Animal Farm Windmill Standards (Example: CCSS- Common Core State Standards, SCAS- South Carolina Academic Standards, etc.) Inquiry Based Standards (SCAS) ELA Standards nonfiction metaphor oral presentation Writing Standards Math Standards Objectives The students will understand… that wind is a renewable energy source how a wind turbine works the advantages and disadvantages of different models The students will be able to: research types of wind turbines or windmills that work efficiently design a device that uses the power of the wind to generate a form of energy explain the use of wind power as a source of renewable energy explain the metaphor of the windmill in Animal Farm as it relates to Stalin’s Five Year Plan 2/11/21-2/1 [Insert Today’s Date] Introduction and Modeling: [Insert description] Guided Practice: [Insert description] Collaborative Learning: [Insert description] Independent Practice: [Insert description] Formative Assessment: [Insert description] Closure: [Insert description] Example of 8 day project lesson packet: