Exercise Name: Malinog, Jariah Jade G. Course & Year: BSN 1A I. Essay. (15 points in each item) Assessment Task Assessment 3 Answer the following: 1. Does the influx of heinous crime justify the re-imposition of the capital punishment or death penalty? Substantiate your answer using the three sources of authority/ bases of moral valuation, (Law, Religion, and Culture) Influx of heinous crime is all about the murder, assault, kidnapping , arson, burglary, robbery, rape and other sexual offense. The decision of the Philippines in late 1993 that re- introduce capital punishment for heinous crimes was founded on a sense of public fear but I think that the re- imposition of the death penalty of heinous crime is right and just. According to Republic Act No. 7659 otherwise known as the Death Penalty Law, and all other laws, executive orders and decrees, insofar as they impose the death penalty are hereby repealed or amended accordingly but at some point Gloria Macapagal Arroyo abolished the death penalty in year 2006 now in today’s generation under the current president Rodrigo Duterte he campaigned for the restoration of the death penalty and many Filipino has supported it through polls. The death penalty violates the most fundamental human right- the right to life. It is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment. Some innocent person may be released from prison for a crime they did not commit but an execution can never be reversed. In religion the influx of heinous crime is not good and not right in the eyes of God because according to the bible death penalty because there is no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than long terms. Some Bishops argues that the death penalty violates the inherent dignity of a person which is not lost despite the commission of crime. They said that it is an offense against the inviolability of life and the dignity of the human person, which contradicts God’s plan for man and society and does not render justice to the victims but rather vengeance. As for the culture death penalty is a justifiable as a morally permissible way for such people who did crime and unjustifiable wrong doings for them to treat murderers in order for them to do good and avoid doing crimes. The death penalty has a benefit in the society because it decreases such crimes that is happening in our country. The death penalty has good effects and also a negative effect in our country but the brighter side of having a death penalty means having a less crimes that is happening around us. II. 1. Why do we have moral dilemmas? Dilemmas is a situation where a person is forced to choose between two or more conflicting options, neither of which is acceptable. As we can see, the key here is that the person has choices to make that will all have results she/he doesn’t want. There are identified conditions that makes we have moral dilemmas. First, the person of a moral action is obliged to make a decision about which course of action is best. We should choose the best option and act accordingly. No matter what course of action is taken some moral principles are always compromised. Every day in our lives we are tested to always make the right choice. This is on how we view ourselves as an individual and how other view us directly correlated tp our moral decision making. I believe that our moral decision making comes from our upbringing of what is right and wrong. It presents challenges as to which decision to make at any given moment. We should be mindful of the reasons for meeting the goals and eliminating some of the excuses that could stifle the goal process that are ideal strategies to reduce moral dilemmas. The moral dilemmas exists when available choices and obligations do not follow for moral dilemmas. 2. Why only humans can be ethical? Ethics is a normative science of the conduct of human being living in societies; a science which judges the conduct to be right or wrong or to be good or bad. Only humans can be ethical because they meant to live in a proper way and it is in the development of having a good moral character and virtues that we human finds perfection and understands our purpose in life. Human actions ought to be understood clearly in a very strict sense because it has something to do with our movements or how we lived that are ruled by one’s freedom. The freedom which means not only the ability to act free from outside influences, it is the way of good living pre supposes correct thinking and reasoning. Human do have ethical because the complexity arises out of the situational conflict in which obeying would result in transgressing another.