Uploaded by Demetra Payne

Cell Transport Worksheet: Diffusion, Osmosis, Active Transport

Unit 3 B –
Cell Transport
Block :
Topic: ________________________________________________________________
Learning Target: How does the _________________________________________
SOL: _____________
Essential Knowledge: The student will ________________________________________
Cell Membrane
what enters and exits the cell, maintaining
Structure of the Cell Membrane
Fluid Mosaic Model – flexible organization of a mixture of
Lipid BiLayer
Two layers of
– Allows the cell membrane to be
Cell Membrane Proteins
Transport Protein: provide a
so molecules can enter
and exit the cell.
Receptor Protein:
shaped proteins that aid in
Real Life Cell to Cell Communication in the Human
To maintain homeostasis, cells must communicate.
Cells communicate using two body systems:
Nervous System (Neurotransmitters)
Endocrine System (Hormones)
Topic: ________________________________________________________________
Learning Target: How do _________________________________________
SOL: _____________
Essential Knowledge: The student will ________________________________________
Selectively Permeable
Cell membrane
which materials enter and exit the cell based on
o Harmful substances (
) may enter the cell
Only SMALL molecules can DIFFUSE through a membrane.
Small Molecules
through the cell membrane
Large Molecules
Large organic molecules
easily pass through
the cell membrane
They need to be
Starch 
Proteins 
Lipids  Fatty Acids + Glycerol
into their building blocks
What Would Happen in This Set Up?
(The dashed line serves as the cell membrane)
Remember! Only SMALL molecules can DIFFUSE through a membrane.
1. What does the term selectively permeable mean?
2. What molecules are able to easily pass through the membrane?
3. Explain how large molecules are able to diffuse the cell membrane.
4. Explain how the selectively permeable cell membrane aids in the maintenance of
Cellular Transport
The cell membrane controls the movement of materials into and out of the cell
Types of cell transport:
Movement of molecules from
Real Life Examples of Diffusion
Can you think of any other examples?
Why does Diffusion Occur?
the number of molecules on each
side of the cell membrane to determine the
concentration gradient.
What is the concentration gradient for Oxygen?
Will Oxygen move INTO or OUT of the cell?
What is the concentration gradient for molecule 1?
Facilitated Diffusion
Movement of molecules from
concentration using
Dynamic Equilibrium
molecules on both sides of the membrane
Topic: ________________________________________________________________
Learning Target: How do____ _________________________________________
SOL: _____________
Essential Knowledge: The student will ________________________________________
Active Transport
Movement of
the concentration gradient
Determine the concentration for molecule 3.
If molecule 3 moves OUT of the cell, is that active or passive transport? Explain your
Types of Active Transport
_______________________- Taking material into the cell
_______________________- cell eating
_______________________- cell drinking
_______________________- Removing waste and sending it out of the cell
Transport Summary – What type is represented in each diagram below?
Topic: ________________________________________________________________
Learning Target: How is______________________________________________
SOL: _____________
Essential Knowledge: The student will ________________________________________
water concentration to
water concentration
Solute - substance dissolved
in another substance
Cells in Distilled Water Solution
Water moves
the cell from
Problem: Animal cells gain water,
Plant cells
Real Life Example of a Cell Living in a DISTILLED
– Why?
 Paramecium are single-celled freshwater
Water continually enters the cell due to osmosis
Cell has a contractile vacuole to pump out the
excess water
Cells in Salt Solution
Water moves
the cell from
– Animal cells
– Plant cells undergo
Real Life Example of a Cell Living in Hypertonic
Environment (Salt Water)
During the winter, salt on the road NEGATIVELY affects plants. This is because water diffuses
out of their cells (highlow concentration).
Cells in Balanced Conditions
Balanced conditions
– The water concentration on both sides of the membrane is
– Real-life example: blood
Problem: None
Water flows across membrane equally in both
Osmosis Review – What type of water was each of the cells placed in? How can you tell?