crazy helpful! V 50 LESSONS IN YOUR FIRST YEAR OF BUSINESS THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO YOUR FIRST YEAR OF RUNNING YOUR ONLINE COACHING BUSINESS BY VANESSA LAU A LETTER TO YOU (READ THIS BEFORE YOU DIVE IN) Dear Boss, I wrote this handbook to detail the top 50 things I’ve kept track of during my first year of running my coaching business. I’ve definitely learned a lot during the past year and I’m grateful for all the things I did RIGHT... but also the many things I could have improved on. This handbook you’re reading is honestly something I wish the Vanessa a year ago had. Fortunately, you’re in a perfect position to learn from my mistakes and also take all of my best practices when it comes to running a successful and streamlined coaching business.You’ll notice I split the lessons in key categories: Working with Clients, Business Operations, and Business Relationships. Some categories have A LOT of lessons, and others have less. This is just the nature of the biggest growth points I faced and that I think will serve you best. Don’t worry, you’ll still get 50 lessons in total. Now if there’s one thing I want you to take from reading this handbook is that everyone makes mistakes. I feel like on paper, it’s so easy to look at everyone who’s making money and assume that they have the magic key to success. The reality is, is that these people you look up to are just very, very good at NOT giving up. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The truth is, everyone you’ve ever looked up to in the industry got to where they are thanks to them having enough self-awareness to course correct when things have gone wrong. Many new coaches don’t do this. Instead, when they see they’ve made a mistake, they immediately think they are not good enough to be in the industry – that they’re simply not cut out for it. Well Boss, if you’re reading this I am telling you that you ARE made out for this. You just need to be patient with the process and to acknowledge that you are NEW at this. As with anything you are doing for the FIRST time... you need to FORGIVE yourself and instead be EXCITED about the potential you have ahead of you. This was the number 1 lesson above all that I learned in my first year. Forgiveness. I wish I hadn’t been so hard on myself and I wish I didn’t CHOOSE to force imposter syndrome on myself simply because I had crazy expectations of what type of coach I SHOULD be. I SHOULD get my clients their first 10k months within 2 weeks of working with me. I SHOULD be able to get EVERY client I work with results. I SHOULD have TONS of screenshots and testimonials of clients earning 30k after 2 weeks. LOL. Man oh man was I delusional. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED That’s why if you are FORCING these wild expectations on yourself, especially as a NEW coach, who is CLEARLY still trying to get the hang of things (meaning you are not only trying your best to help your clients succeed, but you are also learning more about YOURSELF)… then you are only making your first year harder than it has to be. I promise you that within your first year of running your coaching business you will learn A LOT. And yes, there WILL be times that you doubt yourself – but who doesn’t? The most important thing to know is that you need to keep going. You have a gift. You have a story. You have something that NEEDS to be shared. And there are HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of people out there who need your help. So Boss... As you read this handbook and as I lay out the 50 things I learned, I want to you to just OBSERVE the information and not use it to determine your self-worth and value as a coach. If you realize you’ve made some mistakes... great, you’re in good company. The lessons here wouldn’t be here if I didn’t make the same mistake. If you don’t AGREE with my lessons, then hey – everyone's journey is different. Take what makes you pause and think, and forget what makes you shake your head in disbelief. It’s that simple. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Oh, and me! I'm Vanessa Lau. When I wrote this guide, I had just finished my first year of business and I wanted to share everything I learned with others (psst.. I'm so glad I did!). Today, I'm a multiple 7 figure online entrepreneur and founder of The BOSSGRAM Academy®. I specialize in helping new coaches and consultants build their businesses from the ground up, leverage Instagram, and turn their followers into clients. Within 1 year, I made $500K, and in my second year, I made $2.7M in revenue. Talk about mind blowing. I achieved my wildest dreams in just 2 years, and I'm so excited for you to dive into the next 50 lessons so you can get a head start in your unique journey. Are you ready to dive in? Let’s get started. PS: Make sure you tag me in your IG stories if you had any A-HA! moments while reading this, and may just reshare it! :) INSTAGRAM | YOUTUBE | WWW.VANESSALAU.CO| @THEBOSSGRAMACADEMY © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORKING WITH CLIENTS In this section of the handbook, I am dumping ALL the pointers regarding my experience of working with clients. As a backstory, when I launched my business – it was an instant hit. Why? Because I spent 6 months prior to launching simply giving value and building an audience without asking for anything in return. Does this mean you shouldn’t launch your business? Absolutely not Truthfully, I didn’t launch my business until 6 months after not because of purely strategic reasons, it was honestly because I didn’t know what the heck I was doing. Luckily for me though, it worked out well and I played the long game when it came to opening up my services to the public. Keep in mind BEFORE my official launch, I WAS working with free clients (beta testers) for 4 months. So that was also helpful to prepare me for launching my FULL paid services. Anyways, when I opened my doors to the public on January 2019 – within 3 months, my coaching program was fully booked. I had a total of 12 clients all happening at the same time. This created CHAOS. So much chaos I had to shut down any new applicants and even had to refund people who were on a waitlist. As a BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW COACH... taking on 12 clients at the same time was A LOT. This is why you’ll notice that this section within the handbook is PACKED with majority of my top lessons – because I learned... A LOT. Good luck. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #1 ASK POWERFUL QUESTIONS INSTEAD OF PROVIDING THE ANSWER, DON’T BE A CONSULTANT (IF THAT’S NOT WHAT YOU REALLY ARE) It honestly wasn’t until the later part of my 1:1 coaching program when the harsh reality hit me that I wasn’t really coaching. As I grew in my business and I myself started to invest in higher level coaching programs, I began to witness what TRUE coaching is. It isn’t just offering advice to your client. It’s asking them QUESTIONS. Really – this is what coaching is about. Otherwise, when you are just providing the answer to your clients, you’re acting more like a consultant. The truth is, if you ONLY provide the answer to your clients, you’re causing the following things to happen: Your clients aren’t actually learning how to coach themselves out of their own problems Your clients will be trained to only treat you as a Q&A forum (this creates A LOT of resentment for you as a coach because duh, it can be mentally draining to constantly be used as someone’s personal Google) You’re not setting up your clients for success, meaning they can’t think for themselves, and they will be virtually useless without you once the program is over... and therefore they won’t get results Your clients aren’t really going through any personal breakthroughs or transformations As a coach, your goal is to get your clients to come to the answers themselves. Even if this means having a couple of awkward silences. Being a coach is actually VERY hard and requires A LOT of patience. Most importantly, it also requires you to be a great listener and to help the client read between the lines of what’s REALLY going on. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED If you need more guidance on how to ask powerful questions, I recommend this book to get you on the right foot (Yes, that’s an affiliate link if you’d to thank me for the recommendation – I would appreciate it 😊) LESSON #2 TRY NOT TO CREATE TOO MANY CUSTOM PACKAGES FOR CLIENTS Having ONE streamlined program will SAVE you not only a lot of headache, but it will also set you up to create a scaleable system. If you keep doing custom packages for your clients (meaning Client A gets a Youtube service, then Client B gets a Website service), this is what happens: You don’t refine your signature framework/process, meaning you’re so tied up with custom packages that you aren’t necessarily perfecting the ONE thing you want to be known for. If you have a lot of clients, it will be SO hard to keep track of. I wanted to make my clients feel special by doing some custom packages, meaning not ALL the sessions were the same for every client. This means when I got to a place where I had A LOT of clients, I would literally hop on calls FORGETTING which custom package I gave. It was really embarrassing. If your positioning is good and your application process is good, GENERALLY you’ll be attracting the SAME type of client. If you find yourself attracting a lot of different clients with various needs that require you to create different packages... I would re-look at your positioning cause that DEFINITELY shouldn’t be happening if your positioning is on point. New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED When you have a proven SYSTEM that can be replicated for a PARTICULAR TYPE of client, it’s going to help you A LOT to scale that system into group coaching and courses... things that reach a more mass market. LESSON #3 HAVE A CLEAR PROGRAM OUTLINE, AND STICK TO IT (DON’T LET YOUR CLIENTS BOOK YOU “WHENEVER THEY’RE READY”) A big mistake I made was being way too chill with my clients. I offered 8 sessions for my coaching program and it ended up taking some clients 6 months to complete it. I offered this program for $2,000 - $3,000. That is VERY little compensation for 6 months of work. WHAT WENT WRONG? I was WAY too lenient to my clients. This meant that I wasn’t strict on the timelines of my program. I didn’t instruct my clients from the get-go that they MUST book me ONCE a week and instead I told them to book me whenever they felt ready to (because I THOUGHT I was doing them a favour by giving them enough time to finish the homework and action steps I provided them after each session). This was a BIG mistake because this made clients feel like they could take as long as they wanted to complete their tasks, and therefore this would delay their RESULTS. This would also cause them to LOSE MOMENTUM. Obviously, this actually wasn’t doing any GOOD for the client, and it also created a massively negative impact on MY BUSINESS. New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED HOW? Since I couldn’t anticipate WHEN each client would be finished, I couldn’t let NEW clients in (since I was so booked up). This meant I had a MASSIVE bottleneck in my business because I couldn’t anticipate when my existing clients would FINISH so I could welcome NEW clients and ensure I could anticipate when I should expect cashflow to be injected in the business. Long story short – put a timeline to your program (ie: You MUST finish in 3 months with weekly or bi-weekly calls, no exceptions.) LESSON #4 CREATE A ROADMAP TO SHARE BEFORE YOU START SO IT’S CLEAR ON WHAT IS EXPECTED AND COVERED IN EACH SESSION What I liked to do for my 1:1 clients before we start working together is to ask them to fill out a more in-depth questionnaire so I can get to know them better beyond just the information collected in the application form and discovery call. After I collect this information, I put together a roadmap that clearly outlines what we will be covering in each session. Keep in mind that since it is a signature program, the outline looks the same to every client, HOWEVER I tweak the verbiage to link back on how the session would directly relate to their current situation. New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This means that even though the program isn’t technically custom, it FEELS custom because the plan is a bit more personalized to the specific language they used in their questionnaire. I then book an onboarding call and I go through the plan step by step to ensure that the client feels comfortable about the roadmap, expectations are being communicated clearly, last minute questions are answered, and we also take the opportunity to break the ice. After that call, we book our official first session. LESSON #5 SET UP A MEMBERSHIP PLATFORM TO HOST YOUR RESOURCES The amount of time I wasted sharing the same tutorials LIVE on my client calls is embarrassing. I would literally repeat the same training over and over again on my client calls. This wasted a lot of time for the client, and it wasted a lot of MY time too. Instead, what I WISH I did was open up a membership platform (I recommend Kajabi) and creating a portal where it’s pretty much like a course. Inside this “course”, I would drop ALL the extra resources and tutorials. Then, I would give ALL my clients access to this portal. This way, they have EVERYTHING they need at their finger tips, they can play the videos, and everything is organized an it order. . © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The best part? I can upload NEW documents anytime and it looks professional AF. In fact, I could have also added this as a PERK on my sales page to convert my clients. THIS is what I WISH I did. It would have made my program SO MUCH MORE pristine and it would have saved me SO MUCH more time AND increased the perceived value of my program. LESSON #6 HAVE A SET SCHEDULE FOR CALLS WITH EACH CLIENT INSTEAD OF USING A BOOKING LINK To combat Lesson #3, something I wish I did instead of WAITING for my clients to book me and to do the whole back-and-forth of availabilities, is from the get-go to AGREE with your client on which day of the week and which time you want to commit to meeting moving forward (ie: Every Monday at 12pm I meet Client A, and Every Tuesday 3pm I meet Client C). That means that you can remove the whole back and forth process of booking calls, and you AND your client can anticipate when your calls are, every week. LESSON #7 GET YOUR CLIENTS TO BOOK THE NEXT CALL BEFORE THEY HOP OFF THE CALL If you’re a coach that struggles to get clients to book you CONSISTENTLY for your calls (and you can’t get a client to commit to meeting you the same day every week or other week), a secret weapon is BEFORE you finish your call with them, ask them when their next availability is and book it directly on the call. This ensures the client is locked in for the next time you see each other. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #8 DON’T BOOK YOURSELF BACK TO BACK WITH CLIENTS I know you want to please your clients by appearing flexible... but please don’t kill yourself by booking 3 clients back to back in a single day. I used to do this ALL the time and it would leave my exhausted and drained. Ensure you are creating time blocks between clients so you can ensure you’re EATING, going on BATHROOM BREAKS, and RESTING between calls. LESSON #9 HAVE AN AGENDA SO YOUR SESSIONS DON’T GO OFF-TRACK Before you hop on a call with your client, prepare some notes on what you’d like to cover. This ensures you’re maximizing your time together and more importantly; you are staying on track. Specifically, what I do is I have a notebook and I write down Client Name. Session # Things to Follow Up On (Questions I have for the client or that I want the client to update me on) Things to Discuss (Things that we need to go over on the call) Next steps (Things I’d like my client to work on after the call) And that’s it! New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #10 RECORD YOUR CLIENT CALLS I use the platform called ZOOM for my client calls and I record my calls on the platform whenever I have my meetings. WHY? Because it’s always nice to have a copy of the call for your client to look back on... AND it’s also good to protect yourself. This means if you EVER have a conflict with your client, you have PROOF via the recordings of your conversation. Not only this, as you move forward in business, it’s always nice to spot check your calls and look back on areas you can improve on when it comes to coaching. LESSON #11 USE A COMMUNICATION PLATFORM THAT ALLOWS VOICE NOTES Texting is great... but sending a voice note is SO MUCH EASIER. Choose a platform that enables you and your client to send voice notes. I use Slack (but to be honest, it’s kind of a b*tch to send voice notes through there). A lot of coaches use Voxer which has super simple voice note capabilities, like Whatsapp. LESSON #12 USE WWW.LOOM.COM TO SEND QUICK VIDEO RECORDINGS TO YOUR CLIENTS OMG I wish I knew about Loom SOONER in my coaching career. This is THE BEST. My team and I use it all the time to send quick tutorials and quick explanations to each other. I WISH I leveraged tool to New this for Q1 communicate with my clients. Check it out. It will be a massive game changer for your business. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #13 WRITE A QUICK DEBRIEF AFTER EACH SESSION A best practice I did when I was working with my clients was to have a recap document where I would type in bullet points the MAIN action steps my client needs to take and some key takeaways from our call. This really helped me look back on the last session to prepare myself for the upcoming sessions. Especially if you are working with A LOT of clients at the same time, this will be a LIFE SAVER to help remind yourself of what was previously discussed. It also helps your client keep track as well! LESSON #14 GIVE ACTIONABLE STEPS TO YOUR CLIENTS. DON’T OVERWHELM THEM. A mistake I made was giving my clients too much homework because I wanted to make them feel that the program was valuable. The problem is, is that I ended up overwhelming my clients and NOT giving them enough QUICK WINS. Making your clients FEEL like they are accomplishing tasks is really important instead of making them feel like they’re drowning in work and that they’ll never achieve the results they want. This means that as a coach, you should give your clients a clear outline of what to finish before your next call and make sure it’s actually DOABLE. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED For example: Don’t expect your client to build an entire website in 1 week. Instead, if you’re teaching your client how to build a website, break the lessons in multiple sessions and asking your client to complete one step at a time, instead of jampacking it all. For Example: Session A – Home Page. Session B – About me Page. Session C – Sales Page. INSTEAD OF … Session A – The Entire Website. Get my point? LESSON #15 GIVE CLEAR DEADLINES FOR CLIENTS TO DO THE WORK TO AVOID RUSHED LOW QUALITY WORK A mistake I made with my clients is that I wasn’t clear on when things were due. I was not only overwhelming my clients with work, but I didn’t help them to break up their action items step by step, including approximately how long it should take them to finish a task. This doesn’t mean you need to micromanage your clients, but giving them a heads up of how long they should spend working on a particular action item is helpful for the client to know whether they are on or off track. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #16 HAVE OFFICE HOURS AND DON’T TAKE CALLS ON WEEKENDS Speaking of boundaries, having your own office hours is important. You’re the expert, not a freelancer and you are definitely not an employee to your client. That’s why from the get go it’s important to be clear with your clients on what your office hours look like. For example, giving your clients notice that you aren’t available on the weekends and if they submit their work to you on a Friday night, you will get back to them on Monday morning. Or, letting them know that you are available between 9 – 5, and if they contact you past 5, you will get back to them the next morning. This is important because you don’t want to feel like an employee and you especially don’t want to be staying up late or spending your precious weekend doing client work when that is YOUR special time to either work on your own business OR practice self-care and have work life balance. Not only this, but setting these expectations it will ensure your clients get their work done on TIME if they really want you to review it AND decrease the amount of follow ups because they know you will get back to them at a certain time frame. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #17 HAVE A CLEAR “WHEN I’LL GET BACK TO YOU” POLICY Right from the beginning be very clear with your clients on when they can expect to hear back from you. It’s easy for clients to expect 15 minute responses and feel disappointed when you took 2 days to get back to them. This is why you need to set boundaries from the beginning. For me, I get back to my clients within 48 hours MAX (not including weekends). Don’t set yourself up for headache by training your clients to think you’ll get back to them ASAP. You need to give space for your clients to solve their own problems and respect your boundaries. This is especially important when you are growing your own business AND if you are juggling multiple clients at the same time. It’s easy to get caught up in the “ASAP” mentality when you only have 1 client... but when you’re juggling more than 5 clients at once, promising “ASAP” responses can be a total disaster. LESSON #18 SET A TIME TWICE A DAY TO CHECK UP ON YOUR CLIENTS For a while I was sporadically checking up on my clients and I was glued to my computer because I felt I needed to get back to them right away, or I was worried I missed a message from them. After I learned how to set boundaries, I was then afraid I wasn’t checking up on them enough. So, the way I ensure I can respect my own schedule while ensuring my clients feel supported is to set a daily reminder New to check for Q1on my clients twice a day at set times. Once in the morning, and one more time later in the afternoon. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #19 USE ASANA OR DUBSADO TO KEEP TRACK OF WHERE EACH CLIENT IS AT (HAVE A CLIENT MANAGEMENT TRACKER) When you start working with clients, it can sometimes be incredibly easy to forget what session they left off at. This is why using a management tool like Asana, Trello, or Dubsado can help. Here’s an example: © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #20 DON’T PROMISE LIFETIME ACCESS TO YOUR FUTURE PROGRAMS JUST TO MAKE THE SALE This is something I THOUGHT I had to do in order to convince clients to work with me. This is something I saw A LOT of other coaches offering on their sales page (ie: “If you work with me, you get LIFETIME access to all my future courses!). Don’t. Do. This. HONESTLY. This is such a bad idea – you do NOT want to devalue your future programs like that, just to make $3000. You never know HOW valuable your future programs can truly be (or how FAST you might grow as a coach), and it DOESN’T make sense to give a lifetime of offers to your clients JUST because they paid for ONE of your services. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t offer your programs to clients for free (if you REALLY want to include specific perks in your package)… but don’t promise ALL your programs! That’s just silly. What if you launch a 10K mastermind in the future... and your client from MONTHS ago that took your 1:1 program for $2,000 now demands to be admitted into your 10K mastermind for free. Uh... you get my point. Don’t promise lifetime access to all your future offers just because you want to make a quick buck. It’s not a smart business move. New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #21 IT’S OK TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR CLIENTS, BUT STAY PROFESSIONAL. Yes. During your time with your clients you will absolutely LOVE (most) of them. You’ll love them so much you might even be convinced you’re going to be friends for life. But I want you to remember this: they are still your client, and this is a professional relationship. This means: DO NOT bash other coaches, and DO NOT gossip about other people or other clients. WHY? BECAUSE YOU NEED TO PROTECT YOURSELF. As someone who grew in business REALLY fast and literally turned into a “public figure” thanks to Youtube... I realize now how fast word can travel, how what you say can be easily misinterpreted, and how clients usually move on to working with other coaches. What this means if although you may have a wonderful "friend" relationship with your clients today, this relationship could look totally different a year later. Remember this: When you sign up to be an online coach, you are also signing up to have tons of eye balls on you. This means: Don’t do or say things you’ll later regret in your career, especially to strangers you're meeting for the first time on the internet. This doesn't just apply to your clients, but it applies to other coaches you meet through masterminds, networking, and other events as well! New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #22 YOUR JOB IS NOT TO MAKE SURE YOUR CLIENTS LIKE YOU. YOUR JOB IS TO HELP THEM GET RESULTS The reason I had very little boundaries in the first place is because I cared about being liked. I wanted to appear super responsive, super available, and super LIKEABLE. This is why I felt like I needed to respond to my clients within 15 minutes of them messaging me or I felt shy to call them out on their bullsh*t a.k.a “HEY. You DIDN’T do the work.” But later on I realized that being nice is NOT what my clients hired me for. They hired me to HELP them... and me trying to be their best friend is NOT helping them grow their businesses. When I started being more strict, being more direct, and being SERIOUS about holding my clients ACCOUNTABLE... this is when my clients started REALLY getting results. The funny part is that I THOUGHT my clients would be upset with me that I suddenly started to kick their butts into gear a little bit more, but it turns out they respected me MORE for it. New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #23 DON’T CONTINUE PROVIDING SERVICES IF YOUR CLIENT IS LATE ON A PAYMENT I have a friend who continued to coach her client even though her client was late on her payment plan. My friend was too afraid to speak up and wanted to give her client “more time”. I think having sympathy and having a big heart can get you far... but what my friend did wrong was continuing the service. If the client needs more time to pay? Sure, here’s the deadline and once you pay, we’ll continue our service. NOT: “Okay, you can pay me later. You still coming to our coaching call today?” WHY IS THIS A PROBLEM? Well, for my poor friend – the client never ended up paying. In fact, she had missed MULTIPLE payments. And guess what? My friend RESENTED her client and was SO annoyed. This is not the type of energy you want to call in. Respect yourself by respecting your service. Don’t coach for free and make it clear to your client that they need to pay in order to play. This also ensures the client is respecting your time. LESSON #24 DON’T DO THE WORK FOR YOUR CLIENTS It’s tempting to be a people pleaser and to feel like you want to do the work for your clients. This means: Helping them write their sales pages, doing competitor research FOR them, asking for their logins and going into the back end of their website to help them with tech (#guilty). The truth is, you doing the work for your client doesn’t make you any different from a freelancer. Stop trading time for money, and instead of New for Q1COACH them to doing the work FOR your clients... do your JOB and find the solution and to do the work themselves. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #25 DON’T EXPECT ALL YOUR CLIENTS TO BE ALL-STARS Honestly... some clients... they just hire coaches for the wrong reason. Some people honestly think hiring a coach will fix all their problems without them doing the work. Is that your fault? No. Is it annoying? Yes. Do you think ALL coaches have a whole roster of all-star clients? No. To be honest, AMAZING dream clients come a dime a dozen. If anything, most coaches have a lot of PITA (pain in the ass) clients than they do DREAM clients. Obviously, this is only as strong as your application process and your filtering process. But let’s be real here: You’re a new coach. And as a new coach, you’re just happy to take on anyone that trusts you to get them results. This is why most new coaches get stuck with clients that really aren’t a good fit, and this is all due to lack of experience. And that’s OKAY. Overtime, you’re going to have enough trial and error with some great and not-so-great clients that you’ll KNOW exactly what makes a good client for your practice. So, don’t be alarmed that you have some clients that simply make your job a little tougher than it has to be – we've all been there and you’re in good company. As you work with PITA clients, just remember that every client you have is there to teach you a lesson on how you can get better. Not only this, if you REALLY have a disaster client on your hands, who’s clearly not valuing your time, remember to respect yourself to let them go. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #26 DON’T BE AFRAID TO LET GO OF CLIENTS I am NOT afraid to say I’ve fired clients from my practice before. WHY? Because they didn’t respect my time as their coach and they didn’t respect their investment. WHAT DOES THIS LOOK LIKE? In my case, it’s when clients DON’T do the work and it’s evident to me that they hired me for the wrong reasons. Sometimes clients will hire coaches because they think it's going to be the ultimate magic pill that will solve all their problems WITHOUT them putting the work. Remember, this is YOUR business. If you DON’T want to work with someone who shows up late, doesn’t' show up at all, or doesn’t do the work to help themselves, it’s OK to tell them: “Hey. It seems to me that we may not be a good fit to work together. You see, I work with clients who [insert qualities here], and it seems like you need a coach that will hold your hand a bit more. Since I'm not the type of coach that does that, I’m afraid we’ll have to stop our time together.” Obviously, it’s good to give your clients WARNINGS before letting them go. But after giving a CLEAR warning (ie: If this behaviour continues, we’ll have to stop the program), it’s time for you to make the call of whether or not you want to continue the relationship. If it’s just in the beginning stages, I generally give the money back. BUT if we’re deep into our relationship, I do not offer refunds because I've already spend considerable amount of time with the client and I deserve to be compensated for not just my time, but my PAID content I’ve already shared. As I mentioned before: You are the CEO. This is YOUR experience too. Not just your clients. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #27 IF YOUR CLIENT WANTS TO TERMINATE A CONTRACT, MAKE SURE THE TERMINATION IS IN WRITING AND SIGNED BY BOTH PARTIES. II once had a client who decided to go a different path on her journey 3/4ths of her way into our time together. She realized she wanted to dive deeper into spirituality and I wasn’t going to be the coach to take her there. She had a couple of sessions still left to use up, but she decided to not continue the sessions because she wanted to start with her new coach right away. Since our contract stated she would get 8 sessions total with me, I made her sign a termination agreement that clearly states we are no longer working together. This is to protect ME in case down the line she comes back months later and demands for the remaining sessions. WHY? Because my time is valuable and I cannot anticipate how busy I will be months or even years later. It would make no sense to me to give back the sessions she decided not to take. When someone decides to terminate their time with you, it’s important to protect your business and ensure you get it in writing. Big decisions like these require safety nets in case your client (or ex client) changes their mind and decides to come back asking for their remaining sessions with you. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #28 DON’T TRY TO BE EVERYTHING TO EVERYONE. To be honest, when my client wanted to terminate the contract with me, my ego was BRUISED. I felt like because she terminated the contract, I probably wasn’t a good coach. But then I realized that she did the RIGHT thing for her business. I am NOT a spiritual coach, and I likely won’t ever be in the future. It simply isn’t my style, and it would have been ridiculous for me to change my business model to please everyone. The fact that she decided to no longer work with me is NOT my fault, and it’s not hers either. It’s the equivalent of going to a doctor that specializes in sore throats.... then realizing you actually have a broken knee... so you tell that doctor you’re going to the knee doctor instead. You're doing what’s in YOUR best interest, and it really has nothing to do with that doctor. This experience made me honour my style even more. I know EXACTLY what type of coach I am. I am process driven. I am strategic. I am traditional. And I won’t baby you. Once you truly OWN what type of coach you are, you will attract the right people, and you will repel the wrong people who aren’t a good fit. It’s important to stay true to who you are and actually build a BRAND around yourself instead of trying to be like everyone else. You will have a stronger peace of mind once you own up WHO YOU ARE vs. WHO YOU ARE NOT. New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #29 DON’T TIE YOUR WORTH OR SUCCESS TO YOUR CLIENT’S RESULTS Many new coaches get paralyzed in fear because they feel like if they didn’t get their clients results (ie: 10k months, 50 pounds of weight loss, XYZ goal here>) then they aren’t cut out to be a coach. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve worked with A LOT of clients. Some made money and got paid clients during their time with me, and some didn’t make a dime. The funny thing is, is that I taught the EXACT SAME strategies to all clients. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? It means that you can’t control your clients’ willingness and determination to GET results. I’ve had some clients message me every day, asking amazing questions, and truly owning the experience. Then I've had other clients that I didn’t hear back from for WEEKS. You CANNOT control your clients’ actions. You JUST have to do your BEST to help them... help themselves. Want to know another interesting thing that proves you shouldn’t tie your monetary or numerical results to your clients? The clients that got zero monetary results, they still thanked me profusely for being their coach. I had one client where I really felt like I wanted to refund her money because I felt bad that she didn’t make her investment back. But guess what? She ended up telling me that hiring me was the best decision she ever made, and that it was a life changing experience. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED You see, it’s selfish of you to impose a certain idea of results you have onto your clients. Some clients just needed a mindset transformation. Or some clients, even if they didn’t get “results”, might have learned INVALUABLE lessons thanks to you. So remember Boss, please don’t tie your self-worth to only numerical results. You’re only making it harder on yourself. LESSON #30 JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS MONEY, DOESN’T MEAN YOU SHOULD TAKE THEM ON AS A CLIENT You must protect your experience as a business owner. This means NOT taking everyone one, even if they are willing to pay you. I once went on a call with a prospect that seemed perfect on paper. He was EAGER to work with me and was willing to pay me whatever it took to be mentored by me. The truth is, is his eagerness really turned me off. Not to mention he was very pushy on the call. This was a huge red flag. If I couldn’t even stand him on a 30 minute call, how can I expect to stay sane working with him for the next 3 months!? Despite the fact that he had money, it was a no for me. Why? Because it’s not worth it. It’s not worth working with clients you already know are going to be a pain in the ass. YOU ARE THE BOSS. PROTECT your experience. You don’t want to be working with clients feeling like it is no different than a 9-5, working with co-workers that drive you nuts! © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #31 DON’T COACH YOUR CLIENTS FOR FREE AFTER THEY’RE DONE WORKING WITH YOU I was really bad with boundaries when I first started coaching. After a client was finished their time with me, I felt like they were my best friends. This meant when they DMed me with a question, I would answer it. Now if it’s a small question, totally fine. But these were FULL ON STRATEGY questions. Questions that need at least 15+ minutes of my time. This is why when you OFF board your clients, let them know the options they have to continue working with you. You can: Put them on an accountability/support program where you meet every quarter to keep them on track for their goals. This could be a package price. Offer them to join your membership program to get continued coaching from you at a smaller scale. Tell them that they can contact you for one-off 30-90 minute coaching calls at a price. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BUSINESS OPERATIONS (LOGISTICS, HIRING, FINANCES) This section of the handbook talks about all things that keep a business running. The side that we don’t often think about day-to-day, but are SUPER important. There are probably tons more I can add to this section, but below are the lessons that I think may be most relevant to you and that stood out to me the most in my first year of running my business. LESSON #32 DON’T OFFER PAYMENT PLANS THAT EXTEND LONGER THAN THE PROGRAM A mistake I did when I launched my program The BOSSGRAM Academy for the first time is that the program itself was 2 months long... but my payment plan was 6 months long. I made it this long because I wanted to get more sales and I wanted to make the program seem affordable. This meant that after all the content was consumed there were some students that pulled their cards out from the plan and we saw an increase in payment failures. This is why I have now learned if you are drip-feeding your course, OR if you are delivering a coaching program LIVE, be sure to not make the payment plan longer than the time that student or client is spending with you so you can hold them accountable to honour the rest of the payment plan. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #33 DISCOUNTING YOUR PROGRAMS OR CHARGING CHEAPER PRICES IS NOT A GOOD IDEA I intentionally made my program cheaper than what I KNEW deep in my heart was worth (even though my program is literally worth THOUSANDS) because it was my first time launching it and I was worried that people wouldn’t be able to “afford” it. The problem is that when you lower your prices, you are also lowering the barrier to entry. When the barrier to entry is low, that means anyone and everyone can join. This is not a good thing. The lower your prices, you tend to attract people who are honestly a pain the ass to work with. You attract the people who are only shopping based on price. What I noticed is that some of those who did the payment plan were very difficult to deal with (Keyword: SOME, not all). Meaning they would cancel their cards, they would ask for refunds (not because the course was bad, but because they needed money for rent), they would ask if I could help them pay their bills (Yup. You read that right). This is why you should really think twice before offering your course for a cheap price because you’re scared no one will buy. Don’t do that to yourself and charge enough that will actually make people HONOUR the investment and put in the work. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #34 CHARGE MORE FOR YOUR PAYMENT PLANS A mistake I made is that I would always forget to charge more for my payment plans. When I was on sales calls with prospects, they would ask me if they could split the payment up. Because I was just so excited to make the sale, I would say yes and split the full payment in exactly the amount of months they wanted to pay. This was a mistake because I would ALWAYS forget to add an additional 10-15% fee. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? When you split up the payment in multiple transactions, YOU get dinged transaction fees by Stripe/Paypal. You should account for these fees when you are doing payment plans. Also, it gives a good incentive for clients to pay in full once they realize they can save more money by doing so. LESSON #35 GET A CREDIT CARD WITH THE CURRENCY YOU GET CHARGED MOST IN OMG. This was a massive mistake. I’m Canadian but I charge my services in USD and ALL of my programs I use charge ME in USD. Guess what? I was putting all the charges on my CANADIAN credit card... for the entire year. This meant I was paying for the currency exchange fee, the foreign transaction fee, and all these other fees that made my expenses 3040% higher than they needed to be (especially cause the exchange rate was not in my favour). It was awful and it hurt my bottom line like crazy. Really, really stupid mistake. New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #36 GET AN ACCOUNTANT WHO UNDERSTANDS THE NATURE OF YOUR BUSINESS I fired my accountant and I wish I had done it sooner. Right from the get-go I knew she wasn’t the right fit, but because she was the first accountant I spoke to (and because she was my boyfriends accountant), I felt like I HAD to go with her. Truth is, she didn’t understand my business model at all. I also would leave our meetings feeling confused as ever. And guess what? I blamed MYSELF for this. I thought that it was normal I didn’t understand accounting language. I felt like I could trust the expert and that it was my fault I couldn’t catch on fast enough. THAT’S NOT OKAY. The experts you surround yourself with should make you feel like you understand your business better than ever. If your accountant, lawyer, or whoever, is not patient enough to make things CLEARER for you – get a new expert. The moment I switched to a new accountant that actually spoke my language and has the patience to walk me through MY business and help ME understand it... it was life changing. Remember: this is YOUR business. It’s your responsibility to understand what is going on. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #37 DON’T STEAL OTHER PEOPLE’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS One of the most embarrassing things I ever did is that I stole from another coach. I was just starting my business and I was building my website. I didn’t have enough money to justify hiring someone to do my contracts, so I took another coach’s terms and conditions and privacy policy, copied it, and pasted it as my own without thinking too much of it. I tweaked a couple things, and I thought it’d be okay. IT WAS NOT. Months later I was slammed with an email from that coach’s team, telling me to take down the contracts from my page or else their lawyers would be contacted because what I essentially did was copyright infringement and theft of intellectual property. It scared the DAYLIGHTS out of me. Luckily, I took it down, apologized, and they never contacted me again. To this day, I still feel the shame and I’m scared that coach will expose me. But at the same time, I’m thankful I got caught when I was still in the beginning stages so I could learn from that lesson. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #38 TAKE PICTURES OF YOUR RECEIPTS THE MOMENT YOU GET THEM When tax season comes around, you will absolutely hate yourself of why you didn’t keep track of your receipts as you got them. I spent a whole week trying to find all my receipts to submit for tax purposes. It was stressful and it was awful. Do yourself a favor and take photos of your receipts, save them on the cloud somewhere in your phone, and make it a habit. It is NOT worth wasting a whole week of your time to find everything and rush it at the end. LESSON #39 DON’T START SPENDING LIKE CRAZY JUST BECAUSE YOU HAD A BIG CASH INJECTION When I made nearly $200,000 during my first course launch I was OVER THE MOON. Then I went on a total spending spree. I didn’t even look at the price when I went to go eat or shop. I paid for my friends meals. I went crazy traveling. I bought lots of new Youtube equipment. I expanded my team. I hired an agency to make my website. I invested in more programs, more software. I bought new clothes. … And then months later I realize I had pretty much spent almost 100K of expenses. WTF. Then I went full PANIC mode and it affected my mindset when it came to operating my business. I was back to having a scarcity mindset. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED I wish I had paced my spending. I wish that I was more careful of my investments. I wish the FIRST thing I did was take that cash injection and put a portion of it LOCKED AWAY to pay my taxes and to save in general. Making money is FUN, and when you see more money you’ve ever seen in your life (whether it’s 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, or 100,000)… it REALLY doesn’t mean you should blow all of it. Be responsible with your money. LESSON #40 DON’T GO TO A LAWYER TO INCORPORATE YOUR BUSINESS BEFORE SEEING AN ACCOUNTANT This was a mistake I made where I thought the best thing to do was to go to a lawyer directly to get my business papers done. I learned after that, that my lawyer had actually set up my documents wrong, and my accountant gave me A LOT of sh*t for it. I then had to pay extra to fix the mistakes. This could have easily been avoided if I talked to an accountant first, had a clear conversation of what business structure would be best for me, and then CONNECT the accountant and lawyer to work on the documents TOGETHER. THIS is how it should be. New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #41 DON’T PAY FOR A CUSTOM WEBSITE UNTIL YOU 100% KNOW YOUR BUSINESS DIRECTION AND YOU’RE MAKING MAD MOOLAH I paid for a custom website and I don’t regret it... but I wish I did it a little later in my business. I think I jumped the gun way too early. The custom website and branding costed over 10K and it was an amazing process. BUT, I wish I had waited a little longer when I was 500% sure of my business direction