South Asia regional averages of 15.1 procedures and 194.6
Effective Way of Communicating
Shape Of The Sector
More than 681,000 people were directly or indirectly employed by Sri Lanka’s construction industry in
2012, according to government data. The majority of these laborers worked for one of the more than 2500
contracting firms that were registered in the country as of early 2016, as tracked by CIDA. These domestic
firms are at least 51% owned by a Sri Lankan national, as required by law. Under CIDA’s national
registration and grading system, local contractors are categorized on a scale from C1 to C10, according to
a system that takes into account a firm’s financial assets, technical ability and field-specific experience.
Just two construction firms are listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange, namely MTD Walkers and Access
Engineering. The former, which was established in 2001, has carried out more than 100 civil engineering
projects across a wide range of segments, including roads, bridges and flyovers, water infrastructures,
marine work and telecoms projects. MTD Walkers came into operation in 2006, when MTD Capabought a
stake in a Colombo-based holding firm that was active in the industry.
In addition to the two listed firms, unlisted domestic C1-ranked construction firms include Maga
Engineering, Orient Construction, the International Construction Consortium, Sathuta Builders and Sierra
Construction, among others.
A steadily growing number of major foreign players have also moved into the industry, including the
Chinese state-owned China Communications Construction Company and Sinohydro Corporation, which
are involved in the delayed Colombo Port City project and the Moragahakanda power project, respectively;
China Merchant Holdings International, a Hong Kong-based conglomerate that has participated in projects
to upgrade port facilities at Colombo and Hambantota; and National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)
of India, a state-owned company and India’s largest power utility, which has worked on the construction of
a coal power plant in Sri Lanka.
Most foreign firms carrying out work in the country have a joint venture (JV) with a domestic contractor
or other local entity. NTCP, for example, entered into a JV with the state-owned Ceylon Electricity Board,
the largest electricity firm in Sri Lanka.
Recent & Upcoming Activity
Numerous construction segments have driven activity in the sector in recent years. Under a range of shortand medium-term master plans, the government has invested heavily in infrastructure of all kinds in recent
years, as suggested by the fact that more than 90% of construction activity through 2012 was state-led.
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The Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Higher Education and Highways, for example, have carried
out a considerable amount of road and expressway development and refurbishment in recent years. Between
2010 and 2014 the government constructed around 160 km of new expressways and 240 km of new roads,
most of which fell under the umbrella of the state’s 10-year National Road Master Plan, which was launched
in 2007 and has been under way since then. Nonetheless, rising car ownership rates and a relatively low
rate of road and expressway development despite a high-density network as compared to many other South
Asian nations means that Sri Lanka still has some way to go in this area, which bodes well for the
construction industry (see Transport chapter).
Indeed, from 2010 through 2014 the number of cars on the road increased from just over 410,000 to nearly
567,000, which represents an uptick of more than 38% in total. Year 2015 saw an even more dramatic
increase, with vehicle imports rising 55% over the previous year. Similar pressures are being felt on various
other domestic infrastructures. For example, while nearly 94% of the population had access to improved
drinking water as of 2012, as of 2014 only 44% of this water was delivered directly to homes via pipes.
This situation suggests considerable scope for continued construction work in this and other areas.
Building Up
In terms of buildings, various real estate segments were in demand as of early 2016, including grade-A
office space, hotels, affordable and luxury residential space and commercial space. While a substantial
amount of ongoing work is currently taking place in many of these segments – luxury apartments and office
space, for example – other, such as affordable housing, have yet to get under way.
Key projects in this space include new, large-scale mixed-use commercial, residential and hotel projects
currently being developed by Hyatt Regency, Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, and Mövenpick Hotels and
Resorts, among others (see Real Estate chapter).
Figure 7
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New Priorities
In late November 2015 Ravi Karunanayake, Sri Lanka’s finance minister, announced the new government’s
budget priorities for 2016. His closely watched speech included a series of construction-related policies.
According to the announcement, the state plans to streamline existing legislation in this area, with an eye
towards facilitating increased cash flow throughout the industry, particularly for small and medium-sized
“I propose the construction companies who seek overseas markets to be granted the opportunity to continue
with the tax exemption on the income generated outside Sri Lanka,” said Karunanayake in the speech, as
reported by local media. “Further, any foreign contractor entering Sri Lank to undertake construction work
should enter into a joint venture agreement with a local contractor.”
In addition the state announced plans to reduce import duties on a range of construction materials and
machinery, and also to introduce a new education scheme in conjunction with private contractors, wherein
the government would take on some of the cost of training young Sri Lankan carpenters, plumbers,
electricians and other related workers.
Facilitating the continued growth of the construction industry has been a key area of focus for the new
government, which came to power in early 2015. The Ministry of Mega polis and Western Development,
which was formed by the newly elected government in mid-2015, has a mandate to oversee the long-term
development of Sri Lanka’s Western Province, which includes Colombo, and had a total population of
around 6m as of late 2015. “In the commercial and financial sectors, 90% of wealth generation happens
here,” Patali Champika Ranawaka, the minister of mega polis and western regional development, told local
media in December 2015. “The land area is 6% of the island, but it has 28% of the population.” In an effort
to ensure the area remains a site of wealth generation, the ministry is implementing the Western Region
Mega polis Planning Project, which includes projects aimed at boosting the supply of low-income housing,
streamlining waste management and ramping up investments in public technology.
