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IB Ecology 2017

4.1 Species,
communities and
The continued survival of living organisms including humans
depends on sustainable communities.
Define the Following Terms
• Species
• Habitat
• Population
• Community
• Ecosystem
• Ecology
• Species: A group of organisms that can interbreed and
produce fertile offspring
• Members of a species may be reproductively isolated in
separate populations
• Habitat: The environment in which a species normally
lives or the location of a living organism
• Population: A group of organisms of the same species
who live in the same area at the same time
• Community: A group of populations living and
interacting with each other in an area
• Ecosystem: a community and its abiotic environment
• Has the potential to be sustainable over long periods of
• Ecology: The study of relationships between living
organisms and between organisms and their
Autotrophs vs. Heterotrophs
• Autotroph: an organism that synthesizes its organic molecules
from simple inorganic substances from the abiotic environment
• These inorganic nutrients are maintained by nutrient cycling
• Heterotroph: an organism that obtains organic molecules from
other organisms
• Few species can have both methods (Ex: venus flytrap, certain
Euglena and corals)
Differences between consumers, detritivores, and
• Consumers: an organism that ingests other
organic matter that is living or recently dead
• Detritivore: an organism that ingests non-living
organic matter (detritus)
• Saprotroph: an organism that lives on or in non-living
organic matter, secreting digestive enzymes onto it
and absorbing the products of digestion (external
DBQ Pg. 204: Unexpected diets
• Pg. 209: Chi Squared Testing
4.2 Energy Flow
• Essential idea: Ecosystems require a continuous
supply of energy to fuel life processes and to
replace energy lost as heat.
• Nature of Science
Use theories to explain phenomena: the concept of
energy flow explains the limited length of food
Sunlight and ecosystems
• Most ecosystems rely on a supply of energy from
• Please complete DBQ: Insolation on page 214
Energy Conversion
• Light energy is converted to chemical energy in
carbon compounds by photosynthesis
Energy in food chains
• Chemical energy in carbon compounds flows
through food chains by means of feeding.
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWfEn8J5xK
Respiration and Energy
• Energy released by respiration is used in living organisms
and converted to heat.
• All living things need energy for cell activities such as:
- synthesizing large molecules like DNA, RNA, and
- pumping molecules or ions across membranes by
active transport
- Moving things around inside the cell, such as
chromosomes or vesicles, or the protein fibers in
muscle cells (actin and myosin)
• Page 216 of text
• How does the ambient temperature of the magpie
cage affect its body metabolism?
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWhXKhh8xo
Heat Energy in Ecosystems
• Living organisms cannot convert heat to other forms
of energy.
• **Living organisms can perform various energy
conversions. i.e
Light energy to chemical energy (photosynthesis)
Chemical energy to kinetic energy in muscle contraction.
Chemical energy to electrical energy in nerve cells.
Chemical energy to heat energy in heat-generating adipose
Please complete the following DBQ on page 219: A
simple food web
Pyramids of Energy
• The amount of energy converted to new biomass by
each trophic level in an ecological community can be
represented with a pyramid of energy.
• What is meant by the 10% rule?
Pyramids of Energy
** Note- Please use stepped
diagrams, not triangular
Energy Pyramids
1. What do the trophic
levels represent? (1, 2,
3, 4….)
2. What do the
percentages represent?
3. Why is it in the shape
of a pyramid?
4. Why do the percentages
decrease as the pyramid
Energy per unit area (community) per increases?
unit time: kJm-2yr-1
4.3 Carbon cycling
Making accurate quantatative measurements- it is important to
obtain reliable data on the concentrations of carbon dioxide and
methane in the atmosphere.
Carbon Fixation
• Autotrophs convert carbon dioxide into
carbohydrates and other carbon compounds
• Carbon dioxide diffuses from the atmosphere or
water into autotrophs
• In aquatic ecosystems carbon is present as dissolved
carbon dioxide and hydrogen carbonate ions
• Carbon dioxide is produced by respiration and
diffuses out of organisms into water or the
• Produced from organic matter in anaerobic conditions by
methanogenic archaeans and some diffuses into the
atmosphere or accumulates in the ground
• Three different groups of bacteria involved:
1. Bacteria that convert organic matter into a mixture of organic
acids, alcohol, hydrogen and carbon dioxide
2. Bacteria that use organic acids and alcohol to produce acetate,
carbon dioxide and hydrogen
3. Archaens that produce methane from carbon dioxide, hydrogen
and acetate. They do this by 2 chemical reactions
• Methane is oxidized into carbon dioxide and water
in the atmosphere
• Forms when organic matter is not fully decomposed because
of acidic and/or anaerobic conditions of waterlogged soils
• Used as a nonrenewable energy source or to alter the pH of
• Partially decomposed organic matter from past geological eras
was converted either into coal or into oil and gas that
accumulate in porous rocks
• Coal was made from peat that was buried beneath sediment and
• Oil and gas formed in the mud at the bottom of seas and lakes and
Carbon Dioxide Production
• If organic matter is heated in the presence of oxygen
to its combustion temperature, it will set light and
• The oxidation reaction is called combustion
• The products to complete combustion are carbon
dioxide and water
Pg. 224 in workbook: The Carbon
• Animals such as reef-building corals and mollusca
have hard parts that are composed of calcium
carbonate and can become fossilized in limestone
• Contains a large amount of the earth’s carbon
• Construct a diagram of the carbon cycle
• THEN read Carbon fluxes on page 227
• THEN complete the DBQ on page 227
4.4 Climate Change
• Assessing claims: assessment of the claims that
human activities are not causing climate change.
• What is the evidence?
• Let’s ponder…
What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Long-wavelength emissions
from Earth
• The warmed surface of the Earth absorbs short-wave
energy from the sun and then re-emits it, but at
much longer wavelengths.
• Most re-emitted radiation is infrared
• Longer-wave radiation is reabsorbed by greenhouse
gases which retains the heat in the atmosphere.
Back to Carbon Dioxide
• Greenhouse Gases- trap heat in the atmosphere,
which makes the Earth warmer
-Carbon dioxide and water vapor are the most
significant greenhouse gases.
Carbon dioxide
• Released into the environment by cell respiration in living
• Released into the atmosphere by combustion of biomass and
fossil fuel .
• Removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis and by
dissolving in the oceans.
Industrialization and climate
• There is a correlation between rising atmospheric
concentrations of carbon dioxide since the start of
the industrial revolution two hundred years ago and
average global temperatures.
Water Vapor
• Water vapor is formed by evaporation from the oceans and also
transpiration in plants.
• Water vapor is removed from the atmosphere by rainfall and
snow (precipitation).
Other Greenhouse Gases
• Other greenhouse gases
including methane (CH4) and
Nitrogen oxides have less
• Methane- Emitted from marshes
and other waterlogged habitats,
organic landfill sites; Released
during extraction of fossil fuels
and the melting of the polar ice
• Nitrous oxides- emitted through
agriculture (fertilizer), burning of
fossil fuels, and industry
(production of fertilizer), by
some bacteria
Oxygen and Nitrogen
• ***Are Not Greenhouse Gases
• They do not absorb longer-wave radiation
• Note:
• All of the greenhouse gases together make up less
than 1% of the total atmosphere.
• Two Factors together determine the warming impact
of a greenhouse gas.
• 1. How readily the gas absorbs long-wave radiation.
• 2. The concentration of the gas in the atmosphere .
• For example, methane causes much more warming per
molecule but there is much less methane than carbon
dioxide and therefore less of an impact on the
Percent Absorbed
• 25-30% of short-wave radiation is absorbed by the
atmosphere before it reaches the earths surface.
• Most is infrared and absorbed by ozone.
• 70-75% of solar radiation therefore reaches earths surface
and much is converted to heat.
• A higher percentage of long-wave radiation is absorbed
after being re-emitted by the earth's surface.
• Between 70-85% is captured by greenhouse gases and
contributes to global warming. Without it, the earths
mean temperature would be -18°C.
