ABDULHAKEEM AJIBOLA ADEOSUN Word Count: 1983 1 UNIT TITLE: PROMOTE A HEALTH AND SAFETY CULTURE. 1.3SECTION: UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF PROMOTING A POSITIVE HEALTH AND SAFETY CULTURE WITHIN THE ORGANISATION. 3.1 Describe the nature and role of a positive health and safety culture within the organization. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines an organization’s safety culture as: “the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, and organization’s health and safety management”. To describe nature and role of a positive health and safety culture with the organization can be characterized with setting precedent and leading by example, an effective communication of occupational health and safety related information, initiation of awareness training sessions and campaigns, creation of a working atmosphere with strong moral obligation towards safety of workforce over financial benefits and creation of incentive programs to reward safety excellence. “Instilling positive safety culture is important, it transmits to protection of workforce from work-related ill health and incidents, reduces absenteeism and illness cost that makes organizations remain competitive in an overflowing industry”. Katie Martinelli March 16, 2018. Setting precedent and leading by example is vital for an extensive level of accountability to the workforce. It basically indicates I am as responsible as they are in relation to creating a positive safety culture within the organization. If I show little or no care for the safety guidelines, this transmits distrust from the workforce leading to high level deviation, hence resulting in an incident. An effective communication of occupational health and safety related information should be a necessity to the workforce, not a luxury. I ensure information related to OH&S are effectively cascaded through physical appearance, verbal communication with the workforce, email transmission, branding of memos on safety notice boards and installation of easy-to-translate, pictorial signs for operatives that might find such illustrations easier than words. I create sentiments of a working atmosphere with strong moral obligation towards safety of workforce for accident prevention, whereby workers are encouraged to enforce Qatar Gas (QG) stop work authority signed by the CEO. This program encourages workers to say no to being coerced to do work unsafely in addition to an authority given to everyone on the installation to stop any unsafe act/condition by initiating the show of the stop work authority card. 1 ABDULHAKEEM AJIBOLA ADEOSUN I initiate incentive programs to reward safety excellence by giving certificates, financial incentives and gifts to workers for safe initiative and exceptional safety performance at a minimum timeline of once a month. Encouraging operatives on good safety initiative and attitude would mostly transmit into enhanced safety culture. 3.2 Describe the existing health and safety culture within the organization. “We promote safety as a core value by committing to place human life above all other demands”. ChakibNayfe General Manager August 10th 2020. The above comment from MG QHSE policy epitomizes affirmation of the top management’s commitment towards occupational safety and health and the existing safety culture within the organization. Implementation of the above statement of intent entails designation of specific roles and responsibilities across all individuals within the organization, adequate resources allocation to enhance proper implementation of policy statement, management visibility, encourage workers involvement, training and compliance with local, international legislations and clients requirements i.e. Qatar Construction Specification (QCS) 2014, International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions and recommendation, Integrated Management System (IMS)/ International Standardization Organization (ISO 14001 2015 E96, ISO 19001 2015 C471, ISO 45001 2018 OHS100) and Qatar Petroleum (QP)/ Ras Laffan Industrial City (RLIC) procedures. I ensure the workforce understand the basic core value of the organization and their role in ensuring they take care of their own safety, colleagues, environment and properties. I championed the provision of adequate resources by the management ranging from adequate ventilation to maintain ambient temperature during heat stress season in Qatar from June 1st to September 15th yearly, and other required resources related to OH&S that would enhance human functionality, safe and effective execution of work. To ensure no worker is allowed to work without safe work protective mechanism in place to mitigate work-related hazard and risk exposure through provision training, safe inspected tools, machinery/ equipment, appropriate welfare facility to create a safe work environment for all. I ensure visibility on the worksite done by site tour, inspection and site audit in addition to showing considerable willingness to listen to worker safety-related issues. Breaking the circle of mistrust, to build a positive safety culture, Rosa Antonia Carrillo May 2019. “Employees said they cannot trust the decision made by managers who have never been on a worksite, neither have they demonstrated visible concern, competence nor interest in learning the real concern the workforce faces." 2 ABDULHAKEEM AJIBOLA ADEOSUN Lastly, I ensure clear communication of local, international legislations and clients requirements to ensure organization wise understanding of certain stipulated code of practice and standards. 