Sri Lanka’s contractors are well supplied with materials, though at a relatively high cost compared to many
other South Asian markets. The government has made efforts to reduce the cost of inputs recently, primarily
by lowering or cancelling import duties on a variety of products, including bulk cement. Indeed, cement,
along with iron and steel, sand and bricks, is one of the major materials in use in the country, according to
NDBS data. As of mid-2015 the nation’s cement capacity was 7.5m tones, according to industry data
Effective Way of Communicating
supplied by a local cement producer, some 70% of which was imported in dry bulk, primarily from India
and other nearby markets. Domestic demand stood at around 5.5m tones.
While the cement industry grew rapidly for a few years when the civil war ended in 2009, since 2012 it has
slowed dramatically. While the government has allowed for duty-free imports, it has simultaneously
maintained price caps on domestically manufactured cement, which has resulted in steadily tightening
margins for many producers. Formed as a result of the July 2015 merger of the cement producers Lafarge
and Holcim, the newly formed Lafarge Holcim has a market share in Sri Lanka of more than 50%, followed
by Tokyo Cement, with around 37%.
A majority of the iron and steel in use is imported, though the country produces a significant percentage of
domestically consumed floor and roofing tiles and paint, among other products. The nation’s largest paint
manufacturer is Akzo Nobel, which produces Deluxe-branded paint in Sri Lanka. Other major paint
producers include Nippon Paint Lanka, a Japanese-controlled brand, Causeway Paints, a Singapore-Sri
Lanka JV, JAT Holdings and Asian Paints.
Despite a variety of challenging issues, most local players remain broadly optimistic about the future of the
construction industry in Sri Lanka, in large part due to the government’s ambitious spending plans. While
the state has invested heavily in developing infrastructure since 2009, much work remains to be done,
particularly in the areas of road development. According to Asia Securities, a Colombo-based equities
brokerage, in 2016-17 the state plans to spend around LKR590bn ($4.2bn), primarily on road and other
types of infrastructure projects.
Furthermore, population growth and rising per capita income across the country has resulted in growing
demand for housing, particularly at the affordable end of the spectrum (see Real Estate chapter). “The
growth in the construction industry we have seen recently has really been just a rebalancing, or a catching
up after years of very slow growth,” NDBS’s Sidath Kalyanaratne told OBG. “There is still huge demand
for all kinds of new facilities – office space, affordable housing and infrastructure– which suggests
continued growth for contractors as well.”
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Slide 01
Slide 02
Note - In construction site there is lots of dangers, ricks, and accident are there. So, the labour must free
from the rick and accident. It is compulsory to everyone. As the contractor or the construction company
must give the working environmental free from the rick. But construction and the risk have a relationship.
Effective Way of Communicating
So, we cannot separate risk from the construction site.But we can minimize the risk from the site. Accident
is unexpected thing will happen. We cannot stop the accident. But we can avoid the accident from the site.
Slide 03
Note - Hierarchy of control is the one of the best way to control the hazards from the site. It’s mean if we
found the hazard from the site we can try to avoid that hazard. Mainly there is tree types of controls are
there. Engineering control, Administrative controls and Personal Protective Equipment. If we found the
hazard in the construction site best way to control that from the top level to bottom level. Mainly start some
factors from the labours. Try to change their working style. Because some labours don’t know how to work
with safety. The contractor give the works to labours minimum 8 hours and maximum 12 hours including
the overtime wages. Do not allow a single labour work more than 12 hours.
If we found the hazards from the construction site first start from the most effective to least effective of the
hazards. Because it is the one method to prevent all labours easily. First is elimination or substitution. It
mean if we have outdated machineries or danger machine in the site try to eliminate that machine from the
site or substitute a good machine. It will safe the labours. Next one is engineering control. Engineer’s have
the duty to give safe work place to the labours. So he must try and give the good environmental to the
labours. Next one is administrative control. The admin department must provide the guidelines to labours,
how to work without accident? Next one is personal protective equipment. When the labours come to site
they must wear the safety clothes and shoes. It will help to avoid the harm from the accidents.
Effective Way of Communicating
Slide 04
Note - In construction industry important hazards are divided in four types.
Chemical hazards
Physical hazards
Biological hazards
Safety hazards
The chemical hazard is very important. Because while doing the construction lot of this type of hazard will
occur. For an example gas, liquids. When we start the foundation excavation maybe some gases or liquids
will come. So, when start the work most consternation is important. Physical hazard is the one occurs from
the machines. Outdated, very harm full and noise machines are included here. This will effect to the labours.
Because of this machines labour will get injured.
These are very high noise machines. So this effect not only for labours it will effect to the surrounding all
place.Biological hazard waste water and soil are will come under this hazard. If the drainage and sewage
are not proper disposed there is lot of chance to increase the ills to labours. So from the construction site all
waste water and sewage should remove in good manner.
