NAME REPALA SUDnAMSW ROLL CS0351 Assianmtnf 3 1901506 2 RANCW: COM PUT ER SCIENCE ) Sanlint Polygon Filling Alaori thm Ihis algpvithm malnly based is eoch linc pa ivs fov fiL the of to Ifncs) thostx-intrept paivs the tiifng of fo Scveen (stan bttwttn bowndarits leading the qent reting-infevepT on tomplet poly90n SLonlinCs poooccendDDood As n shown wheve flling the Makt a of ponts table dingvam, eoch tnside stanlint is tilled polygon the thus polyo9on eithev dfvection of Ymax, Ymin ,/m valuts Containing edges clockwise 2) ave entfve the ol1 above the n cownter clockwise and ako X or of Vmin nd ont if the ve ave any tonselntivc lfnes , where the is monofonically neveasing valne delveasing, it so C0-ovdinate of 3Ffnd and and bastd all the sort on deuveose the or the endpoin ts lower cdge by 1 ntevtection X, nith all stan line AlLovdíngly theiv valne for eveyy sanlíne except fov horizontal edges) All qenevate patvs for 4 5 Sov ted X-intevcepte Fil intevcept pafvs tht aLtovdfng patttvn 6Achitve Ex Polyaon the sconlfnts based pon the w?th veanired colouy to th veaivemtnt flnal vtanlved frllcd or polypn A l , B ( 81), c (B16), with vertiuts D53), E(1,7). am For onveniente, AE DBA For vepvesenting E(t) them gping to oYder thtm the as aS poly9on CL8,6) D(S13) 11) 8(6) Kongn dfagram min max X Edge table (,) ElT) IEl1+) bl3) 2 c (86 4 D5,3) C(8,6) B8 (B1) A(1 - 5 3 3 6 6 NA 2 Pre Vions Action TMpe neXt Aurvent xtvema ACI) B (8) E7 Maxim MpeMcYn DS3) E (17) A (11) Nonc MinimaNone cl8,4) Ve >Mcn B(B) MpM7Y E C1,7) D(5,9 p I5,3) None YpMcn MAximANone c(8,6) None MinimA c AS B l8,6) Wthave only în vevtice Vp>YYn A (1) (B,1) need CxtvewMas, we dowot to modity any Case. this Findfng x-inteviepts Mmin Edge O MmaX (17) Stan lfnt Xlnteys eution 2 Mmin 7) ( 3 max X (s13) X =s) ,M =h, X = X=3), (1=6, S-), M- 5, X= 2 IM=P, x= Edge (53) nmin MAXX m (8,6) S 3 SCanline X 3 5 Edge3 (8,4) () m Ymna X 6 Scanlin 2 St1 X 8t0 8 b 7+1 8 m M Fdge (1) C,1) iNA X Scanltne We max X min do not considey hovitOntal ftnding X-inte vtept. lints while IntevseLtion table 0 Edge 2 X ovdevedp 3 B 13 12 X (1 8) 2 C15), CS,8) S 8 3 2 TB (1,M),(G,8 x (1367,8 C2)(88) 88 X t) Dfagvam (cveen) 8| 2) Bowndary- Fil Algorithm ) w start from an bonnd ay by pixel in tht interiov of a vegton defined and ftli ntil the pixel by plxel bonnda?y ' enLonntered. 6-0n ne tted ovdovinq of pixels tvo nntered 8-0nne cted pixels ) 2 we Se a stack to stove all the tonne cte d pxel auording to the order, whtch filled and not on tht doing dots fov fhe not v vent alvendy bonud ary- AlqorithmM vold ave while bonndary RllB ({nt x, inty, int tillcolov, int bonndmycolot) int cu Ve nt etpixel (XM); loy if tnvve vt 1= bonnd aryD Cuvvent = 3 aMYYe nt | =ffllLolor) setcolovlfi1l) Setpixel (x1) , bond oryfill8(xtl, fill, bonndaryoloY) bond avytill8|x, v-, fill color, bonndavyto loY) bonndary fill8(x-i 1, fillcolor, bonndarytolor| _ oonnd ar yfillb (x+1, y, fi ll Lolor, boundaryolor] bondarytill & x-I,M +I, fillo lov, boun dorytoo boundarytius( x*1, 1+1, fill, boundar1) bowndovyfrl B ( x-1, M- Fill, boundau) bo nd aY y ilis ( X+I, V-1, FIll, bonndary) 3 S fov the iam Sowne example Al1,), asswming the Ifne dvawinq Covey B(811), c(8 16), bonndayy algoritfhm D5,3),E(1*) is d rawn s i n (breshen haw's) the bondary h-d POP Start posltion pOp all heiqhbowrs Cxploved POP 13 10 POp 12,0 PoP 13 Fop XXX D Fnal filed polyaon 14,9,5, to In the spantlood fill algorithm, we store the be atnníng two bovnd ary on S a n l i ' n e be twetn lach piXel of span stack, whlch Plxels in we Startin4 tvom Contiqnos Thtn we spans fixek os positions ng of on sLan tht positions lincs, fo where contignos hori loonnded suon line this startin4 +ing stack Adjactut displayed AVE StYi and the th till Intevior point, ne fivst of an loc ate on an eH lele ncy enth span beglnnfng potitiov netd thet oniy the mivens ES by pixels spans zontal displa yed by border colo We vetrieve Stack the nd hext Start vepeat the positiovn from top f the protess Example 7 Owr veauived filled poly 9On 8