3.3 Organization’s communication system can be utilized to promote the benefits of a positive health and safety culture. Merriam-Webber defines communication as a process by which information is being exchanged or transmitted between individuals or groups through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. One of the most effective ways to improve a safety culture and prevent injuries is to optimize safety-related communication throughout an organization (Williams, 2003). Safety communication system can be utilized to promote and benefit positive health and safety culture in varieties of ways. This communication system includes policies, procedures; statistical data’s related to leading and lagging, safety indicators, safety knowledge transfer session, awareness campaigns and trainings, text messaging to update responsible staffs on adverse weather condition .i.e. heat index, high wind condition etc. Furthermore, accident prevention initiatives such as safe work practices (SWP), risk assessment, and hazard communication, related process is used to propagate and substantially upgrade how the workforce perceives safety all across the organization. Utilization of knowledge transfer session to disseminate information related to work execution, legislative related procedure and so on. I utilize verbal communication through briefing to cascade management’s OH&S policy statement of intent to the workforce. In addition, I adopt the display of the safety policy in dominant languages spoken on site, i.e., English, Hindi and Arabic respectively on safety notice boards around strategic areas of the worksite. The use of email to promote any updates in policy, procedures, and continual improvement memos is an essential part of the information delivery system I used to pass safety-related messages across to office staff and operatives provided with the electronic messaging system. Heat index/adverse weather conditions communicated through automated texting to update all affected team leaders in order to implement heat stress/adverse weather prevention plan. I champion awareness campaigns to sensitize operatives on the safe work-related initiative which include the use of monthly newsletters authored by the cooperate HSE manager distributed and cascaded across work-sites. I utilize training programs to communicate work-related hazards/risk and their mitigation measures to ensure safe task execution and an accident-free workplace. 3 ABDULHAKEEM AJIBOLA ADEOSUN 3.4 Identify the people and groups who may be affected by the health and safety process. Due to the virtue of my position as a lead HSE Operative within the organization I am currently employed, In the course of operation across various work-sites, I observed people or group who might be affected by the work process includes and not limited to the workforce, visitors, newly employed personnel or short time vendors, contractors, lone workers, operatives working at night, access control security operatives, the general public, and emergency service. The workforce is directly involved in the work execution process, hence I ensure approved risk prevention and mitigation control in place to control these exposures are effectively implemented. Visitors, newly employed, and short-time vendor personnel are most susceptible to the adverse effect of the health and safety process due to the lack of premise familiarity, process, procedures, access, and egress in addition to emergency arrangements. I ensure proper sensitization through pre-site mobilization induction which covers all required information that would considerably enhance their knowledge of the premise, process emergency arrangements, etc. in addition, I implement the use of a site tour guide as a buddy-up system with an old employee that understands workstation premise and process to be a constant guide either throughout the tour of a visitor or till a newly employed personnel is well familiarized. I ensure information contractors are properly transitioned into familiarizing themselves with procedures, processes, and emergency action requirements through safety inductions and various knowledge transfer sessions. I designate personnel host from my organization to manage the proper transition and close monitoring of their process. I implement a pre-work action plan to ascertain ways to operatives working at night lone workers and access control security operatives. I ensure proper implementation of procedure prohibiting lone working, in addition to proper lighting arrangement and safety surveillance for workers working at night and other operatives that might be affected by the work process. 3.5 Explain how to engage different individuals and groups in the health and safety process. Dr. Catherine Kilfedder, BT’S Group Health Adviser, said: On health and wellbeing side, all the evidence suggests that a participant approach, a not ‘done to’ but ‘done with’ is the most effective. Sense of ownership and free atmosphere for an active participation of individuals or group is a fundamental foundation to the successof any safety process. 4 ABDULHAKEEM AJIBOLA ADEOSUN I engage groups & individuals through consultation and active participation in relation to health and safety matters. Workers are consulted on the efficiency of existing procedures, welfare-related issues, and areas where improvement can be implemented. The development of an emergency response/action plan affects more than just top management or mid-level staffers and visitors. Workers' input on the development of the action plan and issues they might have encountered in past emergency situations or drills are incorporated into the improvement plan. This gives operatives a considerable sense of ownership in the process of improving the safety process within the organization. Furthermore, i consult and promote the participation of individuals from workers representatives on job safety analysis development, considering their first-hand practical knowledge of work execution.In addition, i request and receive feedback on positive, negative, and limitation of the existing process, particularly to ensure valueadded to the improvement process has vast input from workers or groups connected to the development. Lastly, citing from my prior write-up in element 1.1.4, I constantly ensure personal visibility on the worksite through participation in a site walkthrough which enables me to interact with workers in the field to ascertain safety challenges they might be encountering which enables me to proactively engage workers on safety-related matters. 3.6 Explain external factors influencing a positive health and safety culture, to include sources of expertise and advice on health and safety matters that are available to inform the planning and decisionmaking process for the organization. Systems in focus – Guidance on occupational safety and health management systems pg.14 IOSH Information guide. ‘Regulators actions reflect society’s growing intolerance of organizations whose profits appear to be earned without due care for the health and safety of workers, customers, or the public. Outside the UK and particularly in the Pacific Rim, it’s becoming increasingly common for national legislation to require certification to a recognized national or international OHSMS standard, particularly for higher-hazard industries such as construction. In the UK, areas regulated by safety cases (e.g., nuclear, onshore, major hazards, pipelines, offshore railways, gas supply) all require a summary of the OHSMS to be included in the safety case submitted by the operator to the regulator. In addition, some industries have adopted voluntary codes and standards that include a systematic approach to OSH management’. The external influence that has influenced positive safety culture within my organization in recent time includes recent legislation passed on 26th May 2021 which introduces a significant expansion of summer working hours, during which prohibits outdoor work between 10:00 hours and 15:30 hours, from 1 June to 15 September. This decision is due to the ILO’s campaign on the effective implementation of mitigation strategies to protect workers from heat stress-related 5 ABDULHAKEEM AJIBOLA ADEOSUN illnesses. The client’s requirement mostly supersedes internal procedures due to contractual obligation to meet a certain standard in relation to occupational health and safety compliance. Qatar Gas contracted certain Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts to the organization I am currently employed, hence the implementation of procedures related to risk control and mitigation requirements are subject to compliance with QG PTW procedure for QG north and Work Management System WMS for QG south respectively. Initiatives like Stop Work Authority, Incident Injury Free are procedures that would be internally inapplicable if not for the obligation-binding contractual procedures. Qatar Construction Specification QCS 2014 is a legal framework for the state of Qatar that dictates safety and construction execution minimum requirements with companies in contravention to its requirement, subject to punitive action Reference: HSA, 2021. The Benefits of Creating a Positive Safety Culture. [online] www.hsa.ie. Available at: https://www.hsa.ie/eng/Topics/Work_Safely/Benefits_of_Creating_a_Postive_Safet y_Culture/ [Accessed 28 May 2021]. www.highspeedtraining.co.uk. 2021. Promoting a Positive Health and Safety Culture: A Guide for Managers. [online] Available at: https://www.highspeedtraining.co.uk/hub/health-and-safety-culture/[Accessed 31 May 2021]. Hse.gov.uk. 2021. [online] Available at:https://www.hse.gov.uk/involvement/rospawish.pdf[Accessed 8 May 2021]. Hse.gov.uk. 2021. [online] Available at: https://www.hse.gov.uk/pUbns/priced/hsg263.pdf[Accessed 8 May 2021]. IOSH. 2015.Occupational health and safety teaching resources IOSH. (online) Available at: https://www.iosh.co.uk/positiveculture. (Accessed 8 May 2021). Ilo.org. 2021. New legislation in Qatar provides greater protection to workers from heat stress. [online] Available at:https://www.ilo.org/beirut/projects/qataroffice/WCMS_794475/lang-en/index.htm#:~:text=A%20Ministerial%20Decision%20announced%20on,1%20June% 20to%2015%20September. [Accessed 8 June 2021]. Okeke, N., 2015. K. (online) Linkedin.com.Barriers, to organizational change. Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/barriers-organizational-change-nnamdi-okeke-ph-d-/(Accessed 8th may 2021). 6 ABDULHAKEEM AJIBOLA ADEOSUN Stevenson, G., 2017.How to improve workplace safety communication.Available at: https://www.ehstoday.com/archive/article/21908635/the-barriers-to-safety-excellence(Accessed 8thMay 2021). Rosenburg et al, S., 2011. Breaking down the barriers to organizational change. (online) Availableat:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/298333073_Breaking_Down_The_Barriers _To_Organizational_Change(Accessed on 8th may 2021). Bibliography: The Benefits of Creating a Positive Safety Culture (hse, 2021). The Benefits of Creating a Positive Safety Culture. IOSH. 2021. Occupational health and safety teaching resources | IOSH. [online] Available at: https://www.iosh.co.uk/positiveculture [Accessed 8 May 2021]. Okeke, N., 2015. K. (online) Linkedin.com. Available at:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/barriers-organizational-change-nnamdi-okeke-ph-d/(Accessed 8thMay 2021). Stevenson, G., 2017. The Barriers To Safety Excellence. (online) EHS Today. Available at:https://www.ehstoday.com/archive/article/21908635/the-barriers-to-safetyexcellence(Accessed 8thMay 2021). Stuart Rosenburg et al https://www.researchgate.net/publication/298333073_Breaking_Down_The_Barriers_To_ Organizational_Changeaccessed on 8th may 2021. 7