Uploaded by Kate Daffron

Geometry Angle Photo Project Instructions

Geometry Angle Photo Project
Part One -
1. Find an example of each of your definitions in your environment
and take a photo of it. You may use your Phone or tablet.
2. Save the photos in a file named (“Your Name’s) Angle Project”.
3. Name each photo according to it’s definition (ex: Right Angle
4. Save your folder and files on your Google Drive and on your USB
Part Two - 1. Create a power point titled “(Your Name’s) Angle Project”.
2. Create a slide for each definition which contains the definition. You
may use interesting and fun fonts backgrounds and colors but they
must be easily read at a distance.
3. Save your power point files in your project folder on your Google
Drive and on your USB Drive.
Part Three - 1. Add a geometric example for each definition. You can put it on the
same slide or make it a slide of it’s own following the definition slide.
2. Add your photo example of each definition to your slide or make
them slides of their own following the geometric example for each
3. Don’t forget to save your work as you go!
Grading Rubric:
________ / (17)
________ / (51)
________ / (17)
________/ (34)
________/ (51)
________/ (5)
________/ (5)
________/ (5)
________/ (5)
________/ (5)
________/ (10)
________/ (25)
________/ (20)
One point for each geometry term included.
Three points for each correct definition.
One point for each geometric example.
Two points for each original photo used as an example.
One to three points for the quality of the example.
One to Five points for neatness and clarity. (Easy to read)
One to Five points for correct grammar.
One to Five points for correct punctuation.
One to Five points for use of backgrounds, color and fonts.
One to Five points for use of slide transitions
One to Ten points for organization.
One to Twenty Five points for overall creativity and originality.
One to Twenty points for being turned in on time.
________/ (250) ________% _________ Grade