Uploaded by Jessica Loos

Mouse Trap Vehicle Challenge: Design & Rules

Mouse Trap Powered Vehicle Challenge
Objective: To design a mouse trap powered vehicle to go the greatest distance and the greatest speed.
Design Parameters:
1. One vehicle powered by a single mouse trap, must be “Victor” brand. No Rat traps
2. The trap spring may not be altered.
3. Additional “power aids” may not be used. (Example: rubber band attached to the kill bar of the
4. The vehicle may be made of any material.
5. By definition, a vehicle is “any device with wheels or runners used to carry something, as a car,
bus, bicycle, or sled.” Therefore, launching a ball, such as a marble from the mouse trap will be
ruled illegal.
6. Absolutely no store bought mousetrap kits may be used.
7. Type of trap: “Victor” brand (1 3/4” x 3 7/8”)
Running the Contest:
1. The race track will be the commons.
2. To start your vehicle, the trap must be set. A coin or pencil will hit the bait holder. If coin or
bar interferes with vehicle, that run will not count.
3. A total of three runs per vehicle will be recorded for the speed portion of the contest.
a. The car with the fastest time will be the winner...the car must complete the entire 1 m.
b. Time will be measured from the start of the “hitting” to when the front wheels cross the 1
m line.
4. Each trial will also be measured for the greatest distance. The distance will be measured from
the start line to the front of your vehicle.
Helpful Hints:
1. Use midget cars or make a base by putting wheels on a piece of wood or other material.
2. Make sure the wheels are straight and roll easily (lubricate). If they are crooked, the “car” will
go in circles or leave the track.
3. Distance is measured to where the car stops.
4. Whatever you decide on --- try it at home often. BUT, do not let the first time you try your car at
school be on the day of the contest.
5. If the car is too heavy for the power source, it will not move.
6. If the car is too light for the power source, it will not go in a straight line.
The Plan:
1. Your plan should contain the following items:
a. A description of the racer your group has designed and built. (Use both sketches and
words.) DUE: September 24th on Schoology
b. Determine the speed of your car. A simple distance/time calculation will be fine. You
must show the formula and the number you have plugged in for each variable. DUE:
October 7th for A students and October 8th for B students on Schoology
c. Why did you select this design for your final racer? Why did you set up the wheels this
way? (arrangement, mount, lubrication?) Does your racer work as planned, explain how
it did or didn’t work as planned? What problems did you encounter and how did you
over come them? This should be written as a paragraph, all should be completed and
submitted online by 11:59pm the night of your testing, October 7th for A students and
October 8th for B students
Mouse Trap Powered Vehicle Challenge
Name: _____________________________
Part of Project
___ Clean and clear drawing (ruler/straight edge used) (4pts)
___ Words describing different components (2pts)
___ Dimensions for each component with units ___ (2pts)
___ Clearly describes how pieces will be held together (2pts)
Calculation of speed
DUE October 7th for A students and October 8th
for B students
___ Formula given (1pt)
___ Calculations shown (2pts)
___ Correct answer with untis (2pts)
Problems and solution paragraph DUE October 7th for A students and
October 8th for B students
___ Question 1 was answered clearly and explains why (2pts)
___ Question 2 was answered clearly and explains why (2pts)
___ Question 3 was answered clearly and explains why (2pts)
___ Question 4 was answered clearly and explains how (2pts)
___ Proper use of MUGS (2pts)
_______ /10
_______ /5
_______ /10
Car DUE October 7th for A students and October 8th for B students for
Trial 1 _________ Trial 2 _________ Trial 3 _________
___ Went 1 m in one of the 3 trials (25 pts)
___Loss of 2 points for every 10cm short of 1 m
Trial 1 _________ Trial 2 _________ Trial 3 _________
Total for project
Bonus: _________/ 0pts for furthest car
_________/ 0pts for fastest car
_______ /25
_______ /50