Uploaded by Ryan Delaine

Nursing Student Exit Slip: LPN Practice & Older Adult Care

Exit Slip #1. Ryan Delaine 0239643
One thing that helped me learn in today’s class was: during today’s class what helped me learn
was being able to listen to the lecture and relate it to my own practice as an LPN. Working in
acute care we have had to utilize different allied health services like spiritual care to better help
our patients especially during end of life. At Concordia we have a great spiritual care team who
attend our daily action rounds at least 2-3 times per week so they can stay on top of which
patients need their attention sooner this allows us to get patients the spiritual care services
they require quicker. I’ve also experienced working with older adults a lot over the past 2 years
with the health care changes which changed our patient demographics from acute care to low
acute care. This change led to an increase in admissions for uti, confusion, weakness and pch
admissions. Being able to relate real life experiences to today’s lecture allowed me to better
understand and relate the topics we covered.
How will the knowledge learned today be useful outside of this class? As we start our journey
of working as nurses especially during our various practicum rotations, we will inevitably take
care of older adults and having a better understanding of their needs, how they manifest
certain illnesses differently, will all play a huge part of our day-to-day activities as a bedside
nurse. As well, as nurses we need to be able to understand the importance of spiritually in the
older populations especially with our diverse population in Canada. We as nurses need to
include our older adult patients in their care plan and we need to be able to educate our
patients in a way that they will understand and be able to comprehend.