Uploaded by Mohamed Hassan

Parliament Strengthening Activities: Capacity Building & Infrastructure

1. Capacity-building training for the parliament Staff.
 Preparation of plenary sessions, announcements, Attendances
 Minutes and Hanzard preparations.
 Preparation of plenary session reports.
 Committees and how they work.
2. Construction of a plenary hall for the parliament
3. Office furnishing and computers.
4. Hiring of legal consultants and assist the parliament for its legislative procedures.
5. Establishment of parliament website.
6. Funding support of 5 civil servants staff who can run the parliament business.
7. Capacity building training for the members of the parliament.
 Provision of General training to all MPs.
 Providing each committee with specialized training that is tailored to their specific tasks.
 Capacity building and attachments training for the finance committee, which is the most
significant committee in the state because it is responsible for preparing the state's budget.
 Capacity-building training for female members of Parliament in order to improve their
understanding of the legislative process and promote their political participation.