Global temperatures and
carbon dioxide concentrations
• Correlations between global temperatures and
carbon dioxide concentrations on Earth.
• Complete DBQ on page 233: CO2 concentrations
and global temperatures.
Greenhouse gases and climate
• Global temperatures and climate patterns are
influenced by concentrations of greenhouse gases.
• Surface temperatures are estimated to be 32° C higher
due to greenhouse gases.
• Therefore, more greenhouse gas, more retained heat
from radiation.
• Read and complete DBQ: Phenology on page 234
• Phenology- the study of timing patterns in seasonal
activities in animals and plants.
Burning Fossil Fuels
• Recent increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide are
largely due to increases in the combustion of
fossilized organic matter.
• Read and complete DBQ on pages 235-236 :
Comparing CO2
• And DBQ on page 237: Uncertainty in temperature
rise projections.
Assessing claims and counter
• Research and summarize two articles on the issue at
• Read page 236 and 237
• Assessing claims and counter claims: assessment of
claims that human activities are not causing climate
• Opposition to the climate change science: Evaluating
claims that human activities are not causing climate
Option C.1
Species and Communities
• The study of relationships between organisms and
their natural environment.
• It underpins conservation efforts to preserve the
earths biodiversity.
What is a keystone species?
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_e
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_e
Limiting Factors
• The distribution of a species is affected by limiting
We can describe a limiting factor as a resource that is
most scarce in relation to an organism’s needs.
• Plant Distribution- limited by abiotic factors
• plant species common to the tropics are not Adapted
for survive frosts.
• Animal Distribution- affected by temperature, water,
breeding sites, food supply, and territory.
• Please read and complete DBQ- Intertidal Zonation
• Page 605-606
Skill- Using transects
• Use of a transect to correlate the
distribution of plant or animal species with
an abiotic variable.
• Text pages 604 and 605
• Explain the types of transect used in research today.
Using Ecological Models
• Use models as representations of the real world:
zones of stress and limits of tolerance graphs are
models of the real world that have predictive power
and explain community structure.
C.1 A.1 Application 1
• Distribution of one animal and one plant species to
illustrate limits of tolerance and zones of stress.
• Read and complete exercise on pages 607-608
C.1 A.3 Application 3
• The symbiotic relationship between zooxanthellae
and reef-building coral reef species.
Understanding 4
Application 2
Interspecific interactions
• U4- Interactions between species in a community
can be classified according to their effect.
• A2-Local examples to illustrate the range of ways in
which species can interact within a community.
The Niche Concept
• Each species plays a unique role within a
community because of the unique combination of
its spatial habitat and interactions with other species.
• Spatial habitat- where a species lives
Competitive Exclusion
• Two species cannot survive indefinitely in the same
habitat if their niches are identical.
• Russian scientist, Gause’s experiment on two species
of paramecium.
Competitive Exclusion
DBQ’s• Please complete DBQ: Competitive exclusion in cattails
• Page 609
• Please complete DBQ: Character displacement in
Fundamental vs. Realized
Analysis of a data set that illustrates the distinction between
fundamental and realized niche.
• Fundamental Niche- potential mode of existence.
Refers to the broadest of ranges a species can occupy
given its set of adaptations.
• Realized Niche- actual mode of existence. Results
from the combination of its adaptations and
competition with other species.
Keystone species
• Community structure can be greatly affected by
keystone species
C.2 Communities and
Use models as representations of the real world- pyramids of
energy model the energy flow through ecosystems.
Trophic Levels
• Trophic Levels: the
feeding positions in a food
• Producer
• Primary Consumer
• Secondary Consumer
• Tertiary Consumer
• Most species occupy
different trophic levels in
multiple food chains
Food Web
• Shows all the
possible food
chains in a
• Rate of generation of biomass in an ecosystem
• Production in plants happens when organic matter is synthesized
by photosynthesis
• In animals it occurs when food is absorbed after digestion
• The percentage of ingested energy converted to biomass is
dependent on the respiration rate
• Energy is measured in kJ/m2/yr
• Gross production- total amount of organic matter
produced per unit area per unit time by a trophic level in
an ecosystem
• Net production- amount of gross production remaining
after subtraction of the amount used for respiration by the
trophic level
1. Calculate the net productivity of the autotrophs.
2. Compare the percentage of heat lost through respiration by the autotrophs
and heterotrophs.
