Uploaded by Chris Mao

Christopher Mao's Portfolio: Yale History Pathway

Portfolio Presentation
GLC2OV-09 Christopher Mao
Interests, Values, Skills, Strengths
European History
I am a history enthusiast, especially Modern European Civilization.
I have looked into Yale University for their European History
Program, for both 19-century politics and early middle-ages.
Spanish Language
I feel great when speaking different languages to different people.
Language is a representation of culture and tradition, and since I
love Spanish culture I would like to practice Spanish in my future
as my second biggest interest.
Passion, Positivity and Efficiency
I regard myself as a person of deep passion and high efficiency. I
think in order to have a proper understanding of history I first need
to devote myself to it, and then efficiently working on the things I
love. Learning history could be boring so I need a considerable
amount of positivity to speed things up.
Critical Thinking
Have a critical mind when solving problems is one of my skills. A
creative mind could be very useful when I found myself in a
difficult situation. In My Public Profile, I repeatedly debate with
myself about what should and should not be included in the
profile. In Financial Toolkit I kept questioning myself "are these
things really necessary?".
Logical Thinking/Writing
I think my biggest strength is a decent writing logic. The strength
was highlighted when I was writing any assignment in the past two
weeks. I use logic to connect different ideas in different
assignments and I think it would be very helpful in the future when
I am required to have a writing task.
My Pathway
Yale University
More specifically, the history
department in the Yale University.
After a well-considered discussion with my family, I
have determined my future destination would be to
be included in the History Department of Yale
For teaching is my dream pathway and history is the
subject I devote myself to. Yale University is a perfect
place to learn about human civilization.
Differences Carrer
Brought to Me
A detailed-plan that could help me significantly
The course of Carrer had helped me significantly with all the activities I
participated in. They make me more determined about my future pathway
and improve my understanding of my future better. I learned a lot in the
Financial Toolkit which helped me visualize my spending and saving.
My Budget
Balancing income and
expense is important.
After learning about the personal budget in
the Financial Literacy section of this course, I
understood more about my spending habits
and how to save money.
My Budget
Notes: For Safety Equipment I
am not sure if I need any of this.
For entertainment, I do not
need much on TV and Gaming. I
am not a gym person as well.
Designing Skills
I have experienced how to use the graphic
design on different tasks.
Graphic design is a transferable skill that is applied in designing things.
It requires a creative and innovative manner. I think it is an important
transferable skill since a decent interface is needed in many websites.
This is the business card I made during the Branding Myself
This is the logo I made
Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.
When I was doing different tasks in this course, I discovered that I
need to adjust due dates, workflow, or even how I approach my goal.
In some cases, I need to learn new skills to help get the assignment
done. Great adaptability was developed under these circumstances
and I think this is a very important transferable skill.
A significant communicating skill.
Writing is perhaps the most used transferable skill during this course.
Writing had become an essential element of most assignments I have
done. For example, in the assignment Must-Haves vs. Nice-To-Haves,
effective writing skills helped me saving much time. Decent writing
skills can help me in my future career.
Listening Skill
Be a good listener.
Listening skills, specifically active listening skills, are transferable skills
that are extremely important when it comes to interviewing someone
on a special subject. In Pathways Conversation I had to be able to
listen and understand what the other side was saying, not only record
people's thoughts but also understand the reason why they said these
Life Balancing Strategies
A Good Timetable
Schedule things before they happened.
To achieve balance in life I usually just follow my timetable. A wellplanned timetable could be very useful once I mismanaged my time
on things I should not spend too much attention on. Here is my
timetable for the weekdays.
Wake up ~8:45 am
Make coffee/breakfast, watch a show or browse social media
while I eat
Check BrightSpace for class updates ~ 9:30 am
Make a to-do list for the day
Go to my new online classes if I have any
Study in between classes in 50min chunks, take 10min breaks
Make lunch ~2 pm
Continue studying until 6 pm or until dinner
After that is free time until 11 pm bedtime
Knowing My Limit
Study hard and play hard.
It is important to figure out how much attention I can pay to a subject
in a certain duration of time. I can not study all day but it is not
realistic to play all day either, so I need to know my limit on timespending. This allowed me to freely transfer my extra time to things I
like to do.
Decision Making
Short-Term Goal
After decided to learn history I set up short-term and long-term goals
for my future career. I use my decision-making skill to visualize my
short and long-term goals. The short-term goal would be every day's
work and important things to remember.
40 minutes of deep-learning every day
Making charts along the study
Highlight the important information
Move along with the text book
Ask the teacher for help
Long-Term Goal
A long-term goal for history studying is more sophisticated. I would be
required to name every major event that has a significant impact on
the European Civilization. Since my final goal is to get into Yale
University's History Department, I need to set up a different task.
Moving back to the Middle Ages when
complete 19 century European History
Write a detailed chart about all the major
events in the Modern Age, including a
Have a personal understanding about
disputed/debated history events
Have a personal library that could solve my
problems instead of asking teachers.
This is my current high
school pathway. I am
planning to learn two
different foreign
languages at the same
time because I have
prepared for these
Global and Local Trends
machine learning and robotic automation
I have noticed a few trends in technology, as well as in the labour market. In
technology, we have embraced ourselves with artificial intelligence and robotic
process automation. In my opinion, we have lived in a pro-industrialized world,
unlike 200 years ago. Human labours are replaced by robotic arms. In the labour
market, there are a significant amount of women who make impressive gains and
fast wage growth. That means the society is growing and we would have a relatively
bright future than people who lived in the last century.
Before taking the course of career I
was unsure about my future. I was
afraid of what I can and can not do. I
did not have a proper plan for my
pathway, no need to mention how do I
chase my dream.
After taking the course of career I
understand how to deal with stress
and anxiety and also how to plan my
future. I also have a personal budget
for my first year in university. I wrote a
resume and a cover letter for future
My understanding compare to the past
Criteria I
My ability to develop a creative mind
My budget spending in the first year of collage
My transferable skills
My plans
I have a firm belief that I am quite prepared
for my first year after high school. I would
meet numerous challenges but I think I know
how to deal with them. I am still improving my
plans and transferable skills to make them