Safety hazard is danger for labours. While the labours working there is a chance to fall down from the top
floor to bottom, at that time maybe he will die. So while the labours working the administrate department
must give proper idea about the work and give guide line to labours, how to work without any injury.
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Slide 05
Note - In construction industry after identification of hazard we want to control the hazard. There is some
ways are to control the hazard. First we can eliminate or substitute a less hazardous material from the site.
This is the first step to control the hazards. Next step is engineering controls. Engineer has a responsibility
to control the hazards from the site. Next step is administrative controls. It’s mean the contractor must try
to minimize the hazards from the site. Final step is personal protective equipment. It’s mean the labour
should wear the protective equipment.
Slide 06
Note- Under the engineering controls, engineer can isolate the hazard from the site. Next remove the hazard
from the site. Engineer can remove the hazard from the site. He has the rights to do that work.In construction
Effective Way of Communicating
industry most design part will do from the engineer. Final step is redesign the work place. It’s mean the
engineer can redesign the work place without any hazard. But that is not possible. So he can try and
minimize it.
Under the administrative controls safety & health rule for labour, alarms, sign boards, adjust the working
time. It’s mean the contractor must give the rules for labours, and must provide the alarms and sign boards
in the site to give clear idea to the labours.Under the personal protective the labour must know how to do
the work.They must trained from the authorized organization.
The contractor must check that one before the entering the labours. Because if anything happen in the site
to the labours, the contractors is the responsible man to answer all questions.
slide 07
Note - This picture is giving the full protection from the most hazards from the head to foot. So if the labour
when start to do the work at that time they must wear this equipment.
This is most important to labours. Personal protective equipment is very important in construction industry.
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Slide 08
Note - In the hazard analysis first step is identify the possible hazard in the site. In our working site what
are the hazards are there, first we want to find that one. Because if we find out that we can try to easy handle
with that one. Next one is character each hazards. After find the hazard only we can analyze the hazard
character. Because we need the character of hazard.
Slide 09
Note -When we start to doing construction project first important is safety. Because now a day all in the
world safety is very important to everyone. So in the law also mostly help to the company and labours also.
Without proper consideration about safety that the work is risk.When we start to do the work, first we want
to think about the safety only. Because it is very important in the industry. So everyone should consideration
about the safety is important to everyone.
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Slide 10
Note - As a contractor he must give the clear instruction to the labours. Because without clear idea the work
is more risk to labours. When start to work and finish work that area always must be clean.The contractor
always ensure that the all labours are properly trained by the authorized company or organization. It is very
important.The contractor must provide the safety cloths and shoes like that etc. in the project construction
site the contractor must provide the all sign and warning boards. It is very important.The law also saying it
is a must duty of the contractor. Otherwise the court will punish the contractor or that construction company.
Note-In construction filed safety is the one is very important to everyone. Therefore, give full priority to
promote the safety rules in the work place for the employee. If we give all rules to the labours we are in the
Effective Way of Communicating
safe zoon from the court. Because court will think about the labour. Lose is lose. It cannot replace. That is
the main issue in here. Because of that reason we need to pay more attension for this section.
Slide 12
Slide 13
Effective Way of Communicating
Organization name: RDX construction
-agendaDepartment Name: Human Resources
Day, date: Thursday, November 23,2017
Time of Meeting:12.00am-12.45am
Meeting location: conference room
Participants: thanusigan, Gajavathanan, sujanthan, fahumy, musthakeem, nilaxsan
Aim /Action
Welcome speech
Minutes of last meeting
Discuss the issue
Labor issue, heath issue
problem in detail and
analyze the reasons
Final decision
final decision to solve
the issue
Vote of thanks.
Effective Way of Communicating
RDX construction -minutes of the meeting
Call to order A meeting of RDX construction was held at Head office on 23rd of November 2017.
Attendees Attendees included -Participants: thanusigan, Gajavathanan, sujanthan, fahumy, musthakeem,
Agenda topic – Labour issues
Notes The labour issue meeting of the RDX Construction was held on Thursday, 23rd of November, at
12.00 A.M, at the Head Office building, the chairman being in the chair and the Secretary being present.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected.
After the welcome note by the chairman the meeting began by discussing the current labour issues and
suggestions was asked from health inspection manager, union leader and facility manager . They came up
with solutions. Then the discussion went in depth by analyzing the reasons and finding proper solutions.
Then he addressed the problem going on and the Project Manager understood the issues and told him that
the problem will be solved soon.
At the conclusion the chairman addressed that an additional over time will be given to workers to ease the
problem for a while and all the participants of the meeting agreed it. And for equipment’s will arrived within
two days said by the project manager nilaxsan. The solution for the health issue propose which is proposed
by the health inspection manager project manager said that he will arrange the medical facilities in
construction site.
The meeting adjourned at 12. 35A.M thanusigan, Secretary.
Effective Way of Communicating
This is one of my best assignment which I did until now because it’s very important for our whole life. i
have get all the knowledge in this subject. Effective communication skills module has a important role in
the HND part, this gave me sufficient skill on English knowledge and spoken. This module enhances certain
skills to succeed in construction industry. ECS provides a platform for students develop and skills towards