3. Identify a reason for heat loss differences in animals vs. plants.
1. 19,580 kJ/m2/yr
2. Autotrophs lose 55% of their gross production to heat;
animals lose 96% of their energy to heat
3. Animals use a lot of energy to move/maintain body
• The length of food
chains is determined by
the level of net primary
• The higher the
productivity, the longer
the food chains
Conversion Ratio
• The quantity of dietary input in grams required to
produce a certain quantity of body mass in livestock or
• Ex: A feed conversion ratio of 1.2 means that 120g of
feed are required to produce 100g of body mass
• Lower feed inputs means lower energy inputs for food
• In a closed ecosystem, energy but not matter is
exchanged with the surroundings
• Climate is a property that emerges from the
interaction of precipitation and temperature
• The type of stable ecosystem that will emerge in an
area is predictable based on climate
• A climograph is a diagram which shows the relative
combination of temperature and precipitation in an
Gersmehl Diagrams
• Model of nutrient storage and flow in a terrestrial ecosystem
• Three storage compartments: Biomass, Litter, Soil
• Litter: This is the surface layer of vegetation, which over time breaks
down to become soil
• Biomass: The total mass of living organisms per unit area.
• Arrows represent nutrient flows; thickness represent the rate of
• Human activity can accelerate nutrient flows into
and out of ecosystems
• Ex: Growth followed by transport of crops out of an
area depletes the area of the nutrients that were
locked into the crops, thus nutrients need to be
added to the soil
• Disturbances that influence the structure and rate of
change within ecosystems
• Primary- an environment where soil has been
disturbed/needs to be formed
• Secondary- where an ecosystem has recently been
located/soil undisturbed
Primary Succession
• Occurs in an environment in which new substrate, devoid of
vegetation and usually lacking soil, is deposited
• Occurs after:
• Volcanoes
• Glacier activity
• Lichens are usually the first things to grow (pioneer species)
• Lichen: mold and fungus living mutualistically
• Lichens break down rock into soil to allow for plants to grow
lichen, moss, ferns, angiosperms, conifers/gymnosperms
Secondary Succession
• Secondary succession is a process started by an
event that reduces an already established
ecosystem to a smaller population of species
• Occurs on preexisting soil
• It occurs after:
• Harvesting
• Deforestation
• Hurricane
DBQ Pg. 621
C.3 Impacts of Humans
on Ecosystems
Assessing risks and benefits associated with scientific
research: the use of biological control has associated risk
and requires verification by tightly controlled experiments
before it is approved.
Alien and Invasive Species
• Introduced alien species can escape into local
ecosystems and become invasive.
• Many alien species become invasive the normal
limiting factors in their original habitat are missing.
• The predators, diseases, and vigorous competitors that
controlled numbers in its native habitat are usually
Do you know a few examples for your arsenal?
Alien species compete with
endemic species
• Competitive exclusion and the absence of predators
can lead to reduction in the numbers of endemic
species when alien species become invasive.
Case studies of introduced
alien species.
• Study of the introduction of the cane toads in
Australia and one other local example of the
introduction of an alien species.
• Please read and review Case study on page 627-628
of the text.
Evaluation of methods to
control alien species
• Evaluation of eradication programs and biological
control as measures to reduce the impact of alien
• Complete DBQ page 628: The Mango Mealy bug
• Complete DBQ page 629: Control of purple
The risk of biological control
• A biological control can be introduced to an ecosystem to
limit an invasive species. This involve introducing natural
predators of the invasive species to limit its spread.
• What are the risks of introducing another invasive species to
an ecosystem?
• ***A risk-averse approach to introducing a natural
predator to control an invasive species involves holding
the natural enemy in approved facility until enough
research is gathered to ensure the natural predator will
have minimal negative impact.
