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PHYS 170 M02 Syllabus

New York Institute of Technology
Department of Mathematics/Physics
Physics 170 M02 General Physics I
Course description from catalog:
This course is designed to study the basic laws that govern motion, force and energy.
Topics include motion along a straight line, vector motion in two and three dimensions,
forces and motion I, forces and motion II, kinetic energy and work,
Potential energy, conservation of energy, center of mass and linear momentum, rotation
and rolling, torque and angular momentum.
Instructor’s information
Prof. Bernard Fryshman
Office address: 402 EGGC [After School Reopens]
Telephone:(212) 261 1573; (718) 253 4857 (Home)
E-mail: bfryshma@nyit.edu
Office hours: TBD
Course information
Term and date: Spring 2015
Course number & section: PHY 170 M01
Credits: 4.0 credits
Course title: General Physics I
Meeting times: Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00 AM – 10:50 AM
Building and room number: Guiliano Global Ctr., Rm. 401
Prerequisite or co-requisite: College Algebra and Trig. / Calculus I
Course goals and objectives
1. To teach the elements of mechanics necessary for subsequent study of Physics.
2. To introduce the use of calculus in derivations and problem solving.
3. To prepare students for more advanced courses in their Science and Engineering
Grading formula
The NYIT grading scale is as follows:
100-94 A
89-87 B+
79-77 C+
93-90 A86-84 B
76-74 C
83-80 B73-70 C-
69-67 D+
66-60 D
59-below F
Attendance policy
On time is expected. Students are responsible for notes they have missed, announcements
of exam dates, etc.
Withdrawal policy
See NYIT College catalog
Other policies
Disruptive behavior in the classroom is unacceptable. Student must attend lab.
Exams and quizzes
For each chapter, answer all of the assigned problems at the end of the chapter. Exams
are based on the selected questions, quizzes and homework assignments. All exams will
be announced. The final exam covers all topics discussed during the semester. This is a
departmental policy.
Required text
Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker. Extended 10th Edition.
J. Wiley & sons 2014. Lab Manual – see Lab syllabus and materials provided by your lab
Topics Covered: