Design Methods: Peak Discharge or Hydrograph Methods? • Watershed size is a very important criterion for selection of a design method, The Unit Hydrograph Design Method • Peak discharge equations are appropriate for small watersheds • Hydrograph methods preferred for moderate and large watersheds 1 2 Hydrographs From rainfall to runoff Hydrographs show the response of a catchment to precipitation events Not all of the amount of precipitation of a storm event contribute directly to the flow at the outlet Initial abstraction Initial precipitation is stored or absorbed in the catchment. This is termed the initial abstraction Losses represent storage of precipitation upstream after the storm hydrograph begins losses P storm hydrograph eff. P Effective rainfall is that part of rainfall which contributes directly to runoff Direct runoff is the portion of the precipitation that contributes directly to the hydrograph (effective precipitation) Discharge not associated with the storm (i.e. groundwater) is termed base flow Runoff generation is the process of partitioning the effective rainfall from the losses and infiltration Peff= effective rainfall Peff QD runoff hydrogr. Q direct runoff base flow 3 QD = direct runoff time Determination of the effective rainfall: Losses • Losses reflect the ability of the watershed to retain water. For the partitioning of total precipitation P to effective precipitation Peff and losses: • Losses consist of water intercepted by vegetation (interception storage), water stored in small surface depressions (depression storage), and water that infiltrates into the soil (soil storage). 5 Runoff coefficients and Loss-ratio approaches could be used. ψ = runoff Runoff coefficient (ψ) Ratio of runoff depth to precipitation depth Simple method to determine Peff Peff P QD P coefficient Peff= effective rainfall P = rainfall QD = direct runoff 6 1 Determining Effective Rainfall The Φ Index But: Parameters which control runoff are changing over time Runoff coefficient is not constant! • The Φ index is a constant rate of abstraction (cm/h) that will yield an excess rainfall hyetograph with a total depth equal to the depth of runoff over the watershed loss ratio - approach % - approach Peff (t ) P(t ) If (t ) Peff (t ) P(t ) (t ) P Φ-Index Peff Horton I f f c f 0 f c e k t P I f const. L If P • Trial and error method. P (with initial losses L), Ψ=const. f0 Losses: urban: 1-1.5 mm If f If(t) agriculture: 1-5 mm exponential approach forest: 4-12 mm reducing infiltration rate 7 Φ Index Method • The phi index (Φ index) equals the average rainfall depth above which the volume of rainfall excess equals the volume of direct runoff. 8 Procedure for computing the phi index P 1. Compute the depths of rainfall (Vp) and direct runoff (Vd). 2. Make an initial estimate of the phi index: 𝜙= If • Thus the value of ϕ is adjusted such that the volumes of rainfall excess and direct runoff are equal. • 𝑉𝑝 − 𝑉𝑑 𝐷 D is the duration of rainfall (excluding that part separated as initial abstraction) and ϕ is an intensity, with dimension of length per unit time such as mm per hour. 9 Example: 𝜙 = 𝑉𝑝 −𝑉𝑑 𝐷 Consider the rainfall hyetograph 10 What is a Unit Hydrograph? Assuming that the depth of direct runoff is 0.4 in • A unit hydrograph is the hydrograph that results from 1 cm of rainfall excess generated uniformly over the watershed at a uniform rate during a specified period of time. Total rainfall depth = (0.1+0.25+0.15+0.2) = 0.7in Rainfall duration = 4 hours 𝜙= (0.7 − 0.4)𝑖𝑛 4 ℎ𝑟 =0.075 in / hr Check: time distribution of rainfall excess = (0.025, 0.175, 0.075, 0.125) in/hr. 11 • Four aspects of this definition: (1) 1 cm of rainfall excess, (2) Uniform spatial distribution of rainfall over the watershed, (3) A rainfall excess rate that is constant with time, (4) Specific duration of rainfall excess. 12 2 The unit hydrograph method Assumptions for a UH Assumptions: •a unit of effective rainfall generates a characteristic direct runoff response at the catchment outlet • the transfer of excess rainfall into runoff is independent of antecedent conditions within the catchment Conditions of application: •effective rainfall has a constant intensity and is uniformly distributed within the catchment 13 Implications of the UH Assumptions 1. The effective rainfall has a constant intensity within the effective duration. 2. Effective rainfall is uniformly distributed over the whole watershed. 3. The catchment behaves as a linear time-invariant system, such that the principle of superposition applies 4. The ordinates of all DRH’s of a common time base are directly proportional to the total amount of direct runoff. 14 Implications of the UH Assumptions • Assumption 1: The effective rainfall has a constant intensity within the effective duration. • The storms selected for analysis should be of short duration. Short storms are most likely to produce an intense and nearly constant excess rainfall rate • Assumption 2: Effective rainfall is uniformly distributed over the whole watershed. • When the drainage are is too large, it is unlikely to be covered by a uniform distribution of rainfall • Assumption 3: The catchment behaves as a linear time-invariant system, such that the principle of superposition applies • The principles of superposition and proportionality are assumed. Actual hydrologic data are not truly linear, the resulting hydrograph is an approximation • Time invariance (the unit hydrograph is unique for a given watershed and does not vary with time). Unit hydrographs are applicable when channel conditions remain unchanged and watersheds do not have appreciable storage 15 16 UH Principle of equal duration Application of the UH • The unit hydrograph is prepared from a known hydrograph • It is then used to compute a hydrograph of runoff for this area for any particular storm or sequence of storms of any duration or intensity over any period of time. • The resulting runoff hydrograph could then be used for design purposes. 17 • Different rainstorms with the same duration but with different intensities produce runoff for the same period of time. 18 3 UH: Principle of proportionality • The 1 hour unit hydrograph for a watershed is given below. Determine the runoff from this watershed for the storm pattern given. The abstractions have a constant rate of 0.3 mm/h • Different rainstorms with the same duration but with different intensities produce different volumes of runoff. • The ratio between this runoff is the same as the ratio between the intensities. • That is to say, that ‘n’ times as much rain in a given time will give a hydrograph with ordinates ‘n’ times as large. Time (h) 1 Unit hydrograph (m3s-1) 10 Time (h) Precipitation (mm) 19 1 0.5 2 100 2 1.0 3 200 4 150 3 1.5 5 100 6 50 4 0.5 20 UH: Principle of superposition. Convolution • The time distribution of direct runoff from a given storm is independent of runoff from earlier storms. • The total hydrograph of runoff due to three separate storms is the sum of the three separate hydrographs. 22 4