and my positioning. You see, when you have a custom website, you’ll need to contact the agency for any major changes. Small changes are OK.. But major changes you’ll likely need to pay for those edits. That’s why it’s so important that you DIY your website until you’re literally making BANK in your business, you have products that for sure you want to offer for a very long time, and you have a specific positioning that you’re settled on. Being agile is key in your first few years of business when you’re still tweaking things and figuring out who the heck you even are as an entrepreneur! © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #42 LAUNCH A GROUP COACHING PROGRAM BEFORE YOU LAUNCH A FULL BLOWN COURSE Creating courses are great because of the passive income potential, but the BEST way and most EFFICIENT way to do it is to launch an intimate group coaching program first so you can keep your students accountable and ensure you can be flexible and meet their needs... THEN take the content and REPACKAGE it to a course that you SCALE. This is THE MOST efficient way to secure the success of your course launch because by then, you’ll have killer testimonials from the group coaching program, and through the group coaching program, because it’s more intimate, you’ll be able to collect TONS of feedback to make your course even better. LESSON #43 HIRE PEOPLE WHO KNOW MORE THAN YOU DO There is a difference between hiring people that you LIKE and have a fun time with vs. Hiring people that truly know more than you do. The purpose of outsourcing is to give more time BACK TO YOU. If you’ve hired someone and you’re STILL doing a lot of the work, meaning you still need to tell them what to do, check over their work, train them in depth... then you’re really not truly outsourcing. When you hire people who know MORE than you, that’s when you’ll truly see business growth because they can see things that you don’t. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED They can offer solutions you’ve never thought of. They can teach YOU new things. That’s why, in your business, it’s never good to be the only smartest person in the room. Surround yourself with a team that fill the strengths you don’t have and that can truly help you put parts of your business on auto pilot. LESSON #44 HAVE CLEAR CONTRACTS. FOR EVERYTHING. Don’t cheap out on contracts. I know it’s very tempting to... but promise me that when you make your first sale, reinvest it back into getting contracts. Protect yourself legally and protect yourself from liability. The worse thing that can happen is getting into legal trouble that will now cost you thousands of legal fees to fix when you could have spent $500 on getting a custom contract done by a professional. This is SO important especially as coaches working with strangers on the internet. You NEVER know who you’re working with and you REALLY owe it to your business to protect YOURSELF. New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS This section of the handbook talks about just some things that stood out to me when it comes to relationship building, some really key lessons I’ve observed or learned. To be honest, these were just some lessons that seemed a bit miscellaneous, which is why there are very few. Nevertheless, I hope you’ll take at least one a-ha moment from it! LESSON #45 DON’T GLORIFY YOUR IDOLS. THEY’RE REACHING OUT FOR A REASON. Having inspirations and role models is great, but just know as you grow in business, your idols may be the ones reaching out to YOU for a collaboration. This is AMAZING! The one mistake I made though is I was still fangirling when these opportunities came my way. Because I had idolized these people for so long, I always lowballed myself and didn’t think about what was best for MY business. Remember, when your role models reach out to you likely it’s because there’s something in it for them. They want to tap into your audience. And that’s fine (if it makes sense for you). BUT just remember to also recognize you’re on an even playing field now and you shouldn’t make yourself smaller just to make more space for your “role model”. You’re growing. You’re winning. And people are noticing. Remember that just because you’re newer in the game, doesn’t mean you deserve less. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #46 DON’T COLLABORATE WITH EVERYONE Now you might be wondering where my last point was coming from. Clearly, I had a bad experience with collaboration which is why I’m warning you now. Here’s the story. When I was starting to see accelerated growth my both my Instagram® and Youtube channel, another coach reached out to collab. I couldn’t believe my eyes. This person was someone I had looked up to as inspiration for a while, and they had a bigger following than me. I was ESTATIC! Then when we started actually discussing the collaboration, it felt like I was doing all the work, coming up with the concepts. Not to mention, they didn’t really bother to start a friendship with me AND they strategically chose a platform that would benefit THEM the most, not me. It was super transactional. After I came up with the concepts, they would later take credit for some key ideas that I came up with. Not cool. But because I was the “rookie” in this situation, I said nothing... I was just “grateful” for the opportunity. After we shared our collab, they proceeded to poach my audience. They would DM people from my community and tell them that they're my “friend” and that they had an amazing program they wanted to share. HOW DO I KNOW THIS? Well... when you have a loyal community, they’ll tell you when shady sh*t is happening. Not only this, this person proceeded to join my Facebook group and pitch their freebies. . New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED As you can see, I absolutely regretted this collaboration because there was zero friendship in it at all. She saw an opportunity, and she took it. This is why I am VERY careful with collaborations now, and I make sure there is a FRIENDSHIP first. I make sure I know who they are as a PERSON. Someone that I TRUST who won’t lowball my business like that. Someone that I KNOW there will be a MUTUAL benefit. Anyways Boss, learn from my mistake and always choose your collaboration offers wisely, even if it’s from your “idols” LESSON #47 CREDIT YOUR MENTORS Something that will bring great karma back to you is to credit your mentors. I’ve worked with some clients and students who share the things they’ve learned from me without crediting me or mentioning that I was their mentor at all. I am not expecting everyone to do a university level citation of where they got their information from, but at least sharing who are your mentors are or doing the occasional shout out can do WONDERS for strengthening the relationship. I mean, imagine if you spent MONTHS helping your clients and students, only to see them on Instagram® teaching the exact same concepts they learned from you, without EVER mentioning that you were a part of their journey at all!? New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED I have a feeling most of you would low-key feel a little annoyed too! For example, I am not shy to say I’ve taken Sunny Lenarduzzi’s Youtube For Bosses course, Erin May Henry was my first 1:1 business coach, and that I’ve taken Caitlin Bacher's group coaching SCALE with Success program, amongst so many other mentors (paid or free) that I’ve learned so much from. WHY? Because it’s important that they KNOW I value their relationship and the support they’ve given me through their programs and content. I’ve seen people outright take full credit for the things OTHER people taught them, NEVER once mentioning in their entire journey who their mentors are because they’re afraid it will seem like they aren’t the real expert... and