รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทั่วไป (GAT ตอนที่ 2) สอบวันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 เวลา 10.00 – 11.30 น. ชื่อ ...................................... นามสกุล ................................................ เลขที่นงั่ สอบ ................................. สถานที่สอบ ....................................................................................... ห้องสอบ ………………………... คาเตือน 1. ให้ผเู ้ ข้าสอบปฏิบตั ิตามระเบียบ สทศ. ว่าด้วยแนวทางการปฏิบตั ิเกี่ยวกับการดาเนินการ ทดสอบ พ.ศ. 2557 อย่างเคร่ งครัด 2. ห้ามนาโทรศัพท์มือถือ หรื อ อุปกรณ์สื่อสาร หรื อ อุปกรณ์อิเล็กทรอนิกส์ทุกชนิด เข้าห้องสอบโดยเด็ดขาด 3. ห้ามคัดลอก บันทึกภาพ หรื อ เผยแพร่ แบบทดสอบ หรื อ กระดาษคาตอบโดยเด็ดขาด หากผู้เข้ าสอบฝ่ าฝื นข้ อปฏิบัติ สทศ. อาจดาเนินการดังนี้ 1. ไม่ ประกาศผลสอบในรายวิชานั้นๆ หรื อ ทุกรายวิชา 2. แจ้งไปยังสถานศึกษาของผูเ้ ข้าสอบ เพือ่ ดาเนินการทางวินยั 3. แจ้งพฤติการณ์ฝ่าฝื นไปยังสถาบันอุดมศึกษา เพือ่ ประกอบการรับเข้าศึกษาต่อ 4. ดาเนินคดีตามกฎหมายในกรณี ที่เกิดความเสียหายแก่ระบบการทดสอบและ สทศ. ข้ อสอบชุดนี้เป็ นเพียงแนวข้ อสอบที่เหมือนจริงมากๆๆๆๆของ GAT มี.ค. 59 และเปิ ดโอกาสให้ นักเรียนทั่วทุกภูมิภาคได้ เห็นข้ อสอบได้ เท่ าเทียมกัน มีจุดประสงค์เพื่อให้ เตรียมตัวสอบเท่ านั้น ไม่ อนุญาตให้ ใช้ ในเชิงพาณิชย์ ใดๆทั้งสิ้น รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 หน้ า คาชี้แจง 1 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. แบบทดสอบนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อวัดศักยภาพในการศึกษาต่ อในมหาวิทยาลัยให้ ประสบความสาเร็จ โดยทดสอบความสามารถในการสื่ อสารภาษาอังกฤษ โดยจะนาผลที่ได้ ไปใช้ ประกอบการพิจารณา คัดเลือกบุคคลเข้ าศึกษาในสถาบันอุดมศึกษาในระบบรับตรงและรับกลาง (ADMISSION) รายละเอียดแบบทดสอบ แบบทดสอบฉบับนี้มี 17 หน้ า จานวน 60 ข้ อ วิธีการตอบ ให้ ใช้ ดินสอดา 2B ระบายวงกลมที่เป็ นคาตอบในกระดาษคาตอบ เกณฑ์ การให้ คะแนน (คะแนนเต็ม 150 คะแนน) ข้ อ 1-60 ข้ อละ 2.5 คะแนน ข้ อปฏิบัติในการสอบ 1. เขียนชื่อ – นามสกุล เลขที่นั่งสอบ สถานที่สอบ และห้ องสอบบนหน้ าปกแบบทดสอบ 2. ตรวจสอบชื่อ – นามสกุล เลขที่นั่งสอบ รหัสวิชาที่สอบ เลขประจาตัวประชาชน 13 หลัก ใน กระดาษคาตอบว่ าตรงกับตัวผู้สอบหรือไม่ กรณีที่ไม่ ตรงให้ แจ้ งผู้คุมสอบเพื่อขอกระดาษคาตอบ สารองแล้ วกรอก / ระบายให้ สมบูรณ์ 3. อ่ านคาแนะนาวิธีการตอบข้ อสอบให้ เข้ าใจ แล้ วตอบข้ อสอบด้ วยตัวเองและไม่ เอือ้ ให้ ผู้อื่นคัดลอก คาตอบได้ 4. เมื่อสอบเสร็จ ให้ สอดกระดาษคาตอบไว้ ในแบบทดสอบ 5. ไม่ อนุญาตให้ ผู้เข้ าสอบออกจากห้ องสอบ ก่ อนหมดเวลาสอบ 6. ไม่ อนุญาตให้ ผู้คุมสอบเปิ ดอ่ านข้ อสอบ รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป หน้ า วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 2 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. Part One: Expressions (Items 1-15) Choose the best answer. 1-4 Summer Holidays Rose: Steve: Rose: Steve: Rose: Steve: Rose: Steve: Are you going away this summer? Yes, we‟re going to Spain. Oh, really? ______1_______? We‟re not sure exactly. We‟re going to fly to Madrid and rent a car when we get there. Then we‟ll probably drive south to Sevilla for camping. ______2_______. I‟ve heard that Sevilla is really pleasant. Have you ever been there before? No, but my dad has wanted to go for ages, so we thought we‟d give it try. What about you? ______3_______? It‟s very likely we‟re going to stay home. Honestly, ______4______ at the moment. I can imagine. I bet they don‟t pay very much at the bookshop. 1. 1. Why not 3. What is that 5. How can this be possible 2. Whereabouts 4. When will that be 2. 1. That sounds great 3. Flying there is the best idea 5. The North has a lot to offer too 2. A lot of money is to be spent 4. Sevilla can be quiet cold 3. 1. What will happen to you this holiday 2. Will your dad want to join us 3. When will you make a decision about a trip 4. Haven‟t you been to Spain before 5. Are you doing anything special this summer 4. 1. I don‟t have a long summer holiday 2. the bookshop is open every day 3. we‟re thinking of buying a new house 4. I can‟t really afford to go anywhere 5. travelling is only in my imagination รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 5-7 Cable service interrupted Ann: Bob: Ann: Bob: Ann: Bob: Ann: Bob: Ann: Bob: Ann: I am calling about my cable service. What‟s the problem? For the past week, ______5_______. I apologize, but the cable has been down lately. Do you know ______6_______? Give it a couple of days, and it should be back on. Will I still have to pay for the cable while it‟s not working? Since it‟s not working, ______7_______. So, I don‟t have to pay anything? You won‟t pay anything until your cable starts working. Okay, thank you very much for your help. 5. 1. nobody has answered my phone calls 2. the service has expanded its network 3. the system has been unstable 4. my cable hasn‟t been working 5. you‟ve been sending me bills 6. 1. how much I need to pay to get it back on 2. where I should go to report the problem 3. why the problem remains unfixed 4. how much trouble I have been through 5. when it‟s going to start working again 7. 1. I‟m going to give you a credit 2. you‟ll be fined for the cost of repair 3. I‟ll ask you to pay the bill in installments 4. you can pay us whenever you‟re ready 5. I‟ll talk to the manager about this problem หน้ า 3 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป หน้ า วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. 8-10 A potluck party Paul: Satoshi: Paul: Satoshi: Paul: Satoshi: 4 We‟re going to have a potluck party for international students tonight. Potluck? ______8_______? It is type of party where everybody brings one dish to share. Great idea! ______9_______? I want my dish to be different. ______10_______ OK. We should have appetizers, main dishes, and desserts… 8. 1. I like it 2. It sounds like fun 3. I‟m afraid I can‟t join you 4. I‟ve no idea what it is 5. It‟s a great opportunity to meet people 9. 1. What should I bring 3. What kind of food do you like 5. How many people will be invited 10. 1. What do you plan to cook? 2. Don‟t worry. Just bring yourself. 3. We need to decide who‟s going to bring what food. 4. Let‟s plan what we‟ll do in the party room. 5. Are there so many choices of food and drinks? 2. Who‟s going to prepare drinks 4. What‟s the theme of the party รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 หน้ า เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. 11-12 Group work at school Teacher: Student 1: Teacher: Student 2: Teacher: Let‟s get into groups of four. Each group member will read different texts. ______11_______? Try to finish it in ten minutes ______12_______? You will share what you read with the other group members. 11. 1. How much time do we have 2. Should we read the text first 3. What should we do to understand the text better 4. Are the texts difficult to read 5. How long will it take to answer the questions 12. 1. Can we start reading now 2. What will you do then 3. What should I do if I cannot finish it 4. Do we have to share what we read with our classmates 5. What should we do after we have finished 5 รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 หน้ า 6 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. 13-15 School Counseling Counselor: Good morning. Can I help you? Mark: I am interested in business, but I am not quite sure which area of business I should study. Counselor: Our university ______13_______. Mark: Both sound interesting. Counselor: To be an accountant, you need to have a strong numerical and quantitative skills, and analytical abilities. Mark: ______14_______? Counselor: You need to have creativity and excellent oral and written communication skills. Mark: ______15_______? Counselor: Please take this quiz to find out how your interests fit with which major. 13. 1. offers only two business majors: accountancy and marketing 2. is well known for being a center for research and education 3. is globally recognized for leadership in science and technology 4. provides access to a wide range of electronic resources in business 5. provides many options for student: academic and extracurricular 14. 1. Why should I study marketing 2. What about working in the field of marketing 3. What courses do marketing majors take 4. What can I do with a marketing degree 5. Which specific skills will I learn in marketing classes 15. 1. What are the pros and cons of attending your business school 2. What else should I know to apply to the university 3. Which area of business do you think is better 4. Who should I contact if I want to find out more about the programs 5. How can I identify my strengths and weaknesses รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 หน้ า 7 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. Part Two: Vocabulary (Items 16-30) Items 16-25: Meaning in context Choose the best answer. 16. You need to stop setting unattainable goals in life; otherwise, you are heading for a psychological breakdown. 1. invaluable 2. unrealistic 3. irrecoverable 4. unusable 5. illogical 17. The death of the animal, which was a tourist favorite, has provoked global outrage. 1. anger 2. ignorance 3. incentive 4. subsidy 5. rivalry 18. People in this community live together peacefully regardless of their religious convictions. 1. complaints 2. ambitions 3. conflicts 4. disciplines 5. faiths 19. The Prime Minister will have to justify his new foreign policies to the Parliament. 1. announce 2. propose 3. report 4. defend 5. adjust 20. The number of trees has plummeted by about 46% since the dawn of human civilization. And we‟re mostly to blame. 1. escalated 2. fluctuated 3. improved 4. doubled 5. fallen 21. One current food trend is based on the ________ that it is better to eat locally grown food than ________ products. 1. belief, imported 2. rumor, smuggled 3. fashion, refined 4. campaign, consumed 5. conscience, processed รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 หน้ า 8 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. 22. Although in-vitro fertilization is _______ today, it was initially met with _______ from some concerned about the ethics of “test tube” babies. 1. handy, superstition 2. regional, opposition 3. common, resistance 4. reliable, persistence 5. sexual, consistence 23. With an expected life span of some 20 years, old tires are an ________ substitute for ________ building materials like concrete, steel and wood. 1. ordinary, expensive 2. effective, affordable 3. initial, conventional 4. economical, traditional 5. independent, obsolete 24. The product, still in its ________ stages, is a new technology seeking to make the home a ________ source of health care. 1. secondary, structural 2. developmental, primary 3. corrective, standardized 4. exotic, depleted 5. influential, leading 25. My neighbor has rescued home _______, like a television and a microwave, from _______ piles and donated them to charities. 1. products, rearranged 2. appliances, discarded 3. gadgets, abandoned 4. supplies, conserved 5. furnishings, recycled Items 26-30: Meaning Recognition Choose the alternative which has the same meaning as the underlined word in the given sentence. 26. Boundary stones were used to mark critical points on the boundaries between countries or states and were inscribed with relevant information. 1. The protesters threw stones at the police during the demonstration. 2. For certain kidney stones, your doctor may use sound waves to break them up. 3. Freestone peaches have pits of stones that are not strongly attached to the flesh. 4. Her engagement ring features a central diamond surrounded by smaller glittering stones. 5. Pet memorial stones allow pet owners to express their love for the pets who have died. รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 หน้ า 9 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. 27. The couple threw a big birthday party for their only child and engaged a magician to provide the entertainment. 1. This week‟s controversy surrounding academic freedom engaged the whole nation. 2. Each of the candidates was a scientist who was engaged in research on climate change. 3. The company planned to increase their market share, so they engaged a new sales director. 4. Our troops engaged the opposing army in a flight for control of an important bridge. 5. She was engaged to a rich businessman but, unfortunately, the relationship didn‟t work out. 28. In our recent lecture series, we examined how government agencies addressed the issue of the cyber security. 1. The shop would not replace the faculty product for me, so I addressed my complaint to the Head Office. 2. Since the stranger who gave me a ride seemed much older than me, I addressed him as “Sir.” 3. Why did your sister open a parcel that was clearly addressed to someone else? 4. After two years of severe drought, the threat of water shortage needs to be addressed. 5. King Edward VIII addressed his citizens immediately after he stepped down from the throne. 29. She performed really well last night and led her team to their fourth straight victory of the season. 1. She pulled over into a rest area for a much-needed break, having driven for five straight hours. 2. My boyfriend arrived an hour early, so I had no time to get my apartment straight in order to impress him. 3. Just be straight with your colleague and tell her that there is a flaw in her proposal. 4. Keep on a straight course for another ten minutes, and you can‟t miss the entrance to the garden. 5. Let‟s get the facts straight here! Which one of you guys threw the first punch? 30. Taking better care of your body can dramatically boost your overall sense of well-being. 1. A bloodhound‟s sense of smell enables it to detect certain types of cancer with great accuracy. 2. In his book, the author draws our attention to respect in the broadest sense of the term. 3. My brother suffered heat stroke. He should have had the sense to wear a hat and not over-exercise. 4. The shop owner had absolutely no business sense. He did not know how to showcase his products. 5. As the hungry wolves approached, there was a mounting sense of panic among the hikers. รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 หน้ า 10 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. Part Three: Reading (Items 31-45) Choose the best answer. Passage 1 New Delhi - If all the people waiting to have a toilet in their homes in India were to form a queue, the line would have 774 million people and stretch to the moon, the non-profit group WaterAid said in a report released on the eve of the UN World Toilet Day on Thursday. The study titled It's No Joke: The State of the World's Toilets 2015 highlights health problems faced by 2.3 billion people across the world who do not have access to safe private toilets. "Diarrhea is one of the three most common killers of young children globally, along with pneumonia and malaria. Most of these deaths - 58% of them - could be prevented by clean water, sanitation and good hygiene including hand washing with soap," the report said. Cities in India have been growing at an incredible pace. Unserviced slums, combined with a cultural preference for defecation in open spaces, mean the country has 774 million people now waiting for household toilets. The report also ranked India first among countries having the most people defecating in the open per km 2. The resulting health crisis is serious with more than 140,000 children under 5 dying each year in India from diarrhea. 40% of all children have stunted growth and there are high rates of maternal and newborn mortality. 31. The moon is mentioned in the study in order to _________. 1. tell the reader the distance between the moon and the earth 2. imply that the Indian populations is growing faster than any other country 3. make fun of Indian people who have no access to private toilets 4. make the reader feel how serious the problem being discussed is 5. convince the reader that the study has been scientifically conducted 32. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? 1. India‟s infant mortality rate tops other nations. 2. WaterAid‟s main mission is to improve the life of Indian people. 3. Indian culture is partly to blame for the high number of deaths from diarrhea. 4. According to the study, India‟s open space is shrinking considerably. 5. The number of Indian people lacking home toilets is likely to come down. 33. The word “safe” can best be replaced by _________. 1. sturdy 2. hygienic 3. secured 4. protected 5. sheltered รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 หน้ า 11 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. Passage 2 This year, Jennifer Lawrence topped the Forbes list of highest-paid actresses. The 25year-old gave her final performance as Katniss Everdeen, in Mockingjay Part 2, the last film of the Hunger Games series. The world has watched Lawrence grow up on screen over the years of the series. “I love being part of a film that can spark conversation,” Lawrence says. “It‟s been such an incredible chapter in my life.” The Oscar winner has also sparked conversation as an advocate for equal pay for women and men in her industry. Lawrence wrote an online essay on the pay gap in Hollywood, titled “Why Do I Make Less Than My Male Co-Stars?” Earlier in the year, hackers released private Sony e-mails that revealed that she was paid less for acting in the movie American Hustle than her male co-stars. She says she blamed herself for not being a tougher negotiator. Since her essay went public, other actresses have come out protesting their comparatively small paychecks. Throughout her career, Lawrence has also worked to try to promote healthy body images. When she took on the role of Katniss in the Hunger Games series, she refused to appear unhealthy on camera. Though the book, written by Suzanne Collins, describes Katniss as very thin, Lawrence did not waver in her commitment to maintaining her healthy, strong body. 34. All the following adjectives apply to Jennifer Lawrence EXCEPT _________. 1. health-conscious 2. outspoken 3. aggressive 4. feminist 5. determined 35. According to the passage, it can be inferred that _________. 1. thanks to Lawrence‟ essay, she has become Hollywood‟s highest-paid actress 2. Lawrence‟s essay angered her colleagues who were paid less than her 3. Sony didn‟t want its e-mail messengers about payments to be made public 4. Lawrence was angry with her male co-stars in American Hustle for unequal pay 5. Lawrence‟s essay was accidentally made public without her consent 36. What message does the writer want to convey in the last paragraph? 1. Lawrence was not suitable for the role of Katniss because she wasn‟t thin enough. 2. The producers should have made Lawrence lose weight to make her healthier. 3. The series‟ writer wasn‟t pleased that Lawrence didn‟t make an effort to look thin. 4. Lawrence maintained her good health even though her role required her to look the opposite. 5. Lawrence wants the public to remember her for her beautiful looks. รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 หน้ า 12 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. Passage 3 In 1911 the United States Postal Service (USPS) offered savings accounts to customers too poor or too suspicious to bank elsewhere. The innovation followed the stock market collapse and a run on banks in 1907. Immigrants flocked to the accounts: In 1917 some 70 percent of postal savings accounts were opened by newcomers, although those groups made up only 14 percent of the population. By 1966, however, the service was terminated because of a gradual decline in popularity and competition from traditional banks. A January report by the USPS inspector general proposed bringing postal banking back as a way to solve two problems: strengthen the independent agency‟s fragile finances as well as provide banking services in communities that are notoriously underserved by the financial sector. The report says that some 34 million households (a quarter of all American families) do not have a bank account, and the average household in this group spends $2,412 a year on interest and fees when using other financial services. The Postal Service already processes money orders, debit card transactions and international wire transfers. The majority of post offices (59 percent) are in zip codes with zero or one bank branch, and post offices are positioned to fill the gap: they are widespread, under-utilized and could offer services without the high fees that traditional banks charge for low-balance accounts. The inspector general concludes that postal banking could bring in an estimated $8.9 billion a year. 37. The phrase „the independent agency‟ refers to the _________. 1. US federal government 2. US Postal Service 3. financial sector 4. inspector general 5. stock market 38. The passage mentions $2,412 spent by an average household a year probably in order to _________. 1. support one of the reasons why postal banking should be revived 2. show that commercial banks charge excessive fees 3. reveal how a commercial bank earns its extra income 4. explain why some people don‟t have a bank account 5. show that banking services need to be improved 39. A community that is „underserved by the financial sector‟ _________. 1. is populated by poor people 2. is in a zip code ending with a zero 3. may not have a commercial bank nearby 4. does not welcome financial companies 5. has not received enough financial support from the State รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 หน้ า 13 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. 40. Postal banking would be attractive to all of the following groups EXCEPT _________. 1. low-income Americans 2. foreign workers in the U.S. 3. those out of reach of a commercial bank 4. global investment banks 5. people with troubled financial history Passage 4 (1) In a recent study, researchers asked 75,000 Chinese women ages 40 to 70 whether they exercised when they were between 13 and 19 years old, and if so, how much they exercised. The researchers also examined the women's general lifestyle habits, including exercise, in adulthood. They then followed the women for almost 13 years, examining how many of them died from cancer, cardiovascular disease and other causes. During the study, 5,282 of the women died, including 2,375 who died from cancer and 1,620 who died from cardiovascular disease. (2) The researchers found that the women in the study who did at least some exercise as teens, up to 80 minutes weekly, had a 16 percent lower risk of death from cancer, and a 15 percent lower risk of dying from any causes over the 13-year study than the women who did not exercise at all during adolescence. However, doing more exercise was not linked with any additional benefit, in terms of longevity. The women who exercised for more than 80 minutes weekly during their teen years had a 13 percent lower risk of dying from all causes during the study period, compared with those who did not exercise in adolescence. (3) "Our results support the importance of promoting exercise participation in adolescence to reduce mortality in later life and highlight the critical need for the initiation of disease prevention early in life," Sarah J. Nechuta said. (4) The study also found that for women who exercised both when they were teens and as adults, the risk of dying from any cause during the study was 20 percent lower than for those who did not exercise at all. The former group‟s risk of dying from cardiovascular disease was 17 percent lower, and their risk of dying from cancer was 13 percent lower, than women who did not exercise. (5) While the study found an association, it is not clear whether exercising during adolescence can actually cause lower mortality later in life. _________, multiple mechanisms are likely involved in the link seen in the study, Nechuta said. "One potential mechanism is that if you exercise as an adolescent, you may be more likely to exercise as an adult, and you may be more likely to have healthy behaviors that then contribute to the reduced risk of death," she told Live Science. รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 หน้ า 14 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. 41. The phrase „the former group‟ (paragraph 4) refers to the _________. 1. participants who never exercised 2. women who stated exercising as adults 3. subjects who exercised from teenage years to adulthood 4. women who survived cardiovascular disease 5. subjects who exercised daily since adolescence 42. Which of the following best completes the blank in paragraph 5? 1. In contrast 2. In fact 3. As a result 4. Similarly 5. Meanwhile 43. Which of the following piece of information is NOT given in the passage? 1. The time spent exercising daily 2. The participants‟ gender 3. The causes of the subjects‟ death 4. The purpose of the study 5. The length of the study 44. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? 1. Some of the subjects who died during the study were over 90 years old. 2. The subjects were all healthy at the beginning of the study. 3. No subjects who worked out in their teenage years died during study. 4. On average, women are more likely to die of cancer than men. 5. Exercising at a young age can reduce the risk of dying from cancer in women. 45. Which of the following is Nechuta likely to agree with? 1. Cardiovascular disease can be 100% prevented if you exercise. 2. The more you exercise as a teen, the longer you live. 3. Healthy habits can be formed and the sooner the better. 4. On average, women die more of cancer that heart disease. 5. The older you start exercising, the higher risk of cancer you have. รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 หน้ า 15 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. Part Four: Structure and Writing (Items 46-60) Items 46-50 Choose the underlined part that is grammatically wrong. 46. Malnutrition is defined (1) as the situation (2) where there is an unbalanced diet (3) which some nutrients are (4) lacking, (5) in excess, or in the wrong proportions. 47. Students (1) should learn to (2) be independent (3) and have the skills (4) necessarily to work (5) constructively in a team. 48. (1) Floods are one of the (2) leading (3) causes of deaths (4) from natural disasters (5) of the United States. 49. A video clip taken during the riot (1) shows a woman (2) hitting a young man, (3) believed to be her son, (4) after catching him (5) participated in the incident. 50. (1) While male mosquitoes don‟t bite humans, (2) but rather feed off flower nectar, female mosquitoes are (3) the ones (4) that require meals of blood (5) in developing and lay eggs. รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป หน้ า วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 16 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. Items 51-55 Choose the best answer. The Treasury Department is due to announce the new land and appraisals at the end of the year, ____51_____ for them to become effective on January 1, 2016. The good news is that the new rates will remain in effect until December 31, 2019. The bad news is that some areas will see an increase more than _____52_____. Notably, land near new mass transit routes could increase by 100% or more. For example, land in Thonburi, _____53_____ near a new Skytrain route, will increase over 100%. The Department further said that the weakness of the Bath _____54_____ major currencies is supposed to be good news for property owners _____55_____ for buyers, as Europeans or Americans will have more purchasing power. 51. 1. on time 3. at times 5. in a timely manner 2. in time 4. timely 52. 1. others 3. another 5. the other 2. the others 4. each other 53. 1. location 3. having located 5. being located 2. being locating 4. locating 54. 1. with 3. upon 5. for 2. off 4. against 55. 1. look 3. are looking 5. will look 2. to look 4. looking รหัสวิชา 85 ความถนัดทัว่ ไป หน้ า วันเสาร์ ที่ 5 มีนาคม 2559 17 เวลา 10.00 - 11.30 น. Items 56-60 Choose the best answer. (A) _____________ (B) You should have a very firm idea of what to say, and you should _____________. (C) Use the structure of letter – the paragraphs, topic sentences, introduction, and conclusion – to guide the reader point by point from your introduction, through your reasoning, to your conclusion (D) Use paragraphs to break up the page and to lend an air of organization to the letter. (E) Use an accepted business letter format. (F) There are several options, and the floral design on a pink background can be quite charming. (G) Reread what you have written from the point of view of someone who is seeing it for the first time. (H) Be sure that all explanations are adequate, and all necessary information is provided. (I) In short, _____________. 56. Which is the best topic sentence (A) for this paragraph? 1. Business letters can be written in several different ways. 2. How to write business letters needs to be instructed. 3. To succeed in writing business letters, follow these simple steps. 4. Of all types of letters, business letter writing is the most important. 5. A business letter must be clear in terms of message and structure. 57. Which one can be added in Sentence B to make a good paragraph? 1. let the reader know it 2. discuss it with your friends 3. go to library for more information 4. prepare quality paper to write on 5. develop it adequately 58. Which one does NOT belong? 1. C 2. D 3. E 4. F 5. H 59. Which one has the closest meaning to the highlighted part? 1. Read it with excitement because it is the first reading. 2. Read it more than once to get different ideas. 3. Read it with somebody to make sure the person understands your point. 4. Read the letter again to make sure it accurately conveys the message. 5. After reading it the first time, read it again a second time. 60. What is the best concluding sentence (I) for this paragraph? 1. good paper, as well as good ideas, makes business communication successful 2. a clear message which is effectively delivered is the essence of business communication 3. appropriate format with certain designs should be emphasized in business writing 4. business people‟s idea can be influenced by the language produced 5. conclusions of business letters are the most important part