• Pollutants become concentrated in the tissues of
organisms at higher trophic levels by
The causes and consequences
of biomagnification
• Analysis of data illustrating the causes and
consequences of biomagnification.
• Complete DBQ: Biomagnification of caesium page
DDT Pros vs. Cons
Plastics in the ocean
• Macroplastic and microplastic debris has
accumulated in marine environments.
It’s your time!!!
C.4 Conservation of
Entire communities need to be conserved in order to preserve
Indicator Species
• Indicator Species- an organism used to assess a
specific environmental condition
• The presence/absence of these species is a good
indicator of environmental conditions
• Ex: Lichens are pollution-intolerant so their presence
indicates clean air.
• Ex: The presence of Black Greasewood indicates
alkaline and saline soils
Biotic Index
• Compares the relative frequency of indicator species
• Relative numbers of indicator species can be used to calculate
the value of a biotic index
• The number of individuals of each indicator species is
multiplied by a pollution tolerance number, and a weighted
average is determined
• Biological diversity
• Has 2 components:
• Richness- number of different
species present
• Evenness- how close in numbers
each species is
• Biodiversity is important to
preserve. Why?
In Situ Conservation of Endangered Species
• ”On-site conservation” Protecting an
endangered species in its natural
habitat, by protecting or cleaning up
the habitat, or by defending the
species from predators
• Places where the animal is found in
its own natural habitat and is not
allowed to be disturbed by humans
• Keeps the animals out of danger
zones and allows them to live and
reproduce naturally in its own
environment. Greater genetic
variety is also ensured.
• Preserving their habitat allows other
species to live there also, thus
preserving biodiversity
Active Management of Conservation
• A procedure for maintaining
a species or habitat in a
particular area (in-situ
• Control alien species- Those that are
not supposed to be in the area are
• Restore areas where human impact
has destroyed the ecosystem by
reforestation and species
• Promote the recovery of threatened
• Control the exploitation by humansLogging is controlled along with land
clearing (If trees are cut down, more
are planted)
Ex Situ Conservation Measures
• “Off-site conservation" Protecting
an endangered species by
removing part of the population
from a threatened habitat and
placing it in a new location
• Captive breeding- animals kept in
zoos/parks reproduce to increase
in number, with the possibility of
reintroducing some of the
offspring into the wild
• Botanic gardens- sites where many
plant species are planted in
controlled environments to
maintain their species
• Seed banks- seeds are kept in cold
and dry storage, since they stay in
good condition for hundred of
Read the Case Study on pg. 637 of text
What are the biogeographical features of
nature reserves that promote conservation
of diversity?
• Edge effects- ecology of edges of NR
is different from its central ecology.
Ex: The cowbird feeds in open areas
but lays eggs on the edges of forests.
Forest fragmentation has increased
the population of this bird
• Size- large NR promote conservation
of biodiversity more effectively than
small ones
• Habitat Corridors- Allow organisms
to move between different parts of a
fragmented habitat. Ex: tunnels
under busy roads
Read and answer the 2 DBQs on pg. 640
Simpson Diversity Index
• Measure of diversity
• Often used to quantify the biodiversity of a habitat
• It takes into account the number of species present, as
well as the abundance of each species
D= Diversity Index
N= Total number of organisms of
all species
n= number of individuals of a
particular species
Which environment is considered to be more diverse?
Sample 1
Sample 2
C.5 Population Ecology
Avoiding bias: a random number generator helps to ensure
population sampling is free from bias.
Estimating Population Size
Using a random number
Using The Lincoln Index
• Use of the capture-mark-recapture method to
estimate the population size of an animal species.
• Read and review The Lincoln Index on pages 643645
The “J” shaped population
growth curve
• The exponential growth pattern occurs in an ideal,
unlimited environment.
Natality, Mortality,
Immigration and Emigration
Natality, Mortality,
Immigration and Emigration
The Sigmoid graph
Carrying Capacity
• Population growth slows as a population reaches the
carrying capacity of the environment.
• Represented by the variable “K”
• In the sigmoid growth pattern, when a population
reaches its carrying capacity, the population will stop
growing and natality and mortality will be equal.
Effecting “K”
Factors that influence
population size
• The phases shown in the sigmoid curve can be
explained by relative rates of natality, mortality,
immigration, and emigration.
• Please read and review concepts on page 647
Modelling population growth
• Modelling the growth curve using a simple organism
such as yeast or species of Lemna.
Top-down and Bottom-up
limiting factors
• Limiting factors can be top-down or bottom-up.
The population of organisms in an ecosystem can be
influenced by availability of resources like nutrients,
food, and space. These factors are referrred to as
bottom-up limiting factors.
Predation is referred to as top-down limiting factor.
C.6 Nitrogen and
phosphorus cycles
Assessing risks and benefits of scientific research- agricultural
practices can disrupt the phosphorus cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
• All life requires nitrogen-compounds, e.g., proteins and nucleic
• Air, (79% nitrogen gas (N2)), is the major reservoir of nitrogen.
• Most organisms cannot use nitrogen in this form.
• Plants must secure their nitrogen in "fixed" form, i.e.,
incorporated in compounds such as:
• nitrate ions (NO3−)
• ammonium ions (NH4+)
• urea (NH2)2CO
• Animals secure their nitrogen (and all other) compounds from
plants (or animals that have fed on plants).
Draw and Label
• Four processes participate in the cycling of nitrogen
through the biosphere:
nitrogen fixation
Nitrogen Fixation
• Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert atmospheric
nitrogen to ammonia
• Ex: Cyanobacteria, Purple Sulfur Bacteria,
• Associates with roots in a mutualistic relationship
• The bacteria manufacture ammonia, thus providing
nitrogen compounds to the plant, and the plant
provides organic compounds from photosynthesis to
the bacteria
• Mainly on the roots of legumes; exist in root
• The proteins made by plants enter and pass through
food webs
At each trophic level, their metabolism produces
organic nitrogen compounds that return to the
environment, chiefly in excretions
• Microorganisms break down the molecules in
excretions and dead organisms into ammonia
• The biological oxidation (aerobic process) of ammonia to
nitrite followed by the oxidation of the nitrite to nitrate
• Bacteria complete this process Ex: Nitrobacter
• (Ammonia can be taken up directly by plants — usually
through their roots)
• In the absence of oxygen, denitrifying bacteria
reduce nitrate in the soil making Nitrogen gas
returning it to the atmosphere
• Poor drainage or flooding can lead to waterlogging
• Reduces oxygen content of the soil favoring denitrification
• Decreases amount of nitrates available in the soil
• Waterlogged soil favors the growth of insectivorous plants; the
lack of nitrogen in the soil forces plants to obtain nitrogen from
Phosphorus Cycle
• Phosphorus and phosphorus compounds are located
in water, soil and sediments
• Animals absorb phosphates by eating plants or planteating animals
• Phosphorus plays a critical role in cell development
is a part of ATP and DNA
• Rain and weathering cause rocks to release phosphate ions and
other minerals. Phosphate is then distributed in soils and water.
• Plants take up phosphate from the soil and are then consumed
by animals. The phosphate is incorporated into molecules such
as DNA. When the plant or animal dies, it decays, and the
organic phosphate is returned to the soil.
• In the soil, phosphate can be made available by bacteria that
break down organic matter to inorganic forms of phosphorus.
This process is known as mineralisation.
• Phosphorus in soil can end up in waterways and eventually
oceans. Once there, it can be incorporated into sediments over
time, thus limiting the availability of phosphorus for agriculture
in the future
• The leaching of mineral nutrients
from agricultural land into rivers
causes eutrophication and leads to
increased biochemical oxygen
• Eutrophication- Water acquires a
high concentration of nutrients,
(phosphates and nitrates),
promoting excessive growth of
algae. As the algae die and
decompose, the water is depleted
of oxygen causing the death of
other organisms, such as fish.