truthfully, it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. It’s not that you SHOULDN’T share the things you learned. It’s about acknowledging you didn’t get to where you are alone. This is why I can’t imagine doing the same thing to MY mentors who’ve helped ME so much along my journey. Again, it’s not to say you need to credit your mentors for every single thing you say. Heck, I don’t do this because that’s just ridiculous and the internet is a vast space. But don’t HIDE the mentors who’ve truly made a significant impact on my journey and don’t go all “secret mode” on who you've learned from because that’s just not cool! New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LESSON #48 RECOGNIZE WHEN YOU’VE OUTGROWN YOUR SUPPORT SYSTEM Something I learned is to understand that success can make people feel uncomfortable. When I started my journey I had (and still have) a support system of friends and we were all starting our journey together. We all helped each other and supported each other through every win or failure as we started our businesses. Overtime, my business grew immensely, yet I was still leaning on this support system for advice. Truth is, the advice was in good nature, but it was harmful. These people no longer understood where I was coming from because I was further ahead, and therefore their advice was keeping me small. Let me illustrate some extreme examples: When I DID share a win, sometimes it would be met with “Ugh. You’re so LUCKY. How come I don’t have XYZ.” OR if I came with a failure or a problem, I would be met with “That’s not even THAT bad. AT LEAST you’re making money.” You see, it wasn’t helpful and it was really keeping me stuck and discouraged. I felt BAD for sharing my wins, and I felt EVEN WORSE sharing my struggles because I didn’t want to seem ungrateful for having a successful business. I learned that while I value every single person that has helped me on my journey, it’s also important to know when you’re ready to level up. In my case, what I REALLY needed was to invest in a higher-level coaching program with people who were more experienced than me that could give me perspective. This doesn’t mean that my old support group is less-than. Absolutely NOT. In fact, I still lean on them for emotional support. BUT I recognize where I’m at and when I NEED New for Q1 to level up. It is nothing personal. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED That’s why, if you’re in a situation where you’re not getting the help you need, don’t feel like YOU did something wrong. Loneliness on your journey is a choice. Recognize what you’ve outgrown, thank the people who helped get you to where you are, and continuously cultivate relationships that can help you thrive and go next level.. LESSON #49 ACKNOWLEDGE THE FRIENDSHIP BUCKETS What does this mean? As you grow in your business or even as you step outside of your comfort zone to start your business, understand that not EVERYONE in your life is going to be as interested in your business as you. This can be a hard pill to swallow considering for many of us, our business is essentially our babies. I know there’s a lot of advice out there telling you to cut the people who don’t support you and to immediately categorize these people as “toxic”... but the truth is, you just gotta re-evaluate your expectations of other people. I realized overtime it wasn’t fair for me to expect that everyone would be interested in talking about business, especially my friends and loved ones that DON’T have businesses. For a while, I assumed that they just weren’t supportive. BUT THEN, I realized that was very selfish of me. WHY? Because I’M not asking them questions or talking with them all the time about their 9-5 jobs or their nursing careers or their real estate careers. Does this mean I’m not supportive of them? Heck no! It basically means I don’t know ENOUGH about their industries to sustain a deep conversation. New for Q1 © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The SAME way THEY likely don’t know enough to talk to me in depth about business like my other business friends. This doesn’t mean we love each other less. That’s why I learned that some friends belong in different buckets. You’ve got your party friends, your business friends, your spiritual friends, your high school friends... the list goes on. Once I recognized this, I stopped getting offended and jumping into conclusions that my friends weren’t supportive and I stopped expecting the world from them when it comes to my business. When you make clear separations and acknowledge that you can’t expect ALL your friends to get EVERY aspect of your business... I promise your relationships will become much healthier and YOU will become more mature when it comes to handling relationships while you’re experiencing massively uncomfortable, yet rewarding, growth! LESSON #50 LEARN FROM MORE MENTORS When I first hired my business coach, I was convinced I would be learning from her forever. I thought that all I needed to do was follow ONE person for the rest of my business journey. BOY was I wrong! There are SO many mentors out there with such a vast variety of skill and style that you would be absolutely robbing yourself of many growth opportunities if you just stick to learning from ONE person and one person only. I’ve learned from so many different people in the form of 1:1 coaching, group coaching, and courses, and each experience has helped shape the entrepreneur that I am today. One of my favourite things is when my mentors gave conflicting advice. Mentor A was telling me to do ABC... while Mentor would tell me the New forBQ1 exact opposite! © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED At first, it would be frustrating because I would end up being hyper confused... but now I’ve learned to appreciate conflicting advice because it forces ME to make a DECISION on the path I WANT TO TAKE with ALL THE DATA I have. From working with various mentors whether closely or from a far, my biggest takeaway is that there are 101 ways to make money. There are SO MANY PATHS to take when it comes to success. The most liberating thing is to know that there IS NO ONE STRAIGHT LINE. When you start learning from more people, the sooner you realize this and the sooner YOU will be empowered to pave your OWN path to success and make YOUR mark in the industry. Don’t confine yourself to a box and ALWAYS stay humble enough on your journey to know there is so much more to learn. © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FINAL WORDS You made it to the end! If you liked reading this handbook, please TAG ME on Instagram® stories so I can repost you enjoying these lessons I just shared. I’ve learned A LOT in my first year of business and these were the TOP 50 that spoke to me the most and have also helped my own students in The BOSSGRAM Academy program as well. I have a feeling you probably found AT MINIMUM 5 things that will change the way you do business now and in the future. Remember, these are MY lessons. The ONLY way I was able to come up with a lot of these is due to MISTAKES I made and EXPERIENCE. You cannot get experience if you are someone who avoids making mistakes and doesn’t take any action at all. That’s why, I want to encourage you to make your OWN mistakes, and hey, maybe in a few months or in a year from now, YOU’LL be sharing your 50 lessons to someone else in your community, just like I have. If you want to still stay connected, make sure to follow me on Instagram® where I share all of my candid moments and/or subscribe to my channel on Youtube for even more lessons that I share on social media, coaching, and entrepreneurship. Good luck on your journey, Boss! Vanessa Vanessa Lau Founder of The BOSSGRAM Academy® © VANESSA LAU INTERNATIONAL INC. | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED